PDEA JOINT Affidavit

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I, LORENDA G. CAJIGAS RPh,RN, Pharmacist II of Bislig District Hospital

do hereby submit this affidavit, with ELENILA I. JAKOSALEM,
MD,MCH,FPSMS, the Chief of Hospital of Bislig District Hospital, the explanation
of the noted discrepancies/violations, its root cause, the corresponding corrective
actions that shall be instituted and assurance of non-recurrence.

1. Registration (Sec 5-9,17-20, DOBR1 s 2014)


The PDEA LICENSE presented during the inspection was dated February
6,2020 mainly because the updated PDEA License for 2021 was not
visible in the BDH PDEA files, for the reason that the previous retired
Pharmacist MARILYN A. LAYNO, RPh. had no proper turn-over to
LORENDA G. CAJIGAS,RPh.RN, the new Pharmacist-designate for the
vacated position, before her retirement last September, 29, 2020. Marilyn
A. Layno took the leave of absence one (1) month prior to her effective
retirement due to a memorandum order made by the Chief of Hospital that
all senior citizen employees should take a leave of absence due the
COVID 19 Pandemic Surge in Bislig City since there was an abrupt
increase of confirmed COVID 19 patients happened during this time.
LORENDA G. CAJIGAS was ordered to be assigned as Pharmacist-
Designate on October 23,2020 (attached is the office order of the Province
of Surigao del Sur), then formally appointed as PHARMACIST II effective
May 4, 2021. Furthermore, upon inquiry of LORENDA G. CAJIGAS at
PDEA Regional Office an updated Copy of PDEA LICENSE effective until
Febuary 6, 2021 is still unclaimed by BISLIG DISTRICT HOSPITAL which
is presently in their position. The PDEA LICENSE renewal is currently in
process for submission through Email for approval to the PDEA MAIN

2. Storage/Safekeeping (Sec 41, Annex L, DOBR 1 s 2014)


(Material change)

The new Pharmacist LORENDA G. CAJIGAS have not found any files
relevant to this document for the reason that no proper turn-over was
made by the previous Pharmacist MARILYN A. LAYNO. In relation to this,
Bislig District Hospital offices, Pharmacy, Cashier’s office, and Chief Nurse
Office were relocated in 2019 – with funding from HPEP DOH for
upgrading and improvement of Bislig District Hospital. On Febuary 1, 2019
the New BDH Pharmacy location was occupied; all medicines, intravenous
fluids, hospital supplies and files were transferred to its new present
location. In compliance with this, submitting herewith, a Sketch Map of
the new BDH PHARMACY location for perusal.

3. Permit (Sec 5-6, 10-12, 17-19, 22-28, DOBR 1 s 2014)


The new Pharmacist LORENDA G. CAJIGAS,RPh,RN, has not found any

files relevant to this document for the reason that no proper turn-over was
made by the previous Pharmacist MARILYN A. LAYNO,RPh. In
compliance to this, attached herewith is the LOCAL PERMIT and SALES
INVOICE by the supplier by ENDURE MEDICAL INC., Unit 17-A
Belvedere, San Miguel Ave., San Antonio, Pasig City with S4-
012880001-R108 dated 7/10/2021, Local Permit No. R104N-01-102720
of the following regulated medicines to wit.

4. Record–Keeping (Sec 17, RA 9165, Sec 37,39 & Annex I, DDBR 1 s



There was no proper turn-over with the record keeping of the record book
by the previous Pharmacist MARILYN A. LAYNO, RPh. to the new
Pharmacist LORENDA G. CAJIGAS, RPh.,RN. In compliance to this, the
updated record book is presented for inspection, attached is the
photocopy of the record book with the following transactions to wit.

5. REPORTING (Sec 37,39 & ANNEX I, DDBR 1 s 2014)

There was no proper turn-over of records relevant to the reporting by the

previous Pharmacist, MARILYN A. LAYNO,RPh. to the new Pharmacist
LORENDA G. CAJIGAS, RPh,RN. In compliance with this, attached
herewith are the July to December 2020 and January to June 2021 reports
for inspection.
The above violations, along with explanations, were committed without ill-
intent and malice due to the present situation of COVID 19 pandemic.

Bislig District Hospital, having a LEVEL 1 accreditation, has accommodated

mild to moderate COVID patients in Bislig City, Lingig, Tagbina, and Barobo for more
than a year now. It is the only Level 1 Hospital in Surigao del Sur fulfilling such
accommodation, aside from Adela Serra-Ty Medical Center.

Bislig District Hospital has a limited budget and is not fully equipped with
regards to its facilities, manpower, medicines and hospital supplies to cater to
COVID 19 during its surge. But, as much as we can, Bislig District Hospital has been
trying to make ends meet in the management of COVID 19 cases admitted to us.

In such times, there is no other choice but to address the present predicament
as best as we can just to provide the necessary medicines for our patients even with
its limited budget. Together with the COVID Protocols and restrictions, all our
resources and management have focused on the treatment of the COVID 19
patients, with Bislig City having a second wave surge last June 2020. As much as we
want to avoid the above mentioned violations, our hands are tied with this COVID
Pandemic that has preoccupied our task for its management.

At the same time there was no proper turn –over from the previous
Pharmacist with regards to the proper management of recording, reporting and
renewal of the controlled drugs at Bislig District Hospital due to her early and
untimely retirement.

Presently our resources have already been depleted. Our attention is in the
procurement of the medicine for COVID 19 and other medical patients which has
greatly demanded our attention. Bislig District Hospital Pharmacy management had
waited for the PDEA Compliance Inspector’s visit for us to be guided accordingly
with the proper management of these controlled medicines. It is our responsibility to
comply with the PDEA Regulations as a government health facility for us to continue
delivering our services to our clients and address their health treatment accordingly.

We are doing our best to comply with the recommendations and other
corrective actions for Bislig District Hospital to effectively continue the health
services in this part of Surigao del sur.

On behalf of Bislig District Hospital, we can assure you that there will be no
occurrence of such violations in the future and to abide by the implementing rules
and guidelines of your agency.

We are hoping for your consideration to our concerns.

More power and God bless!

Signed By:


Chief of Hospital Pharmacist II

SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before this______ day of __________,2021

at________________ _______________________________________________,
Philippines. Affiants personally exhibiting their ID Nos. ____________and_____________
issued on________________and________________at_____________________________

and ___________________________respectively.


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