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Mathematics Module I

time elapsed real time time on the clock 54. r. 4.8L 57.
0 l2:00 I2:00
3 3:00 l:00
6 6:00 2:00 r=LP , fr is the constant of proportionality
9 Y:UU 3:00
t2 12:00 4:00 *k=VP
15 3:00 5:00 When V = 8 L and P = 3 atm then:
6:00 6:00
'fherefore, after t8 hours, the clock Thus,whenP=5ahn:
registers the correct time. *v =Z4L'afin =4.8L
5 atm
52. r.40kph
distance:6x50=300 55. d.5
Evalpate the function/ when x = 2,
f(2\=Q)2 -t=4-1=3
Then evaluate the function g atJ(2):3:
53. c. 6 minutes
s(f(z))=s(3)= 3+2=5
Given: inlet rate : 3 gal/min
outlet rate : 1.5 gallmin 56. d. k: I or9 59

Let x - time it takes to fill the tub if both Using the discriminants, a quadratic
pipes are open function will have one double root if
b2 _ 4ac: 0. With b: _(k_3), c : 1
fnumber of gallons) andc:/c,then:
I atter l:ratextime
\ ^ r mlnutes )
bz -4ac=0
Since there is already 3 gallons of water (r,-z)'-+(tXt)=o
inside the tub,
*'? -z(t)(t)*3' -4k=o
3 + (inlet rate - outlet rau)x =12 k2 -6k +9 - 4k =o
:+(:-1.5)x=12 k2 -tok+9=o
3 +1.5x =I2 (r,-g)(r-t)=o
l.5x _ 9
k-9=0 & -1=0
1.5 1.5
k=9 k=l

Simulated College Admission Test l6 MSA Math Tutoring Center

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