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The Hall Sweep

By: Tajanae Richards, Anne Philone, Isadora Morales, Ismael Ferrera

At Nova High, there have been several missing children who attend the
school. The majority, of the students there don't respect or take the school
administration seriously. Even after the principal announces a "hall sweep"
on the PA, the students hang-out in the hallways until security finds them
and hands them their detention slips. However, things take a turn for the
worst when the principal decides to switch up the hall sweeps. The female
lead, who is also the worst of the students, is absent on the day the principal
makes those adjustments, she doesn't know what happened when she
comes back the following day. Despite the signs and warnings, the bad girl
never learns, and continues ignoring the hall sweeps. But this time, she must
face the consequences when the sinister principle kidnaps her and other
victims and begins to brainwash them into being "good students ". The rest
lies on whether they can escape or not.
• The genre is Horror
• The typical target audience for horror is teens and young adults from ages 15 to 24, and it is mostly
male. This film specifically targets all young individuals typically from ages 15 to 24 who have had some
experience in public school
• Representation is shown throughout the film as the it includes a rebellious female protagonist going
against school authority, and in the end paying for her disrespectful behavior. She is not to be an
inspiration but a representation of reality. Unlike in the past when girls were expected to be silent, girls
have more of a voice today. However, this is no excuse for disregarding the rules and authority that
have been put in place for legitimate reasons. Today, there are females who behave in this manner, and
the consequences of their actions are to be expected. The same is true for men, as anyone can engage
in behaviors that are frowned upon by society. The disrespect schools get from the youth must be
addressed, and this film has done so in the most horrifying manner. Overall, females within the
audience that watches horrors will be able to relate to the protagonist to some extent, as will males,
although not as much as females will because the protagonist is female.

Use of both diegetic and non-
diegetic sounds
Ex: The PA system sounding off
would be a diegetic sound.
Ex: The music that plays when in chase would
be a non-diegetic sound.
The Usage of eerie and suspenseful music
will play once the characters are snatched to add
a suspenseful atmosphere.
-Ex. "Chase Scene Music" by David Fesliyan:
• We will only be filming
in one location: Nova
High School.
- Group members
Tajanae Richards, Anne Philone, Isadora Morales, Ismael

- Possible actors from Mrs. Preston's 5th period

• Camera techniques would be used
to zoom in or focus on certain
aspects that are important to the
film and give some perspective
you wouldn’t normally get with a
normal straight camera angle.
Some camera angles that will be
used are:
• Close up-
• Mid/medium shot
• Long shot
Possible problems, Cost
• Possible Problems may be the weather. On a day we are filming
outside, it may be too dark to film outside.
• Possible non-actors showing up on film.
• Problems in time management.
• Camera shy actors.
• Getting to fit everything within the time limit

Total cost: No more than 15$

Mise en Scene
• Most of the film is going to be in a poorly lit hallway in
Nova high school, to add to that eerie setting where
the chase begins including the protagonist and
"hallway monster".
• There will be use of 'Missing' posters that add to
realism of the situation.
• The PA System is where the infamous announcement:
"Hall Sweep. Teachers, lock your doors and do not
permit any student to come inside" is called. This
signals the start of the chase.
• The lighting used in the trailer will make the
audience feel the suspense which adds to the mise en
Case studies
• In "The Attention Economy", is a case study that talks about certain techniques
that people use to keep and captivate the audience's attention. We are using this
case study because our camera techniques give emphasis on certain things that
draw the attention of the viewers and keep them on the edge of their seat. For
example, for one of our camera shots we'll put emphasis on the ringing of the bell
to show the viewers that something is about to go down.
• In the "Bomer concepts for Critical Reading" case study, it is stated that even
when a girl is the main character of a story, she may seem like a substitute for a
male stereotype such as being physically strong or heroic. However, in this film,
the female protagonist is neither physically strong or heroic, nor is she vulnerable
as females are usually portrayed. She is problematic and a troublemaker, yes, but
she is not a substitute for a male stereotype. This case study helps us to go
against common stereotypes withing media by stating what is usually
represented and how, and what is not.
• “The Attention Economy.” Edited by Lexie Kane, Nielsen Norman Group, 30 June
• “Bomer_Concepts For Critical Reading.” Canvas,
• “How to Identify Movie Genres: Beginner's Guide to 13 Film Genres - 2022.”
• “22 Types of Camera Shots & Angles to Use in Film & Photography.” Shotkit, 21 Aug.
• Jeffery, Luisa. “A Filmmaker's Guide to Movie Sound Effects & 6 Iconic Examples.”
Journal, 11 May 2021,

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