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impractical to use multiplexing for sites

Wireless Data Acquisition and Control distantly located from each other (e.g.,
Systems for Agricultural Water 10 miles) due to the high likelihood
of physical and/or electrical damage
Management Projects to the wires and dataloggers.
If the software application associ-
ated with the datalogger allows data to
S. Shukla, C.Y. Yu, J.D. Hardin, and F.H. Jaber be examined only after the download,
errors or malfunctions cannot be de-
tected when they occur. Furthermore,
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. remote datalogging, wireless dataloggers, real-time the manual retrieval method is costly
data monitoring, remote control, spread spectrum and difficult when monitoring multiple
SUMMARY. Continuous monitoring of hydraulic/hydrologic data for managing sites. The cost of monitoring becomes
water for horticultural crops has been a challenge due to factors such as data increasingly expensive as the number
loss, intensive resource requirements, and complicated setup and operation. The of processes and/or number of sites
use of state-of-the-art wireless spread spectrum communication technology and to be monitored increases. The main
wireless data acquisition and control (WDAC) systems for agricultural water factors increasing costs are personnel
management is discussed in this paper. The WDAC technology was applied to a and travel costs associated with manual
research project where lysimeters were used for water quantity and quality stud- download.
ies for vegetables. Two types of WDAC networks, master–slave and peer-to-peer
WDAC networks, are discussed. The WDAC system linked the wireless datalog-
In addition to the operational
gers to a network to make real-time data available over the Internet. The use difficulties in multi-site monitoring,
of WDAC made it possible to collect real-time data and control the experiment the damage to instruments by natural
(e.g., frequency of data collection) remotely through the Internet. The WDAC disasters, farm machinery, wildlife
system for the lysimeter study was compared to a commonly used manual system or livestock, or human interference
with regard to potential instrument damage, data loss, ease of data collection and can also pose a major challenge and
analyses, and total cost of monitoring. The advantages of the WDAC include: results in loss of data. The damage
reduced equipment losses from natural disasters (e.g., lightning), improved to instruments is of special concern
equipment maintenance, reduced data loss from faulty equipment, higher project in areas prone to frequent lightning.
personnel efficiency, and real-time involvement by a dispersed team. The total Although lightning protection devices
cost of the WDAC system ($65,750) was about half that of the manual system
($130,380). The WDAC system was found to be an effective tool for agricultural
are available, in most cases they are not
water management projects. able to protect field instrumentation
from a direct strike. In areas where
lightning frequency is high, long wire

ffective hydraulic/hydrologic hydraulic/hydrologic parameters in runs should be minimized to limit
monitoring studies are critical real-time on a personal computer (PC), damage to hard-wired data networks.
for agricultural water resources the datalogging instrument and PC The potential for damage is especially
management programs (Glasgow et al., must be linked together. Typically, the high in southern Florida, which has the
2004). Experimental studies often re- standard RS-232 serial bus associated highest mean annual cloud-to-ground
quire continuous monitoring of several with the computer communication lightning flash densities in the U.S.
parameters, such as flow depth (stage), port has been used for the commu- (Orville and Huffines, 2001).
discharge, and soil moisture at one or nication link. However, this method The use of the latest WDAC
more sites (e.g., multiple sites within poses a significant limitation, since a technology offers the researcher a
an agricultural field or multiple fields) RS-232 serial connection links only one viable solution to problems of: 1)
in remote locations. The collection datalogger with one computer (Cheek real-time multi-site data access, 2)
of continuous hydraulic/hydrologic and Wilkes, 1994). For experiments data acquisition on an as-needed basis,
data from multiple sites that may be in which several sites are monitored 3) prevention of instrument damage
distant from the research institution through individual dataloggers, it due to natural and other incidents,
presents formidable challenges to the is not possible to access the data at 4) complex site installation including
researcher with regard to travel time each site through a single computer intricate wiring connections, and 5)
involved in data retrieval, personnel, without complex serial multiplexing costly and time-consuming travel to
data recording and georeferencing er- techniques. Serial multiplexing also access the data.
rors, and financial resources (Glasgow has its limitations because multiplex- This paper discusses the essential
et al., 2004; Lundquist et al., 2003; ing requires that sites be located close components of the currently available
Teillet et al., 2002). (e.g., within 50 ft) to each other. It is WDAC systems suitable for horticul-
To monitor changes in various
Acknowledgment. The lysimeter project was funded To convert U.S. to SI, To convert SI to U.S.,
through the Southwest Florida Water Management multiply by U.S. unit SI unit multiply by
District and the South Florida Water Management 0.4047 acre(s) ha 2.4711
District. Thanks are also due to Mr. Saurabh Sriv-
0.3048 ft m 3.2808
astava, graduate research assistant, for his help. The
use of the Campbell Scientific, Inc., Sentek Pty. Ltd., 2.54 inch(es) cm 0.3937
and other companies’ instruments were for example 25.4 inch(es) mm 0.0394
purposes only and do not reflect endorsement from 1.6093 mile(s) km 0.6214
the University of Florida. 2.5900 mile2 km2 0.3861

October–December 2006 16(4) 595

tural studies and the application of strained research budget in agricultural 5 V), and one switched battery port.
such systems in real-time hydrologic water management studies. Because One of the digital control ports can also
monitoring in remote locations. of these issues, it was not normally be configured to connect the address-
Specific objectives are to: possible to apply these systems to fi- able SDI-12 (serial digital interface at
1) Review the WDAC applications nancially constrained water quantity 1200-baud) interface sensors.
in water resources and discuss the essen- and quality research projects. The SDI-12 interface was devel-
tial components, integration, and use of The Sensor Web, developed oped by a group of water instrumen-
WDAC systems for remote, multi-site by NASA (Delin et al., 2005), is a tation users [FTS Forest Technology
water management projects. system comprised of several spatially Ltd., Blaine, Wash. (2000)]. The SDI-
2) Design the WDAC system from distributed sensors. It is an emerging 12 digital protocol is a set of rules that
commercially available components new technology that uses wireless define how a sensor communicates with
and apply it to an example project on transmission for data collection. The a datalogger. Circuitry and intelligence
evapotranspiration from horticultural Sensor Web performs similar tasks that are added to create a “smart” device
crops and compare the WDAC system a WDAC system can do, however this that allows the user and the manu-
to the traditional system. technology is not yet commercially facturer to program and calibrate the
available and thus would require con- sensor independent of the datalogger
Development and use of siderable efforts to customize it for a as opposed to analog voltage or current
WDAC technology specific application. sensor outputs where device calibration
In 1985, the Federal Communi- Recent advances in data acquisi- and data collection are carried out by
cations Commission (FCC) allocated tion and control have made it possible a user program incorporated in the
three frequency bands for a radio trans- to use an integrated system of data- datalogger. The SDI-12 digital signal
mission technology, known as spread loggers and wireless communication requires low power and is resistant to
spectrum communication technology for horticultural projects. Examples data errors. Compared to SDI-12 sen-
(SSCT). The goal of this allocation of off-the-shelf systems include the sors where the sensor’s analog signal
was to encourage usage toward local CR205 [Campbell Scientific, Inc. is converted to digital at the sensor
data communication. Although spread (CSI), Logan, Utah (2003)] and itself, an analog signal is more likely to
spectrum product users do not require SMS85 [EDAC Electronics Australia be corrupted due to interference from
FCC certified license, the manufactur- P/L, Boronia, Australia (Reed Busi- a variety of sources (e.g., electromag-
ers must meet FCC spread spectrum ness Information, 2003)]. With such netic fields, radio signals, lightning, and
regulations. The SSCT, originally systems, the user can directly check and cable lengths) (FTS Forest Technology
developed by the U.S. Department of report the working condition of field Ltd., 2000). The SDI-12 interface can
Defense, works as follows: the trans- equipment at remote sites, wirelessly be used to communicate with “smart”
mitter takes the input data and spreads retrieve the data, and remotely control sensors that have local microprocessors
it through a predefined method. The a device through a variety of com- to handle data communications, sen-
receiver understands the predefined munication systems such as standard sor calibration, and the SDI-12 com-
method and reassembles the signal telephone line, mobile phone, global munication protocol. Many sensors
so that the data can be interpreted. system for mobile (GSM) or cellular used in water resources applications
The advantages of using the wireless digital packet data (CDPD) network, have the SDI-12 interface. Examples
spread spectrum technology are: 1) or computer. For example, substantial include soil moisture, conductivity,
free FCC site licenses to the end users; water and cost savings can be achieved dissolved oxygen, water level, pH, and
2) great immunity to interference and if one could control irrigation based temperature. Not all water-monitoring
noise; and 3) dynamic multi-channel on real-time soil moisture data. These devices are SDI-12 compatible (e.g.,
changes through software using either systems usually have a built-in security irrigation flow meters).
direct-sequence or frequency-hopping system to avoid unauthorized access. The unique advantages of the
techniques. To demonstrate the use of wireless SDI-12 interface compared to analog
There have been several reported technology for horticultural projects, sensors includes: 1) the ability to use
uses of WDAC in water resources we selected and tested the CR205 long cables of varying length from the
projects that resulted in ease of data datalogger by CSI. sensor to the datalogger such that the
collection from remote and difficult to The CR205 can measure, process, cable length is governed more by the
reach sites and/or significant savings store, and transmit the data from com- voltage drop allowed by the remote
in operating costs (Cheek and Wilkes, patible sensors via its on-board spread microprocessor than by any other
1994; Cockerham and Ortega, 1989; spectrum transceiver. It communicates consideration: 2) the ability to transmit
Damas et al., 2001; Lundquist et al., with other dataloggers through: 1) data from several sensors via one cable
2003; Maes and Steffey, 1996; Sauter wireless communication using the (e.g., multiple soil moisture data from
and McDonnell, 1994). Most of these PakBus protocol, a simplified varia- several sensors at different locations
WDAC systems were only monitor- tion of Internet protocol (IP); and 2) and/or multiple depths) versus one
ing a single parameter such as flow or direct communication using the serial sensor per cable required for voltage/
pH. Furthermore, these systems were communication (RS-232) port. The current sensors; 3) simplifying the sen-
custom built for unique applications, CR205 datalogger (Fig. 1) has five sor replacement/servicing with ability
which makes them costly to use for single-ended (SE) analog input ports, to plug/unplug sensors instantly from
more generalized monitoring projects. two pulse input ports, two digital con- the datalogger system without affect-
In most cases, the system development trol input/output (I/O) ports (C1 and ing other components in the system;
costs could be a major part of a con- C2), two excitation channels (2.5 or 4) the ability to replace faulty sensors

596 ●
October–December 2006 16(4)

Runoff flow


Seepage flow

Drip flow meter


Drainage flow

Fig. 1. Schematic for soil moisture and flow measurements using a CR205 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan,
Utah); RS-232 = data port using recommended standard 232; SDI12 = serial digital interface at 1200-baud; CD4013 =
dual D-type flip-flop integrated circuit chip; EasyAG = EasyAG soil moisture probe (Sentek Pty Ltd, Stepney, Australia).

without modifying the datalogger pro- The multiple-lysimeter project was number of measurement devices to
gram (calibration information is stored started in 2003 to quantify the evapo- measure water inflows and outflows,
within the sensor); and 5) the ability to transpiration (ET) data for row crops water-table depths, and soil moisture
access an increasing number of sensors for drip and seepage irrigation systems. content. The irrigation system was
and dataloggers without using sensor A total of six drainage lysimeters (16 ft designed to provide water to the
specific protocols and custom wiring long × 12 ft wide × 4.5 ft deep) were lysimeters as well as the surrounding
and programming. installed in a 1.5-acre field. In each field. The irrigation in the field was
lysimeter, irrigation, drainage, runoff, scheduled based on soil moisture
WDAC design and example and soil moisture data are collected to readings, to maintain the optimum
application for agricultural quantify the ET for vegetable crops. ET soil moisture.
water management projects is computed as the difference between Figure 2 depicts the field instru-
A WDAC system was designed to all water input (irrigation, rainfall) and ment setup used for the lysimeters. The
monitor multiple sites within a small output (runoff and drainage). instruments for each of the lysimeters
area close to the research facility. The Weather parameters, including consist of one Sentek EasyAG SDI-12
WDAC system is currently being used rainfall, are collected at a Florida Au- soil moisture probe [Sentek Pty Ltd,
for an evapotranspiration and water tomated Weather Network (FAWN) Stepney, Australia (2002)], four flow
quality study at the University of wireless weather station located 150 meters (non-SDI-12 compatible; pulse
Florida (UF), Institute of Food and ft from the lysimeter field. Weather output), and one CR205 datalogger.
Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), South- monitoring was not integrated into A list of the instruments used for the
west Florida Research and Education the wireless system. However, a wire- lysimeter project is given in Table 1.
Center, Immokalee, Fla. The study in- less weather station could be easily The Sentek EasyAG soil moisture
volves quantifying the crop coefficient integrated with the wireless datalog- probe consists of four soil moisture
for vegetable crops [e.g., watermelon ging system. sensors at depths of 10, 20, 30, and
(Citrullus lanatus)] for the develop- INFLOW AND OUTFLOW CONTROL 50 cm and an addressable SDI-12 in-
ment of irrigation best management AND MEASUREMENTS. Each of the six terface. The built-in SDI-12 interface
practices (BMPs) (Shukla et al., 2006). lysimeters was instrumented with a is programmed to convert the sensor

October–December 2006 16(4) 597

Fig. 2. Field instruments setup for wireless data acquisition and control (WDAC) for a lysimeter (top view) used for evapo-
transpiration studies. CR205 = CR205 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, Utah).

Table 1. Instruments used as parts of the wireless data acquisition and control system (WDAC) installed to monitor six
lysimeters used for evapotranspiration water quality studies in Immokalee, Fla.
Instrument Model Manufacturer
Wireless datalogger CR205 Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, Utah
Datalogger CR10x Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Spread spectrum radio RF 400 Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Soil moisture measurement device SDI12 Sentek EasyAG Probe Sentek Pty Ltd., Stepney, Australia
Network link interface NL100 Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Flow meter 5/8 × 3/4 inchz DLJ Daniel L. Jerman Co., Hackensack, N.J.
Yagi antenna 6 dBd Y8066 Antenex Inc., Glendale Heights, Ill.
1 inch = 2.54 cm.

data into volumetric water content The drainage pump was triggered by lightning) were the two driving forces
(percent). a water sensor and an electric switch. for the design and use of WDAC for
Flow meters were connected to The drainage was measured through a the lysimeter project. The study area is
drip (four lysimeters) and seepage flow meter with a pulse output and is located in a high rainfall area (average
(two lysimeters) irrigation lines at the connected to a CR205. A similar col- annual rainfall = 128 cm/year) (South-
lysimeters to quantify irrigation vol- lection and measurement system was east Regional Climate Center, 2005)
ume. The drainage from the lysimeters designed for measuring runoff. and consists of sandy soils with high
was brought to an external drainage DESIGN CONSIDERATION AND USE hydraulic conductivity. High rainfall
sump from where it was discharged OF THE WDAC. Human resources combined with rapid movement of
through a pump (Shukla et al., 2006). and potential for natural disaster (e.g., water and nutrient in the soil required

598 ●
October–December 2006 16(4)
a real-time monitoring (every 15 min) designed for point-to-point (a PC to a The NL100, a network link in-
system to adjust the irrigation manage- CR10X or to a CR205) and point-to- terface, is a device used to facilitate
ment and monitor proper drainage to multipoint (PC to CR10X and/or each communications between either the
avoid flooding. A full-time person to CR205) communications. The gain CR10X or the CR205 dataloggers
manage irrigation was unavailable for energy of the radio’s antennas and the and a PC through its Ethernet 10
the project. line-of-sight paths between radios af- Base-T communication link. The
In a prior vegetable water manage- fect the communication distance (0.25 NL100 contains a I/O port and a
ment study, lightning seriously dam- to 10 miles) to which the data can be RS-232 port and is connected to the
aged four soil moisture probes and the wirelessly transmitted. A thick stand UF-IFAS network. The RS-232 port in
datalogger, resulting in approximately of trees can limit the communication the NL100 is configured as a PakBus
$10,000 of damage to the instruments distance to 800 ft (Campbell Scientific, serial port and connected to a RF400
(Shukla and Pandey, 2003). The study Inc., 2005). The line-of-sight transmis- radio frequency modem to wirelessly
involved five soil moisture probes (with sion range, the distance between the transfer the data from the datalogging
four sensors per probe) that were hard wireless network interface (PC) and network to the PC.
wired to a datalogger. The lightning re- the CR205, in this application is ap- SOFTWARE. Software used for
sulted in plant damage within a circular proximately 500 m. Both the RF400 measurement, data collection, and
area of about 20-ft radius and damaged and the on-board radios on CR205 wireless transmission include: 1) In-
all the moisture sensors inside as well use the PakBus packet switching net- telligent Probe Configuration Utility
as outside this circle since they were work protocol to transmit information (IPCU) (Sentek Pty Ltd., 2002) for the
connected to each other. Because the among the CR10X datalogger, the soil moisture measurement device; 2)
sensors and the datalogger had to be re- CR205 dataloggers, the NL100, and HyperTerminal [Microsoft, Redmond,
placed, data collection was interrupted the PC. The power source for the Wash. (1999)], a program embedded
for almost 1 month, which resulted in CR205s and sensors was a 12-V lead in the Microsoft Windows operating
loss of data. Use of wireless dataloggers acid marine (gel type) battery that system, for the configurations of the
(e.g., CR205) would have resulted in was charged with photovoltaic cells network interface device (NL100) and
fewer soil moisture probes being lost (solar panel) installed on top of the radio frequency modem (RF400); 3)
due to lightning since the four probes CR205 housing. The marine battery is PakCom Wireless Communication
would have not been connected to each completely sealed, leak free, and long [PWC (Campbell Scientific, Inc.,
other. These considerations caused the lasting (batteries installed in 2003 were 2002b)] for the configuration of the
authors to explore the use of automated still operational in 2006). CR205 on-board radio; and 4) Log-
instrumentation with wireless radio Figures 1 and 2 depict the field gerNet 2.1a (Campbell Scientific Inc,
networks for the lysimeter project. instrument connections with the 2002b) for the control of the WDAC
The effect of lightning strikes on a data CR205 datalogger. Three of the four devices. LoggerNet and PWC are
logging projects is further detailed in irrigation pulse-output flow meters provided with the datalogger.
the cost comparison section. were connected through one control The IPCU software is used to
HARDWARE. The WDAC network I/O port, which can act as a pulse- configure the Sentek EasyAG SDI-
designed for the multiple-lysimeter input port, and two pulse-input ports 12 probe interface (Sentek Pty Ltd.,
project consists of one CR10X data- at the CR205 dataloggers. To collect 2002) and is provided by the manufac-
logger with RF400 radio frequency runoff data from the fourth pulse- turer. There are four items that must
modem, six CR205 dataloggers with output flowmeter, a flip-flop electronic be configured: soil-depth locations,
on-board 915 MHz spread spectrum circuit using a common CD4013 dual normalization values (air and water
radios, one Network Link 100 [NL100 D-type flip-flop integrated circuit chip counts for zero and 100% moisture
(Campbell Scientific, Inc., 2002a)] (IC) was designed and fabricated to content), coefficients of the calibration
with a RF400 radio frequency modem measure the flow using two of the equation for each sensor in the probe,
as a wireless network interface to the single ended (SE) I/O ports, labeled and the SDI-12 address of the probe.
local area network (LAN), and one PC analog inputs on Fig. 1. The CD4013 The configured information is stored
with one RF400 radio modem. The is configured as a pulse-input counter. in the non-volatile memory of the
CR10X datalogger is a measurement Its output port, is connected to one of Sentek EasyAG SDI-12 probe and is
and control system with 12 single the five SE ports on CR205 configured used to generate the volumetric water
ended analog channels, two pulse input as digital input port, while its Reset2 content (VWC) (millimeters/10 cm)
channels, and eight control/digital port is connected to another SE port data from every sensor on individual
ports and can store up to 62,000 data configured as digital output port of EasyAG probes. The VWC data are
points (upgradable to 1 million data CR205 to count the pulses from the stored in the CR205.
points) in its non-volatile memory runoff flow meter. When the CD4013 The HyperTerminal software was
(Campbell Scientific, Inc., 2004). receives a pulse from the flow meter, it used to configure the NL100 to work
The WDAC network for the ly- sends a digital signal to the SE1 port to as a PakBus serial server in a standard
simeter project uses the RF400 radio set the port to high status to indicate TCP/IP network and as a PakBus node
frequency modem at the PC and the the arrival of the pulse. The high status in a PakBus network (Campbell Sci-
on-board radio of the CR205 datalog- is stored and counted by the program entific, Inc., 2002a). HyperTerminal is
ger for communication. The RF400 within the CR205. Once the high also used to configure the RF400 radio
radio frequency modem acts as a 900 status of the SE1 port is counted, the modem for wireless communication.
MHz, frequency-hopping, spread spec- SE2 port is toggled to high status to The PWC software is the control
trum data radio as well as modem. It is reset the CD4013. and configuration software for the

October–December 2006 16(4) 599

Wireless connection




Fig. 3. Master–slave wireless data acquisition and control system (WDAC) network. The links within the two left blocks are
physical, while the interblock connections are wireless. CR205 and CR10X = CR205 and CR10X dataloggers (Campbell
Scientific, Inc., Logan Utah); NL100 = Network Link 100 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.); RF400 = RF400 spread spectrum
radio (Campbell Scientific, Inc.); LoggerNet 2.1 = datalogger support software (Campbell Scientific, Inc.).

CR205 datalogger (Campbell Scien- Inc., 2002b). The program language gerNet, are: 1) the master–slave and
tific Inc., 2002b). The PWC software used for the CR10X is Edlog 32 for 2) the peer-to-peer communication
is used to configure the on-board radio Windows. The program language for networks.
of the CR205. Both the RF400 radio CR205 is CRBasic Editor, version Figure 3 depicts the configuration
modem and the on-board radio of (Campbell Scientific, Inc., of the master–slave WDAC network in
the CR205 are set at the same radio 2002b). Both Edlog 32 and CRBasic LoggerNet for the lysimeter project.
address, radio net address, radio hop programs were written using the editor The CR10X with RF400 radio plays the
sequence, and standby power mode to in LoggerNet to: 1) trigger the Sentek role of master in the WDAC network,
enable the wireless data transmissions EasyAG SDI-12 probe to measure the and the six CR205s with on-board
from the WDAC network to the PC soil moisture content data; 2) count radios act as the slaves. Each of the
through the NL100. and record the digital pulses from drip, six CR205s communicates with the
The PWC could only be used seepage, drainage, and runoff flow me- PC via the CR10X. The CR10X and
to control and configure the CR205. ters; 3) store all the table-based data; each of the six CR205 dataloggers in
Therefore, LoggerNet 2.1a, which and 4) wirelessly transmit the data from the WDAC network require a unique
serves as a control software for the each of the six CR205 to the CR10X PakBus address to transmit the data to
WDAC network was used to control and then to the PC in the office. The the PC. Once data are transmitted to
and configure the other datalogger above-mentioned setup can be imple- the PC, data are stored in a directory
(CR10X), radio modems (RF400), and mented by a technician with electronics on the hard drive with a “redundant
the network interface device (NL100). background within a month. For cases array of inexpensive disks” (RAID)
The functions of LoggerNet in the when in-house technical help is not system for backup. Given the known
WDAC network include: 1) setup, available, the manufacturing company soil field capacity and permanent wilt-
connect, and monitor the instruments; can be contacted to help set up the ing points at each lysimeter, LoggerNet
2) create or edit control programs monitoring system. can report, view, and monitor the data
for the instruments; 3) report, view, NETWORKING. Two types of hard- in real time for daily scheduling of
and monitor the data in real time; ware setups can establish the WDAC irrigation.
and 4) manage and collect data from network-to-user-interconnectivity. Another type of WDAC network
the dataloggers (Campbell Scientific, These two types, set up using Log- evaluated is the peer-to-peer com-

600 ●
October–December 2006 16(4)
Wireless connection

577 RF400



Fig. 4. Peer-to-peer wireless data acquisition and control system (WDAC) network. The links within the two left blocks are
physical, while the interblock connections are wireless. CR205 and CR10X = CR205 and CR10X dataloggers (Campbell
Scientific, Inc., Logan Utah); NL100 = Network Link 100 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.); RF400 = RF400 spread spectrum
radio (Campbell Scientific, Inc.); LoggerNet 2.1 = datalogger support software (Campbell Scientific, Inc.).

munication network. Figure 4 depicts another peer (e.g., CR205 at lysimeter moisture probe. A disadvantage of the
the configuration of a peer-to-peer 2) for controlling a device such as an peer-to-peer system for the lysimeter
WDAC network in LoggerNet for the irrigation pump; 2) improved data project is that the data from the peer
lysimeter project. Both the CR10X and transmission redundancy due to using (CR205) to another peer (PC) could
the six CR205s communicate directly multiple paths for collecting the data not be communicated due to the pres-
with the PC via the wireless network at the base station PC (in case one of ence of large buildings between the two
interface. As in the master–slave setup, the sites is off line, another peer station sites, which affected the line of sight
the CR10X and each of the six CR205 can serve as a repeater in the network); communication. The major advantage
dataloggers in the WDAC network 3) ability to transfer data from a peer of the master–slave network for the
require a unique PakBus address to station to another peer station directly; lysimeter project is that it allows for
transmit data to the PC. The peer-to- and 4) simpler implementation of a data backup since the data is stored at
peer WDAC network is useful where network since the data transmission all the slaves (CR205) as well as the
the distance between the PC, the path is selected by the network, not master (CR10x), which has higher
CR10X, and all CR205s is short (ap- the user. For example, soil moisture data storage space rather than just
proximately 500 m). data from one of the lysimeters could the CR205 in the peer-to-peer setup.
Although any of the two com- be used to control irrigation in another It can also serve as a signal repeater
munication network could be used for lysimeter that does not have the SDI- to transmit the information between
the lysimeter project, depending on the 12 soil moisture probe due to cost the PC and the CR205s for when the
monitoring parameters and research considerations. It should be noted distance between them is over one mile.
settings, peer-to-peer communication that while CR205 (e.g., lysimeter 1) Furthermore, downloading the data is
may have advantages over the mas- to CR205 (e.g., lysimeter 2) commu- easier with a master–slave network since
ter–slave network and vice versa. The nication is possible, it was not used in the PC needs to communicate only to
advantages of the peer-to-peer system the lysimeter application (and thus not the master rather than connecting to
are: 1) communication of data from one shown in Fig. 4) since each lysimeter all the CR205 dataloggers.
peer (e.g., CR205 at lysimeter 1) to was equipped with an SDI-12 soil The program developed in this

October–December 2006 16(4) 601

study for the CR205 datalogger en- percolation to groundwater, and esti- allow for timely troubleshooting
ables both types of communication mate evapotranspiration of vegetable (leaks, pump malfunctions, etc.) of
networks. The program has three crops such as watermelon (Jaber et al., the irrigation system based on flow
main functions: 1) obtain data from 2006; Shukla et al., 2006; Srivastava, meter readings in different locations in
various sensors; 2) store data in table 2005). the pipe network. Such tasks could be
format; and 3) communicate data in performed with little manpower. Other
wireless mode. The 32000 data points Applications of WDAC systems parameters not discussed in this study
storage capacity of the CR205 allows in horticultural studies could also be monitored and controlled
it to store 15-min-interval lysimeter A WDAC system installed in a using WDAC systems. Monitoring
measurements for over 2 weeks. The large vegetable or citrus farm could be and controlling fertigation pumps
user will have 2 weeks to fix any wire- used for effective irrigation manage- would enable agricultural operators to
less communication problems that may ment. The WDAC system allows for ensure timely and accurate delivery of
arise before data is lost. remote monitoring of soil moisture, nutrients to horticultural crops.
When the Internet network server irrigation volume, operation of irriga- A WDAC system can also be used
is in operation, the PC can wirelessly tion pumps, and control of irrigation as an addition to existing cable-wired
communicate with the CR10X and systems from the management office. datalogging and control systems. This
all the CR205s via the NL100 with Soil moisture-based irrigation using addition would allow the monitoring of
RF400 radio frequency modem to real-time data would increase water additional parameters (e.g., soil mois-
collect the data (Fig. 3), upgrade the conservation and reduce nutrient ture) in remote locations through the
control programs, check the datalogger leaching, while optimizing crop pro- original datalogging system. This can be
clock, and display the data at the PC in duction. The number of wireless soil achieved by installing the remote sen-
real time. In case the Internet network moisture monitoring locations will sors with CR205 units that can transmit
server is not available or not in opera- depend on the number of irrigation the data to a radio unit installed at the
tion, the PC can also use the RF400 zones within a farm, variability in soil central datalogging system.
radio frequency modem to directly physical characteristics, and economic
establish wireless communication in factors. Consider as an example a veg- Cost comparisons for wireless
the field with the CR10X at the pump etable farm (area = 200 acres) with two and manual systems
station and all the CR205 dataloggers main soil types (both sandy soils; soil Use of wireless technology can
(Figs. 3 and 4). A covers 50 acres and soil B covers greatly reduce monitoring costs. The
If one of the seven dataloggers 150 acres) and four irrigation zones of cost reduction is illustrated for the
(six CR205 and one CR10X) experi- 50 acres each. Assuming that soil A is above-mentioned lysimeter study. The
ences problems, the system notifies the contained mostly within an irrigation cost (2004 prices) of the monitoring
person in charge of the project through zone, depending on the cost limita- with and without the wireless system
alarms that can be programmed within tions, two (one each within the two for the lysimeter project is presented
the LoggerNet software. The alarm soils) to four (one probe per irrigation in Table 2. A part-time personnel
function facilitates correcting the zone) soil moisture probes will help (e.g., a graduate student) can remotely
instrument malfunction problems better manage the irrigation for the monitor the real-time data to deter-
quickly when the problem occurs. entire farm. It should be noted that mine the schedule of the irrigation
Overall, the WDAC network for the there can be considerable variability in practice wherever the Internet is ac-
multiple-lysimeter project facilitates soil moisture data obtained from the cessible, for example, at the office at
real-time data monitoring, allows for probes depending on the soil properties UF/IFAS-Immokalee, or at the main
fast detection of problems, and avoids and location of the probe. Due to cost campus in Gainesville (605 km from
numerous visits to the site to download considerations, use of several probes the research center). Although irriga-
data and check instrument status, thus within each irrigation zone and soil tion can be automated based on the
preventing data loss and saving time type may not be possible since some of soil moisture data, due to danger of
and project personnel costs. the more advanced devices cost more under or over irrigation (flooding) in
WDAC PERFORMANCE. The use of than $1500 per probe. Some low cost case of malfunctioning of controllers,
WDAC has resulted in the ability to: alternatives for capacitance probes ex- pumps, or electrical switches, the ir-
1) read and monitor drip and seepage ist, however, efforts should be made rigation system was not automated in
irrigation inflow, drainage outflow, to ensure that the probe is calibrated the lysimeter study.
runoff, and soil moisture at four dif- for the specific soil type before using Real-time monitoring can help
ferent soil depths in the six lysimeters it. Use of a non-calibrated probe, even avoid excessive watering of crops. In
in real-time from the research office; 2) if cheaper, can result in considerable addition, the operational condition
visualize the changes in hydrologic pa- errors in measuring the soil moisture of the wireless system can be swiftly
rameters in tabular or graphical formats data and result in improper irrigation recognized by the real-time data moni-
in real-time; and 3) identify problems scheduling. Errors in soil moisture toring, which helps in alerting person-
associated with the functioning of measurements can vary from 13% nel to perform repairs soon after data
instruments, especially the problems to 28% or higher (C. Pandey and S. transmission is interrupted.
associated with soil moisture sensors, Shukla, unpublished data). Therefore, The traditional manual system
in a timely manner. the probe should be selected based on for this project would have consisted
Real time soil moisture data has its applicability to the specific soil type of two CR10Xs, each hard wired to a
been used in this project to adjust the and accuracy rather than cost alone. multiplexer for the six lysimeters. The
irrigation timing and interval, estimate The WDAC system would also lysimeters were installed in two sets.

602 ●
October–December 2006 16(4)
The first consisting of two lysimeters four lysimeters. In the WDAC system, Summary and conclusions
while the other consisted of four ly- each lysimeter has an independent The increased need for continuous
simeters. The two sets were located at data logger (CR205) wired to the real-time hydraulic/hydrologic data
opposite sides of the field. A full-time equipment in the lysimeter. Due to in large agricultural operations have
technician would be needed to visit the wireless connection with either the made the use of wireless technology
the study area daily to manage the central station (peer-to-peer) or the essential for agricultural water manage-
data collection and analyze the data CR10X (master–slave), it is expected ment. There are very few studies that
to decide when to irrigate. During ir- that a lightning strike will damage the describe agricultural projects using
rigation, the technician needs to visit monitoring system only in the lysimeter WDAC systems. The essential com-
each lysimeter and spend more than that was directly hit by lightning. A cost ponents and operations of a WDAC
15 min per lysimeter to download and comparison was performed between system (used for a multiple-lysimeters
analyze the data to avoid excessively the two systems for a 3-year project study) were described in this study.
watering the crops. Daily irrigation (Table 2). A subtotal is shown for the The cost of the manual and the WDAC
can be better managed by using the difference in price if there were no systems were compared. The example
real time data rather than analyzing lightning strikes during this period, and presented in this study could be easily
the data after irrigation to fine-tune a total is shown in case the system is hit extended to a commercial vegetable/
the next day’s irrigation. In the event by lightning once in the 3 years. The no citrus operation. The advantages of
of rainfall, the soil moisture data has lightning strike subtotal represents the the wireless datalogging network
to be downloaded to adjust the daily cost of the monitoring systems for areas for the lysimeters project include: 1)
irrigation and to decide about the outside Florida that are less susceptible standardizing the equipment purchase,
drainage. In addition, the operational to lightning. Table 2 shows that the 2) reducing equipment loss through
condition of the manual system cannot cost of the WDAC system is less than environmental factors (e.g., lightning
be recognized until monitoring person- the traditional system for areas with or strike), 3) improving equipment and
nel collects the stored data. without lightning damage potential. project maintenance, 4) reducing
In Florida, the mean annual Moreover, it is clear from Table 2 data loss through faulty equipment,
lightning flash density is 12 flashes/ that more direct hits by lightning will and 5) increasing project personnel
km2 (Orville and Huffines, 2001). further increase the difference in total efficiency and real-time involvement
Therefore, lightning damage potential cost between the two systems. by a dispersed research team.
for the instruments for the lysimeter The cost of the manual system for
project is very high. The wireless system the lysimeter project is about twice of
designed in this study can limit the the wireless system mainly due to the
Literature cited
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Table 2. Cost comparisons between a manual data collection and control system and a wireless data acquisition and control
system (WDAC) for a 3-year six-lysimeter project for evapotranspiration and water quality studies.
Wireless Manual
Item Quantity/description Costs ($) Quantity/description Costs ($)
Instruments six CR205s with radios 3,420 two CR10X 2,320
one CR10X 1,160 two multiplexers 1,200
one NL100 450 six Sentek EasyAG probes 4,860
two RF400 radios 880 24 flow meters 7,200
one 6dBd Yagi antenna 200
six Sentek EasyAG probes 4,860
24 flow meters 7,200
Human resources one part-time technician for 3 years 45,000 one full-time technician for 3 years 105,000
Subtotal cost (without lightning) 63,170 120,580
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one Sentek EasyAG probe 810 one multiplexer 600
four flow meters 1200 four Sentek EasyAG probes 3,240
16 flow meters 4,800
Total cost (with lightning) 65,750 130,380
Lightning is assumed to directly hit the set of four lysimeters located at one end of the field. Two other lysimeters located at the other end of the field will not be affected.

October–December 2006 16(4) 603

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