ESP Course Rubric

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ESP Course Rubric

Course: English for the workplace

Instructions: Mark an X in the box that best describes your agreement of the characteristics listed. Additionally, you can add notes in the last
column if you have specific comments to make about your ranking for any of the criteria.
# Criteria Agree Somewhat Somewhat Disagre Comments
agree disagree e
1 The use and navigation throughout the
resource is logical, efficient, and x
2 The course uses a clear and noticeable text
style, color, and graphics appropriate to x At the beginning of the course, the teachers
introduce themselves in a video and
guide the student in the course. It includes a explain the different activities that the
tutorial to help users get started and access student will find in the course and the
to the materials and classes. importance of each one of them.
3 The objectives are communicated clearly at
the start of the lesson. x I don’t remember seeing the objectives
neither in the general course nor in each
unit, maybe they were not put in a
noticeable way.
4 The lesson is reviewed at the end of each
unit. x There was always feedback shown in the
assessments that were taken throughout the
units, but I think it would have been better
to have a separate tab for a review or
feedback of the content of each unit.
5 The teacher shows knowledge and
understanding of the lesson. x
6 The course motivates students to learn.
7 The course adjusts to the different levels of
knowledge that the users have regarding to x I think the course include in a very good
way content and material for students of
the topic of the course. basic and intermediate language level, but
for someone whit a more advanced level it
can became a bit boring.
8 The course is well adapted to real life
situations. x The real-life situations can vary in each
country and society, but it adapts well to
their topic about workplace in a general
way that will possibly apply to every
9 The content is well organized by logically
sequenced units. x
10 The course uses a variety of materials such
as videos, audios, written documents, etc. x It does uses different materials such as
videos, readings, documents with
information about the grammar or
something related to the topic and some
audios in the questions of the tests, but
every unit became repetitive regarding to
material, I could expect it to usually have a
video, an explanation of grammar, and
maybe a document with more information,
which little by little became a bit boring.
11 The materials are relevant and easy to
understand, fomenting interaction, x
engagement and learning.
12 The content is accurate and enough in depth
and breadth to teach the topics. x The content is accurate according to the
topic and I could say it’s enough in depth
and breadth, but I expected more from it, I
felt it too basic.
13 The content and material strengthen the
different skills emphasizing the ones that the x
course is more focused on.
14 The assessments are consistent across units
and are well adapted according to the x
content of the unit.
15 The assessment measures the stated
objectives. x The assessment was well adapted
according to the contents of the units, but I
can’t say they measured the objectives
since I don’t even know them.

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