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GENERAL PROVISIONS 13. Civil Obligation

It is based on positive law; hence it is
Article 1156 enforceable by court action.

3. Obligation 14. Natural Obligation

It is based on natural law; hence it is not
a. It is a juridical necessity to give, to do or enforceable by court action.
not to do.
b. It is a tie of law or a juridical bond by 15. Rule If the Debtor Voluntarily Performs a
virtue of which one is bound in favor of Natural Obligation
another to render something — and this Natural obligations do not grant a right of
may consist in giving a thing, doing a action to enforce their performance although in
certain act, or not doing a certain act. case of voluntary fulfillment by the debtor, the latter
may not recover what has been delivered or
4. Juridical Necessity rendered by reason thereof
It asserts that the court may be asked to
order the performance of an obligation if the debtor 16. Obligation, Right, and Wrong (Cause of Action)
refuses to perform it. Distinguished

Requisites of an Obligation a. Obligation is the act or performance

which the law will enforce.
5. Creditor, Obligee or Active Subject b. Right is the power which a person has
He or she is the party who has the right to under the law, to demand from another
demand performance of the obligation. any prestation.
c. A wrong (cause of action) is an act or
6. Debtor, Obligor or Passive Subject omission of one party in violation of the
He or she is the party who is obliged to legal right(s) of another, causing injury
perform the obligation. to the latter.

7. Prestation or Object Example: S rejected or cancelled a contract to sell

It is the subject matter of the obligation. his property even before the arrival of the period in
the exercise of the option to buy by the purchaser
8. Efficient Cause / Vinculum Juris / Legal or who has already made a downpayment.
Juridical Tie
It is the legal factor which bind the parties a. S had the obligation to sell the property
to an obligation. It also refers to any of the five exclusively to B upon full payment of the
sources of obligation. purchase price.
b. B had the right to complete the payment
Kinds of Prestation of an Obligation of the purchase price.
c. The (premature) rejection or
10. Prestation to Give (Real Obligation) cancellation of the contract to sell even
Example: Obligation to give a car. before B could exercise his option to buy
notwithstanding that he had already
11. To Do (Positive Personal Obligation) made a downpayment was a wrong
Example: Obligation to repair a car. (cause of action) on the part of S.

12. Not to Do (Negative Personal Obligation) 17. Prescription Period as to Cause of Action
Example: Obligation not to use one’s car Based Upon a Written Contract
during Mondays in compliance with city traffic Actions based upon a written contract
congestion scheme. should be brought within 10 years from the time the
*** right of action accrues. The period of prescription

commences not from the date of the execution of answer for damages caused by things
the contract but from the occurrence of the breach. thrown or falling from the same;
obligation of the possessor of an animal
18. Injury to pay for the damage which it may have
It is the legal invasion of a legal right; it is the caused).
wrongful act or omission which causes loss or
harm to another. 23. Classification of Sources of Obligations
19. Damage
It is the loss, hurt, or harm which results a. Those emanating from law; and
from the injury. b. Those emanating from private acts:
● Licit acts – contracts and
20. Damages quasi-contracts
These are the recompense or compensation ● Illicit acts – delicts and quasi-delicts
awarded or recoverable for the damage or loss
suffered. Simple:

Article 1157 a. Those emanating from law – because

obligations arising from quasi-contracts,
22. Sources of Obligations crimes and quasi-delicts are really
imposed by law.
a. Law (obligation ex lege) – when they are b. Those arising from contracts
imposed by the law itself (e.g.,
obligation to pay taxes; obligation to Article 1158
support one’s family).
b. Contracts (obligation ex contractu) – 25. Law
when they arise from the stipulation of It is a rule of conduct, just and obligatory,
the parties (e.g., obligation to repay a laid down by legitimate authority for common
loan by virtue of an agreement). observance and benefit.
c. Quasi-contracts (obligation ex
quasi-contractu) – when they arise from 26. Obligations Derived from Law Are Not
lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts and Presumed
which are enforceable to the end that no These obligations, to be demandable, must
one shall be unjustly enriched or be clearly set forth in the law (i.e. the Civil Code or
benefited at the expense of another special laws [other laws not contained in the Civil
(e.g., obligation to return money paid by Code]). Examples:
mistake or which is not due). a. Because it is not imposed by law, a
d. Crimes or acts or omissions punishable private school has no legal obligation to provide
by law (obligation ex delicto) – when clothing allowance to its teachers.
they arise from civil liability which is the b. Because it is mandated by law, a person
consequence of a criminal offense (e.g., who wins money in gambling has the duty to return
the obligation of a thief to return the car his winnings to the loser.
stolen by him; the duty of a killer to
indemnify the heirs of his victim). Article 1159
e. Quasi-delicts or torts (obligation ex
quasi-delicto) – when they arise from 28. Contract
damage caused to another through an It is a meeting of minds between two
act or omission, there being fault or persons whereby one bonds himself, with respect
negligence, but no contractual relation to the other, to give something or to render some
exists between the parties (e.g., service (e.g., sale, loan, lease, employment, etc.)
obligation of the head of a family that
lives in a building or a part thereof to 29. Binding Force of Contracts

Valid contracts have the force of law (as if 36. Support Given by a Stranger
the stipulations of the contract have the same When, without the knowledge of the person
effect as law) between the parties who are bound obliged to give support, it is given by a stranger, the
to comply therewith in good faith (the exercise of latter shall have a right to claim the same from the
integrity in the compliance of one’s obligation), and former.
neither one may without the consent of the other, Exceptions: If it appears that he gave it:
renege (go back on a promise, undertaking, or
contract) therefrom. a. Out of piety, and
b. Without intention of being repaid.
Article 1160
37. Funeral Expenses Borne by a Third Person
31. Quasi-Contract When funeral expenses are borne by a third
It is that juridical relation resulting from person, without the knowledge of those relatives
certain lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts by who were obliged to give support to the deceased,
virtue of which the parties become bound to each said relatives shall reimburse the third person, -
other to the end that no one will be unjustly should the latter claim reimbursement.
enriched or benefited at the expense of another.
38. Support Furnished by a Third Person to Needy
32. Quasi-Contract and Contract Distinguished Individual After Refusal of Person Obliged to Give
a. Quasi-contract – there is no consent but When the person obliged to support an
the same is supplied by fiction of law. orphan, or an insane or other indigent person
b. Contract – there is a meeting of the unjustly refuses to give support to the latter, any
minds or consent; the parties must have third person may furnish support to the needy
deliberately entered into a formal individual, - with right of reimbursement from the
agreement. person obliged to give support. The provisions of
this article apply when the father or mother of a
Kinds of Quasi-Contracts child under eighteen years of age - unjustly refuses
to support him.
34. Negotiorum Gestio
It refers to the voluntary administration of 39. Injury or Illness Treated or Helped with without
the property, business or affairs of another without Consent
his consent or authority. When through an accident or other cause a
Example: If through the efforts of X, a person is injured or becomes seriously ill, and he is
neighbor, the house of Y was saved from being treated or helped while he is not in a condition to
burned, Y has the obligation to reimburse X for the give consent to a contract, he shall be liable - to pay
expenses X incurred although Y did not actually for the services of the physician or other person
give his consent to the act of X in saving his house aiding him.
on the principle of quasi-contract. Exception: If the service has been rendered
out of pure generosity.
35. Solutio Indebiti
It is the juridical relation which is created 40. Property Saved by Another Person
when something is received when there is no right When during a fire, flood, storm, or other
to demand it and it was unduly delivered through calamity, property is saved from destruction by
mistake. another person without the knowledge of the
Example: The obligation to pay money owner, - the latter is bound to pay the former just
mistakenly paid arises from the moment said compensation.
payment was made, and not from the time the
payee admits the obligation to reimburse. 41. Government Intervention in Taking Actions to
Implement Health or Safety Regulations
Other Examples of Quasi-Contracts When the government, upon the failure of
any person to comply with health or safety

regulations concerning property, undertakes to do 49. Nature of Responsibility of Multiple Payees

the necessary work, even over his objection, - he Under Solutio Indebiti
shall be liable to pay the expenses. The nature of responsibility or liability of
two or more payees when there has been payment
42. Measures for Protection of Community of what is not due shall be solidary.
When in a small community a nationality of
the inhabitants of age decide upon a measure for 50. Liability of Payee for Interest Under Solutio
protection against lawlessness, fire, flood, storm or Indebiti
other calamity, anyone who objects to the plan and A person who accepts an undue payment of
refuses to contribute to the expenses but is a sum of money will be liable for interest when he
benefited by the project as executed - shall be liable or she receives the undue payment in bad faith.
to pay his share of said expenses.
51. Liability of Payee in Good Faith Under Solutio
43. Payment of One’s Taxes by Another Indebity
Any person who is constrained to pay the A person in good faith accepting an undue
taxes of another shall be entitled to reimbursement payment of a thing certain or determinate will be
from the latter. responsible for the loss of the same or its
*** accessories and accessions in so far as he has
been benefited.
45. Gestor
He or she is the officious manager of Article 1161
another's affairs in negotiorum gestio.
53. Delict, Crime or Felony
46. Nature of Responsibility of Multiple Gestors It is a source of obligation that refers to any
The nature of responsibility of two or more act or omission punishable by law.
officious managers in negotiorum gestio shall
generally be solidary unless the management was 54. Civil Liability Arising from Delicts
assumed to save the thing or business from Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code
imminent danger which will make their liability joint provides that: “Every person criminally liable for a
only. felony is also civilly liable.”

47. Liability of Gestor for Fortuitous Events Scope of Civil Liability of an Offender Upon
The following instances where the officious Commission of a Crime
manager shall be held liable for any fortuitous
event: 56. Restitution
a. If he undertakes risky operations which It is the restoration of something lost or
the owner was not accustomed to stolen to its proper owner (e.g., return of the stolen
embark upon; car).
b. If he preferred his own interest to that of
the owner; 57. Reparation
c. If he fails to return the property or It is the replenishment of a previously
business after demand by the owner; inflicted loss by the offender to the victim taking
and into consideration the price of the thing, whenever
d. If he assumed the management in bad possible, and its sentimental value to the injured
faith. party (e.g., payment of damages for the act of
48. Instances Where Negotiorum Gestio Will Not stealing the car).
a. When the property or business is not 58. Indemnification
neglected or abandoned; and It is the compensation for consequential
b. If in fact the manager has been tacitly damages which shall include not only those caused
authorized by the owner. to the injured party, but also those suffered by his
family or by a third person by reason of crime (e.g.,

payment of damages for the lost income during the c. Quasi-delict – Liability can be
time the car was stolen). compromised.
*** Crime – Liability cannot be
59. Persons Who Will Not Be Imprisoned but Will d. Quasi-delict – requires preponderance
Be Liable for Civil Damages for Their Act of evidence for the same to be proved.
Crime – requires proof beyond
a. An imbecile or insane person; reasonable doubt for the same to be
b. A person under 18 of age; proved.
c. Any person who acts under the
compulsion of an irresistible force; and 66. Responsibility of Parents for Possible
d. Any person who acts under the impulse Quasi-Delicts
of an uncontrollable fear of an equal or The father and, in case of his death or
greater injury. incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the
damages caused by minor children who live in their
60. Immunity from Civil or Criminal Liability company.
Any person who acts under self-defense, in
the performance of his official duty, or suffering 67. Responsibility of Guardians for Possible
from battered woman syndrome who killed or Quasi-Delicts
injured his batterer will not be liable either Guardians are liable for damages caused by
criminally or civilly for his or her acts. the minors or incapacitated persons who are under
their authority and live in their company.
61. Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt
It is the degree of evidence that must be 68. Responsibility of Owners of Establishments or
proved by the prosecution for the accused to be Enterprise for Possible Quasi-Delicts
criminally liable. The owner of an establishment or enterprise
are likewise responsible for damages caused by
62. Preponderance of Evidence their employees in the service of the branches in
It is the degree of evidence that must be which the latter are employed or on the occasion of
proved by the plaintiff in order to recover civil their functions.
damages based on contract or quasi-delict.
69. Responsibility of Employers for Possible
Article 1162 Quasi-Delicts
Employers shall be liable for the damages
64. Quasi-Delicts, Torts, or Culpa Aquiliana caused by their employees and household helpers
These are acts or omissions that cause acting within the scope of their assigned tasks,
damage to another, there being fault or negligence even though the former are not engaged in any
but without any pre-existing contractual relation business or industry.
between the parties.
70. Responsibility of Teachers for Possible
65. Quasi-Delict and Crime Distinguished Quasi-Delicts
Teachers or heads of establishments of arts
a. Quasi-delict – The right violated is a and trades shall be liable for damages caused by
private right. their pupils and students or apprentices who are
Crime – The right violated is a public within their custody.
b. Quasi-delict – Every instance gives rise 71. Nature of Liability of Multiple Offenders Under
to liability for damages to the injured Quasi-Delict
party. The nature of liability of two or more
Crime – Not all instances give rise to persons who are liable for quasi-delict or tort is
civil liability. solidary.

Determinate or Specific Thing It is that degree of care which every man of

It is one that is individualized and can be common sense, however inattentive he may be,
identified or distinguished from others of its kind exercises under the same or similar circumstances.
(e.g., car with plate number AX1234). ***

Generic or Indeterminate Thing Diligence Required in the Preservation of the

It is only indicated by its kind, without being Determinate Thing
designated and distinguished from others of the
same king (e.g., Mitsubishi Car). In order of priority:
a. Diligence required by law (e.g., Common
Delimited Generic Thing carriers are bound to observe
extraordinary diligence in the vigilance
Duties of Debtor in Obligation to Deliver a over the goods and for the safety of the
Determinate Thing passengers transported by them.)
b. Diligence agreed upon by the parties
a. To preserve or take care of the thing (stipulation)
due; c. Diligence of a good father of a family
b. To deliver the fruits of the thing;
c. To deliver its accessions and Fruits
accessories; It refers to the income or goods derived or
d. To deliver the thing itself; and produced from property without a diminution of the
e. To answer for damages in case of property's inherent value.
non-fulfillment or breach.
Kinds of Fruits
Duties of Debtor in Obligation to Deliver a Generic
Thing Natural Fruits
These are the spontaneous products of the
a. To deliver a thing which is of the quality sold, and the young and other products of animals
intended by the parties taking into (e.g., trees and plants on lands produced without
consideration the purpose of the the intervention of human labor).
obligation and other circumstances; and
b. To be liable for damages in case of Industrial Fruits
fraud, negligence, or delay, in the These are those produced by lands of any
performance of his obligation, or kind through cultivation or labor (e.g., sugar cane,
contravention of the tenor thereof. vegetables, rice, etc.).

Types of Diligence Civil Fruits

These are those derived by virtue of a
Extraordinary Diligence juridical relation (e.g., rents of buildings, price of
It means that extreme care and caution leases of land, etc.).
which very prudent and thoughtful persons use in ***
securing and preserving their own property.
Personal Right
Ordinary Diligence or Diligence of a Good Father of It is the power belonging to one person to
a Family demand of another, as a definite passive subject,
It is that degree of care which is exercised the fulfillment of a prestation to give, to do or not to
by ordinarily prudent persons under the same or do.
similar circumstances.
Real Right
Slight Diligence It is the power belonging to a person over a
specific thing, without a passive subject individually
determined, against whom such right may be

personally exercised. It can be exercised against indispensable or convenient (e.g., key of a house,
any person. frame of a picture, bracelet of a watch, etc.).

Point When the Creditor Obtains Personal Rights Obligation to Deliver Accessions and Accessories
Over the Fruits of the Determinate Thing The obligation to give a determinate thing
From the time the obligation to deliver the includes that of delivering all of its accessions and
determinate thing arises. accessories even if they may not have been
Point When the Creditor Obtains Real Rights Over
the Fruits of the Determinate Thing Remedy of the Creditor in Case the Debtor Fails to
General rule: From the time the fruits are Perform His Obligation to Do a Certain Act
delivered physically or constructively. The creditor or third person may do the
Exception: In a contract of sale, from the obligation in a proper manner at the expense of the
time of the perfection of the contract of sale of debtor with the right to recover damages. In this
determinate thing. case, specific performance is not available because
such remedy would be tantamount to involuntary
Remedies Available to Creditor When a Debtor servitude which is prohibited by the Constitution.
Fails to Comply with His Obligation (General Rule)
a. Action for specific performance, Involuntary Servitude
b. Action to rescind the obligation; or It is, at its core, forced labor for the benefit
c. Action for damages exclusively or in of another. Such labor may be compelled by
addition to either of the first two actions. physical force or coerced.

Remedy of the Creditor in Case the Debtor Fails to Remedy of the Offended Party in Case a Public
Comply with His Obligation to Deliver a Official Who Has Ministerial Duty to Perform a
Determinate Thing Particular Obligation or Public Duty Under the Law
Action for specific performance in addition Fails to Do Such Obligation
to damages under Article 1170. The creditor may file a specific civil action
for mandamus (which has a similar effect to an
Remedy of the Creditor in Case the Debtor Fails to action for specific performance).
Comply with his Obligation to Deliver an
Indeterminate Thing Remedy of the Creditor in Case the Obligation Is
Either: Done in Contravention of the Terms of the Same or
Is Poorly Done
a. Filing of an action for specific It may be ordered by the court that it be
performance with damages only; or undone if it is still possible to undo what was done.
b. Ask the obligation to be complied with
at the expense of the debtor with Remedy of the Creditor in Case the Debtor Fails to
damages only. Comply with His Obligation Not to Do a Certain Act
It shall be undone at the expense of the
Accessions debtor with indemnification for damages. If the
These include everything which is produced same cannot be undone, the creditor may still
by a thing, or which is incorporated or attached recover damages.
thereto, either naturally or artificially (e.g., house or
tees on a land, rents of a building, etc.). Grounds for Liability to Pay Damages

Accessories a. Fraud
These refer to those which destined for the b. Negligence
embellishment, use or their preservation of another c. Delay
thing of more importance, have for their object the d. Contravention of the tenor of the
completion of the latter for which they are obligation

These refer to the harm done and the sum
of money that may be recovered in reparation for
the harm done.

It refers to the wrongful, unlawful or
tortuous act which causes the loss or harm to

Kinds of Damages

Ordinary Delay
It is merely the failure to perform an
obligation on time.

Legal Delay, Default, or Mora

It is the failure to perform an obligation on
time which constitutes a breach of the obligation.

Point at Which the Debtor Incurs Delay in an


a. Obligation to give and to do – from the

time the creditor demands judicially
(with court intervention) or
extrajudicially the fulfillment of
b. Obligation not to do – delay is not

Instances When Demand by the Creditor Is Not

Necessary in Order for Debtor’s Delay to Exist

Fortuitous Event

Types of Fortuitous Events

Acts of Man

Acts of God

Liability of the Debtor in Case of Loss of the

Determinate Thing Due to Fortuitous Event

Instances When the Debtor Becomes Liable for the

Loss of Determinate Thing Due to Fortuitous Event

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