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English for Business UAS

Universitas Winaya Mukti

Lecturer: Ariefinara Hernawan S.S. M.Pd

Please answer it on the provided answer sheet, and write down the questions again. Divide your
answer in sections, and I bid you all good luck!


Section A: Professional Email

1. Please create a Staff to Manager email (with reply from the manager).
Theme: Asking for a loan

2. Please create a Manager to Staff email (with reply from the staff)
Theme: Telling the staff that they are being laid off

3. Condolences email
Theme: Best friend sending condolences email for the death of their friend’s father.

Section B: Argumentative Essay

4. Create an essay in which you support the theme.

Theme: Attending Gym is a must for everyone in this pandemic situation

5. Create an essay in which you reject the theme.

Theme: Credit cards are better compared with online loan service (e.g., pinjol)

Section C: Brand

6. What do you think makes a brand successful?

7. Do you think your economic education will be useful in creating your own brand?

8. If you were given $1 million dollars, what would you do, and why?
Answer :

1. Hello, Mr. Parker

I apologize in advance for disturbing you. My purpose in writing this email is to inform you that there
is something very important for me to discuss with you. I need some money to pay for my wife's
surgery, which is sick, I don't have enough money to cover the operation costs. For that I want to
borrow some money.

I hope you can borrow it.


Employee staff
Hi Andriansyah,

What happened to your wife? Alright, I will send some money to your account, hopefully the money I
lent can help you a little to cover your wife's operating costs.

Warm regards.

Finance Manager,
Peter Parker

2. Hi Hendra Pratama,

Yours faithfully, With this letter, we apologize for your inconvenience. For the past 5 months we have
given you the opportunity to improve your performance and discipline. But in fact our advice was not
heeded and your performance is getting worse. For that, the company apologizes for being forced to
cut off the cooperation between you and PT. Singa Langit Jaya since today. That is the date,
January 25, 2022, but you don't need to worry because today you get the salary as it should be.

This is the letter of termination of employment. Once again we apologize and hope you can


Human resource Management,

Hello Mr. Julian
I understand what you have said, I apologize profusely for not being able to maximize the
opportunity that you have given. While I apologize for what I have done for this company.


Employee staff
Hendra Pratama

3. Assalamualaikum..
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un Both are deeply Shared goals. May the deceased be pardoned of all
wrongdoing and accepted through the charity of his worship by god. May the families that are left
behind be given courage and strength of faith born in the heart.

Greetings from your best friend

Indra Herlambang

4. I support when the gym is temporarily closed because of the covid-19 outbreak, because if a lot of
people swarm a lot of people also have this covid-19 virus outbreak. If you want to exercise you'd
better exercise at home.

5. Using a credit card is better when compared to online loan services (borrowing). This departs from
the consequences that we will get when we compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two
options, which have been proven to be superior to using a credit card.

6. Brand is a magnet that attracts the consumer to your product or service. A good brand can also
mean as an intangible corporate asset.
In addition to having good and quality products, a product must also have a good brand name to
keep your brand in mind for the consumer. Below are eight keys to success so that your brand is
recognized and lasting.
1.) Choose your design partner carefully
2.) Adjust the brand name to the market target
3.) Avoid complicated abbreviations
4.) Create a unique name
5.) Easily uttered & remembered
6.) Make product differentiation
7.) Guarding the quality of the product
8.) Responding to consumer input

7. Yes, since economic education is so important to us for the future, especially those of us who
aspire to be entrepreneurs, which is obvious if we want to be entrepreneurs we have to understand
the economics of science.

8. When I am given $1 million, I will use the money to start a business of my own that will open up
jobs for others, some of which I will give to both parents and some of it I will make clear. The reason
I want to open a business is because I really want to be able to open a job for other people, so why
do some of the money I give to parents and dole, because it's best alms are alms to parents first and
alms won't make us poor, instead our fortunes will be made if we give charity more.

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