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Recycling Plasteam
What have you learned about how plastic usage can be reduced and you can recycle used
plastic in the most effective way?
-Plastic is one of the world’s most harmful
- Plastic usage can be reduced by using better
substitutes for it like for example we could use
cloth bags instead of plastic single use ones.

- Using plastic to make creative day-to-day items

is a great way to recycle plastic in a fun and
interesting manner

What are the similarities and differences between the countries?

There are a lot of similarities like both the countries for
example both the countries use the method of
separating waste in different coloured bins.

What are the similarities and differences between the countries?

The Netherlands is a bit more organised with their
plans for waste recycling and reusing.

India uses much more creative ways to recycle


What can you learn from your peers in terms of plastic recycling, and what can
they learn from you?
I believe that we can learn how to recycle the waste
we produce by our peers and we could also learn
about how to reduce the plastic usage. They can learn
better substitutes from us as in our generation usage
of plastic is definitely decreasing and using better
substitutes for plastic is extremely helpful.
Overall, the project was an enjoyable, informative and above all, an extremely good learning
process. All the members of our group worked together amicably. In spite of the various
difficulties we faced, we were able to overcome all hurdles due to each team members’
dedication and prudence. All the members worked very hard and completed the work
assigned to them whole-heartedly.
Our collaboration with our inter-cultural peers has been a great experience as well. We
learnt about the methods of plastic recycling followed in their country, some of which were
different to the ones followed here in India. Notwithstanding the challenges, we were able
to work together successfully and pleasantly.
1-I have taken 2 interviews and have helped during the seminar my team had conducted on
plastic recycling for the juniors of our school. I am a part of a WhatsApp group in which my
teammates and I contact our Dutch counterpart. I have helped make the questions that
were asked during the meeting with the Dutch counterpart.
2- my most memorable experience has been the meeting with the counterparts and the
seminar my teammates and I had conducted. I believe that is has improved my social
speaking skill and has helped with my team work skills. I have learned how to cooperate
with my team mates and how I can be a better listener as well and how I can follow my team
leader’s directions.
3- the meeting with the Dutch counterpart went well and it was very fun interacting with
them. I think it would have been even better done offline. I think having more meetings
would have definitely helped and having the opportunity to interview maybe the Dutch
counterpart’s teacher would have been a good experience. The project was amazing
As a team, we did a great job working together. The project was divided equally among the
members, and my part consisted mainly of interviews, the life cycle of plastic bottles, and
awareness activities. The group presentation worked well. As part of this project, we created
a number of posters to raise awareness of plastic recycling. Instead of doing that, we could
have created an animated video to tell people more about plastic pollution and solutions for
the same. As part of the research process, we came across many websites and books, and
we learned a lot. The main research method for this project was conducting interviews and
investigating. Communication with the partner school was achieved through WhatsApp. We
made a WhatsApp group to stay connected even more and interact by chat to discuss things
through it. A video conference was held during which we answered each other's questions
through chat
Since the first day of EUMIND, there was a lot of excitement among teachers and students
towards the projects. Every project had a unique concept and steps to be taken. Following
those steps, my group worked and completed them. Every project, meeting and
conversation went well. Meetings were conducted to relate, understand and work with each
other. Conversation with the Dutch was a great experience. I would do what my group
leader made us do, rather than go in the wrong direction. The group leader had kept
deadlines to submit the parts which were supposed to be from our side. She used to do the
editing of the videos or the ppt. We were assigned different tasks that we had to do all
together. In the projects, our teamwork was something that helped us a lot.

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