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scrus001 Module 3¢: Paragraph Unity, Cohesion and coherence Module: Expository Writing (© Paragraph Unity, Cohesion and Coherence Meedy Nugraha & Maggie Law Objectives “To inode way to develop effesive tpi sentences and pargraph nity when ving a problem solution essay ‘Learning Outcomes pros maine ler topc sentences aol suport he sentences wth elvan evienee and dete References raine, . & May, (196), Writing fom sources guide for BL student. May/fld Publishing Company. ‘Bucks County Commanity College Tutoring Center. (a). Topi emence. Driscoll. & Bis, A (2013). On paraerapt Pardve Oaine Wing Lb. ow urd olga in indotimd Na, PP (2003) fev wnting: A gue for octal seiencesudons Chinese Unive Pres unit, Brie, A. 2014. T and exompls for hes sttements. Purdue Online Weng Lab ‘The Writing Centr, University of Noth Crain at Cpe! Ml 2007). The statoments [Handouts nds]. hp:/4wuneedudents'wenetybandotsesi imi ‘The Wein Cen, Tho University of Wisconsin Madison. (201). Thesis and purpase statements ning wise saniook/Tesi or Purse unl, “Tumor, D. (nd). Writing rp senenecs University of ava. pas wots, wingcenle/nyprerammar wring rarer West Oca No’ea Centr for Writing, Math and Academic Sueces, Univesity of Hava (2008. Developing thers. tp wsteh taal. edl © zoey cun ro aruioo. Moule 3: Paragraph Unity, Cohesion an aherence 1, Paragraph Unity ‘A paragraph should refet a singe point. This notion i calle paragraph iy anit xn be hieved through cohesion an coberene in the et. Cohesion canbe achieved trough sing verbal bridges: words or phrses het connect ences ‘within paragraph, or paraprapts within a text The following devices are wo ‘+ repetition of key nouns ‘+ synonyms, demonstatives andlor pronouns to replace key ons ‘+ trastonl words and pleases Coherence is ercted through using logical bide logis! ow odes i achieved trvgh the logical sreturing of the sentences an paragraphs within ate, td of the text tet Same festres of «coherent essay are: + an introduction with thesis statement *+ topic senences tht dirt link tothe thesis statement + local sequence of supporting ideas ‘+ .conluson which estates the thesis an Key pons according to one of the follwing ters Which help to ongnise sentences general to particu, particular to general order of significance, question to answer, o eet to cause Lost exalt! Check rogle Ube my gen a4 Sweny Cote "att fr png pen ela are! ‘ukingensis © 2002 ey, ce ue Sample tet 1 Coherence features: ‘As aciy with world-class service providers and infasrctre, Hong Kong is expected establish a erfet barrier-free environment for peopl with sabi o special nea (Zn, 2008). According 1 the Intemational Mutual Associ forthe Disable (2012), ther are at east 119 examples of tore lites in Hong Kang Despit thie ‘overwhelming number, thes fats ae proven © ‘be intfective in assisting the disabled. Ther are ‘three posile solutions o dea wit the problems | ‘brought abou by these foci extabishing an Independent statutory department ares concerns From disabled perp, inreasngcoopration Been pola parties and nowzvernmentl organisations (GO), allocating mre fed resource to NGOs hich aim at helping disabled people ‘A imroeton with thesis statement (the last sentenes, Sample text 2 Coherence fase: The infectvoess of barrier-free faites in ag Kong can indeed bring abou ordealeto the abled. The obvious problem brought by the Inefectivenes is implicit dsciminaon. Sine the huss disabled ennot enjy the same freedom of ravellng tal places ike ote, heathy individuals de to the inadegue iis emul Cobesiv ‘opportunites cannot occur (United Nations (Convention, 2006) F the imoace setablishment ofthe facilites ean rest in Blunders, ‘menacing the disabled uses. For example ‘lysis challenged male could endanger inset ‘when essing an expressway scl prohibited 0 pedestrians because ofthe ack of an lira, svch asa fotbridge provided with amp. ‘The ope sentence (the fst sentence) links tthe thesis an introduces the fis topic ara, which ste problem trough about by he ineetveness oF the flies.” + Repetition okey nouns (ihe Inectvenese of barier free flies) and eof enon to replace the key nouns he diabled => hysaly challenged; the inadequate faces, the improper establishment) + Cobesive dvices(eansional words and phrases: since, feshermore) zor ettu, cunk 9 sxrvi001 Module C: FarapraghUnty Cohesion and Coherence 2. Transition Using transitions is away to make your pape: coherent. Tansons canbe used betwen sentences argraphs, and major seetions of your ssy. Thr purpose sto show the relaioship seen wo ideas how the second idea follows lapel from the ist, nd how bth are related o your thesis, hich the main dea of your pape. ‘Task 1: Identifying the significance of transitions Inthe table teow are wo versions a the same paragraph, Fit, rea the paragraph onthe let and explain what you have read to your arte. Than, read the paraph onthe gt and undetine all transitional phases Compare the two paragraphs - wha diferenee(s) ean you find? Pararaph without rnstons Pasgrah wit rnsions ‘The Japanese can develop highly proftable Secondly, the Japancie can devel these highly products Teirlabouristechaclogially profitable products beste thr abou ‘vented, Many Sapancse work a, ‘echoolopcllycriented Focexample, mary gies technicians of scents, or Japanese works engineers, technicians, Some ther occupation rested to scientist, or some ae occupation reed 1 {ceo an rodcon Many Japazeie technology an prodietion Moree Studs conse tomer in itech eds Japanese tudes choose mar nNgech imc eae Working hi elsinen ema tesinle tech ils moe profiable an the east high-tech is more profabl an hema Amer alee ‘umarites-ncomprsns Arsene xs ration nse ool Many matt thn pene pope. Many lege Coleg ters pe ie deams sents po ti den inn of pts instead of ofits, mang inthe fin ars, majoring the Hine arts, istoy, and psa. and sail work, Only asa pcetge"lnadonimany Americans work inthe ares oF tumanies nd soc wore na ony 4 sal pcentage ofthe epanese population work inthe aes deedly surure0n Module 3 Parayraph Unity Coeson ad Coherence Task 2: Matching transitional expressions to thelr functions ‘Matcha Logical Relationship with a Transtona Expression, Each answer may aly be used one Types oflgial relationships: example similarity placefposton _excetionfeontmast_ sequence Se emphasis time cate andeffst_ additonal support concason \W" tionship ‘Transona Expresion (CobesiveDevices) x 1 als, in the same way, just as. 5010, kes, similarly 2 ‘but however, in spit of despite, oveeles, "PSB, opeteless, atwithstnding, a conta, onthe emrary, sill ye onthe other hand a frst, second thir next he, finaly 4 ater, aferward before, curently, during eter, immediatly, late, meanwhile, now, reenty, simultaneously, subsequent, then s for example, for instance, namely, spill, toillsrte 6 oven indeed in at, oF couse, 2 hove adjacent, below, beyond, erin rent, behind, eary, there 5 accordingly, consequently, nes 0, therefore, tus 8 atonal, psi, so and well, bess, equally, further, thermore, in adi, moreover 10, Sally, in bre rey, in coneasion, onthe whole, inthe ina rays, this, to cone to saris, "ar poring anol daiig paper 2022110, cunk a ‘eruioos ‘Module 3c: Paegaph Unity, Cohesion ad Coherence +3. Grammatical Function of Transitional Expressions Refer tothe tansitonal expressions on the previous pags: Working with a para, fl ithe following with words or phrases fom the Ist I you're unsure what there words mean, sth or ‘thet onthe internet, Find conjunetions| 3 2. Thwwesubordinating conjunctions » 2 2 3. Three adverbs » 2 2 4. Three prepositions » 2 2 ‘Note hat there are many transitional words wth similar meanings, bu diferent gramme function. Can you name any’? exruio01 Moule 3: Paragraph Uy, Cotton and Coherence ‘Task 3: Using transitional expressions grammatically ‘The following sentences lack shesive and coherent devies. Link the sentences using appropiate anions. Make ur your sentences are grammatically cone. 1. Generation has ad lelong use of communications and media eehaaogies. ‘This generation has spent therm lives surfing the Word Wide Web LOGICAL RELATIONSHIP: donalempbasis 2 © Generation Y experienced an increased wse of and fanart wit ‘communications, media and digital technologies. + Generation has boon born completely within LOGICAL RELATIONSHIP: excetiontonrst 3. | * Chien who were bor fom the eal 2000 up othe present ote share ‘hough and observations through a vary of medi and produ. Generation is highly connected with the ouside word LOGICAL RELATIONSHIP: cause and effect, zoey comm 12 cexrusoot Mole 3: Parsraph Uy, Cohesion a Coherence 4. # ThelifeofGoneration Zi getting es and les private “The popularity of socal networking media and the advancement of ehlogy ‘mble Generation Z to pubise personal stories to total strangers. LOGICAL RELATIONSHIP: empsis ‘A digital native ia person who was bor atthe ine of or ar the early er of digital technology Interacting with gal technology fom the very heinning oftheir ives, digital tives havea grester understanding ofits concep, LOGICAL RELATIONSHIP: cause and eect Wit ego reading and wring, nobody is bom native Wis a mater of accesso education and experience LOGICAL RELATIONSHIP: cause and fet (©2022 11u, cone a4 cvrusoos Mole 3: Paragraph Uy, Cfmsion nd Coherence ‘Task 4: Fill n the blanks using transitions i ‘The following paragraphs on solutions are excep akan fam a former studee's PSE foal dra However, the uansitions ae missing. Flin the blanks in tho following paragraghs with utable Aransiions given below. fsswellas—asongas subsequently on theother and then however nonetheless_—_furthermere ko ‘On one hand, one posible way to broaden izes” aces to madeation an therapy Is 10 solve the shortage of psychi sta. Moe working pyehitiss could ener e publi sector ». ‘the oficial revs of psychiatrists would be more open frcign trained specials Allowing more qualified profesional to be employed by pubic institions ‘would alleviate the competition among pate to book appointments, and woud allow both ‘nines in the retnent time, 2), decrease in the time patente have to wat for theft appointment. 3) relying solely on psychiaiss to handle the high numberof mental els cases would eontinu to impose x heavy buen onthe time and depth hat canbe devoed to each patent, unavidably degrading te quality of mental heath services. 4, sh government covld raise he publi’ awareness of mental ness through eustion programs and rect ampaigs targeting the general popula, These ‘campaigns could emphasise the importance of aking cae of one’s own mental hel, promote _reate empathy for these who are suffering and remove the stigma of seeking professional suppor. 5)__, communities that are curenty averse to hosting treatment ‘ene could be pesado welcome mental hath services. The governmea: could ‘compensate the neighbourhood fr welcoming weatment cones by providing ditional investment in neighbourhood improvement projects, such sparks or enhancement ofthe public space 6) tut be considered that campaigning to adress the oop rooted stigma of metal ess ikely take more than generation b havea postive and mesurle effect. wil be dificult subsanlly modify preqpion and behaviour trough “surface lve" messaging ifthe underying stuctural probes of access and resources are not aes 7) it takes years for patie be aecepted fora fst appoiument, publi sevice snoancomen’s may tng hollow. Peta government policies may 8) tbe ioduced to eon Hong Kong's underdeveloped healt cae syste Fr sata, the govemment could madat that metal. health be covered in health insurance plans in oder o make treatment more afriable. A doves of decreasing he cost of treatment is added pressure the health erste, However, te goverment coud take some ofthe pressure ff the specials cae syste by allowing primary ear physicians and nurses to engage in early detation and testment. The primary care system would 9) referonlythe more srius cases oa sperialis or poychins. This meas that wang ad practical guidance need io be developed Tor primary care professionals to reeanisethe less serous mental condos, nd claw _uidlines for refral be published. In addon, trestnent programs forthe es serious or ‘urgent cass need to be developed und delivered. A role forthe private sector could 10), be explored in detivering these treatment programs. ‘© 20z2 ex, cur ws

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