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Interviewer- (I)

Participant- (P)

(I)-How are you
(P)-I’m fine, how are you
(I)-I’m good too. So let’s start the interview. Just tell me about yourself.
(P)-…..I would describe like…….I’m a very shy person, I do not interact with
other person easily…my hobby is dancing, In my free time I used to dance in
own room, when I’m feeling alone.
(I)-so, if I talk about dancing,since when have you started dancing ,like from
your childhood only or you learnt it recently.
(P)-Yeah, I’m doing it since my childhood, when I was 10 years old.
(I)- That is 10 years old only.
Have you ever taken a part in dancing competition?
(P)- yes,when I was 12 years old old.
So tell me how would your friends describe you? Are there any specific things
they always say about you.
(P)-My friends……..usually say that I’m a introverted person.I don’t
communicate too much with them.
(I)-So, has this ever affected your friendship ever.
(P)-NO,I don’t think so that there was or there is any problem right now.
What kind of music do you listen to?
(P)-I listen to soft music.
(I)-okey, and any specific language?
(P)-I listen to Punjabi and Hindi both.
(I)-which is your favourite song, from anyone?
(P)- Brown Munde(Punjabi song).
(I)-are the any more,your favourite song?
(I)-what about Hollywood genre ,the English one?
(P)-I most listen to Drake.
(I)-oh, interesting. And what about movies, any favourite one
(P)-Movies, I like Punjabi as well as Bollywood both.
(I)-(GIgglesss) completely different from your choice.
(P)-Yeah it’s different.
(I)- So as you said you spent free time in dancing, is there any thing else that
you do, some sport or any other activity?
(P)-Yeah, sometimes I play badminton.
(I)- since when you started playing badminton?
(P)-Ummm, from 8 standard.
(I)-and you still continue this?
(P)-No, because of my studies.
(I)-ohhh okay.
Are there any extra crricullar activity you used to take part.
(P)-yeah, once I have participated in sports activity.
So according to your test result you don’t prefer to stay in a group,rather than
staying alone.
(I)- So would you elaborate it more.
(P)- Yeah sure, actually I’m just a quiet person,I just want my space.That’s the
(I)-Cool!!! That’s alright!
(I)-So now let’s discuss about your schooling?
(P)-yeah sure
(I)-when did you started your school life?
(P)-I was 4 years old.
(I)- where was your first school?
(P)-I was in Chandigarh,Punjab.That was my first school.
(I)-Okay, Do you liked the study environment there on your first day?
(P)-Not that much(Giggless) because no one like their first in school.
(I)-yeah, you are right even I don’t like it first time,
can you elaborate your nature in school.
(P)-Yeah,though I was a naughty kid (Gigglesss) and I used to play everytime.
Whether the class is going or not.
(I)-Good(laughing),so did you have many friends.I guess you will say no but
still I want you to ask this.
(P)-NO(exactly)because I already said I don’t like groups.I just had 2-3 friends
at that time.
(I)-okay, so what are your favourite subjects in school?
(P)- Political Science…
(I)- and least favourite one?
(P)- Geography
(I)-ohhh, what is your stream?
(P)-I have Humanities with physical education as optional subject.
(I)-every child has it’s role model , to whom you consider your role model?
(P)-I’ll say my grand father.
(I)- can you elaborate in detail about your grand father.
(P)-I’ve seen him working hard day and night,he never gives up and he also
encourages me to do something unique.
(I)-That’s really good.So what yiu enjoy more being a part of sport or study
(P)-ahhh, being a part of sports.
(I)-that is my expected answer from your side.
(I)-are you afraid of your exams?
(P)- sometimes……
(I)-Do you feel If you have no friends in school?
(P)- NO, obviously not
(I)-Do you like the idea of more holidays of school?
(P)- yessss, offcourse
(I)-do your teachers praise you in school after scoring good marks in subjects?
(P)- whenever I get good marks in any subject my teachers get happy and wish
me for my future.
(I)-ohhh, It’s good to hear that.
Do you try to rationalise your mistake?
(P)- yes offcourse because it helps me to score good marks in subject.
(I)-okay, so how your teachers describes you, what kind of student you are.
(P)- I’m a innocent girl and quite a hardworking also(gigglesss)

(I)-So is there any that you want to change for your school?
(P)- (a small pause) NO.
(I)-So, what kinds of emotion you feel when you left your city and your
previous school.
(P)- first of all I didn’t changed my city but I changed my school ,any times in
last few year. Sometimes I remember my previous school days and it’s quite
(I)- Its good to hear that you havn’t changed your city but why you changed
your schools many times.
(P)- because the schools which I have changed are very far from my home. And
it quiet problematic to travel such far distance.
(I)-ohh, so why did you choosen those school that was far from your home.
(P)-(a small pause) Because I my locality there are no such goods schools where
I can study.
(I)- ohh, that’s okay.
(I)- do you have siblings?
(O)- I have a younger brother.
(I)-okay,,,in which class he is right now and where he goes for schooling.
(P)- he is right now in 5 and he is admitted to a boarding school.
(I)- where?
(P)- he is right now in Dehradun (Uttrakhand).
(I)- do you got often scolded at home, and by whom?
(P)-yeah, by my father.
(I)-every family has some quarrels at home. Do you also experienced such
things at home between your family members?
(P)- (a long Pause) I’m not comfortable to answer this question.
(I)- no, problem, when you are stressed would you like to share your problem
with anyone of your friend or with your family members.
(P)- yes, but not with my friends, I usually share it with my grand mother or
(I)-so tell me, is their anything you regret about or you get upset when you think
about about it?
(P)- I can’t remember right now as such problem with whom I get upset.
(I)- can you please share your best moment experience here.
(P)- yeah sure, once I won a gold medal in badminton and when we both are
together and done that car accident and a uncle called police and we just got
disappeared from there like we see in Bollywood movies. Hahahahah
(I)- yeah that was a funny moment for both of us .
(P)-yeah it was.
(I)- okay, so with this melodies memory. That was it for the interview, I hope
you had a nice experience.
(P)- yeah it was a good experience with you and our memories(giggles).and the
test result of AISS shocked me for once, I am very satisfied with my result.

(I)- okay, thank you so much for sharing everything honestly in this interview.
Have a nice day, BYE!!
(I)- you too, BYE!!!!

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