Agreement 0001

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The following parties to the contrac t agree to fully comply with the terms stated herein after.
tersebut dalam kontrak untuk m e m atu h i persya ratan seb ag ai bei kut

Name / Code MUHAMAD NUH / 6200084052

Seafarer Nationality INDONESIAN Sex MALE

Birth date 08 sEP 1969 Birth place JAKARTA


Shipowner I

Address gth Floor, Keumsegi Building, Mugyoro 6, Jung-gu, Seoul 04523, Korea


Gedung Wisma Udaya Floor 5-05, Jl Danau Sunter Selatan Blok O/lV No. 35, Sunter Jaya'
agent Address
Jakarta Utara 14350, lndonesla
* Period of employment I!2 months from the date of departure for embarkation

* Capacity in which the seafarer is to be employed Oiler on board MV. F. OCEAN (Marshall Flag)
* Wage (currency:USD)

Fixed Monthly total wage (inc. KPI)

Re-joining Monthly G.TTL
Basic wage special Leave pay SEPF
overtime bonus wage
allowance Onboard Home
allcwence Total
pay remittance

670 499 400 1.569 201 1.770 250 1 .319 10 1.780

X Re-joining bonus :$ 400 per month

X Overtime allowance :Basicwage 1173x1.25 x 103 hrs
Leave pay : Basic wage / 30 x g days
* payment date : 15th of the following month
* Exchange rate would be applied by : BANK MANDIRI
* Cost for providing meals in a ship $10 per day

1 Seafarer's employment agreements

Perj anj i an kerj a pel aut
1.1 The parties to this contract hereby stipulate that the terms and conditions taid down herein shall be subject to the applicable
"Law and Regulations of Flag State". Any dispute as to the terms and conditions of this contract shall be resolved in
accordance with the "Law and Regulations of Flag State". The applicable Law and Regulations are as follows;
Pihak-pihak yang tercantum di dalam kontrak kerja ini telah menyepakati bahwa syarat-syarat dan kondisi yang terkait di
dalamnya akan diberlakukan sesuai dengan "Peraturan dan Hukum dari Bendera Kebangsaan Kapat". Dan jika terdapat
per$elisihan atas syarat-syarat dan kondisi dari kontrak ini akan diselesaikan sesuai dengan "Peraturan dan Hukum dari
Bendera Kebangsaan Kapal". Acuan atas peraturan dan hukum bendera kebangsaan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut;
(1 ) Rep. of Marshall lslands : Maritime Law and Regulations of the Republic of the Marshall lslands
(2) Rep. of Korea : Seamen's Act in Kcrea
1.2 This agreements will be effective from the date of departure for embarkation.
Perjanjian ini akan berlaku efel<tif sejak tanggal keberangkatan naik kapat.
1.3 lf seafarer disernbarks midway of agreements period, the agreements will terminate on the date of arrival at the place of
which is the seafarer's country of residence or the place where the agreements is entered into.
Jika pelaut turun dai kapal pada peftengahan masa perjanjian, peianjian akan berakhir pada tanggal kedatangan di tempat
yang merupakan negara pelaut atau tempat perjanjian tersebut ditanda tangani.
1.4 lf the seafarer boards over the agreements period, the agreements will extend until the date of disembarkation. But the
maximum duration of boarding is limited by 12 months.
Jika pelaut diatas kapal lebih dari periode perjanjian, perjanjian akan diperpanjang sampai tanggat kepulangan. Tapi durasi
maksimum dikapal dibatasi hanya 12 bulan.
1.5 This agreement (i.e., wages and other entitlements) continues to have effect when seafarers are held captive on or off the
ship due to piracy or armed robbery. And same remains in effect until the seafarer is released and repatriated or perishes in

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