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Homework assignment 1

Coupled Problems in Functional Materials - 086520

Winter Semester 2021/22

1.Prove the following equalities for the Levi-Civita symbol

δ sm δ sn δ sp 
 
ε skt εmnp =det δkm δkn δkp  , (1)
 
δtm δtn δtp
 

ε skt ε snp = δkn δtp − δkp δtn , (2)

ε skt ε skp = 2δtp , (3)

ε skt ε skt = 6. (4)

2. Prove the following equalities for arbitrary second-rank tensors A and B

1 · A = A · 1 = A, (5)

detA = ε stp εi jk A si At j A pk , (6)
det A−1 = (detA)−1 , (7)

(A · B)−1 = B−1 · A−1 , (8)

 T  −1
A−1 = AT , (9)

tr (A · B) = AT : B. (10)

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