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Comparison of simple and pure shear for an incompressible isotropic hyperelastic material under large

BY D.C. Moreira and L.C.S. Nunes
The main goal of the study was to compare these two states of deformation (small and large) by means of
experimental and theoretical approaches.
The author claims that in the present work, experimental and analytical analyses of simple and pure shear were
developed considering large deformations. One to determine simple shear deformation, while the other was used to
determine pure shear. The amounts of shear and stretch were achieved by means of the digital image correlation
method-which is used by marking points and following their progression on the specimen. The author analysed stress-
stretch relations for both cases, taking into consideration classical constitutive models. The shear stress-stretch
relations for simple and pure shear were compared assuming the statement proposed by Treloar. In the case of
tangential stress, the divergence between simple and pure shear occurs for deformation larger than 30%. Furthermore,
the relationship between the principal stresses and principal stretches was also investigated, showing a divergence
between simple and pure shear, mainly for large stretch values. In order to support the results, the shear modulus was
evaluated by means of the Ogden model, showing the same value for both cases.
The results indicated, overall, that simple shear cannot be considered as pure shear combined with a rotation when
large deformation is assumed, as widely considered in literature.
Yahav Hazut-322826256

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