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Name: Ravid Cohen

ID: 209423342 Coupled Problems in Functional Materials – Reading Assignment

Late Submission was accepted by Prof. Galich

The paper1 reviews how elastic instabilities and shear wave propagation in hyperelastic 3D fiber
composites (FCs) with periodic rectangular arrays of cylindrical fibers are influenced by fiber
arrangement. The writers of the paper take a micromechanics based approach and deriving phase and
group shear waves velocities in the long wave limit. This makes the terms of the volume fractions and
material properties constituents’ obtainable. It was found out that phase and group velocities are highly
sensitive on the applied deformation and wave propagation direction.

Moreover, by using Bloch’s theorem and implementing it into a finite element code, it was found out
that an essential dispersion phenomenon for propagating shear waves along finitely deformed 3D
periodic fiber-reinforced materials fibers, and that the appearance of the dispersion phenomenon and
the corresponding wavelengths can be tuned by material composition and deformation.

To sum up, long shear waves are independent of the fiber arrangement, shear waves with wavelengths
being comparable to the characteristic lengths of the FC are significantly affected by the fiber
arrangement, and (iii) short shear waves are affected only slightly by the fiber arrangement.

Galich, P. I., Slesarenko, V., and Rudykh, S., 2017, “Shear Wave Propagation in Finitely Deformed 3D Fiber-Reinforced
Composites,” Int. J. Solids Struct., 110– 111, pp. 294–304.

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