1st Term Test Practice

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1st Term Test Practice - Part1


1. Study the way you say below things in French.

• How do you spell it/write it?

• How do you say in English ‘Le souris?

• How do you say in French ‘the file’?

Select the correct question from above to each answer below.
a) _________________________________________?
On dit ‘the file’

b) __________________________________________?

c) ___________________________________________?
On dit ‘the mouse’ (6 marks)

Prepared by : Patalee Amarakoon

2. Do calculations in French.

six + cinq = ………………..

Dix-sept + deux = ……………
Vingt - cinq = ……………………
Douze – six = ………………….
Quatre X deux = ………………….
Seize –huit = …………………..
Dix-sept – sept = ………….
(6 marks)
3. Days.
Monday – ……………………….
Friday – ……………………………
Saturday –………………………..
Sunday - …………………………..
Thursday - …………………………..
Tuesday - …………………………….
Wednesday - ………………………….. (7 marks)

Prepared by : Patalee Amarakoon

4. Remplissez le nombre qui manque. (Fill in the missing number)

cinq, dix, ……….., vingt

Seize,………………,dix-huit, dix-neuf
deux, quatre, six,…………….
quinze, quatorze,……………,douze
un,trois, cinq,………….
…………… , six , neuf (6marks)

5. Suivant les instructions au dessous faites un dialogue entre Anna et Liam.

(Following the instructions below, make a dialogue between Anna and Liam.)
-Greet each other and ask how do you do
-Ask the name and reply
-Ask how old are you from each other and reply
-Ask where they live from each other and reply


( 10 marks)

Prepared by : Patalee Amarakoon

6) Mettez l’article indefini.

Il y a _________ poubelle Il y a ____________règles

Il y a _________livre Il y a ____________ cartable
Il y a __________ cahier Il y a ____________ ordinateurs
Il y a__________ gomme Il y a ____________ feutre

7) Mettez au pluriel et écrivez en Anglais. (Make plural and write in English)

Un baladeur ______________________

Un bic ______________________

Une porte ______________________

Un taille crayon __________________

Une portable ______________________


Prepared by : Patalee Amarakoon

Prepared by : Patalee Amarakoon

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