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Name: FAITH (PAS) December 2 nd,2021 1

Write down the name of the 12 disciples according to the initial letter given to you! 




What did Jesus equip the disciples to do? Write 4 things from Luke 9: 1-2!

How can we grow in our faith in Jesus?

Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is false.

Name: FAITH (PAS) December 2 nd,2021 2

1. Before Jesus called him, Matthew was a tax collector.

2. James responded to Jesus’ calling by leaving his jobs and followed Him.
3. Fisher of men is a person who keeps God’s love only for him/herself.
4. We can know God’s Word if we watch TV frequently.
5. Peter is also known as Simon.
6. Fellowship means sharing similar experiences and friendship.
7. Making a time commitment has a different meaning with spending time with Jesus.
8. The disciples can heal the sick people using their own power.
9. The first four books of the Old Testament are called Gospels
10. We can grow in our faith by studying in the class.
11. The disciples of Jesus are also known as apostles.

Complete the blank with the best answer from the word bank. You have to write down your answers
on the right side of the table.

fishers of men             Andrew                pray             good news          followers

                       Gospel            fishermen            called                   James                twelve

          Hi, I am Jourdan. Today, I want to share a story about Jesus’ calling His disciples. Disciple means
1) _____________. As you all know, Jesus had 2) ___________ disciples with different backgrounds. Do
you know what is amazing about the story? Okay, let me tell you. 
          So, Jesus came to those men and 3) __________ them one by one. The first four of them are
Peter and his brother named 
4) ___________, John and his brother named 5) ______________. They worked as 6) _____________
but Jesus said to them that He wanted them to be 7) _______________. After calling them, Jesus also
chose another eight to be His disciples.
         Being disciples, Jesus taught them and spent time with them. Jesus also gave examples about how
to 8) ___________ and share the 9) _____________. Yes, that’s true! God’s love for the world is actually
the main point Jesus wanted the people to know. That’s why we call it the 10) ______________.

family              Holy Spirit              preach             transform         signs and wonders

            demons                 ministry               heal                   believe                  equip

          Now, let me continue the story. Being disciples of Jesus was not easy because they had to leave
everything behind, for example: 1) ____________, friends and jobs. However, they didn’t need to be
worried. Jesus promised to provide all the needs. 
          Jesus will also 2) ___________ His disciples so that they can be ready for the 3) ____________.
By the power of the 
4) ______________, the disciples will have the authority to cast out 5) __________, 6) _________ the
Name: FAITH (PAS) December 2 nd,2021 3

sick, 7) ___________ the Kingdom of God, as well as do 8) ______________. What a great chance they
          My conclusion is God will not let someone stay as he/she is. Whenever we 9) ___________ in
Jesus, He through Holy Spirit will
10) ____________ our life and we won’t be the same.

Give the correct answer to the crossword based on the information!

1 Matthew is one of Jesus’ disciples who worked as a _________ before Jesus called him. (Matthew 9:9)
2 When Jesus called Peter and his friends, Jesus told them to follow Him because they would no longer
become a fisherman but they would be a ________________. (Matthew 4:19)
3 How many fishermen did Jesus call to be His first disciples? 
4 We can get to know God and grow in our faith by reading our _________ everyday.
5 Jesus gives the authority to the disciples to cast out __________ and set people free. 
   (Luke 9:1)
6 When someone believes in Jesus, he can be changed from a bad person into a good one. The synonym
for the word “change” is _____________. 
7 God didn’t want us to be selfish and think only of ourselves. That’s why Jesus taught us to
______________ God and others and then we could grow in our faith.
8 He is the disciple who doubted Jesus and would only believe that Jesus was raised from death after he
saw Jesus’ scars. (John 20:24-29)
9He is the brother of Peter. Who is he?
10 The disciples can do signs and wonders by the power of the ____________.
11 When the disciples prayed for the sick people, they will be __________ in the name of Jesus. (Acts
12 This word has the meaning of “react or answer”. What is that?
13 The disciples were equipped to preach the good news to the people. What is the synonym of the good
14 The other name of Peter. 
15 Name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus is ____________. (Matthew 26:14-16)

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

1. God will be sad if our prayer is short and not using beautiful words.
2. When we face problems and hard decisions we need to be wise.
3. We can only pray in the church.
4. The rain and wind represent blessings in our life.
5. Submission means a state of having yielded to authority.
6. The storm only struck the house built on sand.
7. Jesus is the rock because we can only be safe when we depend on Jesus.
8. Parable has the same meaning as a fairy tale.
Name: FAITH (PAS) December 2 nd,2021 4

9. The foolish man is a person who builds his life on temporary things, such as money, fame, and his
own strength.
10. The most important thing about going to God is the condition of your heart.
11. The house in the parable represents the believers’ life.
12. Prayer is the way to get what we want.
13. When we pray, we should praise and honor Him first before we ask for our needs.
14. It is okay not to forgive our friends when they make mistakes.
15. We can get temptation from ourselves.

II. Complete the blank with the best answer from the word bank.
foundation wise builders sand foolish
rock crash wind rain strong

Hi. It’s me, Leon! I just finished listening to a sermon, which tells me about the parable of two
1) ……………... The two men were trying to build their house. The first one built his house on the 2)
……………... while the other chose to build his house on 3) ……………... Yeayyy! Finally the
houses were done. I just imagine that they were spending time enjoying their house after doing so
much effort to build it. 
However, the situation suddenly changed when the problems came, including the 4)
……………... which came down, the stream that rose, and the 5) ……………... that blew and beat
against their houses. Do you know what happened to their houses after the problem came? 
The first house was standing 6) ……………... in the middle of the storm because it was built
on a firm 7) ……………... Unfortunately, the house built on sand fell with a great
8) ……………... This parable is actually an illustration about the way people choose to live their life. 
Jesus said that if we listen to His Word and put it into practice, we are the same as the 9)
……………... man who built the house on the rock. On the other hand, we will experience a bad
result if we build our life carelessly. Jesus also said that the 10) ……………... man is the one who
hears God’s Word and never does it. He just listens but never acts it out. Wooww… What a deep
insight I get from this parable!
I want to live my life according to His Word. I want to always listen and obey His Word. What
about you, guys?

Do as instructed.
1. What does God equip you to handle the storm?
2. Why is prayer so important in our life?
3. Believers should pray with an attitude of submission. Submission means a state of having yielded to
authority. Please explain the meaning of the sentence.
4. Why Scriptures do not teach us the preferred physical posture to pray.
Name: FAITH (PAS) December 2 nd,2021 5

5. Why should we praise and thank God during difficult circumstances?

6. God does not promise believers an easy and comfortable life. What is God’s promise instead?
7. Write down 5 priorities God wants Christians to set up in life.
8. Give a label for each story with the suitable priority described.
a. Mary always starts her day by reading God’s Word. She always believes that she will get strength and
wisdom from God’s Word. What is the priority shown in Mary’s life?

b. Michael tells something bad about Ashley to their friends and all of them believe it. Unfortunately, the
news is totally wrong. Michael is telling a lie. Ashley was hurtful because of Michael but she knows God
doesn’t want her to hate other people. She cries but she decides to forgive Michael. She chose to follow
God’s instructions above her feelings. What is the priority shown in Ashley’s life?

c. Jesus is the Son of God. He preached and taught people about living as believers of God. Jesus never
forgot to spend time alone with God. He would go to a solitary place to pray. Staying connected to God will
make His strength renew. What is the priority shown in Jesus’ life?

d. Charlie was sad at that time. He dreamed about being a successful businessman. However, he faced
many problems and his idea was rejected by many people. He cried and just thought that maybe his idea
was not good enough to be successful. Fortunately, his crushed spirit didn’t continue because he had
fellow believers who came to him and encouraged him to try. Peter was his name. Peter gave support,
encouragement and even wanted to pray with Charlie so God will bless Charlie’s plan. In the next few
years, after a lot of struggles, Charlie can be a successful business as he dreamed. What is the priority
shown in Charlie and Peter’s life?

e. Jourdan realizes that he has a loving and caring God. God gives so many blessings in his life. Even in
difficult situations, God always comforts him. Jourdan wants to give praise to God in every situation he
experiences. He knows he can only be grateful because of the wonderful and faithful God he has. What is
the priority shown in Jourdan’s life?

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