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Module 3 Lesson 3

Prepared by: Gazelle V. Aristorenas, CPU SHS

At the end of the lesson, you will have been to:

› Differentiate thesis statement, topic sentence, and

supporting details from one another;

› Write a thesis statement effectively;

› Write a topic sentence effectively;
› Write supporting details effectively; and
› Write your 2nd Quarter Performance Task.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 2

pp. 157-158

Warming Up!
› Read and analyze the sentences in the table on the
next slide.

› Which sentences in each box on Column 2 are related

to items (a) and (b) respectively in Column 1?
Differentiate them using colored underlines.

› Then, in each box on Column 3, identify the sentences

that are related to the respective items in Column 2.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 4

Warming Up!
pp. 157-158

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

a) The city has an average temperature of 24 °C, 2.6 °C lower than the
average temperature in the Philippines.
a) The magnificent landscape of the city
b) Taal Volcano can be seen from Tagaytay.
is a sight to see.
c) The placid lake surrounding the volcano also provides a breathtaking
b) Tagaytay has a cooler climate than
most of the cities in the country.
a) Tagaytay is an
enthralling city in d) It has an average humidity of 78% whereas nearby Metro Manila
the South which goes beyond 81%.
attracts both local a) The natives welcome tourists with a smile.
and foreign a) One of the city’s main characteristics
tourists. is the warm nature of its people. b) Locals readily help and assist visitors who come into the city.
b) Tagaytay is b) The geographic location of the city is c) Tagaytay lies in the Tagaytay Ridge. Which is actually the edge of
different from the different from the other cities on the the Taal Caldera.
cities in Luzon in plains.
terms of climate d) Unlike cities on plains, it is located on an elevated ground.
and geography. a) The city is known for the soothing warmth of its bulalo.
a) The city’s high elevation also results b) It is relatively cooler from December to February.
in a slightly different temperature.
c) Tourists also flock to Tagaytay for its delicacies.
b) It is known for its sumptuous food.
d) The city also has a larger chance of being covered in mist due to its
position on top of the ridge. 5
p. 121

Components of a Text

Paragraph Essay
✓Organized around a topic sentence ✓ Organized around a thesis statement

✓ Contains an introductory sentence ✓ Contains an introductory paragraph

✓Uses sentences to explain major points ✓ Uses paragraphs to explain major points

✓ May use a concluding sentence ✓ Always uses a concluding paragraph

Prepared by: GVAristorenas

p. 121

Components of a Text

Paragraph Essay
✓Organized around a topic sentence ✓ Organized around a thesis statement

✓ Contains an introductory sentence ✓ Contains an introductory paragraph

✓Uses sentences to explain major points ✓ Uses paragraphs to explain major points

✓ May use a concluding sentence ✓ Always uses a concluding paragraph

Prepared by: GVAristorenas

p. 122

Components of a Text


❖ Introduction

❖ Body

❖ Conclusion

Prepared by: GVAristorenas

p. 159

Thesis Statement
› the central idea of a multiple-paragraph composition

› a one-sentence summary that guides, controls, and

unifies ideas when writing a paper

› All ideas in a composition, revolve

around the thesis statement.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 10

p. 160

Thesis Statement
› Unlike a topic or a title, a thesis statement uses a
complete sentence.

“Necessity of a college education”

“College education is important.”

“Getting a college degree is important for

personal and professional growth.”

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 11

p. 160

Thesis Statement
› One way to generate a thesis statement is by asking a

 Topic: Jogging

 Question: Why is jogging beneficial?

 Thesis Statement:
Jogging is beneficial because it positively
affects physical and mental health .

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 12

p. 160

Thesis Statement
 Topic: Tagaytay City
Implied or
 Question: abstract details

1) Is Tagaytay City an enthralling city of the South?

2) Why is Tagaytay City an enthralling city of the South?
Explicit and
 Thesis Statement: concrete details

1) Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South.

2) Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South because of
its beautiful landscape, amazing people, and
sumptuous food.
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 13
p. 161

Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

1) It should be written in a complete sentence with a clearly
stated subject.

 Computers are helpful tools ✓ Computers can help
in teaching research. effectively impart the lesson
and research information.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 14

p. 161

Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

2) It should NOT be too narrow or too broad, and it should
contain at least two (2) details.
 Many events in the history of ✓ In the history of the Philippines,
the Philippines contributed to People Power I was one of the
the changes in the country. major events which changed our
(Too broad  general statements) country, especially its culture,
structure, and politics. (explicit)
 People Power I involved many ✓ People Power I can be compared to
Filipinos who wanted freedom the revolution during the Spanish
from Martial Law. (Too narrow period, as it sprang from our
 too specific, already definite countrymen’s conscious need for
examples) freedom against tyranny. (implied)
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 15
p. 161

Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

3) Avoid an awkward thesis statement which states the
obvious. These usually start with the phrase “I will tell
you…” or “I will talk about….”

 I will tell you about how the ✓ An increase in the number
increase in the number of of squatters in Metro Manila
squatters in Metro Manila can be attributed to the
can be attributed to the effects of overpopulation
effects of overpopulation and gentrification.
and gentrification.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 16

p. 162

Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

4) Enumerated details should have the same level of
significance. If one of the details can be classified under
another detail, you can omit it.

 Overseas Filipino Workers ✓ Overseas Filipino Workers
(OFW) help raise the (OFW) help raise the
country’s economy, add country’s economy and
more revenues, and promote the hospitality of
promote the hospitality of Filipinos.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 17

p. 162

Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

5) It should NOT state an absolute fact, because it will not
present any central idea that can be developed further. It
should have a point instead.

 Rizal Park is located in ✓ Rizal Park, which is located
Manila. in Manila, is a reminder of
our nationalism and

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 18

p. 164

Topic Sentence
› guides, controls, and unifies ideas in a paragraph

› It develops the thesis statement's arguments (or

the details).

› It can either be explicitly or

implicitly stated.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 26

Topic Sentence
› An explicit topic sentence can be found in four (4)
different locations in the paragraph:
1) At the beginning;
Topic Sentence
Constructing a wedding cake is a complicated process. Before any
baking takes place, the size of the cake and the decorative design to be
used must be determined. Then the layers are baked. Once the layers are
cooled, same-size pairs are matched and frosted. Since large wedding
cakes are surprisingly heavy, half-inch dowel rods must be measured,
cut, and carefully driven into the bottom layers. These wooden posts
provide hidden support for the weighty upper layers. When all the layers
are set in place, flowers, garlands and leaves of frosting are added.
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 27

Topic Sentence
› An explicit topic sentence can be found in four (4)
different locations in the paragraph:
2) In the middle;
When a camera flash is used in a low-light environment, the subject's
eyes may appear red in the finished photograph. What is known as "red-
eye" is the result of light from the flash reflecting off the pupils of the
eyes. The phenomenon of red-eye can be lessened by using the red-eye
Topic Sentence reduction feature found on many SLR cameras. This feature activates a
lamp which shines a small light directly into the subject's eyes. When
this happens, the diameter of the pupil is reduced, thus tightening the
opening in the iris. Since a smaller pupil means a smaller host for the
Details reflection, the chances of red-eye occurring are greatly reduced.
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 28

Topic Sentence
› An explicit topic sentence can be found in four (4)
different locations in the paragraph:
3) At the end;
Details People do it everyday. They log on to their favorite website and browse
for hours, checking out bargains. They dump every possible wish into
their shopping carts, knowing they can cast each one aside before they
finalize their purchases. On the way, they may enter a sweepstakes in
the hopes of winning a trip to Cabo San Lucas, or maybe even a new
SUV. And then, when they have decided on their purchases, they enter
private information without giving it a thought. With a keystroke, they
release their personal data into what may or may not be a secure zone.
Topic Sentence
Despite what much of the public believes, internet shopping is not safe.
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 29

Topic Sentence
› An explicit topic sentence can be found in four (4)
different locations in the paragraph:
3) At the beginning and end.
Topic Sentence
Throwing a clay pot, the age old art of making pottery on a wheel, is a
process that requires many steps. The first step toward the finished
product is wedging the clay. Here, the potter kneads the clay to prepare
it for throwing. Wedging cannot be rushed. Once wedged and formed
into a ball, the clay is thrown onto the center of a potter's wheel. Now
the material must be centered. Centering not only takes strength but
time as well. When correctly centered, the clay is ready to be opened
and shaped. Once the shaping is completed, the pot is ready to be dried,
fired, and glazed. Thus, even though a clay pot may appear simple to
Topic Sentence
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS
make, fashioning one by hand is a long and sometimes tedious process. 30

Topic Sentence
› An explicit topic sentence can be found in four (4)
different locations in the paragraph:

Topic Sentence Topic Sentence

Details Details

Topic Sentence

Details Details Topic Sentence Topic Sentence

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 31

p. 164

Topic Sentence

 Topic: Jogging
 Question: Why is jogging beneficial?

 Thesis Statement: Jogging is beneficial because it

positively affects physical and mental health .

Topic Sentences: 1st point paragraph

1) Jogging positively impacts one’s physical wellness by

preventing hypertension and diseases.
2) Another benefit of jogging is that it maintains mental
fitness. 32
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 2nd point paragraph
p. 164

Topic Sentence
 Topic: Tagaytay City
 Question: Why is Tagaytay City an enthralling city of
the South?
 Thesis Statement: Tagaytay City is an enthralling
city of the South because of its beautiful landscape , delicious
food, and amazing people.

Topic Sentences:
1) Tagaytay City attracts tourists with its magnificent landscape.
2) People go back to Tagaytay for its delicious food and specialties.
3) The warmth of the city’s amazing people is another reason why
Tagaytay is alluring.
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 33
p. 165

Writing an Effective Topic Sentence

1) It should follow the basics already discussed in the
thesis statement.

a) It must be written in a complete sentence and with a

clear subject.

b) It should not be phrased awkwardly, and it should not

state the obvious.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 35

p. 165

Writing an Effective Topic Sentence

2) It should contain one (1) detail related to or is presented
in the thesis statement.

Rizal Park, which is located in Manila, is a reminder of our nationalism and revolution.

 Rizal Park features a statue of Jose ✓ Rizal Park, which features a statue
Rizal and is also known as Luneta of Jose Rizal, stands as a reminder
Park. of the Filipinos who sparked the
revolution and launched our fight
for freedom.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 36

p. 165

Writing an Effective Topic Sentence

3) It should vary in structure across paragraphs. (A uniform
structure might be monotonous to read.) Varying the
structure enables you to stress important parts.

1) Exercise has physical benefits. 1) An obvious benefit of exercise is a
2) Exercise has mental benefits. stronger physique and immunity.
3) Exercise has emotional benefits. 2) Exercise also improves mental health.
3) Finally, exercise positively impacts our
emotional well-being.

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 37

p. 165

Writing an Effective Topic Sentence

4) If the composition is one (1) paragraph, the topic sentence
should be straightforward.

 Many times, in many places, and ✓ Language should not be seen as a
across cultures, language is uses as dividing force but as a tool to
a dividing force and point of promote unity in diversity across
difference when in fact it is a major cultures.
factor that can promote unity in

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 38

p. 167

Supporting Details
› These details are pieces of information necessary to
better understand the main idea.

› The can be acts, reasons, testimonies,

statistics, and experiments that
support the topic sentence.

› Two levels: major details and minor


Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 45

p. 167

Supporting Details
› Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South because of its stunning
landscape, hospitable people, and delicious foods. The city has a
magnificent scenery that never fails to capture the awe of its
visitors. One major tourist spot that exudes the beauty of Tagaytay
is Taal Volcano, the smallest volcano in the world. The lake
which surrounds it is another attraction that cannot be missed. The
city is also characterized by the warmth of its people, the
Caviteños. They bring them their smiles as they welcome both
local and foreign visitors. Aside from these, Tagaytay is also
known for its sumptuous native foods. Tourists who drop by the
city make it a point to try Tagaytay’s famous bulalo and other
Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 46
Any questions?

Prepared by: GVAristorenas, CPU SHS 48

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