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Name : __________________________ Year: 4 A / B Date: _____________


Heat Energy and Water Cycles

SECTION A- Fill in the blanks in Column B with answers from Column C:


1. The instrument used to measure


2. This material is a good conductor thermometer

of heat
3. A kind of energy that allows us to
see condensation

4. The process when water changes

from liquid to solid state light energy

5. Cars and aeroplanes use this as a freezing

source of energy
(5 marks)

SECTION B- Write TRUE for correct statement, and FALSE incorrect statement:

1. Water is boiling at 0 °C. _________

2. Water vapour is water in a gas state. _________

3. Rubbing your hands changes movement energy to heat energy. _________

4. Sound energy is a form of energy that gives out heat. _________

5. Putting ice in hot water involves heat gain. _________

(5 marks)

SECTION C- Choose and CIRCLE THE LETTER for the best correct answer:

1. Which of the following involves heat gain?

A) Keeping a bottle of water into the fridge
B) Rubbing your palms together
C) The condensation process

2. The _____________________ is the most important source of heat and light energy.
A) Thermometer
B) Sun
C) Kettle

3. Which of the following uses electrical energy to produce heat energy?

A) B) C)

4. Look at all the objects below.

State in what way is the objects similar?

A) They uses electrical energy

B) They produce heat and light energy
C) They produce light and sound energy

5. Water will change to __________ state when kept in the freezer for few hours.
A) solid
B) liquid
C) gaseous

6. Look at the picture below. What is the property of part labelled “x”?
A) poor conductor of heat x
B) good conductor of heat
C) made of metal

7. Which one of the following objects is a good conductor of heat?

A) A kitchen towel
B) A glass jug
C) A metal spoon

8. Look at the picture of the 3 objects below.

Choose from the box below, the reasons why the objects above are grouped together?

1. because they need electrical energy

2. because they produce heat energy

3. because they are poor conductors of heat

A) 1 and 2 only
B) 2 and 3 only
C) 3 only

9. The Sun, electricity and burning fuels are ___________________.
A) sources of light energy
B) sources of stored energy
C) sources of heat energy

10. From the list below, which best describes evaporation?

A) it causes water to boil
B) it happens at any temperature
C) it produces water droplets

11. Describe the change of state of water involves during boiling.

A) liquid to solid
B) solid to liquid
C) liquid to gas

12. There is __________ energy in the food that we eat.

A) stored
B) electrical
C) light

13. In the diagram below, name process Y.

A) evaporation
B) condensation
C) freezing

14. Describe the energy change that takes place in the diagram below.

A) electrical energy to heat energy

B) movement energy to light energy
C) stored energy to movement energy

15. The thermometers below show the temperatures inside and outside a window one day in
winter. Choose the most correct sentence that best describes them.

A) temperature inside is colder then outside

B) temperature outside is colder than inside
C) temperature is the same both outside and inside

(15 marks)

SECTION D- Answer all the questions:

1. For each of the situation below, state the energy changes taking place.

Situation Energy Changes

a) ___________________  ___________________
energy energy

___________________  ___________________
energy energy

___________________  ___________________
energy energy

2. State the temperature of the thermometers below:

(a) (b) (c)

_________ oC _________ oC _________ oF

3. Adib has a satay stall. He sells satay every night at Pasar Malam.

(a) Name the most important source of heat energy.


(b) Name the source of heat that he needs to make satay.


(c) State 3 electrical items that use electricity to produce heat.

i. ___________________ ii. ___________________ iii. ___________________

4. Fill in the blanks below, stating the states of water and the process.

evaporation / freezing / melting / condensation

gas / solid / liquid

a) b)

i) ii) iii)

ice water steam

d) c)

******************* END OF PAPER *******************


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