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Anesthesia for 

and Maxillofacial
Hong Jiang
Ming Xia

Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial
Hong Jiang  •  Ming Xia

Anesthesia for Oral

and Maxillofacial
Hong Jiang Ming Xia
Department of Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiology
Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine University School of Medicine
Shanghai, China Shanghai, China

ISBN 978-981-19-7286-7    ISBN 978-981-19-7287-4 (eBook)

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1 History
 of Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia ������������������������������   1
Hong Jiang
2 Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy����������������������������������������������������   7
Ming Xia
3 Characteristics
 of Patients Undergoing Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery����������������������������������������������������������������������  27
Ming Xia
4 Medical
 Risk Management of Anesthesia for
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery������������������������������������������������������  49
Ming Xia
5 Recognition
 and Management of the Difficult Airway ����������������  53
Hong Jiang
6 General
 Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery����������������������������������������������������������������������  71
Ming Xia
7 Local
 Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery����������������������������������������������������������������������  83
Xi Chen and Jian Cao
8 Conscious Sedation and Analgesia ������������������������������������������������  91
Ming Xia
9 C
 omplications Associated with Anesthesia:
In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ������������������������������������������������ 125
Ming Xia
10 Anesthesia
 for Outpatient Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery���������������������������������������������������������������������� 145
Jue Jiang
11 Anesthesia
 for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery���������������� 155
Yu Sun
12 Anesthesia
 for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and
Neck Infections �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167
Jie Chen

vi Contents

13 Anesthesia
 for Oral Maxillofacial and Neck Trauma ������������������ 177
Shuang Cao
14 Anesthesia
 for Pediatric Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery���������������������������������������������������������������������� 189
Jingjie Li
15 Anesthesia
 for Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery in the Elderly �������������������������������������������������������������������� 211
Jingjie Li
16 Anesthesia
 for Oral and Maxillofacial
Head and Neck Tumor�������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Yu Sun and Ming Xia
17 Anesthesia
 for Orthognathic Surgery�������������������������������������������� 245
Rong Hu
18 Anesthesia
 for Nasal and Antral Surgery�������������������������������������� 257
Jingjie Li
19 Perianesthesia Monitoring�������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Ming Xia
20 Postoperative
 Pain Management in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery���������������������������������������������������������������������� 283
Ming Xia
21 Oral
 and Maxillofacial Surgical Intensive Care Unit ������������������ 293
Ming Xia
22 Nursing
 Considerations for Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgical Patient�������������������������������������������������������� 301
Yuelai Yang
23 Application
 of Artificial Intelligence in Oral and
Maxillofacial Anesthesia������������������������������������������������������������������ 327
Ming Xia

Jian  Cao  Department of Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Shanghai

Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School
of Medicine, Shanghai, China
Shuang  Cao Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s
Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,
Shanghai, China
Jie Chen  Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Xi Chen  Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Rong Hu  Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Hong  Jiang Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s
Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,
Shanghai, China
Jue Jiang  Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Jingjie Li  Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Yu  Sun  Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Ming  Xia Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
Yuelai Yang  Department of Intensive Care Unit, Shanghai Ninth People’s
Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,
Shanghai, China

History of Oral and Maxillofacial
Anesthesia 1
Hong Jiang

1.1 History of Oral Anesthesia Anesthesia did not emerge until the mod-
ern medicine began to develop. The discovery
Published discussions about anesthesia for oral of surgical anesthetics in the modern era was
and maxillofacial surgery have been rare in recent originally linked to inhaled anesthetics [2]. By
years. However, dental anesthesia was an impor- the end of the eighteenth century, a number of
tant subject as the history of anesthesia was gases had been identified and could be produced
almost overlapped with the development of oral relatively reliably. Scientist Joseph Priestley had
anesthesia. Therefore, in this chapter, the author identified nitrous oxide in 1773. Humphry Davy,
will systematically introduce the history of anes- his apprentice, was interested in that gas as well,
thesia for oral and maxillofacial surgery. yet he failed to publicize the beneficial quality
The pain in the mouth and head has tortured of the gas.
human beings since their existence. That pain By the mid-eighteenth century, as chemistry
may be caused by tooth decay or surgery in oral progressed, “modern” anesthesia dawned. The
and maxillofacial region. Before anesthesia tech- American dentist Horace Wells in 1844 noticed
niques were invented, it was common to pull out and suggested that volatile gases, such as nitrous
bad teeth without any form of analgesia or anes- oxide, could be inhaled and used for medical
thesia, and avoiding the suffer of pulling teeth has and dental anesthesia [3]. He tested the effect
been attempted all the time. For example, alco- himself and found that while extracting a tooth
hol, hemp, poppy, henbane, and mandrake have with the inhalation of nitrous oxide, he did not
been used to alleviate pain [1]. However, with feel any pain. However, when he chose to dem-
contemporary knowledge, we knew that all these onstrate the anesthetic efficacy of nitrous oxide,
chemicals or herbs were poisonous and could he failed. Later, William Thomas Green Morton
barely alleviate pain. As more scientific advances learned from Wells and also Charles T. Jackson,
were achieved, techniques such as using cold, a chemist and physician. After successfully anes-
pressure, and hypnotism were embraced. Some thetized a pet dog by giving it ether, he found an
of them have been used till today. Yet, these were opportunity to publicly demonstrate his findings
not anesthesia and could never replace people’s on 16 October, 1846 by using ether anesthesia
demand for all kinds of anesthesia. in the auditorium of the Massachusetts General
Hospital to help Collins Warren, the chief sur-
H. Jiang (*) geon, to remove a patient’s submaxillary gland
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth tumors painlessly. It was a well-known and suc-
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong cessful demonstration. The term “anesthesia”
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 1
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
2 H. Jiang

was suggested by another Boston physician, Ivan Magill revolutionized head and neck sur-
Oliver Wendell Holmes, in a letter to Morton on gery, and his contribution to the field of oral anes-
21 November, 1846 [4]. The name was adopted, thesia can be seen in the comment that he “made
announcing the beginning of anesthetic age. the ventilator more like the present ventilator,
Early anesthetics came into use in different the laryngoscope more like the present laryn-
areas. Whereas, early anesthesia was unpleasant goscope, and anesthesia more like the present
and unpredictable for the patient. Early anesthe- anesthesia” [6]. He invented the Magill apparatus
sia provided pain relief for the patient, but there and the Magill laryngoscope, and successfully
were greater risks associated with dosage and introduced tracheal intubation and laryngoscopy
treatment issues. A sponge was placed in a glass into everyday surgical anesthesia, solving the
vessel, into which ether was dripped, and then problem of not having free access to the face and
held it to the patient’s face. The evaporation of mouth during surgery. Since then, tracheal intu-
the ether caused a decrease in the temperature of bation has been widely used in complex surgery,
the glass and thus a risk of burning the skin. effectively improving the safety and operability
In late 1847, an Edinburgh obstetrician, James of surgery.
Young Simpson, successfully used chloroform The introduction of barbiturates, benzodiaz-
for the relief of labor pain. In 1855, the German epines and synthetic opioids in the 1830s further
chemist Gaedicke extracted Erythroxylon from reduced the risks of anesthesia. The early twenti-
coca leaves. Four years later, the Austrian chemist eth century saw the rapid development of inhala-
Niemann purified and refined cocaine. Because tion anesthesia, which was highly dependent on
of its good anesthetic effect and penetration, the expertise of the physician and involved many
cocaine was used in clinical anesthesia by Dr. uncontrollable risks. The introduction of intrave-
William Holsted in 1885 [5]. In the nineteenth nous anesthetic drugs increased the physician’s
century, general anesthesia was no longer the control over anesthetic drugs.
only option for oral surgery, with the introduction Robert Macintosh was the first professor of
of cocaine, procaine, cinchocaine, and lidocaine. anesthesia outside the USA and developed aca-
Although local anesthesia was not widespread in demic training for anesthetists. He had been
the USA and the United Kingdom at the time, devoted to make anesthesia safer and simpler. He
general anesthesia, such as nitrous oxide and invented a laryngoscope, named after himself—
ether, which had been used earlier in dental sur- the Macintosh laryngoscope, which was still
gery, was gradually replaced by local anesthesia widely used today. It was fair to say that the rapid
for tooth extraction or oral surgery. However, due expansion of anesthesia during the Second World
to the lack of sedation in local anesthesia, there War was made possible by a combination of
was still a high risk of patient fainting or cerebral rapid growth in medical cases, increased training
infarction or sudden heart attack during surgery, opportunities for doctors and the development
so there was still a need to find a drug or method and production of new drugs and equipment.
that addresses both analgesia and sedation. The establishment of the National Health
Both ether and chloroform were risky to use Service (NHS) in the UK and the creation of a
and need to be given under the supervision of specialist department at the Royal College of
a surgeon or doctors who practiced anesthesia. Surgeons in London and the appointment of
Nitrous oxide was relatively simple and safe senior anesthetists as consultants led to substan-
to use, so it became the biggest contributor to tial progress in the recruitment of specialist anes-
the spread of anesthesia. By the late nineteenth thetists and the advancement of the anesthetic
century, the role of the anesthetist was taken up profession as a whole. The abundance of staff
by a full-time physician practitioner in order to boosted anesthetic research and the development
reduce the risk of accidents, providing a solid of drugs and techniques, such as muscle relax-
step toward specialization in the discipline of ants, lidocaine, and other new inhalants to meet
anesthesia. the need for sedation in surgical anesthesia. The
1  History of Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia 3

anesthetists no longer worked for the surgeons 1.2 History of Oral Anesthesia
and their duties were divided. By keeping the in China
patient’s airway open, but also away from the
surgical area, they worked alongside the surgeons As an integral part of surgery, anesthesia encom-
to reduce morbidity and mortality during surgery passes the preparation, treatment, and monitoring
and to provide a more effective and safe proce- of the entire perioperative period. Modern anes-
dure for the patient. thesia is a comprehensive discipline that can be
Victor Goldman, along with Stanley divided into clinical anesthesiology, resuscitation
Drumond-­Jackson and Adrian Hubell, introduced and intensive monitoring and treatment, pain
Hexabarbital to intravenous anesthesia in clinical management, and among others. With a short his-
oral surgery [7]. The use of general anesthesia tory of about 160 years, modern oral anesthesia,
was regulated in the 1970s due to the side effects as an emerging discipline, has had an even shorter
and risks associated with general anesthesia. In history of development in China. During these
1998, the General Dental Council issued guide- decades, oral anesthesiology and oral and maxil-
lines banning the use of general anesthesia for lofacial surgery have complemented each other
some procedures. By 1999 the number of general and developed together, and through generations
anesthesia was further reduced to a minimum and of researchers’ dedication in the discipline, oral
by the end of 2001 the use of general anesthesia anesthesiology has made great progress in China,
in dental surgery had been completely eliminated. and the team of talents in the relevant fields has
Today, anesthesia for oral surgery is strictly grown day by day.
controlled and is only allowed to be performed Western medicine was introduced to China
by experienced anesthetists with a full range with the sprout of foreign churches’ hospitals
of equipment and facilities. Popular anesthetic and medical schools in China, the earliest being
drugs such as nitrous oxide and halothane are the Boji Medical Hall in Guangzhou (1866), the
almost no longer used and have been replaced by Tong Ren Hospital in Shanghai (1879), the Bo
sevoflurane and isoproterenol. A wide range of Xi Hospital in Suzhou (1883), and the Peking
alternative drugs have been developed to reduce Union Medical College (1903). The Tianjin
side effects, provide sedation and analgesia, and Medical College and the Peking University Hall
ensure a smooth operation. of Medicine in Beijing were established by the
Nowadays, from routine tooth extractions to Qing government in 1881 and in 1903, respec-
complex reconstructive craniofacial surgery, the tively. After the Revolution of 1911, medical
range of treatment that is covered in oral and schools with hospitals were established one after
maxillofacial (OMF) surgery has expanded in another in various places. These hospitals did
recent years. Since 1844, when two physicians not have separate anesthesia departments at the
founded Baltimore’s first school of dentistry, time of their establishment, and major operations
this surgical specialty has emerged and evolved could only be performed in city’s general hospi-
from the formal practice of dentistry. Societies tals, where the anesthetic equipment was rudi-
belonging to this specialty sprung up, with the mentary and the technique was unsophisticated.
American Society of Exodontists established in It was only in the early twentieth century that
1918 being the first. In 1921, the society changed the first dental clinic was established in China,
its name as the American Society of Oral followed by the opening of specialist dental
Surgeons and Exodontists, and in 1946 changed hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan one
again as the American Society of Oral Surgeons. after another. Local anesthesia during surgery
In 1977, the “maxillofacial” became part of the was undertaken by stomatologists. The profes-
society’s name, manifesting its designation at sional dental anesthesia in China was not formed
the moment, while reflecting its wide range of until the 1940s, when Wu Jue, Shang Deyan, Li
directions this specialty intend to explore and Xingfang, and others returned to China, bringing
serve [8]. foreign dental anesthesia techniques back and
4 H. Jiang

carrying out teaching and scientific researches 1.3 Anesthesia for Oral

in clinical anesthesia. At that time, anesthesiol- and Maxillofacial Surgery
ogy was in its infancy, and the equipment, staff
management and anesthesia methods were not Anesthesiology has developed into a comprehen-
sophisticated. Constrained by the poor health and sive discipline that is closely related to surgery. In
medical condition at that time, clinical anesthesia addition to anesthesia, analgesia, and pain man-
practice in China could only adopt simple anes- agement, its field of study also encompasses peri-
thesia methods such as open drop ether anesthe- operative anesthesia preparation and treatment,
sia and tracheal intubation inhalation anesthesia. the monitoring and regulation of the patient’s
In the late 1950s, some hospitals in China set physiological functions during surgery, and the
up post anesthesia care unit, and in the 1970s, treatment and resuscitation of critically ill
research on pain mechanisms was carried out. In patients. The main responsibilities of the
the 1980s, intensive care units (ICUs) were com- Department of Oral Anesthesia include guaran-
monly established in hospitals, which played an teeing the smooth performance of oral and maxil-
important role in the treatment of critically ill lofacial surgery, such as safety, painlessness,
patients. In 1988, the Law on Licensed Doctors muscle relaxation, and reasonable stress regula-
of the People’s Republic of China further classi- tion; ensuring patient safety and prevention of
fied the use of sedative drugs in general anesthe- complications in the preoperative, intraoperative,
sia surgery and the monitoring of intraoperative and postoperative phases; the establishment and
care as the functions of anesthesiologists. In management of postanesthesia care unit and
1989, the Chinese Ministry of Health recognized intensive care units; emergency and resuscitation
the Department of Anesthesia as a Class I clinical treatment; oral and maxillofacial pain manage-
department and a Class II discipline, and at the ment; and education and scientific research in
same time defined its field of work and functional oral anesthesiology. Specifically, oral procedures
areas, which laid a solid foundation for the subse- ranging from simple tooth extraction to compli-
quent development of anesthesiology. cated reconstructive carniofacial surgery require
In 1992, Division of Anesthesiology, Chinese anesthesia techniques such as the application of
Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery was local anesthetics, titration of intravenous seda-
established, and a national academic conference tion, and the administration of general anesthesia
on oral anesthesia was held every four years. In [9]. Skilled airway management technique and
2007, the Society joined hands with the Japanese sophisticated invasive blood pressure monitoring
and Korean Dental Anesthesia Societies to technique are needed in successfully performing
form the Federation of Asian Dental Anesthesia anesthesia. In order to successfully complete the
Societies (FADAS). Conferences such as the 11th above-mentioned oral anesthesia tasks, its sup-
International Conference on Oral Anesthesia held porting discipline construction has been improved
in Yokohama, Japan in 2007, the First Summit gradually from the following aspects:
Forum on Oral Anesthesiology in Shanghai
in 2008 and the First and Second Meetings of 1. The number of oral anesthesiologists and
Federation of Asian Dental Anesthesiology soci- other staff should be enough to ensure the
eties, and the 2008 Annual Meeting of Chinese smooth development of medical, scientific
Stemmatological Society of Anesthesiology research, and teaching work;
were held. In 2008, the Chinese Society of 2. In addition to the clinical medicine knowl-
Anesthesiology was formally established under edge already mastered, practitioners should
the support of the Chinese Stomatological insist on improving their techniques through
Association. These conferences have enhanced learning theories and practicing systemically;
academic exchanges and cooperation at home 3. The hospital should be equipped with ade-
and abroad, and continuously consolidated the quate drugs, instruments, and equipment to
important role of Chinese oral anesthesiology in ensure the safety of patients during the peri-
Asia and even in the world. operative period;
1  History of Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia 5

4. A sound organization of the oral anesthesia hensive treatment of maxillofacial hemangiomas

department should include an anesthesia or vascular malformations, i.e. the treatment of
clinic, clinical anesthesia, postanesthesia care various craniomaxillofacial deformities, trauma
unit (PACU), intensive care unit (ICU), etc. and tumors, and other problems. As the surgi-
cal fields of oral and maxillofacial surgery and
Craniomaxillofacial surgery is an interdisci- craniomaxillofacial surgery involve the oral cav-
pline consisting of plastic surgery, oral and max- ity, head, face, and neck, general anesthesia with
illofacial surgery, neurosurgery, and ear, nose, endotracheal intubation should be the more ideal
and throat surgery. As craniomaxillofacial sur- choice. With the development and use of various
gery is extensive, invasive, long, bleeding, and new anesthetic drugs, the anesthesia methods and
the surgical site is close to the airway and cen- approaches have also evolved, becoming more
tral nerves, this raises the risk and difficulty of relevant to the situation. The anesthesia induc-
the operation and places higher demands on the tion depends on the patient’s actual condition and
perioperative anesthetic management. In 1964, past medical history, especially whether there
French plastic surgeon Paul Tessier first used a being intubation difficulties. In principle, awake
combined intracranial-extracranial approach to intubation should be considered for all patients
treat congenital orbital widening, and his suc- with anticipated airway difficulties or critical
cessful experience confirmed important basic conditions.
theories of craniofacial surgery. Firstly, the cra- Commonly used anesthesia methods in cra-
nial or facial bones can be amputated free in large niomaxillofacial surgery are local and general
pieces and rearranged without osteonecrosis; sec- anesthesia. Local anesthesia is suitable for short
ondly, the orbital skeleton in and around the eye intraoral, maxillofacial, and superficial cranio-
can be moved up, down, left and right and fixed facial and cervical procedures during which
in a wide range without affecting vision; thirdly, patients have a good degree of cooperation. Local
the combined intracranial-extracranial surgical anesthesia is simple to perform, requires no spe-
access ensures the repositioning or reconstruction cial preoperative preparation or equipment and
of the orbital-cranial bones. These three theories has a low impact on the physiological function of
formed the basis of modern craniofacial surgery. the body. Commonly used local anesthetic meth-
Inspired by Paul Tessier’s combined intra- ods include local infiltration anesthesia and nerve
cranial and extracranial pathway surgery, block anesthesia. General anesthesia is required
Professor Zhang Disheng of the Department of for medium to major surgical procedures in cra-
Plastic Surgery at the Ninth People’s Hospital niofacial surgery, for patients who are unable to
in Shanghai in 1978 completed the first case of cooperate or who have difficulty maintaining a
orbital distance widening correction surgery in patent airway. Different anesthetic methods and
China, becoming the founder of craniofacial sur- drugs are chosen and combined according to dif-
gery in China. Since the 1950s, the development ferent surgical sites. The advantage of the com-
of oral and maxillofacial surgery in China has bined anesthesia is that it can complement the
been rapid, with the yearly increasing number strengths and weaknesses of the single anesthe-
of anesthesia personnel, gradual improvement sia method. On the one hand, it generates better
in anesthesia theory and clinical practice, matu- anesthetic effect. On the other hand, it helps to
rity in the construction of anesthesiology, and reduce the side effects and complications caused
the emergence of anesthetic drugs. In addition by the anesthetic drugs.
to general dental surgery, the scope of oral and From the use of open drop ether anesthesia to
maxillofacial surgery also includes the repair of the current sophisticated closed circuit inhalation
cleft lip and palate in infants and children, cor- anesthesia and combined intravenous and inhala-
rection of craniomaxillofacial deformities, frac- tion anesthesia, the oral anesthesia in China has
ture repositioning of the upper and lower jaws, progressed all the time. The treatment techniques
removal and repair of oral tumors, and compre- for cleft lip and palate deformities and temporo-
6 H. Jiang

mandibular joint diseases, and combined cranio- research, and creating a safer and more reliable
maxillofacial resection for oral and maxillofacial surgical environment for our patients. In the
malignant tumors are world class. The research twenty-first century, we have wider channels and
and development of new general anesthetic platforms to acquire new information and knowl-
drugs and science and technology have led to edge and learn how to operate new devices and
the improvement of intravenous anesthesia tech- equipment. The online platforms allow for the
niques, which are widely used in oral and max- timely exchange of the latest scientific findings.
illofacial surgery. In recent decades, new drugs With the development of science and technology,
such as propofol, midazolam, remifentanil, and it helps to promote the development of dental
sevoflurane have been introduced to achieve tar- anesthesia and oral surgery, and indeed the entire
geted therapy, which reduces the adverse reactions medical system, making its fair share of contri-
caused by the use of a single drug, achieves better bution to improving the quality of people’s life,
intraoperative analgesia and sedation effects, and especially in recent years when artificial intelli-
ensures the quality of surgery and patient safety. gence has taken root in the medical field and has
a promising application in the field of dentistry
and anesthesiology.
1.4 Summary and Prospect

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Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy
Ming Xia

2.1 Systematic Anatomy of Oral lary bones are fused at the intermaxillary suture,
Cavity forming the anterior nasal spine to support the
midface. Maxilla consists of five parts, including
2.1.1 The Bones the body of the maxilla and four processes (fron-
tal, zygomatic, palatine, and alveolar). The body
Human skull lies above the spine and consists of 23 has four surfaces. The upper face is opposite to
bones. The skull is divided into two parts: the vis- the orbital cavity and contains the infraorbital
cerocranium and the neurocranium. There are eight canal, which is attached posteriorly to the infra-
cranial bones, including paired temporal bones and orbital sulcus and leads forward to the infraor-
parietal bones, unpaired frontal bone, sphenoid bital foramen; the posterior face is opposite to the
bone, ethmoid bone, and occipital bone, together inferior temporal fossa, also called the infratem-
forming the cranial cavity and accommodating the poral, with its lower elevation, called the maxil-
brain tissue. There are 15 bones of facial cranium, lary tubercle; the medial face is also called the
including paired nasal bones, lacrimal bones, max- nasal face, through which the air-containing cav-
illary bones, palatine bones, inferior nasal bones, ity in the maxilla, the maxillary sinus, is visible;
and unpaired mandible, vomer, and hyoid bone, the anterior face is opposite to the face with the
forming a facial framework, among which the man- infraorbital foramen. In the maxilla, the frontal
dibles and paired temporal bones form a movable process extends upwards from the anterior medial
mandibular joint, enabling the mandible to function side to join the frontal bone, medially to the nasal
in complex oral physiological motions [1, 9]. In this bone and laterally to the lacrimal bone; the alveo-
chapter, only bones of facial cranium and bones like lar process extends downwards with a socket for
sphenoid bone, temporal bones, etc. that are closely the roots of the teeth; the zygomatic process
related to the oral surgery shall be concerned. extends outwards to join the zygomatic bone; and
the horizontal palatal process extends medially, The Maxilla with the palatal processes of both maxillae join-
At the middle of face lies maxilla, one is on the ing to form the anterior part of the hard palate,
left and the other is on the right. The two maxil- the posterior edge of which meets the horizontal
plate of the palate [2].
M. Xia (*) There is a cavity in the maxillary body, namely
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth the maxillary sinus. Each maxillary sinus leads to
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong the middle nasal meatus of the nasal cavity, the
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China opening of which is the maxillary hiatus. Like the

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H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
8 M. Xia

maxillary bone, the maxillary sinuses are Structurally, the body of mandible comprises
pyramid-­shaped with the apex extending toward of two surfaces and two borders. The two sur-
the zygomatic bone. Inflammation and infection faces are external surface and internal surface.
of the maxillary sinuses is not an uncommon con- The external surface consists of symphysis menti,
dition, for the bone wall at the bottom of the max- mental foramen, oblique line, and incisive fossa.
illary sinus is thin and very close to the radix Symphysis menti lies in the median of the exter-
dentis of the posterior teeth. The infection of the nal surface, below which there exists two mental
root apex might spread upward, resulting in tubercles. Between the premolar teeth or below
odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. Tumors and the second molar, slightly above the upper and
other lesions in the maxillary sinus can some- lower margins of the mandibular body, there is
times present with symptoms such as tooth pain the mental foramen. The external oblique line is
and loosening. Sometimes careless tooth extrac- the bone crest runs from the mental tubercle
tion might even have oral cavity and maxillary through the mental foramen posteriorly up to the
sinus perforated or broken radix dentis fracture anterior margin of the mandibular ramus, where
pushed into the maxillary sinus. Therefore, these the depressor labii inferioris muscle and depres-
anatomical features and clinical significances sor anguli oris muscle attach. On the internal sur-
should be noted. faces, near the midline, there are two pairs of
The upper part of maxilla takes part in the for- protrusions, called the upper and lower mandible
mation of the borders of the inferior orbital fis- spines respectively. From below the mandible
sure in the floor of the orbit, while the lower part spines, the bone crest slopes upwards posteriorly
of it and some other bones shall form the roof of and corresponds to the external oblique line,
oral cavity. The orbital fissure transmits several called the internal oblique line, where the mylo-
vessels and nerves, including the maxillary nerve hyoid muscle attaches. Above the internal oblique
or its continuation, the infraorbital nerve. The line lies the sublingual fossa. Below the internal
infraorbital nerve proceeds anteriorly to enter the oblique line, on either side of the midline near the
face through the infraorbital foramen. The infra- inferior border of the mandibular body, there is
orbital foramen, an opening in the maxilla infe- the digastric fossa, which is the beginning of the
rior to the orbit, allows passage of the infraorbital anterior digastric muscle. Posteriorly and inferi-
blood vessels and nerve, a branch of the maxil- orly to the digastric fossa there is the subman-
lary division of the trigeminal nerve. Another dibular fossa [3].
prominent foramen in the maxilla is the incisive The mandibular branch, also called the man-
foramen just posterior to the incisor teeth. It dibular ramus, is the second largest part of the
transmits branches of the greater palatine blood mandible after the mandible body and has two
vessels and nasopalatine nerve. A final structure surfaces, four borders, and two processes. Two
associated with the maxilla and sphenoid bone is surfaces refer to the lateral (external) surface and
the inferior orbital fissure, located between the medial (internal) surface. Four borders include
greater wing of the sphenoid and the maxilla. superior border, inferior border, posterior border,
These specific bone landmarks should be espe- and anterior border. And two processes are coro-
cially paid attention to. noid and condyloid processes. On the internal
surface near the middle is a funnel-shaped open- The Mandible ing called the mandibular foramen, through
The mandible sits beneath the maxilla, is the larg- which the mandibular canal can be accessed, and
est bone in the human skull, and is the only the canal curves forward and downward through
mobile bone of the skull, which also supports the the mandibular body to the mental foramen. On
lower teeth. Mandible can be divided into two the anterior medial side of the mandibular fora-
parts: a body and two rami. The body of mandi- men is a thin triangular piece of bone called the
ble is the anterior portion of the mandible and is mandibular lingula, where the sphenomandibular
grafted to the ramus on each side. ligament attaches. Posteriorly above the foramen
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 9

is the mandibular nerve sulcus, which is posi- The Temporal Bone
tioned approximately 1 cm above the mandibular The temporal bones are paired bones that sit
molars plane. Anteriorly above the foramen is the between the occipital bone and the parietal bone
torus mandibularis, a bony crest where the coro- and help make up the sides and base of the skull.
noid process and the condyle process converge. Each temporal bone is composed of five parts:
The surface of this torus is lined from anterior to the squama, the petrous, mastoid, and tympanic
posterior by the buccal, lingual, and inferior alve- parts.
olar nerves. Descending anteriorly from the
backside of mandibular lingula is the mylohyoid
groove, which contains the mylohyoideus. 2.1.2 The Temporomandibular Joint
Posteriorly below the mandibular lingula there is
the pterygoid tuberosity, to which the medial The Formation
pterygoid attaches. On the anterior part of the The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the articu-
internal surface, a bony prominence develops lation of the mandible and the temporal bone of
from the medial of the coronoid process and the cranium, which is composed of mandibular
diverges in two anteriorly and inferiorly to the condyle, articular surface of temporal bone, artic-
posterior edge of the alveolus, called the buccina- ular disk located in between and joint capsule and
tor crest. The triangle enclosed by the buccinator ligaments surrounding the joint [4].
crest and the posterior edge of the alveolus is
called the retromolar triangle. The angle of the The Movements
mandible, also known as the gonial angle, is The movements of the joint are dominated by the
where the body of mandible and the rami muscles of mastication, and the hyoid muscles.
intersect. According to the basic function, the temporo-
mandibular joint movements can be divided into The Palatine Bone three categories: the anterior and posterior move-
The palatine bone is a thin paired bone that ments; the opening and closing; the lateral devia-
shapes like an “L,” which participates in the for- tion. These three basic movements are achieved
mation of the nasal and oral cavities, as well as by rotation and translation of the joint.
the pterygopalatine fossa. The palatine bone con-
sists of two plates—horizontal plate and perpen-
dicular plate. 2.1.3 The Muscles The Sphenoid Bone The muscles of the oral, maxillofacial, and cervical
The sphenoid bone makes up most of the middle regions are composed of four parts: the muscles of
part of the base of the skull and contributes to facial expression, the muscles of mastication, cer-
the floor of the middle cranial fossa of the skull. vical muscle, and palatine muscles.
The sphenoid bone consists of four parts: a body,
two greater wings, two lesser wings, and ptery- The Muscles of Facial
goid processes. The greater wings contain two Expression
important openings near their roots: the foramen The muscles of facial expression are flat and thin
rotundum and the foramen ovale. The foramen cutaneous muscles, most of which are originated
rotundum transmits the maxillary nerve, while from the bony surface of the skull or fascia and
the foramen ovale allows the passage of the ending at the skin. Those muscles can deliver
mandibular nerve, accessory meningeal artery, expressions of joy, anger, sadness, and happiness
lesser petrosal nerve, and emissary vein. The when moving in concert. The muscles of facial
pterygoid processes contain the starting point of expression can broadly be divided into five
the extension of internal pterygoid muscle and groups: the orbital, nasal, oral, aural, and cranial
ectopterygoid. (Table 2.1) [5].
10 M. Xia

Table 2.1  The sections of muscles and corresponding tine, levator veli palatine, palatoglossus muscles,
palatopharyngeus muscles, and musculus uvulae.
Groups Nomenclature The function of the palate is to open and close the
Muscles of the Superficial layer: Levator labii nasopharynx or eustachian tube. The muscles of
mouth superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii
(buccolabial superioris,zygomaticus major, pharynx consist of six groups: the superior pha-
group) zygomaticus minor ryngeal constrictor muscle, middle pharyngeal
muscles,risorius, levator anguli constrictor muscle, inferior pharyngeal constric-
oris,depressor anguli oris tor muscle, palatopharyngeus muscle, salpingo-
Deep layer: Levator anguli
oris,depressor labii pharyngeus muscle, and stylopharyngeus muscle.
inferioris,buccinator muscle The function of the pharyngeal constrictor mus-
Muscles of the Orbicularis oculi,corrugator cles is to elevate the larynx, shorten the pharynx,
eyelid (orbital supercilii muscle and push the food bolus down from the oral cav-
ity and into the esophagus, while the other mus-
Muscles of the Nasalis, compressor naris, musculi
nose (nasal dilator naris, musculus depressor cle groups act on the elevation of the pharynx and
group) septi nasi, musculus procerus closing of the laryngeal aperture.
Muscles of the Auricularis superior, auricularis
external ear anterior muscle, auricularis posterior
2.1.4 The Salivary Gland
Muscles of the Occipitofrontalis, temporoparietalis
cranium The Parotid Glands
(epicranial The parotid glands are the largest paired salivary
group) glands, which are situated in the preauricular area
on each side of the face, below the zygomatic
arch, in the anterior lower part of the external The Masticatory Muscles auditory canal, mostly in the fossa retromandibu-
Although various muscles in the head and neck laris, and is cuneiform and wrapped in fascia.
participate in the masticatory movement, gener- The parotid glands weigh around 15–30 grams
ally the masticatory muscles simply refer to mas- each. Each gland is irregular and divided into a
seter muscle, temporal muscle, lateral pterygoid superficial and a deep lobe by traversing by the
muscle, and medial pterygoid muscle. Its specific facial nerve. The saliva secreted by the parotid
functions are elevation and protrusion of the gland is serosity in nature, flowing through
mandible, as well as providing support to the stensen duct to the buccal mucosa of the vestibu-
articular capsule of the temporomandibular joint lum oris [7].
when speaking or chewing [6]. The origin and
end, blood supply, and innervation of the masti- The Submandibular Glands
catory muscles can be seen in Table 2.2. The submandibular glands are flat-oval-shaped
glands that are situated in the submandibular tri- The Muscles of Neck angle, located underneath the medial mandible,
Based on the position of muscles in the neck, the between the hyoglossus and styloglossus. The
muscles of the neck are composed of three major submandibular gland’s excretory duct originates
muscle groups: the superficial neck muscles, the at the submandibular gland hilum and runs along
suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles in the anterior the gland, eventually opening into the oral cavity
cervical area, and prevertebral muscles of the neck. at the sublingual caruncula [7]. The Muscular Palate The Sublingual Glands

and Muscles of Pharynx The sublingual glands are the smallest of the
The soft palate is composed of five pairs of mus- three major pairs of head salivary glands, which
cles that enable it to move: The tensor veli pala- look like apricot pit and weigh about 3  g each.
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 11

Table 2.2  Origin and end, blood supply, and innervation of masticatory muscles
Nomenclature Origin point Ending point Blood supply Innervation Function
Masseter The maxillary The ramus of mandible A branch of The Elevation and
muscle process of the and lateral gonial angle the maxillary masseteric protrusion of
zygomatic bone artery nerve mandible
and the inferior
border of the
zygomatic arch
Temporal Temporal fossa (up The coronoid process Deep Deep Elevation,
muscle to inferior temporal and the anterior border temporal temporal retrusion, and
line) and temporal of the ramus of branches of branches of side-to-side
fascia mandible maxillary the anterior movements of
artery, middle trunk of the mandible
temporal mandibular
branches from nerve.
Medial The medial surface The ramus of mandible The pterygoid The medial Elevation and
pterygoid of the lateral and medial mandible and buccal pterygoid side-to-side
muscle pterygoid plate of branches of branches of movements of the
sphenoid bone, the maxillary mandibular mandible
pyramidal process artery nerve.
of palatine bone
and the maxillary
Lateral The infratemporal The superior head: The The pterygoid The nerve to Pull the
pterygoid surface and anteromedial part of branches of lateral mandibular
muscle infratemporal crest the articular capsule the maxillary pterygoid condyle and
of the greater wing and articular disc of the artery muscle articular disc
of sphenoid bone, temporomandibular anteriorly,
and the lateral joint. achieving
surface of the The inferior head: The protrusion and
lateral pterygoid pterygoid fovea on the depression of the
plate of sphenoid neck of the condyloid mandible;
bone process of mandible participate in the
movements of the

The sublingual glands lie bilaterally in the floor 2.1.5 The Vessel
of the mouth and within the sublingual folds,
close to sublingual gland fossa. The saliva The Artery
secreted by sublingual glands are mucous saliva. The arterial blood supply to the maxillofacial
There are 8–12 ducts secreting saliva along the region mainly comes from the external carotid
margin of the sublingual folds, whereas the other artery, which is a branch of the common carotid
part of saliva opens into the sublingual meatus artery. The minor part of the arterial blood supply
through the major sublingual duct [7]. from the branch of the arteria clavicularis.
12 M. Xia

The Common Carotid Artery the mandibular marginal branch of the facial
The common carotid artery is divided into inter- nerve, travels in a tortuous line superiorly to the
nal and external carotid arteries at the height of medial canthus via the corners of the mouth and
the thyroid cartilage. There are two specialized the lateral aspect of the nose, and changes to the
structures at the bifurcation of the common medial canthal artery. At the intersection of the
carotid artery: (1) the carotid sinus, which is an inferior border of the mandible and the anterior
enlarged part of the beginning of the internal border of the occlusal muscle, the pulsation of
carotid artery, and there are specific barorecep- the facial artery can be palpated, and this can be
tors on the sinus wall. When blood pressure rises, compressed to stop bleeding in case of superficial
it can reflexively slow down the heart rate and facial bleeding. The maxillary artery, also known
reduce blood pressure when being stimulated by as the internal maxillary artery, is one of the two
pressure; (2) the carotid body, which is brown in terminal branches of the external carotid artery
a shape of flat oval, is connected to the posterior and is mainly located in the oral cavity, nasal cav-
wall of the bifurcation of the common carotid ity, teeth, masticatory muscles, and dura mater. It
artery by connective tissue. The carotid body is a begins at the deep surface of the mandibular
chemoreceptor, which senses the content of car- neck, and enters the orbit through the superficial
bon dioxide in the blood. When the concentration surface of the extrapontine muscles via the ptery-
of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, it reflex- gopalatine fossa from the inferior orbital fissure,
ively deepens and fastens the respiration [8]. renamed the infraorbital artery. The superficial
temporal artery runs anteriorly up the external
The External Carotid Artery auditory meatus, over the root of the zygomatic
The external carotid artery originates from the arch to the frontal subcutis, branching to the
bifurcation of the common carotid artery, starting parotid gland and the soft tissues of the frontal,
first on the medial side of the internal carotid temporal, and apical areas. In vivo, the pulsation
artery, passing through the posterior biventer and of the superficial temporal artery can be felt
the deep stylohyoid muscle, penetrates the paren- above the anterior part of the external auditory
chyma of the parotid gland, and travels to the meatus and at the root of the zygomatic arch,
inner posterior part of the mandibular condyle in where it can be compressed to stop bleeding in
the neck. The external carotid artery gives off the anterior part of the scalp.
several side branches that can be subdivided into
three groups: the anterior, posterior, and medial The Internal Carotid Artery
branches. The anterior branches include the supe- The internal carotid artery is a major branch of
rior thyroid, lingual and facial arteries; the poste- the common carotid artery, supplying blood for
rior branches include occipital and posterior several parts of the head, especially the brain.
auricular arteries; the medial branch is ascending The internal carotid artery originates from the
pharyngeal artery. The terminal branches of the common carotid artery of fossa carotica, travel
external carotid artery are the superficial tempo- through the carotid sheath in a superior direction
ral artery and the maxillary artery. The external along the neck, and enter the skull through the
carotid arteries shall supply blood to the face and external opening of carotid canal. Along its
neck regions via these eight branches. course, the internal carotid artery gives rise to
Among the branches, the lingual, facial, max- ophthalmic arteries, anterior cerebral arteries,
illary, and superficial temporal arteries are the and middle cerebral arteries.
main ones that are frequently involved in clinical
practices. The lingual artery is the anteriorly The Subclavian Artery
directed branch of the external carotid artery and Depending on the side of the body, the subclavian
is the main blood supply artery to the tongue and arteries have two origins: the aortic arch on the
also supplies the floor of the mouth. The facial left and the brachiocephalic trunk on the right.
artery usually passes through the deep surface of Both sides come from the anteromedial aspect of
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 13

the apex pulmonis to the upper opening of the vein to form the common facial vein at the ante-
thorax, to the root of neck. The cervical part of rior inferior part of gonial angle, which joins the
both the arteries has similar course. They arche internal jugular vein.
laterally across the anterior surface of the cervi- The superficial temporal vein: is a blood ves-
cal pleura to the first rib posterior to the scalenus sel that arises from the plexus of veins that anas-
anterior muscle. At the outer border of the first tomose across the scalp. The superficial temporal
rib, it continues as axillary artery. The main vein descends along the auricular anterior sur-
branches are vertebral artery, thyroid axis, and face, joining with the maxillary vein at the level
the truncus costocervicalis. of mandibular neck to continues further as the
retromandibular vein, which drains into the inter-
The Arterial Anastomosis in Head nal or external jugular vein.
and Neck
Perioral artery circle: the superior and inferior The Deep Vein of Oral and Maxillofacial
labial arteries given rise to by facial arteries. Region
The floor of the mouth: the sublingual arteries The pterygoid plexus: also called pterygoid venous
given rise to by lingual arteries and the submental plexus, is located in the infratemporal fossa, dis-
arteries given rise to by facial arteries. tributed in the venous plexus among the tempora-
The mentum: the arteries given rise to by infe- lis and the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles,
rior alveolar arteries and the inferior labial arter- and finally converges into the maxillary vein.
ies given rise to by facial arteries. The maxillary vein: also known as internal
The malar surface: the transverse facial arter- maxillary vein, is located in the infratemporal
ies and facial arteries given rise to by superficial fossa collecting blood from the pterygoid plexus,
temporal arteries and the infraorbital arteries. and converges into the retromandibular vein.
The orbital region: the bifurcation of angular The retromandibular vein: also called the pos-
artery and ophthalmic artery. terior facial vein, is located in the parenchyma of
The vertexal region: both sides of superficial the parotid gland behind the mandibular condyle,
temporal arteries. and is formed by the superficial temporal vein
Intra-thyroid area: the superior thyroid artery and the maxillary vein. It passes through the
of the external carotid artery and the inferior thy- lower pole of the parotid gland and descends to
roid artery originated from subclavian artery. the angle of the mandible where it divides into
The occiput: the occipital artery and deep and two branches, the anterior and the posterior. The
transverse cervical artery. anterior branch merges with the facial vein to
form the common facial vein, and the posterior The Veins branch merges with the posterior auricular vein
The oral and maxillofacial veins can be roughly to form the external jugular vein.
divided into two networks of deep and superficial The common facial vein: is located in the
veins. Facial veins are characterized by few carotid triangle and formed by the confluence of
venous valves, blood is prone to reflux infection, the facial vein and the anterior branch of the ret-
and infection in the danger triangle can easily romandibular vein, which crosses the hypoglos-
cause cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis. sal nerve and the internal and external jugular
veins posteriorly and merges into the internal
The Superficial Veins in the Oral jugular vein at the deep surface of the sternoclei-
and Maxillofacial Region domastoid muscle at the large angle of the flat
The anterior facial vein: being originated from hyoid bone. The common facial vein can also
angular veins, the anterior facial vein merges remerge into the internal jugular vein through the
with the anterior branch of the retromandibular external jugular vein.
14 M. Xia

Superficial Jugular Veins 2.1.6 The Lymph Node

External jugular vein: is located in the deep sur- and Lymphatic Vessel
face of the platysma and formed by the conflu-
ence of the posterior branch of the retromandibular The lymphatics of the head and neck shall be
vein and the posterior auricular vein at the angle divided into two groups: the annular groups and
of the mandible in the parotid gland. The external the vertical groups, which are listed in Tables 2.3
jugular vein passes through the superficial layer and 2.4.
of the deep cervical fascia to the deep and merges
into the subclavian vein or the internal jugular
vein. 2.1.7 The Nerve
The anterior jugular vein is originated from
the superficial vein at the hyoid bone in the ante- The Trigeminal Nerve
rior neck, goes down the anterior midline of the The trigeminal nerves (CN V) are the largest
neck to the lower part of the neck, turns outward, paired cranial nerves. While being the main sen-
and merges into the external jugular vein through sory nerve of the oral maxillofacial region, it also
the deep surface of the sternocleidomastoid mingles in the realm of motor supply to control
muscle. mastication. It has four nuclei that send fibers to
form its tracts and three sensory nerve branches—
Deep Jugular Veins the ophthalmic nerve (CN V1 or Va), the maxil-
The internal jugular vein: is the main course of lary nerve (CN V2 or Vb), and the mandibular
the venous return in the head and neck. It is nerve (CN V3 or Vc), which shall converge in the
located in the posterior and lateral side of the trigeminal nerve at an area called the trigeminal
internal carotid artery, and travels in the carotid ganglion to bring sensory information into the
sheath along the lateral side of the common brain.
carotid artery to merge with the subclavian vein
to form the brachiocephalic vein. The Ophthalmic Nerve
The subclavian vein: starts from the axillary The ophthalmic branch is the first division of the
vein and joins with internal jugular vein in the trigeminal nerve. It branches out the frontal
posterior part of sternoclavicular joint to form the nerve, the lacrimal nerve, and the nasociliary
brachiocephalic vein. The angle between the sub- nerve, which further split out small branches and
clavian vein and the internal jugular vein is the all of them are situated in and around the eye,
jugular venous angle. nose, forehead, and scalp. Before joining the

Table 2.3  The annular lymphatic groups

Structure Location The influenced area Regions drained
Occipital lymph Start of the occipital bone at Occipital region Superficial cervical and
nodes the cucullaris accessory nodes
Retroauricular Near the superior point of Parietotemporal and Superficial and deep cervical
lymph nodes sternocleidomastoid muscle retroauricular region nodes
Parotid lymph Inside the parotid glands Parotid glands and their Superior deep cervical nodes
nodes proximity
Facial lymph Buccal region Facial region Submandibular lymph nodes
Submandibular Submaxillary triangle Intraoral region, floor of the Superior deep cervical nodes
lymph nodes mouth and nearby regions
Submental lymph Submental triangle Labium and mentum, etc. Submandibular lymph nodes
nodes and superior deep cervical
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 15

Table 2.4  The vertical lymphatic groups

Structure Location The influenced area Regions drained
Retropharyngeal Retropharyngeal space Pharynx and its Superior deep cervical
lymph nodes surrounding lymph nodes
Perivisceral lymph Around the neck organs Cervical organ lymph Deep cervical nodes
Superior deep Above the omohyoid, along the Lymphatic efferent duct Inferior deep cervical
cervical nodes internal jugular vein of annular groups nodes and jugular
lymphatic trunk
Inferior deep Below the omohyoid, along the All the lymphatic Jugular lymphatic trunk
cervical nodes internal jugular vein efferent duct of vertical
Accessory nodes Along the accessory nerve Occipital lateral cervical Inferior deep cervical
lymph nodes
Supraclavicular Along transverse cervical vessel Subclavian lymphatic Inferior deep cervical
lymph nodes efferent duct nodes
Inferior cervical Below the hyoid bone and around the Anterior cervical skin Inferior deep cervical
nodes anterior jugular vein and muscle nodes
Superficial cervical Around the external jugular vein Annular lymph nodes Superior deep cervical
nodes superficial to the sternocleidomastoid passing through the nodes
muscle lateral skin

main branch of the trigeminal nerve, the ophthal- muscles, and the anterior belly of the digastric
mic nerve stretches to the skull through a small muscle.
opening, namely the superior orbital fissure. The mandible nerve and its branches run past
the ear and the temporomandibular joint, then
The Maxillary Nerve spread out through the lower part of face. The
The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve main branches stemming from the mandibular
(CN V2) starts from the anterolateral trigeminal nerve include medial pterygoid nerve (motor),
ganglion and enters into the skull through an open- lateral pterygoid nerve (motor), masseteric nerve
ing called the foramen rotundum. The maxillary (motor), deep temporal nerve (motor), meningeal
nerve detects sensation in the middle part of the branch (sensory), buccal nerve (sensory), auricu-
face, and this sensory area is often described as lotemporal nerve (sensory), and lingual nerve
V2. The maxillary nerve has five main branches: (sensory). The motor components as marked
the middle meningeal nerve, zygomatic nerve, above run as a single, slender, nerve fiber along
sphenopalatine nerve, Pterygopalatine nerves, with the larger sensory fibers. They pass through
posterior superior alveolar nerves, and infraor- the external opening of the foramen ovale and
bital nerve. head toward Meckel’s cave. Before breaking in
the trigeminal ganglion, the mandible nerve
The Mandibular Nerve obtains the recurrent meningeal nerve carrying
The mandibular division is the largest component afferent stimuli from the dura.
of the trigeminal nerve, which carries both sen-
sory and motor stimuli. The sensory information The Facial Nerve
is carried from the lower third of the face which The facial nerve is a kind of mixed nerve with
includes the lower lip, the jaw, the preauricular three types of fiber component— motor, sensory,
area, the temporal area, and the meninges of the and autonomic fibers. Among these nerves of
anterior and middle cranial fossa. Meanwhile, the various function, the motor nerve is responsible
mandibular nerve also in charge of the motor for facial expression muscles, posterior belly of
innervation of the muscles of mastication, the digastric muscle, stylohyoid muscle, and stape-
mylohyoid, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini dius muscle; the special sensory contributes to
16 M. Xia

the taste from anterior two-thirds of the tongue; branch, which innervates the mucosal sensation
the Parasympathetic innervates the submandibu- of cricothyroid muscle and that near the root of
lar gland, sublingual gland, and lacrimal glands. tongue and the glottic fissure; and c. recurrent
The facial nerve is originated from pons of the laryngeal nerves, which innervate the laryngeal
brainstem and can be divided into facial nerve muscle and mucosal sensation below the glottic
canal segment and the extracranial segment, fissure.
bounded by the intracranial branches consist of The vagus nerve gives off the recurrent laryn-
greater petrosal nerve, communicating branch geal nerve, which originates from the thoracic
with otic ganglion, nerve to stapedius and chorda segment of the vagus trunk but immediately
tympani. The extracranial branches include pos- returns to the neck and is the main motor nerve of
terior auricular nerve, branch to posterior digas- the laryngeal muscle, divided into the left and
tric belly, branch to stylohyoid muscle, temporal right recurrent laryngeal nerves.
branch, zygomatic branch, buccal branch, mar- In addition to the recurrent laryngeal nerve,
ginal mandibular branch, and cervical branch. the other major motor nerve in the vagus branch
is the superior laryngeal nerve. The superior The Glossopharyngeal Nerve laryngeal nerve is divided into inner and outer
The glossopharyngeal nerve is originated from branches at a height equivalent to the greater horn
the brainstem and exits the cranium from the jug- of the hyoid bone. The external branch is mainly
ular foramen, giving rises to the following main a motor nerve and the internal branch is mainly a
branches: the tympanic nerve, carotid sinus sensory nerve.
nerve, pharyngeal nerves, muscular branch to
stylopharyngeus, tonsilar branch, and lingual The Hypoglossal Nerve
nerves. The hypoglossal nerve is the motor nerve of the
The glossopharyngeal nerve is a sort of mixed tongue, which innervates extrinsic tongue mus-
type that consists both of the motor and sensory cles and geniohyoid muscle. It originates from
fibers. There are four neuronal fibers of this hypoglossal nucleus in medulla oblongata and
nerve: the somatic sensory, visceral sensory, spe- gives rises to meningeal branch, superior root of
cial sensory, parasympathetic and motor fibers. the ansa cervicalis, and terminal lingual nerves.
The somatic sensory fibers provide the sensory Once there is hypoglossal nerve injury on one
input from the posterior one-third of the tongue, side, the tip of tongue will tilt to the injured side
palatine tonsils, oropharynx, mucosa of the mid- when it is extended.
dle ear, pharyngotympanic tube, and the mastoid
air cells; the visceral sensory fibers carry the sen- The Accessory Nerve
sory information from the carotid body; the para- The accessory nerve is motor nerve. The cranial
sympathetic fibers innervate the salivary parotid division of it originates from the medulla oblon-
gland; the motor fibers innervate the stylopharyn- gata of the brainstem and exits the cranium
geus muscle and the superior pharyngeal con- through the jugular foramen. The accessory nerve
strictor muscle from the third pharyngeal arch. innervates the muscle of sternocleidomastoid,
trapezius, and larynx. The Vagus Nerve
Among all those cranial nerves, the vagus nerve The Cervical Plexus
has the longest path and is the most widely dis- and Cervical Sympathetic Trunk
tributed mixed nerve. The branches of the vagus
nerve in the neck are: (a) pharyngeal branch, The Cervical Plexus
which innervates the pharyngeal constrictor mus- The cervical plexus is a conglomeration of cervi-
cle and soft palate muscle; (b) superior laryngeal cal nerves formed by the anterior rami of 1st–
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 17

fourth cervical nerves. The cervical plexus is Oral Vestibule

located on the anterior side of the mediscalenus The oral vestibule is the horseshoe-like shaped
and the levator scapulae muscle, deep to the ster- area bounded externally by the lips and cheeks
nocleidomastoid muscle. Two branches are given and internally by the teeth and gingiva and the
off by cervical plexus—the superficial branch inner aspect of the cheeks. It connects the exter-
and the deep branch. The superficial branches are nal environment with the oral cavity proper.
sensory branches, which can be divided into four
parts: the lesser occipital nerve, great auricular Oral Cavity Proper
nerve, transverse cervical nerve, and supracla- The oral cavity proper is the area behind the
vicular nerve. The deep branches are motor teeth. The oral cavity proper extends from the
branches, which passes superficially and medi- maxilla’s and mandible’s alveolar arches to the
ally down the scalenus anterior muscle, through entry into the oral part of the pharynx (orophar-
the subclavian artery and vein to the thoracic cav- ynx) posteriorly. The oral cavity proper contains
ity, and finally innervates the diaphragm muscle. the tongue, soft and hard palate, and three pairs
of salivary glands such as parotid, sublingual,
The Cervical Sympathetic Trunk and submandibular glands. The tongue fills the
The cervical sympathetic trunk has three ganglia: oral cavity proper.
superior, middle, and inferior ganglia, which is
located in front of the cervical transverse and on The Lips
the deep surface of prevertebral fascia. Once the The realm of lips: The lip anatomy consists of
cervical sympathetic trunk gets injured, Horner’s two parts—the upper and lower body. The upper
sign might appear. lip’s superior border goes along the nasal septum
base while the lower lips along the mentolabial
groove. Both lips are laterally connected in the
2.2 The Regional Anatomy place called oral or lateral commissures forming
of the Oral Cavity the corners of the lips, and these two lateral angle
are the two sides of the lips. The lips define the
2.2.1 The Oral Cavity boundary, namely the vermillion border, that sep-
arate both lip bodies from the facial skin. The Realm and Distribution The surface marker of the lips: the vermilion
of Oral Cavity of the lip, vermilion border of lip, cupid bow,
The oral cavity is the beginning of digestive sys- philtrum notch, Glogau-Klein points, the labial
tem, leading upwards to the outside of human tubercle, philtrum, and philtrum column.
body through the oral fissure enclosed by the The lips can be divided into five layers from
upper and lower lips and backward to connect to the shallower to the deeper: the skin, superficial
the pharynx by the oropharyngeal isthmus, hence fascia, muscularis, submucosa, and mucosa.
completing eating procedure and mechanical
digestion. Inside the oral cavity are salivary The Cheeks
glands that also participate in food digestion by The realm of cheeks: the superior border is the
secreting enzymes that start the digestion of car- lower margin of the zygomatic bone and zygo-
bohydrates. These glands are the parotid, sub- matic arch, the inferior border is the lower mar-
mandibular, and sublingual glands [10]. gin of the mandibular bone, the anteromedial
The cavity is separated into anterior and pos- border of the mandibular bone, and the posterior
terior parts by the teeth, gingiva, and mucosa of border is the anterior margin of the masseter.
alveolar process. The anterior part—the oral ves- The cheeks can be divided into six layers from
tibule, lies anteriorly to the teeth and behind the the shallower to the deeper: the skin, subcutane-
lips, whereas the posterior part—the oral cavity ous tissue, buccal fascia, buccinators, submu-
proper, refers to the area behind the teeth. cosa, and mucosa.
18 M. Xia The Teeth The Gingiva

The teeth are a structure found in many verte- The gingiva refers to the mucosa covering alveo-
brates, and teeth are the hardest organ in the lar arches of the maxilla and mandible, which has
human body. a pink color. There is no submucosa in the gin-
Each tooth is divided into three parts: the giva and the tunica propria is directly connected
crown, the root, and the neck. The crown is the to the periosteum, which helps chewing in the
part of the tooth that is exposed outside the gums oral cavity.
and is white and shiny; the root is embedded in the
socket and is firmly connected to the alveolar bone The Palate
by the periodontium, and there is a hole at the tip The palate forms the superior wall of the oral
of the root, called the apical foramen, which is cavity proper, which also separates the nasal
connected to the crown cavity by the root canal from the oral cavity. The palate consists of two
and contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic parts—the hard palate anterior and the soft palate
vessels. The periodontium, alveolar bone and gin- posterior.
giva are together called periodontal tissue, which
protects, fixes, and nourishes the tooth. The Hard Palate
The structure of the tooth is mainly composed The hard palate dome-shaped, based on the bony
of dentin, enamel, bone, and pulp. The dense and palate and covered by a layer of mucous mem-
hard dentin, which forms the main body of the brane tissue.
tooth, is located inside the tooth. At the root of The hard palate composes two-thirds of the
the tooth, the dentin is wrapped with a layer of total palate area, which provides space for the
bonded material (bone), while at the surface of tongue to move freely and supplies a rigid floor to
the crown there is white, shiny, hard enamel. The the nasal cavity so that pressures within the
enamel is the most calcified and is the hardest tis- mouth do not close off the nasal passage.
sue in the body. The crown cavity and the root The surface marker of the hard palate: the
canal together are called the cavity, which is median palatine suture, incisive papilla, palatine
filled with blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic ves- folds, hard area of the maxillary, maxillary pro-
sels, and connective tissue called the pulp. cess, and greater palatine foramen.
Lactobacillus in the oral cavity can make sugar
fermentation and acid production, resulting in The Soft Palate
enamel decalcification and cavity, which is called The soft palate is a mobile fold of soft tissue
dental caries clinically. If the cavity deepens con- attached to the posterior margin of the hard pal-
tinuously and affects the nerve of the pulp, it can ate, it is about 1 cm thick, and separates the oral
cause severe pain. cavity from the pharynx incompletely.
According to the different forms and functions The surface marker of the soft palate: the
of teeth, permanent teeth can be divided into inci- foveola palatina, velum palatinum, palatine
sors, cuspids, premolars, and molars. Milk teeth uvula, palatoglossal arch, palatopharyngeal arch,
are divided into incisors, cuspids and molars. tonsillar fossa, and oropharyngeal isthmus.
Incisors are single-rooted teeth with flat, Lying between the oral and nasal cavities, the
chisel-shaped crowns, mainly used for biting and soft palate composes one-third of the total palate
cutting food; cuspids are also single-rooted teeth area and features the oral and nasal surfaces. The
with vertebral-shaped crowns, used for biting and soft palate forms the roof of the fauces, an area
tearing food; premolars are also generally single-­ connecting the oral cavity and the pharynx. Two
rooted teeth with nearly square crowns, used to arches bind the palate to the tongue and pharynx;
assist the molars in grinding food; molars gener- the palatoglossal arches anteriorly and the palato-
ally have three roots in the maxilla and two roots pharyngeal arches posteriorly.
in the mandible, with square crowns, used to The soft palate can be divided into four layers
grind food. from the superficial to the deep: the mucosa, sub-
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 19

mucosa, palatine aponeurosis, and palatine mus- low in the mouth, near the throat, the position of
cle. The core of the soft palate consists of the which is comparatively fixed. Moreover, it is
palatine aponeurosis and five muscles of the soft attached to the hyoid bone and the mandible
palate, which are the musculus uvulae, tensor veli (lower jaw) and quite near the hyoid and lingual
palatini, levator veli palatini, palatopharyngeus, muscles.
and palatoglossus muscles.
The Periglottis The Pharynx The tongue is covered with moist, pink tissue
The pharynx is a hollow structure lined with called mucosa. Tiny bumps called papillae give
moist tissue, which starts behind the nose, goes the tongue its rough texture. These bumps vary in
down the neck, and ends at the top of the trachea shape and location and are associated with taste
and esophagus. As a whole, the pharynx is about buds. The muscles within and surrounding the
5  cm in length and consists of three parts: the tongue control its movement. There are four
nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx. The types of papillae—the vallate papillae, folate
pharynx allows the air through the respiratory papillae, papillae, and fungiform papillae. Among
tract, and both circular constrictive muscles and these papillae, the last three types contain recep-
longitudinal muscles surrounding the pharynx tors for taste within taste buds. Filiform papillae
work together to send food and drink down to the are of the largest amount and only responsible for
esophagus. general sensation. The underside of the tongue is
The pharyngeal wall from the inside out into covered with a thin, transparent mucous mem-
mucous layer, fibrous membrane, muscular layer, brane through which one can see the underlying
and outer membrane. The posterior pharyngeal veins.
tissue flap is formed by the first three layers.
The Muscles The Tongue The muscles of the tongue consist of intrinsic
The tongue is a mobile muscular organ that lies in muscles and extrinsic muscles. The intrinsic
the bottom of oral cavity and partly extends into muscles include the superior longitudinal, infe-
the upper throat, which assists in the procedure of rior longitudinal, transverse, and vertical mus-
eating, tasting, swallowing, pronouncing, etc. cles. The extrinsic muscles are composed of the
genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, and
Tongue Morphology palatoglossus.
The tongue has two sides, the curved upper sur-
face is called dorsum, which can be divided into The Nerves and Blood Supply
the posterior 2/3 of the tongue body and the back of the Tongue
1/3 of the tongue root with the V-shaped groove Our tongue can move, feel, and taste various fla-
as terminal sulcus. The tongue may be further vors, which is possible because of nerves. The
divided into right and left halves by the midline hypoglossal nerve is the most critical motor nerve
groove and just beneath the groove’s surface lies to human’s tongue, controlling almost all the
the fibrous lingual septum. There is a foramen muscles of the tongue, except for the palatoglos-
cecum at the tip of the sulcus, which is a remnant sus muscle innervated by a branch of the pharyn-
of the thyroglossal canal in embryonic life. geal plexus. The anterior two-thirds of the
The lingual frenulum is the large midline fold tongue’s surface is in charge of sensation such as
of mucosa. The lower surface of the tongue is touch and feeling the temperature. Such function
shorter than the dorsum of the tongue and its is supplied by the lingual nerve. A special
mucosa is smooth and floppy and converges with ­sensation, taste is supplied by the chorda tympani
the mucosa of the floor of the mouth, facilitating nerve, a branch of the facial nerve. The back a
the tongue tip to move freely. The posterior third third of the tongue can also supply sensation, but
of the tongue is the lingual root, which is located is controlled by the branch of the glossopharyn-
20 M. Xia

geal nerve. There is a small patch of the tongue in domastoid; deep fascia; neurovascular bun-
front of the epiglottis which gets its special sen- dles around the parotid gland: the posterior
sation from the internal laryngeal nerve, branch- auricular nerve, the auricular branch facial
ing from the vagus nerve. nerve, parotid duct, transverse facial artery
The blood supply to the tongue comes mainly and vein, facial nerve, retromandibular, and
from the lingual artery, which is originated from carotid bifurcation.
the external carotid artery. The posterior third of
the tongue has branches of the ascending pharyn- The Deep Lateral Aspect of Face
geal artery. Venous drainage occurs in the accom-
panying veins of the lingual artery and the The Realm
hypoglossal nerve. In the elderly, the sublingual The anterior border lies at the back of maxilla,
veins may be enlarged and tortuous (varicose) but the posterior border is the parotid sheath, the
do not bleed, so such changes are deemed as clin- inner border is the external pterygoid plate, and
ically significant. the outer border is the mandibular branch, which
is the infratemporal space and the pterygoman-
dibular space.
2.2.2 The Parotideomasseteric
Region and Deep Lateral The Position Relation
Aspect of Face Taking the lateral pterygoid muscle as a refer-
ence, the important surrounding blood vessels The Parotideomasseteric and nerves are as follows:
(a) Superficial surface of the lateral pterygoid
The Realm muscle: the internal maxillary artery and its
The anterior border of the parotideomasseteric branches, pterygoid plexus.
region is the anterior margin masseter; the poste- (b) Superior margin of the lateral pterygoid mus-
rior border is the porus acousticus externus and cle: deep temporal nerve and masseteric
mastoid process; the superior border is the acrus nerve.
zygomaticus; the inferior border is the base of the (c) Between the superior and inferior heads of
mandible. the lateral pterygoid muscle: the second seg-
ment of the buccal nerve and internal maxil-
The Layers lary artery and the muscle branch that it gives
From the superficial to the deep, this area can be rise to.
divided into five layers: the skin, subcutaneous (d) Inferior margin of the lateral pterygoid mus-
layer, superficial fascia, deep fascia, and spatium cle: the lingual nerve, inferior alveolar nerve,
parotideum. and auriculotemporal nerve.
(e) Deep surface of the lateral pterygoid muscle:
(a) Skin thick, hairy in men; innervated by the mandibular nerve and its branches.
auriculotemporal branch and great auricular
branch from cervical plexus;
(b) Subcutaneous layer fat; superficial tempo- 2.2.3 Oral Maxillofacial Loose
ral artery, vein, and lymph nodes; Connective Tissue Interspace
(c) Superficial fascia thin; not connected to
bone; The oral and maxillofacial loose connective tis-
(d) Deep fascia connected to zygomatic arch; sue interspace refers to the potential gaps located
covers the parotid gland; between fascia and muscle, muscle and perios-
(e) Spatium parotideum superficial muscles: teum, as well as between periosteum and perios-
masseter, medial pterygoid, and sternoclei- teum. The loose connective tissue passes from
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 21

one interspace to another, accompanied by neuro- lower margin of the lateral pterygoid muscle, and
vascular bundles, to make adjacent spaces open the inferior border is the portion of medial ptery-
to each other. goid muscle attached to the ramus of mandible.
There is lingual nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, The Infraorbital Space and vessel. This space is open to parapharyngeal,
The infraorbital space is located below the ante- masseteric, sublingual, submandibular, and infra-
rior part of the orbit, with the infraorbital margin temporal space.
as the superior border, the exognathion as the
inferior border, the nasal lateral margin as the
medial border, the zygomatic muscle as the lat- 2.2.4 The Neck
eral border, and the base is at the anterior maxil-
lary wall centered with the canine fossa, with the The Border and Distribution
superficial surface covered by facial expression
muscles. The buccal cavity can be reached poste- Triangles of the Neck
riorly, and there are facial veins and facial arter- Neck triangles are spaces bordered by the neck
ies passing through it. muscles. There are two main triangles—the ante-
rior and the posterior triangles of the neck.
The Buccal Cavity The anterior triangle of the neck is made by
The buccal cavity situated between the buccina- the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
tor and masseter and is shaped like an inverted muscle, the inferior border of the mandible, and
cone, with the front margin of buccinators as the midline of the neck. The superior border of
the anterior border and the front margin of anterior triangle is the inferior margin of mandi-
ramus of mandible and temporalis as the back ble, the medial border is the midline of neck and
margin. Inside the space are buccal nerve, buc- the lateral border is the anterior margin of sterno-
cal artery, deep facial vein, and adipose tissue. cleidomastoid muscle. This triangle can be fur-
This interspace is adjacent to the molars and is ther divided into the submandibular triangle,
connected to the pterygomandibular, masse- submental triangle, muscular triangle, and carotid
teric, infraorbital, infratemporal, and temporal triangle.
space [11]. Similarly, the posterior triangle is bounded by
the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
The Masseteric Space muscle, the anterior border of the trapezius mus-
The masseteric space located between masseter cle, and the middle third of the clavicle. The ante-
and ramus of mandible, with the front margin of rior border of the posterior triangle is the posterior
masseter as the anterior border, the back margin edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle, the poste-
of ramus of mandible or parotid tissues as the rior border is the anterior edge of trapezius mus-
posterior border, the lower margin of zygomatic cle, and inferiorly it is the middle one-third of
arch as the superior border and the portion clavicle. The posterior triangle can be subdivided
attached to masseter as the inferior border. This into the occipital triangle and the omoclavicular
space is open to pterygomandibular, buccal, tem- triangle.
poral, and infratemporal space. Additionally, in light of the position to the
hyoid bone, the anterior triangle muscles are cat-
The Pterygomandibular Space egorized as the suprahyoid and infrahyoid
The pterygomandibular space located between ­muscles. The posterior triangle connects with the
the medial surface of the ramus of mandible and upper limb; thus, muscles related to this area are
the medial pterygoid muscle. The anterior border sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, splenius capitis,
is the temporalis and buccinators; the posterior levator scapulae, omohyoid, as well as the ante-
border is parotid gland; the superior border is the rior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles.
22 M. Xia Body Surface Symbol The Suprasternal Fossa

The suprasternal fossa situated in the depression
The Hyoid Bone above the jugular vein incision of the sternum,
The hyoid bone is a small horseshoe-shaped bone and the trachea can be palpated.
located in the front of your neck. It sits between
the chin and the thyroid cartilage and is instru- The Cervical Fascia and Fascial
mental in the function of swallowing and tongue Spaces
movements. From the superficial to the deep, the cervical fas-
cia can be divided into five layers. The human
The Prominentia Laryngea structures making up the neck are surrounded by
The prominentia laryngea located below the a layer of subcutaneous tissue called the superfi-
hyoid bone, especially in male. There is superior cial cervical fascia, and are compartmentalized
notch of thyroid cartilage at its upper margin. by a second group of fasciae referred to as deep
cervical fascia, which also consists of three fas-
The Cricoid Cartilage cial layers: the investing layer of deep cervical
The cricoid cartilage unpaired hyaline cartilage fascia, pretracheal layer of deep cervical fascia,
located in the larynx at C6 vertebral level. It sits and prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia.
on a level plane just below the thyroid gland and
thyroid cartilage. Superficial Cervical Fascia
The superficial cervical fascia is a thin layer of
The Cervical Trachea subcutaneous connective tissue existing between
The cervical trachea located below cricoid carti- the dermis of the skin and the investing layer of
lage, passing the anterior midline downwards to deep cervical fascia. Its unique feature is thin
the superior margin of sternal manubrium. although it embraces the platysma muscle and
coats the cutaneous nerves, blood and lymphatic
The Sternocleidomastoid Muscle vessels, superficial lymph nodes, and variable
The sternocleidomastoid muscle situated in the amounts of fat. It is divided into two layers in the
lateral part of the neck, starting from the sterno- submandibular triangle and the parotid area,
clavicular joint and the medial end of the clavicle which surround the submandibular and parotid
and ending at the mastoid process obliquely and glands, respectively, forming the fascial sheaths
posteriorly. The anterior border is crossed by the of both glands [12].
external carotid artery, the internal carotid artery,
and the internal jugular vein; the midpoint of the Deep Cervical Fascia
posterior border is where the cervical plexus con- The deep cervical fascia is located on the deeper
centrated superficially. There is external jugular surface of the superficial fascia and the broad
vein crossing by in its superficial surface and the neck muscles, which surround the muscles, blood
muscle is crossed by the accessory nerve. In the vessels, nerves, and organs of the neck, forming
deep surface are common carotid artery, vagus three layers: superficial, middle, and deep. The
nerve, and internal jugular vein. organs of the neck are separated from each other
by it, with interstitial spaces filled with loose
The Supraclavicular Fossa connective tissue, called fascial spaces. These
The supraclavicular fossa located above the mid- layers also function to support the internal organs
dle 1/3 of the clavicle, and the pulsation of the of the neck (such as the thyroid gland), the mus-
subclavian artery can be palpated at its superior cles, blood and lymphatic vessels, and the deep
clavicular border. lymph nodes. Moreover, they form the carotid
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 23

sheath, which wraps around vessels such as the plexus that lies within the space. In young chil-
common carotid arteries, the internal jugular dren, the lower part of the pretracheal space
veins, and the vagus nerves. Importantly, they act includes the upper thymus gland, which leads
as landmarks and natural planes through which down to the anterior part of the upper mediasti-
tissues can be separated during surgery. num. Therefore, if there is an infection or bleed-
ing in the anterior cervical tracheal space, it may
The Investing Layer of Deep Cervical travel down this space to the anterior mediasti-
Fascia num. If there is an emphysema in the anterior
The investing layer of the deep cervical fascia mediastinum, it can also extend up to the neck
refers to the superfacial layer of the deep cervical along this space.
fascia. It surrounds the neck and attaches posteri-
orly to the ligamentum nuchae and the spinous The Prevertebral Layer of Deep Cervical
process of the cervical vertebrae. Laterally and Fascia
anteriorly, it first wraps around the trapezius and This layer surrounds the anterior vertebral mus-
sternocleidomastoid muscles, and then covers the cles, anterior and middle scalene muscles, levator
infrahyoid muscles from surface to the median scapulae, brachial plexus, and subclavian veins,
line where it fuses with the opposite side, form- forming the base of the lateral triangle of the
ing the cervical white line. neck and extending outwards and downwards to
It attaches above to the neck line of the occipi- cover the subclavian arteries and veins and the
tal bone and mastoid process and surrounds the brachial plexus and connect with the axillary
parotid gland to form the parotid sheath; then sheath. It attaches upwards to the base of the
below the mandible, it divides into two layers, skull and fuses downwards with the anterior lon-
wraps around the submandibular gland and gitudinal ligament of the spine.
attaches to the mandible, forming the subman- Between the prevertebral fascia and the poste-
dibular sheath. rior pharyngeal wall is the retropharyngeal space.
Below, it attaches to the acromion, clavicle, The abscess in this space may bulge into the pha-
and manubrium sterni. Above the incisura jugula- ryngeal cavity causing difficulty to the patient’s
ris, it splits into two layers, superficial and deep swallowing and articulating. In case of infection,
layers, which attach to the anterior and posterior it may extend down into the posterior mediasti-
edges of the incision, respectively. The gap num. There is an anterior vertebral space between
between them is called the suprasternal space the prevertebral fascia and the cervical part of the
where the jugular arch and lymph nodes exist. spine, where abscess or pus of the cervical spine
tuberculosis accumulate or spread downwards to
Pretracheal Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia the posterior mediastinum or two laterals of the
The pretracheal layer can be divided into the vis- neck, or penetrate the prevertebral fascia into the
ceral layer and parietal layer. The visceral layer is posterior pharyngeal space.
thin and loose and wraps around the organs of the
neck such as the larynx, trachea, thyroid, phar- The Submandibular Triangle
ynx, and esophagus. The parietal layer is denser The submandibular triangle, also known as digastric
and lies in front of the organs of the neck, behind triangle, is located superior to the hyoid bone [13].
the infrahyoid muscles, and forms a carotid
sheath on either side, encircling the common The Borders
carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus The lateral border of the submandibular triangle
nerve. is the sternocleidomastoid muscle; the superior
The pretracheal space is formed between the border is the inferior margin of the mandible; the
visceral and parietal layers and contains loose medial border is the anterior midline of the neck.
connective tissue. The left and right inferior thy- The roof of the triangle is formed by the skin, the
roid veins constitute the unpaired thyroid venous superficial cervical fascia, the platysma, and the
24 M. Xia

deep cervical fascia. The branches of the facial The Carotid Triangle
nerve and transverse cutaneous cervical nerves The contents of the carotid triangle are made up
also pass over the roof of the triangle. of arteries, veins, and nerves.

The Layers The Arteries

From the superficial to the deep, the submandibu- The common carotid artery is the main artery of
lar triangle can be basically divided into three the triangle. It branches into the internal and
layers: the skin, superficial cervical fascia, and external carotid arteries in the upper corner of the
deep cervical fascia. triangle. Other arterial branches that can be
observed in this space are branches of the exter-
The Contents nal carotid artery. Specifically, they are the supe-
The submandibular triangle contains the subman- rior thyroid artery, the lingual artery, the facial
dibular gland, submandibular lymph nodes, the artery, the occipital artery, and the ascending pha-
external maxillary artery, the anterior facial vein ryngeal artery [15].
(posterior superior and superficial to the gland),
the lingual nerve, the sublingual nerve (deep and The Veins
inferior to the gland), and the submandibular All the branches of veins correspond to a previ-
duct. ously mentioned artery where they all drain into
the internal jugular vein. The internal jugular The Cervical Part of Trachea vein runs laterally to the common carotid artery.
Cervical trachea, also named as cervical wind- These branches are: the superior thyroid vein,
pipe, belongs to a 10–11 cm long fibrocartilagi- lingual veins, common facial vein, occipital vein,
nous tube of the lower respiratory tract. The and ascending pharyngeal vein.
cervical trachea is about 6.5  cm (6–8 tracheal
cartilages) and lies inside the anterior visceral The Nerves
(pretracheal) layer of the neck. It starts at the There is a carotid sheath formed by the middle cer-
lower edge of the larynx (cricoid cartilage) at the vical fascia where it encompasses the vagus nerve
level of the C6 vertebrae and ends at the level of as well as the internal jugular vein, the common
the jugular notch of the sternum, marking the carotid artery, and deep cervical lymph nodes.
upper border of the superior mediastinum [14]. Superficial to the carotid sheath, the hypoglossal
From deep to superficial, the cervical part of nerve (CN XII) also descends within the triangle,
trachea is covered anteriorly by several struc- as does the accessory nerve (CN XI), and the ansa
tures, including: the visceral cervical fascia, isth- cervicalis profunda. The hypoglossal nerve enters
mus of thyroid gland, pretracheal lymph nodes, the carotid triangle through the deep posterior
sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles, and jugu- belly of digastric muscles, crossing the surface of
lar venous arch. the internal and external jugular vein. The superior
Between the middle layer of the deep cervical laryngeal nerve originates from the vagus nerve
fascia and the anterior tracheocervical segment, and is divided downwards into medial and lateral
there is an anterior tracheal space containing branches that run obliquely down the deep surface
unpaired thyroid venous plexus, the inferior thy- of the internal and external carotid arteries.
roid vein, and sometimes the arteria thyroidea
ima. There is an isthmus of thyroid gland which The Posterior Belly of Digastric Muscles
crosses the trachea between the second and fourth At its deep surface to the inferior margin, from
tracheal cartilages. The inferior thyroid arteries the posterior to the anterior, there are accessory
are located superior to the isthmus. The pretra- nerve, internal jugular vein, hypoglossal nerve,
cheal fascia, inferior thyroid veins and thymus internal carotid artery, external carotid artery, and
are located inferior to the isthmus. external maxillary artery.
2  Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy 25 The Sternocleidomastoid The Posterior Neck Triangle

Region The posterior triangle of the neck lies posteriorly
The sternocleidomastoid region corresponds to at the sternocleidomastoid region.
the site occupied by the sternocleidomastoid
muscle and the area it covers. The Borders
The borders include the trapezius muscle posteri-
The Realm orly, the sternocleidomastoid muscle anteriorly,
Being separated by sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the middle one-third of the clavicle inferiorly.
each half of the neck contains a triangle: the ante-
rior and posterior one. The anterior, posterior, The Layers
and superior boundaries of the anterior triangle The posterior neck triangle is covered superfi-
are the mid line, anterior border of sternocleido- cially to deeply by the skin, superficial and deep
mastoid, and the lower border of mandible, cervical fascia, and the platysma muscle.
respectively. Accordingly, the posterior triangle
is defined by posterior border of sternocleido- The Contents
mastoid, anterior border of trapezius, and middle Within the posterior triangle of the neck, there
third of clavicle (inferior). are mainly paraspinal lymph nodes, spinal acces-
sory nerve, transverse cervical artery, supracla-
The Layers vicular lymph nodes, and subclavian arteries and
From superficial to the deep, the sternocleido- veins. There is brachial plexus on the deep sur-
mastoid region is composed of the skin, the face of the prevertebral fascia [17].
superficial lamina of deep cervical fascia, sterno-
cleidomastoid muscle and its sheath. Within the
superficial lamina of deep cervical fascia, there References
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Characteristics of Patients
Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial 3

Ming Xia

3.1 Common Oral Congenial craniomaxillofacial anomalies,

and Maxillofacial Diseases such as cleft lip, craniostenosis, and among oth-
ers are recommended to be repaired when patients
Oral and maxillofacial diseases can be seen in are under 1-year-old, to improve craniomaxillo-
all ages, including infants and elder people. facial forms and functions, reduce complications,
According to the statistics of Shanghai Ninth and obtain better postoperative development. The
People’s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao anatomical and physiological characteristics of
Tong University School of Medicine, the young- the pediatric patients change with age and can-
est patient was a hard palate teratoma patient who not simply be seen as a microcosm of the adult.
was only 5-day-old, while the oldest patient was The younger the patient is, the greater the differ-
a 96-year-old patient who has a primary carci- ences. In the perioperative period, this group of
noma of tongue. Both of them went through peri- patients must be taken good care of to minimize
operative period safely. the adverse effects of surgical anesthesia and
maintain the homeostasis by using appropriate
3.1.1 Morbidity and Characteristics
of Pediatric Patients
3.1.2 Morbidity and Characteristics
According to the 50-year in hospital surgery sta- of Elderly Patients
tistics of Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, pedi-
atric patients (under 13 years old) took up 30.7% According to the same statistics as mentioned
of the total patients’ number. Among pediatric above, elderly patients (over 60  years old)
patients, those who had cheilopalatoschisis mal- accounted for 11.6% of the total patients’ num-
formation or birth defect were dominant, and the ber. The most common diseases in this popula-
most common diseases were cheilopalatoschisis, tion were tumors, salivary gland diseases, and
tumors, and salivary gland diseases. infection, differing from pediatric patients’ dis-
ease structure.
As getting older, the body structure and physi-
M. Xia (*) ological functions of the elderly inevitably
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth undergo degenerative changes, manifested in the
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong atrophy of internal organs and tissues, cellular
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China senescence and reduced regenerative functions,

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 27
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
28 M. Xia

and consequently, reduced function, decreased dence of cleft lip alone is 1/1000, and cleft
immune function, low resistance, and the body’s palate alone is 1/2500. Syndromes related to
ability to respond to the surrounding environ- cleft lip and palate include lethal alcohol syn-
ment. Not only are they often accompanied by drome, Shprintzen syndrome, and Van der
various other system and organ diseases, espe- Woude syndrome, in addition to Apert syn-
cially cardiovascular diseases, followed by respi- drome, Crouze syndrome, Robin syndrome,
ratory diseases, digestive diseases as well as Treacher Collin syndrome, and Stickler syn-
diabetes and hematological diseases, thus mak- drome mentioned above. More than 75% of
ing the body significantly less resistant and toler- the individuals have cleft palate or palatal
ant to treatments such as surgery, but they are anomalies and specific facial characteristics
also prone to infections and complications. On like hypertelorism [2].
the other hand, with the development of surgical
techniques, elderly patients expect longer post-
operative survival time and higher quality of life. 3.2.2 Syndromes with Abnormal
Many elderly tumor patients not only receive Development of Internal Vital
radical resection for tumor, but need a certain Organs
degree of repair of large tissue defects and dys-
functions after radical resection. These increase Some congenital malformation, except for maxil-
the complexity and danger of surgical treatment lofacial anomalies and deformed limbs may
for elderly patients, as well as the perioperative accompany with vital organ anomaly. Taking
anesthesia risk and management. cleft lip and palate—the congenital malforma-
tion, for example, the incidence of congenital
heart disease related to it is as high as 3–7%,
3.2 Common Syndromes in Oral commonly seen as atrial septal defect and ven-
and Maxillofacial Surgery tricular septal defect. In Shprintzen syndrome
patients, 80% has a variety of cardiac anomalies,
There is a wide spectrum of syndromes that con- such as ventricular septal defect (65%), right aor-
tain dental, oral, and craniofacial abnormalities, tic arch (35%), tetralogy of Fallot (20%), and
the range of which encompasses over 1/3 of all anomalous left subclavian artery (20%).
congenital malformations [1]. Decreased compensatory function of vital organs
damages children’s tolerance of anesthesia.

3.2.1 Common Syndromes in Oral

and Maxillofacial Surgery 3.2.3 Syndromes Related to Upper
Airway Obstruction
1. Syndromes in which maxillary hypoplasia is
the main symptom, such as Crouzon syn- Obvious craniofacial anomalies or disproportions
drome, Apert syndrome, and Pfeiffer are often closely associated with upper airway
syndrome. obstruction. For example, micrognathia and
2. Syndromes in which maxillary hypoplasia is tongue collapse in Pierre Robin syndrome, reces-
the main symptom, such as Pierre Robin syn- sion of the maxilla and atresia of choana in
drome, Treacher Collin syndrome, Goldenhar Crouzon syndrome, plump tongue in Down syn-
syndrome, Nager syndrome, and Stickler drome and micrognathia and atresia of choana
syndrome. caused by achondroplasia in Treacher Collin syn-
3. Syndromes relating to cleft lip and palate. drome are the main causes of upper airway
Congenital cleft lip and palate is often the obstruction. In some pediatric patients, the
most common congenital anomaly and is obstruction is already evident before surgery and
associated with 150 syndromes. The inci- may even lead to obstructive sleep apnea
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 29

s­ yndrome, which can also lead to chronic hypoxia ment of the mandibular canal [5]. The common
and carbon dioxide accumulation, resulting in symptom intra-orally is unilateral swelling of the
impaired cardiopulmonary function and systemic gingiva, which may appear as additional diffuse
failure. Therefore, whether patients with congen- enlargements, or gingiva enlargement in certain
ital malformations have intubation difficulties or cases [6].
not, anesthetists should be alert to the potential
risk of perioperative airway management diffi-
culties and prepare intubation plans. Maintaining 3.2.6 Syndromes Involving
spontaneous breathing is recommended in most Branchial Arches
cases under such circumstances.
The branchial arches syndrome usually refers to
the first and second branchial arch syndrome, the
3.2.4 Syndromes Accompanied classical symptom of which is craniofacial defor-
with Mental Retardation mities [7]. The deformities can be complicated
and various. Therefore, it may be referred by dif-
Some syndromes are also associated with mental ferent researchers as Goldenhar syndrome (GS),
retardation, such as palato-cardiac-facial syn- oculo-auriculo-vertebral dysplasia (OVAD),
drome (Shprintzen syndrome), which is charac- hemifacial macrosomia (HFM), Treacher Collins
terized by cleft palate, cardiovascular defects, (TCS) (subdivided into three types), Möbius
specific facial features and mental retardation, Syndrome (MBS), and among others. In the fol-
and Hurler syndrome, which is also accompanied lowing passages, they will be introduced in detail.
with severe mental retardation. Syndromes asso- The branchial arches syndrome is the most
ciated with upper airway obstruction, manifest- frequent craniofacial condition after cleft lip pal-
ing as obstructive sleep apnea, can seriously ate (CLP) and affects 1 in 4000–5600 live births
affect the growth and intellectual development of [8]. It is shown that 47 out of 51 patients have
children. Therefore, the anesthetist should uni- or bilateral (24/23) ear abnormalities that
observe children’s intellectual development were related to hearing loss [9]. HFM was pres-
through direct communication with children and ent in 90% of the patients whose condition often
inquiring their learning situation before adminis- accompanies facial nerve palsy (FNP). Apart
tering anesthesia. At the same time, communicat- from the mandibular condyle hypoplasia and the
ing with parents is also very important, helping soft tissue discrepancy, FNP affects the craniofa-
them understanding their children’s intellectual cial growth asymmetry as well [10]. The most
development and the impact of the syndrome on commonly present characteristics of HFM are
the children’s intelligence to avoid unnecessary hypoplasia of the zygomatic, mandibular and
medical disputes. maxillary bones, and facial muscle hypoplasia
[9]. Through cephalometric analysis, it can be
noticed that HFM patients present an upward
3.2.5 Syndromes Involving cant of the occlusal plane and their mandibular
Gingivodental Tissues body and ramus of the affected side turn to be
smaller [11–13]. Accordingly, their gonial angles
Features of gingivodental syndromes are shown are inclined to be large and steep, their mandibles
though dental manifestations such as gingival retrognathic, and their faces slightly convex [14–
hyperplasia. Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a 16]. Their retrognathic mandibles have no rela-
tumor predisposing syndrome. When affected, tion to mandibular growth rate since the rate is
patients may have symptoms such as macroceph- similar to that of the normal ones [17].
aly, short mandible, maxilla, cranial base, and Moreover, colobomas of the upper eyelids are
low face height [3, 4]. Among all the NF1 frequently seen. Sometimes, HFM may cause
patients, nearly 20% of them have an enlarge- malformation of other facial structures, including
30 M. Xia

the orbit, eye, nose, cranium, and neck. Normally, ducted in 146 patients with TCS [24]. Researchers
only one side of the above structure may be proved that symptoms such as craniofacial and
affected, whereas there are cases that involve the comprised downward-slanting palpebral fissures
whole face. Though observing and comparing the (in 100% of the patients); malar hypoplasia (in
oral and dental features, researchers found that in 99%); conductive deafness (in 91%); mandibular
deciduous and permanent dentition, the mesio- hypoplasia (in 87%); atresia of external ear canal
distal dimensions of all molars are smaller than in (in 72%), microtia (in 71%); coloboma of the
control individuals, manifesting the opinion that lower eyelid (in 65%); facial asymmetry (in
HFM is a bilateral rather than a unilateral condi- 53%), and projection of scalp hair onto the lateral
tion [14]. Nevertheless, the difference is most cheek (in 48%) were the most common features
significant in the mandibular permanent first observed in patients with TCS with mutations in
molar on the affected side. While it is reported TCOF1 [24].
that the development of the mandibular is deviat- In another study, it is reported that over half of
ing, the size of canines and the incisors are regu- the pediatric patients with TCS present with nar-
lar, no matter in the deciduous or the permanent row arched palates, and hypoplasia of the max-
dentition [14, 16]. illa, mandible, and facial soft tissue [25]. The
The incidence of tooth agenesis (TA) in HFM complex abnormalities in the temporomandibular
patients is higher than in the control group, and joint may result in the limitation of mouth open-
reaches nearly to 25%, while the most affected ing [25, 26] and the anterior open bite of different
are the mandibular second premolar and second severity [25, 27]. There are studies revealed the
molars [18, 19]. Patients with HFM have delayed presence of cleft palate with or without cleft lip
tooth development when comparing with the [25, 27, 28].
controlled individuals, and only in the most In a prospective case study that included 19
severe cases where there are absent mandibular patients who received genetic testing, medical
ramus and glenoid fossa, the affected side devel- and dental examinations, and polysomnography,
ops pronouncedly more delayed than the non-­ disturbed respiration was detected in all partici-
affected side [16, 19]. A feature prone to be pating patients, among whom 18 met the diag-
overlooked is mild tongue dysmorphology, nostic criteria for obstructive sleep apnea
though it is shown on approximately half of the syndrome [29].
HFM children [20]. Besides, among patients with Similar to HFM, TA is the most frequent
HFM, 10% of them present CLP [21]. Moreover, anomaly and it most commonly affects the man-
unilateral craniofacial microsomia is also dibular second premolars, followed by maxillary
reported to be an underestimated reason of second premolars, lateral incisors, and maxillary
obstructive sleep apnea, the incidence of which in canines in patients with TCS [28]. Approximately
patients with UCM is ten times higher than that 60% of the children with TCS have been found to
in the normal population [22]. have dental anomalies. Additionally, there have
Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS) is a con- been reports of impacted maxillary supernumer-
genital hypoplasia of zygomatic bone and man- ary teeth, hypoplastic, and malpositioned maxil-
dible, with a penetrance of up to 90% and variable lary central incisors, and ectopic eruption of the
expressivity, and 1 out of 50,000 live births were maxillary first molars [28].
affected [23]. Bilateral and symmetric downslant-
ing palpebral fissures, malar hypoplasia, micro-
gnathia, and external ear abnormalities are 3.2.7 Syndromes Involving
commonly shown features of the syndrome. Orofacial Clefts
So far, researchers have identified three genes
in TCS, namely, TCOF1, POLR1D, and POLR1C Syndromes in this group are all related to the
that may play scientific and effective role in diag- development of cleft lip and/or palate. Apart from
nosis of the syndrome. Clinical trials were con- that they also include a highly variable spectrum
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 31

of clinical features, such as ectrodactyly, ectoder- interincisal diastema, or a lingual midline fissure
mal anomalies, musculoskeletal problems, hypo- are also present in CLS [32, 33]. It is reported
gonadism, mental retardation, and hearing loss. that detachment and disorganization of the peri-
The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS), odontal ligament and alveolar bone loss with age
EEC-syndrome (Ectrodactyly–ectodermal dys- are significantly associated with cementum hypo-
plasia–cleft syndrome), Kabuki syndrome, plasia and Rsk2 deficiency [34].
Kallmann syndrome, Pierre Robin sequence, and The Optiz GBBB syndrome is genetically het-
Van der Woude syndrome are included in this erogeneous, but signs and symptoms of different
category. patient populations are in general the same.
Although common general features of the syn-
drome are laryngo-tracheo-esophageal abnor-
3.2.8 Syndromes with Unusual malities, and urogenital defects like hypospadias,
Faces cryptorchidism, and bifid scrotum in males and
splayed labia majora in females, imperforate
Syndromes belonging to this category include anus, and congenital heart defects [35–41], dis-
Coffin-Lowry syndrome (CLS), Opitz GBBB tinct craniofacial features can also be observed in
syndrome, and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. this disorder, including a prominent forehead,
Like other oral and maxillofacial syndromes, with a widow’s peak hairline, hypertelorism, a
CLS is also caused by mutation of genes. flat nasal bridge, a thin upper lip, and low-set ears
However, its incidence is lower, about 1  in [42]. Cleft lip and/or palate is shown in approxi-
50,000–100,000 [30]. Female are prone to be mately half of the affected population [36,
affected more severely than male, and the sever- 40–43].
ity of the disorder varies greatly. Specifically, As a developmental disorder, smith-lemli-­
affected newborns usually have symptoms related opitz syndrome (SLOS) may influence more than
to joint hyperlaxity and hypotonia. For example, one part of the body. Unlike the Optiz GBBB, the
their hands may be broad with soft, stubby, and signs and symptoms of SLOS vary intensively,
tapering fingers, which may be observed when the range of which may cover from slightly
they were born and regarded as solid diagnostic affected patients with minor learning and behav-
features. Since the early age, affected children ioral abnormalities and physical deviations to
present delayed physical growth and psychomo- severely tortured patients with life-threatening
tor development. Other typical symptoms include conditions. Manifested on craniofacial, micro-
short stature (95%), pectus deformity (80%), sen- cephaly, bitemporal narrowing, ptosis, short nose
sorineural hearing loss, paroxysmal movement with anteverted nares, low-set and retroversed
disorders, and kyphosis and/or scoliosis [31]. ears, ocular problems and hypertelorism, a small
For craniofacial abnormalities, children with chin, and micrognathia are usually present [44–
CLS will not show specific symptoms until they 46]. What is more, cleft palate or bifid uvula have
were 2 years old when the typical facial features been detected clinically. Cleft palate has been
of the syndrome become obvious. Features con- reported in 40–50% of the patients [45, 47, 48],
tain prominent forehead, hypertelorism, flat nasal while cleft lip is uncommon [49]. The oral and
bridge, downward sloping of palpebral fissures, dental symptoms in SLOS patients are oligodon-
large and prominent ears, and a whole mouth tia or supernumerary teeth, broad alveolar ridges,
with full lips, all of which progress gradually enamel hypoplasia, protrusion of the maxillary
along with their increasing ages [31, 32]. front teeth, lip incompetence, and an anterior
Moreover, malocclusions and narrow palate are open bite [44, 46].
frequently present [33]. In conclusion, while performing anesthe-
Hypodontia is another commonly encountered sia on these patients, the anesthetists should be
symptom of children with CLS.  Peg shaped or very careful because of their complex patho-
absent upper lateral incisors, with a wide upper physiological conditions induced by congenital
32 M. Xia

­ alformations. The anesthetists should be fully

m ≥60 years was 58.3%, 19.4% and 10.5% respec-
aware that not only are there oral and maxillofa- tively, with 75.8% of the population suffering
cial malformations, but there may also be other from one or more chronic diseases. The nature
important organ malformations and serious com- and severity of these comorbidities will have a
plications arising from these defects. Therefore, direct impact on the choice of surgery or anesthe-
a comprehensive consideration from anatomy, sia methods and the safety of the patient through-
physiology, and pathology should be done before out the perioperative period. A number of cases
anesthesia. of perioperative death due to compensatory
insufficiency from serious circulatory and respi-
ratory diseases have also been reported in the
3.3 Systemic and Vital Viscera past. In conclusion, a variety of factors compli-
Complications cate the condition and perioperative management
of oral and maxillofacial surgery patients, and the
Systemic diseases may have more prominent oral anesthetist should make every possible preopera-
and maxillofacial manifestations. In oral and tive adjustment to the patient’s physical status to
maxillofacial surgery patients, there may often be reduce the perioperative and anesthesia risks.
an underlying cause of systemic disorders. For Even surgery with minimal risk such as dental
example, Kaposi’s sarcomas occur in about and alveolar surgery can lead to serious compli-
34–35% of AIDS patients, and 77% of Kaposi’s cations and even life-threatening conditions for
sarcomas occur in the maxilla, usually without patients with systemic diseases, especially car-
other clinical symptoms. In addition, rheumatoid diovascular disease. Experience has shown that
arthritis has symptom of temporomandibular patients whose heart failure is NYHA Class I–III
joint disorders in the oral and maxillofacial (the classification is attached in the following
region, with some patients requiring arthroplasty section) can tolerate tooth extraction and minor
for joint ankylosis. It may cause jaw abnormality surgery, but patients whose heart failure is NYHA
to children. This shows that it is important for the Class II–III should preferably receive surgery
anesthetist to establish a systemic concept of the under cardiac monitoring. Patients with severe
patient for oral and maxillofacial surgery. All cardiac failure (NYHA Class IV), along with
information from the medical history, physical orthopnea, cyanosis, jugular vein distention,
examination and laboratory tests should be lower limb edema, etc., should not accept tooth
reviewed carefully prior to anesthesia, with a extraction and other surgery, regardless of their
thorough consideration of the correlation between heart disease types, and should be treated and
their local lesions and systemic diseases, and fur- receive surgery under cardiac monitoring after
ther investigations to exclude suspectable dis- their symptoms have significantly improved.
eases in some patients if necessary. A thorough
pre-anesthetic examination will help to properly
understand and assess the patient’s condition and 3.4 Combined Modality Therapy
the impact of underlying diseases, select the
appropriate anesthetic methods, formulate peri- 3.4.1 Combined Modality Therapy
operative preventive measures and determine the for Oral and Maxillofacial
complications associated with anesthesia. Tumors
Oral and maxillofacial diseases coexist with
certain important organ dysfunctions. Unlike Currently, oral and maxillofacial tumors tends to
young adults, most elderly people suffer from be treated with combined modality therapy, i.e. a
other chronic diseases while they suffer from sur- multidisciplinary or multi-modal treatment,
gical diseases. According to the study [50], the which is accomplished by oral and maxillofacial
prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and surgeons, radiologists, chemotherapists, tradi-
hypercholesterolemia in Chinese residents aged tional Chinese physicians and anesthetists. The
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 33

anesthetists are in charge of the perioperative maxillofacial surgeon, an orthodontist, an anes-

management. Normally, for patients suffering thetist and an ENT surgeon, each with their own
from oral and maxillofacial tumors, accepting role to play. The main responsibility of anesthe-
chemotherapy and radiotherapy preoperatively tists is to guarantee the success of surgeries at
may shrink tumors and reduce the viability of the each stage. Specifically, before the surgery, they
tumor cells, creating the conditions for radical should complete the preoperative examination,
surgical treatment. However, chemotherapy and assess patients’ tolerance of anesthesia, adjust
radiotherapy have adverse effects such as sup- anemia and nutrition, control infection, and treat
pressing the body’s hematopoietic function, cardiopulmonary complications. During the sur-
reducing immune function and affecting gastro- gery, they are in charge of performing anesthesia,
intestinal and liver functions, which may cause monitoring and maintaining the stability of
significant changes in the patient’s regulation of patients’ physiological functions and preparing
physiological functions and drug metabolism for emergencies. After the surgery, treating the
during the perioperative period. In addition, pre- anesthesia complications is also their task.
operative radiotherapy may also cause extensive Besides, creating an anesthetic history for each
adhesions and fixation of oropharyngeal tissues patient enables the anesthetists to learn patients’
in some patients, bringing difficulties to tracheal previous surgeries, and consequently improves
intubation after induction of anesthesia. the safety of perioperative management and the
Therefore, when encountering patients who have implementation of the sequence therapy for con-
received radiotherapy or chemotherapy before genital malformation.
surgery, anesthetists should assess their systemic
and vital organ functions before administration Congenital Craniofacial
of anesthesia and anticipate whether there is dif- Malformation
ficult airway to avoid accidents. Repair surgery for congenital craniofacial mal-
formation is also a complex procedure. Many
craniofacial anomalies often require 2 or 3 stages
3.4.2 Combined Modality Therapy of surgery. For example, patients with Crouzon
for Congenital Malformations syndrome may receive forehead bone flap trans-
plantation at 2–4  months old, orbitofrontal Cleft Lip and Palate advancement at 4 months to 2 years old, Le Fort
Cleft lip and palate is the most common congenital I osteotomy, Le Fort II osteotomy and Le Fort III
malformation of the oral and maxillofacial region, osteotomy after 6 years old to improve mid facial
and is often associated with nasal cartilage anom- hypoplasia and occlusion. The treatment of diffi-
aly and alveolar cleft. Therefore, it is impossible to cult craniofacial anomalies also requires a multi-
repair the malformation through one operation. disciplinary surgeon team. The successful
These associated anomalies need to be considered management of children with craniofacial anom-
as a whole and treated in sequence. In light of alies through multiple stages of surgery depends
sequence therapy, children should receive different on the combined efforts of all disciplines.
repair surgery at different ages. For example, the
appropriate age for cleft lip surgery is between 3
and 6 months old; for cleft palate surgery, between 3.5 Characteristics of Oral
12 and 18 months old; for bone grafting for alveo- and Maxillofacial Injury
lar cleft, between 8 and 9 years old; and for nasal Patients
cartilage surgery, at 12 years old.
Currently, in some countries, sequence ther- The characteristics of oral and maxillofacial inju-
apy team for cleft lip and palate has been estab- ries are closely related to their anatomical and
lished. The team consists of an oral and physiological features.
34 M. Xia

3.5.1 Rich Blood Circulation 3.5.5 Affecting Eating and Oral

in the Oral and Maxillofacial Hygiene
Region and Related Effects
The oral cavity is the entrance to the gastrointes-
The oral and maxillofacial region bleeds more tinal tract, the injury of which often undermines
after the injury, easily forming hematomas and the opening of the mouth, chewing and swallow-
edema rapidly and severely. If the hematomas ing functions, thus seriously affecting patient’s
and edema occur at the floor of the mouth and the eating and nutrition condition. In addition, mas-
root of the tongue, they may obstruct the patents’ ticatory dysfunction weakens the self-cleaning
airway and even cause asphyxia. On the other of the oral cavity, thus seriously affecting oral
hand, due to the rich blood flow, the oral and hygiene.
maxillofacial tissues are more resistant to infec-
tion and have a stronger capacity for tissue repair
and regeneration, so the wounds heal more 3.5.6 Wound Contamination
In oral and maxillofacial region, there are many
cavities and sinuses which accommodate a large
3.5.2 The Influence of Teeth number of bacteria. If the wounds overlap with
them, contamination may break out.
Oral and maxillofacial injuries are often accom- Injury of special tissues and organs of the
panied by dental injuries, and if the strike is maxillofacial region, such as salivary glands,
heavy, the teeth may suffer secondary injuries. facial nerves and trigeminal nerves, will induce
Besides, two rows of teeth form an occlusion, the certain symptoms and signs, and should be
condition of which serves not only as an impor- treated promptly.
tant diagnostic basis but also as the main criteria
for the treatment of fractures of jaw.
3.5.7 Facial Malformations

3.5.3 Easy to Cause Complications The oral and maxillofacial area occupies large
Such as Craniocerebral part of human face. Therefore, if the orbital, lip
and Neck Injury and cheek, nose and other parts suffer open inju-
ries and are not treated properly, scar contracture
As the maxillofacial surface is connected to the may appear after the wound heals, leading to dis-
cranium, serious trauma to the middle part of the placement and deformation of normal tissues and
face is often accompanied by craniocerebral organs and seriously affecting the patient’s
injury. As the maxillofacial region is connected appearance and psychology. Consequently, while
to the neck, severe trauma to the lower part of the treating oral and maxillofacial injury, clinicians
face may be associated with neck injury. should also consider esthetic aspects.
Patients who bear oral and maxillofacial injury
may also have physiological problems. With the
3.5.4 Prone to Cause Asphyxia achievements of psychology, perioperative psy-
chological changes received high attention. Many
The oral and maxillofacial region is at the upper oral and maxillofacial surgical disorders are often
end of the respiratory tract. Injuries may affect associated with psychosocial factors, such as
breathing or cause asphyxia due to tissue dis- tumors, primary temporomandibular joint muscle
placement, swelling, posterior tongue drop, group spasm, oral and maxillofacial anomalies,
blood clots and blockage of secretions. psychogenic dental pain, psychogenic trigeminal
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 35

neuralgia, various pains in the oral and maxillofa- A retrospective study of adverse events in
cial region associated with menopause in women, Australia showed that one in ten reported periop-
abnormal salivation, and foreign body sensation erative accidents were related to inadequate pre-
in the mouth. Some of these disorders can be operative assessment and preparation. The three
caused by psychological factors and may also most common factors were inadequate airway
lead to varying degrees of psychological disor- assessment, poor communication and failure to
ders. Oral and maxillofacial diseases and psycho- improve the anesthetic plan based on the assess-
logical disorders are dialectical unity. ment results. Respondents indicated that 57% of
the accidents could have been prevented. The
American Society of Anesthesiologists guide-
3.6 Preoperative Anesthesia lines recommend that the pre-anesthesia visit and
Evaluation and Optimization assessment should include communication with
patients or their custodians, medical history, pre-
3.6.1 Preoperative Anesthesia vious exposure to anesthetic drugs, medication,
Evaluation and Optimization physical examination, test results and ASA
of Patients Undergoing Oral classification.
and Maxillofacial Surgery Evidence-based medicine is used in pre-­
anesthetic assessment and decision-making,
The goal of preoperative anesthesia evaluation is combining the best clinical research evidence
to ascertain whether the patient can tolerate the with clinical practice and the actual situation
insult of the surgical procedure as well as the (needs, psychology, concerns) of the patient.
anesthetic techniques. The anesthetists care of Anesthesia should be centered on the “patient-­
the patient starts with an evaluation of the oriented” concept and ideology to implement and
patient’s medical history, including questions improve clinical practice. The choice and prepa-
about precious surgical and anesthetic experi- ration of anesthesia should take into account the
ence, physical examination and other examina- technical quality of the anesthetist, the hospital’s
tions, with emphasis on the vital organs’ functions equipment, the collaboration between depart-
such as heart, lung, brain, liver and kidney. ments, as well as the specific situation of each
The anesthetist should make a comprehensive patient, in order to carry out scientific, rational
assessment of the patient’s clinical diagnosis, the and precise medical treatment. For example, one
proposed operation, anesthesia techniques, anes- anesthesia case for a maxillofacial deformity
thesia risks and the advantages and disadvantages may be common in one hospital, while difficult
of surgical anesthesia. Besides, several assess- in another. Even in the same hospital, the diffi-
ment tools are sought to assist the evaluation, culty of the same anesthesia may also vary greatly
such as ASA Physical Status Classification between anesthetists. Thus, the pre-anesthetic
System. The purpose of the ASA classification is assessment and preparation should be
to assess the patient’s ability to tolerate surgery personalized.
and the risk of anesthesia, so that the anesthetist
and surgeon can prepare for the risks in the peri- Assessment of the Patient’s
operative period. When a patient with ASA III or General Condition
above is encountered, the patient should be The assessment of systemic conditions for anes-
reported to a more senior physician as required; thesia risk generally refers to the American
based on the report, the department head may Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical sta-
communicate with the department head of the tus classification system (Table 3.1).
relevant departments or hold a consultation if It is important to note that the ASA VI has
necessary, and after thorough discussion, make now been added according to the 2016 ASA
adjustments to the patient’s systemic status and Physical Status Classification System, which
treatment or report to the medical department. defines a patient who has been declared brain
Table 3.1  ASA physical status classification system

ASA physical
status Adult examples, including but not Pediatric examples, including but not limited Obstetric examples, including but Perioperative
classification Definition limited to to not limited to mortality (%)
ASA I A normal Healthy, non-smoking, no or minimal Healthy (no acute or chronic disease), 0.06–0.08
healthy patient alcohol use normal BMI percentile for age
ASA II A patient with Mild diseases only without Asymptomatic congenital cardiac disease, Normal pregnancy*, well-­ 0.27–0.40
mild systemic substantive functional limitations. well-controlled dysrhythmias, asthma controlled gestational HTN,
disease Current smoker, social alcohol without exacerbation, well-controlled controlled preeclampsia without
drinker, pregnancy, obesity epilepsy, non-insulin dependent diabetes severe features, diet-controlled
(30 < BMI < 40), well-controlled DM/ mellitus, abnormal BMI percentile for age, gestational DM
HTN, mild lung disease mild/moderate OSA, oncologic state in
remission, autism with mild limitations
ASA III A patient with a Substantive functional limitations; one Uncorrected stable congenital cardiac Preeclampsia with severe 1.82–4.30
severe systemic or more moderate to severe diseases. abnormality, asthma with exacerbation, features, gestational DM with
disease Poorly controlled DM or HTN, poorly controlled epilepsy, insulin complications or high insulin
COPD, morbid obesity (BMI ≥40), dependent diabetes mellitus, morbid requirements, a thrombophilic
active hepatitis, alcohol dependence obesity, malnutrition, severe OSA, disease requiring anticoagulation
or abuse, implanted pacemaker, oncologic state, renal failure, muscular
moderate reduction of ejection dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, history of organ
fraction, ESRD undergoing regularly transplantation, brain/spinal cord
scheduled dialysis, history malformation, symptomatic hydrocephalus,
(>3 months) of MI, CVA, TIA, or premature infant PCA <60 weeks, autism
CAD/stents with severe limitations, metabolic disease,
difficult airway, long-term parenteral
nutrition. Full term infants <6 weeks of age
ASA IV A patient with a Recent (<3 months) MI, CVA, TIA or Symptomatic congenital cardiac Preeclampsia with severe features 7.80–23.0
severe systemic CAD/stents, ongoing cardiac ischemia abnormality, congestive heart failure, active complicated by HELLP or other
disease that is a or severe valve dysfunction, severe sequelae of prematurity, acute hypoxic-­ adverse event, peripartum
constant threat reduction of ejection fraction, shock, ischemic encephalopathy, shock, sepsis, cardiomyopathy with EF <40,
to life sepsis, DIC, ARD or ESRD not disseminated intravascular coagulation, uncorrected/decompensated heart
undergoing regularly scheduled automatic implantable cardioverter-­ disease, acquired or congenital
dialysis defibrillator, ventilator dependence,
endocrinopathy, severe trauma, severe
respiratory distress, advanced oncologic
M. Xia
ASA V A moribund Ruptured abdominal/thoracic Massive trauma, intracranial hemorrhage Uterine rupture 9.40–50.7
patient who is aneurysm, massive trauma, with mass effect, patient requiring ECMO,
not expected to intracranial bleed with mass effect, respiratory failure or arrest, malignant
survive without ischemic bowel in the face of hypertension, decompensated congestive
the operation significant cardiac pathology or heart failure, hepatic encephalopathy,
multiple organ/system dysfunction ischemic bowel or multiple organ/system
ASA VI A declared
patient whose
organs are being
removed for
donor purposes
Retrieved from­and-­guidelines/asa-­physical-­status-­classification-­system#:~:text=The%20%EE%80%80ASA%20Physical%20Status%20
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
38 M. Xia

dead and as a donor whose organs are removed in should also inquire the use of hormonal drugs,
preparation for transplantation. However, this cardiac drugs, antihypertensive drugs, mono-
concept is still not widespread in China. amine oxidase inhibitors, antibiotics, anticoagu-
ASA I and II patients generally have a good lants, anticholinesterase drugs and other drugs
tolerance for anesthesia and are less likely to that may affect anesthesia process, as well as the
encounter perioperative accidents. ASA III history of drug allergies. The patient’s history of
patients’ anesthesia has risks and should be ade- previous surgery (if performed), allergies, blood
quately prepared for the prevention and treatment transfusions and infectious diseases also need to
of complications, to avoid perioperative acci- be known.
dents. ASA IV patients are at greater risk and
should always be prepared for resuscitation. ASA Assessment of Physical Examination
V patients are critically ill, whose anesthetic tol- The assessment of the physical examination
erance is very poor, and face the threat of death at includes the patient’s gender, age, height, weight,
any time. They are exceptionally dangerous for body temperature, respiration, heart rate, pulse,
accepting both anesthesia and surgery. Thus the blood pressure, state of consciousness, posture
pre-anesthetic preparation becomes even more and gait. Particular attention should be paid to
important. Above all, no matter what classifica- patients whose weight exceeds the standard
tions patients belong to, they are all at risk of weight by more than 30%, because they are prone
accidents at any time during their perioperative to co-morbid chronic respiratory diseases and the
period and it is important to communicate with incidence of postoperative respiratory complica-
the surgeons and to inform the family in detail tions can be increased by twofold. In addition,
and obtain informed consent prior to surgery. changes in cardiovascular, respiratory and meta-
The ASA classification emphasizes the bolic aspects should be noticed as well.
patient’s risk and is based only on the subjective
assessment of the anesthetists and surgeons. Preoperative Tests
Besides, it does not take into account the com- Preoperative tests can be used to provide addi-
plexity and environmental factors of the proce- tional diagnostic and prognostic information to
dure. Thus it still requires other criteria, such as complement the medical history, facilitating the
the clinical guideline for “Routine Preoperative assessment of anesthetic and surgical risks.
Tests for Elective Surgery” published by the Refinement of the preoperative tests guides pre-
National Institute for Health and Clinical operative interventions which aims to reduce
Excellence on its official website in 2016 [51] perioperative risks and provide baseline results to
which can be a reference. improve perioperative management strategies.
Abnormal test results suggest the possibility of
Medical History postponing surgery or changes in anesthesia, sur-
The anesthetists should review and be familiar gical approach and prognosis; thus avoiding
with the patient’s medical history prior to sur- severe perioperative complications. Occasionally,
gery, which enables them to anticipate possible such results may require consultation with other
difficult intubations or to avoid serious anesthetic specialties, or the prescription of new medica-
accidents. Preoperative assessment of medical tion, or correction of abnormal physiology such
history usually focuses on the function of vital as anemia, severe hypertension, hypokalemia,
organs such as the heart, lungs, brain, liver and etc. However, there is currently no strong evi-
kidneys, with emphasis on a history of anesthesia-­ dence to support the need for additional routine
related diseases such as cerebrovascular acci- tests in asymptomatic patients, as it remains
dents, hypertension, heart disease, myocardial debatable whether this work-up provides greater
infarction, lung inflammation, asthma, liver and benefit to the patient. Therefore, a rational and
kidney disease, and diabetes. The anesthetists cost-effective test strategy is indispensible.
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 39

Complications Table 3.2  Cardiac risk index (Goldman criteria)

Evaluation and Optimization Risk factors (points)
of the Cardiovascular System History Age >70 years 5
Myocardial infarction 10
The cardiovascular system is a key component of
within 6 months
the anesthetic assessment and the goal of the car- Cardiac exam Signs of CHF: 11
diovascular assessment is to identify patients at Ventricular gallop or 3
high risk, assign their risk levels and develop JVD
strategies to reduce the risk. In most cases, a Significant aortic
detailed and accurate inquiry of medical history
Electrocardiogram Arrhythmia other than 7
and a focused physical examination are sufficient sinus or premature 7
to diagnose cardiac disease and associated risk atrial contractions
factors. For medium- and high-risk patients, 5 or more PVC’s per
some specialist investigations (e.g. cardiac ultra-
General medical PO2 < 60; PCO2 > 50; 3
sound, coronary angiography, etc.) are required conditions K < 3; HCO3 < 20;
to classify risk and develop a preoperative inter- BUN > 50;
vention strategy. The use of dispensable tests creatinine > 3; elevated
may lead to delays and increased costs, and may SGOT; chronic liver
disease; bedridden
even be harmful to patients.
Operation Emergency 4
When surgical patients are at risk of a combi- Intraperitoneal, 3
nation of cardiac problems, they may not only intrathoracic or aortic
develop heart disease intraoperatively, but may
also have accidents during the postoperative
recovery period. This is particularly true for risk for complications: ① 0–5 points: Class I,
patients with a history of known coronary heart incidence of complications is 1%; ② 6–12 points:
disease. Known risk factors for ischemic heart Class II, incidence of complications is 7%; ③
disease (coronary atherosclerotic heart disease) 13–25 points: Class III, incidence of complica-
include advanced age, family history of coronary tions is 14%; ④26–53 points: Class IV, incidence
heart disease, smoking, hyperlipidemia, diabetes of complications is 78%. Examples of conditions
and hypertension. For coronary atherosclerotic considered as major cardiac events (MACEs) or
heart disease, there are several indicators for clas- complications include myocardial infarction, pri-
sifying risk levels. mary cardiac arrest, ventricular fibrillation, com-
plete heart block, and pulmonary edema.
(a) ASA Physical Status Classification System. The spectrum of peri- and postoperative com-
It is used to assess the patient’s general health plications does not end with cardiac events, and
and to predict perioperative morbidity and other complications such as cerebrovascular dis-
mortality. ease or anemia may present.
(b) Cardiac Risk Index (Goldman Criteria). This
is a multi-factorial index of cardiac risk in (c) Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI). It helps
the noncardiac surgical setting. It was devel- in the evaluation of patients undergoing car-
oped for preoperative identification of diac surgery. It estimates the likelihood of
patients at risk from major perioperative car- perioperative cardiac events and therefore
diovascular complications. Nine independent can support clinical decision-making by
risk factors are evaluated on a point scale weighing the benefits and risks surgery has
(Table 3.2). over different treatment options that might
be available for individual cases.
The Cardiac Risk Index results range from 0 (d) Detsky Modified Cardiac Risk Index. This is
to 53, where the higher the score, the greater the a model aimed at revealing the degree of
40 M. Xia

c­ ardiovascular risk in the perioperative set- thus, when the primary physician, anesthesi-
ting in the case of patients who have relevant ologists, and surgeon have to make treatment
cardiac risk factors. The index consists of 9 decisions that may influence short- and long-­
items, all with differing predictive value: term cardiac outcomes, the profile can serve
age, prior myocardial infarction, unstable as a reliable reference [52].
angina in the last 6 months, angina pectoris,
alveolar pulmonary edema, suspected criti- For patients with chronic heart failure, the
cal aortic stenosis, arrhythmia, emergency most commonly used method of assessing car-
surgery, and general medical status. In con- diac function is the New York Heart Association
trast to the original Detsky cardiac risk index, (NYHA) Classification for Heart Failure, which
the modified version adds new variables (e.g. is presented below (Table 3.3).
angina and pulmonary edema), changes the Class I and II patients have good tolerance to
allocation of points and contains a slightly anesthesia, while Class III and IV patients’ anes-
different interpretation (the three risk thesia tolerance is poor. Classifying patients
groups). according to NYHA classification and treating
them accordingly.
The criteria considered in the RCRI includes
high-risk surgery such as intraperitoneal, intra- Assessment and Optimization of Respiratory
thoracic, suprainguinal vascular, history of isch- System
emic heart disease, history of congestive heart The assessment of the respiratory system should
failure, history of cerebrovascular disease, preop- be comprehensive and detailed, including the
erative insulin treatment, and preoperative creati- patient’s ventilation and air exchange function,
nine more than 2 mg/dL. medical history of respiratory disease, smoking
history, and other relevant components. The
ACC/AHA Guideline on Perioperative assessment requires detailed patient’s medical
Cardiovascular Evaluation and Management history and a thorough physical examination to
of Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery. determine whether the patient is at risk of periop-
The aim of preoperative assessment is not erative pulmonary complications. Common
simply to give medical clearance, but to respiratory complications include atelectasis,
assess the patient’s current medical status lung infection, pulmonary infarction, acute respi-
comprehensively, including cardiac prob- ratory distress syndrome, and respiratory failure.
lems that may be encountered during the Perioperative management comprises of respira-
perioperative period, and provide manage- tory disease identification, assessment, and pre-
ment and risk recommendations in response optimization. If patients have risk factors such as
to the findings. In addition, a clinical risk smoking, it is important to recommend patients
profile needs to be created for the patient; to quit smoking before surgery.

Table 3.3  New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification for heart failure
Class Patient Symptoms
I No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitation,
dyspnea (shortness of breath)
II Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest. Ordinary physical activity results in fatigue,
palpitation, dyspnea (shortness of breath)
III Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest. Less than ordinary activity causes fatigue,
palpitation, or dyspnea
IV Unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms of heart failure at rest. If any
physical activity is undertaken, discomfort increases
Retrieved from­topics/heart-­failure/what-­is-­heart-­failure/classes-­of-­heart-­failure
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 41

Risk factors associated with postoperative the patient’s perioperative airway management.
pulmonary complications involve age, smoking, Preoperative disposition for such patients
obesity, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and includes identification of the severity of asthma,
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- preoperative treatment with beta2 agonists or/and
ease (COPD). Old age is an independent risk fac- steroids and, if necessary, suspension of the
tor for postoperative pulmonary complications, procedure.
as elderly patients may easily have failed pulmo- The measurement of peak expiratory flow rate
nary elastic recoil, impaired airway protection can be an excellent diagnostic aid in pulmonary
reflexes, reduced peak expiratory flow, and air- function tests, which aims to optimize a patient’s
way closing. Obesity may lead to reduced func- individual peak expiratory flow rate prior to elec-
tional residual capacity, lung vein-arterial shunt, tive surgery. COPD is a chronic lung disease
and hypoxemia. Patients who smoke up to ten characterized by progressive and irreversible air-
packs per year have a high risk of perioperative flow restriction, with two common symptoms,
pulmonary complications. Particularly those who namely, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, but
do not quit smoking before surgery have a signifi- these two symptoms often appear at the same
cantly higher risk of postoperative pulmonary time. According to studies, COPD is an indepen-
complications compared to those who quit smok- dent risk factor for perioperative pulmonary com-
ing. Smoking patients should be advised to stop plications. Therefore, the pulmonary function
smoking at least 1–2  days prior to surgery to test of COPD patients should be paid attention to
reduce their COHb levels as well as the cardio- during the perioperative process, especially in
vascular effects of nicotine. Studies have shown preoperative assessment. Preoperative optimiza-
that the lung function would only be improved tion includes, for example, treatment of patients
when the patients give up smoking for 6–8 weeks, with concomitant infection, partial broncho-
but this is often difficult to implement in clinical spasm and airflow restriction and non-invasive
practice. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can ventilator oxygen therapy. Patients with hypox-
also be an independent risk factor, which may emia and pulmonary hypertension should also be
lead to a significantly higher morbidity and mor- identified during the preoperative assessment
tality of postoperative complications in patients. and, if necessary, a consultation with the relevant
Therefore, anesthetists should diagnose this con- department may be sought to further clarify and
dition during preoperative assessment and pro- treat the disease to improve their lung function
vide early treatment. Asthma is a heterogeneous and tolerance of surgical anesthesia. COPD
disease of the airway characterized by chronic patients usually show obstructive ventilation in
inflammation, which is manifested by a high sen- pulmonary function test, with the ratio of first
sitivity of the airways to various allergens, and second exertional volume (FEV1) to forced vital
may cause obstruction of the airways and irre- capacity (FVC) being reduced.
versible restriction of airflow. Therefore, the A preliminary diagnosis of patients’ respira-
anesthetists should learn the medical history of tory function can be acquired through their limi-
asthmatic patients’ accurately, including the tations or endurance in daily activities, which can
severity of the asthma, precipitating factors, cur- generally be assessed by the MRC (Medical
rent medication (including when the last dose Research Council) Dyspnea scale (Table 3.4).
was administered, whether hormonal medication We generally consider that patients classified
is being used and the name of the specific drugs), as grade 3 or 4 dyspnea are at high risk of devel-
previous admissions for acute asthma attacks, oping postoperative respiratory insufficiency
and any intensive care unit visit history. Due to because their lung function have already suffered
the hyper-responsive nature of the airway in asth- greater impairment.
matic patients, the most common risk during gen- Simple testing method of lung function such
eral anesthesia is airway overreaction, which can as bedside test can also be adopted by the anes-
cause bronchospasm, and thus it adversely affects thetists. Common bedside tests of lung function
42 M. Xia

Table 3.4  MRC dyspnea scale

Grade Degree of breathlessness related to activity
1 Not troubled by breathless except on strenuous exercise
2 Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill
3 Walks slower than most people on the level, stops after a mile or so, or stops after 15 min walking at own
4 Stops for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on level ground
5 Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing
Used with the permission of the Medical Research Council (­and-­resources-­for-­

include stair climbing, breath holding test, and (a) Patients with acute respiratory infections,
match blowing test. First of all, climbing up three who are prone to get postoperative atelecta-
flights of stairs is a relatively relax physical activ- sis and lung infection, may choose to post-
ity for normal people, and there are usually no pone surgery, and elective surgery must be
obvious symptoms of breathlessness after com- performed 1 to 2 weeks after the lung infec-
pleting it. However, relax physical activity can tion being cured.
make it difficult for the patient with impaired car- (b) Providing education on giving up smoking
diopulmonary function to breathe and thus unable and advising patients to quit smoking as
to complete the activity. Besides, breath holding early as possible, preferably 1 to 2  weeks
test may be helpful to identify patient’s lung before surgery.
function. Normal people can hold their breath for (c) Patients with pneumocardial disease should
over 30 s. According to it, patients whose breath be improved preoperatively with medication
holding time is less than 20 s may be deemed as to keep cardiopulmonary function at opti-
cardiopulmonary insufficiency. Another useful mum state and avoid perioperative cardio-
test is match blowing test which refers to placing pulmonary complications.
a lit match in front of the patient and ask the (d) Patients with asthma can be treated preopera-
patient to blow out the match. If the distance tively with bronchodilators and hormones to
blown out is shorter than 15 cm, the FEV1% is improve their conditions and avoid intraop-
estimated to be below 60%, FEV1 is below 1.6 L erative airway spasm.
and the maximal voluntary ventilation is below (e) Pre-anesthetic dosing of some interacting
50 L/min; if the distance is shorter than 7.5 cm, drugs should be reduced or even stopped.
the estimated maximal voluntary ventilation is (f) High-risk patients are prone to postoperative
less than 40 L/min. respiratory failure, which should be explained
For patients with impaired lung function, the to their families preoperatively, and require
anesthetists should prepare adequately, espe- postoperative mechanical ventilation.
cially those with abnormal pulmonary function
findings and high incidence of complications. Assessment of Nervous System
Consultation and treatment by the relevant The assessment of the nervous system involves the
departments (respiratory medicine or thoracic assessment of 12 pairs of cranial nerves, motor
surgery) may be required to reduce or prevent nerves, sensory nerves, nerve reflexes, and auto-
postoperative pulmonary complications. nomic nerves. The assessment of the cerebral
Modification of anesthesia, surgical approach, nerves includes 12 pairs of cerebral nerve reflexes
and prognosis should also be considered once which can be divided into superficial, deep and
abnormal pulmonary function results are pathological reflexes, and the different reflex results
detected. Specific preoperative preparations are embrace different meanings, which will not be dis-
as follow. cussed in this section due to space limitations.
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 43

The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is used to be eligible for elective surgery and require preop-
assess the severity of patients’ coma when there erative systemic treatment to adjust their general
is a problem with patients’ consciousness, such condition to a relatively ideal state before sur-
as stroke, neurosurgery, and other reasons. gery. If patients have abnormalities in coagula-
Whereas, this scale is not used in awake patients. tion, which may lead to uncontrollable
Besides, it has limitations such as it does not hemorrhage during or after surgery, the cause
involve brainstem reflexes, is not suitable for should be clarified and addressed before elective
patients who are intoxicated and who are taking surgery is performed.
sleeping or sedative medication (Table 3.5).
The higher the GSC score is, the less severe Evaluation of Mental Status
the condition is. On the contrary, the lower the The preoperative assessment also requires an
score, the more severe the condition. When the assessment of the patient’s mental status, as sur-
score is below 8, the patient is in relatively severe gery and anesthesia is an unfamiliar and unknown
coma. process that out of their control. They are likely
to experience fear, anxiety and unease in the pre-
Other Diseases operative period. Despite the fact that anesthetists
In addition to respiratory and cardiovascular dis- are experienced in the perioperative anesthesia
eases, liver, kidney, endocrine, and coagulation management, predicting the possible adverse
function should be examined in the preoperative psychological state of the patients remains a dif-
assessment as well. Surgical trauma and the ficult task in light of previous reports.
effects of anesthetic drugs may further aggravate Anxiety (worrying about what might happen)
the impairment of liver function. Patients with has long been recognized as a kind of important
severe renal and endocrine dysfunction may not emotion. Excessive anxiety may be an obstacle to
the clinical treatment, which is why patients’
Table 3.5  Glasgow coma scale psychological state also needs to be evaluated
Behavior Response Score before surgery [53]. Some studies have shown
Eye opening Spontaneously 4 that preoperative assessment and appropriate
response To speech 3 interventions (including psychotherapy, medica-
To pain 2 tion, etc.) can be effective in mitigating patients’
No response 1
anxiety and thus improve their prognosis.
Best verbal Oriented to time, place, and 5
response person 4
Confused 3 Paranesthesia Examinations and Tests
Inappropriate words 2 1. Electrocardiography (ECG)
Incomprehensible sounds 1 ECG can measure patients’ heart rate and
No response
rhythm and detect cardiac abnormalities such
Best motor Obeys commands 6
response Moves to localized pain 5 as myocardial ischemia by using different
Flexion withdrawal from 4 leads. Many cardiac conditions can be ini-
pain 3 tially screened for by ECG in a non-invasive
Abnormal flexion 2
way. Currently, ECG is a routine preoperative
(decorticate) 1
Abnormal extension test in China. Preoperative ECG is particu-
(decerebrate) larly important in high-risk groups, such as
No response men aged over 40 or women aged over 50.
Total score: Best response 15 The abnormal ECG results, together with the
Comatose client 8 or
Totally unresponsive less patient’s medical history and physical exami-
3 nation results, determine whether further
Adapted from­ investigations (e.g. echocardiography) are
is-­gcs/ required and, if necessary, a cardiology
44 M. Xia

c­ onsultation can be requested to further clar- still subjective and sometimes have poor pre-
ify the diagnosis and management. diction outcomes.
2. Echocardiography 5. Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial
Echocardiography allows observation of Intelligence
the anatomical or pathological structures of With the development and progress of
the heart and can provide diagnostic evidence technology, new technologies such as machine
for various cardiac diseases (hypertrophic car- learning, artificial intelligence, and big data
diomyopathy, constrictive pericarditis, peri- are becoming more sophisticated and their
cardial effusion, atrial/ventricular defects, integration with healthcare industry is becom-
valvular heart disease, pulmonary hyperten- ing closer. Big data is a field that treats ways
sion, etc.). to analyze, systematically extract information
3. Medical Imaging Study from, or otherwise deal with data sets that are
Chest X-ray is a routine or necessary pre- too large or complex to be dealt with by tradi-
operative examination. A clear chest X-ray tional data-processing application software. It
provides a diagnostic basis for most chest, was originally associated with three key con-
lung, and cardiac diseases and facilitates the cepts: volume, variety, and velocity. Current
preoperative assessment and optimization of sources of big data in China come from elec-
the patient. In addition, for different depart- tronic health record data, genomics data,
ments such as orthopedics, oral and maxillo- physiological monitoring data, and healthcare
facial surgery, urology and general surgery, data from local and national databases, but
X-rays of different areas are performed to pro- there is currently no systematic organization
vide different diagnostic evidence. and categorization of these data. In addition,
In addition, computed tomography (CT) big data is combined with machine learning.
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tech- Machine learning is a branch of artificial
niques are also important components of intelligence (AI) and computer science which
imaging study. Chest CT provides clearer focuses on the use of data and algorithms to
image information than chest X-ray. imitate the way that humans learn, gradually
Therefore, it better reflects anatomical and improving its accuracy. There are different
pathological structures at all tomographic lev- models of machine learning, and each have
els. MRI is a type of tomographic imaging different characteristics. Convolutional neural
that shows different anatomical structures and networks, for example, can be used for deep
pathological tomographic images through dif- learning and principal component analysis for
ferent shades of gray [54]. dimensionality reduction. Besides, artificial
4. Visual Aid intelligence, which has also grown rapidly in
Traditional methods of preoperative recent years, is the science dedicated to devel-
assessment and difficult airway prediction are oping systems or machines that approach or
complex and have poor accuracy, specificity, even surpass humans in some respect, thus
and sensitivity. Therefore, in recent years, contributing further to the development of
new assessment modalities have been intro- science.
duced and applied. Based on imaging tech- The combination of artificial intelligence
niques, visual aid is one of the new modalities. and medical care model is a popular research
While assessing and anticipating difficult air- and development trend in recent years, which
way, common indicators involve anatomical has a lot to do with the current domestic and
structures such as thickness of anterior cervi- international environment and the speed of
cal soft tissue, hyoid bone-chin distance, epi- technological development. At present, the
glottis, hyoid bone, and pharyngeal cavity national strategic planning and encouraging
volume. However, the existing visual aids are support policies for artificial intelligence have
3  Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 45

been launched, and the country has put gery should be performed, which anesthetic
forward 15 development requirements for
­ technique should be used and which periop-
medical artificial intelligence and the devel- erative pathway is most suitable for specific
opment of the industry has kept in pace with patients. The dynamic information sources
the policy and technology. Meanwhile, the need to be retrieved from different data
market is also eager to medical AI under the sources, for example, electronic health
promotion of the policies and optimistic about records, surveillance devices, population
the development of the industry, with rising health records, and among others, and then
investment and the whole community com- combining the above information with
mitted to training and recruiting excellent AI evidence-­based clinical basis to aid and refine
talents. In addition, the “internet + medical clinical decisions. However, we have not yet
care” model provides a large amount of data achieved this goal. Collecting and analyzing
for learning and verification, and AI can pro- complete and real-time information on
vide new and powerful support and evidence patients from different data sources remains a
for the clinical medical field after learning and challenge. Professionals of healthcare organi-
exploring big data, thus forming a beneficial zations, including data scientists, both within
circle. and outside the health care organization, need
Intelligent healthcare can be used in a to work together to integrate and analyze the
number of areas such as electronic assistance data. In other words, perioperative artificial
(electronic medical records, medication rec- intelligence needs to be achieved through col-
ommendations, etc.), medical imaging, laborations across the industry [55, 56].
assisted diagnosis and treatment, disease risk Anesthesiology was one of the first disci-
prediction, drug mining, and health manage- plines in the medical field that dabbled in arti-
ment. Moreover, early detection of complica- ficial intelligence by being the first to establish
tions is the next area in which AI can play a the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic con-
role, and closely related to anesthesia. cept and model of clinical drugs (PK/PD
Currently, in reactive management system, model), which was the prototype for auto-
harmful reactions are not managed until they mated and robotic anesthesia. It will keep to
occur or present. Such a passive system should the technological trend in the future with the
be gotten rid of. Instead, cutting-edge tech- anesthesia assessment and optimization of the
nologies like artificial intelligence should be patient being one of its key areas.
adopted to build active systems, thus radically
avoiding harmful processes. To put this more
concretely, it is about appropriate patient-­ References
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Medical Risk Management
of Anesthesia for Oral 4
and Maxillofacial Surgery

Ming Xia

4.1 Introduction tions where the medical staff is the victim, or

where a patient falls somewhere in the hospital.
Risks to patients, staff, and organizations are In the event of a medical incident, the hospital or
prevalent in healthcare. Thus, it is necessary for clinic administrator must immediately report the
an organization to have qualified personnel date, time, place, and circumstances of the medi-
responsible for medical risk management to cal incident to related organizations. As men-
assess, develop, implement, and monitor risk tioned above, the term “medical malpractice” is
management plans with the goal of minimizing different from the general public’s perception of
exposure. There are many priorities to a health- the concept and requires attention.
care organization, such as finance, safety, and Medical malpractice is specifically defined as
most importantly, patient care, among which medical negligence where there is negligence in
safety is one that cannot be overlooked, and med- the course of medical treatment and a causal rela-
ical risk management is a critical factor in achiev- tionship between the adverse event and the negli-
ing safety in health care. gence. Medical negligence is predominantly
found in cases of misdiagnosis, delayed diagno-
sis, injection accidents, blood transfusion acci-
4.2 Defining “Medical dents, drug abuse, and nursing errors. In order to
Malpractice” determine whether medical negligence was
caused by medical negligence, the level of medi-
To discuss medical risk management, it is a prior- cal care and the circumstances of the medical act
ity to be clear about the term “medical malprac- at the time should be examined. If the outcome of
tice.” Medical malpractice is defined as any a judicial decision is that the accident was caused
adverse event that occurs through medical treat- by the negligence of a doctor or medical practi-
ment [1]. Medical malpractice is considered to tioner, he or she should be held liable under crim-
occur even if there are situations where the medi- inal, civil, and administrative law.
cal staff is not responsible, these include situa- The rights of patients are stipulated in the
medical malpractice law and the medical law.
Medical malpractice is one of the main concerns
M. Xia (*) of medical law and relates to the liability of med-
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth ical professionals for “negligence in the diagno-
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong sis or treatment of a patient which results in
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
e-mail: injury or death.” Negligence is the primary cause

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 49
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
50 M. Xia

of complaint in allegations of medical m

­ alpractice that a rigorous safety management system incor-
and therefore such action belongs to the category porating infection control measures is in place
of Tort Law. A treatment agreement is established and that the entire healthcare team is committed
between the doctor and the patient when they to safety management.
begin conversation and treatment. Possible viola-
tions involve failure to comply with the duty to
inform the patient or medical malpractice during 4.4 Characteristics of Medical
treatment. Doctors, as professionals, have the Malpractice in Oral
duty of care to patients who come to them for and Maxillofacial Surgery
medical assistance. If medical malpractice is sus-
pected, a qualified lawyer should be contacted According to the data in a report during the year
immediately to protect the patient’s legal rights. 2013–2014, the number of incident reports for
Claims based on liability for medical malpractice dentistry, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and
may also arise during treatment in hospitals and oral surgery is relatively low, but it is generally
nursing homes. believed that the actual number is much higher
when incident reports for general oral and maxil-
lofacial clinics are included [2]. In terms of the
4.3 Characteristics of Oral number of medical proceedings (District Court)
and Maxillofacial Surgery that have been filed by medical subject, the num-
ber of incident reports arising from oral and max-
Oral and maxillofacial surgery involves a narrow illofacial surgery ranks fourth after medicine,
field of operation—the mouth—and the close surgery, and plastic surgery.
proximity of the mouth to the upper airway, The incidence of medical malpractice arising
which means that there is a risk of accidents. from self-funded oral and maxillofacial clinics is
During treatment, there is a risk of accidental relatively high, and patients have high expecta-
injury from local anesthesia and aggravation of tions of improved cosmetic results and oral func-
systemic medical conditions due to the use of tion. Therefore, it is important to always sign an
many fine sharp instruments or inlays and the use informed consent form. This needs to be care-
of local anesthetics containing vasoconstrictors, fully explained especially for extractions and
which can cause choking and aspiration. In a occlusion adjustments, as the procedures are irre-
hyper-aging society, where more patients need to versible. There have been many cases of medical
be monitored and managed for systemic condi- litigation, such as wrong extraction sites, mis-
tions, and where there is an active promotion of taken baby and permanent teeth, expensive
visiting dental services for patients who find it implant surgery, and sensory disturbances after
difficult to come to hospital, there is a potential wisdom tooth extraction. In addition, medical
risk if there is a lapse in response. negligence involving local or general anesthesia
In anesthesia, there is an increasing use of can lead to death, as a result, competence, skill,
various drugs and medical equipment during and knowledge in dealing with the unexpected, as
general anesthesia. Infusion pumps and ventila- well as the ability to anticipate and avoid danger,
tors account for most of the causes of medical are necessary.
errors and near misses. Oral and maxillofacial
surgery for inpatients and bedridden patients has
been actively promoted in recent years and 4.5 Accidents and Medical
patients on ventilators require close attention. In Malpractice
addition, nasal infections caused by the use of
suction devices during dental treatment have In academic classification, medical malpractices
been reported from dental departments to hospi- are divided into two main categories: accidents
tals and long-term care facilities, so it is essential and errors caused by force majeure, drug side
4  Medical Risk Management of Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 51

effects, and blood transfusions, while errors are these measures are thoroughly implemented in
usually divided into three categories: errors that the relevant departments. In addition, it is impor-
cause medical errors, errors that by fluke did not tant to continue to check the status of medical
cause an accident, and errors that could have and nursing records, the maintenance of consul-
been detected and corrected earlier. Medical tation manuals and other documentation, compli-
errors caused by force majeure and error are con- ance with guidelines and procedures, and to carry
sidered to be the so-called medical malpractices, out daily near-miss reporting.
while cases that did not result in an accident by
fluke and cases that could have been detected and
corrected are considered to be cases that could 4.6 Causes and Their Analysis
have been medical malpractices. The former is
referred to as accidents or incidents and are gen- When a serious incident or accident occurs, peo-
erally understood to be unintended events that ple tend to focus on “people” and assume that it
occur during the course of medical treatment and is a human error. However, people’s behavior is
cause harm to patients. The latter, also referred to influenced by the environment and the environ-
as an incident or near miss, refers to an error that ment is influenced by people, so when a problem
occurred or almost occurred but did not result in occurs, it must be analyzed in terms of both “peo-
a medical error and did not cause harm to the ple” and “environment.” In particular, the envi-
patient. In the USA, all of these are referred to as ronment surrounding healthcare is complex, with
incidents. multiple people involved and a variety of items,
It is generally accepted that “behind every 1 medical equipment, and facilities to deal with, so
major incident or disaster there are 29 minor inci- when an adverse event occurs, it is important to
dents or disasters, and behind every minor inci- focus not only on human error, but also to ana-
dent or disaster there are 300 anomalies.” lyze other factors from different perspectives in
“Heinrich’s Law” sums up the occurrence of order to develop more effective measures to pre-
accidents in the form of a pyramid, i.e. behind vent recurrence.
one accident lies many near misses [3].
Furthermore, even if there is a potential dan-
ger, accidents can be avoided through protective 4.6.1 Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
measures such as knowledge, technical measures,
and organizational safety initiatives, however, in This is a method of planning accident preven-
reality, as the Swiss cheese model shows, acci- tion measures based on the root causes obtained
dents do not occur in isolation but as a sequence by asking “why” to investigate the background
of events and it is difficult to create a perfect bar- factors of a medical accident, but it is not
rier, and accidents are likely to break down sev- always possible to analyze the incident from all
eral layers. angles [4].
In order to carry out daily medical activities As a popular and widely used technique, RCA
safely, it is effective for an organization to con- assists people to figure out why the problem
duct an internal evaluation of its own activities. occurred in the first place. It uses a specific set of
For an objective internal evaluation, a medical steps, with associated tools to trace where a prob-
safety management department should be estab- lem comes out and what are the primary causes
lished separately from other departments. In of the problem, after which, you are able to iden-
addition to the active reporting of near misses and tify what happened, why it happened and how to
incidents, it is necessary to consider improve- prevent it.
ment measures for cases arising from systemic Essentially, RCA assumes that systems and
problems in multiple departments and depart- events are interrelated. In other words, an action
ments, as well as for cases that are difficult to in one area may trigger and be triggered by an
analyze in each department, and to ensure that action in another area, and another area, and so
52 M. Xia

on. By tracing back one action after another, the dents are divided into 4  M’s: Man, Machine,
original and radical problem will be discovered Media, and Management; and the countermea-
and at the same time, the process how it pro- sures for each cause are the 4 E’s: Education,
gresses into the symptom patients are now facing Engineering, Enforcement, and Example. This
will also be revealed. allows the countermeasures for each cause of
accident to be organized. It is a multifaceted
method providing analysis on the causes that
4.6.2 SHEL Model, SHELL Model, induce human making mistakes. It refers to the
and P-mSHELL Model concept of accident investigation adopted by the
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
SHEL model is an accident analysis model pro- Instead of merely launching guidelines on proce-
posed by Edwards (1972) and Hawkins (1975), dures, it provides ideas on how accidents should
who was an aircraft captain, as a method of be evaluated and what lessons should be drawn
analysis that takes into account the complexity from accidents. Accordingly, the method has
of the environment surrounding the people been widely accepted by various industries and is
involved [5]. used to review measures related to human error.
In the SHEL model, the environment (E)
includes the people involved (liveware, L), the
software (S) (e.g. procedures, manuals, and References
rules), and the hardware (H) (e.g., the structure,
equipment, and facilities of the facility). 1. Patel K, Eltorai AS. Medical malpractice cases involving
anesthesia awareness. J Clin Anesth. 2021;71:110225.
The SHELL model revealed that the liveware Epub
(L) was at the center, surrounded by the associ- 2021 Mar 4
ated software (S), hardware (H), environment 2. Blau I, Levin L.  Medical malpractice: an introduc-
(E), and even people other than the liveware (L). tion for the dental practitioner. Quintessence Int.
In addition, in healthcare, a healthcare safety 3. Maeda S, Kamishiraki E, Starkey J, Ehara K. Patient
analysis model specifically for medical practices safety education at Japanese nursing schools: results of
was used (P-mSHELL model), adding elements a nationwide survey. BMC Res Notes. 2011;17(4):416.
of management (m) and patients (P), such as­0500-­4-­416.
4. Rayan AA, Hemdan SE, Shetaia AM.  Root Cause
safety management, to the SHELL model, to be Analysis of Blunders in Anesthesia. Anesth Essays
analyzed from different perspectives. Res. 2019;13(2):193–8.
5. Tsuchiya H, Kurosaki H, Hiramoto S, Seki M,
Moriuchi K, Kawauchi S, Kurita I. Analysis of medi-
4.6.3 4M4E cal accidents using the “Why Why Why Analysis”
(questions): comparison with conventional analytical
4M4E is a method used by NASA to investigate techniques. Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi.
the causes of incidents and organize countermea- 2005;61(12):1638–44.
sures. The specific causes of incidents and acci-
Recognition and Management
of the Difficult Airway 5
Hong Jiang

5.1 Introduction 5.2 Normal Anatomy

of the Airway
Ventilation failure due to difficult airway is the
most important cause of anesthesia-related death 5.2.1 Nasal Cavity
and disability, and about 30% of anesthesia
deaths are related to improper airway manage- The nasal cavity is mainly made up of bone and
ment [1]. Difficult airway management is closely cartilage covered with mucous membrane and is
related to the safety and quality of anesthesia and connected to the outside world through the nasal
is one of the world’s most pressing problems in aperture and to the pharyngeal cavity through the
the field of anesthesiology. Oral maxillofacial postnasal aperture. The bottom wall of the nasal
head and neck surgery involves cranial, maxil- cavity is the roof of the oral cavity, which is com-
lary, facial, oral, nasal, orbital, head and neck, posed of bone and palate; the parietal wall is
and even thoracic cavities, and is an emerging composed of nasal bone, frontal bone, ethmoid
interdisciplinary specialty [2]. In contrast to other bone, and pterygoid bone, etc. Trauma-induced
surgical patients, there are specificities in the way fracture of the skull base here can injure the
difficult airways are evaluated, causes of occur- meninges and produce cerebrospinal fluid nasal
rence and management measures (including the leakage; the medial wall is the nasal septum,
choice of airway establishment route, choice of which is mostly to the left, and there is a bleeding-­
airway establishment equipment, methods of prone area in the lower part of its anterior part
establishing emergency airway and postoperative with rich vascular plexus, where about 90% of
airway management, etc.) in this type of surgical epistaxis occurs; the lateral wall is divided into
patients [1]. upper, middle, and lower nasal passages by the
This chapter will describe the normal anatomy upper, middle, and lower turbinates, and there are
of the airway, the causes and prediction of the openings for each paranasal sinus in the upper
occurrence of a difficult airway, and the basic and middle nasal passages and the sphenoeth-
principles and techniques of airway management moidal recess.
in oral and maxillofacial head and neck surgery.

5.2.2 Larynx
H. Jiang (*)
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth The larynx is connected upward to the pharyn-
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong geal cavity via the laryngeal opening and
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 53
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
54 H. Jiang

d­ ownward to the lower edge of the cricoid carti- the cervical branch of the vagus nerve. The exter-
lage to the trachea, which is surrounded by a car- nal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve inner-
tilaginous scaffold to form a cavity containing vates the cricothyroid muscle, and the internal
joints and muscles and lined with mucosa. In branch innervates the sensation of the epiglottis,
adults, the larynx is located between the upper the root of the tongue, and the laryngeal mucosa
boundary pair C4 to C5 and the lower boundary above the rima glottidis. The recurrent laryngeal
flat C6 lower edge. The position of the larynx in nerve innervates all laryngeal muscles except the
pediatric patients is higher than that of adults and cricothyroid muscle and the sensation of the
decreases gradually with age. laryngeal mucosa below the rima glottidis.
The cartilage of the larynx includes the thy-
roid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, epiglottis carti-
lage, and arytenoid cartilages. The thyroid 5.2.3 Trachea and Bronchi
cartilage forms the anterior and lateral walls of
the larynx, and the superior anterior angle pro- The trachea and bronchi are connected between
trudes forward to form the laryngeal node. The the larynx and the lungs by a “C”-shaped carti-
cricoid cartilage is the lower border of the larynx, lage scaffold containing smooth muscle and con-
posterior to the flat C6, and it is the only complete nective tissue, lined with mucosa. The trachea
cartilage ring in the respiratory tract. The crico- starts from the lower edge of the cricoid cartilage
thyroid membrane between the lower edge of the and ends at the carina (the plane of the sternal
thyroid cartilage and the upper edge of the cri- angle, which corresponds to the plane between C4
coid cartilage arch is superficially located and and C5), and divides downward into the left and
marked on the body surface, so it is often punc- right main bronchi. The adult trachea is com-
tured here clinically for surface anesthesia of the posed of 16–20 cartilages, with a total length of
vocal cords and endotracheal mucosa, and when about 10–14 cm and an inner diameter of about
laryngeal obstruction occurs, the cricothyroid 1.5–2 cm. The right common bronchus is about
membrane can be cut here for emergency artifi- 2–3 cm long, short and straight, forming an angle
cial ventilation. The triangular fissure between of 25–30 degrees with the longitudinal axis of
the vocal folds is known as the rima glottidis. In the trachea, and can be regarded as a direct con-
adults and children over 10 years of age, the rima tinuation of the trachea, and it is often easy to
glottidis is the narrowest part of the laryngeal enter the right main bronchus when the tube is
cavity, while in children under 10  years of age, inserted too deeply. The left main bronchus is
the narrowest part is located in the cricoid carti- about 4–5 cm long, slender, and forms an angle
lage below the rima glottidis. of 40–50 degrees with the longitudinal axis of
The laryngeal muscles include the posterior the trachea. The length and internal diameter of
cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, cricothy- the trachea and bronchi are not equal at different
roid, and single cricoarytenoid intercalary mus- ages.
cles, a total of nine muscles. The main function of The cervical and thoracic vagus nerve
these muscles is to tense or relax the vocal cords. branches and the postganglionic fibers from the
Laryngospasm can occur when the cricoarytenoid sympathetic trunk ganglion and stellate ganglion
muscle is excited by extreme contraction. The in the upper thorax (T1–T5) together form a
laryngeal sensory and motor nerves are the bilat- plexus, which is distributed in the trachea and
eral superior laryngeal nerve and the recurrent bronchi and innervates their sensation, mucosal
laryngeal nerve. Both the superior laryngeal nerve secretion, and smooth muscle contraction and
and the recurrent laryngeal nerve originate from diastole.
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 55

5.3 Knowing About Difficult isfactory ventilation and oxygenation,

Airway allowing sufficient time to consider other
methods of airway establishment.
5.3.1 Definition of Difficult Airway (b) Emergency airway: An emergency airway
is present whenever difficult mask venti-
According to the 2017 edition of the Difficult lation is present, whether or not it is com-
Airway Management Guidelines drafted and for- bined with difficult tracheal intubation.
mulated by Chinese Medical Association Chinese Patients are vulnerable to hypoxia and an
Society of Anesthesiology, the definitions are as emergency airway must be established. A
follows. few of these patients are “Cannot Intubate,
cannot oxygenate (CICO),” which can
1. Difficult airway: a clinical situation in which lead to serious consequences such as tra-
a professionally trained anesthesiologist with cheotomy, brain damage, and death.
more than 5 years of clinical anesthesia expe-
rience experiences difficulty with mask venti-
lation or intubation, or both [1]. 5.3.2 Characteristics of Difficult
2. Difficult mask ventilation (DMV): experi- Airways in Oral
enced anesthesiologists are unable to obtain and Maxillofacial Head
effective mask ventilation after several and Neck Surgery
attempts or more than 1 min without the help
of others. Mask ventilation is divided into Firstly, oral, maxillofacial, head, and neck surgi-
four levels according to the difficulty of venti- cal disorders inherently cause anatomical abnor-
lation, level 1 to 2 can obtain good ventilation, malities in the airway and adjacent structures, so
level 3 to 4 is DMV. the incidence of difficult airways in patients
3. Difficult laryngoscopy exposure: direct laryn- undergoing this type of surgery is the highest of
goscopy cannot visualize any part of the vocal all surgical procedures and much higher than in
cords after more than three efforts. patients undergoing general surgery. In a 6-year
4. Difficult intubation (DI): regardless of the prospective study in Germany, the incidence of
presence or absence of airway pathology, tra- difficult airway was “5.8%” in 102,305 general
cheal intubation by experienced anesthesiolo- anesthesia cases, with the incidence of 8.9% and
gists requires more than three attempts. 7.4% in maxillofacial surgery and ENT patients,
5. Difficult supraglottic airway device (SAD) respectively. The statistics of this discipline for
insertion and ventilation: regardless of the more than 30 years show that the incidence is as
presence or absence of airway pathology, high as 15–21%, which is much higher than the
SAD insertion by experienced anesthesiolo- general surgery population (1–5%).
gists requires more than three attempts; or Secondly, the causes and manifestations of
after insertion, ventilation is not possible. difficult airways in patients undergoing oral max-
6. Difficult invasive airway establishment: diffi- illofacial head and neck surgery have significant
cult positioning or difficult anterior cervical disease characteristics and therefore special fea-
invasive airway establishment, including inci- tures in terms of airway assessment and manage-
sional techniques and puncture techniques. ment response, which are also significantly
7. Difficult airways are subdivided into non-­ different from other surgical patients.
emergency and emergency airways according
to the presence or absence of difficult mask
1. Oral maxillofacial head and neck tumors.
ventilation. Tumors may occupy airway space or deform
(a) Non-emergency airway: only difficult tra- the airway through external compression to
cheal intubation without difficult mask the point that airflow in and out is compro-
ventilation. The patient can maintain sat- mised, resulting in complete or incomplete
56 H. Jiang

airway obstruction. The specific location of cutaneous emphysema and hematoma, and
tumor growth adds to the difficulty of airway dysphagia. It should be noted that one disease
operations such as mask ventilation, laryngeal often causes multiple manifestations, such as
mask ventilation, endotracheal intubation, craniomaxillofacial syndromes are often
and extubation. Postoperative delayed accompanied by OSAS, oral and maxillofa-
removal of tracheal tube or tracheotomy is cial head and neck tumors or trauma are often
often required to prevent airway obstruction. accompanied by temporomandibular joint
2. Temporomandibular joint disease. disease or even OSAS, which are also more
Temporomandibular joint disorders are com- special for oral and maxillofacial head and
mon among oral diseases. Many temporo- neck surgery patients.
mandibular joint disorders can lead to
temporomandibular joint ankylosis, causing Thirdly, oral maxillofacial head and neck sur-
difficulty in opening the mouth. Bilateral gery patients have the highest degree of difficult
ankylosis can result in a specific small jaw airway complexity among all surgical proce-
deformity. Such patients are often associated dures, and therefore the most difficult to manage.
with difficulty in tracheal intubation or mask The oral maxillofacial head and neck can be
ventilation, which greatly increases the diffi- divided into three zones, each of which has
culty of management. tumors, malformations, or trauma that can lead to
3. Craniomaxillofacial deformities or syn- serious airway problems. From top to bottom,
dromes. Many craniomaxillofacial deformi- they are Zone III: mandibular angle to skull base
ties or syndromes are clinically associated (complex airway situation and difficult to man-
with difficult airway. Examples include Apert age); Zone II: thyroid cartilage to mandibular
syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome, and angle (rapid progression of airway problems,
Treacher Collin syndrome. These syndromes prone to emergency airway); Zone I: clavicle to
tend to manifest primarily in cranial, orbital, thyroid cartilage (area where large blood vessels,
and jaw deformities. Exposure of the airway lungs, and trachea are located, high-risk area for
during tracheal intubation is very difficult airway problems and high lethality). Moreover,
under normal circumstances due to the small the tissue structure of the oral and maxillofacial
mandible with a small jaw deformity. head and neck itself is characterized by multiple
4. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). potential cavities and sinus tracts, which also
These patients tend to have short jaws or adds to the complexity of a difficult airway. At
hypertrophy of the tonsillar and adenoid the same time, the site of the surgeon’s surgery
hyperplasia, and in severe cases may have often involves the upper respiratory tract or adja-
respiratory and circulatory comorbidities. cent tissues, which more or less causes interfer-
Improper management can easily lead to an ence to the anesthesia operation, all of which
airway crisis. exacerbate the difficulty of difficult airway
5. Oral and maxillofacial head and neck trauma. management.
Due to the direct relationship between the oral Fourthly, difficult airway in oral and maxillo-
cavity and the respiratory and digestive tracts, facial head and neck surgery can occur at all
an alveolar fracture may affect the respiratory stages of induction, maintenance, extubation,
tract patency due to tissue swelling, displace- awakening, and postoperative period of anesthe-
ment, glossoptosis, foreign body obstruction, sia, in other words, throughout the perioperative
etc., and asphyxia may occur in severe cases. period. In particular, the long duration of postop-
External force acting on the middle of the face erative airway management (sometimes up to
leads to a fracture of the base of the skull, several weeks) and the high incidence of airway
accompanied by cerebrospinal fluid rhinor- crises during this period are a challenge for anes-
rhea. Head and neck injuries can lead to sub- thesiologists, surgeons, and intensivists alike.
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 57

5.3.3 Difficult Airway Assessment Patients who have had jaw, oral, and pharyn-
geal surgery should be treated as difficult tra-
Pre-anesthetic airway assessment is important to cheal intubation at the next procedure, which is
help select the appropriate method of induction a particular emphasis for difficult airway man-
of anesthesia and tracheal intubation technique to agement in oral anesthesia. In such patients, the
minimize the risk of airway difficulties [3]. There best approach is to perform awake direct laryn-
are several methods for predicting airway diffi- goscopy after appropriate preparation prior to
culties, but even the most rigorous and thorough induction of anesthesia to determine if the
prediction cannot fully detect every case of diffi- patient has difficulty with laryngoscopic visual-
culty [4]. ization. If the epiglottis and vocal cords are vis-
ible with direct laryngoscopy in the awake Difficult Mask Ventilation state, it is essentially certain that direct laryn-
Mask ventilation requires tight coverage of the goscopic visualization and tracheal intubation
mouth and nose and opening of the airway. are not difficult after induction of anesthesia
Factors associated with mask ventilation difficul- and muscle relaxation. If the epiglottis and
ties are: age >55 years; body mass index (BMI) vocal cords are not visible with direct laryngos-
>26  kg/m2; history of snoring; beard; dental copy in the awake state, then the patient should
defects; (sensitivity and specificity >70% if two be managed as if a difficult airway had been
or more of these are met). predicted, preferably with the usual awake tra-
cheal intubation. Difficult Tracheal Intubation
General Physical Examination
Medical History Anatomic features that lead to difficult tra-
All the following conditions should be paid atten- cheal intubation include small mouth, reced-
tion to: congenital causes of difficult airway such ing jaw, enlarged tongue, stiff head and neck,
as Pierre Robin, Klippe Feil, Down syndrome; morbid obesity, and breast enlargement. Burns,
acquired difficult airway such as rheumatoid tumors, abscesses, radiation therapy injuries,
arthritis, Still’s disease, ankylosing spondylitis, and restrictive scars of the head, face, and neck
acromegaly, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, etc.; are also noted. Mechanical restrictions such
medical causes such as temporomandibular joint as decreased mouth opening, jaw advance-
surgery, neck fusion, tracheal surgery, and oral ment, and limited cervical spine movement.
pharyngeal radiotherapy and surgery. Poor dental conditions such as cavities, miss-
Visiting the patient and reading the history ing teeth, and buck teeth. Certain orthopedic,
before surgery is very important and is the best neurosurgical, and orthognathic devices such as
way to estimate potentially difficult tracheal intu- retractors, external fixation braces, and braces.
bation early and to avoid serious accidents. During Nasotracheal intubation needs checking nasal
the preoperative visit, it is important to focus on patency. Sometimes a beard can mask certain
whether the patient has had any previous difficult anatomical features of a difficult airway and
tracheal intubation, etc. If the patient has a history requires attention.
of difficult tracheal intubation, special attention
should be paid to the following four important Special Examination
issues when reviewing the medical record and his- (a) Interincisor gap: Interincisor gap refers to the
tory to clarify the nature, extent, and management distance between the upper and lower inci-
of difficult tracheal intubation: the degree of dif- sors at the maximum mouth opening. The
ficulty of tracheal intubation and the solution normal value should be greater than or equal
used; the patient’s position during direct laryngos- to 3 cm (2 fingers); if it is less than 3 cm, then
copy; the device used for tracheal intubation; and there is a possibility of difficult intubation;
whether the operator is familiar with the patient’s less than 2.5  cm, it is difficult to place the
previous method of tracheal intubation. laryngeal mask.
58 H. Jiang

(b) Thyromental distance: Thyromental distance (e) Mandibular anterior extension: Mandibular
refers to the distance between the nail carti- anterior extension is an indicator of mandib-
lage notch and the mandibular chin promi- ular mobility. If the patient’s lower incisors
nence when the patient’s head is tilted back can extend anteriorly beyond the upper inci-
to the maximum. If the thyromental distance sors, endotracheal intubation is usually easy.
is greater than or equal to 7.0 cm, there is no If the patient is unable to align the upper and
difficulty in intubation; between 6  cm and lower incisors when extending the lower jaw
6.5  cm, there is difficulty in intubation, but forward, intubation may be difficult. The
intubation can be done with laryngoscopic greater the anterior extension of the lower
exposure; less than 6  cm (3 fingers), 75% jaw, the easier it is to reveal the larynx, and
cannot be intubated with the laryngoscope. the smaller the anterior extension of the
When the thyromental distance is too short, lower jaw, the more likely it is that an ante-
the patient’s larynx is positioned higher and rior larynx will occur and make tracheal intu-
the mandibular gap is relatively small, so the bation difficult.
tongue is easy to obscure the view under (f) Wilson risk score: Weight, neck mobility,
direct laryngoscopy and cause difficulty in mandibular mobility, mandibular recession,
exposing the vocal folds. and buck teeth are used as five risk factors to
(c) Neck mobility: It can be measured through assess the airway, each with a score of 0, 1,
neck flexion and extension and neck joint and 2, with a total score of 0 to 10. A score of
extension. Neck flexion and extension refer ≥2 is associated with a 75% likelihood of
to the range of motion of the patient from difficult intubation, in addition, there is a
maximum neck flexion to neck extension. 12% likelihood of false positives.
Normal values are greater than 90° and up to (g) Ancillary tests: After taking a history and
35° from neutral to maximum posterior ele- performing a physical examination, ancillary
vation; less than 80° makes intubation diffi- tests can be used to help diagnose patients
cult. Cervical joint extension can be suspected of having a difficult airway.
measured by taking lateral radiographs, CT, Ultrasound, X-ray, CT, and MRI can help
and MRI.  With reduced neck mobility, identify a subset of congenital or acquired
greater force is required to lift the tongue conditions that can lead to a difficult airway,
under direct laryngoscopic exposure to such as tracheal deviation and cervical spine
expose the vocal folds, which can make intu- disease. For patients with suspected difficult
bation difficult. airway with high-risk factors, visual laryn-
(d) Mallampati test: This is a widely used clini- goscopy or visual intubation with tools such
cal method of airway assessment today. The as flexible laryngoscopy and evaluation
patient is seated in front of the anesthesiolo- under conscious sedation and surface anes-
gist and the tongue is stretched to the maxi- thesia is recommended to clarify the laryn-
mum (without articulation) and the patient is goscopy exposure classification. Ancillary
graded according to the pharyngeal struc- examinations are not routinely used in the
tures that can be seen. The higher is the evaluation of normal airways and are recom-
grade, the more difficult is the intubation. mended only for patients with suspected or
Grade III or even IV belongs to difficult tra- established difficult airways.
cheal intubation. This classification is a com-
posite indicator and its results are influenced Difficulty in Backup Program
by the patient’s mouth opening, tongue size
and mobility, as well as other intraoral struc- Difficulty in Laryngeal Mask Placement
tures such as the palate and craniocervical The laryngeal mask has become one of the rou-
joint movements [5]. tine backup options after failed intubation. If the
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 59

mouth opening is less than 2.5 cm, it is difficult to presses down on the mask while the other person
place the mask, and if the mouth opening is less squeezes the respirator). It is recommended that
than 2.0 cm, it is impossible to place the mask; the oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway be
oral and pharyngeal masses (such as bilateral used gently to avoid bleeding. The most impor-
tonsillar enlargement) also affect the placement tant reason for the failure of mask ventilation is
of the mask [6]. the inability to open the upper airway, at which
point an oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal air-
Difficulty in Cricothyrotomy and Tracheotomy. way can be considered.
If tracheotomy is considered, the patient’s anat-
omy of the larynx and trachea should be carefully Supraglottic Airway Device
examined. The feasibility of tracheotomy should (SAD)
be determined based on the patient’s obesity, the This includes laryngeal mask, intubating laryn-
presence of an anterior cervical mass, whether geal mask, laryngeal tube, and others. Due to the
the trachea is deviated, posterior cervical eleva- limitations of head, neck, and maxillofacial sur-
tion, history of radiation therapy, and the pres- gery, they are generally used for emergency ven-
ence of an external fixation stent. tilation, or to guide tracheal intubation.
There are various ways to identify a difficult
airway, and numerous scholars have conducted Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)
numerous studies over the years, but the results LMA, including the first generation laryngeal
have been unsatisfactory. Due to the complexity mask and two-point laryngeal mask, the first gen-
of the factors that cause a difficult airway, involv- eration laryngeal mask (LMA Classic), has been
ing congenital, postnatal developmental, and used less and less in the clinical application
anatomical malformations due to specific dis- because of its poor sealing and high-risk of reflux
eases or trauma, it is difficult to obtain a predic- and aspiration. The second-generation mask is a
tive assessment system with high sensitivity and gastroesophageal drainage tube type mask (dou-
specificity that integrates all factors. Considering ble tube mask). ProSeal mask (LMA-ProSeal),
the specificity of oral and maxillofacial head and Supreme mask (LMA-Supreme), and i-gel mask
neck surgery and the high incidence of difficult are the most widely used second-generation
airways, the possibility of unanticipated difficult masks. They are characterized by a high place-
airways throughout the unoperated period should ment success rate and can improve ventilation as
be prepared as a backup plan [4]. well as replace tracheal intubation to maintain
the airway [6, 7].

5.4 The Establishment Intubating Laryngeal Mask

of Difficult Airway The commonly used ones are LMA-Fastrach,
Cookgas Air-Q, Ambu Aura-i, and Block Buster
5.4.1 Establishment of the Airway intubating mask. The advantage of the intubation
Without Intubation mask is that it can solve both difficult ventilation
and difficult tracheal intubation, and has a high Mask Ventilation success rate of intubation, but is limited by the
The principle of “ventilation first” should be kept patient’s mouth opening.
in mind at all times. Regardless of the airway
conditions, supply 100% oxygen to each patient Laryngeal Tube (LT)
with a face mask and ask for help from a superior The laryngeal tube can be used to close the open-
physician. Keep the patient’s head and neck in ing between the pharyngeal cavity and the esoph-
the “sniffing position.” Two-person mask ventila- agus, which is easy to put in and has less
tion (one person holds the patient’s jaw and damage.
60 H. Jiang

Others Intubation Methods

SLIPA and other supraglottic tools, non-­inflatable
type, with a high success rate of insertion. Surgical Versus Non-surgical
In general, non-surgical intubation has the advan-
tages of high success rate, low risk, and ease of
5.4.2 Difficult Airway Intubation operation, and is often the preferred method for
establishing airway management. However, in Route of Intubation some cases such as upper airway abscess, laryn-
and Endotracheal Tube geal trauma, severe oropharyngeal deformity due
The route of intubation is often determined to disease or trauma, and the presence of an acute
according to the surgical needs, and in principle airway, surgical options such as tracheotomy or
should avoid obstructing the surgical operation if cricothyrotomy may be considered.
there is no special contraindication. Orotracheal
intubation is appropriate for skull base, orbital, Awake Versus Non-Awake
nasal, maxillary, and maxillary sinus surgery, and Awake intubation should be considered when a
transnasal intubation is appropriate for intraoral, difficult airway is anticipated. For uncooperative
parotid glands, mandibular, and cervical surgery. patients or those with intracranial hypertension,
In addition, there are various types of tracheal coronary artery disease, or asthma, the risks of
tubes to meet the needs of different surgeries: difficult intubation should be weighed against the
RAE catheters are often used in cranial, oral, and risks of conscious intubation and given full con-
maxillofacial head and neck surgeries, with the sideration. The awake intubation method can be
proximal end of the exposed oral tube bent down- used in any intubation technique such as direct
ward and the proximal end of the exposed nasal laryngoscopy, blind nasotracheal intubation,
cannula bent upward to maximize the exposure fiberoptic intubation, etc. It has the following
of the surgical field; nylon or wire thread cathe- advantages: ① preserves spontaneous breathing
ters are not deformed after bending and are used and maintains effective gas exchange in the
in surgeries where the head position often needs lungs; ② airway reflexes are not suppressed,
to be changed to avoid folding and occlusion of reducing the risk of asphyxia from false suction-
the tube The length and capsule size of the spe- ing; ③ maintains muscle tension and keeps the
cial laryngeal microsurgery catheter are the same airway anatomy in its original position, which is
as the standard 8 mm ID catheter, but it is only more conducive to tracheal intubation opera-
available in 4  mm ID, 5  mm ID, and 6  mm ID tions; ④ does not require the use of inhaled anes-
models, which can be used in laryngeal microsur- thetics and muscle relaxants, which can avoid the
gery to reduce the catheter in the common access adverse reactions caused by these drugs in certain
to obstruct the surgical operation. The laryngec- high-risk patients. There are no absolute contra-
tomy catheter is inserted directly into the trachea indications to awake intubation unless the patient
through the tracheostomy opening, and the is uncooperative (e.g., children, mentally
exposed proximal end is bent downward so that retarded, intoxicated, and aggressive patients) or
the proximal end of the catheter can be placed in the patient has a history of allergy to all local
the surgical field during the operation of laryn- anesthetics [8, 9].
gectomy; the tracheotomy catheter is shorter in There is no denying that at this stage awake
length and is inserted directly into the trachea intubation is still one of the most effective means
through the tracheostomy opening, and its distal of managing a difficult airway, and it is also a
opening is rounded, which can reduce the dam- technique that troubles many anesthesiologists.
age to the tracheal mucosa. There are a lot of anesthesiologists who take a
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 61

chance and hope to intubate under general anes- should promptly communicate with the surgeon
thesia relaxation but fail to do so. Why blindly and work together to convince the patient.
put the patient in the dangerous situation of “can- When the patient is ready for awake intuba-
not intubate, cannot ventilate” when there are tion, preoperative medications are usually used to
many awake intubation devices and equipment to relieve the patient’s nervousness and to keep the
choose from? Therefore, as a qualified anesthesi- airway dry.
ologist, especially in oral and maxillofacial head
and neck surgery, one must be proficient in this Pre-Anesthetic Medication
technique. I am often asked by young anesthesi-
ologists, “Which surface anesthetics and sedative Benzodiazepines
drugs do you recommend most when performing Benzodiazepines have excellent anxiety relief,
awake intubation?” The difference between the amnesia, sedation, and hypnotic effects.
drugs is minimal, and it is perfect surface anes- Midazolam is the most commonly used drug
thesia, the right level of sedation, and proficiency because of its easy dose adjustment.
that are the keys to successful awake intubation. Midazolam has a rapid onset of action and a
In a sense, awake intubation is an art that requires short duration of action. In addition to sedation
a lot of time and practice in order to achieve the and anxiety relief, this drug has good amnesic
best possible results. effects. The oral dose is generally 15 mg before
anesthesia, but intramuscular injection is more
Pre-Anesthesia Visits commonly used, the dose is 0.07–0.1 mg/kg, and
Whenever possible, be sure to review previous intravenous injection is mostly used for induction
anesthesia records; they have the potential to pro- of anesthesia, the dose is generally 0.2–0.3 mg/
vide a lot of useful information. Most important kg, and the dosage is mildly reduced for elderly
is the status of tracheal intubation, especially the people. This drug has an obvious paracrine amne-
most recent one. Others, such as mask ventilation sia effect, such as combined with fentanyl can be
and drug tolerance, are also valuable. The reac- used during awake tracheal intubation by using
tions to local anesthetics and apnea due to small fentanyl 0.1 mg intravenously before intubation
doses of anesthetics should be taken into account. and then injecting midazolam 0.05–0.1 mg/kg to
Previous surgical procedures, especially oral and reduce the discomfort and stress caused by intu-
maxillofacial head and neck surgery, should also bation and to forget the intubation process after
be reviewed whenever possible. the operation. However, the blood pressure and
When we determine to perform awake intuba- respiratory status should be closely monitored
tion, we should use a calm and unhurried after the drug is administered to prevent acciden-
approach to explain to the patient the difference tal events.
between conventional and awake intubation. The
focus of the conversation should be on telling the Opioids
patient that although the former is a simple and These drugs have a good sedative effect and good
time-saving procedure, the latter is a safe cough suppressing effect when reaching certain
approach that we make based on a comprehen- plasma concentrations, which can inhibit the gag
sive consideration of the patient’s general condi- reflex and help prevent coughing and dry heaving
tion. We must communicate with the patient and during airway operation. Fentanyl takes effect
confidently recommend the awake intubation 2–3 min after intravenous injection of 1–2 μg/kg
method to the patient. Patients should be informed and lasts for 0.5–1 h, and is the most commonly
of the complications of awake intubation, includ- used drug for difficult intubation. Remifentanil is
ing local anesthetic intoxication, possible dis- an ultra-short-acting anesthetic, metabolized by
comfort caused by the operation, and the plasma and tissue esterases, with a half-life of
unpleasant experience of the time. If the patient 9 min. It has an onset of action of 1 min in the
refuses awake intubation, the anesthesiologist range of 0.05 μg/(kg min) to 0.5 μg/(kg min) and
62 H. Jiang

a duration of action of 5–10 min. Due to the risk Personnel and Equipment

of respiratory depression and muscle stiffness,
this drug is not recommended for single Personnel
injections. Before preparing to start induction, verbal com-
munication with the patient is done to help over-
Anticholinergics come his or her fears. At least one professional is
The purpose of using anticholinergics is to reduce needed who can immediately participate as an
secretions. Excessive secretions can lead to two assistant in difficult airway management. For
problems: the field of vision may be blurred high-risk patients, it is recommended that a phy-
whether using direct laryngoscopy or fiberoptic sician familiar with surgical airway establish-
bronchoscopy; the presence of a layer of secre- ment be present to perform a tracheotomy or
tions during airway surface anesthesia will also cricothyrotomy in a timely manner when the
prevent local anesthetics from reaching the patient is in an emergency situation.
appropriate site, affecting the effectiveness of
local anesthetics. Monitoring Equipment
Clinical atropine and long tonic are more The ECG, noninvasive blood pressure, pulse
commonly used. Routine intravenous or intra- oximetry, and end-breath carbon dioxide wave-
muscular injection of 0.4–0.6 mg atropine is used forms should be routinely monitored during
as pre-anesthetic medication, but atropine can induction of anesthesia. The electrocardiogram
cause dry mouth and discomfort, and in patients provides a continuous display of the patient’s car-
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it diac activity (e.g., heart rate and rhythm changes,
makes sputum dry and thick, which is not easy to heart block, and myocardial ischemia). Pulse
discharge, and can lead to tachycardia. The regu- oximetry monitoring allows early detection of
lar adult dosage of 0.5–1 mg of long tonic does blood oxygen deficiency. The presence of five
not cause tachycardia and has gradually replaced consecutive waveforms on the carbon dioxide
atropine. Since anticholinergics can block the waveform graph confirms that the tracheal tube is
release of secretions, but cannot clear the secre- in the trachea. Invasive monitoring should be pre-
tions that have accumulated, it is best to adminis- pared if the surgery is more complex or if the
ter the drug 30 min before anesthesia. patient is in poor general condition.

Vasoconstrictors of Nasal Mucosa Difficult Airway Cart

The nasopharynx and nasal mucosa are richly Each anesthesia department should have a diffi-
vascularized. When a patient requires transnasal cult airway equipment cart. The difficult airway
intubation, adequate surface anesthesia of the equipment cart is a mobile unit equipped with
nasopharynx and vasoconstriction of the corre- specialized equipment for difficult airway man-
sponding area are necessary. Commonly used agement. It includes various intubation tools such
drugs are 4% cocaine or 2% lidocaine mixed with as visual laryngoscopes, fiberoptic broncho-
1% phenylephrine, which produce good local scopes and light wands, various types and classi-
anesthesia and vasoconstriction when applied to fications of tracheal tubes, various emergency
the nasopharynx. Furosemide nasal drops can ventilation devices, cricothyroid or tracheotomy
also be used to constrict the nasal mucosal kits, and simple ventilators. Various types of
vessels. syringes, sterile dressing kits, disinfectants,
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 63

adhesive tape, etc. should also be available. The and safety of use, especially in patients
equipment cart should be manned, regularly with increased intracranial pressure, eye
inspected and replenished, and replaced with injuries, and severe coronary artery
equipment so that all kinds of apparatus are in disease.
spare condition and clearly marked. If no special equipment is available,
the following method can also be used:
Airway Surface Anesthesia the patient is kept in a sitting position and

1. Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Area a gauze strip infiltrated with 2 mL of 5%
Anesthesia. cocaine is filled into both nostrils using
(a) Spray Technique. Tilley forceps. Then 4 mL to 6 mL of col-
Local anesthetic is added to a nebu- loid of 2% lidocaine is dripped into the
lizer and connected to an oxygen source floor of the mouth, and the patient is
(flow rate 8–10 L/min). A nebulizer with instructed to swish the solution back in
a long nozzle can spray local anesthetic the oropharynx. After approximately
into the pharynx and vocal fold area. Each 1 min, a suction catheter is gently placed
spraying operation lasts no more than into the posterior pharyngeal wall for the
10  s, with an interval of 20  s before the suction of the excess colloid and simulta-
next spray, alternating for about 20 min. neously evaluate whether the vomiting
The remaining drug in the oral cavity reflex is diminished. If needed, an addi-
must also be aspirated to avoid absorption tional 2–4 mL of colloid can be dripped.
by the gastrointestinal tract leading to 2. Transglottic Injection Anesthesia
toxicity. In addition, Mucosal Atomization (Cricothyroid Puncture).
Device (MAD) is a cheap and simple The ideal position for transglottic injec-
emulsification device with a suitable tion anesthesia is the supine position with
injection device containing a certain the neck hyperextended. In this position,
amount of local anesthetic that can be it is easy to expose the lateral cervical strap
quickly turned into a mist and sprayed muscle so that the cricothyroid cartilage and
into the oropharynx. 7% lidocaine spray the results above and below it can be easily
is also commonly used and clinically palpated. The cricothyroid membrane is first
effective as follows: ① ask the patient to located and, after aseptic preparation, the
open his/her mouth; ② insert a laryngo- skin and subcutaneous tissue are infiltrated
scope blade, gently lift the root of the with 1% lidocaine. A 22-gauge trocar needle
tongue, and use the nebulizer to spray the (posteriorly attached 5 mL syringe containing
larynx when the patient inhales deeply to 4 mL of 2–4% lidocaine) is held and pierced
administer anesthesia to the epiglottis and into the cricothyroid membrane. Push poste-
vocal fold; ③ in blind nasal intubation, a riorly, in a caudal direction, and verify that
fine catheter can be inserted through the the puncture needle position has entered the
tracheal tube and sprayed when the trachea with an air aspiration test. Once it is
patient inhales deeply to perform anesthe- confirmed that the anterior end of the puncture
sia of the pharynx, glottis, and tracheal needle is located in the trachea, the outer cas-
mucosa [8]. ing is then pushed forward while the puncture
(b) Nebulization Technique. needle and syringe are removed. The syringe
The ultrasonic nebulizer is filled with is reconnected to the outer cuff for an air aspi-
5 mL of 4% lidocaine connected to oxy- ration test to determine the correct position of
gen (6–8  L/min). The size of the spray the outer cuff. The patient is asked to inhale
depends on the oxygen flow rate and the deeply and 4 mL of 2–4% lidocaine is injected
type of nebulizer. The advantages of at the end of the inspiration, followed by ask-
ultrasonic spraying are ease of handling ing the patient to cough sufficiently to help the
64 H. Jiang

local anesthetic to spread. The complications ventilation/exchange probe that allows for the
and contraindications of transglottic injection direct insertion of a fiberoptic bronchoscope. The
anesthesia are similar to those of retrograde bougie has an inner diameter of 4.7 mm, is 56 cm
intubation. Potential complications are bleed- long, and has a 3 cm tip that allows the fiberoptic
ing (subcutaneous and endotracheal), infec- bronchoscope to be exposed for easy positioning
tion, subcutaneous emphysema, ­ mediastinal and guidance.
emphysema, pneumothorax, vocal cord injury,
and esophageal perforation. Contraindications Fiber Optic Laryngoscopes
include increased intracranial and intraocular The Shikani Optical Stylet laryngoscope has the
pressure, concomitant severe cardiac disease, advantages of an ordinary fiberoptic broncho-
and unfixed cervical fractures. scope, and at the same time has a certain degree
of rigidity and plasticity, and is easy to operate,
especially for physicians who are not familiar
5.4.3 Commonly Used Difficult with tracheal intubation. The Flexible Airway
Tracheal Intubation Methods Scope Tool is a fiber optic system similar to the
Shikani Optical Stylet, with greater flexibility to
There are dozens of devices used for difficult tra- make nasotracheal intubation possible. Bonfils
cheal intubation, which can be broadly divided fiberscope uses a 5 mm fiberscope that is inserted
into three categories according to the principle of into the patient’s laryngeal cavity through the
intubation: tracheal tube guidance devices, supra- posterior molar route. The Bonfils fiberscope is
glottic airway devices, and video laryngoscopes. suitable for patients with cervical spondylosis
and limited mouth opening [10]. SensaScope is a Tracheal Tube Guidance Device hybrid steerable semirigid S-shaped video stylet
that can facilitate the management of difficult air-
Elastic Bougie way situations in anaesthetized patients [11].
Gum elastic bougie (GEB) has become the pre-
ferred device for intubation assistance in the Fiberoptic Bronchoscope
United Kingdom and is also very popular in the The fiberoptic bronchoscope is thin and soft and
USA. When the patient’s pharyngeal inlet is not can be bent at will, with little irritation to the sur-
fully exposed, the GEB can help with intubation. rounding tissues and a high success rate of intu-
The probe is kept forward and reaches near the bation, making it one of the most feasible
midline to avoid entering the esophagus or pyri- methods for difficult tracheal intubation. The
form fossa. When the probe enters the trachea detailed implementation procedures and precau-
and slides along the cartilaginous ring of the tra- tions are as follows.
chea, it is smooth; when the bougie enters until it
encounters resistance, it means that the front end Nasotracheal Intubation Using Fiberoptic
of the bougie reaches the rongeur or common Bronchoscope
bronchus, and the scale is about 20–40  cm. Place the bronchoscope in the nose, determine
Finally, the tracheal tube is inserted under the the position of the inferior turbinate, and feed the
guidance of the bougie, and rotating the tracheal front end of the fiberoptic bronchoscope down-
tube 90 degrees counterclockwise helps the suc- ward along the base of the nose. Push in the fiber-
cessful intubation. The final diagnosis is con- optic bronchoscope and keep the front end in the
firmed and the flexible probe is withdrawn. The center of the visual field space. When exiting the
Frova probe is a newly designed hollow catheter posterior nostril into the oropharynx, the patient
guidance device that can be used not only for is asked to breathe deeply or extend the tongue to
intubation but also for changing tracheal tubes. It open the visual field. The anterior end of the
has an angled end with two lateral holes. The fiberoptic bronchoscope is brought as close to the
Aintree Airway Switching Catheter is a hollow epiglottis as possible, at which point the assistant
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 65

sprays lidocaine from the epidural catheter. Make safety of the patient. A 5% lidocaine ointment is
sure that the negative pressure suction access is applied to the surface of the ventilator and the ven-
closed while the local anesthetic is being injected, tilator is slowly placed on the floor of the mouth.
and do not turn on the suction line until at least Gentle suctioning is performed prior to initiation.
30  s after the injection. Once the sprayed local The fiberoptic bronchoscope is then advanced
anesthetic reaches the mucosa, it causes the through the airway. The tip of the fiberoptic bron-
patient to choke and cough, at which point the choscope enters the mouth when it is beyond the
visual field is temporarily affected. The front end airway. The epiglottis is seen and the fiberoptic
of the fiberoptic bronchoscope is entered along bronchoscope is continued until the anterior end
the lower part of the epiglottis, and the vocal passes through the vocal cords and into the tra-
cords can be seen for approximately 30  s. The chea. If the surface anesthesia of the airway is
local anesthetic is sprayed again, at which point inadequate, surface anesthesia can be completed
lidocaine may be injected directly into the vocal with a gradual spray of lidocaine. Gently insert the
folds, which may take two to three times until tracheal tube through the airway, rotating the tube
vocal cord motion is reduced. The fiberoptic with your fingers as you advance (do not lubricate
bronchoscope is pushed into the vocal hilum, ide- the periphery of the tube or your fingers or rotation
ally during the inspiratory phase if controlled will be difficult) and push the tube along the stem
access is possible. After seeing the tracheal ring, of the scope until it enters the airway through the
continue to advance the fiberoptic bronchoscope larynx. When the tip of the catheter reaches 2 cm
in the direction of the tracheal bulge, be careful to 3 cm above the bulge, exit the fiberoptic bron-
not to touch the tracheal wall as this may inter- choscope and the special airway.
fere with the view. Local anesthetic is re-injected The fiberoptic bronchoscope is used to visual-
to anesthetize the tracheal wall and the tracheal ize the tracheal ring and the tracheal ridge, and
ridge. This completes the placement of the fiber- the position of the catheter can usually be deter-
optic bronchoscope via the nasal cavity. The mined at the same time as exiting the fiberoptic
guided insertion of the tracheal tube is the most bronchoscope.
uncomfortable part of the entire fiberoptic bron-
choscopy procedure, so additional sedative medi- Light Wand and Blind Intubation Devices
cation is administered prior to the start of The use of fluoroscopy for tracheal intubation has
intubation. Apply lubricating gel to the interface been reported since the 1950s. The Trachlight™
between the catheter and the nose; do not apply consists of a handle, a light wand, and a guide
the entire catheter to avoid too much slippage to core. The Light Wand is a bendable catheter with
interfere with the procedure. It is usually impor- a light bulb at the front. The operator holds the
tant to inform the patient of the possible discom- handle, places the tracheal tube over the light bar,
fort during catheter entry. Gently push the and places it in the patient’s larynx, where a bright
tracheal tube from the nasopharynx along the light spot can be seen moving down the anterior
fiberoptic bronchoscope stem. Rotating the tube neck of the patient, providing a visual indicator
90 degrees counterclockwise before entering the for blind intubation and thus effectively increas-
vocal cords will prevent the tip of the tube from ing the success rate of difficult intubation. The use
resting on the vocal cords or arytenoid cartilage. of Trachlight™ is limited in patients with signifi-
cant structural abnormalities of the larynx, exces-
Orotracheal Intubation Using Fiberoptic sive obesity, and neck scars. The Trachlight™
Bronchoscope technique is still a blind technique, but is particu-
A special airway for tracheal intubation (such as larly useful and simple to perform when fiberoptic
Ovassapian airway) needs to be applied or an bronchoscopy is not available (e.g., in emergency
assistant can use a direct laryngoscope to push rooms, ambulances, or when there is a large num-
away the tongue root and place the mirror stem in ber of secretions and blood in the airway) [12].
the median line, which can significantly shorten The blind tracheal intubation device is a new
the intubation operation time and improve the intubation guidance device developed by the
66 H. Jiang

Department of Anesthesiology of the Ninth obstruction and maintaining voluntary or positive

People’s Hospital of Shanghai Affiliated to pressure ventilation. The LMA-Fastrach™ laryn-
Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine geal mask is designed for blind intubation or
to solve the problem of difficult tracheal intuba- fiberoptic bronchoscopy-guided intubation and is
tion, consisting of three parts: esophageal tracheal a modification of the LMA Classic. The LMA-­
guidance tube, optical fiber, and power box. The Fastrach™ has a 95–97% success rate of guided
distal end of the esophageal tracheal guide tube is endotracheal intubation via the mouth. The video
a round closed blind end, and there is an elliptical intubating laryngeal mask, trade name LMA-­
opening in the wall of the tube 6 cm from the apex, Ctrach™, has a removable LCD display and
and there is a silicone rubber bevel in the lumen operates in a similar manner to the LMA-­
under the elliptical opening, and the top of the Fastrach™, which has been reported to signifi-
bevel coincides with the distal end of the elliptical cantly increase intubation success rates.
hole. The head end of the optical cable is slightly
upturned and the other end can be connected to an Video Laryngoscope
external DC power supply. During operation, the Video laryngoscope is a modification of the tradi-
patient is lying supine. The esophageal airway is tional direct laryngoscope with an integrated video
inserted into his or her esophagus so that the oval system. The rigid video laryngoscope is another
opening in the wall of the tube is aligned with the major invention of the last few decades as it requires
vocal cords, at which point clear tubular breath non-line-of-sight of the glottis and is effective in
sounds can be heard outside the mouth of the tube. overcoming current difficult airway problems such
The optical fiber was inserted into the esophageal as restricted mouth opening, chin-­thoracic adhe-
airway, and as the optical fiber entered the trachea sions, microstomia, and ankylosing spondylitis.
through the elliptical opening, a bright light spot Rigid video laryngoscopes can be divided into two
could be seen moving down outside the anterior categories according to the presence or absence of
neck of the patient, and the insertion was stopped tracheal tube guided access [10].
when it moved to the superior sternal recess. The
esophageal airway is removed and the light cord is Without Tracheal Tube Guided Access
used to guide the insertion of the desired tracheal The GlideScope® is a video laryngoscope manu-
tube. This method addresses the characteristic that factured by Saturn Biomedical System, Inc. The
tracheal catheters tend to slip into the esophagus in GlideScope® lens is only 1.8 cm thick and has an
patients with difficult intubation, and changes the angled front end of 60°, which facilitates the
previous method of intubation by guiding from the visualization of the voice box and makes tracheal
esophagus into the trachea to complete intubation. intubation easier with the guidance of the moni-
A blind probe tracheal intubation device was tor image.
developed for nasotracheal intubation, which is
especially suitable for oral and maxillofacial head With Tracheal Tube Guided Access
and neck surgery and plastic surgery. The success Pantax Airway Scope® AWS-S100 is a newly
rate of intubation is about 95% and does not cause developed portable rigid video laryngoscope.
significant fluctuation of hemodynamics during It integrates an LCD screen and a single-use
intubation [12]. curved lens. The main feature is that the curved
lens has a tracheal tube guidance channel on
Intubating Laryngeal Mask one side. During operation, the tracheal tube is
The laryngeal mask has been widely used clini- fed into the trachea through the channel accord-
cally as a common ventilation tool in patients ing to the image of the glottis displayed on the
with airway difficulties in both emergency and LCD screen. The Pantax Airway Scope® signifi-
non-emergency situations. The mask forms a cantly improves the success rate of conventional
closed circle around the patient’s laryngeal open- direct laryngoscopic intubation above Cormack-
ing and is effective in overcoming upper airway Lehane class III.
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 67

Retrograde Guided Intubation Percutaneous Dilatation

This method has been used successfully in the Tracheotomy
clinic for many years and is particularly useful in At present, according to the different methods
patients with severe maxillofacial trauma, tem- and instruments of dilation, they can be divided
poromandibular joint ankylosis, and upper air- into single-step percutaneous rotary dilatation
way masses who have difficulty intubating. Cook tracheotomy, modified single-step dilatation
has designed a set of retrograde guided intuba- technique, and guidewire dilatation clamp tech-
tion devices that can be used for tracheal tubes nique, among which the most commonly used is
with an internal diameter of 5 mm or more. the guidewire dilatation clamp method. The
guidewire dilating forceps method tracheotomy
kit mainly includes a tracheotomy scalpel, a tra-
5.4.4 Establishment of Surgical cheal puncture needle (like the size of a 14-gauge
Airway intravenous cannula needle), a steel wire, a hol-
low dilator, a special dilating forceps with a Cricothyroid Puncture groove inside to hold the wire, and slide on the
and Incisional Ventilation wire, and a tracheotomy catheter with a tube
In cases where CICO takes place, this will result inside the core to pass the wire. Usually, the sec-
in progressive oxygen desaturation. At this point, ond to third or third to fourth tracheal cartilage
the patient’s airway must be opened urgently. ring is chosen as the incision. The skin is cut with
Cricothyroid membrane puncture ventilation: a knife, a puncture needle is inserted deep into
The catheter is 4 mm in diameter (e.g. Quicktrach the trachea at the incision, the wire is inserted
set) and is punctured through the cricoid mem- into the trachea through the puncture needle, the
brane, allowing direct mechanical or manual con- needle is withdrawn and the wire is left in place,
trol ventilation. The cricothyroid membrane is then the dilator is inserted via the wire for initial
first located and the puncture kit is held in the expansion between the cartilage rings of the tra-
right hand and punctured into the trachea from chea so that the special dilating forceps can be
the cricothyroid membrane in an oblique poste- inserted with the wire for further lateral expan-
rior and inferior direction. Fix the puncture nee- sion, and finally, the tracheotomy catheter is
dle core, push the outer cuff forward, pull out the inserted via the wire guide.
needle core, inflate the cuff and then connect to
the anesthesia machine for manual or mechanical
ventilation. Cricothyroidotomy ventilation: 5.4.5 Difficult Airway Establishment
Firstly, the external laryngeal maneuver is per- Process
formed to confirm the position of the cricothy-
roid membrane, the blade is directed toward the Anticipated Difficult Airway
operator, a transverse incision is made in the cri- When the patient is judged to have a difficult air-
cothyroid membrane, the cricothyroid membrane way through pre-anesthetic evaluation, the nature
is cut, the blade is rotated clockwise so that the of the difficult airway is analyzed and the appro-
blade is directed caudally, the probe is placed priate technique is selected, which should be dealt
against the lower edge of the blade to dive into with: ① informing the patient of this particular
the trachea, the tracheal tube (ID5.0 mm) is intro- risk so that the patient and his or her family fully
duced into the trachea along the probe, ventila- understand and cooperate and sign the informed
tion is performed, the capsule is inflated, the consent form; ② determining the preferred option
position of the tube is confirmed by the capnogra- for tracheal intubation and at least one alternative
phy, and the tube is fixed. A longitudinal incision option before anesthesia, and rapidly adopting the
is recommended in obese or anatomically variant alternative option when the preferred option fails;
patients. ③ administering oxygen by mask under mild
68 H. Jiang

sedation, analgesia and a­ dequate surface anesthe- mon method. Because there is little movement in
sia (including cricothyroid puncture endotracheal this area, and there will not be significant dis-
surface anesthesia), mask administration of oxy- placement of the tube within the airway, and the
gen, and attempt laryngoscopic visualization; ④ if tube fits snugly against the upper jaw with less
the glottis can be seen, direct intubation or fast interference from the tongue. Wrapping the ends
induction intubation can be performed; ⑤ if the of the tape around the neck for one week rein-
visualization is poor, try to use techniques and air- forces the catheter, but there is a risk of interfer-
way devices that the operator is familiar with, and ing with venous return. Another reliable method
prefer minimally invasive methods of awake tra- is to secure the tube to the incisor by wrapping
cheal intubation; ⑥ during the whole process of tape around it or to the corners of the mouth with
difficult airway management, ensure ventilation surgical sutures. The fixation of a nasotracheal
and oxygenation, closely monitor the change of tube is similar to that of an orotracheal tube.
pulse oximetry of the patient, when it drops to Alternatively, the tube can be wrapped with
90%, promptly administer oxygen ventilation sutures and tied to the nasal septum.
with the aid of a mask to ensure the safety of the Accidental extubation during oral maxillofa-
patient’s life as the primary goal; ⑦ if the intuba- cial head and neck surgery is a real danger of the
tion is not successful for more than three attempts, procedure. The anesthesiologist should be fully
it is necessary to postpone or abandon anesthesia aware of this possibility and maintain constant
and surgery to ensure the safety of the patient, and communication with the surgeon to jointly avoid
deal with it again after summing up experience accidental extubation.
and adequate preparation. Unanticipated Difficult Airway 5.6 Management

It should be dealt with as follows: ① for ventila- of Postanesthesia Recovery
tion difficulties encountered after induction of
general anesthesia, seek help immediately; ② at 5.6.1 Extubation
the same time, efforts should be made to solve
ventilation problems in the shortest possible Extubation is smooth in most cases, but in some
time, such as mask positive pressure ventilation specific patients, it is even more challenging than
(using oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway), intubation. Postoperative edema, changes in
placing supraglottic airway devices such as facial structures, and postoperative bandaging
laryngeal mask to improve ventilation; ③ if venti- make mask ventilation impossible. Ventilation
lation and oxygenation are good, special devices tracts may also be unusable due to concerns about
such as visual laryngoscope, intubation mask, disrupting the anatomy of the post-repair oro-
and other devices can be tried to assist intubation; pharynx and nasopharynx.
④ if intubation fails, do not attempt repeatedly To ensure safe extubation, the anesthesiologist
and consider waking up the patient and choosing should consider the following two questions.
awake tracheal intubation; ⑤ if the ventilation First, is there an air leak around the tube after the
and oxygenation situation deteriorates, immedi- cuff is deflated? Second, if the patient develops
ately surgically establish an airway to ensure the airway obstruction during extubation, is emer-
patient’s life safety. gency ventilation, including surgical airway
establishment, feasible? If the answer to both
questions is yes, extubation may be attempted.
5.5 Tracheal Tube Fixation Adequate oxygenation and suctioning of the
patient’s airway secretions and gastric contents
The tube should be securely fastened after record- are needed. If necessary, a small amount of tra-
ing the scale of the tube from the incisor to pre- cheal dilator and a short-acting β1 blocker such
vent accidental slippage. Using tape to attach the as esmolol can help improve the patient’s
tube to the skin at the maxilla is the most com- breathing and circulation. Intravenous dexa-
5  Recognition and Management of the Difficult Airway 69

methasone and elevation of the patient’s head trocautery during tracheotomy to prevent airway
prior to extubation may relieve airway edema. burns. Once the trachea is entered and the surgeon
Confirm that the patient is fully awake and free can see the trachea the anesthesiologist should
of residual inotropic effects, that tidal volume gradually push the catheter outward so that the dis-
and ventilation per minute are essentially nor- tal end of the catheter is above the tracheotomy
mal, and that SpO2 is maintained above 95%. As opening. Communication with the surgeon during
long as there are no contraindications, the this procedure is important to avoid unexpected
patient may be placed semi-recumbent at extu- situations.
bation, which maximizes functional residual air
volume and minimizes airway obstruction. If
there is a possibility of tongue drop after extu- References
bation, the tongue should be withdrawn and
fixed with sutures. A ventilation-­guided tube, 1. Jiang H, Zhu YS, Zhang ZY.  Identification and
Management of Difficult Airway in perioperative
such as a jet ventilation tube (Cook Airway period. Shanghai J Stomatol. 2003;12(2):147–9.
Exchange Catheter) or fiberoptic bronchoscope, 2. Zhu YS.  Modern anesthesia in Oral and maxillofa-
should be used for extubation. In this way, the cial and neck surgery. Jinan: Shandong Science &
tube retained after extubation can also ensure Technology Press; 2001.
3. Mayhew JF. Airway management for oral and maxil-
oxygenation and can be reintroduced at any lofacial surgery. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2003;41:57–65.
time. The use of nasogastric tubes or optical 4. Rincon DA.  Predicting difficult intubation.
fibers as guiding tubes can also have a corre- Anesthesiology. 2006;104:618–9.
sponding effect. The extubation should be gen- 5. Lee A, Fan LT, Gin T, et al. A systematic review(meta-­
analysis) of the accuracy of the mallampati tests
tle. First, try to retreat the tracheal tube to the to predict the difficult airway. Anesth Analg.
voice box and observe whether there is tracheal 2006;102:1867–78.
stenosis or collapse, and then slowly remove the 6. Kurola J, Pere P, Niemi-Murola L, et al. Comparison
tracheal tube. If there are no special circum- of airway management with the intubating laryngeal
mask, laryngeal tube and CobraPLA by paramedical
stances, then the ventilation guide tube will be students in anaesthetized patients. Acta Anaesthesiol
removed last. An oropharyngeal airway, naso- Scand. 2006;50:40–4.
pharyngeal airway, or laryngeal mask may be 7. van Zundert A, Al-Shaikh B, Brimacombe J, et  al.
attempted if a posterior tongue drop is present. Comparison of three disposable extraglottic air-
way devices in spontaneously breathing adults:
A small number of patients may develop laryn- theLMA-Unique, the Soft Seal laryngeal mask, and
geal edema or laryngospasm, and symptoms are the Cobra perilaryngeal airway. Anesthesiology.
usually relieved by treatment with pressurized 2006;104:1165–9.
oxygen and nebulized epinephrine inhalation. If 8. Sun Y, Jiang H, Zhu Y, et al. Blind intubation device
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pnea occurs, reintubation or tracheotomy should ways: a prospective evaluation. Eur J Anaesthesiol.
be considered. 2009;26:746–51.
9. Heinrich S, Birkholz T, Irouschek A, Ackermann
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laryngoscopy in adult patients undergoing general
5.6.2 Prophylactic Tracheotomy anesthesia: a single-center analysis of 102,305 cases.
J Anesth. 2013;27(6):815–21.
Surgery on the floor of the mouth and posterior 10. Leung YY, Hung CT, Tan ST. Evaluation of the new
viewmax laryngoscope in a simulated difficult airway.
pharyngeal wall causes local edema with the risk of Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2006;50:562–7.
airway obstruction. If the surgery is extensive and 11. Biro P, Battig U, Henderson J, et al. First clinical expe-
causes significant changes in airway anatomy, and rience of tracheal intubation with the SensaScope, a
if airway patency cannot be ensured in the short novel steerable semirigid video stylet. Br J Anaesth.
term, prophylactic tracheotomy is the best option. 12. Sun Y, Liu JX, Jiang H, et al. Cardiovascular responses
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Anaesthesiol. 2010;27:461–7.
General Anesthetic Techniques
in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 6
Ming Xia

6.1 Concepts and Methods sciousness is not an absolute requirement,

of General Anesthesia depending on the content of the procedure.
On the other hand, in general anesthesia, it is
6.1.1 The Concept of General necessary to create an environment in which the
Anesthesia procedure can be performed safely and smoothly
and to prevent the adverse mental and physical
When ether and chloroform were used as general effects of surgical intrusion. For this reason, it
anesthetics more than 70 years ago, the main goal has been pointed out that elements of anesthesia,
of general anesthesia was to lose consciousness. such as amnesia, loss of consciousness, analge-
This was because it was believed that if the sia, suppression of pain reflexes (postural immo-
patient was unconscious, he or she would not feel bilization), and suppression of noxious reflexes,
anxious about the procedure and would not are very necessary. In other words, in general
remember any intraoperative pain. However, it anesthesia, analgesia eliminates nociceptive
has recently become clear that even if the patient stimuli caused by the surgical invasion, amnesia,
is unconscious during anesthesia, nociceptive and loss of consciousness prevents adverse psy-
receptors sense the stimulus of tissue damage and chological effects by eliminating memories of
release painful and inflammatory substances such the operation, and a fixed position allows the sur-
as prostaglandins. geon to perform the operation smoothly. In addi-
Therefore, the importance of eliminating pain- tion, it inhibits excessive reflexes of the autonomic
ful stimuli induced by surgical invasion has been nervous system to painful stimuli associated with
proposed, referring to the loss of consciousness surgical operations, preventing the elicitation of
and analgesia as the two elemental components adverse physical reactions.
of general anesthesia. In recent years it has also Various components of general anesthesia
been proposed that the most important thing in have been proposed, but they can be broadly
providing anesthesia is for the patient to be pain-­ summarized as: amnesia, loss of consciousness,
free during the procedure and that loss of con- analgesia, postural immobilization, suppression
of nociceptive stress responses, and noxious
autonomic reflexes.
M. Xia (*) In the past, general anesthesia was achieved
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth by adjusting the depth of anesthesia of a single
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong anesthetic to produce a state that satisfied all
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
elements of general anesthesia. However, this

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 71
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
72 M. Xia

approach required the use of high concentra- necessary to choose a method of anesthesia that
tions (doses) of anesthetic drugs and caused minimizes these stimuli while maintaining the
high levels of side effects such as respiratory general anesthetic component and appropriate
and circulatory depression. Nowadays, we use anesthetic management [1].
small doses of several drugs with different Surgical stimuli include tissue damage, such
effects in combination to create a state that sat- as incisions and exposed tissue, and associated
isfies all elements of general anesthesia and bleeding, pain, and inflammatory responses. In
minimizes the side effects of the anesthetic addition, psychological distress, such as anxiety
overdose. In this case, a judicious application of and fear of surgery, is another stimulus. In the
various drug combinations, including inhaled days when surgery was performed without anes-
and intravenous anesthetics for amnesia and thetics, many patients died due to surgical irrita-
unconsciousness, as well as opioids and muscle tion, but later, with the widespread use of
relaxants for analgesia and postural immobiliza- anesthetic methods in surgery, surgical invasive-
tion, can bring the various constituent elements ness can be reduced by anesthetic administration.
of anesthesia into balance. To reduce the invasiveness of surgery, it is neces-
Therefore, in addition to the standard monitor- sary to appropriately manage memory, con-
ing of circulation and respiration, such as blood sciousness, pain, body fluids, metabolism, and
pressure, pulse, electrocardiogram, and pulse body temperature. It is believed that the postop-
oximetry, it is also necessary to evaluate the mon- erative recovery of patients can be facilitated by
itoring of the components of general anesthesia, reducing psychological stress and inhibiting
such as electroencephalography and muscle inflammatory cytokine production and protein
relaxation monitoring, in order to be able to breakdown.
achieve the appropriate dosing that meets the
various components of general anesthesia. Safety
In the management of general anesthesia, human
errors such as “wrong response to the patient”
6.1.2 What Is Ideal General and “wrong medication” often occur. In order to
Anesthesia? prevent such human errors, it is necessary for all
operating room staff to monitor and share infor- Reduced Surgical Stimulation mation during the perioperative period through
When surgery is performed under general anes- the use of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
thesia, the patient will be stimulated not only by and the Incident Report.
the general anesthesia but also by the surgery. In addition, many guidelines have been devel-
Therefore, the ideal general anesthesia should oped in recent years to promote safe medical
minimize these stimuli as much as possible. care. Guidelines related to general anesthesia
In general anesthesia, sedative drugs, analge- include the “Guidelines for Initial Examination
sics, and muscle relaxants are used to reduce con- of the Anesthesia Machine” and the “Guidelines
sciousness and pain and to suppress noxious for Management of the Difficult Airway” [2].
reflexes, but the use of these drugs is inherently Adapting the necessary guidelines to each case
invasive and can interfere with the body’s homeo- and using them as an adjunct to medical treat-
stasis, including breathing and circulation. In ment can help improve the safety of general
addition, operations associated with general anesthesia.
anesthesia, such as maintaining intravenous Although the safety of general anesthesia has
access, tracheal intubation, and intraoperative improved significantly over the past few decades,
mechanical ventilation, can also be invasive and continuous efforts are needed to improve safety
disrupt the body’s homeostasis. Therefore, it is in order to provide safe general anesthesia.
6  General Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 73

6.1.3 Indications for Dental General fering from a dentophobia, the autonomic

Anesthesia nervous system may be overstimulated by exces-
sive stress and the body’s homeostasis may be
In the 1940s, since the introduction of lidocaine, greatly disturbed. In such patients, treatment
the most widely used local anesthetic, most oral should be carried out under general anesthesia,
and maxillofacial surgical procedures have been with the main aim of rendering them unconscious
performed under local anesthesia. However, in and immobilized [3].
recent years, general anesthesia has been used in
many cases because local anesthesia often does When Local Anesthetics Cannot
not provide adequate intraoperative analgesia and Be Used
safety due to the increasing complexity of oral Patients may have special needs while receiving
and maxillofacial surgical procedures and the surgery. Dental patients with “special needs” can
gradual expansion of the operative field. General involve a variety of disabling conditions, namely,
anesthesia is also indicated in cases where dental intellectual disability, dementia, physical limita-
procedures and minor surgeries cannot be per- tions, movement disorders, behavioral disorders,
formed while awake. General anesthesia is indi- and chronic medical conditions [4]. Although it is
cated in the following situations. rare, local anesthetics should not be used for
patients who are allergic to local anesthetics. When Local Anesthetics Do Not When it is difficult to obtain analgesia and per-
Provide Adequate Analgesia form dental treatment with methods other than
and Safety local anesthetics, general anesthesia can be used.
When performing long surgical procedures with
a wide surgical range, such as tumor removal
plus lymph node dissection in the head or orthog- 6.2 Pre-operative Evaluation
nathic surgery, it is impossible to obtain reliable
analgesia by local anesthesia for such procedures. The first step in the pre-operative evaluation is to
In addition, extensive surgery performed while inquire the medical history of the patient in detail
awake may cause prolonged psychological stress and review the results of their physical examina-
to the patient, making it necessary to minimize tion. After the assessment, the surgeon and anes-
the intrusion by choosing general anesthesia. thesiologist can plan the surgery based on the
In patients with extensive tumors or cellulitis, results. The decision to perform a pre-operative
it is difficult to obtain results even with high examination and evaluation has been heatedly
doses of local anesthetics. In addition, if the debated over the past few years and the content of
inflammation has spread to the airway and may the pre-operative assessment is constantly evolv-
cause airway obstruction, airway management ing as it has not yet been shown to have a signifi-
via tracheal intubation and general anesthesia is cant impact on the choice of anesthetic plan.
necessary. Some studies have shown that for patients who
required routine alveolar surgery, a thorough Pediatric, Disabled, check of medical history and physical examina-
and Dentophobic Patients Who tion of patients, including re-evaluation of criti-
Cannot Undergo Dental cal areas, is a major factor in determining the
Procedures or Treatments anesthetic options [5, 6].
Under Conscious Control For patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial
Children and patients with cognitive disabilities (OMF) surgery, depending on their medical his-
may not be able to safely perform dental treat- tory and anticipated surgery, tests that may be
ment because they are not cooperative enough to required include a complete blood count, chemis-
open their mouths or hold certain positions dur- try tests, urinalysis, coagulation tests, liver func-
ing dental procedures. In addition, in patients suf- tion tests, chest X-ray, and ECG.  In general,
74 M. Xia

healthy patients undergoing OMF surgery with mouth should be checked again (e.g., for unstable
an expected blood loss within a certain range teeth or difficulty opening the mouth). After a
only require simple pre-operative examination. few minutes of inhalation of 100% oxygen (pre-
In patients requiring tooth extractions, hemosta- oxygenation), intravenous anesthesia, such as
sis needs to be considered as there is difficulty in propofol (1–2.5 mg/kg) or ultra-short-acting bar-
controlling bleeding from bony extraction sites biturates (3–5 mg/kg), is administered. After the
by primary closure. However, the recommenda- loss of consciousness is confirmed, the airway is
tion to routinely assess coagulation status remains opened and secured by hand and artificial respi-
controversial, with some suggesting that coagula- ration with 100% oxygen is started with a mask.
tion testing should be limited to patients with a Muscle relaxants such as rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg)
history of coagulopathy [6]. and vecuronium (0.1  mg/kg) are then given.
The importance of the airway to general anes- Because of the intense stimulation associated
thesia cannot be overstated and therefore a thor- with the tracheal tube, sevoflurane or desflurane
ough airway assessment of patients undergoing may be inhaled, usually in combination with
OMF surgery is essential. If a patient has an remifentanil or fentanyl. Once a sufficient degree
underlying airway abnormality, their surgical of muscle relaxation is achieved, intubation can
anesthesia can turn into a tough challenge to the be performed.
anesthetist. Potential airway anomalies may Intravenous rapid induction is currently the
include congenital anomalies such as Gottenhal most commonly used induction method, and
syndrome, Crouzon’s syndrome, Pierre Robin, almost all inductions of anesthesia in adults with-
Treacher Collins, Down syndrome, and ontogen- out difficulties with endotracheal intubation can
esis imperfect; or they may be other conditions be performed using intravenous rapid induction.
such as altered airway anatomy due to previous First of all, the patient is given oxygen de-­
surgical procedures, such as patients who have nitrogenization through the facemask, intrave-
undergone cervical fusion, head and neck tumor nous general anesthetics, and pain medications
resection with or without radiotherapy, or tem- are used to make the patient unconscious and free
poromandibular joint surgery. Patients who have of pain, and if the airway is confirmed, muscle
undergone surgical treatment of traumatic head relaxants are used to keep the airway patent by
and neck injuries, such as burns, gunshot wounds face mask ventilation, and the patient is given
or mandibular fractures, should be carefully endotracheal intubation after respiratory arrest,
assessed for an airway. Certain medical condi- which is characterized by a short induction time,
tions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, TMJ disease, can provide perfect muscle relaxation, facilitates
and infectious processes such as Ludwig’s laryngoscopic exposure of the vocal cords, and
angina, may have a tremendous impact on the air- has better intubation conditions, making intuba-
way. OMF procedures may also result in difficult tion easy and successful, and there is no concern
airway conditions, such as mandibular osteotomy of laryngospasm and bucking. The biggest short-
with intermaxillary fixation [6]. coming of rapid induction is the disappearance of
spontaneous breathing, and the safety of patients
may be affected.
6.3 Induction

6.3.1 Rapid Induction 6.3.2 Slow Induction

An intravenous needle is used to fix a vessel in A low concentration of inhaled anesthetic is

the dorsum of the hand or forearm. Fixation of administered through a face mask and gradually
lower extremity veins is not usually performed, increased. Typically, induction is initiated with
as this may lead to thrombosis. The patient’s the administration of 4  L/min of nitrous oxide
mouth should be opened and the condition of the and 2  L/min of oxygen, followed by increasing
6  General Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 75

the concentration of sevoflurane by 0.5% every induction method in clinical practice. It is possi-
few breaths. Because anesthesia is transferred to ble to first inhale anesthetic gas and then open the
the bloodstream through the lungs, it takes longer vein after sleep and use intravenous anesthetics
than the rapid induction method to render the for induction; it is also possible to first use intra-
patient unconscious. This method is indicated for venous anesthetics for anesthesia and then use
situations where it is difficult to open the airway inhaled anesthetics and intoxicating analgesics
while awake, such as non-compliant children and and muscle relaxants for induction of anesthesia
mentally retarded patients. In addition, in patients after the patient has fallen asleep.
with facial deformities, the mask does not fit ade- Some surgeons choose to administer intra-
quately and can make manual ventilation after muscular ketamine to an uncooperative child or
difficulty in rapid induction. Slow induction can adult, and the result is often satisfactory.
be performed slowly while checking the fit of the Administration of 2–4 mg/kg of ketamine allows
mask so that if ventilation becomes difficult, the patient to become cooperative within a few
induction can be stopped immediately and the minutes, allowing for successful venipuncture
patient can be awakened. and further titration of the drug. The airway must
Intravenous slow induction is an induction be carefully assessed according to the patient’s
that maintains spontaneous breathing, emphasiz- response to the drug, but usually ketamine leads
ing both the achievement of a certain depth of to elevated values of cardiovascular and respira-
anesthesia and the maintenance of endotracheal tory parameters [7]. The presence of postopera-
intubation under conditions of voluntary breath- tive delirium, particularly if benzodiazepines are
ing. It is mainly used in patients in whom anes- not used, can complicate the patient’s recovery
thesia assessment of endotracheal intubation may period.
be difficult and is relatively safe because the
patient retains spontaneous breathing at all times.
Slow induction is characterized by a long induc- 6.4 Intraoperative Management
tion time, no inotropic agents often supplemented
with surface anesthesia, and preservation of 6.4.1 Controlled Breathing
spontaneous breathing, which is safer.
This is a method of stopping spontaneous breath-
ing and performing controlled breathing by ven-
6.3.3 Other Induction Methods tilator or manual method. The main difference
between this method and spontaneous breathing
VIMA (volatile induction maintenance anesthe- is that the airway pressure becomes positive dur-
sia), in which a high concentration of anesthetic ing inspiration. In adults, intermittent positive
is injected into the anesthetic circuit and the pressure ventilation (IPPV) is used to deliver gas
patient is made to breathe deeply, can avoid agi- to the airway at a flow rate of 10  mL/kg and a
tation because consciousness is lost in a few respiratory rate of 10 breaths/min. Either volume-­
breaths. In addition, semi-rapid induction, in controlled ventilation (VCV) or pressure-­
which the patient’s level of consciousness is controlled ventilation (PCV) is used.
reduced with less than the induction dose of
intravenous anesthetics and then the patient is VCV
completely anesthetized with inhaled anesthetics, The single ventilation volume, inspiratory flow
has also been devised, and this method combines (or inspiratory time), and inspiratory flow pattern
the advantages of both inhaled and intravenous can be set. The advantage is that the ventilation
anesthetics. volume can be maintained. The disadvantage is
The induction of combined intravenous and that the airway pressure can rise abnormally
inhaled anesthesia (CIIA) is also a common when spontaneous breathing occurs.
76 M. Xia PVC tracheal intubation, the peripheral airway is

The advantage is that it prevents pressure damage exposed to dry gas passing through the tracheal
to the lungs, but the disadvantage is that ventila- tube, causing sputum to clot and become difficult
tion is not guaranteed. to remove, and vaporization deprives the body of
heat, resulting in a drop in body temperature. In
addition, the breathing circuit in anesthesia
6.4.2 Special Airway Management machines is not completely sterile and the possi-
Methods bility of cross-contamination cannot be denied.
For these reasons, artificial noses with decontam- Positive End-Expiratory ination filters are used. This filter prevents bacte-
Pressure (PEEP) ria from entering the respiratory tract and can add
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is a ven- moisture from the exhaled air to the inhaled air.
tilation technique that allows the application of
positive pressure of 5–10 cmH2O at the end of
expiration. It is effective in patients with increased 6.4.4 Circulatory System
pulmonary shunts, such as those with combined Management
pulmonary atelectasis. The combination with
controlled breathing is called continuous positive The goal of circulatory system management is to
pressure ventilation (CPPV), while PEEP under maintain the oxygen supply to the tissues. In par-
spontaneous breathing is called continuous posi- ticular, the prevention of cerebral hypoxia is the
tive airway pressure (CPAP). most important goal in anesthesia management.
Oxygen supply depends on blood flow, which is High-Frequency Ventilation determined by cardiac output and vascular resis-
(HFV) tance, but these are not easily measured.
High-frequency ventilation (HFV) is a method of Therefore, blood flow is predicted from blood
artificial ventilation at a rate of 60 breaths per pressure and the oxygen supply to the tissues is
minute or higher, which allows a very small estimated. In the brain, blood flow is constant on
amount of ventilation per breath. This method is average between 60 and 150  mmHg, and blood
used to prevent an increase in airway pressure or pressure should be adjusted intraoperatively to
to ensure adequate intra-airway ventilation. maintain this range. Usually, it is measured by
noninvasive methods such as auscultation or Pulmonary Protection electronic oscillometry. Hemodynamic methods,
Ventilation in which internal pressure is measured directly
To prevent postoperative pulmonary complica- through a catheter inserted into an artery, are used
tions in patients with lung lesions or in highly in high-risk patients with an ASA (American
invasive procedures, PEEP and pulmonary resus- Society of Anesthesiologists) classification of III
citation are used to limit ventilation, maintain or higher, in patients in whom significant bleed-
airway pressures below 30 cmH2O, tolerate the ing is expected, and in patients who require fre-
resulting hypercapnia, and provide adequate air- quent blood sampling. If blood pressure is high,
way pressure for a given period. Ventilation using the burden on the circulatory system increases
these techniques is referred to as a lung-­protective and blood loss increases. Conversely, low blood
ventilation strategy. pressure can lead to organ ischemia. Therefore, it
is generally recommended that intraoperative
blood pressure be maintained at approximately
6.4.3 Humidification and Removal ±20% of the pre-operative value.
of Bacteria When blood pressure decreases, the dose of
anesthetics should be reduced, also, fluids, blood
The gas used in anesthesia has a 0% humidity transfusions and blood pressure-raising drugs
level. When these gases are administered under should be carefully administered. Conversely,
6  General Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 77

when blood pressure rises, the dose of anesthetics 6.4.6 Special Management Methods
should be increased to provide adequate sedation
and analgesia, and antihypertensive medications Controlled Hypotension
should be administered if necessary. Cardiac This is a method of anesthesia that artificially
function should be estimated from ECG mea- lowers blood pressure during surgery to reduce
surements using the second lead or CS5 lead. In blood loss. Excessive lowering of blood pressure
these leads, the underlying waveform is easily can cause ischemia in vital organs, so care should
identified and ST-segment changes are easily be taken not to exceed the lower limit of auto-
confirmed. Heart rate can also be calculated from matic control capacity. In particular, hypertensive
the ECG waveforms. patients should not be lowered to the same level
as healthy patients because the control range is
shifted upward. Vasodilators such as nitrates and
6.4.5 Other Management prostaglandin E1 are commonly used, but even
with these drugs, patients should be administered Body Temperature slowly to target levels and blood pressure should
Patients receiving general anesthesia are naked be restored after confirmation of hemostasis. If
and receive dry gas inhalation and cold infusion circulating blood volume is inadequate, organ
for a long time. In addition, anesthetic drugs ischemia can easily occur due to vasodilation, so
suppress metabolism and reduce heat produc- adequate rehydration should be provided.
tion. As a result, body temperature tends to drop
during anesthesia. Therefore, deep body tem- Low-Flow Anesthesia
peratures, such as rectal and bladder tempera- Since the oxygen intake of a healthy person at
tures, should be monitored and maintained at rest is about 250  mL/min, the flow rate can be
35–37 °C with a heating blanket. The difference reduced to a few hundred mL/min by measuring
between surface temperature measured in the the amount of oxygen consumed by the body and
axilla or forehead and deep body temperature the amount of anesthetic entering the body and
can become significant if the peripheral vascula- supplying the appropriate amount of gas accu-
ture is constricted due to insufficient circulating rately. This type of anesthesia is called low-flow
blood [8]. anesthesia. In practice, a gas flow rate of 1–1.5 L/
min is often used, with some of the gas being Urine Output expelled out of the circuit.
Generally, a catheter is inserted into the bladder if
the procedure takes longer than 1  h. If the pre-­
operative function is normal, urine output is 6.5 Post-anesthesia Awakening
influenced by circulating blood volume and blood
pressure, and these volumes should be adjusted The process of suspending the anesthetic state and
to maintain 0.5–1.0 mL/kg/h or higher. regaining consciousness after surgery is called
post-anesthesia awakening. As with induction of Acid-Base Balance anesthesia, complications are likely to occur
Although H+ is continuously produced in the because the patient’s general condition changes
body due to metabolism, the pH of the blood is significantly within a short period of time.
maintained within a certain range through the
action of the buffer system and regulation by
the lungs and kidneys. When the body’s bal- 6.5.1 Discontinuation of Anesthetic
ance is disturbed by massive bleeding or ele- Drugs
vated body temperature, blood gas analysis
should be performed and electrolytes and Discontinue the use of anesthetics and ventilate
respiratory rate should be adjusted to maintain with 100% oxygen. If anesthesia is maintained
pH = 7.4 ± 0.05 [9]. with inhaled anesthetics, it will be expelled
78 M. Xia

through exhalation. In intravenous anesthetics, vital signs. Sufficient intra-tracheal and intra-
the metabolic rate and excretion rate are inherent oral suctioning are performed to prevent aspi-
properties of the drug, so the time to regain con- ration after removal of the tracheal tube
sciousness depends on the time after cessation of (extubation).
drug administration.

6.5.3 Extubation
6.5.2 Intraoral and Intraairway
Suctioning and Monitoring If vital signs are normal and consciousness,
of Awakening Status reflexes, and muscle strength are restored, the
patient can be extubated. After extubation, the
The anesthesiologist can determine the state of patient should be monitored in the recovery room
awakening from the patient’s response to com- for postoperative bleeding, posterior tongue drop,
mands, the recovery of inotropic drugs, and and airway edema.

DAS Extubation Guidelines: Low risk algorithm

Low risk extubation
Step 1 Plan Fasted
Plan extubation Assess airway and general risk factors Uncomplicated airway
No General risk factors

Optimise patient factors Optimise other factors

Step 2
Prepare Cardiovascular Location
Prepare for Optimise patient and other factors Respiratory Skilled help / assistance
extubation Metabolic / temperature Monitoring
Neuromuscular Equipment
Select deep or awake extubation

Perform Awake Extubation

Step 3 Preoxygenate with 100% oxygen
Suction as appropriate
Perform Insert a bite block (e.g. rolled gauze)
extubation Position the patient appropriately
Antagonise neuromuscular blockade
Establish regular breathing
Deep Extubation Awake Extubation Ensure adequate spontaneous ventilation
Minimise head and neck movements
Wait until awake (eye opening/obeying commands)
Advanced technique Apply positive pressure, deflate the cuff & remove tube
Experience essential Provide 100% oxygen
Check airway patency and adequacy of breathing
Vigilance until fully awake Continue oxygen supplementation

Step 4 Safe transfer
Handover / communication Staffing
Postextubation Recovery and follow up O2 and airway management Equipment
care Observation and monitoring
General medical and surgical management

The technique described for awake extubation is a suggested approach.

Practice may vary in experienced hands.

Difficult Airway Society Extubation Algorithm 2011

6  General Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 79

DAS Extubation Guidelines: Basic algorithm

Airway risk factors General risk factors
Step 1 Known difficult airway Cardiovascular
Plan Airway deterioration (trauma, Respiratory
Plan extubation Assess airway and general risk factors oedema or bleeding) Neurological
Restricted airway access Metabolic
Obesity / OSA Special surgical requirements
Aspiration risk Special medical conditions

Step 2 Prepare
Optimise patient factors Optimise other factors
Cardiovascular Location
Prepare for Optimise patient and other factors Respiratory Skilled help / assistance
Metablic / temperature Monitoring
extubation Neuromuscular Equipment
Risk Stratify

Low risk ‘At risk’

Fasted Ability to oxygenate uncertain
Uncomplicated airway Reintubation potentially difficult
No general risk factors and/or general risk factors present

Step 3
Perform Low risk algorithm ‘At risk’ algorithm

Step 4 Safe transfer Analgesia

Handover / communication Staffing
Postextubation Recovery or HDU / ICU O2 and airway management Equipment
care Observation and monitoring Documentation
General medical and surgical management

Difficult Airway Society Extubation Algorithm 2011

DAS Extubation Guidelines: ‘At risk’ algorithm

‘At risk” extubation
Step 1 Plan Ability to oxygenate uncertain
Assess airway and general risk factors Reintubation potentially difficult
Plan extubation and/or general risk factors present

Optimise patient factors Optimise other factors

Step 2 Prepare Cardiovascular Location
Prepare for Optimise patient and other factors Respiratory Skilled help / assistance
Metabolic / temperature Monitoring
extubation Neuromuscular Equipment
Key question: is it safe to remove the tube?

Step 3
Perform Yes No

Advanced Techniques*
Awake 1 Laryngeal mask exchange Postpone
extubation 2 Remifentanil technique extubation
3 Airway Exchange Catheter

Step 4
Recovery / HDU / ICU
Safe transfer Analgesia
Handover / communication Staffing
*Advanced techniques: require training and experience O2 and airway management Equipment
Observation and monitoring Documentation
General medical and surgical management

Difficult Airway Society Extubation Algorithm 2011

80 M. Xia

Reproduced from Difficult Airway Society Pulmonary Edema

2015 guidelines for management of unantici- This is a condition in which exudate from the
pated difficult intubation in adults [10]. capillaries leaks into the alveoli of the lungs. It is
caused by heart failure, stroke, reopening of the
lungs after atelectasis (re-expansion pulmonary
6.6 Prevention and Management edema), or strong negative pressure in the alveoli
of Perioperative (negative pressure pulmonary edema). Pulmonary
Complications edema tends to produce impaired gas exchange,
which leads to hypoxemia. After the occurrence
Although we tend to focus on securing intrave- of pulmonary edema, mechanical ventilation
nous access and tracheal intubation, many com- should be performed with PEEP and diuretics
plications can occur during surgery. Here, we should be applied.
describe the most frequently encountered
complications. Pneumothorax
Pneumothorax is a condition in which air flows
into the chest cavity. In most cases, pneumotho-
6.6.1 Respiratory Complications rax is usually caused by the rupture of a large
alveolus in the lung, but it can also occur medi- Airway Obstruction cally. In the case of tension pneumothorax, the
Airway obstruction is a common intraoperative pressure in the chest cavity is extremely increased
complication. Hypoxemia and hypercarbia may by the one-way valve mechanism at the site of the
occur even under tracheal intubation and should leak and a chest drain should be inserted urgently.
be investigated and improved for the cause. Laryngospasm 6.6.2 Circulatory Complications

Laryngospasm is a condition in which the vocal
cords are closed and ventilation is not possible. It Hypotension
occurs reflexively when the vocal cords are stim- This refers to blood pressure that is 30% or lower
ulated during superficial anesthesia. Hypoxemia than the resting blood pressure. There are many
and hypercapnia will be observed, and it occurs causes of hypotension, including bleeding,
reflexively when the vocal cords are stimulated reflexes, and heart failure. Fluids, blood transfu-
during superficial anesthesia. Narcotics and mus- sions, or vasoconstrictors and catecholamine
cle relaxants should be used. should be administered depending on the cause. Bronchospasm Hypertension

This presents as an asthmatic attack during gen- This refers to blood pressure that is 30% or higher
eral anesthesia, and its main symptom is the nar- than that at rest. Hypertension may be caused by
rowing of the airway due to the contraction of the a lack of analgesic sedation, hypoxemia, and
bronchial smooth muscle. Except intraopera- hypercapnia. A level of analgesia and sedation
tively, these attacks are caused by strong mechan- commensurate with the degree of surgical injury
ical stimulation of the airway or by the should be maintained, and appropriate ventila-
administration of histamine-releasing drugs. tion should be maintained.
Airway pressure increases and wheezing is heard
in the lung fields. Hypoxemia and hyperoxemia Cardiac Arrhythmias
are present. Bronchodilator drugs such as inhaled Arrhythmias include tachycardia (more than 100
anesthetics and beta2 stimulant (agonist) drugs beats/minute), bradycardia (less than 50 beats/
may be given for relief. minute), and various other arrhythmias. The
6  General Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 81

major antiarrhythmic drugs classified by Vaughan Acidosis

Williams are listed in Table 5-IX-7. The production of lactic acid and the accumula-
If this syndrome is suspected, the following tion of carbon dioxide can lead to a blood pH in
measures should be taken: the body below 7.0. In addition, ketoacidosis and
renal insufficiency due to acute exacerbation of
1. Immediately stop the use of volatile drugs and diabetes mellitus, which often occurs with mas-
hyperventilate with 100% oxygen. sive blood transfusions, can be observed due to
2. Dantrolene should be administered at an ini- the combination of circulatory collapse and
tial dose of 1–2  mg/kg. If symptoms do not hypothermia during massive bleeding.
improve, administer additional dantrolene at a Treatment of the cause of hypothermia should
rate of 1 mg/kg until the total dose is 7 mg/kg. be prioritized, but correction with sodium bicar-
Dantrolene inhibits calcium release from the bonate should be considered when the pH is
sarcoplasmic reticulum and normalizes below 7.2. Overcorrection of acidosis shifts the
hypermetabolism. oxygen dissociation curve of hemoglobin to the
3. Chills may occur and body temperature may left, which is detrimental to the oxygenation of
rise if the temperature is below 38 °C. peripheral tissues.
4. For hyperkalemia caused by muscle tonus,
hyperkalemia can be treated by glucose-­
insulin therapy (using the fact that potassium 6.6.3 Other Complications
is accompanied by glucose as it is transferred
into the cells by insulin. Infusion of 500 mL Anaphylaxis
of 50% glucose solution with 100  units of Anaphylaxis occurs when large amounts of
lidocaine is given and blood potassium con- chemical transmitters (e.g., histamine) based or
centration is measured at the same time of not based on antigen-antibody reactions are
administration) or administration of CaCl2- released into the bloodstream. All drugs can
(2–5 mg/kg) to counteract it. cause allergy, with a particularly high incidence
5. Lidocaine should be administered for arrhyth- caused by antibiotics, muscle relaxants, and
mias and sodium bicarbonate to correct blood products, and in recent years, there have
acidosis. been many case reports of latex (gloves, cathe-
6. To prevent renal failure due to myoglobin ters, etc.) induced cases. In the presence of ana-
excretion, maintain urine output (2 mL/kg/h) phylaxis, the administration of epinephrine may
by providing adequate fluids and diuretics. be effective in response.
7. Muscle biopsy should be performed in
patients after the onset of the syndrome or in Hypothermia
patients with a family history of the syndrome. This refers to a state in which the central tem-
If a family member has experienced general perature is below 35 °C. As described in the sec-
anesthesia, be sure to confirm their anesthetic tion on maintenance of anesthesia, patients
procedure. undergoing surgery are prone to hypothermia
because they are naked and receive dry gas inha-
It is most important to avoid the use of all vol- lation and fluids for a prolonged period. It is rec-
atile anesthetics and succinylcholine in patients ommended that a higher room temperature be
suspected of having a predisposition to this syn- maintained to warm the patient.
drome. The following drugs are currently consid-
ered for anesthetic management: barbiturates, Peripheral Nerve Injury
propofol, benzodiazepines, non-depolarizing Peripheral nerve injury is usually caused by pro-
muscle relaxants, opioids, nitrous oxide, and longed nerve compression. To protect the patient
local anesthetics. from this complication, an effective approach is
82 M. Xia

to avoid unnatural postures and use cushions at R, Klock PA, Mercier D, Myatra SN, O'Sullivan
the site of compression. EP, Rosenblatt WH, Sorbello M, Tung A. 2022
American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice
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Intraoperative awareness refers to the recovery of niques for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Int
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BB, Agarkar M, Dutton RP, Fiadjoe JE, Greif 48.
Local Anesthetic Techniques
in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 7
Xi Chen and Jian Cao

7.1 Introduction 7.2 Common Local Anesthetics

Local anesthesia refers to the injection or appli- Local anesthetics are defined as drugs that act on
cation of local anesthetics to temporarily block nerve trunks or nerve endings, which can tempo-
the conduction of the corresponding nerve rarily and reversibly block the occurrence or con-
impulses so that the area innervated by these duction of the nerve impulse and cause the loss of
nerves produces a painless effect. It is a kind of sensation in the innervated area under the condi-
anesthesia technique frequently used in oral tion that the patient remains conscious.
and maxillofacial surgery due to its great range Local anesthetics are often divided into two
of advantages, including simple operation, pre- categories according to the different molecular
cise analgesic effect, patients’ cooperation structures: amide and ester local anesthetics.
while keeping consciousness, and few periop- Amide local anesthetics are mainly lidocaine,
erative complications. Particularly, dental treat- articaine, mepivacaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine,
ment such as caries filling, root canal treatment, etc., and ester local anesthetics are mainly
tooth extraction, local excision of small oral cocaine, procaine, tetracaine, etc. Whereas, esters
masses, tumor biopsy, abscess excision, and so have been no longer as popular as amides in den-
on can be effectively managed under local tal treatment considering the allergenicity of the
anesthesia. Furthermore, it is also the most sig- former.
nificant pain management skill in oral and max- The dissociation constants, lipid solubility,
illofacial surgery [1]. tissue diffusivity, and protein binding percentage
of different local anesthetics are different, and
their local anesthetic effect and onset of action
time are also different. In addition, the volume of
local anesthetics used, whether to add vasocon-
X. Chen strictors, etc. also affect the effect of local anes-
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth thesia, resulting in different clinical anesthetic
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
effects [2, 3]. Table 7.1 summarizes the physical
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
e-mail: and chemical properties, onset of action, anes-
thetic properties, and maximum dosage of sev-
J. Cao (*)
Department of Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, eral local anesthetics frequently used in the
Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to clinical practice:
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,
Shanghai, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 83
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
84 X. Chen and J. Cao

Table 7.1  Comparison of common local anesthetics

Procaine Tetracaine Lidocaine Bupivacaine Ropivacaine
Physical and chemical properties
pKa 8.9 8.4 7.8 8.1 8.1
Lipid solubility Low High Medium High High
Plasma protein binding (%) 5.8 76 64 95 94
Anesthetic properties
Relative effectiveness 1 8 2 8 8
Diffusivity Weak Weak Strong Medium Medium
Toxicity Weak Strong Medium Medium Medium
Onset of action
Topical anesthesia / Slow Medium / /
Local infiltration Fast / Fast Fast Fast
Nerve block Slow Slow Fast Medium Medium
Duration of action (h) 0.75–1 2–3 1–2 5–6 4–6
Maximum dosage of one 1000 40(topical 100(topical 150 150
timea (mg) anesthesia) anesthesia)
80(nerve 400(nerve
block) block)
 The maximum dosage here refers to adult doses and should also be determined by the general condition of the patient
and the site

Among kinds of local anesthetics, lidocaine is gered. The main therapeutic measures include
often used as the gold standard to evaluate other symptomatic supportive treatment such as oxygen
anesthesia drugs in terms of safety and absorption, and if necessary, intravenous injection
effectiveness. of 20% fat emulsion at 1.5 mL/kg or continuous
intravenous infusion at 0.25 mL/(kg·min). Local
anesthetic toxic reactions can be prevented by
7.2.1 Adverse Reactions of Local controlling the amount of drug used, adding an
Anesthetics appropriate amount of epinephrine, injecting local
anesthetic after no blood in retraction and inject-
The common clinical adverse reactions to local ing local anesthetic slowly [4].
anesthetics include toxic reactions and allergic Allergic reactions to local anesthetics refer to
reactions. the use of a small amount of local anesthetics will
Toxic reactions to local anesthetics can occur appear hives, pharyngeal edema, hypotension,
when the amount of local anesthetics is over- angioneurotic edema, and bronchospasm, and
dosed, accidentally injected into the blood ves- other allergic symptoms, in critical cases, they
sels, absorbed too quickly and too much, or when can be even life-threatening, but attention should
the patient is weak and with poor tolerance, and in be paid to differentiate from toxic reactions to
severe cases, the patient may experience numb- local anesthetics, epinephrine reactions, and to
ness of the tongue, dizziness, irritability or drows- make a good differential diagnosis. Once the
iness, disorientation, convulsions, loss of allergic reaction occurs, the injection of local
consciousness, or even coma and other neurologi- anesthetics should be stopped immediately, oxy-
cal symptoms, as well as symptoms of the cardio- genation and maintenance of the usual airway
vascular system such as decreased blood pressure, and circulatory stability should be performed,
slowed heart rate, or even cardiac arrest. If not vasopressors, epinephrine, glucocorticoids, and
treated in time, the patient’s life can be endan- antihistamines can be used [5].
7  Local Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 85

7.3 Commonly Used Local incision line and injecting drugs while advanc-
Anesthesia Methods ing. When the lesion is deeper, local anesthetics
can be injected into the subcutaneous or submu-
The selection of injection methods is another cosal tissues via the dermal mound to produce
critical factor affecting the success of local anes- anesthesia in the deeper tissues, and then cut the
thesia. Commonly adopted local anesthesia skin or mucosa and subcutaneous or submucosal
methods in oral and maxillofacial surgery include tissues after the anesthesia takes effect, and local
topical anesthesia, infiltration anesthesia, nerve anesthetic can be injected again during the opera-
block anesthesia, etc. Presently, block anesthesia tion if necessary, but the total amount of anesthet-
is frequently used in mandibular local anesthesia, ics should be controlled.
and infiltration anesthesia is usually used for
maxilla [6]. Indications
Indications of infiltration anesthesia include sur-
gical mucocele excision, excision or biopsy of
7.3.1 Topical Anesthesia small skin mucosal masses, extraction of decidu-
ous teeth, extraction of adult maxillary teeth, etc.
The definition of topical anesthesia is to apply or Local anesthetics commonly used for infiltra-
spray a penetrating local anesthetic to the skin or tion anesthesia are 0.5% procaine or 0.25–0.5%
mucosal surface of the operation area so that it lidocaine.
penetrates through the mucosa or skin and tem-
porarily blocks the conduction of nerve impulses Precautions
of nerve endings located below the mucosa or Infiltration anesthesia requires the injection of a
skin to produce anesthesia in the mucosa or skin. larger volume of local anesthetic solution to cre-
Indications include superficial mucosal or ate greater tension and facilitate extensive con-
subcutaneous abscess incision and drainage, tact between local anesthetic and nerve endings
extraction of loose deciduous teeth, etc. within the tissue to enhance the clinical local
Commonly used anesthetic: 1–2% bupivacaine. anesthetic effect.
Local anesthetics should be appropriately
diluted to reduce the concentration, and the total
7.3.2 Infiltration Anesthesia amount of anesthetics should be controlled to
avoid overdose toxic reactions.
Infiltration anesthesia is defined as the injection Each injection of local anesthetic solution
of local anesthetic into the tissue of the oral and should be pumped back before each injection to
maxillofacial surgery area to block the nerve con- prevent local anesthetic from accidentally enter-
duction in the area and achieve local anesthesia. ing the blood vessels resulting in toxic reactions
to local anesthetics. Basic Operation Epinephrine can be added to the local anes-
Infiltration anesthesia is performed by first inject- thetic solution to slow down the absorption rate
ing a needle at one end of the surgical incision of local anesthetics to prolong the local anes-
line into the skin or submucosa to form a mound thetic time, and the concentration of epinephrine
after the injection of local anesthetic. The needle is generally between 1:200,000 and 1:400,000
is then withdrawn, and the needle is inserted at (i.e., 2.5–5 μg/mL).
the edge of the previous mound, and a new
mound is created by injecting local anesthetics Maxillary Buccal Infiltration
until the entire incision line is covered. When the Anesthesia
operative area is small, the needle can be removed 1. Basic operation: The needle is pierced beneath
without pulling out, and the mound band is the buccal mucosa of maxillary alveolar bone,
formed by continuously advancing along the and the local anesthetic is slowly injected
86 X. Chen and J. Cao

after drawing back no blood. The local anes- Commonly used drugs are 2% lidocaine,
thetic penetrates the maxillary bone and acts 3–4% proparacaine, 4% articaine, 2% mepiva-
on the dental pulp to achieve anesthesia, and caine, 0.25–0.75% bupivacaine or levobupiva-
the anesthetic effect is detected after 2 min. caine, etc. [7].
2. Advantages: simple and easy to operate; only
the nerve endings are anesthetized, and the Upper Alveolar Posterior Nerve
nerve stem function is not affected. Block Anesthesia (Tuberosity
3. Disadvantages: limited anesthetic area; need Injection)
to penetrate through the bone cortex to be Basic operation: The entry point of posterior
effective; risk of spreading infection when an maxillary alveolar nerve block anesthesia is the
infection exists in the operative area, should oral vestibule of the distal mid-buccal root of the
be avoided as much as possible. maxillary second molar, and the needle is inserted
into the posterior wall of the maxillary tuberosity Palatal Infiltration Anesthesia at an angle of 45° to the posterior medial side of
1. Basic operation: the tip of the needle is pierced the maxillary tuberosity for about 2 cm, and then
into the palatal submucosa, and the local anes- 1–1.5 mL of local anesthetic solution is injected
thetic solution is slowly injected after con- slowly after confirming that there is no blood in
firming that there is no blood in the retraction, the retraction.
and the local anesthetic penetrates the palate, Anesthetized area: posterior maxillary alveo-
which can anesthetize the palatal mucosa and lar nerve block anesthesia blocks the pulp, peri-
the palatal side of the periodontal membrane, odontium, alveolar process, gingival mucosa, and
and the anesthetic effect is detected after periosteum of the ipsilateral maxillary molars
2 min. (except for the buccal side of the first molar near
2. Advantages: simple operation and more pre- the mesial root).
cise effect. There is a risk of hematoma, and compression
3. Disadvantages: poor compliance of the palatal of the pterygoid plexus region for more than
mucosa, high resistance to drug injection, and 5 min is required.
strong patient discomfort. Upper Alveolar Nerve Block
7.3.3 Nerve Block Anesthesia Basic operation: The entry point is the buccal
vestibular sulcus of the second premolar, and the
Nerve block anesthesia is defined as the injection tip of the needle reaches the periosteum at the tip
of a local anesthetic solution into the nerve trunk of the second premolar root, and then 1.5 mL of
or its branches that innervate the operative area, local anesthetic solution is injected slowly after
temporarily blocking its nerve conduction and confirming that there is no blood in the retraction.
producing anesthesia. Block anesthesia is com- Sometimes the infraorbital nerve block can be
monly used in oral and maxillofacial surgery, used instead.
such as posterior superior alveolar nerve block, Anesthetized area: ipsilateral maxillary pre-
middle superior alveolar nerve block, infraorbital molar and first molar near the buccal root.
nerve block, anterior palatal nerve block, inferior
alveolar nerve block, and long buccal nerve Upper Alveolar Anterior Nerve
block. Block Anesthesia
Indications include tooth extraction, peri- Basic operation: The entry point is the vestibular
odontal disease treatment, caries filling, root sulcus of the maxillary cuspid, the needle tip
canal treatment, small mass removal, mass exci- reaches the periosteum of the apical region, and
sion (resection) biopsy, etc. 1.5  mL of local anesthetic solution is injected
7  Local Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 87

slowly after confirming that there is no blood in alveolar nerve, also known as the pterygomaxil-
the retraction. lary injection method.
Anesthetized area: ipsilateral maxillary cuspid Basic operation: The patient opens the mouth
and upper incisor. widely, and the entry point is the midpoint
between the medial oblique ridge and the ptery- Infraorbital Nerve Block gomandibular ligament. The needle reaches the
Anesthesia bone surface (1.5–2.5 cm), back off slightly, and
Basic operation: The entry point is at the buccal then confirm that there is no blood in the retrac-
vestibular sulcus of the maxillary premolar, the tion before slowly injecting 1.5–2  mL of local
needle tip is parallel to the root tip of the premo- anesthetic solution. The lingual and buccal long
lar and travels upward to the bone surface of the nerves are usually also anesthetized during the
infraorbital foramen, then slightly retreat the standard inferior alveolar nerve block [8].
needle to the subperiosteum, confirm that there is Anesthetized area: ipsilateral mandible, man-
no blood in the retraction and then slowly inject dibular teeth, gingiva and periodontium, bicuspid
1 mL of local anesthetic solution. to incisal labial gingiva, mucoperiosteum, and
Anesthetized area: ipsilateral upper lip and lower lip, with lower lip numbness as the main
part of the skin of the nose. sign of successful inferior alveolar nerve block.
The anesthetized area of lingual nerve block: Palatal Major Nerve Block ipsilateral tongue with burning, swelling, and
Anesthesia numbness, with the most obvious symptoms at
Basic operation: The entry point is the palatal the tip of the tongue.
foramen at the palatal side of the distal middle of Anesthetized area of buccal long nerve
the maxillary second molar, and after entering the block: ipsilateral mandibular second premolar
needle for several millimeters and with no blood and molar buccal gingiva, periodontium, muco-
in the retraction, inject 0.2 mL of local anesthetic periosteum, buccal mucosa, buccal muscle, and
solution. skin. Local swelling and numbness may be
Anesthetized area: ipsilateral maxillary cus- observed.
pid to third molar palatal gingiva, periodontal When performing the inferior alveolar nerve
membrane, alveolar process, and maxillary block, attention should be paid to the morphol-
periosteum. ogy of the mandible, and the angle and depth of
needle entry should be adjusted according to the Nasopalatal Nerve Block changes in the position of the mandibular
Anesthesia foramen:
Basic operation: The entry point is the incisive
papilla on one side, and the needle is inserted 1. The wider the width of the ascending branch
about several millimeters, and then 0.2  mL of of the mandible, the farther the distance from
local anesthetic solution is injected slowly after the mandibular foramen to the anterior edge
confirming that there is no blood in the of the ascending branch, the deeper the needle
retraction. should go.
Anesthetized area: bilateral maxillary anterior 2. The wider the mandibular arch, the more the
teeth and palatal gingiva, periodontium, alveolar needle tip should lean back towards the con-
bone, hard palate mucosa, and periosteum. tralateral molar area as far as possible when
entering the needle. Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block 3. The greater the angle of the mandibular angle,
Anesthesia the higher the position of the mandibular fora-
Definition: Inferior alveolar nerve block is the men, and the position of the needle entry point
injection of local anesthetic solution into the should be appropriately adjusted during nee-
pterygomaxillary fissure to block the inferior dle entry.
88 X. Chen and J. Cao Chin Nerve Block Anesthesia For decades, the possibility of combining two
Basic operation: The needle entry point is the or more injection methods has been explored.
mucosal turn, the tip of the needle is directed Rogers et al. reported that the anesthetic effect of
toward the bone tissue between the tips of the inferior alveolar nerve block supplemented by a
premolar teeth, and 1.5 mL of local anesthetic is buccal injection of 4% articaine has better perfor-
slowly injected after reaching the bone surface mance than inferior alveolar nerve block injec-
and with no blood in retraction when slightly tion used alone, particularly in terms of anesthesia
withdrawing the needle. continuity [10]. Another study reported similar
Anesthetized area: lower anterior teeth and results that the successful anesthesia rate of
lower premolar teeth. combing inferior alveolar nerve block with buc-
cal injection, the latter served as a supplement, is
84% [11].
7.3.4 Comparing Advantages
and Disadvantages
of Infiltration Anesthesia 7.4 Conclusion
and Nerve Block (Table 7.2)
Oral and maxillofacial surgery plays a critical
Overall, the success rates of single injection role in dental treatment and effective local
methods are disappointed in achieving the desired anesthesia not only elevates the treatment out-
goals. In fact, the failure rate of inferior alveolar comes, but also eliminates patients’ anxiety.
nerve block is 20–47% [8, 9]. The first use of cocaine in maxillofacial surgery
as a local anesthesia method in 1884 revealed
the golden age of the development of local
Table 7.2  A comparison between the infiltration anes- anesthesia agents [12]. The new anesthetics
thesia and nerve block have replaced the conventional ones. Procaine,
Infiltration which was widely used in the last century,
anesthesia Nerve block decayed in dental clinics because of its own
Advantages Easy to operate Wide
allergenicity. Amides, with the first introduc-
and have a anesthetized
command of area tion of lidocaine, have gradually overwhelmed
The nerve endings The entry in dental local anesthesia. Other amides, includ-
are anesthetized, point of the ing articaine, mepivacaine, and bupivacaine,
with no influence needle is far have come into use. The injection techniques of
on nerve trunks from the
infected area local anesthetics have also been optimizing till
Disadvantages Local anesthetics Difficult to these days. For instance, with the emergence of
need to penetrate operate computer-aided injection system, the success
through the bone rate of local anesthesia seems to embrace a pro-
cortex to take
spective future.
Limited Endings of The update of local anesthesia techniques in
anesthetized area other nerve oral and maxillofacial surgery should never be
trunks cannot hindered by the great satisfaction brought by the
be anesthetized achievements we now possess. How to further
Infection can be Possibility of
improve the success rate of anesthesia, how to
diffused when the hematoma
need enters the research and develop efficient and safe local
infected area anesthesia agents, and how to provide a more
Possibility of comfort healthcare environment should become
nerve injuries the ultimate pursued goal.
7  Local Anesthetic Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 89

References 7. Bortoluzzi MC, de Camargo SP, Cecato R, Pochapski

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10. Rogers BS, Botero TM, McDonald NJ, Gardner RJ,
4. Singaravelu Ramesh A, Boretsky K. Local anesthetic
Peters MC. Efficacy of articaine versus lidocaine as a
systemic toxicity in children: a review of recent
supplemental buccal infiltration in mandibular molars
case reports and current literature. Reg Anesth Pain
with irreversible pulpitis: a prospective, randomized,
Med. 2021;46(10):909–14.
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11. Kanaa MD, Whitworth JM, Meechan JG. A prospec-
5. Cummings DR, Yamashita DD, McAndrews
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JP.  Complications of local anesthesia used in oral
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12. Meechan JG.  Practical dental local anaesthesia. 2nd
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tration anesthesia: a prospective randomized double-­
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Conscious Sedation and Analgesia
Ming Xia

8.1 The Concept of Sedation maxillofacial surgery remain latent, and when
combined with physical and mental stimulation
8.1.1 Background they may induce systemic complications such as
vagal reflexes, hyperventilation syndrome, and
Historically, oral and maxillofacial surgery has acute exacerbation of systemic diseases [3].
been the object of fear, and in recent years, Patients with fear and anxiety about oral and
many countries have reported their need and maxillofacial surgery may avoid the correspond-
demand for sedation for oral and maxillofacial ing procedures. This may not only affect their
surgery [1, 2]. eating habits due to worsening diseases but may
In general, oral and maxillofacial diseases are also harm their general health due to severe oral
painful and many invasive procedures are also and maxillofacial diseases. In addition, special
painful unless the patient is anesthetized. Oral treatment is necessary for patients with cognitive
and maxillofacial surgery is invasive procedure impairments who refuse oral and maxillofacial
and is a source of stimulation that causes stress surgery due to intense anxiety or fear, or for
(stress response). The stimulus is called a patients with what is known as the “gag reflex”
“stressor” and oral and maxillofacial surgery is a (i.e., a strong reflex triggered when a foreign
“stressor” that induces physical and mental body enters the mouth).
stress. Since oral and maxillofacial diseases are Under such circumstances, sedation is intro-
common, treatment for these diseases is referred duced into oral and maxillofacial procedures.
to as a familiar “stressor.” Sedation is the reduction of irritability or agita-
Local anesthesia has been widely used for tion by administration of sedative drugs, gener-
pain control as a stress countermeasure during ally to facilitate a medical procedure or diagnostic
oral and maxillofacial surgery, and less irritating procedure. Due to the unique background of den-
dental instruments have been developed, and tistry, a method called psych-sedation (psycho-
comfort-oriented equipment and facilities have logical sedation) has been developed in dentistry
become popular. However, it is generally believed to effectively manage anxiety and fear of dental
that the anxiety and fear associated with oral and treatment. Psych-sedation is a method of manag-
ing patients using medications to reduce fear,
M. Xia (*) anxiety, and stress about dental treatment and to
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth perform the treatment comfortably and safely. It
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong is a method of perioperative management using
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China analgesics or sedatives, but it is necessary to

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 91
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
92 M. Xia

understand its position in anesthesia and to take sedation, as it has been widely used in various
into account the specificities of dental treatment. types of surgeries. The drug-induced state
It is a term specialized for dental treatment, and deprives of patients’ consciousness completely,
later in this chapter, we will still use the term making them arousable, even following painful
“sedation.” stimulation. During general anesthesia, patients
cannot independently perform ventilatory func-
tion; thus they need positive pressure ventilation
8.1.2 Classification and assistance in maintaining a patent airway.
Their cardiovascular function is affected.
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
categorizes sedation into minimal sedation, mod-
erate sedation, and deep sedation. 8.2 Sedation in Oral
For minimal sedation, it is a drug-induced and Maxillofacial Surgery
state during which patients respond normally to
verbal commands. Though under such circum- 8.2.1 The Purpose of Applying
stances, patients’ cognitive function and physical Sedation
coordination may be weakened or damaged, their
airway reflexes, and ventilatory and cardiovascu- By applying sedation, the following effects can
lar functions are unchanged. be obtained: (1) alleviation of anxiety and fear of
To go a step further, moderate sedation, also dental treatment; (2) stabilization of circulatory
called conscious sedation, is a drug-induced state dynamics; (3) prevention and suppression of
during which patients’ consciousness is hyperventilation; (4) prevention and relief of
depressed, responding purposefully to verbal skeletal muscle tension and involuntary move-
commands, either alone or with mild physical ments; (5) suppression of abnormal neural
stimulation. In this condition, patients can rely on reflexes (vasovagal reflex, abnormal vomiting
the spontaneous ventilation, requiring no inter- reflex, etc.); (6) behavioral modification; and (7)
ventions to keep a patent airway, while their car- prevention of spastic attacks and amnesia.
diovascular function is unaffected [4]. However, since the effect varies depending on the
Readers may naturally infer that the next cat- type of anesthetic or sedative used and the level
egory of sedation after moderate sedation is deep of sedation, the choice of anesthetic or sedative
sedation. Surprisingly, there is an intermediate and the target level of sedation should be deter-
sedation state, called monitored anesthesia care mined according to the actual purpose.
(MAC). MAC denotes a specific anesthesia ser-
vice performed by a qualified anesthesiologist for
a diagnostic or treatment procedure. Indications 8.2.2 Indications
for MAC embrace the requirement for deeper
levels of analgesia and sedation than that pro- 1. Patients who have strong anxiety and fear
vided by moderate sedation, including potential toward oral and maxillofacial surgery.
switch to general or regional anesthesia. 2. Patients who have mood swings or loss of
The next level is the deep sedation. It is also a consciousness during oral and maxillofacial
drug-induced depression of consciousness during procedures and are considered to experience
which patients cannot be easily aroused, yet they strong influence from psychological factors.
respond purposefully after repeated or painful 3. Patients with abnormal gag reflex.
stimulation. In this state, patients are unable to 4. Patients with systemic diseases such as hyper-
maintain spontaneous ventilation. Therefore, tension and heart disease who wish to reduce
they need interventions to keep a patent airway. their stress.
Their cardiovascular function is still unimpaired. 5. Oral and maxillofacial procedures with long
General anesthesia may sound more familiar duration and large trauma under local
to common people compared to other types of anesthesia.
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 93

6. Oral and maxillofacial procedures for patients srectal. Intramuscular, oral, nasal, and transrectal
who do not cooperate with treatment. administration methods are relatively easy to per-
7. Oral and maxillofacial procedures for patients form and have been applied to pediatric imaging
with central nervous system diseases who studies and pre-anesthetic pretreatment. While
have severe involuntary movements. inhalation and continuous intravenous (IV)
administration are dose-controlled, sedation by
other routes is less adjustable and may be hazard-
8.2.3 Characteristics of Sedation ous due to inadequate or excessive maintenance
in Oral and Maxillofacial of sedation levels, depending on the individual
Surgery patient. Inhalation sedation (IS) and intravenous
sedation (IVS) are indicated for safe and effective
Characteristics of sedation in oral and maxillofa- psychiatric sedation in dental treatment.
cial surgery: the surgical field and airway overlap;
frequent treatment is required; the procedure is
mainly for outpatients and is a day case; the pro- 8.3.2 Other Methods
cedure is often performed on an outpatient basis.
Therefore, special care is needed to ensure safety. Intramuscular, rectal, nasal, or oral sedation may
In particular, the surgical area and the airway be used when it is difficult to establish vein
are in the same area. It is important to keep the access, to find a suitable vessel, or to avoid the
patient at a level of sedation that maintains con- disadvantages of intravenous methods. However,
sciousness and upper airway reflexes so that spon- these methods are less certain of effect, less
taneous breathing can be maintained even if water immediate, and less adjustable than intravenous
accumulates in the mouth. In other words, the goal methods, and their application is limited. There
is to achieve a level of sedation, i.e., conscious are also methods to achieve sedation through
sedation, that preserves the autonomic reflex func- auditory and visual stimulation without the use of
tion of the airway and can respond appropriately to a sedative. When selecting a sedation method, it
physical stimuli and verbal commands. is necessary to consider the advantages and dis-
However, in patients with cognitive impair- advantages of each method, such as the patient’s
ment who strongly resist oral and maxillofacial level of stress and cooperation, the degree of
surgery, deep sedation may be required to control invasiveness of dental procedures and sedation
their behaviors. In such cases, deep sedation may methods, and the reliability and adjustability of
be necessary because it is necessary to deliber- the sedative.
ately deprive the patient of consciousness for Oral anxiolytic and sedative drugs are known
some time since the patient often exhibits refusal as oral sedation, and it is the simplest and most
as long as he or she is conscious. If the central non-invasive method of administration. It is
nervous system is depressed until consciousness slowly absorbed in the digestive system and has a
is lost, the ecological defense reflexes and the high safety margin. It can be used as a premedi-
mechanisms that maintain upper airway patency cation to reduce anxiety before the patient arrives
may also be compromised. at the hospital or before treatment begins, but it
has the disadvantage of being insufficiently
­effective as a sedative during dental treatment,
8.3 Types and Medication slow onset of action, and difficulty in adjusting
of Sedation sedation levels after administration. In addition,
when adequate sedation is attempted with this
8.3.1 Types of Sedation method, multiple doses or large amounts of med-
ication are often required, over-sedation thereby
In sedation, there are several routes of adminis- causing airway and respiratory complications
tration of sedatives or anesthetics: inhalation, and increasing the likelihood of delayed recovery
intravenous, intramuscular, oral, nasal, and tran- and delayed discharge.
94 M. Xia

8.3.3 Medication of 30% nitrous oxide, blood concentrations

increased rapidly within 3 min after the start of
Nitrous oxide (nitrous oxide) is primarily used inhalation and decreased rapidly within 3  min
for inhalation sedation (IS), while benzodiaze- after cessation of inhalation. The route of excre-
pines and propofol are primarily used for intrave- tion is primarily by exhalation, with a small
nous sedation (IVS). Opioids and IV analgesics amount excreted through the skin.
may also be used as adjuncts. In addition, benzo- The anesthetic effect of nitrous oxide is sig-
diazepines and opioid antagonists may be used nificantly weaker than that of other inhaled anes-
and as needed. thetics, with a minimum alveolar concentration
(MAC, 50% of patients without body movement
when the skin is incised) of 105%. Therefore,
8.4 Inhalation Sedation nitrous oxide is not usually used alone as a gen-
eral anesthetic.
Inhalation sedation is used to reduce mental ten- Nitrous oxide can be administered at low con-
sion and fear of dental treatment by inhaling low centrations to achieve good sedation without the
concentrations of inhaled anesthetics while main- patient losing consciousness. Adequate sedation
taining consciousness. This method allows the is usually achieved after 10  min of inhalation.
patient to enter a state where he or she can coop- Optimal sedation during dental treatment is a
erate with the treatment without stress. state of reduced mental tension and a level of
Nitrous oxide inhalation has been used for consciousness that ensures adequate communica-
general anesthesia and was first used by Seldin in tion and cooperation during oral and maxillofa-
the USA in the 1930s for “sedation” of dental cial surgery.
patients. In 1972, the American Medical Even in this degree of sedation, a slight anal-
Association changed the name of the method gesic effect can be observed and an amnestic
from “nitrous oxide (laughing gas) analgesia,” effect, albeit slight, can be expected. In nitrous
which had been used until then, to “Psych-­ oxide inhalation sedation, the inhalation concen-
sedation,” In other words, this method can obtain tration of nitrous oxide is usually 20–30%, but
a mild increase in pain threshold, but its purpose there is individual variation in the effect, and
is only sedation, and the main principle is to effort is required to set the appropriate concentra-
ensure a good analgesic effect in painful dental tion when examining the patient’s signs. If the
treatment by local anesthesia. inhalation concentration is increased too much in
Although various volatile inhalation anesthet- anticipation of a decreased level of conscious-
ics can be used for inhalation sedation, only ness, analgesic effect, or amnesic effect, the
nitrous oxide inhalation sedation is described in patient can easily become agitated or uncon-
this article. scious, which not only prevents the patient from
cooperating during the dental treatment but also
leads to making the procedure less safe, which is
8.4.1 Characteristics of Nitrous originally the most important feature of this
Oxide and Its Application method. The concentration of nitrous oxide at
in Inhalation Sedation which half of the volunteers obtained the amnesic
effect was reported to be about 53% (0.5 MAC).
The blood gas partition coefficient and cerebral The analgesic effect is stronger compared to
blood partition coefficient of nitrous oxide are other inhaled anesthetics. The currently accepted
0.47 and 1.1, respectively, which are small among mechanism of action is to cause the release of
inhaled anesthetics. The metabolic rate of nitrous endogenous opioid peptides (endorphins,
oxide in vivo was 0.004%, which was the lowest enkephalins, etc.) in the midbrain and to inhibit
among inhaled anesthetics. Following inhalation the transmission of pain information to the cen-
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 95

tral nervous system through the activity of the on the corners of the mouth or strong
descending inhibitory system. There are many pressure on the jaw).
reports on the reduction of pain by nitrous oxide 3. Non-Indicated Patients.
via the noradrenergic system. (a) Patients with nasal congestion and mouth
Although the site of action of the nitrous oxide breathing.
molecule is not yet clear, inhibition of N-Methyl-­ (b) Patients who do not understand the need
D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptors and nicotinic for the treatment and are completely
acetylcholine receptors are considered as possi- uncooperative.
ble mechanisms. (c) Patients who do not want to wear a nasal
The analgesic effect of nitrous oxide has been mask (they do not like the smell of rubber
demonstrated, with inhalation of 30% nitrous and have preconceived notions that it will
oxide resulting in an increased response thresh- cause breathing difficulties).
old to electrical stimulation of the teeth equiva- 4. Contraindications to Nitrous Oxide Inhalation
lent to a 20% concentration of 15 mg morphine, Sedation.
which is stronger than a 50% concentration of (a) Patients with closed cavities in the body
100 mg intravenous pethidine. In addition, inha- (elevated middle ear pressure due to otitis
lation of 30% nitrous oxide significantly inhib- media, pneumothorax, pneumopericar-
ited the increase in plasma norepinephrine during dium, intestinal obstruction, pneumoperi-
intravenous indwelling needle puncture. In any toneum, etc.).
case, complete painlessness cannot be expected (b) Patients who have recently undergone gas
at concentrations of 30% or less used in inhaled tamponade during ophthalmic surgery.
sedation, and local anesthesia is essential for (c) Patients in the first trimester (within
painful dental treatment. 3 months) of pregnancy.

In addition, patients with epilepsy, hyste-

8.4.2 Indications ria, or hyperventilation syndrome may induce
and Contraindications seizures and should be avoided.

1. Indicated Patients.
(a) Patients with anxiety or fear of oral and 8.4.3 Advantages
maxillofacial surgery. and Disadvantages of Nitrous
(b) Patients with systemic diseases that are Oxide Inhalation Sedation
less resistant to invasive treatment.
(c) Patients who have experienced a systemic 1. Advantages.
accident caused by stress during dental (a) No airway stimulation, smooth induction.
treatment. (b) Highly adjustable for rapid awakening.
(d) Patients who have a strong vomiting (c) Safe because it does not inhibit organ
reflex. functions at usual concentrations (respi-
2. Indications. ration, circulation, swallowing, and cough
(a) Oral and maxillofacial surgery with a reflexes are not inhibited).
relatively long duration (e.g., extraction (d) Has a mild analgesic effect.
of multiple teeth, or placement of multi- (e) Non-invasive treatment is possible.
ple implants). (f) It can supply oxygen at the same time.
(b) Oral and maxillofacial surgery that is rel- 2. Disadvantages.
atively invasive (e.g., extraction of (a) Expensive inhalation sedation equipment
implanted wisdom teeth, strong pulling is required.
96 M. Xia

(b) Unstable sedation effect (affected by dose of administration, a state suitable for intra-
mouth breathing and conversation). venous sedation purposes can be ensured and
(c) Nasal mask must be used (interferes with maintained. In recent years, dexmedetomidine,
treatment, not suitable for patients with an alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist, has also come
nasal obstruction or patients with nasal into use.
breathing difficulties). Drugs with sedative effects used for intrave-
(d) Environmental contamination (indoor nous sedation are sometimes referred to as seda-
and outdoor). tive drugs (when referring to sedatives below,
intravenous anesthetics are also included). In
some cases, sedatives and analgesics are used
8.5 Intravenous Sedation together in intravenous sedation, such as nonste-
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) flurbi-
Intravenous sedation has been widely used in oral profen esters and acetaminophen [5]. As
and maxillofacial surgery as a method of seda- mentioned above, a variety of drugs are used in
tion. Although it requires maintenance of intrave- intravenous sedation in dentistry, and the meth-
nous access, it has advantages over inhalation ods of administration are varied. The various
sedation because it is more effective and easier to drugs and their methods of administration are
manage systemic emergencies. After all, intrave- described below. The pharmacokinetic parame-
nous access is maintained. However, since intra- ters of the major drugs are shown in Table 8.1.
venous administration has the potential to induce
systemic complications in a short period, accu- Benzodiazepines
rate knowledge and precise skills are required to Benzodiazepines refer to compounds that contain
ensure safety. a benzodiazepine backbone in their structural
formula. Benzodiazepines are the most widely
used intravenous sedatives and have hypnotic,
8.5.1 Medication sedative, anxiolytic, amnesic, anticonvulsant, and
central muscle relaxant effects. These effects are
According to a national survey in Japan, benzo- manifested by promoting the action of GABAA
diazepines such as midazolam and propofol are receptors, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the
commonly used for intravenous sedation in den- brain (γ-aminobutyric acid).
tal treatment, and they may be used alone or in
combination. These drugs are used as intrave- Midazolam
nous anesthetics to induce and maintain general Midazolam has a large clearance and short excre-
anesthesia, and by adjusting the method and tion half-life compared with other benzodiaze-

Table 8.1  Pharmacokinetic parameters of the major drugs used in intravenous sedation
Plasma protein
binding rate (%) Excretion half-life (h) Clearance (mL/kg/min) Vdss (L/kg)
Midazolam 96–98a 1.7–2.6b 6.4–11b 1.1–1.7b
Diazepam 97.5–98.6a 20–50b 0.2–0.5b 0.7–1.7b
Flunitrazepam 77.6–79.6a 24a 2.27a 0.58a
Propofol 97–99a 4–7b 20–30b 2–10b
Dexmedetomidine >94a 2–3b 10–30b 2–3b
Flumazenil 54–64a 0.7–1.3b 5–20b 0.6–1.6b
Ketamine 21.9–46.9c 2.5–2.8b 12–17b 3.1b
Vdss volume of distribution by the steady-state method
 Inscription of different drugs
 Reves JG et al. [6]
 Dayton PG et al. [7]
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 97

pines and is characterized by rapid metabolism Diazepam has moderate anxiolytic, sedative,
and a short duration of action. Intravenous mid- hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant
azolam is mainly metabolized by cytochrome effects and is mainly used for its anxiolytic and
P-450 (CYP) in the liver, and the main metabolite anticonvulsant effects. For sedation, 0.2–0.4 mg/
is α-hydroxymidazolam. Its clinical potency is kg of diazepam is administered intravenously,
20–30% that of midazolam, but it is excreted with blood levels of 300–400  ng/mL in the
from the body relatively quickly because its sedated state, while anticonvulsant and hypnotic
clearance is higher than that of midazolam. require blood levels over 600 ng/mL.
Therefore, midazolam is less likely to have a pro- While observing the patient, 2 mg was infused
longed duration of action due to the effects of every 30 s at a dose of 0.2–0.4 mg/kg for approxi-
metabolites. The same is true for other benzodi- mately 1 h. Due to the long duration of action and
azepines; however, metabolism is prolonged by the time required for recovery, patients should be
aging, cirrhosis, and other declines in hepatic monitored for at least 120 min after the adminis-
function, and is affected by concomitant use of tration of 0.2 mg/kg before being allowed to go
drugs that affect CYP. Habitual alcohol consump- home. When treating outpatients, it is necessary
tion may increase the clearance of midazolam. to pay attention to the recovery of motor function
The usual intravenous dose for general anes- as well as mental function.
thesia is 0.2–0.3 mg/kg, but the appropriate dose Diazepam is often used for its anticonvulsant
for sedation is 0.05–0.075  mg/kg. midazolam effects and is the drug of choice for the treatment
(0.07 mg/kg) is slightly more sedating than diaz- of seizures and febrile convulsions, as well as for
epam (0.2 mg/kg), and recovery of sedation lev- the treatment of convulsions caused by local
els and psychomotor function is faster. An anesthetic intoxication.
infusion rate of 0.015  mg/kg/min is generally
considered safe. However, the patient’s sedation Propofol
level, respiratory and circulatory status should Propofol is an intravenous anesthetic agent used
still be monitored during dosing, and dosing to induce and maintain general anesthesia. It is
should be discontinued when optimal sedation also used for sedation during artificial respiration
levels are achieved. At a dose of 0.075  mg/kg, in intensive care units and is frequently used for
recovery of mental activity takes approximately intravenous sedation in dental practice.
90  min and recovery of motor function takes Propofol acts primarily by binding to GABAA
approximately 120 min. receptor subunits, thereby potentiating the action
of GABAA receptors and inhibiting neural activ-
Diazepam ity. It has an indirect effect on GABAA receptors
Diazepam has a small clearance and a long excre- through the enhancement of Cl− channel activity
tion half-life. Diazepam is mainly metabolized by GABA, and a direct effect on Cl− channels at
by CYP in the liver and excreted after glucuroni- high doses. In addition, propofol can inhibit ace-
dation; it is metabolized by CYP3A4, CYP2C19, tylcholine release from the hippocampal and
and CYP2C9  in CYP.  The metabolism of frontal association areas, acting indirectly on α2-­
CYP2C19 varies depending on the ethnicity of adrenergic receptors, and the CNS effects of pro-
the person, and it is also widely known that it is pofol are also thought to be associated with
highly mutated in Asians. The metabolism of inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-
diazepam is affected by age (metabolism is type glutamate receptors. In addition, propofol
delayed in the elderly) and enhanced by smoking. increases dopamine concentrations in the nucleus
The metabolites nordazepam and oxazepam are ambiguus, which increases euphoria.
both pharmacologically active and have long Propofol is characterized by high clearance
half-lives. This means that the pharmacological and rapid metabolism. The immediate half-time
effects of diazepam take longer to fully wear off. (context-sensitive half-time, the time from
98 M. Xia

administration to 50% drug concentration) of is highly selective for α2 adrenergic receptors and
intravenous infusion is shorter than that of other its selectivity for α2 adrenergic receptors is 1600
sedatives. Because of the rapid recovery even times higher than that of α1 adrenergic receptors.
after prolonged continuous administration, con- Dexmedetomidine sedation is characterized
tinuous intravenous administration can be per- by low respiratory depression and the patient’s
formed in small doses in intravenous sedation. ability to respond quickly to calls.
Metabolites are excreted in the liver after gluc- Dexmedetomidine undergoes extensive
uronidation by glucuronosyltransferase or sulfate metabolism in the liver, undergoing N-glucuroni-
conjugation. The metabolites are inactive. dation, hydroxylation, and N-alkylation, with
Because the clearance of propofol is greater than hydroxylation involving CYP2A6, CYP2E1,
hepatic blood flow, it is generally believed to be CYP2D6, CYP3A4, and CYP2C9 CYPs. Metab-
metabolized outside the liver. olites do not stimulate α2-­adrenergic receptors,
Depending on the dose used, propofol can and if they do, it is very weak and does not pose
cause amnesia, sedation, and hypnotic effects. a clinical problem.
The effective dose to cause loss of consciousness Unlike intravenous anesthetics, dexmedetomi-
at 50% (ED50) is 1.0–1.5 mg/kg in a single intra- dine has a sedative effect similar to physiological
venous infusion, but amnesia and sedation can sleep and the patient can easily respond to the
occur even below this hypnotic dose. By adjust- stimulus. Dexmedetomidine stimulates α2 recep-
ing the dose, it has been able to be applied for tors in the nucleus accumbens and produces a
wakeful sedation and deep sedation in intrave- sedative effect that is dependent on the dose used.
nous infusion sedation. α2 receptors are of three subtypes, α2A, α2B, and
There is a way to predict the blood and site of α2C, and dexmedetomidine acts on all of these
action (brain) concentrations of propofol by receptors, but sedation is only associated with
using a dedicated syringe pump and a­ utomatically α2A receptors.
controlling the rate of administration to maintain The recommended method of dexmedetomi-
the set target blood concentration. TCI (target- dine administration is a continuous intravenous
controlled infusion) was developed for general infusion with an initial loading dose of 6 μg/kg/h
anesthesia, but it has also been used for intrave- for 10  min, followed by a maintenance dose of
nous sedation in dentistry. In conscious sedation, 0.2–0.7 μg/kg/h. This method has been reported
the target blood concentration corresponding to to provide an optimal level of sedation equivalent
the optimal level of sedation is 1.0–1.5 μg/mL or to that of propofol.
1.2–1.4 μg/mL. However, because the pharmaco-
kinetic parameters included in the syringe pump Antagonists
do not necessarily reflect the pharmacokinetics of An antagonist is a substance that binds to a recep-
individual patients, there may be differences tor but has no effect on it. Antagonists are used in
between the set target blood concentration and the treatment of drug overdose or the diagnosis of
the actual concentration, and because there are drug addiction because they antagonize the action
individual differences in drug sensitivity, even in of agonists.
the case of intravenous sedation with TCI, it is In general, antagonists compete with agonists
necessary to adjust the target blood concentration to occupy receptors and produce effects. Thus,
appropriately, while carefully observing clinical the situation varies according to the strength of
symptoms. binding of the agonist to the receptor and the
strength of binding of the antagonist to the recep- Dexmedetomidine tor but is essentially determined by the respective
Dexmedetomidine is an α2 adrenoceptor agonist concentrations of agonist and antagonist in the
with pharmacological effects such as sedation, vicinity of the receptor. If blood concentrations
analgesia, anxiolysis, and relief of sympathetic are used instead of concentrations near the recep-
nervous system hyperactivity. Dexmedetomidine tor, the use of an antagonist will not produce suf-
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 99

ficient effects when the blood concentration of zenil has been observed 40–50  min after
the agonist is high. In addition, when an antago- flumazenil administration. This reappearance of
nist with a short half-life is used to antagonize the the antagonized sedation state occurs because
effects or side effects of an agonist with a long flumazenil has a shorter half-life than benzodiaz-
half-life, the effects or side effects of the agonist epine. Therefore, when flumazenil is used to
will reappear if the blood concentration of the antagonize the sedative effects of benzodiaze-
antagonist decreases more rapidly than the blood pines, it is necessary to monitor for at least
concentration of the agonist. Therefore, when 60  min after flumazenil administration, even if
using an antagonist during rehabilitation, one adequate recovery is observed.
should fully understand its pharmacokinetics in
the blood and be aware of the re-emergence of its Other Drugs Used
action or side effects. In the case of benzodiaze- for Intravenous Sedation
pines, it is necessary to be concerned about the
reappearance of sedation. Flurbiprofen Axetil
Benzodiazepines have antagonists for their Flurbiprofen axetil is a propionic acid non-­
respective receptor agonists and can be used to steroidal drug used for intravenous administra-
treat the side effects or overreactions to a benzo- tion. Like propofol, it is dissolved in a fat
diazepine overdose. However, doses of benzodi- emulsion consisting of soybean oil, egg yolk leci-
azepines should be adjusted to eliminate the need thin, and glycerin concentrate, and is sold as a
for antagonists, and antagonists should be used white emulsion.
only as an emergency measure. In addition, the In adult oral surgery, 50  mg administered
effects of antagonists are not absolute, so their intravenously during or before the end of the pro-
pharmacological characteristics should be fully cedure for postoperative analgesia is as effective
understood at the time of use. as 50  mg of diclofenac sodium suppositories.
Flumazenil is an antagonist of benzodiazepine Postoperative pain disappears within 10–70 min
receptors. It is used to alleviate the effects of (mean 36  min) and analgesia can last for more
benzodiazepine-­ induced respiratory depression than 5 h, but there are reports that the drug should
and delayed awakening after surgery during gen- be administered early when the pain is mild. On
eral anesthesia and intravenous sedation. It is also the other hand, it has been reported that in oral
used in the treatment of patients with benzodiaz- surgery, there is no difference in effect between
epine intoxication and the diagnosis of patients preoperative administration and administration
with unexplained coma. immediately before the end of the surgery, and no
The usual initial dose is 0.2 mg administered prior analgesic effect has been observed, so the
slowly intravenously. If the desired wakefulness appropriate time to administer the drug is before
is not achieved within 4  min of administration, or early after the end of surgery.
another 0.1  mg should be given, and thereafter, Although the same precautions should be
0.1  mg should be given every 1  min as needed taken as for other NSAIDs, it is necessary to be
until the total dose is 1 mg. It is important to note aware of the patient’s condition when administer-
that the dose should be adjusted according to the ing the drug and to administer it as slowly as pos-
benzodiazepine administration and the patient’s sible (at least 1 min).
Flumazenil 0.004 mg/kg given within 30 min Ketamine
of midazolam 0.05  mg/kg administration was Ketamine is a general anesthetic that suppresses
reported to have a significant antagonistic effect the thalamus and neocortex and activates the lim-
on balance function, clinical findings, and com- bic system, hence its name as a dissociative anes-
putational tests 10–30  min after administration thetic. Due to its strong analgesic effect, it is
compared to controls who did not receive fluma- sometimes used as an intravenous sedative.
zenil. However, a decrease in the effect of fluma- Although ketamine can be used alone, it is not
100 M. Xia

used as a primary agent in intravenous sedation patient’s condition and response must be con-
for dental treatment but is used in combination tinuously observed and the level of sedation
with a sedative such as a benzodiazepine as an assessed to maintain the desired level of seda-
adjunct to achieve the desired sedative effect. tion. Items used to subjectively assess the level
However, the overdose of ketamine or concomi- of sedation include (1) patient’s subjective
tant use with other drugs has the potential to symptoms, (2) response to call, (3) adaptation to
inhibit the body’s defensive reflexes and lead to instructions, (4) vital signs, (5) facial and limb
serious complications. Optimal levels of con- conditions, and (6) ocular (eyelid) conditions.
scious sedation should always be maintained, and For example, in the awake sedated state, the
it should be ensured that, in the patient’s environ- patient is free of anxiety and somewhat drowsy
ment, there is a timely switch to general anes- but can respond promptly to calls and accept
thetic management in the event of excessive instructions and manipulations without diffi-
sedation levels, including securing the airway via culty. In addition, breathing is shallow but within
tracheal intubation. normal limits, pulse and blood pressure are
within normal limits, the face and extremities are
not tense, and the eyes are open or the upper eye-
8.5.2 Assessment and Monitoring lids are drooping (Verrill’s sign). Such a state is
of Sedation Levels the optimal level of sedation, and the dose of
sedative should be adjusted to maintain this
There are two ways to assess sedation levels: (1) level.
using an assessment form depending on the To ensure and maintain optimal levels of seda-
patient’s condition; (2) using electroencephalog- tion, one approach is to score and assess the
raphy (EEG) monitor for objective quantitative patient’s condition using an assessment scale.
assessment. The scoring of sedation levels includes the
Ramsay Sedation Scale (Fig. 8.1) [8], the OAA/S Assessment of Sedation Levels score (Observer’s Assessment of Alertness/
with an Assessment Form Sedation Scale, Fig. 8.2) [9], RASS (Richmond
Basically, drugs show pharmacological effects in Agitation-Sedation Scale, Fig. 8.3) [10, 11], VAS
a dose-dependent manner, but even if the doses (Visual Analogue Scale, Fig. 8.4) [12], and FAS
are the same, the pharmacokinetics vary depend- (Facial Anxiety Scale, Fig.  8.5). For conscious
ing on the patient’s systemic background, and sedation for dental treatment or tumor resection,
even if the blood levels are the same, there are a Ramsay sedation score of 2 to 3, an OAA/S
individual differences in the patient’s condition score of 3 to 4, and a RASS score of 0 to 3 are
and response. In intravenous sedation, the recommended.

1 The patient is anxious and agitated or restless, or both

2 The patient is cooperative, oriented, and tranquil

3 The patient responds to commands only

4 The patient exhibits brisk response to a light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus

5 The patient exhibits a sluggish response to a light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus

6 The patient exhibits no response

Fig. 8.1  Ramsay Sedation Scale

8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 101

Score Sedation level Responsiveness Speech expresssion Eyes
Clear, no
5 Alert Responds readily to name Normal Normal
Mild Glazed or
4 Light Lethargic response to name Mild slowing
relaxation mild ptosis
Slurring or Glazed and
Response only after name is called Marked
3 Moderate prominent marked
loudly relaxation
slowing ptosis
Response only after mild prodding Few recognizable
2 Deep – –
or shaking words
1 Deep sleep Response only after painful stimulus – – –

Fig. 8.2 OAA/S

Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) *

Score Term Description

+4 Combative Overtly combative violent, immediate danger to staff
+3 Very agitated Pulls or removes tube(s) or catheter(s); aggressive
+2 Agitated Frequent non-purposeful movement, fights ventilator
+1 Restless Anxious but movements not aggressive vigorous

0 Alert and calm

-1 Drowsy Not fully alert, but has sustained awakening
(eye-opening/eye contact) to voice (≥10 seconds) Verbal
-2 Light sedation Briefly awakens with eye contact to voice (<10 seconds) Stimulation

-3 Moderate sedation Movement or eye opening to voice (but no eye contact)

-4 Deep sedation No response to voice but movement or eye opening

to physical stimulation Physical
-5 Unarousable No response to voice or physical stimulation

Procedure for RASS Assessment

1. Observe patien
a. Patient is alert restless or agitated. (score 0 to +4)
2. If not alert, state patients name and say to open eyes and look at speaker.
b. Patient awakens with sustained eye opening and eye contact. (score -1)
c. Patient awakens with eye opening and eye contact but not sustained. (score -2)
d. Patient has any mo, ement in response to voice but no eye contact. (score -3)
3. When no response to verbal stimulation, physically stimulate patient by
shaking shoulder and/or rubbing sternum.
e. Patient has any movement to physical stimulation. (score -4)
f. Patient has no response to any stimulation. (score-5)

Fig. 8.3 RASS

Behaviorally modified intravenous sedation of achieve and maintain a practical level of seda-
uncooperative patients with disabilities requires tion. As a result, deep sedation is often performed
higher doses of sedation than normal patients to and in most cases, the scores of the usual evalua-
102 M. Xia

Tools Commonly Used to Rate Pain

Visual Analogue Scale
Choose a Number from 0 to 10 That Best Describes Your Pain

No Distressing Unbearable
Pain Pain Pain

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



“Faces” Pain Rating Scale

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 8.4 VAS

Anxiety None Mild Mild- Moderate Moderate- Highest

Level Moderate High


Fig. 8.5 FAS

tion scales do not yield an adequate evaluation. In for general anesthesia is usually 40–60. The
the case of deep sedation for behavioral modifi- depth of anesthesia for propofol or midazolam,
cation of dental treatment, valid indicators for i.e. the level of sedation, correlates well with the
evaluating the level of sedation for successful BIS value. For intravenous sedation in dentistry,
dental treatment include “eye closure,” “loss of the optimal level of sedation is a BIS value
eyelash reflex,” “smooth occlusion,” etc. between 70 and 85. However, in behaviorally
adjusted deep sedation during dental treatment Objective Quantitative of patients with d­ isabilities, intraoperative BIS
Evaluation of Sedation Level values at clinically optimal sedation levels may
EEG monitoring is used to monitor the depth of be below 70 [13].
anesthesia during general anesthesia and can be The BIS was originally developed for depth of
applied to monitor the level of sedation. The anesthesia in general anesthesia and was then
most commonly used EEG monitor analyzes the used only as an indicator of the degree of central
EEG and monitors the value of the depth of nervous system activity. Although it is a useful
anesthesia (bispectral index, BIS). BIS values indicator for objectively assessing the level of
range from 0 to 100, with values close to 100 sedation, it is important to note that in some cases
meaning that the patient is awake. The BIS value it does not necessarily reflect the actual level of
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 103

sedation. First, the BIS value does not reflect the further cognition is desired. Here, the most com-
optimal level of intravenous sedation in the mon pain classifications and their explanations
absence of stimulation, as it decreases to about are introduced.
30 during natural sleep. In addition, opioids alone
do not affect BIS values, but they do reduce the Classification of Pain
BIS values of sedative drugs. In general, BIS val-
ues for intravenous sedation are sensitive to the Classification According to Etiology
environment and tend to be unstable, so the Traditionally, chronic pain associated with can-
patient’s symptoms should always be observed cer has often been seen as a separate category, as
and a comprehensive assessment of sedation lev- this type of pain tends to have a complex etiology
els should be made in conjunction with other and is treated more aggressively. However, there
objective assessments [14]. is no evidence to suggest that the neurological
mechanisms of cancer pain are any different from
other chronic pain. Other contributing factors to
8.6 Classification pain include acute injuries, underlying diseases
and Pathogenesis of Pain or physical conditions, and a history of treatment
associated with these injuries or diseases, such as
8.6.1 Definition and Classification surgery [15].
of Pain
Classification According Definition of Pain to Pathophysiology
International Association for Study of Pain Pain can also be categorized according to its
(IASP) defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory pathophysiology as nociceptive pain, neuropathic
and emotional experience associated with actual pain or, in the case of chronic pain, central sensi-
or potential tissue damage or described in terms tization, the classification criteria of which
of such damage.” The first half defines pain as depends on the types of injury/damage and the
pain that can be imagined due to a definite cause, pathophysiological pathway leading to the pain
such as tissue damage, while the second part sensation.
shows that the sensation and emotion of pain can Nociceptive pain generally refers to the nor-
occur even in the absence of such a cause. mal physiological response to tissue damage
It is important to understand that there are caused by trauma, non-healing injury or inflam-
many different types of pain, as described below, mation. Nociceptive pain can be divided into two
including pain that is not generally considered to categories, namely somatic pain and visceral
be the cause of pain, such as associated pain or pain. The former refers to injury to the musculo-
pain caused by a mental or psychological disor- skeletal system and the latter refers to injury to
der. Pain is considered a very important sensation internal organs and is usually felt indirectly.
because it is essentially a way to escape physical The Aδ and C fiber endings of peripheral
harm. However, in the case of chronic pain, nerves are receptive to nociceptive stimuli and
which persists even after the tissue damage has their membranes are known to contain various
healed, or cancer pain at the end of life, does not ion channels that respond to different stimuli. In
play an early warning role, but rather a pain itself response to different stimuli, the corresponding
becomes the subject of the disease, i.e., the main channels are opened and cations enter the cell.
goal of treatment is to relieve pain. Subsequently, potential-dependent Na+ channels
Even in oral and maxillofacial regions, there is open, allowing large amounts of Na+ to enter the
a wide variety of pains that have been classified cell, generating action potentials.
in many ways and are being described in detail. The definition of neuropathic pain is the pain
However, there are still some pains that are not induced by a lesion or disease of the somatosen-
yet understood or difficult to treat and for which sory nervous system, usually due to abnormal
104 M. Xia

nerve activity. Neuropathic pain includes both job or pinning a phone to your shoulder while
central or peripheral categories, based mainly on talking, can cause muscle pain. In addition,
whether the lesion occurred in the peripheral or when considering medication, great care
central nervous system. Moreover, there are two should be taken when prescribing antispas-
main characters of neuropathic pain: recurrent modics and antidepressants if the occupation
paroxysmal pain and persistent pain. involves driving a car or working at a high
Philosophical in nature, the definition of cen- altitude.
tral sensitization, also known as nociplastic pain, 4. Life style and chewing habits
refers to pain arising from altered nociception in Wind instruments may be associated with
the absence of clear evidence of actual or threat- the development of TMD. Tobacco and coffee
ened tissue damage leading to peripheral neuro- can strain the sympathetic nervous system and
receptor activation, or evidence of disease or affect local circulation, and thus patients
lesions of the somatosensory system causing should also be asked about related habits. The
pain [15]. presence of bad habits in mastication or disor-
ders of jaw movement may also be a trigger
Classification According to Anatomical for TMD and masticatory muscle pain. Habits
Location such as teeth grinding and clenching are also
Classifying pain according to anatomy allows the associated with muscle pain.
location of the patient’s pain to be identified.
When patients seek medical advice for pain, the Main Symptoms
first thing they confide in the doctor is often the Patients in pain clinics are often unable to express
part of the body that feels the pain. Somatic pain their pain or abnormal sensations in clear lan-
is pain specific to the part of the body that is guage. In addition, they may be unable to speak if
injured, where pain receptors are activated in the talking provokes pain or if the pain is severe. In
bones, muscles, skin, joints, ligaments, tendons such cases, infiltration or nerve block anesthesia
and connective tissues. Similarly, visceral pain should be administered to the area where the pain
generally arises in the viscera, but pain associ- is thought to occur and the patient should be pro-
ated with visceral injury is difficult to be identi- vided with pain relief prior to the interview.
fied accurately because of the low density of
nociceptive receptors in the viscera and the poor History and Routine Medication
representation of afferent fibers in cortical map- 1. History
ping. According to a European survey, the most A history of general systemic diseases
common sites of chronic pain, irrespective of should be obtained from the patient, with spe-
acute pain conditions, were the back and joints, cial attention to trauma, cerebrovascular dis-
closely followed by neck and headache-related ease, psychiatric and neurological disorders,
pain. diabetes mellitus, and orthopedic, ophthalmo-
logic, and otorhinolaryngologic disorders.
Mental disorders, such as depression and neu-
8.6.2 Diagnosis of Pain rosis, may also be associated with symptoms
such as pain and discomfort in the mouth and Medical History face.
2. Routine Medication
General Information Many conventional medications have side
1. Age effects, such as mouth ulcers and taste disor-
2. Gender ders. In addition, older patients may be taking
3. Job more than ten different medications, but the
Occupational muscle tension, such as patient himself or herself is likely unaware of
using a computer for long periods in an office what medications he or she is taking. In some
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 105

cases, the patient may already be taking the located. There is also a numerical rating
medication to be prescribed. Therefore, it is scale (NRS) in which the patient is asked to
necessary to ask the patient’s primary care rate the current level of pain on a scale of 0 to
physician about his or her current general 10, with 0 being no pain at all and 10 being
condition and the type of medications he or the most painful.
she is taking. 4. Frequency.
Ask the patient about the frequency of
Family History of Diseases pain episodes, in days, weeks, months, years,
Check for chronic pain, especially intractable etc.
pain conditions. 5. Duration.
Ask the patient to describe in detail
Current Symptoms whether the pain is momentary or constant
Ask the patient about the location, nature, inten- and whether it lasts for a few seconds, min-
sity, duration, and frequency of current pain, as utes, hours, or a full day.
well as pain triggers and relief measures. The 6. Temporal characteristics and diurnal varia-
presence or absence of systemic symptoms tion of pain.
should also be noted. Ask the patient about the time of day
when the pain is most severe and understand
1. Location its temporal characteristics and diurnal
Ask the patient in detail, such as the left, variation.
right, upper and lower jaw, teeth, tongue, oral 7. Triggers and aggravating factors.
mucosa and facial skin, joint areas, head Know the factors that trigger the pain
(temporal, occipital, whole head, etc.), neck (e.g., talking, eating, opening doors, cough-
and shoulders, etc. It may also be helpful to ing, swallowing, washing, drinking, etc.).
ask the patient to point out the area of pain. Also, check whether the pain is spontaneous
In some cases, the patient may complain of and whether there are precipitating factors.
pain throughout the mouth, but be unable to Ask about aggravating factors, i.e., what
pinpoint the exact location.0000 makes the pain worse.
2. Features 8. Relief measures.
There are a variety of ways to describe the Patients should be asked specifically what
pain. For example, throbbing pain, stabbing they can do to relieve pain when it occurs,
pain, electric shock (shock pain), pressing and whether they can relieve pain by apply-
pain, pain like pricking with a needle, burn- ing hot and cold compresses, eating and
ing pain like hot water poured over the body, drinking, or taking pain medication.
etc. Therefore, it is important to record the 9. Complications.
patient’s description of the pain truthfully. In Attention should be paid to the presence
some cases, it is difficult to describe the pain of autonomic symptoms (e.g., lacrimation,
in words, in which case some examples can nasal congestion, increased nasal discharge,
be given to help the patient describe it. abnormal sweating), muscle spasms, head-
3. Intensity. ache, dizziness, light-headedness, and pain
The VAS (visual analogue scale) is a sub- outside the mouth and face.
jective method of pain assessment in which a 10. Whole-Body Condition.
10-cm (100-mm) horizontal line is shown to Ask the patient about his or her daily life
the patient to indicate: the left end represents and activities. Special attention should be
0 (no pain) and the right end represents 10 paid to the patient’s mental status, i.e.,
(unbearable pain); the patient is asked to whether the patient is energetic, depressed,
indicate where the current pain and have the anxious, or nervous, as these factors can
patient indicate where the pain is currently affect the level of pain. Attention should also
106 M. Xia

be paid to the patient’s fever, sleep status, occurs not only in the light-receiving eye but
and appetite. Attention should also be paid to also in the contralateral eye, the bilateral light
any shoulder stiffness, headache or muscle reflex can be used to some extent to estimate
pain, gastrointestinal symptoms such as diar- the site of the lesion.
rhea or constipation, blood pressure, and 2. Ear.
pulse rate. A tuning fork is placed close to the exam-
inee’s ear and gradually moved away to see if Examination he can hear it (air conduction test). When no
sound can be heard, the hearing of the other ear
Systemic Examination is checked and compared with the subject’s
Patients in pain may fidget from the moment they hearing. If there is a hearing loss, the tuning
enter the waiting room, they may hold their head fork is then placed in the middle of the fore-
in their hands, or their face may display an head and the subject is asked which ear he
expression of pain. However, it is important to hears better (Weber test). If the tuning fork
note that patients in chronic pain do not always resonates on the impaired side of the hearing,
exhibit this expression or posture. The patient’s the hearing loss is considered conductive; if the
gait should be carefully observed to determine if tuning fork resonates on the healthy side, the
he can walk on his own or needs assistance. If the hearing loss is considered sensorineural.
patient is overweight or underweight, systemic A tuning fork is placed on the temporal
diseases are often present. In addition, the bone mastoid (bone conduction test) to test
patient’s posture should be examined, including the difference between bone conduction and
the balance of muscle tone from left to right and air conduction. If air conduction is better, the
right to front and back of the body. The extremi- hearing loss is considered sensorineural, and
ties should also be checked for paralysis or invol- if bone conduction is better, the hearing loss is
untary movements. considered conductive (Linney test). The
Linney test or Weber test may be effective in
Local Medical Examination (Maxillofacial cases where there is a pain in the trigeminal
and Oral Cavity) region, or where there is widespread paresthe-
1. Eyes. sia, as this condition may indicate a tumor,
The size of the eye fissure and the presence especially of the auditory nerve.
of drooping eyes are examined. The examiner 3. Maxillofacial, Head, and Neck.
then places a finger approximately 40  cm in The color and condition of the skin of the
front of the subject’s eye and asks the subject maxillofacial region should be examined
to look at it and move the finger to check eye visually, as well as for any swelling or defor-
movements such as up and down, side to side, mity. In addition, palpation should be per-
and the degree of vergence reflex (conver- formed at the bony foramina where each
gence of the eyes). The eye movements should branch of the trigeminal nerve comes out,
be checked for smooth or restricted eye move- namely the supraorbital foramen (first
ments, and for double vision. In addition, the branch), infraorbital foramen (second branch),
pupil should be checked for abnormal pupil and foramen ovale (third branch) areas.
size (constriction or clouding) and abnormal Confirm if there are trigger points where even
pupillary reflexes. In a healthy adult, the pupil minor stimuli can induce pain.
is a regular circle with both sides being the In addition, the temporomandibular joint
same size. The pupil is usually 2.5–4.5 mm in and muscles (temporalis, masseter, sternoclei-
diameter but tends to get smaller with age. In domastoid, anterior and posterior belly of the
general, pupils smaller than 2 mm are referred trapezius, and trapezius) should be palpated to
to as miosis, and pupils larger than 5 mm are confirm the presence or absence of pain. The
referred to as dilation. Since the light reflex area of tenderness should be examined by
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 107

applying even pressure to the right and left Have the patient continuously say vowels
sides and shifting slightly. The muscles should such as “aa,” repeat single syllables such as
be checked for pressure pain during palpation, “papa, tata, kaka” and repeat three syllables
as well as for recurrence or worsening of den- such as “pataka” to check for The presence of
tal pain. In addition, the jaw should be exam- dysarthria. Coughing and swallowing can also
ined for restricted opening and closing, be used to check for the presence of this disor-
murmurs or pain, deviation of the jaw, and der. The subject is asked to pronounce the “a”
loss of chewing power with forceful clenching sound and to observe the symmetry of the
of the teeth. Confirm whether the movement pharyngeal and palatal movements.
of the head and neck is restricted or whether In cases of unilateral paresis, the poste-
the pain is triggered by movement. In addi- rior wall of the pharynx is pulled toward the
tion, check for left-right differences in fore- healthy side (curtain sign). Sensation in the
head wrinkles, eye closures, and mouth lifts. pharynx and palate should be examined by
The movement of the head and shoulders palpation with a tongue depressor.
should also be checked. The patient is Contraction of the pharynx and soft palate,
instructed to rotate the head to the left and i.e. the reflexes of the pharynx and soft pal-
place the hand on the left chin, applying resis- ate, should be examined. The sense of smell
tance to check muscle strength. Also, palpate is then tested by pinching the nose on both
the contraction of the sternocleidomastoid sides and asking the patient if he/she can
muscle on the right side. The same manner of smell coffee powder.
examination was performed for the right side. 5. Skin and Mucous.
After observing the height of the shoulder, the The skin should be examined for redness,
hands were placed on the patient’s shoulders swelling, and warmth. If inflammation is sus-
and the patient was instructed to lift the shoul- pected, blood tests and imaging should be
der against resistance to check the strength of considered (see below). If a rash, blisters, or
the superior trapezius muscle. erythema are present, herpes zoster should be
4. Oral Cavity and Nose. suspected. However, in chronic pain, such
Examines the teeth, periodontal tissue, skin and mucosal abnormalities are often not
tongue, and oral mucosa. The mucous mem- present.
branes are examined for color and texture, and
swelling, malformations, defects, abnormal Function and Disorders of the Cranial
dentures and occlusion, abnormal salivary Nerves
characteristics, abnormal taste, and dryness of To assess pain and sensory disturbances in the
the mouth. The apical area should also be oral and maxillofacial regions, it is necessary to
examined for pain due to gingival pressure. understand the function and disorders of the cra-
Painful occlusion, including lateral movement, nial nerves. Cranial nerves can be classified as
should be examined. Diagnosis is often more sensory, motor, or a mixture containing both, and
difficult, especially in cases of fractured teeth some also contain parasympathetic functions.
with loss of nerve, and should be checked for
pain by applying vertical and horizontal occlu-
sal pressure to the split tooth or toothpick. The 8.7 Analgesia
patient should also be made to open his or her
mouth to check for tongue atrophy and to 8.7.1 Common Analgesics
check if the tongue can be extended forward; if
it cannot be extended, or is off to the side, sub- Including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
lingual nerve palsy should be suspected. (NSAIDs), opioids, and adjuvant analgesics.
108 M. Xia Non-Steroidal Anti-­ widely respected. However, after COX-2 spe-

Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) cific inhibitor rofecoxib was forced to with-
draw from the market due to acute
Clinical Pharmacology cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents
NSAIDs are one of the analgesic drugs com- after use, celecoxib was also issued a safety
monly used in clinical work, which have anti- warning by FDA.
pyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and 4. Flurbiprofen Ester.
anti-rheumatic effects. NSAIDs can reduce the The effect is exerted by using lipid micro-
production of prostaglandins by inhibiting spheres as the drug carrier and targeting dis-
peripheral cyclooxygenase (COX), which leads tribution to the site of trauma or tumor to
to antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. This drug is
effects. Relieve joint pain, muscle pain, head- for intravenous use and is indicated when oral
ache, neuralgia, and bone metastasis pain, espe- drugs cannot be taken or when oral drugs are
cially for mild to moderate chronic dull pain. less effective.
However, NSAIDs are less effective for acute
pain, severe pain due to severe trauma, and Weak Opioids
smooth muscle colic. The long-term application Weak opioids are used for mild to moderate pain,
generally does not produce addiction [16]. with less physical dependence and addiction.
In recent years, due to the discovery of the
existence of two cyclooxygenases in the human Codeine
body, namely COX-1, which has the effect of The analgesic effect is 1/2 of morphine, the start-
repairing the gastric mucosa, and COX-2, which ing dose is 30 mg per dose, orally administered
can cause an inflammatory response and damage every 4–6 h, the dose can be as high as 130 mg
the gastric mucosa, traditional NSAIDs such as per dose. The main side effect is constipation,
aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc., often cause which can be reduced by laxatives.
damage to the gastric mucosa and may even lead
to bleeding gastric ulcers. Selective COX-2 Buprenorphine
inhibitors reduce the side effects of the gastroin- It can be administered rectally or sublingually,
testinal tract, with better safety and wider and the pain relief effect is 60–80 times that of
applicability. morphine. Side effects are nausea and
Commonly Used NSAIDs
1. Ibuprofen. Tramadol
It is fast absorbed orally and can be Tramadol is a synthetic opioid analgesic that
absorbed through the synovial cavity, thus inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine and
acting on the joints, with strong antipyretic 5hydroxytryptamine at brain synapses. Its affin-
and analgesic effects and less adverse effects ity for opioid receptors is only 1/1000 of mor-
than aspirin. phine, and it is easily replaced by other strong
2. Meloxicam. opioids. The analgesic effect is similar to that of
The effect on COX-2 is about 20 times that pethidine, and it is effective for moderate or
of COX-1, selective inhibition of COX-2, severe pain, and can be given orally, intrave-
strong effect, slow absorption. nously, intramuscularly, or even epidurally.
3. Celecoxib. Commonly used doses have no significant effect
It is a specific inhibitor of COX-2. It has a on respiration, and the effect on circulation is
good analgesic effect, almost no gastrointesti- slight, with few side effects. For adults,
nal reactions and nephrotoxic reactions, and is 50–100  mg each time, three times daily, total
well tolerated by patients, and was once amount not to exceed 400 mg daily.
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 109 Strong Opioid Drugs effects of word administration. The disadvan-

Strong opioids are the main drugs for the treat- tage is the need to maintain continuous intra-
ment of moderate and severe pain, representing venous access.
morphine. 3. Continuous Subcutaneous Injection of
Clinical Pharmacology of Morphine The method of microinjection by the anal-
The pharmacological effect of morphine is dose-­ gesic pump is adopted, and a fine needle is
related. The analgesic effect begins to appear at placed directly under the skin connected to
small doses, and the effect of emetic and consti- the micropump, and the drug is absorbed
pation appears at the same time. When increasing directly into the peripheral vein under the
the dose, there may appear drowsiness, in addi- skin. Compared with continuous intravenous
tion, too large a dose will result in respiratory administration, continuous subcutaneous
depression. The optimal dose for analgesia is the injection reduces the complications such as
dose that gives pain relief without drowsiness. puncture difficulties, phlebitis, and systemic
Since the optimal dose varies widely among indi- infections, and is more suitable for patients
viduals, it is best to start with a small dose and with regular outpatient follow-up.
gradually increase it to the optimal dose. Side 4. Other Methods.
effects such as nausea and constipation can be The optional analgesic methods include
prevented with the combination of antiemetics fentanyl transdermal patch, which slowly
and laxatives. penetrates the subcutis and can maintain the
Continuous administration of analgesic doses analgesic effect for 48–72  h with a single
of morphine is slow to develop resistance and dose.
somatic dependence and does not prevent clinical 5 . Caution.
use. Since morphine has no high limit effect, When the pain is reduced, it means that the
even if resistance occurs, the pain relief will be drug produces a good response, and it can be
maintained again with a slight increase in dose. assumed that further increase of the drug dose
Patients who have been treated with morphine for will be more effective. If the pain does not dis-
a long time will develop somatic dependence and appear after increasing the dose of the drug,
will experience withdrawal syndrome once the the pain medication should be replaced with a
drug is suddenly stopped, which is a normal reac- more potent one. Pay attention to the equiva-
tion and does not usually occur if the drug is lence of opioids when replacing drugs, for
slowly reduced over 2  weeks and morphine is example, the equivalent analgesic dose of
eventually stopped. 10  mg of intramuscular morphine, 75  mg of
pethidine, 130 mg of codeine, and 0.1 mg of
Use of Morphine fentanyl.
Currently, morphine extended-release is more
commonly used in the form of continuous drug 5-Hydroxytryptamines
administration. 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a monoamine
neurotransmitter whose receptors are expressed
1. Morphine Sustained-Release Agent. in neural tissue as well as in blood vessels. In the
Morphine is released slowly after oral dorsal horn of the spinal cord, 5-HTergic neurons
administration, and the effect is maintained are part of the inhibition of endogenous pain.
for 10–12 h, usually taken once every 12 h. Except for 5-HT3, all other 5-HT receptors belong
2. Morphine Continuous Intravenous Adminis- to G protein-coupled receptors. 5-HT1B/1D ago-
tration. nists (triptans) can be effective in neurovascular
It has the advantage of maintaining stable headaches (migraine, cluster headache).
blood concentration and reducing the side
110 M. Xia

Triptans can be administered orally, subcuta- into three major categories, which are non-­
neously, or via intranasal drip, and is commonly selective norepinephrine/5-HT reuptake inhibitors
used in the treatment of migraine. They are con- (amitriptyline, imipramine, clomipramine, venla-
traindicated in patients with risk factors for coro- faxine), selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibi-
nary artery disease, cerebrovascular and tors (desipramine, nortriptyline), and selective
peripheral vascular disease, as they can narrow 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, paroxetine,
coronary arteries by 20% at clinical doses. fluoxetine). Antidepressants can excite endoge-
Triptans, when combined with monoamine oxi- nous monoaminergic pain inhibitory neurons in
dase inhibitors, propranolol, cimetidine, drugs the spinal cord and brain by blocking reuptake
metabolized by hepatic P450, and P-glycoprotein effects. In addition, it has the effects of antagoniz-
pump inhibitors, have a mutual synergistic effect. ing NMDA receptors, increasing endogenous opi-
oid levels, blocking sodium channels, and opening Anti-epileptic Drugs potassium channels, thus inhibiting peripheral and
Anti-epileptic drugs are used to treat neuropathic central nervous system sensitization.
pain caused by peripheral nervous system dam- Adverse effects of antidepressants include
age (e.g., diabetes, scarring) or central nervous sedation, nausea, constipation, dizziness, drowsi-
system damage (e.g., stroke). The pathogenesis ness, and blurred vision. To achieve better thera-
includes ectopic activities of regenerative sensi- peutic effects as well as to avoid adverse drug
tized injurious receptors; reactivation of injurious reactions, clinical monitoring of blood levels of
receptors; or spontaneous neuronal activity; or it tricyclic antidepressants is often required.
may be any combination of these mechanisms. Tricyclic antidepressants block ion channels in
These mechanisms may cause multilevel afferent the heart can lead to arrhythmias and are contra-
neuronal sensitization. Anti-epileptic drugs can indicated in patients with recent myocardial
be divided into four types according to different infarction, arrhythmia, or cardiac dysfunction.
mechanisms of action: (1) drugs that work by
blocking activated voltage-sensitive sodium Other Analgesics and Adjuvant
channels, including carbamazepine, phenytoin Drugs
sodium, and lamotrigine; (2) drugs that work by
blocking voltage-dependent calcium channels, Local Anesthetics
including gabapentin and pregabalin; (3) drugs Local anesthetics can be used for patients with
that work by inhibiting the release of presynaptic chronic pain syndrome, including topical, oral,
excitatory neurotransmitters, including gabapen- intravenous, trigger point injection, regional
tin and lamotrigine; and (4) drugs that increase block. Systemic drugs (such as oral mexiletine)
GABA receptor activity. Anti-epileptic drugs are have different effects in various neurological dis-
indicated for the treatment of neuropathic pain eases, and mexiletine can be used as a third-line
and the prevention of migraine. drug for diabetic neuropathy patients. When
Pregabalin (lyrica) is a calcium channel using local anesthetics, patients need to be closely
blocker that is used to improve headaches, sleep monitored for adverse reactions.
disorders, etc. Pregabalin is used for the treat-
ment of chronic pain as well as neuropathic pain. α2 Adrenergic Agonists
Dosage: The starting dose is 150 mg/day, titrated Such as clonidine and dexmedetomidine, α2
regularly for 5–7  days, and the maximum dose adrenergic receptors belong to the G protein-­
should not be greater than 600 mg/day. coupled receptor family and have similar effects
to opioids. They produce inhibitory effects by Antidepressants opening potassium channels, inhibiting presynap-
Antidepressants are used to treat neuropathic pain tic calcium channels, inhibiting adenylate cyclase
and headaches. According to the mechanism of activity, reducing neurotransmitter release, and
action, tricyclic antidepressants can be divided decreasing postsynaptic transmission. In patients
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 111

with complex regional pain syndrome, neuro- Mechanism of Nerve Block
pathic pain, and cancer pain, the application of
clonidine can produce analgesic effects, but Blocking the Nerve Conduction Pathway
adverse drug reactions such as excessive sedation, of Nociception
hypertension, and bradycardia should be alerted. Local anesthetics and nerve destruction drugs
inhibit the flow of sodium and potassium ions
Baclofen inside and outside the nerve cell, and even cause
The drug can activate the presynaptic and post- cell membrane degeneration and necrosis, thus
synaptic GABAB receptors, resulting in blocking the conduction of nerve impulses in the
decreased excitability and neurotransmission nerve fiber.
and enhanced inhibitory neurotransmission.
Baclofen is often used for trigeminal neuralgia Block the Vicious Circle of Pain
and central neuropathic pain. The most common The pain-causing substances produced by the
side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, and gas- pain can intensify the pain, and this vicious circle
trointestinal discomfort. makes the pain persist for a long time and gradu-
ally worsen. The use of nerve block treatment,
Antiemetics acting on the pain site, while blocking the con-
Antiemetics are important adjuvant drugs in the duction of nociceptive stimuli, can well relieve
treatment of acute pain and cancer pain. They local muscle tension and vascular spasm, improve
should be used as early as possible and in local blood circulation, reduce the accumulation
combination. of blocking metabolites, which is more condu-
cive to lifting the vicious cycle of pain than anal-
gesic drug treatment so that the internal
8.7.2 Nerve Block Therapy environment tends to stabilize and pain disap-
pears. As the patient’s fear, anxiety, and psycho- Concept of Nerve Block logical changes of disease and pain will also
Blocking nerve conduction by injecting drugs or stimulate the sympathetic nerve and aggravate
giving physical stimulation directly into or near the above vicious cycle If we can cooperate with
nerve tissue such as nerve trunk endings, plexus, psychological and pharmacological treatment,
cerebral nerve, spinal nerve root, sympathetic we can achieve better results.
ganglion, etc. is called nerve block. There are two
types of blocks, chemical and physical. Chemical Improve Blood Circulation
nerve blocks mainly use local anesthetic drugs to Nerve block treatment can improve local micro-
block nerve conduction function and can be used circulation, of which sympathetic nerve block
for intraoperative analgesia and are also com- plays a very important therapeutic role. For pain
monly used for pain management. Nerve blocks caused by peripheral circulation disorder, sympa-
using conventional local anesthetics are generally thetic nerve block can make the blood vessels
reversible. As the effects of the drugs wear off, within the innervation area dilate, release vascu-
the locally blocked nerve conduction function lar spasm and relieve vascular obstruction, thus
can be gradually restored. However, nerve blocks improving blood circulation and promoting the
with high concentrations of local anesthetics or formation of collateral circulation.
nerve-destroying drugs for certain therapeutic
purposes can block nerve conduction for longer Anti-inflammatory Effect
periods or even permanently. In addition, the Nerve block therapy has an anti-inflammatory
clinical use of physical means such as heating, effect, especially since the sympathetic block is
pressure and cooling to block nerve conduction is more significant. In recent years, endogenous
called physical nerve block. antibiotics, i.e. natural antibiotics, have been dis-
112 M. Xia

covered, and he is a tiny protein inside the white as primary hypertension, sudden deafness, and
blood cells. Endogenous antibiotics are not fully facial nerve palsy, in addition to herpes zoster on
effective when blood circulation is impaired. the head and face.
Sympathetic nerve block can improve blood cir-
culation and promote the full effect of endoge- Small Side Effects
nous antibiotics, enhancing the natural healing The drugs used in nerve blocks have no serious
ability. side effects and do not require special equipment
and devices. Characteristics of Nerve Block
Therapy High Operation Technique Requirement
The effect of nerve block is closely related to the
Reliable Analgesic Effect operation technique. If the block is successful,
Nerve block therapy can achieve temporary or the effect is remarkable; if the block fails, not
permanent analgesia in most pain patients and only is it ineffective, but also irritation symptoms
become the beginning of the treatment with the and even serious comorbidities may occur. This
original disease. Although this does not mean is another major feature of this treatment method,
that nerve block therapy can treat all pain, and the and also the disadvantage of this treatment
most appropriate method should be selected. method. Therefore, in addition to having rich
However, at present, among most pain treatment anatomical, neurophysiological, and clinical
methods, nerve block therapy is still one of the knowledge, the operator must be proficient in the
most dominant treatment tools. operation techniques of various nerve block tech-
niques, strengthen monitoring as well as the fol-
Helping to Diagnose Diseases low-­up, and achieve institutionalization and
It is difficult to make a clear diagnosis quickly for standardization.
some diseases, and experimental blocking of the
associated nerve can be an important tool for Indications
diagnosis and differential diagnosis. For exam- and Contraindications of Nerve
ple, it is difficult to confirm the diagnosis of glos- Block
sopharyngeal neuralgia based on clinical
manifestations alone, and a glossopharyngeal Indications
nerve block can help to make a clear diagnosis. The indications for nerve block treatment are
Similarly, the clinical diagnosis of the affected very broad, and almost all parts of the body and
branch of trigeminal neuralgia is often made by pain of various nature can be treated with nerve
nerve block. block. Its treatment is not only limited to various
acute and chronic pain but also can be used for
Controllable many non-painful symptoms and diseases, such
Unlike systemic drug therapy, nerve block treat- as chronic sinusitis, retinal vascular occlusion,
ment is highly controllable, and by adjusting the facial nerve palsy, primary hypertension, etc.
type, concentration, dose, and injection site of When selecting indications, attention should be
drugs, the nerve block can be limited to a certain paid to the developmental changes of the disease
range, and the application of nerve destructive process, and it should not be used for all patients
drugs and physical destruction methods can make regardless of the timing. For example, for patients
the analgesic effect long-lasting. The scope of with early trigeminal neuralgia, drug therapy can
nerve block treatment is not only limited to pain- be tried first, and when drug therapy is not effec-
ful diseases, but is expanding. Recent studies tive or cannot be continued due to side effects of
have shown that stellate ganglion block can be drug therapy, then nerve block therapy can be
used to treat dozens of non-painful diseases such chosen. For some painful diseases that nerve
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 113

block therapy has achieved efficacy, attention orly, confirm the needle position with X-ray, then
should also be paid to the combination of drug retreat the needle and penetrate the foramen ovale
therapy, physical therapy, to increase and con- posteriorly and superiorly to reach the trigeminal
solidate the efficacy and prevent a recurrence. ganglion at the trigeminal nerve pressure trace,
carefully retract, after confirming that there is no
Contraindications blood or cerebrospinal fluid reflux, inject the
1. Uncooperative patients, including patients blocking agent.
with schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease; Because the subarachnoid space extends into
2. Patients with infected lesions at the puncture the trigeminal nerve cavity, even a small amount
site; of local anesthetic accidentally enters the cere-
3. Patients with a bleeding tendency or undergo- brospinal fluid and spreads rapidly to the brain-
ing anticoagulation therapy; stem, causing serious consequences such as loss
4. Patients who are allergic to local anesthetic of consciousness or cardiac arrest, so trigeminal
drugs. ganglion blocks must be performed with caution.
For the sake of safety, trigeminal ganglion block
The pros and cons of implementing nerve is mostly performed under the guidance of imag-
block therapy should also be considered compre- ing technology in clinical practice.
hensively for patients of advanced age, poor gen-
eral condition, and serious organic diseases. In Linguopharyngeal Nerve Block
addition, delayed treatment due to analgesia The needle can be inserted vertically from below
masking the disease needs to be avoided. the external orifice of the external auditory canal,
slightly in front of the anterior edge of the mas- Commonly Used Facial toid process, continue to insert the needle 1.25–
and Cervical Nerve Block 2.50  cm past the posterior aspect of the styloid
Treatments process. The tip of the needle can reach below the
The sensory nerves in the maxillofacial neck jugular foramen, and local anesthetics can be
include the cervical nerve, sympathetic nerve, as injected to achieve the purpose of blocking the
well as the trigeminal nerve, facial nerve, glos- glossopharyngeal nerve. It is worth noting that
sopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, and several cerebral nerves X and XI, and the cervical sym-
other pairs of brain nerves. These nerves are pathetic trunk can be blocked at the same time
involved in sensory transmission in the maxillo- when the glossopharyngeal nerve block is per-
facial neck together. The most commonly used formed. In addition, the glossopharyngeal nerve
maxillofacial and cervical nerve blocks include block can also be performed by inserting the
trigeminal ganglion block, glossopharyngeal needle vertically between the midpoint of the
nerve block, and stellate ganglion block. mastoid tip and the mandibular angle, with the tip
of the needle passing a little in front of the styloid
Trigeminal Ganglion Block process, and injecting the local anesthetic into the
Trigeminal neuralgia is one of the common neu- front of the styloid process.
ropathic pain disorders in clinical practice. The
trigeminal ganglion block is often used for treat- Stellate Ganglion Block
ment. The block route is to enter the needle from The paratracheal approach is used commonly in
below the posterior 1/3 of the zygomatic arch, clinical practice, that is, 2.5 cm above the sterno-
2.5  cm above the lateral corner of the mouth clavicular joint and 1.5 cm lateral intersection of
directly opposite the maxillary second molar, the anterior midline to the base of the transverse
stab along the inner surface of the mandibular process of the 7th cervical vertebrae, using the
branch to reach the base of the pterygoid process fingers to push the common carotid artery to the
posteriorly and reach the foramen ovale anteri- lateral side, the tip of the needle meets the bone,
114 M. Xia

and injects local anesthetic after there is no injection in blood fluctuates greatly, which
retraction of blood or cerebrospinal fluid. If the leads to incomplete analgesia or complica-
block is effective, Horner’s syndrome (miosis of tions as well as injection pain. Therefore, the
the affected pupil, ptosis of the upper eyelid and intramuscular injection route is used less and
entropion of the eye, etc.) may occur. Attention less in clinical practice.
should be paid to prevent complications such as 3. Intravenous Injection.
pneumothorax, total spinal anesthesia, and retro- Intravenous injection is the fastest route to
pharyngeal nerve block in clinical practice. effective analgesia. Continuous intravenous
infusion can reduce the fluctuation of drug
concentration and has a definite effect on the
8.7.3 Treatment of Acute Pain continuous relief of postoperative pain.
Commonly used drugs are morphine, fen- Treatment tanyl, and pethidine. The use of medium and
of Postoperative Pain long half-­life opioids may result in accumula-
There are several options for postoperative pain tion, leading to serious complications such as
management, including systemic administration respiratory depression. To improve the anal-
of analgesics and regional (intralesional and gesic effect and safety of continuous intrave-
peripheral) analgesic techniques. Based on the nous drug administration, patient-controlled
patient’s wishes and active individualized analgesia is mostly used.
­assessment of the pros and cons of each treatment 4. Skin Mucosa and Regional Routes.
method, the clinician can select the most appro- These routes are also commonly used clin-
priate postoperative analgesic regimen for each ically effective methods.
patient. Since postoperative oral and maxillofa-
cial surgery mostly involves head and neck pain, Patient-Controlled Analgesia
intradural analgesia often fails to meet the anal- PCA is developed by combining the concept of
gesic needs [17]. on-demand analgesia proposed in the last two
decades with artificial intelligence technology.
Route of Analgesic Administration The PCA device includes a drug injection pump,
1. Oral Administration. an automatic control device, an infusion line, and
The choice of oral analgesic drugs is suit- a one-way valve to prevent regurgitation.
able for patients with high bioavailability and According to different drug delivery routes, it is
those who are suitable for oral administration divided into: (1) patient-controlled intravenous
after surgery. The disease itself, surgical analgesia (PCIA); (2) patient-controlled epidural
trauma, and anesthesia can inhibit gastrointes- analgesia (PCEA); (3) patient-controlled nerve
tinal motility, and it is generally believed that block analgesia (PCNA); (4) patient-controlled
oral drugs have delayed absorption, slow subcutaneous analgesia (PCSA), etc.
onset of action, and poor effect. Therefore, the
analgesic effect of oral administration is poor Regional Analgesic Techniques
in patients with moderate or severe postopera- Peripheral regional analgesic technique is com-
tive pain, and it is not recommended. monly used. In general, the analgesic effect of
2. Intramuscular Injection. epidural and peripheral regional analgesic tech-
This route is a classical clinical drug deliv- niques (especially when local anesthetics are
ery method. Commonly used drugs include used) is better than that of systemic application
pethidine, tramadol, buprenorphine hydro- of opioids. However, there are risks associated
chloride, and so on. However, the absorption with the use of these techniques, and clinicians
of the drug depends on the lipid solubility of should evaluate the pros and cons for each
the drug and the local blood flow of the injec- patient to determine the most appropriate periph-
tion. The concentration of intramuscular eral regional analgesic technique. Oral- and
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 115

maxillofacial-­related analgesic needs are limited testinal nutrition early, shorten hospitalization
by the analgesic area, which precludes the use of time and promote rapid recovery.
intralesional analgesia. Therefore, peripheral It is often implemented clinically through
regional analgesia techniques (nerve tissue) are multiple approaches, methods, techniques, and
often used when performing regional analgesia medications. Emphasis is placed on pain predic-
techniques to provide analgesia for dentistry tion and assessment, advocating preventive anal-
patients. gesia, especially for patients with preoperative
pre-existing pain, intraoperative individualized Other Techniques analgesia for the intensity of surgical stimulation,
Other non-pharmacological techniques such as and timely and effective postoperative analgesia
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to prevent the transformation of surgical acute
(TENS), acupuncture, and psychological thera- pain to chronic pain and achieve satisfactory
pies can be used to relieve postoperative pain. analgesic effects. Through multimodal analgesia,
the goal of a safe and pain-free perioperative Preventive Analgesia period, pain-free movement, pain-free sleep, and
Preventive analgesia refers to analgesic treatment pain-free resting is achieved.
that extends from the preoperative to postopera-
tive period by using continuous, multimodal
analgesia to achieve elimination of pain caused 8.7.4 Treatment of Chronic Pain
by surgical stress trauma and to prevent and sup-
press central and peripheral sensitization. For Chronic pain refers to pain that lasts longer than
those predicted to have high-level surgical pain the general course of an acute disease or longer
(prolonged major surgery, knee arthroplasty, than the general time required for injury healing
etc.), preoperative with chronic pain or severe or recurrent pain lasting more than 3  months
pain, the use of prophylactic analgesia can reduce [18]. Chronic pain can be divided into five cate-
the amount of perioperative analgesic drugs and gories according to the causes: traumatic pain;
mitigate adverse drug reactions. neuropathic pain; inflammatory pain; psycho-
genic pain; and cancer pain, etc. [19]. The com- Perioperative Multimodal mon treatment methods are as follows.
It refers to the combined application of analgesic Drug Treatment
drugs, adjuvant drugs, and analgesic techniques Drug treatment is the most basic and commonly
with different mechanisms of action throughout used method of pain treatment. Generally,
the perioperative period to cope with postopera- patients with chronic pain require medication for
tive pain produced by different mechanisms, to a longer period, and to maintain a minimum
achieve the best efficacy of reducing postopera- effective plasma drug concentration, medication
tive pain and to reduce the occurrence of should be administered at regular intervals.
analgesia-­related complications. The principles Medication at the onset of pain often needs a
of multimodal analgesia include: preoperative, larger dose, the maintenance of time is shorter,
intraoperative and postoperative analgesia; multi- and the effect is not ideal. Commonly used drugs
level analgesia, i.e., including terminal, periph- are NSAIDs, opioids, sedative-hypnotics, anti-­
eral nerve, spinal cord level, and cerebral cortex; epileptics, and antidepressants.
use of multiple drugs and analgesic techniques;
and full use of various drugs and techniques in Nerve Block
joint programs to achieve the purpose of comple- Nerve block is the main treatment for chronic
menting each other’s strengths and weaknesses pain. Long-acting local anesthetics are generally
so that patients can move early, resume gastroin- used. For intractable headaches such as trigemi-
116 M. Xia

nal neuralgia, anhydrous ethanol or 5–10% phe- Occupational Therapy

nol can be used for nerve destruction treatment to Occupational therapists guide patients to over-
achieve long-term analgesia. Commonly used come the limitations of activities caused by pain
nerve blocks include brachial plexus nerve block, and to achieve the goals of daily activities. The
cervical plexus nerve block, and intercostal nerve main purpose of treatment is to encourage mean-
block. In addition, the pain of many diseases is ingful family, social, and work relationships
related to sympathetic nerves and can be treated through non-pharmacological means, to help
by sympathetic nerve block. The commonly used patients reduce pain, to facilitate the return of
sympathetic nerve block methods include stellate optimal daily living, to enhance patients’ self-­
ganglion block and lumbar sympathetic ganglion esteem, to restore self-care, and to enable them to
block. overcome pain and achieve optimal performance
in work and entertainment. Trigger Point Injection
Each painful spot is injected with 1% lidocaine or
0.25% bupivacaine l–4  mL, plus prednisolone 8.7.5 Cancer Pain Treatment
suspension 0.5 mL (12.5 mg), 1–2 times a week,
3–5 times a course of treatment. Pain is one of the most common symptoms of
cancer patients, and cancer pain seriously affects Physiotherapy the quality of life of cancer patients. The inci-
There are many kinds of physiotherapy, such as dence of pain in primary cancer patients is about
electrotherapy, phototherapy, magnetic therapy, 25%; the incidence of pain in advanced cancer
radiofrequency thermal coagulation therapy, patients is about 60–80%, and 1/3 of them have
and paraffin therapy, which are widely used in severe pain. If not relieved, it can aggravate
the treatment of pain. The main functions are patients’ anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia,
inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, loss of appetite, and other symptoms, which can
improving local blood circulation, softening the seriously affect patients’ self-care ability, social
scar, etc. interaction ability, and overall quality of life. The
causes of cancer pain include: pain directly Spinal Cord Electrical caused by cancer development, pain caused by
Stimulation and an Intrathecal diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and painful
Morphine Pump diseases complicated by cancer disease entry.
Spinal cord electrical stimulation and intrathecal
morphine pump can be used for patients who Treatment Principles
have failed to respond to conventional treatment. of Cancer Pain
Cancer pain should be treated based on the prin- Psychological Treatment ciple of comprehensive treatment. According to
Psychological factors play an important role in the patient’s disease and physical condition, anal-
chronic pain. The supportive therapy in the psy- gesic treatment should be effectively applied to
chological treatment method is that the medical eliminate pain continuously and effectively, pre-
personnel use explanation, encouragement, and vent and control the adverse drug reactions, and
comfort to help the patient eliminate the adverse reduce the psychological burden caused by pain
psychological factors such as anxiety, depres- and treatment, to maximize the patient’s quality
sion, and fear, to mobilize the patient’s subjec- of life.
tive motivation, change the patient’s sensitivity
to pain and actively cooperate with the treat- Treatment Methods
ment. In addition, there are hypnosis and sugges- The treatment methods of cancer pain include:
tion therapy, cognitive therapy, and biofeedback etiological treatment, pharmacological analgesic
therapy. treatment, and non-pharmacological treatment.
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 117

Etiological Treatment of mechanical and battery powered por-

The main causes of cancer pain are the primary table infusion pumps that can be selected.
diseases and complications. Therefore, anti-­ (b) “By the clock”: Analgesics should be
cancer treatment such as surgery, radiotherapy, or administered “over time,” i.e. at regular
chemotherapy can effectively relieve cancer pain. time intervals. The dose of analgesic is
determined according to the patient’s pain
Drug analgesic Treatment level. In other words, the dose is gradu-
1. Principles. ally increased until the patient is comfort-
According to the World Health able. Re-administration of analgesia
Organization (WHO) guidelines, the five should begin before the effect of the pre-
basic principles of use of analgesics for can- vious analgesic dose has completely worn
cer pain are as follows. off, in order to achieve the goal of con-
(a) “By mouth”: Analgesics should be given tinuous pain relief.
via the mouth whenever possible. Rectal Some patients require “rescue” doses
suppositories are an effective mode of of analgesia, mostly to urgently handle
administration for patients with dyspha- episodic (intermittent) and breakthrough
gia, uncontrollable vomiting or gastroin- pain situations. The dose at this point
testinal obstruction. Alternatively, for should be 50–100% of the regular 4-h
these patients, the drug can be adminis- dose and identified as an addition to the
tered by continuous subcutaneous infu- regular schedule.
sion. Continuous subcutaneous infusion (c) “By the ladder”: The order of their use is
is an alternative route of administration to shown in Fig. 8.6. The first step is the use
rectal suppositories. There is a wide range of non-opioid drugs. If pain is not

Fig. 8.6  Use of

Analgesics by The
118 M. Xia

relieved, the treatment moves to the next men for easy reference by the patient
level, adding opioids for mild to moderate and their family. The regimen should
pain. When the first and second steps of specifically include the name of the
medication combined still do not provide drug, the reason for use (e.g. “for pain,”
pain relief, proceed to the third step, “for bowel movement”), the dose (num-
where the opioid currently taken is dis- ber of milliliters, number of tablets) and
continued and replaced with an opioid the number of times per day. The patient
used to treat moderate to severe pain. It should be informed of possible adverse
should be noticed that only one drug in reactions.
each group should be used together. 2. Choice of Analgesic.
Adjunctive medication should be given According to the degree and nature of pain,
according to the specific indication. the treatment being received and the concomi-
If one of the drugs in the same group is tant diseases of cancer patients, analgesic
no longer effective, do not turn to an drugs and adjuvant drugs should be reason-
­alternative drug of similar efficacy (e.g. ably selected, and the dosage and frequency
from codeine to dextropropoxyphene). of drug administration should be individually
Switching from one drug to another drug adjusted to improve the analgesic effect and
in the same group is inadvisable. The prevent adverse reactions.
appropriate choice is to prescribe another (a) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:
more potent drug (e.g. morphine). they are the basic drugs for cancer pain
(d) “For the individual”: There is no stan- treatment. Different non-steroidal anti-­
dard dose for the use of opioids. The cor- inflammatory drugs have a similar mech-
rect dose to use is the one that mitigates anism of action and have analgesic and
the patient’s pain. This means that the anti-inflammatory effects, and are often
standard dose of opioids varies from per- used to relieve mild pain or combined
son to person. For instance, doses of oral with opioids to relieve moderate and
morphine range from 5  mg every 4  h to severe pain. In the treatment, attention
over 1000 mg. However, opioids used for should be paid to peptic ulcer, platelet
mild to moderate pain are prescribed in dysfunction, renal or hepatic impairment,
practice with dose limits that take into etc.
account formulation reasons (e.g., in (b) Opioids: They are the drugs of choice for
combination with ASA or paracetamol, the treatment of moderate and severe
which are toxic at high doses) or a dispro- pain. At present, the short-acting opioids
portionate increase in adverse effects at commonly used in cancer pain treatment
high doses (e.g., codeine). are morphine immediate-release tablets
(e) “Attention to detail”: Analgesics should and long-acting opioids are morphine
be given at regular intervals and oral mor- extended-release tablets and fentanyl
phine should be given every 4 h. The time transdermal patches. For the treatment
of the first and last dose of the day should of chronic cancer pain, opioid agonists
be correlated with the patient’s waking are recommended. For long-term use of
time and bedtime. The best times of the opioid analgesics, oral administration is
day to administer analgesics are usually preferred, and transdermal patch admin-
10:00, 14:00, and 18:00, and by following istration or temporary subcutaneous
this schedule, the duration of the analge- injection can also be used. Intrathecal
sic effect and the severity of adverse drug delivery system (IDDS), or spinal
effects can be balanced. morphine pump, is a special analgesic
Preferably, the doctor should write method for cancer pain and chronic
out the whole patient’s medication regi- intractable pain.
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 119

(c) Adjuvant drugs: including anticonvul- psychosocial factors: TMD can be a psychoso-
sants, antidepressants, corticosteroids, matic disease, and psychological factors can
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA) affect the development and treatment of
antagonists, and local anesthetics. TMD.  Patients are often accompanied by emo-
Adjuvant medications can enhance the tional irritability, mental tension, agitation,
analgesic effect of opioids or produce insomnia and other symptoms.
direct analgesia. Adjuvant analgesics are The prevalence of TMD in the elderly is as
often used as an adjunct to the treatment high as 56.3%, and 86.9% are accompanied by
of neuropathic pain, bone pain and vis- pain.
ceral pain.
3. Non-Pharmacological Treatment. Clinical Manifestations
Non-pharmacological treatments for can- TMD has a long course, usually several years to a
cer pain treatment mainly include: interven- dozen years, and can recur. The progression of
tional therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy TMD is divided into three stages: (1) the early
such as transcutaneous electrical stimula- functional change stage; (2) the middle stage of
tion, cognitive-­behavioral training, psycho- structural changes; and (3) the late stage of
social support ­ therapy, and so on. organic joint destruction.
Appropriate application of non-pharmaco- Pain, joint popping and joint dysfunction are
logical therapy can be a useful supplement the main clinical manifestations of TMD: (1)
to pharmacological analgesic treatment and pain: joint pain and peri-articular pain, especially
can increase the effect of analgesic treat- pain during chewing and mouth opening, may be
ment when used in combination with anal- accompanied by mild or severe temporomandib-
gesic drug therapy. ular joint pressure pain; (2) abnormal jaw move-
ment: common movement obstruction is
restricted mouth opening, jaw deviation during
8.8 Special Pains in Oral mouth opening, restricted jaw movement to the
and Maxillofacial Area left and right side, etc.; (3) joint clicking: normal
joint movement without clicking sound and
8.8.1 Temporomandibular noise. In case of abnormality, clicking sounds
Disorders appear in mouth opening. The sound can occur at
different stages of jaw movement, and can be a
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a gen- crisp popping sound, crushing sound and friction
eral term for a group of disorders involving the sound.
temporomandibular joint and/or the occlusal sys- Some TMDs have complex clinical manifesta-
tem, causing joint pain, popping and mouth open- tions, and may present with headache, ear symp-
ing restriction, etc. TMD is a common and toms, neck symptoms, or even systemic
frequent disease, mostly seen in adults around symptoms, and a few TMDs may present with
45 years old, with a higher prevalence in women clinical manifestations of trigeminal neuralgia.
than in men. It may be related to the following
factors: (1) occlusal factors: Patients mostly have Auxiliary Examinations
significant disorders of occlusal relationship; (2) X-rays (Schuyler’s and transpharyngeal lateral
overload on the joint: frequent biting of hard views) can reveal sclerosis, bone destruction,
food, grinding of teeth at night, and clenching of osteophytes, cystic changes and other joint space
teeth during tension increase the load on the changes and bone changes.
joint; (3) anatomical factors: small condyles and Arthrography can detect joint disc displace-
excessive joint movement make dislocation easy ment, perforation, and changes of joint disc
to occur, etc.; (4) immune factors: local autoim- attachment.
munity causes progressive destruction of joint MRI and endoscopic examination of the joint
cartilage and bone; (5) trauma, micro trauma; (6) can detect early TMD.
120 M. Xia Diagnosis and Differential joint, tumors of the infratemporal fossa,

Diagnosis tumors of the posterior wall of the maxillary
In 2014, the International Academy of Dental sinus, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, etc.
Research published the classification and diag- Imaging can help in the diagnosis.
nostic criteria for the most common TMD (DC/ Acute septic arthritis of the jaw joint: acute onset,
TMD) based on symptom questionnaires and pain, and swelling in the joint area, significant
clinical examinations. The DC/TMD classifica- pressure pain in the joint area, and changes in
tion and diagnostic criteria classify the clinical the relationship such as misopening of the
diagnosis of TMD into two major categories: posterior teeth due to fluid accumulation in the
painful diseases and joint diseases. joint cavity. The joint space is clear on the
Schuyler film, and intra-articular puncture can
Painful Disorders aspirate the purulent fluid. (3) Traumatic
Including muscle pain (limited myalgia, myofas- arthritis: acute traumatic arthritis is mani-
cial pain, involved myofascial pain) joint pain fested as swelling, pain and opening restric-
(pain on one or both sides of the face, solar tion in the joint area: chronic traumatic
plexus, inner or preauricular area, pain on jaw arthritis can be manifested as soreness in the
movement plus clinical examination to confirm a occlusal muscles, murmur in the joint, open-
pain in the mandibular joint area, familiar pain on ing restriction, pain in the joint area and face.
palpation or jaw movement in the joint area)
TMD headache (headache in the solar plexus Treatment Principle
area, increased pain on jaw movement. Clinical The purpose of TMD treatment is to eliminate
examination confirms headache in the temporal pain, reduce adverse load, restore function, and
muscle area, temporal muscle palpation or man- improve quality of life. A reversible, non-­
dibular movements can trigger a familiar head- invasive, and comprehensive approach is used to
ache in the temporal region). restore the normal function of the patient’s oro-
mandibular system. The principles should be fol-
Joint Disease lowed: (1) remove various causative factors,
Including reducible disc displacement, reducible personalized treatment, conservative treatment,
disc displacement with interlocking, and irreduc- early treatment and minimally invasive treat-
ible disc displacement with restricted opening. ment; (2) improve the general condition and the
To make an accurate and comprehensive diag- patient’s mental state, and perform psychother-
nosis or final diagnosis, imaging must be com- apy; (3) follow a reasonable and comprehensive
bined. A comprehensive assessment of the treatment procedure; (4) the treatment procedure
patient’s somatic disease and psychosomatic sta- should start with conservative treatment, and irre-
tus can be performed using the TMD dual-axis versible surgical treatment should be considered
diagnostic method (Axis I for clinical diagnosis only after all reversible non-surgical treatments
and Axis II for pain, function and psychological have failed; (5) health education: to make patients
status evaluation) in patients with prolonged understand the nature of the disease, hair factors,
chronic pain. Depressive mood can be evaluated so that patients increase confidence and cooper-
by the Patient Health Questionnaire 9, anxiety by ate with doctors.
the GAD-7, and somatic status by the Patient
Health Questionnaire 15. Treatment of the Cause
TMD needs to be differentiated from the fol- For occlusal joint disorder syndrome caused by
lowing diseases. occlusal relationship, the dentist will use occlusal
treatment, including reversible occlusal treat-
Tumors: deep maxillofacial tumors can cause dif- ment such as occlusal plate and irreversible
ficulty in opening or closing the teeth, such as occlusal treatment such as adjustment, restora-
benign tumors of the temporomandibular tion, orthodontics, and extraction.
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 121

Conservative Treatment Psychological and Cognitive-Behavioral

Daily diet: Encourage patients to eat soft food, Therapy
bite food in small bites, and chew slowly. The role of psychological and behavioral therapy
Physical therapy: When the pain in the joint area in the treatment of TMD is emphasized, and cog-
is significant, physical therapy such as heat, nitive education and behavioral therapy are tar-
ultra-short wave, ion guide, electrical stimula- geted to the patient’s psychology.
tion acupuncture low degree hydrogen atmo-
sphere laser irradiation, and magnetic therapy Surgical Treatment
can be used to relieve pain, which is more Surgical treatment is required for TMD with
effective for endogenous causes of TMD such severe structural disorders and osteoarthrosis that
as muscle spasm, myositis, and anterior mus- do not respond well to conservative treatment, or
cle pain. that seriously affect joint function and normal
Drug therapy: Drug therapy is an important part life, including joint irrigation, arthroscopic sur-
of the comprehensive treatment of MD.  It gery, and open surgery.
includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), anti-anxiety drugs, muscle Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy
relaxants, antidepressants, and antihistamines. There are many types of traditional physiother-
Early application of acetaminophen and apy, such as polarized light irradiation, ultra-
NSAIDs (such as celecoxib, diclofenac sound therapy, shortwave therapy, and manual
sodium, ericiclib, etc.) can reduce pain; anxio- release, etc. Although they are effective, they
lytics (o-methylphenidate citrate) or antide- have the disadvantages of long treatment course,
pressants (amitriptyline), etc., can also achieve poor treatment experience, poor results, and high
better results in the treatment of TMD. (4) recurrence rate. The main reason for this is that
Opening training: mandibular motor training there is no consensus or guideline for TMD
includes active training (correction of jaw treatment at home and abroad to guide clinical
movement trajectory) and passive training work. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy
(improvement of maximum opening). (5) (ESWT) is a new physical therapy method,
Muscle therapy: such as muscle massage, jaw which is non-­invasive, safe and effective, and
posture exercises, etc. (6) Psychotherapy such has been widely used in the clinical treatment of
as health education and psychological bone and muscle diseases, and in 2016, the
counseling. International Society of Medical Shockwave
Therapy included oral and maxillofacial diseases
Temporomandibular Joint Cavity Injection such as periodontal disease and jaw joint disor-
Treatment ders into its indications.
It can relieve joint pain, lubricate the joint, and TMD is not a diagnosis of a single disease, but
promote the modification of joint structure. a general term for a group of diseases with simi-
Generally, the injected drugs are large mucopoly- lar clinical symptoms involving the masticatory
saccharides such as hyaluronic acid or gibberel- muscles and/or the temporomandibular joint. At
lins, local anesthetics, and glucocorticoids. Three present, there is no unified theory on the etiology
consecutive injections are a course of treatment. and pathogenesis of TMD at home and abroad,
One injection is given 2 weeks apart and no more and there are successive theories of factors, psy-
than three times a year. Joint cavity irrigation can chosomatic factors, trauma factors, autoimmune
reduce pain by removing some inflammatory factors, anatomical factors, etc. There is a close
mediators, immune substances, and some carti- relationship between TMD and neck and shoul-
lage debris flocculent in the joint fluid by irriga- der pain. On the one hand, masticatory muscles
tion. The efficacy of joint cavity injection of such as the occlusal muscles, internal pterygoid
sodium hyaluronate for TMD is better than joint muscle, external pterygoid muscle, temporalis
cavity irrigation alone. muscle and the back muscles of the head, neck,
122 M. Xia

shoulder, and back are a unified functional whole. ual, with a high prevalence in menopausal
Therefore, when the aseptic inflammation of the women. Currently, the pathogenesis is unclear,
back of the head, neck, and shoulders stimulates and some studies suggest co-morbidity with psy-
the high cervical nerve, it will also form conduc- chosocial and sperm abnormalities. Whether sec-
tion pain at the temporomandibular joint, so ondary burning mouth syndrome caused by local
many patients are thought to have cervicogenic lesions (candidiasis, lichen planus, salivation) or
headache, cervical spondylosis, migraine, etc. in systemic diseases (drug hair, anemia, diabetes
the early stage, but patients with TMD can mostly mellitus, vitamin B2 or folic acid deficiency,
find sensitive pressure points locally, i.e. trigger Sjogren’s syndrome) should be treated as an
points, indicating that secondary lesions can eas- independent disease remains controversial.
ily form here, and the inflammation stimulates
the occlusal muscle groups causing The Clinical Manifestations
inflammation stimulates the occlusal muscle
­ The painful part of the tongue, the anterior part of
groups causing muscle spasm, which in turn the hard palate and the mucosa of the lower lip,
causes pain and affects the occlusal function. most often involving the tip of the tongue or
Shock wave is a kind of sound wave with bilateral tongue edges. Some patients have light
mechanical properties that causes rapid or symptoms in the morning, gradually worsen in
extremely rapid compression of the medium the afternoon, and disappear in the evening, and
through vibration, high-speed motion, etc. to may have subjective dry mouth, sensory dullness
gather energy, which is different from the tradi- and altered sensation. Some patients have ner-
tional sound wave and can cause jumping changes vousness, depression, anxiety, irritability, insom-
in the physical properties of the medium such as nia, and other mental manifestations.
pressure, temperature and density, thus causing a
series of biological effects on the target organ tis- Physical Examination
sue. The mechanism of action may be: after the There is no abnormality in the color, quality,
shock wave enters the body, it produces mechani- morphology and function of the patient’s tongue
cal stress and unique cavitation effect at the inter- and oral mucosa.
face, causing elastic deformation and relaxation
among soft tissues, and can stimulate vasodila- Auxiliary Examinations
tion and generation in the local area, improving The dopamine D1/D2 receptor ratio was decreased
microcirculation, and reducing tissue inflamma- in the patient with BMS, and there was cerebral
tory response. In addition, the shock wave can hypofunction on functional MRI, and there was
stimulate the local nerve endings, so that the sen- microcirculation disorder in the oral mucosal
sitivity of nerves is reduced and the transmission vessels.
of nerve conduction is blocked, thus relieving
pain. Diagnosis and Differential
According to the International Classification of
8.8.2 Burning Mouth Syndrome Headache, third edition (beta) (ICHD-3) the
diagnostic criteria of burning mouth syndrome.
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a group of
syndromes with the tongue as the main site of A. The oral pain meets criteria B and C.
onset, with burning-like pain as the main mani- B. Recurrent attacks lasting more than 2  h per
festation, mostly accompanied by dry mouth, day for more than 3 months.
taste changes, headache, mood changes, often not C. The pain meets all two of the following:
accompanied by mucosal disease and other clini- 1. Burning-like in nature.
cal signs, without characteristic histopathological 2. Sensation appears on the surface of the
changes. Female onset is more frequent than sex- oral mucosa.
8  Conscious Sedation and Analgesia 123

Normal appearance of the oral mucosa and include: removing suspected causes, avoiding
normal clinical examination including sensory adverse stimuli, stopping bad habits, stopping
testing. suspected drugs (such as certain anti-­
Cannot be better explained by other diagnoses hypertensive drugs, angiotensin II receptor
in the ICHD-3. blockers, diuretics), eliminating depression,
Burning mouth syndrome should be differen- anxiety and fear.
tiated from the following diseases.
1. Psychological and psychotropic treatment.
Trigeminal neuralgia: Severe electric shock-like, To eliminate depression, anxiety, fear and
knife-like, or tearing pain occurring in the other adverse psychology: for those with
­distribution area of the trigeminal nerve. There obvious depression, anxiety and fear, Valium,
are primary and secondary trigeminal neural- alprazolam, fluoxetine hydrochloride, dulox-
gia. In primary trigeminal neuralgia, most of etine and other treatments are available.
them have “trigger points” and no neurologi- Combining cognitive therapy with pharmaco-
cal signs. Secondary trigeminal neuralgia is therapy can improve the efficacy.
pain in the area of trigeminal nerve distribu- 2. Estrogen replacement therapy.
tion caused by various lesions invading the For menopausal women, hormone replace-
trigeminal nerve root and the semilunar gan- ment therapy is mainly used to continuously
glion. It is often accompanied by signs of tri- supplement estrogen.
geminal nerve damage, such as sensory 3. Lingual nerve block treatment.
impairment in the affected trigeminal nerve Using vitamin B1, vitamin B12 and local
distribution area, diminished or absent corneal anesthetics for bilateral nerve block at the
reflex, weakness, and atrophy of the occlusal base of the tongue.
muscles. Sometimes there may be signs and 4. Physical therapy.
symptoms of nerve structure damage, such as 5. Other therapies.
facial palsy, hearing loss, vertigo, nystagmus,
ataxia, etc. Intracranial lesions can be detected Actively treat the relevant systemic diseases
by cranial MRI or CT examination. Oral car- (such as anemia, diabetes, etc.), rinse the mouth
bamazepine for trigeminal neuralgia is effec- with alkaline solution for Candida albicans infec-
tive in treating most patients. tion, and use sensitive antibiotics for certain bac-
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia: transient and sud- terial infections; maintain denture hygiene,
den severe pain mainly in the glossopharynx correct bad habits such as cheek biting, tongue
and deep ears, the “trigger point” of pain is spitting and tongue licking.
often at the root of the tongue or tonsils, throat,
ear screen and earwax, and the pain is trig-
gered by swallowing, opening the mouth, cold References
drinks and coughing. The pain can be relieved
by local anesthetic throat wall spray during 1. Chanpong B, Haas DA, Locker D.  Need and
demand for sedation or general anesthesia in den-
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applications of visual analogue scales: a critical
Complications Associated
with Anesthesia: In Oral 9
and Maxillofacial Surgery

Ming Xia

9.1 Introduction 9.2 Complications Associated

with Local Anesthesia in Oral
Timely identification and management of prob- and Maxillofacial Surgery
lems at the immediate end of surgery may save
lives. The likelihood of a patient developing com- To mitigate or eliminate pain associated with
plications depends on the nature of the proce- invasive procedures, local anesthetic drugs have
dure, anesthesia technique, coexisting diseases, been used in clinical dentistry since the nine-
and preoperative medical evaluation and optimi- teenth century. In oral and maxillofacial opera-
zation measures. tions, local anesthetics are used routinely since
Most patients undergoing general, regional or its reliability and efficiency are well-recognized.
monitored anesthesia are generally monitored in Yet, they are not riskless. Complications associ-
the PACU prior to discharge or transfer to a ward. ated with this type of drugs can be evaluated sys-
The exceptions are critically ill patients and temically and locally. It is reported that systemic
patients with tracheal intubation, who may have reactions after using local anesthetics are psycho-
to go directly into the ICU to recover. Most medi- genic reactions, systemic toxicity, allergy, and
cal monitoring in the PACU is the responsibility methemoglobinemia. Local complications com-
of the anesthesiology department. monly reported are pain at injection, needle frac-
Postoperative complications can be divided ture, prolongation of anesthesia and various
into several categories. According to different sensory disorders, lack of effect, trismus, infec-
anesthetic techniques and methods, the compli- tion, edema, hematoma, gingival lesions, soft tis-
cations can be divided into local anesthesia com- sue injury, and ophthalmologic complications. In
plications and general anesthesia complications. this part, the two kinds of complications will be
It should be noted that postoperative complica- illustrated in detail.
tions may either connect with anesthesia or sur-
gery or related to both. This chapter will mainly
illustrate complications associated with anesthe- 9.2.1 Classification and Chemical
sia in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Structure of Local Anesthetics

M. Xia (*) Local anesthetic agents can be classified accord-

Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth ing to their chemical structure, rate of onset,
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong potency, and duration. According to their chemi-
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
cal structure, there are two types of local anes-

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 125
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
126 M. Xia

thetics, namely, amino esters and amino amides. the patient’s health status, age, weight, and the
The ester group includes cocaine, procaine, chlo- duration of the procedure. For healthy adult
roprocaine, tetracaine, and benzocaine. They are patients undergoing a short-term surgery, 50 mg
hydrolyzed in the plasma by pseudocholinester- antihistamine benzhydramine can be given 1  h
ase into para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and before the procedure. For patients in the same
other derivatives, whereas amide-type local anes- condition but with a moderately long procedure
thetics are metabolized by the liver. The toxicity (1–2  h), 0.125–0.5  mg benzodiazepines, tri-
of an anesthetic is related to the rate of hydroly- azolam should be given 1 h before the procedure.
sis. Allergic reactions that may be induced by For patients with a longer procedure (2–4 h), ben-
esters are related to para-aminobenzoic acid, zodiazepines such as 1–4  mg lorazepam can be
which is a major metabolic product of many ester given 1–2 h before surgery or 30–60 min before
local anesthetic agents. The amide group include sublingual preparation. Depending on the
lidocaine, mepivacaine, prilocaine, bupivacaine, patient’s anxiety level, sedatives may be used for
etidocaine, dibucaine, and ropivacaine. Among dental patients with mild and moderate anxiety,
them, lidocaine, mepivacaine, etidocaine, and while general anesthesia may be an option for
bupivacaine have similar rate of biotransforma- patients with extreme anxiety or fear to ensure a
tion. Exceptionally, articaine contains both amide smooth procedure [6, 7].
and ester, so it is metabolized in both the liver and
blood. Systemic Toxicity
Normally ester local anesthetics are not as Local anesthetics have the adverse effect of
popular as amide when used as local anesthetics inducing toxicity in patient’s body when the toxic
in dental procedures considering ester local anes- concentration of anesthetics in the blood level
thetics’ poor efficacy, potential for allergenicity, reaches to the central nervous system and cardio-
and the advantages of amide local anesthetics vascular systems.
[1–4]. Symptoms featured by central nervous sys-
tem signs include excitation, convulsions, fol-
lowing which are loss of consciousness and
9.2.2 Systemic Reactions respiratory arrest. Meanwhile, cardiovascular
Due to Local Anesthesia signs such as hypertension, tachycardia, and pre-
mature ventricular contractions may present. In Psychogenic Reactions addition, the common clinical signs and symp-
The psychogenic reactions are connected to the toms are quick talking, flicker, and tremor in the
body counterbalance of the patient to an anxiety-­ extremities [8, 9].
inducing situation or adrenaline secreted by the Predisposing factors are associated with age,
vasoconstrictor agent. Heart rate, respiratory rate, weight, using of other drugs, gender, the pre-­
and blood pressure are changed along with existing disease, genetics, vasoactivity, concen-
patient’s mood. Sometimes, blush and erythema tration, dose, route of administration, the rate of
are confused with allergic reactions, hyperventi- injection, vascularity of the injection site, and the
lation, nausea, and vomiting [5]. Considering that presence of vasoconstrictors [4].
patients’ relax and calm mood during the injec- The patient should be evaluated before injec-
tion of anesthetics may prevent psychogenic tion of local anesthetics, to prevent systemic tox-
reaction, it is necessary to communicate with icity. And the above mentioned predisposing
patients to dispel their misgivings. Other solu- factors should be treated very carefully.
tions can also be sought, such as using oral seda- Preventing from a toxic dose complication, it
tives. Oral sedatives can be effective in alleviating should be evoked that for healthy adults, the sug-
the patient’s fears during dental treatment. The gested maximum safe dose of 2% lignocaine in
initial dose of sedatives should be determined by 1:80,000 adrenalines is four-and-a-half cartridges
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 127

of 2 or 2.2 mL (180–198 mg lignocaine); for 3% results are determined to be negative, intrader-

prilocaine and felypressin 0.03  IU/mL, the mal testing should be performed for patients
­maximum safe dose is 400  mg (six 2  mL car- who have a history of allergy to local anesthetics
tridges) [10]. [12, 13].
The practice of local anesthesia in the outpa- For patients who show allergic reactions,
tient setting normally includes airway support, treatments should be adopted. The first step is
administration of 100% oxygen, supine position, removing the causative agent. Then, if the
prevention of seizures leading to injury, and treat- patient’s allergic symptom is mild, oral or intra-
ment of convulsions (administration of benzodi- muscular antihistamine diphenhydramine should
azepines or sodium thiopental; propofol is be given. Besides, hydrocortisone cream may be
contraindicated in patients with unstable blood prescribed to relieve skin itching or erythema. If
pressure and heart rate) [11]. If patients with car- it is a life-threatening case, the patient should be
diac arrhythmias develop severe hypotension, provided with basic life support, intramuscular or
they should be infused with 1.5 mL/kg 20% lipid subcutaneous epinephrine and hospitalization if
emulsion for approximately 1  min and then necessary. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening aller-
switch to a continuous infusion at 0.25  mL/kg/ gic reaction, the clinical symptoms of which are
min = 1000 mL/h. Studies have reported a resus- related to the patient’s organ function. Risk fac-
citation effect when the total dose of lipid emul- tors for anaphylaxis contain uncontrolled coex-
sion infused was ≤10 mL/kg; therefore, 12 mL/ isting asthma, mast cell disorders, and patients
kg can be the approximate estimate for the maxi- with specific allergens. For anaphylaxis, adrena-
mum dose. The dose of adrenaline applied should line is the first and most important treatment, and
be referred to resuscitation guidelines, such as it should be administered as soon as anaphylaxis
the American Heart Association guidelines [9]. is recognized. Moreover, it should be adminis-
tered by intravenous (IV) route only in the case of Allergy profoundly hypotensive patients or patients who
Allergy, also known as hypersensitive reactions, develop a cardiopulmonary arrest or those who
is initiated by immunological mechanisms fail to respond to multiple doses of IM adrenaline
acquired through exposure to a specific allergen. because of the potential cardiovascular adverse
However, complications caused by allergy only effects of IV administration of adrenaline [14,
take up less than 1% of the total complications. 15]. In addition, antihistamines and glucocorti-
Many of the complications doubt to be allergic coids are claimed to be effective in treatment of
are, in fact, caused by anxiety [12]. Moreover, as anaphylaxis, though their use is controversial.
introduced in the previous paragraphs that local Overall, the first step treatment should be adrena-
anesthetics are classified as ester- and amide-type line and antihistamines and glucocorticoids may
local anesthetics, ester local anesthetics are more be used to treat severe systemic reactions.
allergenic than amide local anesthetics. Therefore,
amide local anesthetics are used more widely, Methemoglobinemia
especially lidocaine. Methemoglobinemia is a condition of elevated
Allergic reactions may display mild symp- methemoglobin in the blood. It may be inherited
toms, such as urticaria, erythema, and intense or acquired [16]. The risk of methemoglobinemia
itching, and severe reactions in the form of angio- increased in infants, the elderly and patients with
edema and/or respiratory distress. It may involve underlying health problems such as liver cirrho-
more severe life-threatening anaphylactic sis, underdeveloped hepatic and renal function,
responses, including symptoms of apnea, hypo- heart disease, and pulmonary disease. Moreover,
tension, and loss of consciousness [12]. it is a unique dose-dependent reaction.
The skin prick test is the most endorsed Symptoms may include headache, dizziness,
method to diagnose allergies. When the test fatigue, shortness of breath and tachycardia, nau-
128 M. Xia

sea, poor muscle coordination, and cyanosis that gate pain. The recommended rate of injection of
can be observed in nail beds and mucous the solution is 30 s/mL. Inadequate injection sites
membrane. can result in blunting of the intramuscular or
Prompt recognition of the condition and initi- intradural injection needle [19–21].
ation of treatment, as indicated (especially in
acquired methemoglobinemia), are critical in the Prolongation of Anesthesia
management of methemoglobinemia. Once the and Various Sensory Disorders
diagnosis is confirmed, management should be After dental local anesthetic blocks, prolonged
instituted as indicated. Initial care includes anesthesia, paresthesia, or neuralgia may occur,
administration of supplemental oxygen (100%) but this may last for few days, weeks or months
and removal of the offending oxidizing sub- and after that sensation will return or it may last
stance. Methylene blue may be given to a symp- forever [22]. This mostly involves nervus lingua-
tomatic patient. It should be administrated in lis or nervus mandibularis or both [23]. The nerve
1–2  mg/kg doses, given as 0.1  mL/kg of a 1% may be damaged during injection by direct injury,
solution (10 mg/mL) intravenously over 5–10 min or the needle may damage the intraneural blood
every hour up to a 7 mg/kg maximum. For severe supply, resulting in a hematoma, or the needle
cases, hyperbaric oxygenation may also be used may traumatize the medial pterygoid muscle
if available. After the initial dose, repeated doses which results in trismus. In addition, neurotoxic-
should be given within 30–60 min [17, 18]. ity is another nerve damage caused by local anes-
thetics [24]. In this aspect, procaine and tetracaine
cause more damage than bupivacaine or lidocaine
9.2.3 Local Complications [25]. Generally, paresthesia or neuralgia compli-
Associated with Local cation is temporary, but in the case of injecting
Anesthesia anesthetic solution directly into the nerve, it may
also be permanent. Consequently, patients may Pain on Injection also have symptoms such as tongue biting, drool-
Some patients may experience pain during injec- ing, loss of taste, and speech impediment.
tion. Possible causes of pain on injection are Piccinni et al. published an analysis of reports to
related to the temperature of the solution, the the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System, in
speed of injection, blunt needles, needles with which about 573 cases of paresthesia and dyses-
barbs, or inserting too aggressively, which dam- thesia after using local anesthetics between 2004
age soft tissues, blood vessels, nerves or perios- and 2011 were recorded. Accordingly, they noted
teum. For example, local injections of lidocaine that when using prilocaine, articaine, or both of
produce a strong burning sensation. When the them, there is higher risk of paresthesia [26].
needle pierces a nerve, patients may react as if When during dental local anesthesia a nerve
getting an electric shock, they may suddenly gets injured, the first thing to do is managing the
move the head, increasing the risk of self-inflicted pain. Importantly, the nerve injury should be pre-
wound. In addition, the speed of the injection and vented which can be achieved through reducing
the acidity of the solution are possible factors in concentration of anesthetic agent for inferior
inducing the burning sensation. alveolar nerve blocks, and avoiding iterative
To avoid causing discomfort to the patient, it injections. It is suggested to use a low daily dose
is best to warm the anesthetics to body tempera- of multivitamin B to regain nerve healing and
ture and use a smaller gauge needle (27 gauge) function [27, 28].
when administering local anesthetics. When mul-
tiple injections must be given in the same lesion No Effect
or when multiple sites need to be injected, each Sometimes, the effect of local anesthesia may
injection should be given with a new needle and not be achieved after injection of local anesthet-
at a slow rate and low pressure, which will miti- ics. The underlying causes may relate to ana-
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 129

tomical variants, pathological and psychological less, but there was no pathologic change in the
factors, anesthesia techniques and methods, and wound or any herpetic lesions. They consulted
among others [20]. Anatomical factors consist with the Department of Ophthalmology and the
of accessory nerve supply, alteration in foramen Department of Physical Therapy and
location, atypical development of the nerves and Rehabilitation and adopted the treatment of
bone density [29, 30]. Pathological reasons for lubricant eye drop (4 × 1), tobramycin ophthal-
the failure of anesthesia are trismus, infection, mic solution (4  ×  1), and lanolin eye ointment
inflammation, and previous surgery or trauma. (during night) supported by eye patch. In the
Among all these reasons, inflammatory diseases next 4 weeks, galvanic stimulation of the facial
that influence the pharmacokinetics and phar- nerve of the affected side was conducted. After
macodynamics of local anesthetics weaken the another 2  weeks all of the symptoms disap-
response and strengthen unfavorable effects peared [35]. Moreover, the auriculotemporal
[31]. Conditions with inflammations such as nerve may also be damaged and bring “numb-
pulpitis and apical periodontitis acute periodon- ness” sensation to the ear.
tal abscess or pericoronitis may lead to anes-
thetic failure or difficulty [32]. Psychological Trismus
factors, for example, angst and anxiety, may Trismus refers to the restriction or even the
also cause local anesthesia failure [29]. In addi- inability of mouth opening, and it is also called
tion, anesthetists’ poor technique may bring the lockjaw. It is caused by multiple injections at the
effect of mandibular anesthesia instead of the same position in a short period of time, intramus-
anesthesia within oral and maxillofacial opera- cular injections, trauma to the lateral pterygoid
tion area. The effect of local anesthesia depends muscle or the temporal muscle thereby causing
on the position where the needle is inserted. If the formation of hematoma and fibrosis, needle
the needle is inserted and advanced too deep or fracture during insertion into the muscles of the
deviated, the terminal branches of the facial odontoid process, inaccurate needle positioning
nerve within the deep lobe of the parotid gland during inferior nerve blocks or posterior maxil-
may be impacted. Direct anesthesia to the facial lary injections or inflammation of the masseter
nerve can force a rapid onset that occurs while muscle and other masticatory muscles, and infec-
the anesthetic agent is being injected; reflex tion [36]. The hemorrhage induces great pain
vasospasms of the external carotid artery can which results in muscle contraction and restricted
lead to ischemia of the facial nerve, inducing movement.
facial nerve palsy. Thus, the patient is unable to Fortunately, most trismus cases are temporary
perform a series of facial gestures, such as wrin- and can be cured or alleviated by medications
kle the forehead, raise the eyebrow, close the such as analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-
upper eyelid, retract the commissure of the lips biotics and muscle relaxants, physical therapy,
to smile, and turn down the lower lip on the soft diet, and other treatments. Paying attention
affected side [33, 34]. to anatomical landmarks and muscles such as
In most cases, paralysis occurs immediately palpation of the bony anterior process of the tem-
after mandibular anesthesia injection, but there poral muscle and the pterygomandibular fold of
are also some cases in which paralysis starts the pterygopalatine muscle, and anticipating the
later than expected. In a case report for late appropriate angle of needle-bone contact prior to
paralyses, a patient’s tooth was extracted easily, injection are useful in preventing trismus through
without any complication incurred; whereas, in local anesthesia. The intraoral Vazirani-Akinosi
a day he returned complaining a weakness of the nerve block technique, the closed mandibular
muscles of his left side face. When examining nerve block technique or extraoral techniques can
the patient, clinicians detected Bell’s palsy sign be used to provide anesthesia for patients with
on the patient’s left side face that is expression- trismus.
130 M. Xia Infection high pressure may warn of an injection against

Infection complications are rare due to the use of bloodstream. The size of the hematoma depends
disposable needles and glass syringes. Infection on the density and solidity of the affected tissue.
may extend to the tissues due to needle ­penetration Hematomas do not necessarily occur when a
of contaminated tissues. On the other hand, a ruptured vein is involved. Discoloration of the
latent viral infection may be reactivated due to affected area and bruising may accompany the
the trauma of the procedure, which may be the hematoma [40].
cause of neural sheath inflammation. From an anatomical point of view, different
The area to be penetrated should be cleaned nerve actions can lead to hematomas in specific
with a topical antiseptic prior to needle insertion. areas, such as anterior superior alveolar (infraor-
The use of antiseptic mouthwash solutions, such bital) nerve block below the lower eyelid, inci-
as chlorhexidine gluconate, should be considered sive (mental) nerve block in the chin area, buccal
for all regional techniques. Local anesthetics nerve block or any palatal injection in the oral
should not be injected through the infected area. cavity, and extraoral posterior superior alveolar
In the presence of infection, injection of local nerve block in the inferior buccal region of the
anesthesia is important to raise the pH of the mandible, and intraoral block distal to the maxil-
anesthetics, as infected tissue is more likely to be lary tuberosity.
acidic. This process is known as anesthetic buff- Hematoma formation can be prevented by
ering and affects patient’s comfort during the aspiration prior to the injection of anesthetic
injection, rapid onset of anesthesia, and reduc- solution, using a short needle and minimal needle
tion of tissue damage. Recommendations for insertion into the tissue. When swelling forms
treatment of infection are antibiotics (penicillin immediately after the injection, local pressure
V 500 mg every 6 h for 7–10 days), analgesics, should be applied for at least 2  min. This will
heat therapy, drainage, and physical therapy [22, stop the complication.
37, 38]. Swelling and discoloration usually subsides
within 10–15 days. Ice packs should be adhered Edema to for the first 24 h after surgery, after which they
Tissue swelling may be caused by trauma during can be addressed with intermittent hot wet com-
injection, infection, allergy, bleeding, and injec- presses and massage therapy with heparin cream.
tion of irritating solutions. The management of If the hematoma is large, antibiotics should be
edema depends on its cause. Treatment of used to prevent the development of wound infec-
allergy-­induced edema includes intramuscular tion [11, 41].
epinephrine as described above, in addition to
antihistamines and corticosteroids, and consulta- Gingival Lesions
tion with an allergist to determine the exact Gingival lesions comprise of recurrent aphthous
cause of the edema. Edema caused by trauma stomatitis, and herpes simplex can occur intra-
should be treated as a hematoma. To treat edema orally after the injection of a local anesthetic or
caused by infection, antibiotics should be admin- any trauma to the intraoral tissues. Any trauma to
istered [39]. tissues by a needle may activate the latent from of
the disease process that was present in the tissues Hematoma with previous injection, though the precise mech-
As a complication of local anesthesia, a hema- anism under it remains unknown.
toma forms as a result of a venous or arterial lac- Before any severe pain is felt, it is unnecessary
eration; elevated intra-arterial blood pressure to manage the lesions. Administering topical
causes blood to leak into the surrounding soft anesthetic solutions on affected areas may be
tissues. At the time of injection, the presence of useful to relieve the pain. A concoction of identi-
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 131

cal amounts of diphenhydramine and milk of injection may reach the cavernous sinus through
magnesia rinsed in the mouth effectively covers the pterygoid plexus and anesthetize the oculo-
the ulcerations and provides relief from pain. motor, cochlear or dorsal nerves.
Triamcinolone acetonide without corticosteroid During inferior dental nerve block, the anes-
can remedy pain [11, 39]. thesia may trigger Horner’s syndrome since local
anesthetic penetration through the lateral pharyn- Soft Tissue Injury geal and anterior vertebral spaces, causing
In children with special needs or disabled obstruction of the stellate ganglion [46, 47].
patients, the numbness following local anesthesia A systematic review of ophthalmic complica-
in the mouth can cause them to bite their lips or tions arising after local anesthesia in dentistry
tongue [42]. This problem can be addressed by was conducted by Alamanos et al. in 2016, which
choosing a shorter-acting local anesthetic, such included 66 reports and 89 cases. It was found
as plain mepivacaine, and telling the patient or that mandibular block anesthesia using the Gow-­
their custodian to test the residual effects of anes- Gates technique was only associated with diplo-
thesia by eating, drinking hot liquids, and gently pia; inferior alveolar nerve blocks were more
biting the lips or tongue. To prevent chewing, cot- likely to cause visual impairment compared to
ton rolls can be placed between the teeth and soft posterior superior alveolar nerve blocks, and few
tissues. To speed up the recovery of sensation, studies reported blindness with the posterior
phentolamine mesylate, an alpha-adrenergic superior alveolar nerve block technique. The
receptor, can be injected. The dose of the injec- majority of patients mentioned in the literature
tion varies from person to person; the recom- who developed ocular complications were
mended dose for adult patients is 1–2 cartridges injected with lidocaine [48].
(0.4–0.8 mg), while for pediatric patients the rec- To minimize the occurrence of possible com-
ommended dose is 0.5–1 cartridge (0.2–0.4 mg) plications, the regional anatomy should be
[42–44]. observed in detail prior to the injection of local
The swelling will gradually resolve after anesthetic, and multiple suctions should be per-
2–3 days. Healing of the lesion takes 10–14 days. formed at the time of injection and in at least two
For patients whose pain remains significant, anal- planes.
gesics may be prescribed or a local anesthetic
may be applied topically to the area.
9.2.4 Conclusion Ophthalmologic
Complications Local anesthetics may lead to the occurrence of
The most common ophthalmologic complica- adverse events or complications. To prevent
tions related to local anesthesia are diplopia (dual them, a detailed assessment of the patient’s medi-
vision), ophthalmoplegia (paralysis or weaken- cal history and attention to the patient’s mood
ing of eye muscles), ptosis, and mydriasis (dilata- should be routinely performed. The dose of local
tion of pupil). Amaurosis (partial/total blindness) anesthetics administered should refer to the
may also present though very rarely. Fortunately, patient’s weight, while taking care not to exceed
all these complications are transient and patients the maximum recommended dose. When admin-
will recover once the anesthetic effects are inter- istering anesthesia, painless injections should be
rupted [45]. performed to avoid causing direct intravascular
The sympathetic fibers running along the or intramuscular or nerve trauma. The anesthesi-
internal maxillary artery to the orbit may be stim- ologist should closely monitor new developments
ulated by intra-arterial injection or perforation of in the patient’s body to minimize the incidence of
the vessel wall; thus, an intravenous injection of complications that may be associated with local
anesthetic may be preferred. The intravenous anesthesia.
132 M. Xia

9.3 Common Complications anesthetist [53]. Diagnostic laryngoscopy or the

After General Anesthesia instrumental assisted passage of a nasogastric
in Oral and Maxillofacial tube in an anesthetized patient may lead to sus-
Surgery tained abnormally applied force, resulting in den-
tal or soft tissue trauma.
The incidence of postoperative complications is The upper left central incisors are the most
affected by a variety of factors, including surgical vulnerable teeth to damage during anesthesia [51,
ones, such as the type of surgery, and may addi- 52]. The preponderance of left-sided injuries is
tionally be closely related to the patient’s physi- considered to reflect the fact that most anesthe-
cal condition, such as physical health, but less so tists are right-handed. Particularly, although not
to the type of anesthesia. Patients with unhealthy exclusively, dental damage is usually limited to a
habits or chronic diseases such as smoking, single tooth [50]. Teeth have different dental axes
hypertension, obesity, diabetes, stroke, seizures, depending on their function. Incisors are mono-­
obstructive sleep apnea, any condition involving tooted teeth with a forward dental axis and small
kidney, lung and heart disease, drug allergies, cross-sectional area designed to withstand con-
history of anticoagulants and allergies to GA, and siderable biting forces along their axis. Upper
malnutrition may all exacerbate the risk of com- premolar and molar teeth have two or three roots,
plications after anesthesia [49]. respectively, and are designed to withstand sub-
Postoperative complications after general stantial aligned forces along a vertical dental
anesthesia varies from mild distress to long-term axis. Lower premolar and molar teeth have one or
squeal to death or permanent disability. two roots, respectively. Any alteration in the vec-
Fortunately, such major catastrophic sequelae are tor of the force applied, such as strong vertical
scarce. Whereas, minor morbidity such as nau- forces applied to incisors, causes them more vul-
sea, vomiting, sore throat, myalgia’s pain, head- nerable to damage.
ache, damage to teeth and intraoral soft tissues, An appreciation of normal developmental
and morbidity associated with throat packs and dental anatomy is necessary for an understanding
nasal intubation affect the body function and of the mechanism of dental injury during anes-
have significant impact on recovery [49]. Some thesia. Human’s 20 deciduous teeth, also known
of these are common complications following as “milk” or “baby” teeth, would be replaced by
general anesthesia. This section will discuss 32 permanent teeth by the second decade of life.
restrictedly the oral and maxillofacial related In patient with normal dentition, when the teeth
injuries, including damage to teeth and intraoral are brought together, the lower mandibular teeth
soft tissues, and morbidity associated with throat will lie symmetrically and slightly lingually to
packs and nasal intubation. the upper maxillary teeth. A slight incisor over-
bite is normal, with about one-third of the upper
incisors covering the lower incisors. The upper
9.3.1 Etiology of Dental Injury and lower teeth are designed to meet during mas-
During Anesthesia tication. Molars, which have up to three roots, are
in the position of maximal mechanical advan-
Although the majority of dental injuries during tages adjacent to the power muscles of mastica-
anesthesia are reported after laryngoscopy, endo- tion. Teeth tolerate substantial applied axial
tracheal or nasotracheal intubation, about 25% forces in the intended physiological vector better
occur during emergence and the injury is com- than lesser abnormally applied lateral forces [50].
monly associated with extubation or the use of In general anesthesia, dental injuries are
oropharyngeal airways, laryngeal masks, bite caused by direct contact of the upper anterior
blocks, or suction catheters [50–52]. Emergence teeth with the rigid blade of the laryngoscope.
dental injuries may commonly be associated with Apart from predisposing patient factors, dental
lower teeth and may be easily ignored by the injury is associated with the characteristics of the
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 133

laryngoscope blade in use and the skill of the molar teeth are unable to meet, resulting in the
anesthetist [54]. The proximity of the upper transfer of the vertical jaw clenching forces for-
anterior incisors to the laryngoscope blade in
­ ward through the anterior mono-rooted incisors
optimal view of the vocal cords has been studied. [60]. The common practice of using an oropha-
The forces exerted on the upper teeth vary with ryngeal airway as a bite guard to protect an endo-
the design of the laryngoscope. As a result, modi- tracheal tube or laryngeal mask airway may
fications to laryngoscope blades with the inten- therefore put incisor teeth at an increased risk of
tion of minimizing contact with the upper teeth fracture or impaction [60]. A similar mechanism
have been proposed [55]. Alternative protective of injury could also result from biting hard on a
strategies have included the application of com- midline placed suction catheter. Placing a bite
pressible adhesive tape and foam cushions to the block between the premolar or molar teeth, rather
upper surface of the laryngoscope blade [56]. than adjacent to the incisor teeth, would in theory
The use of plastic-bladed scopes may confer be less likely to result in dental damage.
some protective advantage [57]. Electronic warn-
ing devices for the prevention of dental injury
during laryngoscopy have been developed but 9.3.3 Predisposing Factors
have not been widely accepted [58]. and Anesthetic Related Dental
The inadvertent use of the upper incisors as a Injury
fulcrum during difficult intubation is a well-­
recognized pre-sequel to dental injury, although Localized Infection
when intubation is difficult this is regarded as and Inflammation
inevitable by some. Forces of 30–65 N (Newtons) Healthy teeth are robust and capable of with-
or greater exerted on the maxillary incisors dur-standing considerable force and pressure.
ing laryngoscopy have been recorded but the sen- Although factors predisposing to dental injury
sitivity of the measuring devices was questioned during anesthesia are multifactorial, a prime con-
following subsequent reports of mean axial tributory factor is pre-existing dental or intraoral
forces of 20  N [50]. Regardless, the applied disease, which increases the risk of injury five-
forces are substantial. Putting this into perspec-
fold [50]. Dental caries resulting in enamel loss,
tive, a gallon of water exerts a force of 37 N. The
dentine softening, cavity formation, and previous
patient’s body mass index, height, weight, and injury can all weaken teeth, making them suscep-
Mallampati score appear to correlate with the tible to fracture or dislodgement even with mini-
overall force applied when using a Macintosh mal applied force.
blade, but less so with the McCoy modified blade Apart from dental caries, periodontal and gin-
[50]. Patients of increasing age required less gival disease are the most prevalent worldwide
applied force for intubation. diseases in adults. Bacterial plaque which has
accumulated in the crevices between the teeth
and gums can give rise to inflammation of the
9.3.2 Oropharyngeal Airways gums and loss of the supporting underlying alve-
olar bone. Patients with abnormal dentition are
Oropharyngeal airways have been implicated in especially prone to plaque accumulation. If left
20% of anesthetic related dental injuries. unattended plaque can thicken, become mineral-
Masseter spam and teeth clenching are com- ized, and provide a localized anaerobic environ-
monly seen following anesthesia with volatile ment in which bacteria can proliferate.
agents [59]. During emergence, the masseter Periodontitis, which is invariably painless, is
muscles can exert considerable forces (of up to caused by an aggressive immune and inflamma-
80 N) which are normally absorbed by the multi-­ tory response to the bacteria resident on the
rooted molar and premolar teeth. In the presence tooth’s surface. Released collagenases destroy
of a midline placed oropharyngeal airway, the the adjacent bony support, predisposing to dental
134 M. Xia

avulsion. Avascular root-filled teeth become brit- Patients who chronically misuse illegal drugs
tle and devitalized, leading to root fracture or have a high incidence of periodontal disease.
dislodgement, even with minimal force.
­ Cocaine and methamphetamine mixed with
Associated risk factors include poorly controlled saliva creates a highly acidic environment, result-
diabetes, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, smoking, ing in erosion of enamel and dental caries, often
and an individual genetic predisposition. Patients in a very short period of time. Heroin causes a
whose anterior segments have significant decay, craving for sweet and sugary foods, and ecstasy
advanced periodontitis, or are shedding decidu- induces xerostomia, a prerequisite to periodontal
ous teeth are the most prone to anesthetic related disease. Patients on supervised withdrawal pro-
damage [50]. grams are often prescribed methadone. In order
to make methadone palatable, it is formulated in Systemic Diseases concentrated sugary syrup which partly explains
with Intraoral Manifestations why such patients often have very poor dental
Many systemic diseases have intraoral manifesta- health and frequently require a dental clearance.
tions that exacerbate periodontal disease; thus For a comprehensive discussion of this topic, the
weakening the teeth and gums, and making them reader should consult Tredwin et al. [63].
susceptible to damage during anesthesia [61–63].
The mechanisms by which systemic disease can Age
influence the pathogenesis of periodontal disease Between the age of 6 and 12  years, a child’s
are unclear but may involve a modification of the deciduous teeth are progressively replaced by
host’s normal immune response. Adequate saliva permanent adult teeth and children of this age
production is a prerequisite for optimal dental will have mixed dentition present. Deciduous
health. Conditions in which saliva production is teeth have shorter roots than adult teeth. As the
diminished or absent are often associated with erupting permanent tooth develops, the root of
dental disease and a vulnerability to injury during the overlying deciduous tooth undergoes resorp-
anesthesia. tion, leading to a loss of structural bony support.
Adult teeth take up to 3  years before they are
fully embedded and reach optimal strength [50].
9.3.4 Medication and Dental As a result, children between the ages of 5 and
Disease 10 are at the greatest risk of inadvertent dental
damage during anesthesia. Ignoring damage to
Chronic medication can result in dental discolor- deciduous teeth because deciduous teeth will be
ation, structural damage or intraoral manifesta- replaced is a wrong conception. Damage to a
tions that predispose to dental injury during deciduous tooth may easily destroy the develop-
anesthesia. The drugs most implicated are those ing underlying permanent tooth. Losing teeth
formulated in sugar-containing vehicles and may lead to premature eruption of the perma-
drugs which lower the intraoral pH such as aspi- nent teeth, inducing crowding and dental mis-
rin and powdered antiasthmatic medication. alignment that need orthodontic treatment in the
Anticholingergics, antidepressants, and antipsy- future. Anesthetists should treat deciduous teeth
chotics all result in decreased saliva secretion, with the same respect they show permanent
predisposing to periodontitis. Over one-third of teeth [50].
patients on the immunosuppressant cyclosporine, Although the elderly is at greater risk of dental
nifedipine, and anticonvulsants such as phenyt- injury [53], such condition is not frequently
oin will experience gingival overgrowth which reflected in the literature as many patients in the
may undergo subsequent local inflammatory past would have been wholly or partially edentu-
changes. Localized irradiation can also result in a lous. Although the forces applied during laryn-
loss of bony support. goscopy appear to be less with increasing age, the
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 135

overall incidence of dental injury is high, reflect- unable to withstand the forces tolerated by
ing the increased incidence of dental and peri- healthy teeth. Although modern dental resins and
odontal disease in the elderly. Bony support of porcelain are very robust, excessive pressure
teeth declines with age. With greater health from a laryngoscope blade or via an oropharyn-
­education and the availability of dental services, geal airway can result in fragmentation. Gold, as
a significant number of elderly patients have a restorative material, seems to be more robust,
retained some or all of their teeth, putting them at with fewer patients reporting dental damage fol-
greater risk than before. lowing anesthesia. In one retrospective study,
previously filled teeth accounted for 50% of those Abnormal Oral damaged during anesthesia [67].
and Maxillofacial Anatomy While the cosmetic result of dental restora-
The anatomical relationship between the upper tions may be pleasing to the patient, the pros-
and lower incisors can have a significant effect on thetic tooth is unable to withstand the forces
their tolerance to applied forces. Misaligned teeth accommodated by a normal healthy tooth. The
resulting in malocclusion are more likely to be commonest site for crowned restorations is the
exposed to abnormal forces [64]. Traditionally upper incisors, further compounding the risk
there are three classes of dental malocclusion as [60], especially during recovery from an anes-
described by Angle’s classification, the details of thetic. Prosthetic dental restorations, such as
which can be found in any standard dental text- crowned teeth, involve cavity preparation which
book, Class II relationships, or retrognathia, are removes some of the tooth’s original structure
of greatest concern to the anesthetist [65]. and replacement with resins and metal support-
Malocclusion, retarded mandibles, prominent ing posts. The remaining tooth structure, while
anterior teeth, anterior crowding, and high dental restored, may not be optimally healthy to with-
arches can all increase the risk of dental damage stand axial loading forces along the line of the
during anesthesia. Where the upper incisors are tooth such as those experienced in chewing.
severely proclined or irregular, visualization of Applied lateral or shearing forces are tolerated
the vocal cords during laryngoscopy can be very poorly. The type of restoration can also influence
difficult, encouraging the inadvertent use of the the consequences of the injury. Where a crowned
incisors as a lever fulcrum. Patients with maloc- tooth has a long metal supporting post within the
clusion are also more susceptible to dental and tooth cavity, excessive applied force can cause
periodontal disease on account of the difficulties vertical splitting of the tooth. Crowns with short
in providing effective dental hygiene. metal retaining posts are more prone to dislodge-
Isolated teeth, which lack the support of adja- ment if excessive non-axial force is applied,
cent teeth and may have the same pathological while both restorations are vulnerable to root
condition as the missing teeth, are vulnerable to factures.
damage or dislodgement during laryngoscopy by In consequence of the minimal preparation
the passage of the endotracheal tube and posi- involved, the cosmetic application of thin veneers
tioning of a laryngeal mask [64, 66]. to visible teeth has become welcomed. Veneers
are 0.5–1  mm thick laminates of porcelain, Prosthetic Dental Restorations ceramic or a composite of both materials, the for-
The anesthetist may encounter several forms of mer overweighing the later due to its enhanced
dental restoration, such as single or multiple strength. The veneer is bound to either the tooth
crowned teeth, fixed bridges, surface veneers, enamel or underlying dentine and the tooth
removable partial or complete dentures, and den- enamel makes a more stable bond [68]. As
tal implants. Pathologically weakened teeth, veneers are bonded only to healthy teeth, abnor-
either from disease or previous restoration, are mally applied forces, especially of a levering
136 M. Xia

nature, will have the risk of chipping the veneer 9.3.6 Prevention of Anesthetic
or shearing the comparatively weaker bond Related Dental Injury
between the tooth and the overlying veneer.
Bridges, which involve prosthetic teeth being Prevention of anesthetic related dental injury
interconnected with supporting bands of metal, should begin with an attempt to achieve optimal
are particularly at risk of displacement if exces- dental and gingival health. Routine pre-anesthetic
sive shearing force is applied [68]. dental examination of all patients has been pro-
posed but dismissed as unworkable. Whenever
possible, any remedial and restorative dental
9.3.5 Classification of Dental Injury treatment should be undertaken prior to elective
anesthesia and surgery. In reality, this is often
Dental injuries are classified into six classes unattainable and unrealistic. Patients who present
according to the level of the damage (Table 9.1). with poor dental health will invariably have a
Classes I, II, and VI constitute the majority of iat- long history of dental neglect and poor intraoral
rogenic anesthetic related injuries which are hygiene which is unlikely to be changed during
invariably associated with underlying dental and the immediate preoperative period. Lack of avail-
periodontal disease [50]. ability of dental care lead to a greater incidence

Table 9.1  Classification of dental injury during anesthesia

Class Site of injury Features Dental treatment
Class I Fracture through Commonest injury. Damage to tooth May require filing to smooth tooth
dental enamel surface. Painless and may go unnoticed by edge or prosthetic capping
the anesthetist. Patients may complain of non-urgent dental referral
feeling a new irregular tooth edge with their
Class II Facture into Invariably painful especially to extremes of Dental emergency. Requires prompt
dentin temperature as the sub-enamel layer is dental referral
exposed. Exposed dentin is porous and
renders the pulp susceptible infection,
especially in children who only have a thin
layer of dentine
Class III Fracture into Exquisitely painful as fracture penetrates Requires urgent dental referral and
tooth pulp the densely innervated tooth pulp. Typically, treatment. Treatment can be
anterior teeth involved. Exposed pulp at risk complex necessitating root canal
of infection education followed by metal post
insertion and overlying crown
placement or restoration
Class IV Fracture of tooth Typically associated with an unstable tooth Surgical extraction of damaged
root as a result of periodontal disease tooth
Class V Subluxation Tooth becomes loose and dislodged Provided the tooth still has
(displacement) of although retained within the alveolar bone. periodontal support it can be
a tooth Subluxation can interrupt the blood supply stabilized by splinting into original
to the teeth position. If support is lost then
surgical extraction may be necessary
Class VI Avulsion of entire Complete dislodgement of the tooth Dental emergency. Prompt
tooth representing a serious aspiration risk. reimplantation may be possible
Essential to recover tooth. Invariably provided there is no significant
associated with periodontal disease coexisting periodontal disease
Among all these classes, Class I, II and VI are the most common injuries
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 137

of anesthetic related dental damage, and this may The degree of the injury as classified in
induce concerns [52]. Patients attending anes- Table 9.1 decides whether there should be imme-
thetic pre-assessment clinics should have their diate management of damaged teeth. If the dam-
oral cavity and teeth carefully inspected for risk age is superficial, namely injuries belong to Class
factors such as dental caries, loose teeth, and I, a routine dental appointment is enough. For
periodontal disease [51, 69]. When risk factors injuries that are Class II–VI, considering there
are identified, an explanation of your concerns are risk of secondary infection, they should be
should be given to the patient and, time permit- treated by professionals in 24 h. Class II and III
ting, they should be encouraged to attend their injuries can be extremely painful, so the patient
dentist for treatment. should be urged to seek treatment.
Subluxed deciduous teeth should not be
replaced in their sockets as they are prone to fuse
9.3.7 Protective Mouth Guards with alveolar bone in an abnormal manner.
Subluxed or avulsed permanent teeth, however,
Protective mouth guards have long been used to require urgent treatment if the tooth is to remain
reduce dental injury to upper incisors while per- viable. Once a subluxed tooth has been reposi-
forming laryngoscopy and intubation. It was tioned, the tooth socket should be pressed firmly
reported that 90% of dental injuries were pre- between the thumb and forefinger for 1 min and
ventable if the patient’s dental state had been cor- the tooth temporarily splinted back into position
rectly assessed before surgery and a mouth guard to avoid further movement [71]. Movement may
had been used. Apart from this, in light of the fact induce blood supply, resulting in an avascular
that using mouth guards makes laryngoscopy and tooth. The patient should be referred to a dental
intubation difficult impedes the routine practice surgeon for definitive stabilization urgently.
of mouth guards by anesthetists [70]. If a deciduous tooth has been avulsed, it is
The most popular anesthetic mouth guards are unnecessary to take other action except for
bulky and commercially manufactured to a stan- informing the parents. Conversely, and avulsed
dard design. A performed custom-made mouth permanent tooth can be regarded as a dental
guards fitting the patient’s dentition accurately is emergency. Usually, dental caries and periodon-
less popular but more alternative. The thinner tal disease coexist. Despite, an attempt should be
performed mouth guards affect intubation weakly made to salvage the tooth and preserve the peri-
and have been proved to dissipate the forces odontal ligament. A tooth deprived of its blood
applied to teeth during laryngoscopy successfully supply becomes increasingly unviable after
[69]. Whereas, the measured protective effect 30 min. Prompt treatment is paramount.
correlated with the increasing bulk of the mouth Reimplantation is only possible if the tooth
guard refutes any advantage. Thus, using mouth remains viable. The avulsed tooth and socket
guards does not eradicate the risk of dental injury should be immediately lavaged in sterile isomo-
during anesthesia [69]. Consequently, their effi- lar normal saline (nerve water) and inspected.
cacy and routine use has been questioned [50]. Provided the tooth is intact and there are no root
Meanwhile, though their use may protect against fractures, the tooth should be immediately
superficial chipping of dental enamel, the avul- returned to the socket by holding the crown and
sion of loose teeth cannot be prevented. taking great care to avoid touching the root.
When immediate reimplantation is not feasible, Immediate Management the tooth should be restored in sterile isomolar
of a Damaged Tooth During saline or milk and the patient referred urgently to
Anesthesia a dental surgeon. Reimplantation of a tooth in a
The anesthetists should communicate and explain patient partially recovered from a general anes-
to the patient about the tooth damaged during anes- thetic always carried the risk displacement and
thesia, and record the details in the patient’s notes. aspiration.
138 M. Xia

An unaccounted dislodged tooth or fragment [50]. Underlying causes include positioning of

of tooth can be life-threatening if it was inhaled the patient, prolonged procedures, and anything
during extubation [50]. Recovering the tooth and that causes compression on the base of the tongue
any fragments is vital. If a tooth, or part of a resulting in arterial and venous compromise and
tooth, is unaccounted for, the clinicians should massive oedema. Therefore, prolonged intraoral
seek imaging technologies such as X-rays to surgery and the use of pharyngeal packs and bite
detect it. blocks are risk factors.
Damage or dislodgement to prosthetic teeth The compression of an oral or nasal endotra-
and fittings should be paid attention to within cheal tube, LMA or suction may cause injury to
several days of injury. Ensuring that all detached the uvula, leading to oedema and subsequent
fragments being recovered is significant. The fact necrosis. There are several case reports of injury
that some prosthetic materials are not radiolu- to the uvula secondary to suctioning the tip of the
cent, making the location of fragments difficult. uvula into the Yankauer sucker, which is usually
associated with heavier suction power. Suctioning
with a narrower-tipped Yankauer with smaller
9.3.8 Oral Soft Tissue Injuries side holes than the traditional wide-tipped, larger
side holed catheter has also been reported to have
Damage to intraoral soft tissue as a consequence caused soft tissue injury to the tonsillar pillars,
of general anesthesia is common. Although such and pharyngeal soft tissue with bleeding and
damage is not likely to be life-threatening in most aspiration of small amounts of tissue. Ideally,
cases, significant problems may develop after a suctioning would always be under direct vision
period of time. Injuries are not only associated but this is not practical immediately prior to extu-
with laryngoscope and endotracheal intubation, bation when airway reflexes and muscle tone
but also may be related to laryngeal mask air- have returned. Care should always be taken to use
ways (LMA), Guided airways, bite blocks, suc- the lowest power of suction that achieves optimal
tion catheters, and throat packs. The incidence of results.
oral trauma caused by anesthesia and endotra- There were cases reported death caused by
cheal intubation was once as high as 18% [72]. pharyngeal perforation after mediastinitis, though
Later, a study conducted by Chen et al., revealed such cases are rare [74]. Laryngoscopy and diffi-
that the incidence of damage to dentition before cult passage of endotracheal tubes make up most
or after anesthesia using endotracheal tube was cases, but both nasogastric tube placement and
12.1%. In the survey of Lockhart et al., the inci- suctioning have been implicated, particularly in
dence of trauma to dental structures during tra- the pediatric setting [75].
cheal intubation was 1:1000 [73]. After surgery, damage to the laryngeal mus-
Among dental trauma, lip injuries are most cles and suspensory ligaments or minor lacera-
commonly caused by laryngoscopy, including tions and abrasions to the cords may result in
hematomas, lacerations, and generalized oedema hoarseness. Severe injuries are often associated
which, although usually self-limiting, leads to with difficult and traumatic intubation with the
inconvenience and discomfort. A mal-positioned use of adjuncts such as stylets and bougies.
or overinflated LMA can compress the lingual Symptoms often resolve without intervention, yet
artery, causing cyanosis of the tongue and loss of hoarseness can be perpetual after unilateral cord
taste. Similarly, a well-recognized symptom dur- paralysis which is considered to be the result of
ing overzealous laryngoscopy is loss of tongue compression on the repeated laryngeal nerve
sensation secondary to compression of the lin- from the cuff of a poorly placed endotracheal
gual nerve. Gross tongue swelling or macroglos- tube in the subglottic larynx [76]. While, soft tis-
sia have been reported in multiple cases, some of sue injuries may occur during induction, mainte-
which have resulted in life-threatening airway nance, and emergence of anesthesia, resulting in
obstruction; thus requiring lengthy intubation a wide range of pathologies.
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 139 Injuries Associated with Throat The risk of complications resulting from using
Packs throat packs must be minimized though careful
Throat packs are commonly used in dental, max- attention. A throat pack is not necessary in all
illofacial, and ENT surgery to pack the orophar- oral, maxillofacial, dental, and ENT surgeries.
ynx and nasopharynx. The pack itself usually Risk-benefit assessment should be made for each
comprises of variable amounts of coarse green patient before deciding to insert a throat pack.
gauze which is moistened and supplied in rolls Concern over the lack of uniform practice as
180 cm long and 10 cm wide. It is used to absorb regards ensuring removal of packs has been dis-
any blood which is not adequately aspirated, to cussed at a Royal College of Anesthetists Safety
prevent drainage of this blood into the stomach Conference. Several methods have been recom-
and leaking of blood around the cuff of an endo- mended, including visual checking systems such
tracheal tube (ETT) with subsequent contamina- as labeling the airway device, tying the pack to
tion of the trachea. It was found that a cuffed ETT the airway device, or leaving part of the pack pro-
cannot provide 100% protection from aspiration truding. Noticeably, no method can suit all situa-
and so prolonged pooling of blood in the pharynx tions. For instance, intraoral surgery may not
is undesirable [77]. There are different ways to allow either tying the pack to the airway or leav-
place pharyngeal packs, such as Magill forceps ing part outside the mouth. Other methods con-
and digital insertion. To avoid tearing the frenu- cluded from documentary were discussed as
lum, particularly during blind insertion, the well, including a two-person checking system on
tongue should always be displaced. The insertion insertion and removal. A solution that involve the
of throat packs is implicated in grazes to the soft throat pack in the surgery and introduce a uni-
and hard palate, and tears to the frenulum and form practice is expected.
posterior pharyngeal wall. Injuries as a conse-
quence of the above conditions are often ignored Injuries Associated with Nasal
as direct laryngoscopy is not routinely performed Intubation
[78]. Therefore, studies have revealed a high inci- Nasotracheal intubation is a common anesthetic
dence of sore throat associated with pharyngeal technique which enables access during oral, den-
packs. Fine et al. [79] found an 80% incidence of tal, and maxillofacial surgery. Complication of
sore throat in patients with pharyngeal packs and both oral and nasotracheal intubation are well
a zero incidence with no packing. Whereas, this illustrated in researches, and some of them have
study was limited in sample size. Another study been described in previous sections associated
by Tay et al. [80] reported conflicting results with with soft tissue injuries. Nevertheless, there are
no difference in the incidence or severity of sore injuries specifically pertinent to nasotracheal
throat when throat packs were used. Basha et al. intubation that need to be explored. Moreover,
[81] studied 100 patients receiving nasal surgery modern dedicated nasotracheal tubes are inten-
and found a higher incidence of sore throat in tionally made of a softer and more pliable mate-
those with a throat pack, though the discharge rial; thus they are more vulnerable to extraneous
was not postponed and the incidence of postop- compression and kinking during oral and maxil-
erative nausea and vomiting (PONV) was unaf- lofacial surgery.
fected by the presence of a throat pack. Indications for nasal ETT include maxillofa-
Pharyngeal packs may damage the pharyngeal cial surgery, oropharyngeal, and dental surgery,
plexus and have resulted in macroglossia due to as well as being useful in rigid laryngoscopy and
compression ischemia and subsequent oedema as microlaryngeal surgery. Awake fiberoptic intuba-
previously discussed. Neglecting to remove the tion always concerns the nasal route and can be
pharyngeal pack after the completion of the anes- useful in a wide variety of situations when the
thetic can be the most catastrophic hazard, which difficult direct laryngoscopy exists.
could lead to airway obstruction and asphyxia- The nasal airway assessment is critical if clini-
tion following extubation. cians try to prevent local injuries. Patients with
140 M. Xia

nasal septal deviations and hypertrophied turbi- such as the introduction of sequential nasopha-
nates are commonly seen. Yet recognition of ryngeal airway [50].
patency problems through patient’s medical his- Regardless of these attempts to minimize the
tory, particularly asking airflow obstructive risks, significant nasal bleeding may arise as
symptoms may not provide reliable prediction of well. Blood within the airway not only obscures
the most suitable nostril to intubate [82]. vision but blocks the airway, particularly when
Nasendoscopy is used to identify asymptom- large clots have formed, which may result in
atic nasal abnormalities. Whereas, anesthetists bronchospasm, laryngospasm and obstruct suffi-
who are able to use it as part of routine practice cient ventilation. The situation may worsen and
are rare. Therefore, the prediction of the most be disastrous when direct laryngoscopy is subop-
suitable nostril is hard [83]. timal. A case report emphasized the hazardous
scenario where epistaxis occurred happened dur- Epistaxis ing advancing the nasal ETT through a vasocon-
Epistaxis is the most common injury happened stricted nostril [90]. An unpredicted Cormack
during nasal intubation and is often caused by and Lehane grade 4 view was displayed through
mucosal tears in the anterior part of the nasal sep- direct laryngoscopy. Copious blood accumulated
tum, namely Little’s area [84]. Avulsion of pol- in the airway, resulting in ventilation difficult and
yps, especially in asthmatics, trauma to tonsils, hindering the use of a fiberoptic scope to facili-
adenoids, or the posterior pharyngeal wall can tate endotracheal intubation. Emergency crico-
lead to bleeding and worse still, may be torrential thyroidotomy was necessary to facilitate
and life-threatening. The reported incidence of oxygenation. Visualization of the larynx and
epistaxis varies widely from 18% to 66% [85, fiberoptic intubation was only then achievable
86], though the majority of these cases were after the hemorrhage was brought under control
minor bleeding, with some classifying blood-­ by nasal tamponade. Prior laryngoscopy to assess
tinged saliva as a significant event. the adequacy of the laryngeal view before intro-
The risk of epistaxis may increase when a ducing a nasotracheal tube has been proposed as
larger nasotracheal tube is used. When apply- a means of reducing the risk of the aforemen-
ing excessive force as the clinicians experi- tioned situation. Having evaluated the airway,
enced difficulty during navigating the tube fiberoptic devices can then be used if required
through the nasal passage, repeated attempts without the risk of blood obscuring the view.
are required [87]. These also allow the anesthetist to make a judg-
Several solutions have been proposed to ment that, if nasal hemorrhage does occur, laryn-
alleviate epistaxis, for example, thermosoften- geal intubation will be readily achievable.
ing of the tube, change of tube materials and the Epistaxis resulting from nasotracheal intuba-
use of vasoconstrictors. Lubricating the tube tion is usually self-limiting and can invariably be
end and administering vasoconstrictors such as controlled by either the pressure of the nasal tube
phenylephrine, ephedrine, cocaine or oxy- or though insertion of an absorbent nasal tampon
metazoline used together with lidocaine, to the and sitting the patient upright. More persistent
nostril are common measures adopted. hemorrhage may necessitate inserting a Foley
Nevertheless, literature provides no solid evi- catheter and applying a tamponade by means of
dence to reveal significant difference in efficacy inflating the cuff.
between these agents in lowering the incidence
of epistaxis after intubation [88]. Recently, Yu Structural Injuries Associated
et al. [89] found that nasal packing with bupiva- with Nasotracheal Intubation
caine can reduce epistaxis and nasal pain more Avulsion of nasal polyps, inferior and middle tur-
effectively as compared to cases without pre- binates, and tumor have all been reported as
treatment with this anesthetic. In addition, there resulting in airway and nasotracheal tube obstruc-
are controversial proposals to reduce epistaxis tion. Less common injuries include submucosal
9  Complications Associated with Anesthesia: In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 141

placement and creating false submucosal pas- goscopy are primary. Above all, anesthetists
sages, usually when there have been repeated should be acquainted with different risk factors
attempts to pass the tube through the nose. This that may prompt injuries of the oral cavity and
can lead to retropharyngeal abscess formation. maxillofacial region during anesthesia so that the
The use of antibiotics should be considered when risk of injuries could be minimized.
a pharyngeal tear is recognized [91]. Likewise,
applying prophylactic antibiotics in susceptible
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Anesthesia for Outpatient Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 10
Jue Jiang

10.1 Introduction 10.2 Pre-anesthetic Preparation

Significant advancements in outpatient anesthe- 10.2.1 Equipment and Operation Site

sia in oral and maxillofacial surgery have been
achieved continuously. These advancements are Oral outpatient anesthesia belongs to the cate-
numerous and far reaching, and encompass the gory of anesthesia outside the operating room,
agents most frequently used and their method of which requires an office equipped with essential
delivery, as well as perioperative management and relevant devices and a dedicated room for
and monitoring. In this chapter, some of the more postanesthesia recovery.
significant of these advancements that have taken The satisfactory implementation of operation
place during the last decade are explored. necessarily requires certain equipment, including
Data from the American Association of Oral manifold system, remote gas storage, communi-
and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) studies cation equipment, record keeping/time-out
revealed that third molar removal remains to be forms, anesthesia machine, venipuncture arma-
the most commonly performed surgery [1]. Other mentarium and infusion pumps, airway arma-
oral outpatient surgery mainly includes therapies mentarium, operating suite, monitors, surgical
such as dental caries filling, root canal therapy, chair or operating table, oxygen and supplemen-
pit, and fissure sealing, etc., as well as minor sur- tal gas delivery system, lighting system, suction
geries such as tooth extraction, dental implant, device, and transport equipment.
alveolar surgery, and excision of minor oral soft
tissue tumors, etc. Patients who cannot cooper- 1. Manifold System and Remote Gas Storage
ate, such as children or patients with dental pho- The gas manifold is a kind of centralized
bia, need to be given appropriate analgesia, gas filling or supply device, which is special
sedation, and even general anesthesia, which is equipment that connects multiple cylinders of
also a basic requirement of comfortable oral gas to the manifold through valves and con-
diagnosis and treatment. duits in order to fill these cylinders at the same
time; or after decompression and pressure sta-
bilization, it is transported by pipeline to the
place of use to ensure the gas source pressure
J. Jiang (*) of gas using appliances is stable and adjust-
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth able, and to achieve the purpose of uninter-
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong rupted gas supply. Most outpatient manifold
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 145
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
146 J. Jiang

systems are installed in enclosures away from 10.2.2 Anesthetics and Emergency

patient care areas to prevent accidental fires, Drugs
explosions or sudden gas releases that could
cause injury or death. During the soldering of Commonly used clinical anesthetics include gen-
copper tubing, nitrogen must be blown into eral anesthetics such as propofol, esketamine,
the tubing to eliminate oxidation by-products sevoflurane, laughing gas, etc.; sedative drugs
within the tubing and to avoid inadvertent such as midazolam, dexmedetomidine, etc.; opi-
transfer of these harmful byproducts to the oid analgesics such as fentanyl, remifentanil, suf-
patient [2]. entanil, etc.; muscle relaxants such as rocuronium
All gas tanks should be installed with the bromide, cis-atracurium, etc.
convenience of office personnel in mind, Anesthetic adjuncts include atropine, dexa-
including checking the pressure gauge and methasone, dolasetron, etc.; cardiovascular-­
replacing the empty tank in a timely manner. active drugs such as nicardipine hydrochloride,
Each manifold system should be equipped phenylephrine, urapidil hydrochloride, ephed-
with a minimum of two oxygen tanks; thus, rine; first-aid medicine such as epinephrine, nor-
when the line pressure drops in one tank, epinephrine, etc.; various types of crystalloid
another can be activated. If an automatic solution, colloidal fluids, and other fluids.
changeover system is used, there must be an
audible or visible low oxygen pressure warn-
ing device. The shut-off valves for each gas 10.2.3 Pre-anesthetic Visit
should be clearly labeled for accurate use by
any staff member in the event of an emer- Laboratory and auxiliary examinations shall be
gency [2]. improved before oral outpatient surgery.
2. Airway Devices Laboratory examinations include routine blood
Airway devices that should be prepared test and test for coagulation function, liver and kid-
include a full face mask (preferably in multi- ney function, blood electrolytes, hepatitis, rapid
ple sizes with connectors); bag-valve-mask plasma regain (RPR), HIV, blood glucose, etc.
device with a pressure manometer, capable of Auxiliary examinations include electrocardio-
providing positive pressure ventilation; vari- gram, chest X-ray or chest CT, lung function and
ous types of oral and nasopharyngeal airways; heart function, etc. The type of examination is
various supraglottic airway devices; endotra- determined according to the patient’s age and
cheal tubes (various pediatric and adult sizes); underlying diseases. The main purpose of preop-
laryngoscope in both pediatric and adult erative visit is to find out the patient’s medical his-
blades (with extra batteries and bulbs); and a tory (current medical history, systemic medical
cricothyrotomy kit. history, family history, etc.), perform the necessary
It should be noticed that the emergency air- physical examination, check the results of labora-
way equipment, such as cricothyrotomy kit tory and auxiliary tests, to get familiarized with the
and tracheotomy kit, must be both readily proposed surgical plan and the specific require-
accessible and familiar to anyone providing ments for anesthesia, to formulate the required
anesthesia in the office. anesthesia plan according to the patient and surgi-
3. Monitors cal needs, to inform the patient of the risks of anes-
Monitoring equipment normally contains thesia and precautions before anesthesia, and to
electrocardiogram, pulse oxygen saturation guide the patient to sign the informed consent of
monitoring, respiratory function monitoring, anesthesia. The patient should be informed of the
end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pres- time of arrival at the hospital, the duration of solid
sure monitoring, EEG bispectral index moni- food fasting and liquid fasting, the preoperative
toring, noninvasive and invasive arterial medication, whether the medication for chronic
pressure monitoring, central venous pressure diseases should be stopped and whether the com-
monitoring, cardiac function monitoring, etc. pany of family members is needed.
10  Anesthesia for Outpatient Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 147

1. Indications impacted teeth, cystectomy, and dental implants

Patients with ASAI-II, generally in good in adults. Although local anesthesia is the most
condition, tolerant of oral outpatient surgery, common anesthesia method for oral surgery, gen-
whose operation is of short duration with less eral anesthesia can be used in special cases, such
bleeding. as when local anesthesia is ineffective, in patients
2. Contraindications who are uncooperative due to age, fear or anxiety,
Premature infants under 36  weeks and mental impairment, or physical disability [3].
children with respiratory diseases, cardio- Therefore, the choice between general anesthesia
vascular diseases, severe malformations or or moderate sedation and analgesia is determined
upper respiratory tract infections; patients by the patient’s own condition and the need for
with severe systemic diseases and poor com- oral treatment.
pensation; patients with acute respiratory Outpatient GA for oral surgery has won
infections; patients with high risk of present- patient’s satisfaction. When the appropriate anes-
ing difficult airway; patients with acute myo- thesia and surgical protocol is selected based on
cardial infarction and cerebral infarction; the patient and the procedure, accompanied by
patients of ASA III-IV; patients in need of improved perioperative patient monitoring and
long-term postoperative monitoring and the use of newer, enhanced recovery anesthetics
treatment, etc. with fewer side effects, major patient morbidity
3. Screening for Difficult Airway decreases to a low level.
The presence of oral and maxillofacial dis-
eases, the anesthetist’s sharing upper respira- 1. Premedication
tory tract with surgeons in oral outpatient The preoperative medication plan and
anesthesia and some other factors can lead to strategy of oral outpatient surgery patients are
a greater need for detailed preoperative assess- the same as those of inpatients. The main pur-
ment of the patient’s risk of difficult airway pose of preoperative medication is to sedate,
and a pre-arranged plan for difficult airway. ease pain, prevent or decrease certain side
Patients with significantly difficult airways effects of some anesthetics, and reduce the
are required for admission to the hospital and basal metabolism and nerve reflex irritability.
surgical anesthesia is performed in the operat- The main drugs are sedatives and tranquiliz-
ing room. ers, analgesics, anticholinergics such as atro-
Screening items for difficult airway: mea- pine, and H2 receptor antagonists such as
surement of mouth opening (the distance ranitidine.
between upper and lower incisors when open- 2. The Establishment of Venous Access
ing the mouth as wide as possible), thyromen- Peripheral veins are routinely accessed
tal distance (the distance from thyroid before anesthesia for outpatient oral surgery
cartilage to mentum), observation of mandib- to support intravenous infusion and drug
ular movement (whether underbite can be injection. For special patients, femoral vein
done), cervical mobility, tongue extension, puncture and catheterization should be per-
Mallampati score, head and neck imaging, formed when necessary.
and epiglottis, pharynx, and larynx under 3. Monitoring
electronic laryngoscopy. The main monitoring items include elec-
trocardiogram, pulse oxygen saturation, blood
pressure, body temperature, respiration, etc.
10.3 Outpatient General General anesthesia also requires monitoring
Anesthesia of airway pressure, tidal volume, end-­
expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure,
Outpatient general anesthesia (GA) is used for concentration of inhaled anesthetics at the
extraction of dental caries in children and for inhalation and expiration ends, oxygen con-
direct alveolar surgery, such as extraction of centration, etc.
148 J. Jiang

4. General Anesthesia effects of procaine led to the synthesis of lido-

(a) Induction caine in 1944 by Lofgren. This agent has pre-
Patients with no risk of difficult airway vailed as a local anesthetic of choice, as it
on preoperative assessment can choose possesses many ideal qualities. It has become the
fast induction of oral or nasal endotra- primary agent used in dentistry and oral and max-
cheal intubation. Commonly used drugs illofacial surgery. Its relatively fast onset of
include propofol, fentanyl, rocuronium, action, good duration of action (when combined
etc. Pediatric and uncooperative patients with a vasoconstrictor), and low incidence of side
with open intravenous access can be effects has promoted it to be dentistry’s proto-
selected for inhalation induction, in which typical local anesthetic agent [4].
sevoflurane is often applied. Patients with Other local anesthetics are available, but with
difficult airway can be sedated and anal- relatively minor improvements over lidocaine.
gesic by intravenous injection of fentanyl, Bupivacaine, indeed, being more highly protein
midazolam, etc., and then injected with bound, thus possessing a longer duration of
lidocaine through cricothyroid membrane action, is available, but with that comes a longer
puncture. Endotracheal intubation is time for the onset of action (due to a higher acid
guided by fiberoptic bronchoscope under dissociation constant [pKa]). Other recently intro-
topical anesthesia when autonomous res- duced agents, including prilocaine and articaine,
piration is kept to avoid hypoxia. are claimed to be more effective than lidocaine,
Laryngoscope, intubating laryngeal mask yet there is lack of strong evidence since their dif-
airway, retrograde catheterization, blind ferences are hard to test in controlled clinical tri-
intubation device, light wand, etc. are als. There also are concerns with the use of these
also available clinically. Local anesthesia 4% solutions as creating a somewhat higher inci-
can be achieved by lidocaine oropharyn- dence of neurotoxicity, but that, too, is controver-
geal spray, cricothyroid puncture injec- sial. These agents are not recommended as nerve
tion of lidocaine, and nebulized inhalation block agents, instead, they suit for infiltration use
of lidocaine, so as to lessen the adverse only, though the package insert describes them to
stress reaction during tracheal intubation. be used for nerve blocks [4].
(b) Maintenance
Combined anesthesia is often used to
maintain the depth of anesthesia needed 10.5 Sedation and Analgesia
for surgery, which can significantly
reduce the side effects caused by overdos- Sedation and analgesia can be divided into deep
ing with single drugs. Sevoflurane, pro- sedation and analgesia, moderate sedation and
pofol, remifentanil, CIS atracurium, etc. analgesia, and minimal sedation.
are commonly used in the procedure. Deep sedation/analgesia is a drug-induced
depression of consciousness during which
patients cannot be easily aroused but respond
10.4 Local Anesthesia purposefully following repeated or painful stimu-
lation. In this state, patients are unable to main-
Local anesthetics have a long history of provid- tain spontaneous ventilation. Therefore, they
ing dental anesthesia. Cocaine was the first agent need interventions to keep a patent airway. Their
used, but its potential adverse reactions and cardiovascular function is still unimpaired.
dependence were soon realized. The develop- Moderate sedation/analgesia, also called con-
ment of the first synthetic local anesthetic, pro- scious sedation, is a drug-induced state during
caine, allowed dentists to avoid treating patients which patients’ consciousness is depressed,
under general anesthesia. However, the short responding purposefully to verbal commands,
duration of action and potential for allergic side either alone or with mild physical stimulation. In
10  Anesthesia for Outpatient Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 149

this condition, patients can rely on the spontane- Minimal sedation is a drug-induced state dur-
ous ventilation, requiring no interventions to ing which patients respond normally to verbal
keep a patent airway, while their cardiovascular commands. Although cognitive function and
function is unaffected. Although not defined as coordination may be impaired, ventilator and car-
anesthesia by ASA guidelines, moderate sedation diovascular functions are unaffected. This is also
and analgesia given during oral treatment can not anesthesia.
lessen stress response, pain, and discomfort, to The classification of control measures cor-
facilitate examination and treatment. Sedation responding to pain is shown in Fig.  10.1
and analgesia are especially needed for uncoop- (Table 10.1).
erative patients such as pediatric patients or
patients with dental phobias, which is a part of 1. Behavior-induced Sedation
comfort dental care. Before sedation and analge- Behavior-induced sedation is defined as
sia, it is necessary to confirm both the patient’s the relief of patients’ anxiety through the
physical and psychological tolerance for dental behavior of medical personnel, instead of
treatment, which sedation method is most suit- using medications to achieve the purpose of
able for the patient, whether there are contraindi- sedation. By appropriate ward management
cations, and whether the patient’s condition and (e.g., lessening patients’ fear of turbine sounds
medical equipment meet the requirements of by playing music), friendly and mild lan-
anesthesia and surgery [5]. guage, and gentle and painless treatment, a
smooth doctor–patient communication bond

Grading of control measures corresponding to pain


General anesthesia
Conscious sedation

Behavioral Local Laughing gas/ Intravenous Propofol

sedation anesthesia oxygen sedation midazolam

Oral Transnasal sedation/ Sevoflurane

Hypnosis sedation intramuscular sedation Desflurane inhalation


Minor pain Moderate pain Severe pain

Conscious Unconscious

Fig. 10.1  Classification of control measures corresponding to pain

Table 10.1  Degree of sedation and clinical manifestations

Minimal sedation Moderate sedation Deep sedation General anesthesia
Ramsay sedation 2–3 4 5–6
Responses to Normal response Responsive to Responsive to repetitive Cannot be awakened, nor
stimuli to verbal stimuli words or touch or painful stimuli can painful stimuli
Airway patency Unaffected No intervention Might require Usually require
required intervention intervention
Autonomous Unaffected Sufficient Might be insufficient Usually insufficient and
respiration and require intervention often require intervention
Cardiovascular Unaffected Usually can be Usually can be Might be damaged
function maintained maintained
150 J. Jiang

can be established and the patient’s need for a guarantee of patients’ safety. Disadvantages
pharmacologic sedation can be reduced. are: uncertainty in the maintenance of seda-
2. Sedation and Analgesia for Oral tion and analgesia, difficulty in regulating the
Administration level of sedation and analgesia; overlap of
Oral sedative and analgesic medication can operation area and anesthesia site area, threat-
effectively relieve patients’ tension and pain ening airway safety and increasing the diffi-
during oral treatment, which makes it the culty of airway management; need for close
most commonly used way of administration. monitoring; risk of respiratory depression,
It costs less, has minor side effects and low requiring preoperative preparation for
incidence rate, can be easily managed and is emergency assisted respiration or tracheal
usually highly accepted with no need for any intubation.
syringes or other medical equipment. Midazolam, dexmedetomidine, droperidol,
However, there are also disadvantages, for fentanyl, sufentanil, remifentanil, esketamine,
example, it takes effect quite slow, is of long etomidate, propofol, etc. are often used as
duration and unable to adjust the level of sedatives and analgesics. The dosage can be
sedation. At present, the routine practice is to referred to Table 10.2.
apply it in combination with other sedation, The loading dose of propofol for deep
analgesia or general anesthesia. Midazolam sedation is 1–2.5 mg/kg for children undergo-
can be administered orally at a dose of 0.2– ing tooth extraction with poor compliance,
0.5 mg/kg in children aged between 4 and 14 which can be administered in a single or
with ASA I-II, with a maximum dose of divided dose; the maintenance dose is
15 mg. It can provide sedation on the premise 75–100 μg/(kg min). Pay attention to whether
of patients’ safety with no significant inhibi- there is respiratory depression and provide
tion of intraoperative hemodynamic and assisted respiration if necessary. The disad-
respiratory function, which gains high accep- vantages include injection pain, extremely
tance by parents. The main adverse effect is deep sedation, unstable effect, etc.
irritability. 4. Inhalation Sedation
3. Intravenous Sedation and Analgesia Laughing gas is the most commonly used
Sedation and analgesics are administered inhalation anesthetic in oral treatment, which
by single injection or continuous pumping is a sort of nearly perfect way of sedation. It
into the cardiovascular system through intra- requires specific anesthetic equipment and a
venous access for the purpose of sedation and simultaneous inhalation of both laughing gas
analgesia. It has the advantages of rapid drug (N2O) and oxygen (O2), the intensity can be
onset, titratable drug concentration, and adjusted through oxygen flow. When the con-
shorter recovery time than oral and intramus- tent of laughing gas in the mixture of laughing
cular drugs. In addition, intravenous access is gas and oxygen is less than 30%, it has only

Table 10.2  Loading doses Medication Loading dose (μg/kg) Maintenance dose (μg/(kg·min))
and maintenance doses of Midazolam 30–70 0.25–1.0
commonly prescribed drugs
Droperidol 5–17
Propofol 250–1000 10–50
Ketamine 300–500 15–30
Etomidate 100–200 7–14
Fentanyl 1–2 0.01–0.03
Remifentanil 1–2 0.01–0.03
Sufentanil 0.1–0.5 0.005–0.015
Tramadol 500–1000 4–4
Dexmedetomidine 0.5–1 0.2–0.7
10  Anesthesia for Outpatient Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 151

sedative effect; when the content of laughing With the recent development of minimally inva-
gas reaches 30–50%, it shall work as an anal- sive surgery, procedures that previously required
gesic (the concentration in the majority of large incisions can now be performed with less
clinical use); the content of 80% or more can trauma, and most of these procedures can be per-
enable it to play an anesthetic role. It is suit- formed under MAC.  The main advantages of
able for patients who are anxious and afraid of MAC are that it avoids some of the complications
treatment, have terrible dental treatment expe- of general anesthesia, reduces the incidence of
rience, unable to be fully affected by local aspiration pneumonia, shortens postoperative
anesthesia, and children who cannot cooper- care period, and provides early postoperative
ate. It has a rapid onset of action, sedative analgesia. Surgical and therapeutic or examining
effect, and is easy to master [6]. The disadvan- operations for which MAC is indicated include
tage is that the patients need to have initiative head and neck surgery caries extraction, blepha-
to inhale, the analgesic effect is not strong roplasty, ptosis repair, cataract extraction, wrin-
enough when applied alone, and the anxio- kle removal, rhinoplasty, endoscopic sinus
lytic effect is weak. surgery, laceration suturing, biopsy or excision of
Sevoflurane is also a commonly used neck masses, facial and neck nevus, and keloid
inhalation anesthetic in outpatient oral sur- excision, etc. [5].
gery. The concentration of sevoflurane for
induction is 7–8%, and a flexible mask is
inserted with a maintenance concentration 10.7 Risks of Anesthesia
of 1.5–2.0%. This method preserves the in the Oral and Maxillofacial
patient’s autonomous respiration, but the Surgery Setting
incidence of agitation and vomiting during
awakening period is higher than that of 1. Shared Airway Between Anesthesia and Oral
propofol. Therapy
The office anesthesia team has been
described to include the doctor who adminis-
10.6 Monitored Anesthesia Care ters the anesthetic and performs the surgery,
(MAC) known as the operator–anesthetist model.
Since anesthesia and oral therapy have to
MAC is defined as anesthesia services provided share the same airway of a patient, the anes-
by anesthesiologists and anesthesia specialists thesiologist needs to maintain a balance
(including anesthesia certified registered between “minimizing or avoiding their impact
nurses, anesthesia residents, and licensed anes- on oral therapy” and “keeping the airway
thesia assistants) to monitor and control the unobstructed throughout the treatment.” It is
patient’s vital signs and administer appropriate deemed that such a model with separate
anesthetic medications or other treatments as ­identifiable tasks will maintain a high degree
needed during diagnosis and treatment. The of safety for the patient.
primary purpose of MAC is to ensure the com- 2. Accidental Slippage of Airway or Endotra-
fort and safety of patients during surgery and cheal Tube
the smooth performance of diagnostic and ther- During oral treatment, saliva and other liq-
apeutic procedures [7]. uids may lower the firmness of adhesive tape
In the early days, MAC was only used for fixation. Besides, when the body of patient is
patients who were considered to be high risk in being moved and the oral operation is being
surgery and not suitable for general anesthesia, carried out during multi-site treatment, airway
such as patients undergoing palliative surgery. accidents may be caused by accidental slip-
Later, MAC was gradually applied to patients page of airway and endotracheal tube, which
who underwent smaller procedures but were is in need of close monitoring and adequate
unable to cooperate well due to excessive stress. attention.
152 J. Jiang

3. Aspiration 10.8 Post-anesthetic Recovery

Anesthesia has an inhibitory action on the and Discharge
protective reflex of the pharynx, while a large
amount of cooling water, saliva, blood or pus, 10.8.1 Post-anesthetic Recovery
debris, and foreign matter shall be produced in
oral treatment, which are very likely to cause All the patients need to enter the postanesthesia
aspiration-induced asphyxia and pneumonia, care unit (PACU) for resuscitation after anesthe-
hence require timely suction and clearance, sia. The recovery of outpatients after anesthesia
enhanced monitoring, and strict precautions. can be divided into the following stages: (1)
4. Emergency Treatment of Airway Accidents Early stage of recovery. From the end of anesthe-
Firstly, make emergency treatment prepara- sia to the patient’s awakening from anesthesia. It
tions for perioperative airway accidents by is the high incidence period of post-anesthesia
having respiratory masks, endotracheal intu- complications. Patients need to lie flat and their
bation equipment, simple ventilators, cardio- vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and
pulmonary resuscitation equipment, and oxygen saturation should be closely monitored;
emergency drugs, etc. Secondly, once airway (2) Middle stage of recovery. From awakening to
accidents occur, check the breathing circuit reaching the discharge standard; (3) Late stage of
and oxygen source immediately. Closely mon- recovery. From discharge to complete recovery.
itor the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, If the Steward Score (Table  10.3) is over 4 and
heart rhythm, oxygen saturation, and other Level of consciousness (Table  10.4) is above
vital signs. If necessary, remind the oral sur- grade, patients shall leave the operating room or
geon to terminate the operation, find out the recovery room. Whether a patient can discharge
cause together and deal with it promptly. Be or not shall be assessed by the Postsedation/
alert to the effects of preoperative comorbidity Anesthesia Discharge Scale (Table  10.5), and a
and other adverse stimuli such as pain and ten- score of 9 or above indicates that the patient can
sion that can trigger cardiovascular and cere- be discharged.
brovascular accidents in elderly patients.

Table 10.3 Steward 2 1 0
Score Level of Complete Respond to stimuli No response to
consciousness awakening stimuli
Airway patency Cough as Able to keep respiratory tract Support required
directed unobstructed without
respiratory support
Limb mobility Conscious Unconscious motion No motion

Table 10.4  Level of Level 0 Asleep, no response to voice of calling

consciousness Level 1 Asleep, with body movement, eye opening or head and neck movement
Level 2 Awake, the patient can open the mouth and extend the tongue with
clinical manifestations of level 1
Level 3 Awake, the patient is able to state his/her name or age with clinical
manifestations of level 2
Level 4 Awake, the patient is able to recognize people around or is aware of
where he/she is with clinical manifestations of level 3
10  Anesthesia for Outpatient Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 153

Table 10.5  Postsedation/Anesthesia Discharge Scale they do have potential risks. The complications
2 1 0 mentioned above have low incidence. Realizing
Vital signs Less than 21–40% of More than them may help the surgeons, anesthesiologists,
(blood 20% of change 41% of and patients minimize the adverse outcomes of
pressure and change before change
using anesthetics.
heart rate) before operation before
operation operation
Mobility Stable Assistance Unable to
gait, no needed walk, with References
dizziness dizziness
Nausea and Minor Moderate Severe 1. Robert RC, Liu S, Patel C, Gonzalez
vomiting ML. Advancements in office-based anesthesia in oral
Postoperative Minor Moderate Severe and maxillofacial surgery. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg
pain Clin North Am. 2013;21(2):139–65. PMID: 23981491.
Operative Minor Moderate Severe 2. Chung WL.  Anesthesia equipment for the oral and
hemorrhage maxillofacial surgery practice. Oral Maxillofac Surg
Clin North Am. 2013;25(3):373–83. PMID: 23870146.
3. Sim KM, Boey SK. Outpatient general anaesthesia for
10.8.2 Discharge Instructions oral surgery. Singapore Dent J. 2000;23(1 Suppl):29–
37. PMID: 11699360.
When the patient has met the discharge criteria, 4. Lieblich S.  Providing anesthesia in the oral and
maxillofacial surgery office: a look back, where
the following instructions should also be taken we are now and a look ahead. J Oral Maxillofac
into consideration. Surg. 2018;76(5):917–25. Epub 2018 Feb 24.
PMID: 29481773.
1. Diet: Start with clear liquid and gradually joms.2018.01.026.
5. King BJ, Levine A. Controversies in anesthesia for oral
transition to a normal diet. and maxillofacial surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin
2. Advice on medication: analgesics should be North Am. 2017;29(4):515–23. PMID: 28987231.
3. Leave a contact number: to follow up the 6. Fauteux-Lamarre E, McCarthy M, Quinn N, Davidson
A, Legge D, Lee KJ, Palmer GM, Babl FE, Hopper
patient’s postoperative condition and to deal SM. Oral Ondansetron to reduce vomiting in children
with any complications that exist. receiving intranasal fentanyl and inhaled nitrous oxide
for procedural sedation and analgesia: a randomized
controlled trial. Ann Emerg Med. 2020;75(6):735–43.
Epub 2020 Jan 24. PMID: 31983494. https://doi.
10.9 Complications of Anesthesia org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2019.11.019.
in the Outpatient Oral 7. Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)
Certification Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
and Maxillofacial Surgery Services (CMS), CMS Manual System, Pub. 100–107
State Operations Provider Certification, Transmittals
Commonly seen complications include allergic 59 and 74, May 21, 2010 and December 2, 2011.
reactions, toxicity, methemoglobinemia, post-­ 8. Ogle OE, Mahjoubi G.  Local anesthesia: agents,
techniques, and complications. Dent Clin N Am.
injection pain and trismus, facial nerve paresis,
2012;56(1):133–48, ix. PMID: 22117947. https://doi.
broken needle, and lingual nerve injury [8, 9]. org/10.1016/j.cden.2011.08.003.
Besides, there is also study reported that postop- 9. Cummings DR, Yamashita DD, McAndrews
erative nausea and/or vomiting (PONV) was the JP.  Complications of local anesthesia used in oral
and maxillofacial surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin
most common complication induced by intrave-
North Am. 2011;23(3):369–77. PMID: 21798437.
nous sedation [10].
The great advancements made by anesthetics 10. Christensen L, Svoboda L, Barclay J, Springer B,
in dentistry have changed patient’s perspectives Voegele B, Lyu D. Outcomes with moderate and deep
sedation in an oral and maxillofacial surgery training
of dental procedures. Normally, anesthesia tech-
program. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019;77(12):2447–
niques and anesthetic agents used in oral and 51. Epub 2019 Jul 30. PMID: 31449763. https://doi.
maxillofacial surgery are safe and effective, yet org/10.1016/j.joms.2019.07.007.
Anesthesia for Oral
and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery 11
Yu Sun

11.1 Introduction 11.2 Preoperative Assessment

and Preparation
For years, people have never stopped their aspira-
tion for beauty and thus, rather all forms of efforts 11.2.1 Preoperative Assessment
to seeking for a beautiful self have emerged and
intensified along with the boost and flourish of Preanesthesia assessment aims to check the med-
global economy. In recent years, the amount of ical history of patients, especially the existence
plastic surgery in China has increased rapidly, and of problems related to respiratory system, circu-
the complexity and diversity of surgery has also latory system, nervous system, endocrine system,
been upgraded. It is known that plastic surgery urinary system, hematologic and digestive sys-
may sometimes be a great challenge for anesthe- tem, and the musculoskeletal and anatomical
siologists as it involves a wide range of surgery defects that may hinder airway management and
types and meticulous requirements, especially the regional anesthesia, as well as their anesthesia
anesthesia for head, neck, and maxillofacial plas- history.
tic surgery, the particular surgical site of which Medical examinations are parts of the preop-
may be vulnerable to complications such as air- erative assessment. Preoperative physical exami-
way obstruction, massive blood loss, and adverse nation includes vital signs, heart and lung, nerve
nerve reflex during the operation. Therefore, reflex, etc. Before anesthesia, the airway must be
whether the perioperative anesthesia treatment is evaluated to determine whether there is any
correct or not is directly related to the safety of chance to encounter difficult airway. The preop-
patients and the success of the operation. erative laboratory examination includes blood
tests, liver and kidney function test, coagulation
function test, electrolyte, and blood glucose.
Special examinations include chest radiograph,
electrocardiogram, etc.

11.2.2 Preoperative Preparation

Y. Sun (*) The preparation of anesthesia normally covers

Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth drugs, articles and devices, and equipment.
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong Patients also need to be prepared for the
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 155
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
156 Y. Sun

a­nesthesia. Anesthesiologists and surgeons Intravenous sedation and analgesia can avoid
should try to understand the special expectation some adverse reactions of general anesthesia and
and fear of patients before plastic surgery. To endotracheal intubation [1]. It is usually applied
make patients fully understand the anesthesia in superficial small and medium-sized cosmetic
process and risks, so that patients are in a good surgery and benefits patients who are anxious
psychological state. When patients have underly- and nervous. Commonly used drugs include
ing diseases, especially cardiovascular and cere- midazolam, dexmedetomidine, opioid analge-
brovascular diseases, they should receive sics, etc. [2].
treatment first, so that their physical condition Local anesthesia includes surface anesthesia,
can meet the criteria of accepting elective sur- local infiltration anesthesia, and nerve block
gery. Likewise, if patients have acute diseases anesthesia. Among them, infiltration anesthesia
before operation, such as upper respiratory tract refers to injecting local anesthetic into the subcu-
infection, these diseases should be treated at first. taneous operation area extensively, temporarily
Surgery could only be performed when acute dis- blocking the local sensory nerve conduction
eases are cured. Appropriate fasting should be function, while patients remain awake.
followed according to the age and anesthesia Convenient and easy to operate, this method is
methods before operation, so as to avoid asphyxia commonly used in minor facial cosmetic surgery.
and aspiration pneumonia caused by reflux aspi- Surface anesthesia is an anesthetic method
ration during perioperative period. Preanesthesia adopted in epidermal surgery, which applies
medication mainly includes narcotic analgesics, anesthetic to the skin surface by smearing, and
sedatives, anticholinergics, etc. Anesthesiologists anesthetics act on the peripheral nerves on the
should make the anesthesia plan after consider- skin surface after absorption to achieve analgesic
ing the patient’s age, physical and psychological effect. Nerve block anesthesia is to inject local
conditions comprehensively. anesthetic directly into the area near the periph-
eral nerve trunk to temporarily block the sensa-
tion of the area dominated by the nerve, and
11.3 Selection of Anesthesia motor nerve may also be blocked in different
Methods degrees. It is an anesthesia method commonly
used in facial filling, rhinoplasty, and other
Commonly used anesthesia methods in head and operations.
maxillofacial plastic surgery include local anes- In plastic surgery, the choice of anesthesia
thesia, sedation and analgesia anesthesia, and methods is closely related to patients’ safety. In
general anesthesia. In general anesthesia, anes- another word, an improper anesthesia method
thetics can be administered through respiratory may deprive of patients’ life. Therefore, several
tract, vein or muscle injection. When the anes- factors need to be considered while making the
thetic enters the body, it will gradually inhibit choice, such as the patient’s physiological condi-
central nervous system. Thus, patients temporar- tion and the type of surgery. Specifically, factors
ily lose consciousness and memory. Their mus- that need to be considered are roughly as
cles get relaxed, and have no response to external follows.
stimuli and pain. As a result, general anesthesia
requires endotracheal intubation and mechanical
ventilation support after anesthesia induction. 11.3.1 The Mental State
Otherwise, the relaxation of respiratory muscles and Willingness of Patients
could not guarantee the sufficient oxygen supply.
This anesthesia method is suitable for large and For patients who are nervous and could not calm
complex cosmetic surgery such as orthognathic down, the surgery which originally can be com-
surgery and costal cartilage rhinoplasty. pleted under local anesthesia then can combine
11  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery 157

with sedation and analgesia. For patients who are 11.4 General Anesthesia
too afraid of pain and unwilling to receive sur-
gery in an awake state, general anesthesia may be 11.4.1 Anesthesia Induction
a better choice.
The decision on which anesthesia induction pro-
tocol and which anesthetic drugs to use for endo-
11.3.2 Age of Patients tracheal intubation is based on the patient’s
condition, the anticipated degree and risk of a dif-
Pediatric patients often undergo general anesthe- ficult airway, the experience of the anesthesiolo-
sia in surgeries. For teenagers who can tolerate gist, and the equipment available.
the operation, local anesthesia can be used con-
sidering the short surgery time. For adults, local
anesthesia is often selected for minor operations 11.4.2 Anesthesia Maintenance
on the surface of human body, and major opera- and Management
tions can be completed under local anesthesia
combined with sedation and analgesia. 1. Respiratory Management
Monitor and adjust anesthesia ventilator
parameters to maintain respiratory parameters
11.3.3 Requirements of Surgical such as partial pressure of end-expiratory car-
Operation bon dioxide, respiratory rate, tidal volume, min-
ute ventilation and airway pressure in the
Some operations require the cooperation of normal range, and pay attention to observation
patients during surgery. Thus, local anesthesia is of clinical signs (breath sounds in both lungs,
appropriate for such situation. In addition, in airway secretions; observation of mucous mem-
some surgeries, to observe the surgical effect brane of mouth and lips, skin, and nails and
timely, the surgical region is not allowed to be blood color in the surgical field), and perform
deformed by local injection of drugs. Under such arterial blood gas analysis when necessary.
circumstances, nerve block anesthesia or general 2. Circulatory Management
anesthesia should be selected. It is suggested to open one to two venous
accesses according to the type of surgery, and
establish central venous access if necessary.
11.3.4 Surgical Site The transfusion of blood and fluid, and the
application of vasoactive drugs should be rea-
If there is inflammation, infection or malignant sonable. Smooth hemodynamic status and
skin lesions in the operation field, nerve block adequate tissue perfusion should be main-
anesthesia, regional block anesthesia or general tained during anesthesia and surgery.
anesthesia should be selected, and local infiltra- 3. The Depth of Anesthesia
tion anesthesia is contraindicated [3]. The depth of anesthesia is usually deter-
mined based on a combination of blood pres-
sure, heart rate, respiration, and EEG dual
11.3.5 Surgical Wound frequency indices, etc. Maintaining a stable
circulatory state solely by regulating the depth
For surgery that may cause severe trauma, gen- of anesthesia is unreliable. Intraoperative
eral anesthesia is applicable. awareness should be prevented.
158 Y. Sun

11.4.3 Management of Anesthesia tion worthy of attention. Patients are allowed

Recovery Period to be transferred to wards after meeting the
criteria for leaving the PACU.
1. Endotracheal Extubation Indications
The use of sedative, analgesic, and inotro-
pic drugs throughout the anesthesia should be 11.5 Sedation and Analgesia
analyzed, including the number, total amount,
and time of drug administration. Patients are 11.5.1 Medication
able to breathe spontaneously and their circu-
latory system should be stable. Specifically, Commonly used sedative drugs include dexme-
the tidal volume, minute ventilation, pulse detomidine, midazolam, propofol, etc.; com-
oxygen saturation return to normal level. monly used analgesic drugs include opioids,
Cough reflex and swallowing reflex recover to ketamine, etc. For light sedation, a sedative drug
normal status. They can respond to call and is usually used for anxiolytic purposes, and for
open their eyes, and complete movement moderate and deep sedation, a combination of
directions. If necessary, the arterial blood gas sedative and analgesic drugs can be used to facili-
analysis could serve as a reference. For tate the surgery. Sedative and analgesic drugs
patients with difficult airway and who undergo should be administered in a titrated manner in
oral and maxillofacial surgery that may poten- elderly patients. When the surgical anesthesia is
tially affect airway safety, whether the tra- unsatisfactory, the administration of high-dose
cheal tube should be retained or not sedative and/or analgesic drugs to complete the
postoperatively should be considered in light surgery without airway protection and respira-
of their airway and surgery condition. Above tory monitoring is strictly forbidden and should
all, ensuring the airway safety is the priority. be promptly changed to general anesthesia [4].
2. Extubation
Before extubation, to prevent accidental
aspiration, a gastric tube should be placed to 11.5.2 Monitoring and Care During
suck the blood in the digestive tract when it is Sedation and Analgesia
nasal or oral intubation. The secretions or and Post-anesthesia
blood remaining in the trachea, mouth, nose,
and throat shall be suctioned out, and the suc- ECG, respiration, blood pressure, and pulse oxy-
tion should not exceed 15  s each time. The gen saturation should be monitored routinely.
suction tube is can be slowly removed together End-expiratory carbon dioxide should be moni-
with the tracheal tube or the tracheal tube can tored during deep sedation [5].
be removed when the lung is artificially
inflated. During the process, the anesthesiolo-
gists should avoid stimulating the patient’s 11.5.3 Common Complications
airway and causing coughing. and Their Management
3. Post-extubation Monitoring and Management
After removal of the tracheal tube, the 1. Respiratory Depression
secretions in the oropharyngeal cavity should Once respiratory depression occurred, stop
be sucked out while the patient’s head should the administration of sedative and analgesic
be turned aside to prevent vomiting and aspi- drugs immediately. If patients are suspected
ration. Vital signs such as heart rate, blood of airway obstruction caused by glossoptosis,
pressure, respiration, and pulse oxygen satu- clinicians should perform the jaw thrust, and
ration should be continuously monitored after place the oropharynx or nasopharynx snorkel
extubation. In oral and maxillofacial plastic when necessary. If the pulse oxygen satura-
surgery, airway obstruction is an urgent situa- tion continues to fall, high concentration
11  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery 159

o­ xygen should be provided through masks to if the dosage used is strictly monitored.
assist or control ventilation. If necessary, Anesthesiologists who administer local anesthe-
endotracheal intubation or laryngeal mask sia should follow the guidelines on safe maxi-
should be performed and placed. mum dose. The systemic toxicity of local
2. Hypotension anesthetics may include headache, tinnitus,
During sedation and analgesia, if hypoten- paralysis of the mouth and tip of the tongue, rest-
sion is caused by cardiovascular central inhi- lessness, and convulsion, respiratory and circula-
bition, the depth of sedation should be tory depression in the late stage [7].
reduced, and ephedrine, norepinephrine or
norepinephrine should be given repeatedly or
through continuous infusion. The rate of infu- 11.6.2 Peripheral Nerve Block
sion could be accelerated if necessary. Anesthesia
3. Bradycardia
Sinus bradycardia generally requires no 1. Sterilization
special treatment, but the depth of sedation Taking the puncture point as the center, the
can be adjusted. If the heart rate is less than area around it (within the diameter of 15 cm)
50  bpm, atropine can be injected intrave- should be sterilized for three times.
nously as appropriate; patients with hypoten- 2. Nerve Block Drugs
sion can be administered with ephedrine as Lidocaine, bupivacaine, mepivacaine, ropi-
appropriate. vacaine, etc.
3. Procedures
Anatomical position, ultrasound and nerve
11.6 Local Anesthesia stimulator can facilitate the nerve block by
determining the block position. Seeking all
11.6.1 Types of Local Anesthetics possible techniques to improve the safety of
nerve block, such as the visualization technol-
Local anesthetics are divided into two categories: ogy of ultrasonic location.
ester local anesthetics and amide local anesthet- 4. Intraoperative Monitoring and Support
ics. Commonly used ester local anesthetics These include continuous ECG, blood
include procaine and tetracaine, and commonly pressure, respiration, pulse oxygen saturation
used amide local anesthetics include lidocaine, monitoring, and continuous oxygen inhala-
bupivacaine, and ropivacaine. Pharmacokinetic tion and infusion.
characteristics of these drugs include onset time,
efficacy, action time, and side effects, which are
different among different drugs and within differ- 11.6.3 Local Infiltration Anesthesia
ent categories. Generally speaking, ester com-
pounds hydrolyze and metabolize rapidly in 1. Sterilization
plasma. On the contrary, the degradation of Taking the puncture point as the center, the
amides takes place through the liver, which leads area around it (within the diameter of 15 cm)
to slow metabolism and increases the possibility should be sterilized for three times.
of accumulation and systemic reaction. And sur- 2. Nerve Block Drugs
geons and anesthesiologists should fully under- Lidocaine, bupivacaine, mepivacaine, ropi-
stand the kinetic characteristics of drugs vacaine, etc.
belonging to this category in order to optimize 3. Procedures
anesthesia and minimize the risks associated with The puncture needle should infiltrate the
these preparations [6]. Although these are local layers possibly involved in the operation,
anesthetics, they still have systemic effects. including muscular layer and deep muscular
Whereas, the toxic and allergic reactions are rare layer. In the process of anesthesia, it is
160 Y. Sun

n­ecessary to withdraw repeatedly to avoid electrocardiogram, pulse oxygen saturation, res-

injecting drugs into the blood, and at the same piration, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial
time, pay attention to whether there is skin pressure, and body temperature. It is expected
infection or tumor at the puncture site. In that invasive arterial blood pressure, central
addition, drug overdose should be avoided. venous pressure, cardiac output, and urine out-
4. Intraoperative Monitoring and Support put should be monitored for patients in plastic
Monitoring the pulse oxygen saturation. surgery or with basic diseases, since they may
have more blood loss. Patients under general
anesthesia should be monitored with their con-
11.6.4 Treatment of Severe Local centration of inhaled oxygen and anesthetics,
Anesthetic Toxicity and respiratory parameters. Anesthesiologists
should pay attention to the operation process
1. Clinical Symptoms and bleeding, whether there are any adverse
After injection of local anesthetic, patients nerve reflexes, massive bleeding, etc., and cor-
suddenly lose consciousness and concur- rect them in time. For local anesthesia, we
rently, they may develop convulsion, circula- should closely observe the patient’s reaction,
tory collapse, bradycardia, conduction block, namely, whether there is cold sweat, chills, con-
cardiac arrest, and ventricular arrhythmia. scious disorders, numbness of lips, slurred
2. Treatment speech, etc. Once such symptoms are observed,
Firstly, anesthesiologists should stop they should be treated immediately [8, 9].
administering local anesthetics and keep the
airway patent. When necessary, the tracheal
intubation should be implemented to ensure 11.8 Post-anesthesia
good ventilation while 100% oxygen should Management
be supplied. Then, patients should be given
benzodiazepines, thiopental sodium or low-­ 11.8.1 Post-anesthesia Recovery
dose propofol to treat convulsions. Management
Cardiopulmonary-­cerebral resuscitation
(CPR) in standard mode should be started To ensure the safety of patients after surgery, all
immediately for cardiac arrest patients. patients must recover in appropriate places after
Patients should be injected with 20% fat anesthesia. Patients receiving general anesthesia
emulsion with a loading dose of 1.5  mL/kg with endotracheal intubation or laryngeal mask
(the maximum loading dose is 100  mL) for airway, deep sedation and analgesia, and periph-
more than 1  min, followed by continuous eral nerve block anesthesia should be transferred
intravenous infusion at 0.25 mL/kg/min. The to PACU for recover after surgery. Patients
loading dose can be repeated until a good and receiving local anesthesia, mild and moderate
stable circulation is restored, and the total sedation, and analgesia should stay in certain
dose should not exceed 12 mL/kg. recovery area after surgery.
PACU should be equipped with oxygen sup-
ply, power supply, negative pressure suction
11.7 Intraoperative Monitoring device, ventilator, monitor, simple respirator,
emergency airway equipment, defibrillator, ther-
To ensure the safety of patients during opera- mal insulation equipment, tracheal intubation
tion, intraoperative monitoring should be and emergency airway treatment devices. Drugs
strengthened. Anesthesia equipment should be such as antihypertensive drugs, antiarrhythmic
set with reasonable alarm limits and continuous drugs, cardiotonic drugs, antagonists, diuretics,
activated audible alarm, which can be heard in antiasthmatic and spasmolytic drugs, sedative
the whole operating room area. Basic life moni- and analgesic drugs, hormones, etc. should be
toring includes non-invasive blood pressure, constantly prepared in PACU.
11  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery 161

After patients are transferred to PACU, the volume, respiratory rate, and pulse oxygen satu-
chief anesthesiologists and the doctors in the care ration remaining stable for at least 1  h, and the
unit should communicate the anesthesia status of postoperative pain being well controlled.
patients during operation, including the general
information, the history of using special drugs,
the induction and maintenance of anesthesia, 11.8.2 Postoperative Follow-Up
whether there are any special conditions such as
difficult airway, massive bleeding, the operation In order to ensure patient safety, postoperative
region, whether the operation has any potential follow-up visits should be strengthened and
impact on the airway, whether the tracheal cath- should be taken charge of by a qualified anesthe-
eter is retained after operation, etc. siologist or anesthesiology nurse. The postopera-
After entering PACU, patients should be oxy- tive follow-up is usually completed at the first
genated and provided with breathing support and day after surgery, and visits and treatment are
strengthened monitoring, including ECG, blood
pressure, pulse oxygen saturation, respiration, Table 11.2  Aldrete Scoring System
body temperature, etc. According to individual Score item Answer choices (points)
patient’s situation, the necessary anesthesia Consciousness Fully awake (2)
antagonism treatment may be carried out. The Arousable on calling (1)
extubation should depend on the recovery of the Not responding (0)
patient’s consciousness, breathing and muscle Mobility—On Able to move four extremities (2)
tension. Noticeably, the airway risk should be command Able to move two extremities (1)
reassessed before extubation. After extubation, Able to move 0 extremities (0)
Breathing Able to breathe deeply (2)
patients should inhale oxygen with mask, and
Dyspnea (1)
vital signs such as respiratory rate, pulse oxygen
Apnea (0)
saturation, electrocardiogram, and blood pres- Circulation Systemic BP ≠ 20% of the
sure should still be monitored. preanesthetic level (2)
Only patients who meet the discharge criteria Systemic BP between 20% and
of PACU can be transferred to general ward. All 49% of the preanesthetic level (1)
patients must be evaluated and recorded by the Systemic BP ≠ 50% of the
anesthesiologist in charge of PACU before dis- preanesthetic level (0)
SPO2 Maintain SpO2 > 92% in ambient
charging. The PACU discharge criteria can refer air (2)
to Steward Awakening Scale (Table  11.1) and Maintain SpO2 > 90% with O2 (1)
Aldrete Scoring System (Table  11.2), while the Maintain SpO2 < 90% with O2 (0)
risk of airway obstruction being excluded, the Note: Results vary between 0 and 10. Patients with scores
vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, tidal of 9 and 10 can be safely discharged from PACU

Table 11.1 Steward Patient Sign Criterion Score

Post-anesthetic Recovery Consciousness • Awake 2
Score System
• Responds to stimuli 1
• Does not respond to stimuli 0
Airway • Actively crying or coughing on command 2
• Maintain airway patency 1
• Requires assistance to maintain airway patency 0
Movements • Moves limbs purposefully 2
• Moves limbs randomly 1
• Not moving 0
Note: The total score of the above three items is 6. Patients with score above 4
can be safely discharged from PACU
162 Y. Sun

done at any time in special emergencies. During thetic visit. Anesthesiologists ask for the medical
postoperative follow-up, anesthesiologists should history regarding the airway and review relevant
closely observe patients’ vital signs such as con- anesthesia records, to learn if patients have diffi-
sciousness, circulation, respiration, postoperative cult airway history, if necessary. Physical exami-
analgesic effect, the presence of postoperative nation includes modified Mallampati
nausea and vomiting, and other adverse reac- classification, mouth opening, thyromental dis-
tions, so that they can timely manage the tance, relation of maxillary and mandibular inci-
anesthesia-­related complications, learn about the sors, atlantoaxial joint extension, and
preoperative long-term treatment of hypertension Cormack-Lehane classification.
and other diseases, and collect and handle prob-
lems related to patient satisfaction with anesthe-
sia and other psychological problems. 11.9.2 Airway Devices

Each anesthesia department should have an anes-

11.8.3 Postoperative Pain thesia cart or equipment box prepared for diffi-
Management cult airway management which should be
equipped with devices such as direct laryngo-
Postoperative analgesia should be adopted early in scopes with various types and sizes of lenses,
order to improve patient comfort and movements, visual laryngoscopes, stylets, laryngeal masks,
following the principle of voluntary and informed and fiberoptic bronchoscope. At least one type of
consent. Individualized, multimodal postoperative emergency airway tool (laryngeal mask, crico-
analgesic measures should be taken according to thyroid puncture ventilation device) should be
the patient’s condition, such as surgery types, equipped. The cart should be regularly checked,
underlying disease, etc. Postoperative nausea and replenished, and replaced by a special staff, so
vomiting and other adverse reactions should be that all instruments are in standby and placed in
actively prevented and treated. Monitoring should fixed position.
be strengthened and respiratory depression should
be prevented during postoperative analgesia.
When patient-controlled analgesia is used, patients 11.9.3 Management of Anticipated
should be fully informed the operation procedures Difficult Airway
and precautions of the device. Medical and nurs-
ing staff specializing in pain treatment work Patients who are anticipated that may have diffi-
should be designated to follow-up and record the cult airway in the anesthesia should be informed
changes in patients’ vital signs, analgesic effects, of the risk so that they and their family members
adverse reactions and treatment methods and could fully understand the situation and cooper-
results before and after analgesia, and to evaluate ate with hospital staffs. During the surgery, there
and record the treatment effects. should be at least one senior anesthesiologist
experienced with difficult airway management
responsible for airway management and an
11.9 Airway Management ­assistant involved in the process. A preferred plan
for Cosmetic Head, Neck, and an alternative choice for establishing the air-
and Maxillofacial Surgery way should be identified prior to anesthesia, and
the alternative option should be performed
11.9.1 Airway Assessment promptly when the preferred one fails. The oper-
ator should adopt familiar techniques and devices,
For patients undergoing head, neck, and maxil- and minimally invasive approaches are preferred.
lofacial plastic surgery, more emphasis should be When necessary, awake tracheal intubation with
placed on airway assessment during the preanes- the preservation of patients’ voluntary breathing
11  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery 163

could be an option. After three times of unsuc- 11.9.6 Postoperative Airway

cessful intubation attempt, the operator should Management
consider postponing or abandoning anesthesia
and surgery [10]. It should be noted that head, neck, and maxillofa-
cial plastic surgery, especially mandibular, chin,
oral, and nasal surgery, are the most common
11.9.4 Unanticipated Difficult Airway procedures leading to postoperative airway
obstruction and asphyxia and require adequate
For patients who are successfully ventilated but attention. Bleeding from surgical sites or the for-
have difficulty in laryngoscopy and intubation, mation of hematomas in airway may lead to air-
visual laryngoscope or fiberoptic bronchoscope way obstruction. Injury to the deep branch of the
can be selected to facilitate intubation. For those middle artery of the occlusal muscle, which can
who have difficulty with ventilation, immediate bleed up to 1500 mL or more and is difficult to be
assistance should be sought. Using an oropharyn- stopped, is a major cause of postoperative local
geal airway, tightening the mask, lifting the jaw, hematoma and airway obstruction in mandibulo-
and performing pressure ventilation by two clini- plasty. Oropharyngeal tissue edema and submu-
cians to deal with the situation. If an anesthesi- cosal bleeding occurred in surgery should not be
ologist experienced in using laryngeal mask ignored. In addition, improper placement or
airway is present, a laryngeal mask airway should strength of the dressing and drainage after maxil-
be placed immediately. If the above methods are lofacial plastic surgery causes local compression
not effective, an emergency surgical airway affecting the patient’s cough and swallowing,
should be established, and waking the patient and which may induce nausea and vomiting and aspi-
canceling the procedure to ensure the patient’s ration, increasing the risk of airway obstruction.
life should be considered. Therefore, the tracheal tube should be removed
only after airway problems are ruled out, and
oxygen should be given at the same time. For sur-
11.9.5 Intraoperative Airway gery with difficult airway, the need for retaining
Management the tube should be considered according to the
patient’s postoperative airway and surgery condi-
It should be noted that the risk of intraoperative tion with the purpose of ensuring airway safety.
dislodgement of anesthetic equipment and line
connectors, twisting and displacement of the
endotracheal tubes in oral and maxillofacial plas- 11.10 First Aid Treatment of Crisis
tic surgery is higher than that of general surgery, in Plastic Surgery
which may result in hypoxia and serious conse-
quences for the patient, given the proximity of 11.10.1 Airway Obstruction
the tracheal intubation tube and anesthesia lines
to the surgical field of head, neck, and maxillofa- Symptoms First aid treatment
cial plastic surgery. Before surgical sterilization, Glossocoma to the Tilt the head back, lift the jaw,
pharynx obstructing and place the oropharynx or
anesthesiologists should check and confirm that the upper airway nasopharynx to achieve
the tracheal tube is correctly positioned and ventilation.
securely fixed, and that the anesthesia line con- Secretions, purulent Check the oral cavity and
nector is tightly connected. Intraoperatively, the sputum, blood, remove the foreign body from
foreign body the airway.
position of the tracheal tube and the tightness of
obstructing the
the anesthesia line should be closely observed, airway
and the respiratory parameters such as end-­ Reflux and aspiration Turn the head down to one
expiratory carbon dioxide, airway pressure, and side, suck the airway, and
pulse oxygen saturation should be monitored. relieve bronchospasm.
164 Y. Sun

Symptoms First aid treatment 11.10.3 Fat Embolism Syndrome

Allergic laryngeal Provide anti-allergic
edema treatment, oxygen 1. Symptoms
administration by mask
pressure. In severe cases,
Hypoxemia with arterial partial pressure of
perform tracheal intubation. oxygen less than 60 mmHg and fat particles
Laryngospasm Remove local irritation and found in blood, urine and sputum.
administer pressure oxygen 2. First Aid Treatment
by mask. In severe cases, give
(a) Provide oxygen therapy and respiratory
muscle relaxants and perform
tracheal intubation. support treatment. Perform early mechan-
ical ventilation when dyspnea is obvious
and pulse oxygen saturation is less than
11.10.2 Anaphylaxis
(b) Provide circulatory support. Continuous
intravenous infusion of appropriate
1. Symptoms
amount of vasoactive drugs such as dopa-
In addition to symptoms on skin, hypoten-
mine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine
sion, tachycardia or bradycardia, and arrhyth-
to maintain circulation.
mia, or even cardiac arrest may occur as well.
(c) Hormone therapy, preferably hydrocorti-
2. First Aid Treatment
sone or methylprednisolone [11].
(a) Stop giving suspicious drugs immedi-
(b) Stabilize the circulation, rapidly infuse
electrolyte solution, and promptly inject 11.10.4 Malignant Hyperthermia
small doses of epinephrine intravenously,
30–50 μg repeatedly in 5–10 min, or con- 1. Triggers and Symptoms
tinuously infuse 1–10 μg/min if necessary. It is mainly induced by inhaled anesthetics
If the circulation is severely depressed, or depolarizing muscle relaxants such as
phenylephrine, norepinephrine, vasopres- ­succinylcholine. The clinical manifestations
sin, and glucagon can also be infused con- are masseter muscle spasms, developing to
tinuously through intravenous. muscle spasms of the whole body, which can-
(c) Relieve bronchospasm, provide pure oxy- not be relieved by muscle relaxants. The par-
gen inhalation; perform endotracheal tial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide and
intubation and mechanical ventilation if body temperature rises sharply. The tempera-
necessary, let patients inhale salbutamol ture of the absorbent canister increases and
or ipratropium bromide. burns. The complication may rapidly progress
(d) Intravenous infusion of adrenocortico- to multi-organ failure with high mortality.
tropic hormone, preferably hydrocortisone 2. First Aid Treatment
or methylprednisolone. Hydrocortisone (a) Immediately stop the inhalation of anes-
succinate 1–2 mg/kg can be given intrave- thetics and succinylcholine and suspend
nously, which can be repeated after 6 h but surgery.
not exceeding 300 mg in 24 h; methylpred- (b) Replace the anesthesia machine’s tubes
nisolone 1 mg/kg can also be given intra- and absorbent canister, hyperventilate with
venously, not exceeding 1 g in total. pure oxygen to expel carbon dioxide.
(e) Skin testing should be completed (c) Enhance monitoring and transfer to an
4–6 weeks after incision healing to deter- intensive care unit or a general hospital
mine the allergen and inform the patient capable of treating such complications.
and family of the results, and at the same (d) Correct metabolic acidosis with sodium
time fill out an allergic reaction warning bicarbonate and monitor arterial blood
card for record purposes. gas.
11  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery 165

(e) Actively apply all possible methods to prevention of cerebral edema, and the
lower the body temperature, and adopt active cerebral resuscitation.
extra corporal circulation if necessary. (e) Treat the primary disease to prevent acute
(f) Correct hyperkalemia and abandon functional failure and secondary infection.
calcium. (f) Participants in resuscitation should
(g) Correct cardiac arrhythmias by inotropes closely cooperate with each other, be
and vasoactive drugs. organized, strictly check and keep records
(h) Replenish blood volume to maintain in a timely manner, and keep ampoules
hemodynamic stability; using diuretic and bottles of all drugs to record the pro-
and monitor urine output. cess of resuscitation accurately and factu-
(i) Infuse dantrolene, a potent antagonist, as ally [13, 14].
early as possible.
(j) Strengthen the prevention and treatment
of disseminated intravascular coagulation
and renal failure [12]. References
1. Failey C, Aburto J, de la Portilla HG, Romero JF,
Lapuerta L, Barrera A. Office-based outpatient plas-
11.10.5 Cardiac and Respiratory tic surgery utilizing total intravenous anesthesia.
Arrest Aesthet Surg J. 2013;33(2):270–4. Epub 2013 Jan
18. PMID: 23335648.
1. Symptoms. 20X12472694.
2. Shapiro FE.  Anesthesia for outpatient cosmetic sur-
It is manifested as cardiac arrest, ventricu-
gery. Curr Opin Anesthesiol. 2008;21:704–10.
lar fibrillation, and cardiac electromechanical 3. May DM.  Ambulatory anesthesia for cosmetic sur-
dissociation, which may be transformed into gery in Brazil. Anesthesia outside the operating room.
each other. Curr Opin Anesthesiol. 2016;29:493–8.
4. Taub PJ, Bashey S, Hausman LM. Anesthesia for cos-
2. First Aid Treatment:
metic surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;125(1):1e–
(a) In case of perioperative respiratory arrest, 7e. PMID: 19910860.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be PRS.0b013e3181c2a268.
performed immediately, while calling 5. Allak A, Conderman CP.  Analgesia and con-
scious sedation. In: Wong BJF, Arnold MG,
other medical personnel to help resusci-
Boeckmann JO, editors. Facial plastic and recon-
tate the patient. structive surgery. Cham: Springer; 2021. https://doi.
(b) Quickly prepare defibrillator and emer- org/10.1007/978-­3-­030-­45920-­8_1.
gency vehicle to provide basic life sup- 6. Suresh S, Ecoffey C, Bosenberg A, et al. The European
Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy/
port, which includes immediate
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain
application of chest cardiac compres- Medicine recommendations on local anesthetics
sions, tracheal intubation for patients who and adjuvants dosage in pediatric regional anes-
have not been intubated and opening two thesia. Reg Anesth Pain Med. Pediatric Analgesia.
intravenous accesses if necessary.
7. Suresh S, Ecoffey C, Bosenberg A, et  al. The Third
(c) Advanced life support includes electrical American Society of Regional Anesthesia and
defibrillation and pacing, restoration of Pain Medicine Practice Advisory on local anes-
autonomic circulation, stabilization of thetic systemic toxicity. Reg Anesth Acute Pain.
blood pressure, monitoring, recognition,
8. Gelb AW, Morriss WW, Johnson W, et  al. World
and treatment of arrhythmias, and resto- Health Organization-world Federation of Societies of
ration of respiration. Adrenaline is the anaesthesiologists (WHO-WFSA) international stan-
drug of choice. dards for a safe practice of Anesthesia. Can J Anesth.
(d) Continued life support includes the main-
9. Luba K, Apfelbaum JL, Cutter TW.  Airway man-
tenance of effective ventilation, circula- agement in the outpatient setting. Clin Plast Surg.
tion and acid-base equilibrium, the 2013;40:405–17.
166 Y. Sun

10. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force 12. Riazi S, Kraeva N, Hopkins PM.  Updated guide for
on Management of the Difficult Airway. Practice the management of malignant hyperthermia. Can J
guidelines for management of the difficult air- Anesth. 2018;65:709–21.
way: an updated report by the American Society of 13. Wilton CL.  Clinical anesthesia procedures of the
Anesthesiologists Task Force on Management of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 8th ed. Philadelphia:
Difficult Airway. Anesthesiology. 2013;118:251–70. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2010.
11. John FB. Morgan & Mikhail’s clinical anesthesiology. 14. Ronald DM.  Miller’s anesthesia. 8th ed. Chicago:
5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education/Medical; Saunders; 2014.
Anesthesia for Oral
and Maxillofacial Head and Neck 12

Jie Chen

12.1 Introduction 12.2 Origins and Manifestations

of Oral and Maxillofacial
Odontogenic infection is the main cause of oral Infections
and maxillofacial infection. The existence of
sinuses, cavities, and other structures in the oral Oral and maxillofacial infections can be divided
and maxillofacial region forms a vulnerable envi- into the following categories according to the ori-
ronment, which has special tissues such as teeth, gins: odontogenic, hematogenous, adenogenic,
with a superficial location, and rich sweat glands, traumatic, and iatrogenic infections. The acute
hair follicles, and sebaceous glands in the facial phase is a typical manifestation of inflammation:
area, with abundant blood circulation, and a large redness, swelling, warmth, pain, and dysfunc-
number of microorganisms in the oral cavity. tion. When the infection involves the masseter
When the body’s resistance to diseases is less- muscles and masseteric space, it may lead to
ened or the body has suffered stress, injury or restricted mouth opening; when the infection
surgical trauma, the micro-ecological balance in affects the soft tissues of the buccal bottom, para-
the body is dislocated, further leading to the pharyngeal spaces, and neck, it may lead to dif-
occurrence of oral and maxillofacial infections. ficulty in eating and swallowing, and even
Oral and maxillofacial infections are mainly dyspnea; when the infection involves the tissue
mixed infections caused by aerobic and anaero- space, the gas produced by bacteria might cause
bic bacteria. There is a network of many potential localized crepitus. When abscesses appear in the
spaces in the maxillofacial bones, which are filled infected tissues, the properties of the pus may
with loose connective tissues. Therefore, once vary if the infecting organism is different. When
infection occurs, the tissues are likely to spread to oral and maxillofacial infections become chronic,
each other and cause diffuse infection. Oral and local proliferative fibrous connective tissue
maxillofacial infections can spread downward replaces normal tissue to form chronic sinuses
through the deep cervical fascia to the anterior and fistulas. Severe oral and maxillofacial infec-
tracheal space, the vascular fascial space, or even tion may be accompanied by systemic poisoning
lead to cervical or mediastinal abscesses of symptoms and even toxic shock.
greater severity [1, 2].

J. Chen (*)
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 167
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
168 J. Chen

12.3 Common Oral tissues within fascia. Since oral maxillofacial

and Maxillofacial Infectious interstitial infections are mostly caused by the
Diseases combination of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, in
early stage, it is mainly manifested as cellulitis.
12.3.1 Pericoronitis of Third Molar When the adipose tissue is involved, it will lead
to fat liquefaction and abscess necrosis. When the
Pericoronitis of third molar is an inflammation infection involves multiple interstitial spaces in
of the soft tissues surrounding the tooth crown of the maxillofacial and cervical areas, diffuse cel-
a wisdom tooth with incomplete eruption or lulitis or abscess can be formed. In severe cases,
obstruction as the etiology of the disease, and cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis, brain abscess,
clinically it is mostly seen in mandibular third mediastinal infection, and systemic poisoning
molar. The mandibular third molar is the last symptoms can be caused. The infections can be
tooth to erupt, also known as the wisdom tooth. classified as follows according to the interstices
The crown of third molar is partially or com- of infection:
pletely covered by the gingival flap due to its
insufficient eruption position, which is prone to 1. Infection of Infraorbital Space
have bacteria and food embedded in it. Infraorbital space is the space among the
Pericoronitis may occur when the gums on the infraorbital area, the anterior wall of the
crown of the third molar are injured while chew- maxilla, and the facial expression muscles.
ing food or when the body’s resistance is When infection occurs in the infraorbital
reduced. space, it often involves multiple areas of
Pericoronitis of third molar usually has no skin, including the inner canthus, eyelids,
obvious systemic symptoms. Swelling and dis- and cheekbones. In severe cases, orbital cel-
comfort may appear in the molar area, with pain lulitis and cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis
arising during chewing and movement. If the may occur.
condition further worsens and the masticatory Low incision and drainage of the abscess
muscles are involved, mouth opening may be is feasible in the early stage of treatment,
limited to varying degrees. Systemic symptoms which is supplemented with systemic anti-­
shall appear in severe cases. inflammatory medication. After the inflam-
In the acute phase, pericoronitis of third molar mation is kept down, the focal tooth shall be
should be treated with anti-inflammatory therapy extracted.
and incisional drainage as soon as possible. When 2. Buccal Cavity Infection
it comes to chronic stage, pericoronary gingival A buccal cavity infection refers to the
flap removal under local anesthesia is required. If infection of the space between the buccal
the third molar is malposed or not erupted, or skin of and the buccal mucosa, or in a nar-
even with facial fistula in severe cases, third rower sense, the buccal space infection
molar extraction and fistula resection can be per- between the masseter and buccal muscles.
formed under local or general anesthesia. The treatment consists of intraoral or
facial incision and drainage depending on the
site of the abscess.
12.3.2 Oral and Maxillofacial 3. Infection of Temporal Space
Interstitial Infections Infection of temporal space is the infec-
tion of both superficial and deep temporal
Oral maxillofacial interstitial infections are space. There is edema, compression pain,
mainly of odontogenic or glandular origin, while and restriction of mouth opening in the
other ways of infections are less common [3]. lesion area. The temporal muscles are solid,
Oral maxillofacial and cervical areas are sur- thus chronic abscesses can cause temporal
rounded by fascia and there are loose connective osteomyelitis, and the infection might also
12  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Infections 169

spread from the squamotemporal sutura into The treatment shall include incision and
the brain, forming brain abscesses, and men- drainage of intraoral and extraoral abscess
ingitis, etc. and systemic anti-inflammatory therapy.
For treatment, incision and drainage 7. Infection of Sublingual Space
should be performed according to the depth The sublingual space is the space between
of the abscess site. If osteomyelitis of skull the tongue and the floor of mouth, and most
occurs, sequestrum and lesion removal of the infections are odontogenic. The clini-
should be actively applied to avoid intracra- cal manifestations are limitation of tongue
nial infection. movement, elevation of the floor of mouth,
4. Infection of Infratemporal Space difficulty in eating and swallowing with pain.
Temporomandibular space infection mainly The treatment is incision and drainage of
refers to the infection spread from the adjacent abscess in the swelling area of the floor of
space. Clinically, it is often manifested as vary- mouth.
ing degrees of limited openings, accompanied 8. The Infection of Parapharyngeal Space
by swelling of relevant areas, eye movement The parapharyngeal space is located lat-
disorders, headache, nausea, etc. eral to the pharyngeal cavity, in a potential
For treatment, intraoral or extraoral inci- area among the cephalopharyngeus, deep
sion and drainage shall be performed, accom- lobe of the parotid gland, and the medial
panied by antibiotics. pterygoid muscle. The infections are also
5. Masseter Space Infection mostly odontogenic, with clinical manifesta-
Masseter space infection is one of the tions of redness and swelling of the lateral
most common maxillofacial space infec- wall of pharynx and palatal tonsil protrusion.
tions, which mainly originates from pericor- When accompanied by infection of pterygo-
onitis of mandibular of third molar, alveolar mandibular space or other adjacent spaces,
abscess or adjacent space infection. The clin- there might be redness and distending pain in
ical manifestations are swelling, compres- the neck, hoarseness, difficulty in eating,
sion pain, and limitation of mouth opening in swallow pain, and in severe cases, expiratory
the masseter area. If the inflammation dyspnea. If the infection spreads further to
becomes chronic, osteomyelitis at the edge the parapharyngeal and submandibular
of mandibular branch might be developed. spaces, it is often likely to form mediastinal
The principle of treatment is to apply gen- abscess due to breathing and negative pres-
eral antibiotics. If there is any local abscess, sure in the thoracic cavity.
timely incision and drainage is required. In The treatment includes incision and drain-
case of osteomyelitis, lesion curettage should age by intraoral and extraoral approaches
be performed early and the sequestrum and systemic anti-inflammatory therapy.
should be removed. 9. Infection of Submandibular Space
6. Pterygomandibular Space Infection The submandibular space is a loose con-
The infection of pterygomandibular space nective tissue located in the submandibular
is caused by the spread of pericoronitis of triangle. Infections in the submandibular
third molar and premolar inflammation to the space are mostly odontogenic, with clinical
inside of mandible and the outside of medial manifestations of swelling in the subman-
pterygoid muscle. Clinically, it often starts dibular area, enlarged lymph nodes. Once the
with toothache, followed by restriction of infection spreads, tongue swelling, exercise
mouth opening and abscesses deep in the pain, and dysphagia may occur.
pterygomandibular region, which in severe For treatment, incision of drainage of
cases, can spread further into the adjacent abscess and systemic treatment should be
space in severe cases. applied.
170 J. Chen

10. Submental Space Infection 12.4 Osteomyelitis of Jaw

The submental space lies between the
submental triangle and the suprahyoid Osteomyelitis of jaw is a sort of inflammation of
region. The infection is mostly generated jaws caused by bacterial or physicochemical fac-
from lymph nodes and is limited to lymph tors. Osteomyelitis of jaw is mostly caused by
nodes in the early stage. However, in severe odontogenic infection, the most common route of
cases, the swelling extends to the submental infection for osteomyelitis of jaw is odontogenic
triangle with local congestion and flare. infection. According to the pathogenesis, osteo-
This infection should be treated by local myelitis of jaw can be classified as pyogenic
incision and drainage of submental triangle. osteomyelitis of the jaws and specific jaw osteo-
11. Cellulitis of the Floor of the Mouth myelitis. In addition, factors such as radiotherapy
Cellulitis of the floor of the mouth can also cause osteomyelitis of the jaws and
involves multiple sublingual, submandibular, osteonecrosis. According to the cause of infec-
and submental spaces when the infection tion, the specific classification is as follows.
spreads further to the deep cervical fascia
and mediastinum, which is particularly fatal. 1. Pyogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws
The clinical manifestation of cellulitis of Staphylococcus aureus is the most com-
the floor of mouth is anthorisma, local red- mon pathogen of pyogenic osteomyelitis of
ness, swelling, and thermal pain, accompa- the jaws, and odontogenic infection is the
nied by hardening of skin tissue. When deep main route of infection. In the acute phase of
muscle tissue is necrotic, fluctuation may osteomyelitis of jaw, there can be severe pain
occur, and sometimes massive crepitus can in the teeth of lesion area, while the chronic
be detected. The patient experiences eleva- phase presents with abscesses, diabrosis, and
tion of the tongue, limited tongue extension, restriction of mouth opening in the lesion
slurred speech, and difficulty in swallowing area. The chronic phase of central osteomyeli-
due to the swelling of the floor of mouth. tis of jaw starts at 2 weeks after the onset of
When the inflammation spreads to the root of the acute phase and is mainly characterized by
the tongue and the deep part of the pharyn- the formation of massive inflammatory granu-
geal cavity, there may be symptoms such as lation tissue, sequestrum, and fistula in the
dyspnea, irritability, and even “three concave oral cavity and skin. Marginal jaw osteomy-
sign,” which can be life-threatening due to elitis is also mostly an odontogenic infection,
asphyxia. When the infection spreads to the with symptoms like those of subpteral space
mediastinum, the patient may develop high infection and masseter muscle infection in the
fever, dyspnea, and toxic shock. acute phase and often accompanied with
Antibiotic therapy should be adopted in restriction of mouth opening and dysphagia in
the early stage, meanwhile extensive incision the chronic phase [3, 4].
and drainage should be applied ensuring air- The infections shall be treated with surgery
way patency. However, if the infection has and systemic supportive treatment. Surgical
spread to the mediastinum and formed a treatment includes removal of infectious
mediastinal abscess, negative pressure drain- lesions and drainage of pus.
age of the mediastinal cavity must be per- 2. Osteomyelitis of Jaw in Newborn
formed, and symptomatic supportive Osteomyelitis of jaw in newborn usually
treatment of systemic conditions is also very refers to pyogenic central jaw osteomyelitis in
important. infants and children within 3 months of birth,
12  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Infections 171

which is mainly associated with blood-borne be accompanied by mild or severe systemic

or mother-to-child factors. Clinical manifesta- symptoms. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is
tions include redness and swelling of the skin characterized by “cold abscess” in the lymph
in the lesion area, eyelid swelling, formation nodes and the formation of sinus tracts or
of sequestrum, and fistula formed after pus fistulas.
overflow. The treatment includes systemic anti-­
Osteomyelitis of jaw in newborn shall be inflammatory therapy and incision and
treated with systemic anti-inflammatory ther- drainage.
apy, incision, and drainage should be applied 2. Facial Furuncle and Carbuncle
in the early stage. Facial furuncle and carbuncle is the inflam-
3. Radiation Osteomyelitis of Jaw mation of skin, hair follicles, and other
Radiation osteomyelitis of the jaw is a sort adnexa. Furuncle refers to the infection of
of osteomyelitis induced by secondary infec- single hair follicles and relevant adnexa, while
tion after jaw necrosis due to radiation factors. infection of most adjacent hair follicles and
The clinical course of the disease is long, their adnexa is called a carbuncle. The clinical
patients are characterized by emaciation and manifestation is induration of redness, swell-
anemia. There is severe pinprick-like pain in ing, flare, and pain. If the inflammation
the early stage, with muscle atrophy and fibro- spreads, systemic poisoning symptoms may
sis, ulcerations, defects, and deformities at the occur.
lesion site. Systemic and local therapy should be com-
Systemic anti-inflammatory therapy bined for treatment.
should be applied, sequestrum needs to be 3. Maxillofacial Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Actino-
removed by local surgery. mycosis
4. Chemical Jaw Necrosis Oral and maxillofacial tuberculosis is
Chemical jaw necrosis is defined as osteo- mostly hematogenous. In the early stage,
necrosis of the jaw caused by the application there is only a systemic low-grade fever and
of bone resorption inhibitor or anti-­ anthorisma of soft tissue. In the later stage,
angiogenesis drugs. Clinical manifestations sinus tracts, cold abscesses, and systemic
are local swelling and pain, oral and gingival symptoms may appear at the lesion site.
infections, apocenosis, and formation of fistu- There should be anti-tuberculosis therapy
las and sinus tracts. and surgical removal of sequestrum from the
Chemical Jaw Necrosis should be treated lesion.
with systemic anti-inflammatory therapy and Maxillofacial actinomycosis is a chronic
debridement and drainage surgery. granuloma of facial soft tissue caused by acti-
nomyces infection. Clinically, patients are
predominantly male and present with tissue
12.5 Other Oral and Maxillofacial hardening, multiple abscesses or fistulas, and
Infections sulfur-like granules within the abscesses. The
principle of treatment is to focus on antibacte-
1. Lymphadenitis of Face and Neck rial drugs, with surgery if necessary.
Lymphadenitis of the face and neck can The main clinical manifestations of maxil-
originate from oral and maxillofacial infec- lofacial syphilis are oral and lip chancre,
tions or facial skin infections. For children, it syphilis rash, and gum-like swelling. Systemic
can be caused by upper respiratory tract infec- treatment is preferred and after the syphilis
tions and tonsillitis. Clinical manifestations lesion is basically controlled, surgery can be
are local lymphadenopathy, pain, and local considered for the repair of the remaining tis-
inflammatory infiltrative masses, which may sue defects and deformities.
172 J. Chen

12.6 Characteristics of Anesthesia 12.7 Anesthesia in Common Use

12.7.1 Pre-anesthetic Visit
1. Severe infection of the oral and maxillofacial and Preparation
regions can lead to maxillofacial swelling
and restriction of mouth opening. The dis- Anesthetists usually visit patients the day before
placement of the floor of mouth and neck surgery. However, since a large proportion of
tissue is often accompanied by dysphagia patients with oral and maxillofacial infections
and dyspnea. The difficulty of intubation require emergency treatment under general anes-
needs to be fully assessed before induction thesia, which often involves complex airway
of anesthesia, and a comprehensive assess- management, the standard procedure of orotra-
ment of 3D airway reconstruction can be cheal or nasotracheal intubation presents signifi-
applied if available. If there is acute upper cant challenges. Therefore, anesthetists are
respiratory tract obstruction and loss of con- required to complete an accurate evaluation of
sciousness, tracheotomy should be per- the surgery patient’s general condition and air-
formed immediately. way status in limited time and prepare for the
2. Patients with severe multi-space infections procedure.
involving the floor of mouth or the neck are
often in a critical condition, and most of 1. A detailed airway assessment must be carried
them are undergoing emergency surgeries out before anesthesia is administered.
with a full stomach. The anesthesiologist Swelling of the neck with a “woody” sensa-
should immediately clarify the patient’s air- tion when pressing and an opening of less
way obstruction, deal with it presuming a than 4  cm are often associated with difficult
full stomach, prepare for difficult airway mask ventilation. The following signs and
intubation. Meanwhile, emergency trache- symptoms suggest a difficult airway: Head
otomy device should be prepared at the turning pain; restriction of mouth opening;
bedside. voice changes; dysarthria; dysphonia; tongue
3. Patients with oral and maxillofacial infections swelling; elevated floor of the mouth; dyspha-
accompanied by systemic toxic symptoms gia; drooling. When a patient shows neck
may develop hypovolemia and circulatory crepitus, wheezing, dyspnea, and “ three con-
failure induced by infectious shock during cave sign,” it often indicates that the patient
perioperative period, which should be taken has an obstructed airway and airway crisis
seriously and corrected in time before may appear at any time. General anesthesia
anesthesia. under rapid sequence induction may lead to
4. After the operation of oral and maxillofacial complete airway collapse, resulting in diffi-
infections, the swelling and bleeding of the culty in mask ventilation and tracheal intuba-
surgical wound can easily involve the airway. tion. The awake intubation technology under
Therefore, it is necessary to cautiously judge fiberoptic bronchoscope can ensure airway
whether an indwelling tracheal tube should be safety to the greatest extent. Nevertheless,
kept after surgery. If necessary, the tracheal since this technique requires certain operation
tube should be indwelling and the patient experience of the anesthetists, it is not risk-
should be admitted to the monitoring room for free, and in some cases, a rupture of parapha-
further observation and treatment, and the tra- ryngeal abscess may occur during intubation.
cheal tube shall be removed after the swelling Therefore, a preoperative preparation with a
of the oropharynx has subsided. video laryngoscope, cricothyroid membrane
12  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Infections 173

puncture kit, and emergency tracheotomy glottic nerve blocks and cricothyroid mem-
device is recommended. brane puncture for injections of topical

2. Adequate imaging examination must be anesthetics may lead to further spread of the
arranged to determine the depth and degree of infection.
infection in the cervical space, the degree of 2. Sedations and analgesics. Sedations and anal-
displacement and obstruction of pharyngeal gesics can increase the comfort for patients
portion, and whether there is any deviation in undergoing awake tracheal intubation. The
the position of the trachea, etc. Enhanced benzodiazepine midazolam can be used for
reconstruction of neck and maxillofacial CT awake endotracheal intubation, but sedative
and airway three-dimensional CT can help to drugs must be used with caution, for they can
accurately display the extent of head and neck inhibit the central nervous system. It is used
infection, displacement of anatomical struc- at a dose of 0.02–0.04 mg/kg as appropriate
tures, etc. depending on the patient’s age, severity of ill-

3. The risk of awake intubation induced by ness, and degree of airway obstruction prior
fiberoptic bronchoscope will be increased in to induction. Intravenous injection or drip of
the presence of aggravated oral and maxillo- analgesic opioids can inhibit autonomous
facial infections, bacteremia, and sepsis. If respiration and may aggravate the symptoms
the patient has severe systemic toxic symp- of airway obstruction in patients with severe
toms, preoperative supportive therapy is rec- oral and maxillofacial infections. Therefore,
ommended to maintain circulatory stability opioid analgesics are not recommended or
and correct acid-base and water-electrolyte must be used very carefully in patients with
imbalance. potential or definite airway crisis. On the
premise that airway safety has been fully
evaluated, the use of fentanyl at doses of
12.7.2 Pre-anesthetic Medication 1–2 μg/kg by slow injection is recommended.
Dexmedetomidine is recommended for

1. Topical surface anesthetics. Lidocaine is patients with oral and maxillofacial infec-
frequently-­used for preoperative surface anes- tions and can be used as an adjunct for preop-
thesia. Lidocaine (1–2 mg/kg) can be admin- erative sedation of awake fiberoptic
istered intravenously 1–2  min before bronchoscopic endotracheal intubation.
intubation to inhibit airway reflex. 4% Dexmedetomidine will not damage protec-
Lidocaine spray can be used for surface anes- tive reflexes, respiratory inhibition, or affect
thesia near the glottis after cricothyroid mem- hemodynamics, hence is recommended to be
brane puncture, and for surface anesthesia of administered at a dose of 0.7–1 μg/kg by slow
nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cavities. intravenous injection or of 0.2–0.7 μg/(kg h)
Since lidocaine can cause burning pain when by intravenous infusion before induction.
encountering infected tissue and take effects 3. Anticholinergic agents: In the absence of pre-
slow, sodium bicarbonate shall be used clini- operative contraindications, preoperative
cally to improve the pH value of lidocaine. administration of atropine 0.01–0.03  mg/kg
Preoperatively, 4% lidocaine is recommended or scopolamine 0.005–0.01  mg/kg is recom-
for local spray (nasopharyngeal cavity, oro- mended for intramuscular injection 0.5  h
pharyngeal cavity, supraglottis) or oral nebu- before surgery.
lized lidocaine (like “respiratory nebulizer”). 4. Inhalation anesthetics: Slow inhalation of
However, if the infection involves deep cervi- sevoflurane for induction before intubation
cal portion and the anatomy of the neck is can also rapidly influence the depth of anes-
unclear, traditional methods such as supra- thesia, maintain cardiovascular stability and
174 J. Chen

autonomous respiration, thus sevoflurane the patient’s pain, which is the key to accom-
induction is recommended for pediatric plish the intubation.
patients. When used in adult patients, the pro- Specific operation: Put the tracheal tube on
cess of sevoflurane induction is often complex the fiberoptic bronchoscope rod, first insert
and slow, accompanied by the occurrence of the fiberoptic bronchoscope through the nose
apnea and hypoxemia. Since sudden airway or mouth to the pharyngeal cavity, use the
obstruction may still occur, it is not recom- lever to rotate the handle, change the direction
mended for adults. of the front of the scope rod. After finding the
epiglottis and glottis, send the scope rod back
into the glottis according to the principle of
12.7.3 The Practice of Anesthesia endoscope operation. Afterwards, send the
tracheal tube into the trachea along the fiber-
The option of induction position: The patient is optic bronchoscope static rod, and finally
ideally placed in a 45-degree head-high semi-­ withdraw the scope rod to complete intuba-
recumbent position with a thin pillow under the tion. Or insert the endotracheal tube to the
head in the sniffing position to maximize the pharyngeal cavity through the nose or mouth,
opening of the oropharyngeal airway, to facilitate and then insert the fiberoptic bronchoscope
the placement of the nasopharyngeal airway. into the endotracheal tube, followed by the
The selection of induction modality: Standard same method as above.
direct laryngoscope exposure often fails in 2. Awake Blind Nasotracheal Intubation
patients with deep cervical or floor of mouth Pre-intubation preparation is the same as
multi-space infections. However, due to the com- above.
plex and diverse symptoms, manifestations and Specific operation: For nasal intubation,
aggravating factors of oral and maxillofacial after the completion of surface anesthesia,
infection, the correct method of airway manage- drop vasoconstrictor through the nose, deliver
ment has not reached a consensus. If the patient is the selected catheter into the nasal cavity.
evaluated as potentially difficult airway, the fol- Rotate the catheter at the same time when
lowing three intubation techniques are recom- advancing and retreating the catheter, and
mended: (1) awake nasotracheal or orotracheal adjust the head position (hypsokinesis—pros-
intubation via fiberoptic bronchoscopy; (2) tration—anteflexion) to accomplish the intu-
awake blind nasotracheal intubation; (3) trache- bation. Or a new blind tracheal intubation
otomy. At present, it is still not clear which of the device (the whole set of device includes
three induction intubation techniques mentioned esophagotracheal guiding tube, optical cable,
above is the best [5]. and power box) pioneered by our hospital
shall be used, which has changed the previous
1. Awake Nasotracheal or Orotracheal Intubation method of intubation and completes the intu-
via Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy bation by entering the trachea under the guid-
This operative technique requires the anes- ance of esophagus and light guide, instead.
thetist to have extensive clinical experience 3. Tracheotomy
and operation skills, and the ability to apply For more information, please refer to rele-
appropriate amounts of preoperative sedations vant chapter on difficult airway management.
and analgesics (e.g., midazolam, dexmedeto- Since tracheotomy may result in the con-
midine, fentanyl, etc.) to perform endotra- nection of a neck abscess and the adjacent tis-
cheal intubation with preserved consciousness sue space, and awake fiberoptic bronchoscopy
and autonomous respiration. Sophisticated has less impact on the degree of distortion of
surface anesthesia shall reduce the stress the neck anatomy, hence is less invasive and
response of the sympathetic and endocrine may be safer. When awake fiberoptic bron-
systems as well as adverse memories by choscopy intubation is performed, the risks
reducing intubation stimulation, and can ease and pros and cons of tracheotomy must be
12  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Infections 175

reported and discussed preoperatively. The infections are often accompanied by systemic
advantages of tracheotomy are that it allows toxic symptoms and can even spread to the
for early transfer of patients from the inten- mediastinum, and such patients would require
sive care unit to the general ward, reduces inter-disciplinary diagnosis and surgery. in
costs and conserves more medical resources. addition to incision and drainage of the
However, tracheotomy presents risks of infected area of the head and neck, further
abscess spread, bleeding, scarring, pneumo- flushing and drainage of the thoracic and
thorax, and long-term tracheal stenosis, etc. mediastinal abscess is required, hence moni-
Therefore, there is a current preference to toring and management of circulation cannot
avoid tracheotomy if possible. be neglected. ECG, pulse oxygen saturation,
and blood pressure should be monitored rou-
tinely, intraoperative fluid intake and output
12.7.4 Intraoperative Monitoring should be recorded and bleeding volume
and Management should be accurately estimated, and crystal-
loid and colloid fluids should be supplemented

1. Respiratory monitoring and management: in time.
Since the patient’s head and neck belongs to
the surgical area and the head position often
needs to be changed during the surgery, the 12.7.5 Recovery from Anesthesia
anesthetist must pay close attention to the
observation of whether there are irregular In the recovery room, the anesthetist in charge is
issues such as folding and dislodging of the supposed to do a good handover with the anes-
tracheal tube, so that it can be dealt with in a thetist of post-anesthesia care unit. In particular,
timely manner. When the tracheal intubation it is necessary to explain the preoperative airway
is completed, the type of maintenance anes- evaluation, endotracheal intubation method, the
thetics should be selected according to the condition of postoperative wound swelling, blood
patient’s general condition and surgical stim- oozing, etc. In addition to routine monitoring,
ulation. The patient’s vital signs should be close observation of the surgical area should be
closely monitored during the operation, and paid attention to. If abnormal circumstances such
meanwhile whether the surgical procedure as wound pus and blood draining from soaking
affects or involves the airway should be the surgical dressing, rapid swelling of the
observed. After the operation, the patient wound, fresh blood being drawn from the nega-
should be further observed for swelling, tive pressure drainage tube or even a decrease in
blood oozing, and head and the condition of blood pressure and an increase in pulse rate are
facial bandages, in order to predict and evalu- found, the presence of active bleeding in the
ate whether the patient needs further indwell- wound should be considered first. Whether the
ing of tracheal tube for observation and tracheal tube should be removed after surgery
treatment. Patients with systemic poisoning depends on the preoperative examination, the
symptoms may be accompanied by hypox- degree of infection and edema, and the adequacy
emia, imbalance of water-electrolyte and of postoperative drainage. If there is massive
acid-base disturbance, resulting in disorder of edema and tissue induration on the wound sur-
the internal environment. Blood gas analysis face of the floor of mouth, it is recommended to
should be monitored preoperatively and leave the tracheal tube in place and send the
intraoperatively. patient to the monitoring room for further obser-

2. Circulation monitoring and management: vation and treatment.
Generally, incision and drainage play the The prognosis is often poor if the patient has a
major part in the surgery of oral and maxillo- preoperative multi-space infection at the floor of
facial infections, and the operation time is the mouth, infection of a deep neck space, or
relatively short. Certain oral and maxillofacial infection involving the thoracic cavity and medi-
176 J. Chen

astinum. The patient must be admitted to the 2. Miao W. Oral anesthesiology diagnosis and operation
intensive care unit after surgery and treated with routine. Shelton, CT: People’s Medical Publishing
House; 2018.
high-dose of systemic antibiotics. The tracheal 3. Boyd Barry C, Sutter Steven J.  Dexmedetomidine
tube must be left in place until the patient’s sys- sedation for awake fiberoptic intubation of patients
temic condition improves. In the process of extu- with difficult airways due to severe odontogenic
bation, an endotracheal tube changer shall be cervicofacial infections. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
used to preserve the noninvasive intubation path- 4. Wates E, Higginson J, Kichenaradjou A, McVeigh
way and allow for immediate reintubation if K. A severe deep neck odontogenic infection not pri-
necessary. oritised by the emergency department triage system
and National Early Warning Score. BMJ Case Rep.
5. Doyle DJ, Hantzakos AG. Anesthetic Management of
References the Narrowed Airway. Otolaryngol Clin North Am.
1. Zhiyuan Z, Bing S, Chenping Z. Oral and maxillofa-
cial surgery. Shelton, CT: People’s Medical Publishing
House; 2020.
Anesthesia for Oral Maxillofacial
and Neck Trauma 13
Shuang Cao

13.1 Introduction 13.2 Oral Maxillofacial and Neck

The term trauma refers to physical damage to the
body caused by mechanical, chemical, thermal, The most common cause of maxillofacial and
electrical, or other external forces beyond the neck trauma is car accidents, followed by
body’s capacity to withstand. The number of assaults, sports, falls, and war injuries. The
deaths due to traumatic injuries is as high as mechanism of injury usually includes penetrating
5 million worldwide each year. According to the injuries, blunt contusions, blast injuries, and
National Health Commission, the number of peo- burns. The most common site of injury is the
ple who suffer from traumatic injuries such as mandible, followed by the zygoma. The most fre-
traffic accidents, falls, and mechanical injuries in quently combined type of injury is extremity
China is about 62  million each year, among injury, followed by craniocerebral trauma, ocular
which 700,000–800,000 die, making it the first trauma, and cervical spine injury. The most fre-
cause of death for people under 45 years old. quently occurring nerve injury is facial nerve
The oral maxillofacial and neck areas are injury.
exposed parts of the human body, whether in
peacetime or in wartime, are vulnerable to inju-
ries. Although the oral and maxillofacial areas 13.2.1 Maxillary Fracture (Fig. 13.1)
are different from those of the neck, they are the
entrance of the digestive tract and the respiratory 1. Le Fort I fracture. The fracture line occurs on
tract, and are anatomically and functionally the low line of weakness and is a horizontal
related, which makes them have many common- maxillary fracture, separating the maxillary
alities in anesthesia management, especially air- pressure groove and hard palate from the rest
way management. This explains why this chapter of the maxilla. There are very few comorbidi-
discusses together the anesthesia management ties, rarely life-threatening, and most patients
for patients who suffer from injuries in oral max- are still able to open their mouths without
illofacial and neck areas together. signs of respiratory distress. Intubation
requires consideration of loose teeth, bleed-
ing, and difficulty with mask ventilation.
S. Cao (*) Nasal intubation should be avoided if the frac-
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth ture involves the nasal septum.
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 177
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
178 S. Cao

a b

Fig. 13.1  The three types of maxillary fracture (a) frontal view, (b) profile view

2. Le Fort II fracture. The fracture line occurs on between the skull base and the nasal cavity,
the median line of weakness and the entire and nasotracheal intubation is likely to be
fracture resembles the shape of a vertebral inserted directly into the skull, which can
body when viewed from the front, hence it is cause secondary intracranial infection, mak-
also called by the name vertebral body frac- ing nasotracheal intubation absolutely contra-
ture. This type of fracture often occur as a indicated. A direct tracheotomy is usually
result of high-energy trauma and character- performed.
ized by skull base fracture and cerebrospinal
fluid leak. Considering that nasal bleeding
and facial swelling will result in difficulty in 13.2.2 Temporomandibular Joint
mask ventilation and laryngoscopic exposure, Injury
or interference with fiberoptic bronchoscopic
view, most fractures of this type can only be The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) consists of
intubated through orotracheal tube, and nasal three parts: the temporal fossa, the mandibular
tracheal intubation is contraindicated. condyle, and the articular disc. For anesthesiolo-
3. Le Fort III fracture. Occurring in the high line gists, the degree of mouth opening of the patient
of weakness, this is the most severe type of after an injury to the TMJ and its adjacent tissues
maxillary fracture. The middle 1/3 of the face is of greater concern. The TMJ injury often
is completely separated from the skull base by results in a limitation of the mouth opening, or
force (i.e., craniofacial separation). Patients even trismus. On the one hand, it may be directly
often have severe compound injuries such as due to injury to the joint itself, bone fragments
skull base fractures, and often have coma, embedded in the joint cavity, or occlusal hema-
aspiration, or other causes of airway obstruc- toma, which is a mechanical cause of mouth
tion. In addition, facial swelling, cerebrospi- opening limitation. On the other hand, it may be
nal fluid leakage, and nasal bleeding can cause due to post-traumatic pain or reflex spasm of the
difficult mask ventilation. Patients with this occlusal muscles, i.e. non-mechanical causes of
fracture type have an open connection mouth opening restriction. Non-mechanical
13  Anesthesia for Oral Maxillofacial and Neck Trauma 179

causes of mouth opening difficulties can be With regard to the fracture of the mandible body,
relieved by general anesthesia and muscle although significant tongue base retraction is not
­relaxants. In other words, a patient who has lim- common, it can lead to a side displacement of
ited mouth opening can become able to open his the tongue base, with a left-sided fracture shift-
or her mouth after receiving anesthesia. However, ing the tongue base to the right and vice versa.
if the joint itself is damaged, i.e., mechanically, This can also alter the normal anatomical rela-
neither general anesthetics nor muscle relaxants tionship of the larynx. With a laryngoscope, the
can change gnathospasmus, and orotracheal intu- glottis may be perceived as “high” or even not
bation is not possible. If the TMJ is damaged for visible at all. Restriction of mouth opening due
more than 2 weeks, the degree of limited mouth to mandibular fractures may be due to mechani-
opening cannot be relieved by general anesthetics cal obstruction (displaced condylar fracture
or muscle relaxants either due to fibrosis of the fragments combined with zygomatic arch
occlusal muscles. depression fractures) rather than pain or spasm,
and therefore may not improve with the use of
neuromuscular blocking agents during anesthe-
13.2.3 Mandibular Fracture sia and induction.

The mandible is located in the lower part of the

face and is horseshoe-shaped. It is the largest 13.2.4 Neck Trauma
part of the individual bones of the maxillofacial
region and is the facial bone most prone to frac- There are three types of neck trauma according to
ture except for the nose. A mandibular fracture, anatomical regions: region I is the clavicle to the
especially a median chin fracture, can cause nar- cricoid cartilage. It is a high-risk zone which
rowing of the lingual bed and obstruction of the includes the large blood vessels at the entrance of
airway due to the pulling action of the hyoglos- the thoracic cavity, the lungs, the trachea, and the
sus, genioglossus, and mylohyoid, resulting in cervical esophagus. Cervical wounds may extend
respiratory distress or even mechanical asphyxia, down into the interior of the thoracic cavity,
and although upright position can relieve this resulting in massive bleeding, pneumothorax,
obstruction, one needs to be alert to the risk of shock, and ventilation difficulties that may
aggravating cervical spine injury (Fig.  13.2). require emergency thoracotomy. Therefore, ade-
quate venous access, supplementation of blood
products such as fresh plasma and cold precipita-
tion, and invasive arterial pressure monitoring are
required; region II is from the cricoid cartilage to
the mandibular angle. Injuries in this region can
be explored through a unilateral or transverse
cervical incision, and hemostasis in this region is
easier than in region I. The airway may be com-
pressed by tissue rupture, edema, or hematoma;
region III is from the mandibular angle all the
way to the base of the skull. It is also a high-risk
zone, where the surgery is complex and difficult.
Preoperative angiography or computed tomogra-
phy (CT) angiography can be helpful in planning
anesthesia procedures.
The major clinical manifestations of severe
Fig. 13.2 The displacement of mandibular double
neck trauma are given in Table  13.1. When
fracture assessing patients for severe neck trauma, the
180 S. Cao

Table 13.1  Major clinical manifestations of severe neck Table 13.2 Major manifestations of laryngotracheal
trauma injuries
1. Active bleeding from the wound Signs and Subcutaneous emphysema, crepitus,
2. Dysphagia, hoarseness, wheezing symptoms air leakage, external bleeding and
3. Interruption of the trachea or larynx bruising, petechiae, hematoma,
4. Blood flow into the tracheobronchial tubes dyspnea, hypopnea, wheezing,
cough, dysphonia, hoarseness,
5. Subcutaneous emphysema
dysphagia, salivation, hemoptysis,
6. Large or pulsating hematoma tracheal displacement, nerve injury
7. Bleeding from the oropharynx Bronchoscopy Laceration, edema, hematoma, vocal
8. Cervical wound flap findings cord abnormality, airway
9. Neurological deficits (spinal cord, brachial plexus) compression, or distortion. Note:
Tracheal injury may be external to
wound should be examined for active external the visible mucosa and evidence of
injury may not be seen on fiberoptic
bleeding, dysphagia, wheezing, subcutaneous bronchoscopy
emphysema (possibly due to laryngeal or tra- CT images Compression or deformation of the
cheal rupture), enlarged hematoma, open neck airway and surrounding structures,
trauma, or neurologic deficits due to spinal cord fractures, laceration, edema,
hematoma, abnormal cavitation
or brachial plexus injury. Early death is associ-
ated with asphyxia or hypotensive shock due to
airway compromise. including out-of-hospital transport and admis-
Any patient with a penetrating neck wound sion, and the need for intubation should be deter-
and airway injury should receive emergency air- mined. If there is airway obstruction, wheezing,
way management. Tracheal intubation should be or trauma to the neck, sternum, or clavicle, direct
performed by experienced personnel, and if tra- injury resulting in tracheal compression should
cheal intubation is unsuccessful, a surgical airway be suspected.
must be established. After securing the airway, the Laryngotracheal separation is a special type of
patient should undergo a formal neck exploration. trauma. Tracheal intubation may make the sepa-
Neck trauma should not be examined outside the ration more severe and turn airway narrowing
operating room because of the risk of thrombus into airway loss. In patients with airway rupture,
dislodgement and uncontrolled bleeding. it is important to allow tracheal intubation to pass
through the area of injury without causing further
damage or by using surgical methods to insert a
13.2.5 Laryngotracheal Injuries tracheal tube around the injury and into the distal
The signs, symptoms, bronchoscopic findings,
and CT images of laryngotracheal injuries are
given in Table  13.2. The signs, symptoms, and 13.3 Anesthetic Management
severity of injury may not be directly propor- of Oral Maxillofacial
tional. Associated injuries include those in skull and Neck Trauma
base, intracranial, neck, cervical medulla, esoph-
agus, and pharynx. One quarter of all patients Anesthetic management for oral maxillofacial
have injuries to the cervicothoracic vessels. Blunt and neck trauma also follows the principles of
injuries to the larynx usually involve the trachea. Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS): A—
Some patients with blunt anterior cervical trauma airway with spine control, B—breathing, C—
initially have a normal airway but may develop circulation with hemorrhage control, and
progressive airway compromise over the next D—disability. If life-threatening injuries exist,
few hours due to laryngeal rupture, emphysema, priority should be given to treatment, and other
and hematoma expansion. The patient should be treatments will be performed after the condition
adequately observed from the time of injury, is stabilized.
13  Anesthesia for Oral Maxillofacial and Neck Trauma 181

13.3.1 Pre-anesthesia Assessment should be treated accordingly as if it were accom-

panied by cervical fracture [1]. Airway Assessment
Because oral maxillofacial and neck trauma usu- Assessment of Neurological
ally disrupts the normal airway structures and Function
difficult mask ventilation and intubation are com- A rapid assessment of neurological function can
mon, airway assessment should be as compre- be performed using the AVPU system, which
hensive and rapid as possible. Airway obstruction includes four aspects: awake, verbal response,
due to facial edema or hematoma tends to develop painful response, and unresponsive. The degree
rapidly and may aggravate with time, so the of wakefulness and orientation is clarified by ask-
patient should be evaluated repeatedly within the ing the patient questions, and then limb mobility
first few hours. Methods of determination and pain response are checked. In addition, the
include: (1) the presence or absence of difficulty Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) (Table  13.3) can
in conversation and vocalization: the clarity of also be used to grade the injury: (1) 3–8 is severe
consciousness and the patency of the airway are brain injury; (2) 9–13 is moderate brain injury;
quickly determined by conversing with the (3) 14–15 is mild brain injury.
patient. If the patient’s answers are on-topic and Cerebral nerve, spinal cord, and peripheral
clear, then the patient is considered to be con- nervous system functions can be assessed by spe-
scious and the airway is patent. (2) Signs of air- cific motor and sensory tests of the limbs in sub-
way obstruction: if the patient is confused, sequent examinations.
observe whether there is snoring, wheezing, three
concave signs, abnormal breathing, cyanosis, and Circulatory Assessment
agitation; for abnormal respiratory rhythm, air- Due to the abundant blood supply and arterial
way obstruction, or asphyxia, open the airway as anastomotic branches in the oral and maxillofa-
soon as possible and give effective ventilation cial region, severe uncontrollable bleeding and
support. (3) Presence of foreign body aspiration: even circulatory failure are pretty common in
For comatose patients, foreign bodies in the oro- after injuries involving more than two-thirds of
pharynx (such as sediment, tissue fragments, the maxillofacial region or the entire region In
denture, secretions, or regurgitation of gastric addition, massive bleeding sometimes forms
contents) should be checked and removed in a blood accumulation in the sinus cavity (cranial
timely manner. (4) Presence of cervical spine cavity, maxillary sinus, etc.) or is swallowed by
injury: For awake patients, if there is no neck the patient into the gastrointestinal tract and
pain, tenderness, or limitation of neck movement, ignored, so proper assessment should be made in
it is suggested that there is no cervical spine a timely manner in order not to be delayed in
injury. For unconscious patients or patients who rescue.
lost consciousness immediately after the injury, The patient’s circulatory status can be initially
or with neck pain, severe radiating pain, and any determined by changes in heart rate, pulse, blood
neurological signs and symptoms, it is indicative pressure, and peripheral tissue perfusion (SpO2).
of combined underlying cervical instability, and When the patient shows symptoms such as tachy-

Table 13.3  Glasgow Coma Scale

Eye opening Points Verbal response Points Motor response Points
Spontaneous 4 Oriented 5 Obeys commands 6
To speech 3 Confused 4 Localizes pain 5
To pain 2 Inappropriate 3 Withdraw to pain 4
No response 1 Incomprehensible 2 Abnormal flexion to pain (decorticate posturing) 3
No response 1 Extension to pain (decerebrate posturing) 2
No response 1
182 S. Cao

Table 13.4  Clinical grading and assessment of blood X-ray plain radiograph: chest X-ray plain film
loss in injured patients can show whether there are rib fractures,
Assessed pneumothorax, and hemothorax, etc. (b) CT
Manifestations blood loss scan: This includes continuous CT plain scans
Grade I Increased pulse rate, Around 70%
of the head, maxillofacial region, neck, chest,
normal blood pressure, (>750 mL)
and respiration abdomen, and pelvis. Newer CT techniques
Grade II Restlessness, pulse 15–30% allow for three-dimensional reconstruction of
rate > 120/min, increased (750– the maxillofacial, organ, and vascular sys-
respiratory rate, decreased 1500 mL) tems. (c) Ultrasound: Ultrasound of the abdo-
systolic blood pressure,
decreased pulse pressure,
men and chest can help di1agnose ascites,
capillary refill test >2 s, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and pericar-
normal urine output dial tamponade. (d) Digital contrast angiogra-
Grade III Clinical symptoms are 30–40% phy (DSA): can help diagnose the integrity of
more severe than those of (1500– the vascular system. (e) Endoscopy: including
grade II, with altered 2000 mL)
mental status and oliguria bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy, which can
Grade IV Drowsiness, confusion, >40% assist in clarifying the integrity of the trachea
coma, systolic blood (>2000 mL) and esophagus.
pressure < 50 mmHg, The timing and prioritization of imaging
examinations should be decided after weigh-
ing the pros and cons based on the patient’s
cardia, weak or even non-palpable peripheral condition and the degree of cooperation. If the
pulse, low or undetectable blood pressure, pallor, patient’s vital signs are stable and coopera-
and cold or cyanotic extremities, shock or hypo- tive, the examination is convenient and quick,
volemia should be considered, and the bleeding and the anesthesiologist and surgeon can
should be controlled first and blood volume accompany the patient, then the examination
should be replenished as soon as possible. It is can be performed immediately; on the con-
also important to assess the mental status: patients trary, if the condition may deteriorate at any
in hemorrhagic shock start to be irritable, fol- time and the examination site is far away and
lowed by drowsiness. Younger patients are highly time-consuming, it may be safer and more
compensated and can maintain a normal blood reliable to perform the examination after
pressure even when bleeding reaches 40% of securing the airway.
blood volume. This compensatory shock state 2. Laboratory tests
may be diagnosed by a decreased pulse pressure Laboratory tests mainly include routine
difference, increased heart rate, pale complexion, blood tests (hemoglobin, hematocrit), arterial
and increased lactate levels and acid-base imbal- blood gas test (acid-base balance index),
ance. Blood loss can usually be estimated based blood lactate level, serum electrolytes, and
on the following clinical manifestations coagulation function. Because injured patients
(Table 13.4). lose whole blood but replenish it with crystals
and/or colloidal fluid, early decreasing values Imaging and Laboratory of hemoglobin and hematocrit do not reflect
Tests the actual bleeding volume. Arterial blood
1. Imaging examination gases are the most important test to reflect the
Patients with oral, maxillofacial, and neck patient’s acid-base balance and oxygenation
trauma are often combined with multi-system status. Arterial or venous lactate levels are the
injuries. Imaging examinations can not only most sensitive indicators for assessing hypo-
clarify the diagnosis of the injury but also pro- perfusion and shock status. Serum electro-
vide comprehensive information about the lytes and coagulation tests are important.
airway and its surrounding structures. (a) Abnormal coagulation on admission can be
13  Anesthesia for Oral Maxillofacial and Neck Trauma 183

one of the indicators of massive blood loss as device depending on the situation. Airway
well as severe hemorrhagic shock. In addition injury in midface fractures may require
to the above laboratory tests, blood cross-­ surgical assistance to establish an airway
matching are also required. or submandibular intubation. Nasal intu-
bation via fiberoptic bronchoscopy and
high-flow oxygen administration in the
13.3.2 Intraoperative Management setting of skull base fractures increases
the risk of intracranial infection and may Airway Management be used if the fracture line is not over the
Establishing an artificial airway and maintaining midline and the CT imaging sieve is
airway patency are the primary issues. Trauma of intact.
the maxillofacial and cervical region usually (b) Neck trauma: Airway manipulation may
destroys the normal airway structure, and in addi- increase bleeding and/or tissue edema.
tion, it is often combined with cervical spine Airway swelling or bleeding makes
injury and full stomach, making airway manage- intubation difficult, and agitation may
ment difficult and challenging [2]. The basic exacerbate bleeding or tracheal rupture
requirement for airway management is the safety during tracheal intubation. Rapid induc-
of tracheal intubation and positive pressure venti- tion intubation reduces the risk of hema-
lation. Optional tracheal intubation devices toma expansion due to bucking and
include direct laryngoscope, video laryngoscope, sudden movement but may worsen air-
fiberoptic bronchoscope, etc. Patients with diffi- way obstruction.
cult airways should be preserved to breathe spon- (c) Laryngotracheal rupture: Conventional
taneously under local anesthesia, reasonable laryngoscopy is more dangerous when
sedation, and removal of blood and tissue debris used in the setting of laryngotracheal
from the airway, if they can cooperate. Options injury. If the airway injury is large or
are: tracheal intubation under surface tracheal involves the subglottis, surgical airway
anesthesia under conscious sedation, intubation creation may be the best approach. In
under maintained spontaneous ventilation (inha- some patients, tracheal intubation can be
lation induction with volatile anesthetics). If performed through the airway rupture or
there is no difficult airway, rapid sequential using a fiberoptic bronchoscope distal to
induction is more appropriate for patients with the rupture to preserve as much of the
severe trauma or organ damage, inability to coop- patient’s spontaneous breathing as
erate well, or hemodynamic instability [3]. possible.
2. Reduce the risk of cervical spine injury.
1. Airway management of trauma in different (a) In the emergency setting, the presence or
regions. absence of cervical spine injury in patients
(a) Maxillofacial trauma: Simple mandibular with oral maxillofacial neck injury is usu-
fracture has little effect on airway man- ally unknown, and a definitive diagnosis
agement. Although mandibular and zygo- of cervical spine injury may take hours or
matic arch injuries can result in restricted even days. Until then, all patients should
mouth opening or even trismus, this con- be treated as if they have an associated
dition can be resolved with muscle relax- cervical spine injury, and the neck must
ants. However, bilateral mandibular be supported by a neck brace to limit neck
fractures can sometimes affect the degree motion to avoid serious complications
of direct laryngoscopic exposure. such as quadriplegia due to aggravation of
Condylar fracture fragments may limit the underlying spinal cord injury. Current
the degree of mouth opening of the patient studies concluded that tracheal intubation
and require the appropriate intubation with fiberscope under local anesthesia has
184 S. Cao

the least impact and safest effect on the often have difficulty with mask sealing,
patient’s cervical displacement, while positive pressure mask ventilation may
neurological function assessment can be exacerbate facial fractures and airway
performed after intubation. Adequate pre- compressions, and preoxygenation is
oxygenation, removal of as much airway often difficult to achieve.
blood, secretions or vomit as possible, (c) Regarding medication for induction, opi-
effective surface anesthesia, and obtain- oids should be considered as they may
ing the cooperation of the traumatized result in bucking and aggravate airway
patient are essential for successful intuba- trauma. Prolonged respiratory depression
tion. Light wand and video laryngoscopic due to opioids can place the patient in the
intubation also cause less cervical move- most dangerous situation if intubation
ment and less cervical displacement with fails and effective ventilation is not
compression of the cricoid cartilage. possible.
Regardless of the technique of intubation, (d) The Sellick maneuver is not indicated in
manual in-line stabilization (MILS) of the patients with laryngotracheal neck inju-
cervical spine is most important: with the ries because of the potential for airway
assistant at the bedside, the hands are bleeding or displacement. H2 receptor
fixed on both sides of the neck and mas- blockers such as cimetidine and proki-
toid to the extent that only the mouth can netic agents such as metoclopramide can
be opened and the chin lifted, keeping the also be given intravenously, but these
head in as neutral a position as possible to drugs take 1–2 h to produce their effects,
complete the tracheal intubation [4]. so attention needs to be paid to the time
3. Reduction of reflux aspiration. point of administration. Oral antacids are
(a) All injured patients are considered to be contraindicated because of the risk of
“full stomach,” and maxillofacial bleed- potential esophageal damage.
ing, intoxication, obesity, and drug addic- 4. Different methods of establishing an artificial
tion can further increase the risk of airway.
aspiration. Rapid Sequence Intubation (a) Nasotracheal intubation: In maxillofacial
(RSI) is a clinically indicated technique surgery, anesthesiologists have to share
for the induction of general anesthesia in the airway with surgeons. In neck sur-
patients with a full stomach or at risk for gery, anesthesiologists have to stay away
regurgitation and aspiration. The key from the airway for the convenience of
points of RSI include adequate preoxy- the surgeon. Nasotracheal intubation is
genation, rapid sequential injection of more conducive to exposing the operative
pre-calculated doses of propofol and suc- field, but skull base fractures and nasal
cinylcholine, implementation of the bone fractures are contraindications to
Sellick maneuver (thumb and index fin- nasotracheal intubation. Nasotracheal
ger pushing back on the cricoid cartilage intubation can be accomplished with the
to close the upper esophagus with a pres- aid of direct laryngoscopy in most
sure of 10N before loss of consciousness patients, but when direct laryngoscopic
and an increase to 30N after loss of con- exposure is difficult, fiberoptic bronchos-
sciousness), and avoidance of positive copy can be used instead. In some types
pressure ventilation until the tracheal tube of surgery, nasotracheal intubation can be
is successfully intubated and the catheter combined with other intubation modali-
sleeve is inflated. ties, for example, in patients with multi-
(b) Although rapid sequential induction can ple facial fractures, intraoperative
be used in most trauma patients, patients nasotracheal intubation can be converted
with severe oral and maxillofacial trauma to orotracheal intubation, thus avoiding
13  Anesthesia for Oral Maxillofacial and Neck Trauma 185

invasive operations such as tracheostomy (d) Surgical airway: According to the current
and submandibular intubation. management process of difficult airway
(b) Orotracheal intubation: Since maxillofa- guidelines, supraglottic ventilation can be
cial surgery often requires the use of max- performed through a mask or laryngeal
illary and mandibular teeth to establish a mask when tracheal intubation fails. If
normal occlusal relationship during sur- mask or laryngeal mask ventilation still
gery, the use of transnasal tracheal intuba- fails to maintain oxygenation, a surgical
tion is more advantageous than transoral airway needs to be established rapidly.
tracheal intubation in this group of
patients. When transnasal tracheal intuba- Cricothyrotomy is the easiest and fastest
tion is difficult to perform, or in patients method of tracheotomy for patients who cannot
with simple neck trauma, transoral tra- be intubated due to pharyngeal or laryngeal
cheal intubation can be chosen. obstruction. The procedure is as follows: make a
(c) Submental intubation: When multiple transverse skin incision between the thyroid car-
fractures of the maxillofacial region are tilage and the cricoid cartilage about 2–4  cm
combined with skull base fractures and long, cut the cricothyroid membrane close to the
nasal bone fractures, nasotracheal intuba- cricoid cartilage, enlarge the incision with a
tion is contraindicated, and submental tra- curved vascular clamp, and insert a tracheal can-
cheal intubation can be used. The specific nula or endotracheal tube. The operation should
procedure is as follows: after orotracheal avoid damage to the cricoid cartilage to avoid
intubation, a submental incision of about causing postoperative laryngeal stenosis. The cri-
2 cm in length is made (about 12 cm from cothyroid membrane is clearly positioned, so it is
the submental margin), and a curved vas- simpler and easier to complete than tracheotomy,
cular clamp is used to connect to the but it causes great damage to the larynx. The tube
mucosal incision at the floor of the mouth should not be carried for too long after cricothy-
through the subcutaneous, platysma, and rotomy, and if the patient cannot be extubated
mylohyoid muscle in turn, and the vascu- within 24 h, conventional tracheotomy should be
lar clamp clamps the external mouth of the chosen.
tracheal tube and draws it out of the open Tracheotomy is usually performed at the sec-
soft tissue channel to the submental inci- ond to fourth tracheal rings to incise the cervical
sion, and the tracheal tube is secured to the trachea, which is deeper than the cricothyroid
skin with a #4 suture. Extraorally, the tra- membrane and less clearly positioned than the
cheal tube is connected to the anesthesia cricothyroid membrane. Sometimes a larger
machine. Intraorally, the tracheal tube is incision is required, so it usually takes longer,
located between the tongue and the inner and there is a greater risk of bleeding due to
wall of the mandible and can be moved damage to the thyroid tissue. In these patients, if
freely to facilitate intraoral manipulation. the penetrating foreign body transects or severely
After the operation, the sutures are cut and tears the trachea, an incision of the injured lower
the tracheal tube is removed from the sub- trachea is required. Incision by wound access is
mental incision to return to orotracheal also possible but should be done in the operating
intubation. Submental intubation is a sim- room [5].
ple procedure and avoids the serious com-
plications caused by tracheotomy. Circulation and Other
Although the damage is less than that of System Management
tracheotomy, it is also an invasive opera- 1. Circulation management: The goal is to main-
tion, and improper operation may cause tain hemodynamic stability. Arterial cannula-
bleeding, oral skin fistula, sublingual tion (radial artery preferred) facilitates
gland duct, and lingual nerve damage. real-time monitoring of arterial blood pres-
186 S. Cao

sure and facilitates blood sampling for arterial injury is present, it is safer to use inhalational
blood gas analysis and other laboratory tests. anesthetics alone with continued preservation of
Central venous placement facilitates rapid spontaneous breathing for surgical repair.
volume expansion and administration of vaso- Sevoflurane may be the inhalational anesthetic
active drugs, and femoral venous placement is of choice. The surgeon should avoid neuromus-
often preferred as central venous access in cular blockade when intraoperative neurological
patients with oral, maxillofacial and neck assessment is required and, if necessary, reverse
trauma. Volume resuscitation is guided by a the neuromuscular blocking effects of
pulmonary artery catheter or noninvasive vecuronium and rocuronium with sugammadex.
hemodynamic monitoring (e.g., beat-to-beat Narcotic analgesics should be administered
output variability). A catheter is left in place promptly once the airway has been established.
to monitor urine output to assess intravascular Given that these patients are likely to require
volume status. In addition, the effect of anes- mechanical ­ventilation postoperatively, there is
thetics on circulation should be considered. no need to be overly concerned about the delayed
Dramatic fluctuations in hemodynamics occur awakening associated with high-dose narcotic
with excessive doses of sedative-hypnotic analgesics. Dexmedetomidine is a commonly
drugs, which are particularly harmful in used adjunctive drug that provides some seda-
patients in hypovolemic shock. tion without significant risk of respiratory
2. Temperature management: Monitor core body depression.
temperature; warm fluids and blood; keep the
patient’s body covered and control the operat-
ing room temperature  >  28  °C; use warm 13.3.3 Postoperative Precautions
3. Coagulation management: If there is exces- 1. Precautions for extubation: In postoperative
sive blood loss, the surgeons are suggested to patients with maxillofacial and neck trauma,
stop the operation and perform hemostasis; airway obstruction and ventilation difficulties
monitor hematocrit, calcium ion, and coagu- are very likely to occur after extubation due to
lation; pay attention to calcium supplementa- mucosal edema, soft tissue swelling, pain,
tion when high-dose citrate products are used; restricted mouth opening, head and facial
supplement plasma, platelets, cold precipita- bandages, and neck fixation. In addition, the
tion, fibrinogen, and prothrombin complex surgical operation site is adjacent to the air-
according to clinical symptoms or coagula- way, which often causes changes in the ana-
tion tests. tomical structure of the airway, and the
4. Other systems: If accompanied by craniocere- residual blood and secretions in the orophar-
bral trauma, maintain cerebral perfusion pres- ynx are not removed in time after the opera-
sure greater than 70  mmHg; monitor airway tion, which also causes airway obstruction.
pressure and tidal volume. If not, tidal volume Therefore, the airway status and ventilation
can be set at 5–6  mL/kg ideal body weight, should be re-evaluated before extubation to
maintain peak airway pressure + plateau pres- clarify whether the postoperative airway con-
sure less than 30 mmH2O, use proper positive dition has improved or worsened compared
end-expiratory pressure to maintain PaO2 with the preoperative condition, and choose
greater than 60 mmHg, hypercapnia is permit- an optimal time for extubation to avoid put-
ted; be alert to pneumothorax; measure urine ting the patient at high risk as much as possi-
volume; monitor peripheral arterial pulsation. ble [6].
It is important to conduct individualized Maintenance of Anesthesia assessment according to the patient’s own
Maintenance of anesthesia can be done by conditions, and strictly control the indica-
inhaled or intravenous anesthesia. If a tracheal tions for extubation. It is worth noting that
13  Anesthesia for Oral Maxillofacial and Neck Trauma 187

airway swelling and compression may be fur- 4. Intravenous dexamethasone to reduce tissue
ther aggravated postoperativey for patients swelling.
with Le Fort III, so extubation should be 5. Any patient with severe open trauma should
delayed until normal anatomy is restored or receive antibiotic prophylaxis that works
edema subsides. Patients undergoing maxil- against gram-positive bacteria for at least 24 h
lary fixation should always have wire cutters after the injury.
or rubber band scissors at the bedside to pre-
vent airway obstruction. The relatively low
expansibility of the neck can lead to airway References
compression even with a small amount of
bleeding and requires postoperative observa- 1. Baijing LY.  Airway management of maxillofacial
and neck trauma patients. Int J Anesthesiol Resusc.
tion in the ICU for 12–24  h. When the tra-
cheal tube covers the injury site, edema at the 2. Krausz AA, El-naaj IA, Barak M.  Maxillofacial
injury can obstruct the airway after extuba- trauma patient: coping with the difficult air-
tion, and an air leak test should be performed way. World J Emerg Surg. 2009;4:21. https://doi.
before extubation. Resuscitation intubation 3. Barak M, Bahouth H, Leiser Y, et al. Airway manage-
and tracheotomy tools should be prepared ment of the patient with maxillofacial trauma: review
before extubation, and a tube changer should of the literature and suggested clinical approach.
be used if necessary. After extubation, oxy- Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:724032. https://doi.
gen inhalation and close monitoring shall be 4. Jain U, Mccunn M, Smith CE, et al. Management of the
performed routinely, so as to detect and deal traumatized airway. Anesthesiology. 2016;124(1):199–
with airway obstruction, vomiting and aspira- 206.
tion, and inadequate ventilation in a timely 5. Kellman RM, Losquadro WD. Comprehensive airway
management of patients with maxillofacial trauma.
manner. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr. 2008;1(1):39–47.
2. Reasonable use of drugs to prevent postopera-­0028-­1098962.
tive nausea and vomiting is recommended. 6. Lovich-Sapola J, Johnson F, Smith CE.  Anesthetic
3. Local anesthetics, NSAIDs, acetamino¬phen, considerations for oral, maxillofacial, and neck trauma.
Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2019;52(6):1019–35.
and opioids may be used postoperatively to
provide effective multimodal analgesia.
Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 14
Jingjie Li

14.1 Introduction 14.2 Anatomy and Physiology

Neonates and infants, emergency surgery, and 14.2.1 Physiology in Children

combined respiratory problems (supraglottic air-
way obstruction, unplanned extubation, difficult On top of their protuberant abs, children have
intubation) remain high risk factors causing disproportionately large heads perched on their
the reported anesthesia-related complications. tiny necks, with cartilaginous ribs atop a wide
Airway and respiratory management remain a thorax of immature cartilage. Furthermore, the
major factor in complications and death from tongue and tonsils are disproportionately large
pediatric anesthesia. At the same time, oral and compared to neighboring anatomy. Also, they
maxillofacial surgery are prone to complications have small nasal passages and do not breathe
and adverse events, which makes the importance through their mouths until they have reached
of accurate management in pediatric oral and around 5 months old [1, 2].
maxillofacial surgery more important. Pediatric airways have long been thought of as
Since children are not just a small version of funnels made up of cartilaginous and other soft
adults, pediatric anesthesiologists must under- tissue structures in the neck. The airway anatomy
stand and be familiar with the anatomical and of a child is different from that of an adult due to
physiological characteristics of pediatric patients, the long floppy epiglottis and anterior and cepha-
and choose the appropriate tools and equipment lad larynx. With a shorter neck, a child’s larynx
according to different ages and take appropriate sits at the level of C4 (fourth cervical vertebra),
management measures to ensure the safety of whereas it is much lower for adults at C6 (sixth
surgical anesthesia for children. cervical vertebra) [3]. Recent studies involving
computed tomography scans of neonates and
infants have challenged the notion that the pedi-
atric airway is funnel-shaped. These studies sug-
gest that the pediatric airway is an elliptical
structure with the subglottic area being the nar-
rowest part prominent between the subglottic
J. Li (*)
region and the cricoid. Additionally, these studies
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth revealed that the airway is wider anteroposteri-
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong orly and narrows in the transverse direction from
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China the subglottic region to the cricoid. The older the

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 189
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
190 J. Li

child, the more these airways start looking like mentation—supraglottic airways or intubation
the cone that was described previously. There are are commonly employed in anesthetic tech-
significant differences in the pulmonary anatomy niques. Using a non-intubated airway and anx-
and physiology of children compared with adults. iolysis, is it safer to anesthetize a child with a
In a previous study by the same group, the sub- mild URI rather than using a laryngeal mask air-
glottic area was found to be the narrowest trans- way as a recently performed prospective study
versely, thus posing the greatest resistance to the showed? This scenario cannot be proven or dis-
passage of an endotracheal tube. The ribs of chil- proven by any evidence.
dren are more horizontally arranged and are com-
posed of a greater amount of cartilaginous tissue
than those of adults. This increases the elasticity 14.2.2 Cardiovascular Anatomy
of their chest walls, making them more prone to and Physiology in Children
collapse on inspiration, leaving them with a small
residual lung volume on expiration [4]. People Children’s left ventricles tend to be relatively
with this type of lung have smaller alveoli and non-complaining and fixed. The size of their
fewer of them. Weaknesses in the intercostal hearts and arteries increases as they grow.
muscles and diaphragmatic musculature occur. A Diastolic fill and, therefore, stroke volume are
child with rapid growth has an increased oxygen restricted by the limited mobility of the left side
consumption, and their limited physiologic of the heart. A decrease in stroke volume indi-
reserve makes them less able to tolerate hypox- cates that the heart rate has to be increased to
emia. As a result, they desaturate more rapidly maintain cardiac output, since cardiac output
and have shorter apnea safety times. Children depends on heart rate and stroke volume. Age and
compensate for the reduced volume and reserve the size of an organ both increase systolic and
by increasing their respiratory rate. By varying diastolic pressure.
the respiratory rate (tidal volume breaths per Younger patients experience a blunted reflex
minute), minute ventilation can only be main- response to hypotension via tachycardia or vaso-
tained. At any given level of activity, the respira- constriction due to their immature autonomic
tory rate is almost double that of an adult, nervous system. It is also possible to expect a
demonstrating this factor. decreased response to exogenous catechol-
It is common for children of school age to get amines. When their volume is lost, neonates and
upper respiratory tract infections (URIs). In chil- infants become hypotensive and are rarely
dren with URIs, airways reactivity increases, tachycardic.
making them more vulnerable to respiratory A true cardiac event is rarely the cause of car-
complications under anesthesia [5]. Scientific lit- diac arrest in otherwise healthy children. It
erature on the topic provides a range of informa- almost always results from hypoxic insults
tion. In terms of clinicians looking to answer a affecting the lungs. In children, hypoxia and
simple question, “Should we anesthetize a child respiratory embarrassment cause bradycardia,
with a recent mild-moderate upper respiratory hypotension, and, ultimately, asystole. An exam-
infection?”, it can sometimes be challenging to ple of this is the sedated child with potential air-
distill the data available. In most cases, the infor- way compromise in the OMS office.
mation is based on retrospective observational Pediatricians should also pay attention to the
studies rather than case-controlled studies. It has renal and gastrointestinal systems. It takes
been suggested that children with a mild URI about 2 years for a child to reach normal kidney
may be safely anesthetized as many of the prob- function. Even older children undergoing anes-
lems encountered are easily treated without long-­ thesia in the office require meticulous and
lasting consequences. There is also a strong appropriate fluid administration and dosing of
correlation between this topic and airway instru- medications [6].
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 191

14.2.3 Anatomical and Physiological the third to fourth thoracic vertebrae in new-

Characteristics of Pediatric borns (in adults, it is at the lower edge of the fifth
Airway thoracic vertebrae). The angles of the main
bronchi and trachea are basically equal in chil-
1. Head and Neck dren under 3  years of age, and the chances of
Infants have a large head and a short neck, entering the left or right main bronchi are similar
and the neck muscles are underdeveloped, when the endotracheal tube is inserted too
which makes them prone to upper airway deeply or when a foreign body enters compared
obstruction, even if intravertebral anesthesia to adults [8].
is administered, improper position can cause 6. Lung
airway obstruction. The number of alveoli in newborns is only
2. Nose 8% of that in adults, and the surface area of
Pediatric nostrils are narrow and are the alveoli per unit body weight is 1/3 of that in
main respiratory channel for children within adults, but their metabolic rate is about twice
6 months of age. Secretions, mucosal edema, that of adults, so the respiratory reserve of
blood, or inappropriate masks lead to nasal newborns is limited [9]. The lung interstitium
obstruction and upper respiratory tract is well developed, and the capillary and lym-
obstruction. phatic tissue gap is wider than that of adults,
3. Tongue and Pharynx resulting in less air and more blood, so it is
Pediatric patients have small mouth and easy to be infected and inflammation is easy
tongue, their pharynx is relatively narrow and to spread, causing interstitial inflammation,
vertical, prone to hyperplasia and tonsillitis. pulmonary atelectasis, and pneumonia. Due
4. Larynx to the poor development of elastic tissue, lung
Larynx position of newborns and infants is expansion is not sufficient, prone to pulmo-
higher, and their glottis is located in the cervi- nary atelectasis and emphysema; premature
cal 3 to 4 level [7]. Therefore, during tracheal infants due to immature lung development,
intubation, the anesthetist can press the larynx lung surface active substance production or
in order to expose the larynx. Infants are with release is insufficient, which can cause exten-
long and hard epiglottis, which is of “U” sive alveolar atrophy and reduced lung
shape and forward displacement, blocking the compliance.
line of sight, causing difficulties in revealing 7. Thorax
the vocal folds. A straight laryngoscope blade The pediatric thorax is relatively small and
is usually used to pick up the epiglottis to barrel-shaped, with thin bones and muscles,
have easier glottic exposure. Because of the underdeveloped intercostal muscles, and hori-
narrow funnel-shaped laryngeal cavity (the zontal ribs, so the thoracic expansion force is
narrowest part is at the level of the cricoid car- small during inspiration, and breathing mainly
tilage, i.e., the subglottis area), the soft carti- depends on the vertical movement of the dia-
lage, and the tender vocal cords and mucous phragm, which is easily affected by factors
membranes in children, they are prone to such as abdominal distension.
laryngeal edema. When the tracheal tube 8. Mediastinum
encounters resistance through the vocal cords, The pediatric mediastinum occupies a
excessive force should not be used, and the large space in the thoracic cavity, limiting the
tracheal tube should be replaced with a thin- expansion of the lungs during inspiration, so
ner one to avoid damaging the trachea. the respiratory reserve capacity is poor. The
5. Trachea tissue around the mediastinum is soft and
The total trachea length of the newborn is loose, rich in elasticity, and when there is a
about 4–5 cm, and the inner diameter is 4–5 mm. large amount of fluid in the thoracic cavity, or
The bifurcation of the trachea is located high in when there occurs pneumothorax and
192 J. Li

p­ ulmonary atelectasis, it is easy to cause dis- ryngeal airway after the anesthesia reaches a cer-
placement of the organs in the mediastinum tain depth with smooth breathing.
(trachea, heart, and large blood vessels). Nasopharyngeal Airway
Nasopharyngeal airway can be used to relieve
14.3 Airway Management airway obstruction because it opens the naso-
Guidelines pharynx and allows airflow to pass between the
tongue and the posterior pharyngeal wall.
14.3.1 Airway Devices and Their
Usage 1. Nasopharyngeal airway
Choose a suitable nasopharyngeal airway Mask according to the distance from the tip of the
The ideal pediatric mask should have an air cush- nose to the earlobe or choose a suitable size of
ion seal that can cover the bridge of the nose, tracheal tube (less than 1 mm than the tracheal
cheeks and chin, and different sizes should be intubation tube used). Apply lubricant before
available for selection. The amount of dead space insertion, and be gentle when inserting.
of the mask should be minimal. Transparent 2. Indications
masks are more suitable for pediatric applica- (a) More tolerable than oropharyngeal air-
tions. In order to make children easy to accept, way, used when the child is awakened
the mask is often made with fragrance or coated from anesthesia but has partial airway
with fragrance when used, or soaked by cherry, obstruction or a long recovery time.
strawberry, or mint liquid before use. (b) In certain children with obstructive air-
way diseases or postoperative airway
1. Choose the Appropriate Mask obstruction.
(a) Avoid pressing the sub-chin triangle with (c) Oxygen supply and/or inhalation of anes-
finger, which causes airway obstruction, thetic gases during certain airway micros-
pressure on the neck vessels or stimula- copies or dental anesthesia.
tion of the carotid sinus. (d) For use in children with loose teeth when
(b) Prevent damage to the eyes caused by the placement of an oropharyngeal airway is
edge of the mask. at risk.
(c) When resting the mask, the head can be (e) Can also be used in children with OSAS.
positioned laterally to facilitate the main- 3. Contraindications
tenance of a clear airway and the outflow Coagulation disorders, skull base fractures,
of oral secretions. pathological changes in the nose and
nasopharynx. Oropharyngeal Airway
When there is difficulty in mask ventilation, an Laryngoscope
oropharyngeal airway can be applied. The dis- 1. A straight laryngoscope blade is suitable for
tance from the corner of the mouth to the angle of neonates or small infants, it can reach the
the jaw or earlobe is the appropriate length of the back of the pharynx over the epiglottis, pick
oropharyngeal airway for children. up the epiglottis to expose the glottis.
The child should avoid holding the breath, 2. For older children, a curved laryngoscope
choking, increasing secretion, poor breathing, blade can be used, with the tip of the blade
inducing cough or laryngospasm, or even hypoxia carefully pushed into the junction of the epi-
when the nasopharyngeal airway is placed too glottis and the tongue root, and the stem lifted
shallowly. Keep the airway open, oxygenate with vertically to reveal the larynx. Do not use the
mask, assist ventilation, if necessary, deepen incisors as a fulcrum to cock the tip of the
inhalation anesthesia, and then place the oropha- blade forward.
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 193 Tracheal Tube uncuffed tracheal tube. A cuffed tracheal tube

The wall thickness of the tracheal tube made by is available for all pediatric patients (except
different manufacturers is different, so the selec- for preterm infants).
tion of catheter should also pay attention to the Advantages of cuffed tracheal tubes: (1)
outside diameter (OD) of the catheter in addition prevent aspiration; (2) implement low-flow
to the internal diameter (ID) of the catheter. controlled ventilation; (3) provide reliable
carbon dioxide and ventilation monitoring;
1. The Selection of Tracheal Tube (4) reduce environmental pollution and waste
The most commonly used method is based of anesthetic drugs due to air leakage; (5)
on age, ID (cuffed tube)  =  age/4  +  4, ID avoid the choice of too thick catheters to
(uncuffed tube)  =  age/4  +  4.5 [10]. ensure good ventilation and reduce postopera-
Measurement method in clinical practice: (1) tive laryngeal complications; and (6) reduce
tracheal tube OD is equivalent to the thickness repeated examinations and reduce the chance
of the last joint of the little finger of a child of tube changes, and the damage caused by
and (2) tracheal tube OD is equivalent to the cuffs may be much less than that caused by
diameter of the external nostril of a child. One repeated intubation due to tube changes.
larger and one smaller tubes should be pre- An uncuffed tracheal tube is more suitable
pared separately for anesthesia. for children with major surgery, who require
The dead space of the airway decreases manual ventilation and are at high risk of
significantly after tracheal intubation, while regurgitation. However, it should be noted
the resistance to airflow increases signifi- that: (1) the cuffed tracheal tube is thicker
cantly, and the difference in ID between the than the uncuffed tracheal tube (the outer
connector and the tube causes turbulence and diameter is about 0.5  mm thicker); (2) the
increases the resistance to airflow, so the max- pressure inside the cuff should not be too
imum internal diameter of the tracheal tube is high, especially when using N2O, and the air-
chosen as far as possible without causing bag pressure should be monitored when pos-
damage. sible; and (3) the airbag should be relaxed and
In some cases, such as head, neck or chest carefully inflated regularly to prevent tracheal
surgery and prone surgery, or in children with injury caused by compression if the tube is
difficult or abnormal airways, the tracheal intubated for a long time.
tube may be subjected to direct or indirect The depth of tracheal tube insertion can be
pressure and may be prone to kinking or through the mouth or through the nose: (1) the
crushing, and a special nylon or wire-­ depth of insertion through the mouth is about
reinforced tube should be used. age (years)/2 + 12 cm or ID × 3 cm; (2) the
When used for airway laser surgery, it is length of insertion through the nose is age
necessary to use the tracheal tube wrapped by (years)/2 + 14 cm or ID × 3 + 2 cm [10]. After
appropriate materials or treated by graphite the position of the tube is determined, con-
soaking to reduce flammability. sider cutting off the excess part according to
2. Cuffed Tracheal Tube the desired length. The catheter depth should
It is most ideal to select an uncuffed tra- be reconfirmed after positioning. For pro-
cheal tube that passes through the glottis and longed use of the endotracheal tube, an X-ray
subglottic regions without resistance to the should be taken to confirm the position of the
largest airway pressure up to 20 cmH2O when tube.
there is air leakage. However, in practice to do
so just right is not easy. It is agreed the use of Tracheal Intubation
a high-capacity, low-pressure airbag does not and Extubation
increase postoperative airway complications 1. Tracheal Intubation Method
and produces no significant difference in post- Orotracheal intubation is the most com-
operative laryngeal complications from an monly used intubation method for pediatric
194 J. Li

clinical anesthesia. If the glottis is not exposed (c) Be sure to listen to the breath sounds of
satisfactorily, the assistant or the operator both lungs after intubation and observe
should use the left pinky to gently press the the capnography to determine that the tra-
cricothyroid cartilage from the front of the cheal tube is placed correctly.
child’s neck to displace the vocal incisors (d) Before catheter fixation, hold the tracheal
downward into the line of sight. The upper tube correctly to ensure that there is no
incisors should not be used as a fulcrum for change in the position of the tube.
laryngoscopic prying, for they can be dam- (e) Use a suitable support to prevent twisting
aged in this way. In addition, take care not to of the tracheal tube. When nasal intubation
pinch the upper and lower lips between the is performed, care should be taken to avoid
teeth and the lens causing damage, especially the catheter from compressing the nose.
for children in the period of tooth replacement 3. Tracheal Extubation
to pay more attention to the protection of (a) The child must have the following condi-
teeth. tions before extubation: (1) the effect of
The direct visual nasotracheal intubation anesthetics has basically subsided, no
method can be used for prone surgery, head residual effect of muscle relaxants and
and face surgery, cases where intraoperative narcotic analgesics (except for those
transesophageal cardiac ultrasound is to be extubated under anesthesia); (2) the child
performed, cases requiring postoperative con- has started to wake up, normalized spon-
tinuous mechanical ventilation, and major and taneous respiration, and independent
prolonged surgery, where transnasal tracheal body movement; infants and neonates
intubation can be performed to facilitate the should be extubated in the awake state;
fixation of the tracheal tube. Before intuba- (3) cough and swallowing reflexes have
tion, check the patency of the child’s nostrils returned to normal; (4) stable circulatory
and apply 0.5–1% ephedrine drops to con- function and no hypothermia.
strict the nasal mucosal vessels. The prepared (b) Operation: When preparing for extuba-
tracheal tube is soaked in hot saline to reduce tion, the secretions in the trachea, nasal
possible nasal mucosal injury during intuba- cavity, oral cavity, and throat should be
tion. After induction of anesthesia, the cathe- suctioned first, and extubation should be
ter is gently inserted through one nostril, and performed when fully awake or at a cer-
after passing through the posterior nasal ori- tain depth of anesthesia. Newborns and
fice, the glottis is seen with the help of laryn- infants should be extubated while awake.
goscope in plain view, and the tube is fed into For children with recent upper respiratory
the trachea with the assistance of intubation tract infection, extubation under deep
forceps. anesthesia is recommended. Adequate
2. Points of Attention for Tracheal Sphincter oxygen should be administered before
(a) Pediatric patients’ oxygen reserve is extubation, and be prepared for reintuba-
small, and their ability to tolerate hypoxia tion. After extubation, a mask can be
is even worse, so intubation should be given to provide oxygen, and if necessary,
completed quickly. secretions from the oropharynx should be
(b) Pediatric tracheal intubation should be suctioned, but repeated suction stimula-
operated gently, do not use violence to tion should be avoided. Place the child in
place the tube, otherwise it is very easy to the lateral position after extubation to
cause tracheal injury and postoperative help avoid or reduce the occurrence of
laryngeal edema. vomiting, regurgitation, and aspiration.
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 195 Laryngeal Mask Airway 3. LMA Contraindications: (1) children with full
(LMA) stomach, gastrointestinal obstruction, high
LMA has become popular in pediatric anesthesia intra-abdominal pressure, and high risk of
and can be used for airway management in gen- reflux and aspiration; (2) children with infec-
eral elective surgery, and also as an alternative to tion or other pathological changes in the
tracheal intubation after failure. Most pediatric throat; (3) children with respiratory bleeding;
LMAs are size 1–2.5. (4) children with oropharyngeal surgery; (5)
children with difficulty in fixing the LMA
1. LMA indications: (1) surgery without the risk position in lateral or prone position.
of vomiting and reflux, and for short general 4. Note
anesthesia procedures on the body and extrem- (a) The laryngeal mask should not be selected
ities that do not require muscle relaxation; (2) exactly according to the weight, but
in children with difficult airways, when intu- according to the development of the child,
bation is difficult and LMA is used, LMA can the appropriate size of the LMA should
also guide the completion of endotracheal be selected with reference to the standard
intubation; (3) through the laryngeal mask, weight.
fiberoptic bronchoscopy can be performed for (b) The LMA should be correctly placed. If
laser treatment of small tumors of the vocal the mask is placed too deeply or too shal-
cords, trachea or bronchus; (4) in children with lowly in children, it will easily rotate and
unstable cervical spine, LMA can be used for shift.
the treatment of small tumors of the vocal (c) Maintain adequate depth of anesthesia.
cords and trachea; (5) LMA has advantages Although the stimulation of the LMA is
for infants and children with tracheal stenosis much less than that of the tracheal tube,
because the tracheal tube will further reduce too shallow anesthesia, swallowing,
the internal diameter of the narrowed trachea; coughing, etc. may lead to displacement
(6) LMA can be placed during emergency of the mask, which may result in laryngo-
resuscitation, and effective ventilation can be spasm in severe cases.
established quickly and timely resuscitation (d) Special attention should be paid to the
can be achieved if the operation is skilled. resistance of the airway and ventilation
2. LMA Placement Method during anesthesia. If the resistance is too
The successful placement of LMA requires high or the air leakage is serious, the posi-
appropriate depth of anesthesia. The cuff of tion of the LMA should be adjusted in
LMA should be emptied first, the back side time, and if necessary, the laryngeal mask
should be coated with lubricant, the cuff should should be immediately disconnected for
face forward toward the posterior pharyngeal mask ventilation or changed to tracheal
wall (reverse method), and the mask should be intubation.
placed along the axis of hard palate. The reverse (e) Spontaneous breathing or controlled ven-
method turns the position of LMA after the tilation can be maintained during anesthe-
mask is placed in the mouth, straight to the sia, but it is safe to keep spontaneous
lower part of the pharynx, and the air sac should breathing, closely observe whether the
cover the larynx, then inflate the air sac and ventilation volume is sufficient, PetCO2
connect the breathing circuit. After observing monitoring is especially important, if the
the activity of the skin bag or gently hand-con- ventilation is controlled ventilation, close
trolling the inflated lung to see the thoracic observation of ventilation, gastric disten-
movement and confirm the correct position, it is sion and airway resistance is required,
properly fixed with adhesive tape or bandage. and the time should not be too long.
196 J. Li

(f) At the end of surgery, the LMA can be 2. Resistance to Ventilation

removed after the protective reflexes are (a) In the circulatory loop, the resistance gen-
restored or under deep anesthesia. erated by the tubing and respirator is
(g) The disadvantages of the LMA include: about 1/3 of the total resistance of the
(1) the airway seal is not as good as that loop, and the valve accounts for 2/3,
of the endotracheal tube, and it cannot while the resistance generated by the tra-
protect the airway when vomiting and cheal tube is at least ten times that of the
regurgitation occur; (2) the possibility of loop in infants and children, so the cur-
gas leakage is increased during positive rent information believes that the resis-
pressure ventilation; (3) the airway is not tance generated by the loop is perfectly
absolutely guaranteed to be open; (4) the acceptable in pediatric patients [11].
pediatric LMA, especially the small-sized (b) Good performance of the anesthesia
LMA, is prone to malposition. machine live valve resistance is small, in
general, children over 1 year old whether
in control or spontaneous breathing, the
14.3.2 Ventilation Devices respiratory muscles have enough strength
and Ventilation Patterns to open the live valve, while in newborns
or infants, the strength of control ventila-
The ideal pediatric ventilation circuit should have tion is sufficient to open the live valve;
these characteristics: light weight, small dead while in spontaneous breathing, the
space of the device, low resistance whether it is strength of its respiratory muscles may
without valve or low resistance valve, small gas not be sufficient to open the respiratory
volume inside the circuit, should minimize CO2 live valve, therefore, these children use
repeated inhalation, respiratory work should be the circulatory circuit during spontaneous
small to avoid respiratory muscle fatigue; its breathing, especially in the anesthesia
structure should form a small turbulence; easy to awake extubation period When spontane-
wet inhalation gas and exhaust gas; suitable for ous breathing resumes, the circuit can be
autonomous, assisted, or controlled ventilation. replaced by a “T” tube series with no or
low resistance to ventilation. Circulatory Circuit
The use of low flow and tightly closed-circuit Anesthesia Machines
anesthesia in pediatric anesthesia has become and Ventilators
increasingly common in recent years. The circu- At present, most anesthesia machines can be used
latory circuit used in adults can be safely used in for pediatric patients, and there is no need to have
pediatric anesthesia after modification (reducing an anesthesia machine dedicated to pediatric
the inner diameter of the threaded tube and using patients; even neonates can be anesthetized using
a small respiratory airbag). a circulatory circuit, but it is necessary to under-
stand their pressure and volume characteristics to
1. Advantages change the clinical estimation of ventilation.
(a) Reduction of operating room contamina-
tion. 1. In addition to the safety devices that modern
(b) Reduction of water and heat loss in the anesthesia machines should have, they should
pediatric patient. also have the following functions:
(c) Reduced waste of anesthetic gas, making (a) the ability to dilute the concentration of
tight circulation low-flow anesthesia inhaled anesthetics with compressed air;
possible. (b) the ability to connect special pediatric
(d) The same standardized anesthesia equip- anesthesia circuits (such as the Mapleson
ment as adults, so that all anesthesiolo- circuit), which is an important feature of
gists can be skilled in its use. pediatric anesthesia;
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 197

(c) a ventilator that precisely gives small the output tidal volume, which is greater
tidal volumes, high respiratory rates and for smaller children. Therefore, when set-
pressure control modes; ting the ventilator or changing the fresh
(d) anesthesia machines for small infants, air flow, the child’s thoracic relief, breath
preferably with the function of compen- sounds, and peak inspiratory pressure
sating compression volume function. should be repeatedly approved.
2. Adjustment of Main Working Parameters of (f) The ventilation mode using constant-­
Ventilator pressure ventilator is necessary for pedi-
(a) Tidal volume and ventilation volume: atric patients, and it is commonly used for
tidal volume 10–15 ml/kg, minute venti- children weighing less than 10 kg, espe-
lation volume 100–200  ml/kg. However, cially for children with high airway resis-
it is worth noting that in pediatric mechan- tance, to avoid air pressure injury.
ical ventilation, it is necessary to compen- However, ventilation volume is often
sate for the volume of gas compression in affected by changes in airway compli-
the anesthesia loop and the dead space ance, so constant attention should be paid
volume caused by the expansion volume to whether ventilation is insufficient or
of the loop, therefore, the tidal volume excessive. The output air volume of the
given by the airbox is much larger than fixed-pressure ventilator will not increase
the actual tidal volume of the child, so the due to excessive fresh air flow, but when
parameters shown in the airbox are mean- the fresh air flow is too small for the air-
ingless. Judgment of the appropriateness box compressor to reach the set peak
of ventilation should be determined by pressure, the tidal volume will be
auscultation of respiratory sounds, obser- insufficient.
vation of the amplitude of thoracic undu- 3. Monitoring of Ventilation
lation and in combination with PETCO2 (a) The monitoring of tidal volume and ven-
or PaCO2. tilation volume is the most basic monitor-
(b) Inspiratory pressure: peak inspiratory ing index, and changes in their values
pressure is generally maintained at should be noted at any time during the
12–20 cmH2O, and the maximum should operation, especially when the airway
not exceed 30 cmH2O. resistance changes.
(c) Respiratory rate and inspiratory and expi- (b) During mechanical ventilation, monitor-
ratory time ratio: the respiratory rate is ing of airway pressure is a necessary indi-
generally adjusted to 20–25 breaths/min, cator, especially in the fixed-volume
and the inspiratory and expiratory time breathing mode, where detection of air-
ratio is 1:1.5, adjustable to 1:1  in neo- way pressure can avoid air pressure
nates [11]. injury.
(d) Fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2): (c) The partial pressure of end-expiratory
adjusted according to the different con- carbon dioxide (PETCO2) is a real-time
ditions of the child, generally advocating indicator of good ventilation and should
a FiO2 of 0.8–1.0 for no more than 6 h, a be a routine monitoring item during pedi-
FiO2 of 0.6–0.8 for no more than atric tracheal intubation. The difference
12–24 h. between PETCO2 and PaCO2 in neonates
(e) Constant-volume ventilator, generally and preterm infants is large and PaCO2
used for children weighing 15 kg or more. should be measured when necessary.
Special attention should be paid to (d) Pulse oximetry (SpO2) reflects the oxy-
changes in airway pressure to avoid pres- genation of the body. It is closely related
sure injuries. It should be noted that the to the concentration of inhaled oxygen,
change in fresh air flow has an impact on and indirectly reflects the ventilation.
198 J. Li

14.3.3 Principles and Methods child’s own two fingers when trying to

of Management of Pediatric open the mouth, the child may be accom-
Difficult Airway panied by a difficult airway.
(c) Check the degree of neck retroflexion: Common Causes of Difficult reduced atlanto-occipital mobility may
Airway in Pediatric Patients result in poor exposure of the vocal folds
1. Anatomical deformities of the head, face, and during laryngoscopy.
airway: cerebrospinal bulge, small jaw defor- (d) The shape and size of the mandible and
mity, severe congenital cleft lip and palate, jawbone, check if there is a small jaw.
congenital tracheal stenosis, esophageal tra- (e) Examination of the oral cavity and
cheal fistula, etc. tongue; infants and children are often
2. Inflammatory conditions: epiglottitis, sub- uncooperative, so complete visualization
maxillary abscess, peri-tonsillar abscess, of the isthmus and uvula is often difficult,
laryngeal papilloma, etc. and Mallampati scoring methods may not
3. Tumors: benign, malignant tumors of the be applicable in the pediatric population
tongue, nose, floor of the mouth, pharynx and to predict difficult tracheal intubation.
trachea, and tumors of the neck and chest may (f) Laryngoscopy: Indirect laryngoscopy is
also compress the airway. useful to assess the size of the base of the
4. Trauma or motor system diseases: such as tongue, the mobility of the epiglottis and
maxillofacial trauma, scar contracture after the visualization of the larynx and the
burns, ankylosing spondylitis, temporoman- posterior nostril. Pediatric direct laryn-
dibular joint lesions, cervical spinal disloca- goscopy is often difficult to perform
tion, or fracture, etc. preoperatively. Assessment of Pediatric Tools and Methods

Difficult Airway for Establishing the Airway
1. Medical History 1. Non-Acute Airway
(a) Any experience of difficult intubation, Management of non-acute airway should
history of airway surgery. be minimally invasive.
(b) Any abnormal sleep performance, such as (a) Conventional direct laryngoscopy:
restless sleep, sleeping position with Macintosh (curved) and Miller (straight)
elongated neck and head tilted back; any laryngoscopes.
sleepwalking or micturition associated (b) Bullard laryngoscope and Upsher fiber-
with airway obstruction; any snoring or optic laryngoscope: allows indirect visu-
sleep apnea syndrome. alization of the voice box.
(c) Any history of prolonged feeding time, (c) Visual laryngoscopes: such as ClideScope
swallowing with choking or nausea, video waiting scopes. (3) Visual laryngo-
breathing difficulty or inability to tolerate scopes: such as the ClideScope video
exercise in children. waiting scope.
2. Physical Examination (d) Tube core type: (1) rigid tube core; (2)
(a) Check for nasal obstruction, deviated insertion probe (Bougie).
nasal septum, protrusion or loosening of (e) Light wand.
incisors, and check whether the chin, (f) Visible rigid cores: such as Shikani rigid
hyoid bone, turbinate, and trachea are fiberoptic tracheoscope, Levitan rigid
centered. fiberoptic tracheoscope, etc.
(b) Check the degree of mouth opening: if the (g) Laryngeal mask (LMA): classic laryngeal
distance between the upper and lower mask (LMA-Classical, LMA-Unique),
incisors is less than the width of the double tube laryngeal mask (LMA-­
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 199

ProSeal, LMA-Supreme), intubated iolytics should be monitored; if there is no

laryngeal mask (LMA-Fastrach). emergency fasting, H2 blockers and gastrostat
(h) Flexible Fiberoptic Intubation. should be given preoperatively.
(i) Retrograde intubation: This method 3. Unlike adults, pediatric patients are generally
mainly involves the insertion of a guide- uncooperative and almost always require gen-
wire through the cricothyroid membrane eral anesthesia and are not suitable for awake
puncture, leading from the oral cavity tracheal intubation. Inhalation anesthesia is
through the vocal cords, and then the tra- often used for induction, sevoflurane is often
cheal tube enters the trachea through the preferred, intravenous anesthetics should be
guidewire. used with caution, inotropic drugs are prohib-
2. Acute airway: The purpose of dealing with ited, and spontaneous breathing is maintained.
acute airway is to save life. After reaching a certain depth of anesthesia,
(a) Mask positive pressure ventilation: place laryngoscopy and intubation are attempted.
an oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal air- Ketamine, midazolam, etc. can also be used
way, and complete ventilation by two for proper sedation and good surface anesthe-
people if necessary. sia and/or regional nerve block.
(b) Laryngeal mask: can be used for both 4. Expected Difficult Airway
non-acute and acute airways, and in emer- (a) Determine the presence of a difficult air-
gency situations, the mask most familiar way in the child before anesthesia, select
to the operator should be selected for the appropriate technique, and determine
placement. the preferred and alternative options for
(c) Combined esophagotracheal tube tracheal intubation. Try to use techniques
(ET-Combitube). and instruments that the anesthetist is
(d) Cricothyroid puncture placement: a familiar with, and minimally invasive
method of subglottic airway opening that methods are preferred.
can be used in emergencies where the (b) Adequate mask oxygenation first, ensur-
supraglottic route cannot establish an air- ing oxygenation during intubation,
way. When neither ventilation nor intuba- prompt mask-assisted oxygen ventilation
tion is possible, cricothyrotomy or when SpO2 drops to 90%, and always
tracheotomy placement is the only life-­ actively seeking opportunities to provide
saving method and should be performed assisted oxygenation.
decisively and quickly. (c) Preserve spontaneous breathing as much
as possible to prevent a predicted difficult Pediatric Difficult Airway airway from becoming an acute airway.
Management (d) Direct intubation or fast induction intuba-
1. Prepare the tools for airway management tion if the laryngoscope can see the glot-
before anesthesia, check the anesthesia tis; if there are difficulties in glottic
machine, ventilation circuit, mask, airway and exposure, intubation probe or light rod
laryngoscope, tracheal tube, intubation probe, technique, assisted by fiberoptic bron-
laryngeal mask, etc. to ensure that they are choscopy, or video laryngoscopy or trial
readily available. Prepare a cart or box for intubation laryngeal mask can be used.
“difficult airway” management, containing (e) When intubation is repeatedly unsuccess-
the above-mentioned airway management ful for more than three times, postponing
tools. or abandoning anesthesia and surgery is
2. Preoperative anticholinergics should be used also a necessary treatment to ensure the
to reduce oropharyngeal secretions and laryn- safety of the child. The patient should be
gospasm; the child should not be overly handled again after experience summary
sedated, and if necessary, a small dose of anx- and adequate preparation are made.
200 J. Li

5. Unexpected Difficult Airway same method. You should analyze it in

(a) Before the main general anesthesia induc- time, change ideas and methods or change
tion drugs and inotropic drugs are given, a personnel and techniques, and learn to
ventilation test should be routinely per- give up after repeated failures several
formed to test whether controlled ventila- times.
tion can be implemented, and those who (c) Ventilation and oxygenation are the main
cannot control ventilation should not be purpose, while being minimally invasive.
blindly given inotropic drugs and subse-
quent general anesthetic drugs to prevent
the occurrence of an acute airway. 14.4 Pediatric Anesthesia
(b) For patients who can be ventilated but are Techniques
difficult in glottic exposure and tracheal
intubation, choose the above-mentioned 14.4.1 Premedication in the Pediatric
tools for a non-acute airway. To fully ven- Population: Alleviating
tilate and achieve optimal oxygenation Anxiety
before intubation, intubation time in prin-
ciple is not more than 1  min, or pulse In either adult or pediatric patients, the purpose
oximetry is not less than 92%, and when of premedication is to reduce anxiety and prepare
unsuccessful, to ventilate again to achieve the patient for the next level of anesthesia by
optimal oxygenation, analyze the rea- accepting a mask or intravenous (IV). Dental
sons, adjust the method or personnel, and treatment for pediatric patients may be compro-
then intubate again. mised by their lack of cooperation in dental pro-
(c) For ventilation difficulties encountered cedures, including examinations and radiographs
after induction of general anesthesia, help [12]. Induction and maintenance of anesthesia
should be sought immediately by calling are now more challenging due to an increased
a superior or subordinate physician to sympathetic tone. Patient anxiety increases the
assist. risk of missed appointments by three times and
(d) Also try to solve the ventilation problem requires more chair time and hand holding. A
in the shortest possible time: mask posi- poor experience can negatively impact future
tive pressure ventilation (using oropha- experiences for the child and parents despite the
ryngeal or nasopharyngeal airway), place best efforts of the anesthesia team. Therefore,
a laryngeal mask and ventilate. Consider premedication appears to be an appropriate mea-
waiting for the child to recover spontane- sure not only to reduce anxiety to “show” for the
ous breathing and wake up after improved appointment, but also to have a conscious, coop-
ventilation. erative, and comfortable child so the team can
(e) Ensure that the child is ventilated using proceed with the anesthetic and surgical plan.
the tools and methods of the acute airway Premedication can be administered via enteral
described above. (oral), parenteral (often intramuscular [IM]), and
(f) Consider waking up the child and cancel- inhalational routes [6]. In spite of the fact that
ing the procedure to ensure the patient’s enteral administration is the least threatening and
life safety, and decide on the anesthesia most convenient method of administering pre-
method after full discussion. medication, it has several disadvantages. The
6. Cautions cooperation of children and parents is essential to
(a) Choose the technique with which the the process. Many drugs are administered empiri-
anesthetist is most familiar and cally and cannot be titrated properly. In addition
experienced. to variable responses, oral premedication has an
(b) When intubation fails, avoid repeated equally unpredictable recovery pattern. Treatment
operations by the same person using the plans can be hindered on a busy procedure day
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 201

due to the unpredictable and extended action medications such as triazolam have not been
times of medication. A variety of creative forms well-studied in children.
of oral premedication are available for children, Dexmedetomidine becomes widely accepted
such as syrups, popsicles, and lozenges. Children as a single agent sedative for MRI or simple pro-
are less likely to tolerate nasal sprays. In addition cedures. Unlike benzodiazepines or propofol
to being rapidly absorbed, a premedication which is a GABA-mimetic drug, dexmedetomi-
should also have a rapid onset of action with a dine as an alpha2 agonist embraces the advantage
high therapeutic index, and it should not delay of producing the sedation which mimics natural
recovery. A variety of medications can be used as sleep, anxiolysis, analgesia, sympatholysis, with
premedications, such as benzodiazepines, hista- minimal respiratory depression. The present rec-
mine blockers, opioids, scopolamine, barbitu- ommended dose of the agent for premedication is
rates, and alpha agonists (dexmedetomidine and 3–4  mg/kg intranasal and 1–4  mg/kg dosing
clonidine). orally.
Benzodiazepines are an ideal choice due to Ketamine is another agent used for oral pre-
their ease of absorption and limited cardiovascu- medication. The dose recommended is 6 mg/kg,
lar effects. Diazepam, triazolam, and midazolam which typically takes 20  min to onset and can
are common drugs in this class used as premedi- provide up to 30 min of sedation.
cation. The liquid form of midazolam is well tol-
erated by children. The three medications differ
in some characteristics. Onset time: 14.4.2 Routes of Administering
diazepam>triazolam>midazolam; duration of Anesthesia
action: diazepam>tirazolam>midazolam.
Preoperative anxiety can be reduced with Intramuscular Anesthesia
diazepam, which has been extensively studied in Technique
pediatrics for its efficacy and safety. It has proven Anesthetic administered through this route
to not delay discharge. Because of its effects on encompasses the advantage that the onset of
postural stability, administering it in the office is anesthesia is predictable to some extent, even
safer for very young patients. Oral midazolam with the most uncooperative pediatric patient.
has a rapid onset of action, short duration of Nevertheless, the onset of anesthetic relies on the
action, leaves no active metabolites, and has the drug used and the site of injection, and it may be
desirable effect of retrograde amnesia. This prod- an unpleasant experience for the cooperative
uct is readily accepted by children since it comes children. Many drugs, including benzodiaze-
in the form of pleasantly flavored syrups and pop- pines, ketamine, and dexmedetomidine, have
sicles. The recommended dose for premedication been used in the IM technique.
is 0.5–1.0  mg/kg with a 15–20-mg maximum Ketamine appears to be the more common
dose. Such dose is anticipated to work for around choice of OMS using this route of anesthetic
half an hour. The oral dose decided should not administration. It is an effective analgesic and
affect heart rate, respiratory rate, or blood pres- amnesic drug that is known to dissociate the cere-
sure significantly. Not providing any analgesic bral and the limbic system, thereby disrupting the
effects remains to be the major shortcoming of translation of visual, auditory, and pain stimuli. It
the drug. Moreover, adverse reaction such as dys- provides what is known as dissociative a­ nesthesia.
phoria, blurred vision, and undesirable behavior At subanesthetic doses, it provides analgesia
may appear on 3–4% of children can who were without respiratory depression and reduces the
administered midazolam. Like all other oral pre- need for anesthetics. The recommended IM dose
medications, oral midazolam also may be diffi- of ketamine is 3–4  mg/kg. Anesthesiologists
cult to titrate, may have unreliable absorption, often add benzodiazepines, such as midazolam
and moderate failure rates. Unfortunately, other and glycopyrrolate, to injected ketamine to
202 J. Li

enhance its action while reducing undesired side Preoperative calculation of drug doses for anes-
effects. Ketamine can cause increased salivation, thesia and emergencies is necessary as well.
heart rate, blood pressure, and intracranial pres- Fortunately, many new technologies such as
sure. However, it stimulates smooth muscle dila- applications may help dose calculation while
tion, thereby reducing the risk of bronchospasm. ensuring accuracy.
It is important to note that ketamine is available Drugs such as benzodiazepines, opioids, ket-
in two concentrations, 50 mg/ml and 100 mg/ml. amine, and propofol are the primary agents used
The higher concentration of ketamine is indi- in pediatric intravenous anesthesia. A single drug
cated for IM injections, which can minimize the or a combination of two or more drugs insures
volume of the injection site. In larger children, the smooth performance of the procedure by
the use of a lower concentration of ketamine may achieving desired goals of anxiety, amnesia, anal-
result in an injection volume of more than 3 mL gesia, immobilization, sedation, and hypnosis.
and therefore is not recommended for injection at The intravenous route provides safety, rapid
only one site. onset and offset of action, and predictable recov-
A phenomenon known as “emergent delirium” ery. It is recommended that the IV catheter be
has been associated with ketamine use, making maintained until discharge and the recovery unit
practitioners wary of this drug. Concurrent use of or ward needs to be equipped with IV/IO equip-
benzodiazepines or propofol may reduce the risk ment to prevent premature loss of this vascular
of ketamine-induced delirium. Risk factors for catheter.
delirium when using ketamine include female The use of an infusion pump during longer
gender, over 10 years old, underlying psychiatric procedures minimizes fluctuations in drug serum
disorder, IV route, high dose and excessive noise concentrations and guarantees a smoother intra-
stimulation upon emergence. operative anesthetic course. Normally, the pump
The IM injection technique requires parents may assure improved cardiovascular and respira-
and practitioners to be prepared, particularly in tory stability, less patient movement, and more
uncooperative children. The preparation involves quickly recovery as a result of less medication
a quiet room with minimal stimulation and a used.
schedule that provides sufficient time for the Providing and training in the use of intranasal
onset action of anesthetics. Once the child access devices is also advised to be included in
becomes cooperative, a monitor must be placed facilities that choose to treat children. Placing IV
and should be kept in place until discharge. It in children is a challenging process requiring
may be helpful to have an alternative route of skill, especially when the prevalence of child-
administration of the anesthetic or prepare read- hood obesity makes the task even more difficult.
ministering the IM route. Longer recovery times In cases where peripheral vascular access is dif-
can be expected if higher IM doses are used ficult to obtain, the most reliable option is intraos-
preoperatively. seous (IO) access, especially in emergency
situations [13]. Intravenous Anesthetic
Technique Inhalational Anesthesia
The IV route remains the most predictable route Technique
of administration of anesthetic and resuscitation Since 1844, dentists have been familiar with the
drugs. One of its advantages is the rapid onset technique of inhaled anesthesia using nitrous
and offset of medications. Whereas, it requires oxide. Nitrous oxide has been shown to have a
placement of a catheter in a peripheral vein, broad safety margin in the pediatric population
which can be challenging for pediatric patients. with minimal side effects. It is rapid in induction
Appropriate equipment is indispensable for care- and emergence, and is an effective analgesic. It is
ful administration of medications and fluids. known to cause insignificant cardiovascular and
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 203

respiratory changes. When added to a second induction is quickly finished. After induction, the
inhaler, it promotes anesthesia through a second IV may be administered, the gas discontinued,
gas effect. and the technique can be converted to total IV
Inhalation techniques are much better toler- anesthesia.
ated and considered less invasive, and at the same Of all inhalational anesthetics, it is sensible to
time, result in almost no extra respiratory adverse consider placing an IV. This is especially impor-
events comparing with IV route [14]. Often, the tant if the patient is relatively small, obese or
mask is easily accepted by curious children, young, or in any case where the anesthesia pro-
especially when a fruity smell is added and the vider feels that placing an IV may be a challenge,
unpleasant odor of the plastic mask is dimin- especially in the event of an unplanned event.
ished. In most cases, anesthetic gas is delivered The IV may never be used, but can provide a
quickly and the onset of anesthesia is rapid. For safeguard in the emergencies. It is best done
uncooperative children, crying can actually be when things are under control and before surgery
helpful. Because when they are crying, they take begins, rather than in an emergency or
long, deep breaths that allow the lungs be filled mid-surgery.
with anesthetic. Halothane gas is a trigger for malignant
Sevoflurane has become the inhalation agent hyperthermia (MH). Potential family and per-
of choice for most OMS offices. It is a haloge- sonal medical histories regarding MH should be
nated ether with a rapid onset of action and pre- discussed with the patient and parents prior to
dictable recovery. It has a sweet, slightly irritating planning inhalational anesthesia. Facilities using
fruity odor and is well accepted by pediatric MH triggering agents are advised to be prepare
patients. The gas itself does not irritate the airway for MH events, including stocking adequate
compared with other options, and induction is amounts of dantrolene and practicing how to
characterized by a reduced incidence of breath-­ reconstitute it. Newer dantrolene products make
holding and laryngospasm. It has been proven to this process less cumbersome, in addition to
be safe for use with epinephrine local anesthesia. reducing the amount of dantrolene that needs to
Standard ASA monitoring, including preopera- be stored.
tive temperature measurement, is recommended
when using inhaled agents. If sevoflurane is used
for procedures exceeding 30  min, it is recom- 14.4.3 Anesthesia for Pediatric Cleft
mended that continuous invasive temperature Lip and Palate Surgery
monitoring to be adopted.
For cooperative pediatric patients, several Cleft lip and palate deformities, as the most com-
minutes’ preoxygenation prior to induction may mon congenital malformations of the maxillofa-
achieve ideal effect. Sevoflurane can be used as a cial region, account for 2/3 of all facial
single inhalation agent or in combination with malformations. While the worldwide prevalence
nitrous oxide. Gradual titration of the gas to of such deformities is about 1.5 per 1000 live
achieve the effect is preferred. Once the patient is births, the rate varies six-fold for cleft lip/palate
past the second stage of anesthesia, an IV and and three-fold for cleft palate [15, 16]. Reports in
administering anesthetic drugs via that route Asian populations put overall rates around 1.76–
should be started. At then, gas inhalation is 1.81 per 1000, reflecting the higher prevalence in
stopped and the oxygen is maintained by mask or this region [17, 18]. Genetic and environmental
nasal cannula. factors are the main reasons causing congenital
For uncooperative children, the single-breath malformations of the maxillofacial region.
technique is effective. Priming the circuit with Besides, clefts can be further divided into syn-
8% sevoflurane and preoxygenation is often dromic and nonsyndronic clefts. The syndromic
impractical for a crying child. Crying promotes clefts include chromosomal syndromes, terato-
rapid inhalation of highly concentrated gas and gens, and uncategorized syndromes [19].
204 J. Li

Specifically, cleft lip is a failure of fusion of 3. Cleft soft palate: only the soft palate is cleft
the anterior nasal and maxillary processes, (no distinction between right and left cleft
resulting in various degrees of clefting through palate), which may be limited to the uvula.
the lip, alveolus, and nasal floor (incomplete 4. Incomplete cleft palate: a complete cleft of
clefts do not cross the nasal floor, whereas com- the soft palate with a partial cleft hard palate
plete clefts imply a lack of connection between (no distinction between right and left cleft
the floor and medial elements of the lip) [20]. palate) and a complete alveolar process.
There are two types of cleft palate, the hard and 5. Unilateral complete cleft palate: a complete
soft palate, which result from the failure to fuse split from the uvula to the incisive foramina,
the palatal shelf of the maxillary process [20]. reaching to the alveolar ridge and attaching to
In the embryonic developmental cycle, cleft pal- the alveolar row.
ate occurs in stages IV to VIII.  Depending on 6. Bilateral complete cleft palate: occurring
the location of the failure of fusion of the vari- simultaneously with bilateral cleft lip, a cleft
ous facial processes, they appear at different exists in the premaxillary bone extending to
times in the embryonic period, depending on the the alveolar ridge, leading to the isolation of
disturbance to development that occurs during nasal septum, forehead and anterior lip part
the process [21]. from the center.
Understanding the occurrence, development
and characteristics of children with cleft lip and Cleft lip and palate deformities not only dam-
palate will help anesthesiologists properly imple- age children’s appearance, but also affect the
ment anesthesia management, which in turn will morphology and function of their maxillofacial
ensure the smooth performance of the surgery. organs. Also, cleft lip and palate repair surgery
can affect the facial growth and development. Classification and Surgical Considering the positive and negative effects of
Treatment of Cleft Lip all treatment measures, children with cleft lip and
and Palate palate need sequential treatment which is a com-
There are many ways to classify cleft lip and pal- plex and lengthy systematic treatment method,
ate. Here is the classification based on the degree requiring multidisciplinary, multifaceted treat-
of cleft opening that is most commonly used in ment and observation in order to achieve or
our clinic. approach normal appearance, function, and psy-
chological well-being of pediatric patients.
1. Unilateral Cleft Lip The treatment of cleft lip and palate consists
(a) Unilateral incomplete harelip/cleft lip: of two phases, namely, phase I (initial) treatment
unilateral cleft of the lip that does not and phase II treatment. Initial treatment, includ-
reach the nasal base. ing cleft lip (palate) repair, initial correction of
(b) Unilateral complete harelip/cleft lip: a cleft lip secondary to nasal deformity and correc-
cleft lip that runs through the upper lip to tion of incomplete palatopharyngeal closure, is
the nasal base. usually completed before patients are 5–6 years
2. Bilateral Cleft Lip old. Phase II treatment is usually scheduled after
(a) Bilateral incomplete harelip/cleft lip: patients are 8  years old, including orthodontic
bilateral cleft lip where neither cleft treatment, alveolar cleft repair, and orthognathic
reaches the nasal base. surgery.
(b) Bilateral complete harelip/cleft lip: bilat-
eral cleft running through the upper lip to 1. Phase I Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment
reach the nasal base. The best time to repair initial cleft lip and
(c) Bilateral mixed harelip/cleft lip: one side cleft lip secondary to nasal deformity is within
of the upper lip is completely cleft and the 3–6 months after the birth of pediatric patients.
other side is incompletely cleft. Prior to the surgical treatment, children should
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 205

be taken good care to meet the weight require- drooping. The short trachea and neck make
ments of the surgery. Bilateral cleft lip can be the exposure of glottis difficult, which
repaired either in one or two operation. The increases the difficulty of intubation as tra-
interval between two operations should be no cheal mucous membrane edema may occur.
less than 2–3 months. Infants and young children have short and
The optimal surgery time for phase I treat- narrow airway and because their respiratory
ment is when patients are 1–1.5 years old. The system is not well developed, they have fewer
children’s development and the presence of alveoli and faster metabolism. Thus, mild
any systemic abnormalities also need to be laryngeal edema may cause serious ventila-
evaluated before the procedure is performed. tion disorders, increasing the resistance of the
The best time to correct palatopharyngeal airway, affecting the oxygenation, and trig-
insufficiency is between 5 years and 6 years of gering hypoxemia.
age. The main clinical manifestation of pala- Moreover, the palate and maxillofacial
topharyngeal insufficiency is the high nasal area of pediatric patients are rich in blood
voice that affects their speech. flow; therefore, intraoperative and postopera-
2. Phase II Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment tive bleeding in the trachea may easily cause
The best time to repair an alveolar cleft aspiration. Edema in the operative area after
bone defect is from 9 years to 11 years of age, cleft palate surgery as well as filling of iodo-
before the cuspids erupt in the cleft area. The form gauze and nostril plastic tubes for com-
remaining nasal and labial deformities should pression of hemorrhage may also affect the
be rectified again after or at the same time as patency of the airway.
the alveolar cleft bone grafting [22]. Some pediatric patients who require
The best time to treat dental and maxillofa- orthognathic and orthodontic treatment may
cial malformations in children with cleft lip also have micrognathia, which is a potential
and palate is from 14 years to 16 years of age. factor of difficult airway. They are prone to
Le Fort I osteotomy is most frequently used. upper airway obstruction which may be esca-
lated when glossoptosis happens during Characteristics of Anesthesia induction of anesthesia. Therefore, such
Management in Cleft Lip patients should be adequately evaluated prior
and Palate Surgery to anesthesia.
Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common 2. Adverse Neurological Reflexes
congenital malformations of the maxillofacial As the oral and maxillofacial area has
region, and the anesthesia management of cleft abundant nerves and is sensitive to pain, the
lip and palate surgery should take into account carotid sinus reflex may be induced under sur-
the characteristics of the disease, in addition to gical stimulation. Furthermore, apnea, hypo-
the traits of pediatric anesthesia and repeated tension, bradycardia, and even cardiac arrest
anesthesia. Also, for cleft lip and palate caused may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to
by chromosomal aberrations and single gene closely monitor the changes in the vital signs
mutations, attention needs to be paid to the to detect and prevent them in a timely
altered physiological or pathological conditions manner.
ignited by the concomitant occurrence of 3. Pediatric Anesthesia
multi-malformation. As mentioned above, pediatric patients
have fewer alveoli and low lung compliance.
1. Characteristics of Pediatric Airway During inspiration, their chest wall tends to
The larynx of pediatric patients is normally collapse, resulting in lower residual lung air
anterolateral and cephalad. Their nasal cavity volume during exhalation. The reduced func-
is relatively narrow. Their tongue is compara- tional residual air volume limits the oxygen
tively large, and their epiglottis is long and reserve during the hypoxic phase of intuba-
206 J. Li

tion. As a result, infants and children are more sleep condition, including whether children
susceptible to pulmonary atelectasis and can sleep peacefully or lie down, whether
hypoxemia. there is snoring or suffocating awake phenom-
In infancy, the left ventricle is underdevel- enon; (5) recent upper respiratory tract infec-
oped and poorly compliant, and cardiac out- tion history, which can increase the incidence
put is very sensitive to changes in heart rate. of complications such as asthma, laryngo-
Their low fat reserves and large body sur- spasm, hypoxemia, and atelectasis.
face area make them prone to heat loss in the Pediatric patients who have infectious dis-
low-temperature environment of the operating eases before surgery should rearrange the sur-
room. Also, during surgery, operations such gery when diseases are controlled. If the
as exposure of wounds, infusion of intrave- surgery is so urgent that cannot be delayed,
nous fluids, and the influence of the anesthetic preoperative administration of anticholinergic
drugs on the thermoregulatory center, can drugs and inhalation of humidified gas need to
exacerbate the loss of heat. Hypothermia may be considered. When to perform the surgery
lead to delayed awakening, myocardial provo- should refer to laboratory reports in which
cation, respiratory depression, and other children should meet the requirements that
adverse outcomes in pediatric patients. Their white blood cells is below 10,000/L and
body temperature should be closely moni- hemoglobin is greater than 100  g/L.  During
tored in order to identify hypothermia and the anesthesia visit, the anesthesiologist
hyperthermia timely. should briefly introduce the process of anes-
The incidence of perioperative complica- thesia, and explain the importance of preop-
tions may rise if pediatric patients suffer from erative fasting and abstinence so that they can
upper respiratory tract infection 2 weeks prior cooperate and strictly observe the fasting
to surgery, predisposing them to asthma, time.
laryngospasm, hypoxemia, and pulmonary 2. Premedication
atelectasis. During extubation, laryngospasm There are great disagreements on premedi-
should be prevented. cation for pediatric patients, and preoperative
sedatives are usually omitted. However, when Anesthesia Techniques children are unable to control their emotions,
in Cleft Lip and Palate giving sedatives is a reasonable choice.
Surgery Anticholinergic agents such as atropine and
valacyclovir hydrochloride can be routinely
General Anesthesia applied. The recommended injection time of
1. Pre-anesthesia Visit and Preparation these agents is half an hour before surgery,
Usually, the anesthesiologist should visit which can effectively reduce the incidence of
patients and their families 1  day before sur- bradycardia during induction of anesthesia,
gery to review the entire hospital history of and at the same time, the accumulation of
patients and make purposeful inquiries with secretions can also be mitigated, so to prevent
their families. The focus should be on: (1) obstruction of small airways and airway tubes.
delivery history, whether pediatric patients Scopolamine should be used with caution in
have intrauterine distress, preterm delivery, children.
forceps or birth injury; (2) history of congeni- 3. Implementation of Anesthesia
tal diseases, especially children with congeni- General anesthesia was administered either
tal heart disease and some newly diagnosed by intravenous induction or by inhalation
heart murmurs, and pediatric cardiologists induction, which has been introduced in pre-
should be consulted or an echocardiogram vious text. Generally, for intravenous induc-
should be performed; (3) patients’ feeding, tion in pediatric patients, the order of
nutritional, and growth status; (4) patients’ administration is the same as in adults, with
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 207

propofol followed by nondepolarizing inotro- itoring and management of circulation

pes. Inhalation induction can also be used if should not be neglected. Intraoperative
patients are unable to cooperate in opening fluid intake and output should be recorded
the vein. An important step in the intubation to accurately estimate the blood loss and
process, whether awake or under general supplement crystalloid and colloid fluids
anesthesia, is the adjunctive application of promptly. Autologous blood transfusion
endotracheal mucosal spray for surface anes- can be planned preoperatively. In pediat-
thesia. The small internal diameter of the ric patients, it is important to drain as
catheter used in this group of patients limits much gas as possible from the pressure
the use of fiberoptic laryngoscopes and blind line and use small volume fluid flushes
tracheal intubation devices, because they will during the infusion to prevent air embo-
cause edema of the tender pharyngeal tissues lism, accidental heparinization, or fluid
and consequent adverse events. overload.
4. Intraoperative Monitoring and Management (c) Temperature Monitoring and Manage-
Intraoperative monitoring in children is ment
similar to that in adults, but with a slight dif- Pediatric patients’ low fat reserves and
ference: pediatric monitoring has a much large body surface area make them prone
smaller margin of error. to heat loss in the low-temperature envi-
(a) Respiratory Monitoring and Management ronment of the operating room. Also, dur-
The anesthesiologist can only monitor ing surgery, operations such as exposure
patients away from them because during of wounds, infusion of intravenous fluids,
surgery, the surgeon operates in front of and the influence of the anesthetic drugs
the patients, making it challenging to on the thermoregulatory center, can exac-
manage patients perioperatively. erbate the loss of heat. Hypothermia may
Therefore, it is especially important to lead to delayed awakening, myocardial
closely monitor the patient’s breathing provocation, respiratory depression, and
and to detect and treat abnormalities such other adverse outcomes in pediatric
as too deep intubation, twisting, folding, patients. Their body temperature should
and dislodging of the tube and the con- be closely monitored in order to identify
nector in a timely manner. Before admin- hypothermia and hyperthermia timely.
istering controlled ventilation, gas flow, (d) Perioperative Fluid Infusion
tidal volume, and respiratory rate should Because of the limited margin of error
be accurately set according to the child’s that pediatric patients can accept, more
weight, and the high and low limits of the attention should be paid to their fluid
airway pressure alarm should be adjusted. management. Their fluid infusion should
Oxygen saturation and carbon dioxide consider the fluids required for physio-
testing is particularly important in infants logical maintenance, fasting losses and
and children, and the pulse oximetry intraoperative losses. Fluids for physio-
probe is preferentially placed in the right logical maintenance are calculated based
hand or earlobe for newborns. When the on the 4:2:1 principle: 4 ml/(kg h) for the
child weighs less than 10  kg, capnogra- first 10  kg, 2  ml/(kg  h) for the second
phy values are often inaccurate, that there 10 kg, and 1 ml/(kg h) for the remaining
may be a false increase in inspiratory body weight. The fluid loss was c­ alculated
baseline CO2 and a false decrease in expi- according to the fasting time. The amount
ratory peak CO2. of preoperative fasting and hourly fluid
(b) Circulation Monitoring and Management required were replenished by 50% in the
Although the duration of cleft lip and first hour and 25% in each of the second
palate repair surgery is not long, the mon- and third hours. For intraoperative losses,
208 J. Li

it is worth noting that children have a cal cooling, infusion of cool fluids or enema
small intravascular volume and rapid with chloral hydrate. Pediatric patients with
fluid infusion increases the risk of elec- hyperthermia are more likely to have dehy-
trolyte disturbances. dration and acid-base and electrolyte
5. Post-anesthesia Recovery disturbances.
After cleft lip and palate surgery, patients’ Pediatric patients should be extubated only
head and face are mostly fixed by bandage. when their swallowing and coughing reflexes
The inappropriate extubation time may have fully recovered, their respiratory and cir-
induce respiratory distress. Therefore, in culatory functions are stable, and no risk of
order to ensure that they safely pass through airway obstruction exists. If their intubation
the post-­ anesthesia recovery period, they lasts for too long, early administration of
should be sent to the post-anesthesia care unit adrenal glucocorticoids can prevent laryngeal
(PACU) after surgery. The anesthesiologist in edema. Normally, cleft palate patients are
charge should hand over patients to the PACU more likely to have upper airway obstruction,
physician. Necessary monitoring and docu- and a nasal airway can be placed prior to extu-
mentation should also be maintained in the bation to reduce the incidence of airway prob-
PACU, and children’s consciousness, respira- lems. After they awake, clinicians should
tion, and pharyngeal reflexes should be check whether they have laryngeal edema and
closely observed. wound bleeding. They could adopt a head-­
In addition, the operation field should also high position to mitigate edema 6–8  h after
be closely observed, especially whether there recovery from anesthesia. The monitoring of
is blood oozing. If blood oozes from the their vital signs should be continued to ensure
wound, using small cotton swab to gently the patency of their airway and provide oxy-
wipe blood away. The wound should be disin- gen if necessary. The hoarse of vocal cord
fected with 75% alcohol before changing the caused by laryngeal edema due to general
dressing. If the wound is bruised with blood, anesthesia intubation can be treated with
saline should be used to clean the wound in symptomatic treatment (such as nebulized
order to prevent infection. If the blood oozing inhalation). If they snore or have glossocoma,
is serious, it must be treated immediately. The immediate treatment should be provided.
priority is to distinguish the causes of blood When suctioning, the suction tube should not
oozing. For example, severe bleeding, blood touch the wound. Their families can enter the
drainage soaking the dressing, rapid swelling PACU to comfort and console the anxiety
of the wound, negative pressure drainage tube patients.
pumping fresh blood or even abnormalities
such as decreased blood pressure and
increased pulse rate may be the results of
active bleeding in the wound and the surgeon
should be notified immediately to re-suture it. 1. Physiology for Children. JAMA. 2014;311(17):1811.
If excessive blood loss or shock symptoms PMID: 24794384.
occur, blood and fluid transfusion should be 2013.279481.
given promptly. 2. Thornton PS, Stanley CA, De Leon DD, Harris D,
Haymond MW, Hussain K, Levitsky LL, Murad MH,
Furthermore, body temperature should be Rozance PJ, Simmons RA, Sperling MA, Weinstein
of particular interest during this period. DA, White NH, Wolfsdorf JI, Pediatric Endocrine
Postoperative fever is generally a normal Society. Recommendations from the Pediatric
reaction if the temperature is not too high. Endocrine Society for evaluation and management
of persistent hypoglycemia in neonates, infants, and
However, if the temperature is >39  °C, the children. J Pediatr. 2015;167(2):238–45. Epub 2015
cause should be identified and corrected as May 6. PMID: 25957977.
early as possible. Treatment includes physi- jpeds.2015.03.057.
14  Anesthesia for Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 209

3. Prakash M, Johnny JC. Whats special in a child’s lar- 12. Campbell RL, Shetty NS, Shetty KS, Pope HL,
ynx? J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2015;7(Suppl 1):S55–8. Campbell JR. Pediatric dental surgery under general­7406.155797. anesthesia: uncooperative children. Anesth Prog.
4. Huelke DF. An overview of anatomical considerations 2018;65(4):225–30. PMID: 30715931; PMCID:
of infants and children in the adult world of automo- PMC6318733 (Winter).
bile safety design. Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot anpr-­65-­03-­04.
Med. 1998;42:93–113. PMCID: PMC3400202. 13. Dornhofer P, Kellar JZ. Intraosseous vascular access.
5. Tait AR, Malviya S.  Anesthesia for the child In: StatPearls. Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls; 2022;
with an upper respiratory tract infection: still a PMID: 32119260.
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PMID: 15616052. BM.  Respiratory and hemodynamic perioperative
ANE.0000139653.53618.91. adverse events in intravenous versus inhalational
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7. Hiller AS, Kracke A, Tschernig T, Kasper M, 15. Little J, Cardy A, Munger RG. Tobacco smoking and
Kleemann WJ, Tröger HD, Pabst R.  Comparison of oral clefts: a meta-analysis. Bull World Health Organ.
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tissue in the larynx and lungs in cases of sudden infant PMID: 15112010.
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8. Szpinda M, Daroszewski M, Woźniak A, Szpinda facial clefts and potential solutions. Adv Dent Res.
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Anesthesia for Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 15
in the Elderly

Jingjie Li

15.1 Introduction in physiologic reserve remain during periods of

stress, such as the perioperative period.
In many developed countries, population aging
has become a spreading issue, as a result, in these
countries, the elderly population (defined as pop- 15.2 Characteristics of Elderly
ulation with age ≥65 years) is the fastest growing Patients
segment of the population. Aging increases a per-
son’s probability of undergoing surgery and also 15.2.1 Characteristics of Anesthesia
increases perioperative morbidity, which has Management
been reported to increase sharply in older adults
after age 75 years. High Prevalence of Multiple
Elderly patients are usually more sensitive to Systemic Diseases
anesthetics, which means that in the anesthesia One of the characteristics of systemic diseases in
management for the elderly, fewer drugs are the elderly is that a patient often has multiple sys-
needed to achieve the desired clinical outcome, temic diseases [1, 2]. Anesthetic management of
and the anesthetic effects are prolonged. The such elderly patients requires consideration of
most important outcome and overall goal of peri- the interrelationship of multiple systemic dis-
operative care for the elderly population is to eases. Table 15.1 shows some common systemic
accelerate recovery and to avoid functional diseases in the elderly.
When managing anesthesia in elderly patients, Symptoms of Systemic
it is important to keep in mind that aging involves Diseases May be Atypical
a progressive loss of functional reserve in all Because of the susceptibility of the elderly to a
organ systems to varying degrees. In addition, variety of systemic diseases, systemic diseases
compensation for age-related changes is usually may alter each other’s symptoms and their typi-
more adequate; however, significant limitations cal symptoms are often not as pronounced as in
young and middle-aged patients. Examples
include painless acute myocardial infarction
J. Li (*) (often seen in elderly women with diabetes) and
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth infections without febrile symptoms, which may
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong make diagnosis and management in anesthesia
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China management difficult.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 211
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
212 J. Li

Table 15.1  Common systemic diseases in the elderly Patients Often Take Multiple
1. Circulatory system Medications at the Same
  Hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial Time
infarction, heart valve disease, congestive heart Older patients often have multiple systemic dis-
eases and thus may be taking several to a dozen
2. Respiratory system
  Pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary
medications. In the management of these elderly
disease (COPD), asthma, tuberculosis patients, it is necessary to consider the interac-
3. Cerebrovascular system tions between the various medications they are
  Cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, taking and the anesthetics.
subarachnoid hemorrhage
4. Metabolic and endocrine system
  Diabetes mellitus, lipid abnormalities,
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism
15.2.2 Anatomical and Physiological
5. Digestive system Characteristics
  Peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease,
pharmacogenic digestive system diseases Circulatory System
6. Mental and nervous system 1. Heart
  Dementia, depression, Parkinson’s disease Although heart volume does not change
7. Bone, exercise system with age, heart weight increases with age due
   Osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis
to myocardial hypertrophy, increased fibrous
8. Blood, immune system
and adipose tissue, and sclerotic changes in
  Anemia, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic
syndrome the mitral and aortic valves.
The size of the heart increases slightly with
age, especially the left ventricle. The thick- Great Individual Differences ness of the left ventricular wall increases
The function of most organs declines gradually mildly with age, and the left and right ven-
with physiological aging. However, the age at tricular volumes tend to decrease, and the
which the function of these organs begins to heart fills more slowly.
decline and the state of decline varies from per- In the conduction system, the number of
son to person. In addition, when pathological pacing cells in the sinoatrial node decreases
aging occurs, individual differences become even significantly from around age 60 to age 75
greater. Anesthesia should not be administered when the number of cells drops to 10% of that
uniformly based solely on a mechanical assess- at age 20. Changes from the atrioventricular
ment of age. node to the atrioventricular bundle are less
pronounced than in the sinoatrial node, and Common Dementia and Mild only slight changes occur in the more distal
Cognitive Impairment conduction bundles.
By 2012, it was estimated that one in seven Resting heart rates in the elderly are not
patients aged 65 or older had dementia, and it is much different from those of younger and
predicted that by 2025, one in five patients aged middle-­aged adults, but the maximum heart
65 or older will have dementia. Even if dementia rate that can be achieved during exercise
does not develop, the elderly will experience an decreases with age. Left ventricular diastolic
increased frequency of mild cognitive impair- function is impaired due to decreased myocar-
ment and thus may experience difficulty in dial compliance and compensatory atrial
obtaining medical records. In addition, these ­hypercontraction. Consequently, in the pres-
patients may not follow preoperative manage- ence of arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation,
ment such as fasting and abstinence from food the single cardiac output is significantly
and drink very well. reduced. Increased peripheral vascular resis-
15  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the Elderly 213

tance due to atherosclerosis increases after- cal shunt, and an increase in the alveolar-arterial
load and systolic blood pressure [3]. partial pressure of oxygen gradient (A-aDO2).
The elderly heart is susceptible to heart As mentioned above, respiratory function in
failure because of its decreased reserve capac- the elderly declines almost linearly with age.
ity against load. Swallowing and cough reflexes are dimin-
2. Vascular system ished, and aspiration pneumonia caused by occult
Thickening and reduced stretch of the ves- aspiration (saliva flowing into the lungs during
sel walls of the aorta and middle arteries, and sleep) is common.
narrowing and reduced elasticity of the lumen
of the small and fine arteries can be seen. The Autonomic Nervous System
thickening of the arterial wall is more pro- The thermoregulatory function is decreased,
nounced in the intima. Systolic blood pressure and body temperature is susceptible to hypo-
increases with age, but diastolic pressure thermia during general anesthesia due to the
decreases in the elderly, resulting in an ambient temperature of the operating room. The
increase in pulse pressure. Decreased sensi- responsiveness of chemoreceptors is decreased,
tivity of the baroreceptor in the aorta and as is the heart rate reflex to hypercapnia and
venous sinuses leads to decreased barorecep- hypoxemia [6].
tor reflex function and predisposes to ortho-
static hypotension, resulting in large diurnal Liver
variations in blood pressure. The number of hepatocytes decreases with age,
In addition, changes in the connective tis- as does cytochrome P-450 (CYP) activity in
sue of the vessel wall can cause the aorta to hepatocytes. Liver weight decreases to approxi-
thicken and stiffen. One result of such changes mately 3/4–2/3 that of younger and middle-aged
is an increase in blood pressure—as is the patients [7], and hepatic blood flow is reduced.
case in most elderly patients. At the same These changes result in a reduction in hepatic
time, increased blood pressure leads to an drug metabolism. The frequency and severity of
increased burden on the heart, which can lead drug-induced liver injury increases in older
to thickening of the heart muscle (hypertro- patients taking multiple medications [8].
phy), while other arteries can thicken and The presence of dyspnea, smoking, coughing,
stiffen as well. and wheezing can be assessed from the history.
Valuable information regarding pulmonary func- Respiratory System tion can be obtained by questioning the elderly
With humans’ aging, respiratory muscle strength patient concerning ability to climb stairs pro-
decreases, the trachea and the rib cartilage cal- vided that other causes for stopping (e.g., claudi-
cify, and the connective tissue between the alveo- cation, degenerative osteoarthritis) can be
lar epithelium and the capillaries of the lungs excluded.
hardens. These changes cause a decrease in lung Patients with COPD should receive preventive
and thoracic compliance, an increase in closed therapy with mucolytic and broncho-dilating
volume, closed capacity, functional residual air agents. Pulmonary infection should be well con-
volume, and a decrease in total lung volume. trolled before surgery. Chest physical therapy
Closed capacity is about 10% of total lung vol- may decrease postoperative pulmonary
ume at about age 20, but increases to about 30% complications.
at age 70. Exertional lung volumes, FEV1 and
FEV1% decrease with age [4, 5]. Kidney
In addition, there is a decrease in alveolar sur- Renal atherosclerosis and vitelliform degenera-
face area, a decrease in pulmonary diffusing tion are the main causes of micro-atherosclerotic
capacity, a decrease in arterial partial pressure of nephropathy, and tubular atrophy and glomerulo-
oxygen (PaO2) due to an increase in physiologi- sclerosis may also occur.
214 J. Li

In renal cortical function, glomerular filtration flow due to the decrease in blood pressure, as
rate (GFR), renal blood flow, renal plasma flow, well as the decrease in pressure receptor reflexes,
and creatinine clearance are decreased. In renal can easily cause upright hypotension and
medullary function, urine concentration and dilu- syncope.
tion are decreased. In renal tubular function, Various changes in the transmission mecha-
sodium storage is diminished and sodium excre- nisms of neurotransmitters such as dopamine,
tion is increased. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone norepinephrine, monoamine neurotransmitters
production is also reduced [9, 10]. (e.g., 5-hydroxytryptamine), and acetylcholine
As with respiratory function, these functions can cause Parkinson’s disease, depression,
decline linearly with age. dementia, etc.
Brain function decreases after a certain age Metabolism and Endocrine (which varies from person to person). Some areas
Numerous alterations in hormonal secretion of the brain in some populations decrease by up
occur with aging. In general, these tend toward to 1% per year without any loss of function [12].
the disintegration of the normal cyclic secretory In other words, a loss of brain function is not a
patterns resulting in lower total circulating levels. certain result of age-related changes. However, it
In addition, declines in receptors and post-­ is still possible for brain function to decline with
receptor function further decrease the ability of age, in conjunction with numerous factors such
the hormonal orchestra to maintain coordinated as changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmit-
function throughout the organism. ters), changes in the nerve cells themselves, toxic
Basal metabolic rate decreases with age and is substances that accumulate in the brain over time,
approximately 30% lower at age 80 than in youth and genetic changes.
and middle age.
There is little change in the synthesis or Blood, Body Fluid,
secretion of cortisol, ACTH, or T4, but the con- and Immune System
version of T4 to T3 is reduced, resulting in low Red blood cell count, hemoglobin level, and
levels of T3. serum albumin level decrease with age. Total
Blood levels of the adrenal androgens dehy- body water content decreases, especially intra-
droepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepian- cellular water content, thus making it more sus-
drosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) decline linearly ceptible to dehydration.
with age starting in the early 20s. In clinical prac- With age, the immune system becomes slower
tice, DHEA-S concentrations are measured in the to respond. Aging decreases immune function
blood, and high DHEA-S concentrations are con- and predisposes to reactivation of herpes viruses
sidered a biomarker of longevity, as higher con- and tuberculosis, and the development of cancer
centrations mean less cardiovascular disease and is also associated with decreased immune func-
longer life expectancy [11]. tion. Also, an autoimmune disease may develop.
Insulin secretion and glucose tolerance At the same time, the body heals more slowly
decrease with age, while hemoglobin Alc with aging [13].
(HbAlc) increases. Sensory System Nervous System Aging raises the threshold of producing sensa-
With age, atherosclerosis of the cerebral blood tion, which means more stimulation is needed for
vessels increases and cerebral blood flow the elderly to become aware of the sensation.
decreases. The metabolic rate of the brain also The latency to light reflex increases with age.
decreases. The autoregulatory function of cere- Glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmen-
bral blood flow shifts to the hypertensive side tosa, age-related macular degeneration, and cata-
compared to that of middle-aged and young racts are the leading causes of blindness, and the
adults. Therefore, the decrease in cerebral blood occurrence of these diseases increases with age.
15  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the Elderly 215

Hearing loss becomes more severe with age. thought to reduce the absorption of oral drugs
Hearing in the high-frequency range decreases and prolong their absorption time. However,
significantly, but the low-frequency range also in clinical practice, they do not affect the
decreases gradually [14]. absorption of oral drugs to a great extent,
except for iron and vitamins, and they do not
change much compared to those in young and
15.2.3 Pharmacological middle age.
Characteristics 2. Drug distribution
In the elderly, there is a relative increase in
Age alters both pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- the percentage of body fat due to a decrease in
dynamic aspects of anesthetic management, and muscle tissue, and this trend is stronger
these changes need to be considered when admin- in women. Fat-soluble drugs are more likely to
istering medication. The functional capacity of accumulate in adipose tissue due to increased
organs declines and coexisting diseases further distribution and a longer duration of action.
contribute to this decline. On the other hand, due to the low total
The elderly is more sensitive to anesthetic body water content, the volume of distribution
agents and generally require smaller doses for the of water-soluble drugs decreases, and the
same clinical effect, and drug action is usually increase in blood concentration at the begin-
prolonged (Table 15.2). ning of drug administration very much
enhances the efficacy of the drug. Pharmacokinetic Changes A decrease in serum albumin, the binding
[17, 18] protein of the drug, leads to an increase in the
Age-related pharmacokinetic changes lead to plasma concentration of the unbound drug.
prolonged drug half-life and increased maximum Especially for drugs with high albumin bind-
blood concentration of drugs in the elderly. ing, the number of unbound drugs increases,
Pharmacokinetics is defined by the phases of thus increasing the volume of distribution (the
drug absorption, drug distribution, drug metabo- total volume of body fluid required when cal-
lism, and drug excretion; it is also influenced by culated from the measured plasma drug con-
age-related changes in the following aspects. centration after equilibration of the drug in the
body) and tending to prolong the duration of
1. Drug absorption action of the drug.
Aging leads to a decrease in gastric acid 3. Drug metabolism
secretion, an increase in gastric pH, a decrease Most drugs are metabolized primarily in
in the rate of gastric emptying, a decrease in the liver, and aging is associated with a
blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract, and a decrease in the number of hepatocytes, a
decrease in the area of the gastrointestinal decrease in hepatic blood flow, and a decrease
tract to absorb drugs. These factors are in the activity of cytochrome P-450 (CYP), an

Table 15.2  Clinical pharmacology Drug Brain sensitivity Pharmacokinetics Dose

of anesthetic agents in the elderly Inhaled agents ↑ ↓
Thiopental → Volume↓ ↓
Etomidate → Volume↓ ↓
Propofol ↑ Clearance↓ ↓
Midazolam ↑ Clearance↓ ↓
Morphine ↑ Clearance↓ ↓
Remifentanil ↑ Clearance↓ ↓
Atracurium – – →
Cisatracurium – – →
216 J. Li

important drug-metabolizing enzyme in the metabolism of the former drug by the CYP is
liver. There were no significant differences in inhibited and its effect is enhanced. For example,
the activities of ethanol dehydrogenase, acet- the melatonin receptor agonist ramelteon, which
ylation binding, and glycolysis compared to has been increasingly used as a sleeping pill for
those in young and middle age. the elderly because it does not produce the same
Hepatic metabolism of drugs depends effects as amphetamines, is metabolized mainly
mainly on the activity of drug-metabolizing by CYP1A2 and is therefore contraindicated in
enzymes and hepatic blood flow; therefore, combination with the antidepressant fluvoxamine
hepatic drug metabolism time is prolonged in (a strong inhibitor of CYP1A2).
the elderly.
4. Drug excretion
Most drugs are excreted through the urine. 15.3 Anesthesia Practice
Due to reduced renal blood flow and decreased in the Elderly
glomerular filtration rate caused by aging,
drug excretion is reduced and drug concentra- 15.3.1 Preoperative Management
tion in the blood increases. The degree of
reduction in drug excretion correlates with a Preoperative Assessment
decrease in creatinine clearance. Reduced Special attention should be paid to diseases that
renal excretion, combined with reduced increase with age when performing preoperative
hepatic drug metabolism, is a major factor in assessments (Table 15.1). In addition, the reserve
altering pharmacokinetics in the elderly. capacity of the respiratory system, circulatory
Some drugs are excreted from the liver system, liver, kidneys, and other organs that may
into the bile. In elderly patients with obstruc- become problematic during general anesthesia
tive jaundice, drugs excreted through the bile should be assessed.
are prohibited in principle. Preoperative Management Pharmacodynamic Issues Specific to the Elderly
Changes [18] 1. Dementia and mild cognitive impairment
Pharmacodynamics changes with age. Therefore, Dementia is the deprivation of once
even if the blood concentration of the drug acquired intellectual functions for some rea-
remains constant, age-related changes in respon- son, resulting in a significant decrease in
siveness occur. The sensitivity of some receptors daily or social/occupational functioning
to which the drug binds may increase or decrease, compared to previous levels due to memory
while others remain unchanged. For example, impairment, as well as aphasia and apraxia,
beta-blockers are less effective because of the so that the patient is unable to maintain
decreased sensitivity of beta-receptors, whereas independence in daily life. A condition in
benzodiazepines are more effective because of which a patient has memory impairment but
the increased sensitivity of benzodiazepine is still able to maintain independence in
receptors. In addition, aging generally decreases daily life is referred to as “mild cognitive
tolerance to drug side effects and toxicity. impairment.”
There are three main types of dementia. Drug Interactions Alzheimer’s disease: senile plaques (beta-
There are more than 50 CYPs, which are classi- amyloid deposits) in the brain, neurogenic
fied as CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2B6, CYP3A4, changes (aggregation and fibrosis of Tau pro-
etc. based on the homology of amino acid teins), neuronal degeneration and loss, and
sequences. When a drug metabolized by a spe- brain atrophy; dementia caused by infection:
cific CYP is combined with a drug that inhibits such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; and revers-
the activity of the same CYP, the process of ible dementia: caused by hypothyroidism,
15  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the Elderly 217

normal pressure hydrocephalus, and chronic Table 15.3  Malnutrition indicators [19–21]
subdural hemorrhage. Body measurement
Dementia and mild cognitive impairment Ideal weight ratio (%)
make it difficult for patients to comply with = current weight (kg)/ideal weight (kg) × 100%
Ideal weight (kg) = height (m)2 × 22
preoperative management regimes, such as
1.1. 80–89% Mild malnutrition
abstinence from food and drink, medical his-
70–79% Medium
tory taking, and obtaining informed consent malnutrition
for anesthesia. Dementia and mild cognitive Lower than Serious
impairment are also important risk factors for 70% malnutrition
postoperative delirium. Weight loss ratio (%)
2. Malnutrition Duration Obvious Serious weight
weight loss loss
It is estimated that 10–20% of elderly
1 week Lower than Greater than 2%
patients are malnourished, and malnutrition is 2%
associated with prolonged hospitalization and 1 month Lower than Greater than 5%
postoperative complications. 5%
Diseases and conditions specific to the 3 months Lower than Greater than 7.5%
elderly, such as dysphagia, dementia, depres- 7.5%
6 months Lower than Greater than 10%
sion, living alone, and being bedridden, are
factors that contribute to malnutrition. Blood examination
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Item Half-life Malnutrition
inosine drugs, which are often taken for long (day) standard (/dL)
periods in the elderly, have side effects that Serum albumin 17–23 Lower than 3.5 g
cause anorexia, which can also cause malnu- Transferrin 7–10 Lower than
200 mg
trition. Anthropometric measurements and
Methotrexate 2–3 Lower than 17 mg
blood tests are used as indicators to assess
Retinol-binding 0.5 Lower than
malnutrition (Table  15.3). The ideal weight protein 3.0 mg
ratio needs to be calculated by measuring Serum albumin is the most widely used blood test as an
height, but this may be difficult to achieve in indicator of malnutrition. Serum albumin has a relatively
bedridden elderly patients. The weight loss long half-life of 17–23  days, and it is important to note
ratio can be assessed by measuring weight that nutritional interventions to improve a patient’s nutri-
tional status do not result in an immediate increase in
alone. albumin levels
3. Apraxia
Apraxia is the loss of mental and physical Table 15.4  Changes brought by apraxia
functions due to rest, inactivity, or immobility. Cardiopulmonary Decrease in beat volume,
Elderly people are often bedridden, which is function spirometry, and minute
the main cause of apraxia. The various func- ventilation
tional declines resulting from apraxia include Mental function Decrease in cognitive ability,
depression, anxiety
cardiopulmonary, mental, and neurological
Joints Decreased activity,
(Table 15.4), and should be managed with full degeneration, rickets
recognition that this is a contributing factor to Bones Reduced bone density,
difficulties in perioperative management. osteoporosis
4. Depressive disorders Muscles Reduced muscle strength,
It is estimated that 3–5% of elderly patients muscle atrophy
suffer from depressive disorders such as Digestive system Reduced appetite, malnutrition
­depression and depressive states, while the
prevalence of depressive disorders is 10–15% tor for postoperative delirium, which prolongs
among elderly patients seen in nonpsychiatric hospitalization and has a significant impact on
units [22]. Depressive disorders are a risk fac- postoperative quality of life. For patients on
218 J. Li

tricyclic antidepressants, please contact their used with sedatives, which are significantly more
primary care physician in advance to switch to potent, and should be reduced and closely moni-
other antidepressants, such as tetracyclic anti- tored for causing respiratory depression.
depressants, selective 5-hydroxytryptamine
reuptake inhibitors, or 5-hydroxytryptamine-­
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.
15.3.2 Intraoperative Management Premedication Commonly Used Anesthetics
Elderly patients require lower doses of premedi-
1. Inhaled anesthetics.
cation. Opioid premedication is valuable only if
The minimum alveolar concentration
the preoperative condition of the patient involves
(MAC) of inhaled anesthetics decreases with
severe pain. Anticholinergics are not required
age. The decrease in MAC with age can be
since salivary gland atrophy is usually present.
calculated by [24]
However, H2 antagonists are useful, to reduce the
risk of aspiration. Metoclopramide could also be 115% − 0.6 × age
used to promote gastric emptying, although the With the above formulation, it can be cal-
risk of extrapyramidal effects is higher in elderly culated that a 10-year increase in age results
patients [23]. in a decrease of approximately 6% in MAC.
The dose of premedication is lower in elderly As functional residual capacity increases
patients. Patients should be premedicated with with age, the absorption of inhaled anesthetics
opioids only if severe pain is identified during the slows down and the induction time of inhaled
preoperative evaluation. Anticholinergics are not anesthetics is prolonged. High concentrations
required because elderly patients usually have of desflurane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane,
salivary gland atrophy. H2 antagonists may which are volatile inhalants now widely used
reduce the risk of aspiration. Metoclopramide in Japan, tend to cause hypotension and
may also be used to facilitate gastric emptying, reduced cardiac output; therefore, administra-
although in elderly patients there is also a higher tion at high concentrations should be avoided.
risk of extrapyramidal effects. 2. Intravenous anesthetics
Premedication with anxiolytics and tranquil- The ED50 of intravenous anesthetics
izers may be used to reduce preoperative anxiety decreases with age. As with inhaled anesthet-
and insomnia. Medications that may be used for ics, the degree to which ED50 decreases with
this purpose include benzodiazepines, cyclopen- age can be calculated by [25]
tadienone, melatonin receptor agonists, and oxy-
115% − 0.6 × age
tocin receptor antagonists. In addition, the
melatonin receptor agonist ramelteon and the The decrease is approximately 6% for
appetite peptide receptor antagonist suvorexant every 10 years of age.
are administered. Considering the increased sen- At age 80, the ED50 decreases by approxi-
sitivity to these drugs with age, the doses admin- mately 30%.
istered should be lower than in young and (a) Propofol
middle-aged patients. Since many elderly patients In the elderly, both induction and
are taking multiple psychotropic medications, maintenance doses should be reduced
their medications should be checked to ensure because of the tendency for hypotension
that there is no overlap with medications previ- due to vasodilation. In addition, if the
ously used by the patient. infusion rate is too fast during induction
Scopolamine, a belladonna drug, may cause of anesthesia, significant hypotension can
delirium in the elderly and should not be used. occur, so the infusion rate should be
Narcotic analgesics may cause severe respira- slowed down. When using target-con-
tory depression in the elderly, especially when trolled infusion (TCI), the predicted
15  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the Elderly 219

blood levels should be reduced to 1/2–2/3 ylcholinesterase and has no prolonged

of those in younger and middle-aged duration of action.
patients. Rocuronium and vecuronium are the
Patients with liver disease should be most widely used non-depolarized mus-
cautioned that the duration of action may cle relaxants and are indicated in elderly
be prolonged. patients because of their minimal circula-
(b) Barbiturates tory effects and because their muscle-­
Barbiturates have a high binding rate relaxing effects are rapidly antagonized
to serum albumin. In the elderly, serum by the γ-cyclodextrin derivative sugam-
albumin is lower, so unbound barbiturates madex, and are thus indicated in the
are increased, resulting in increased vol- elderly.
ume of distribution and prolonged dura-
tion of action. Sensitivity to barbiturates Practice of General
also increases with age and therefore the Anesthesia
dose should be reduced. 1. Induction of anesthesia
(c) Ketamine The sunken cheeks in elderly patients due
Ketamine should not be used in to edentulous jaws or multiple missing teeth
patients with hypertension or ischemic may make it difficult for them to put on the
heart disease because it increases blood mask. Gauze can be inserted into the mouth to
pressure and heart rate by stimulating make the patient’s cheeks fuller and able to fit
sympathetic nerves, and also increases the mask. To prevent the gauze from falling
cerebral blood flow, cerebral metabolic into the airway, it is best to use gauze with a
rate, and intracranial pressure. gripping handle.
3. Analgesic anesthetics Before induction of anesthesia, adequate
(a) Remifentanil oxygenation should be given through high
In the elderly, it has stronger respira- concentration oxygen inhalation. The choice
tory depression function at lower doses of inhalational anesthetics, intravenous anes-
and causes heart rate and blood pressure thetics, or a combination of both for induc-
to fall as in young and middle-aged tion should be based on the preoperative
patients. The initial and maintenance evaluation. Inhaled anesthetics should be
doses should be reduced to 1/3–1/2 the administered at low concentrations, gradu-
dose in young and middle-aged patients. ally increasing the inhalation concentration,
(b) Fentanyl and intravenous anesthetics should be admin-
The incidence of respiratory depres- istered slowly. High concentrations of
sion is higher than in young and middle- inhaled anesthetics and rapid administration
aged patients. The dose should be of intravenous anesthetics may result in
reduced. severe circulatory depression and significant
(c) Muscle relaxants hypotension.
It is generally accepted that the phar- 2. Tracheal intubation
macodynamics of muscle relaxants show The height of the larynx relative to the cer-
little change due to aging. In terms of vical spine decreases with age. Therefore, it is
pharmacokinetics, non-depolarized mus- often easier to expose the larynx with a laryn-
cle relaxants are metabolized by the liver goscope in elderly patients than in young and
or excreted by the kidneys, resulting in a middle-aged patients. On the other hand, it
prolonged duration of action. should be noted that due to the resorption of
Succinylcholine, a depolarized muscle the alveolar bone caused by periodontal
relaxant, is degraded in plasma by butyr- ­disease, the remaining teeth are often unstable
220 J. Li

and may fall out when exposing the larynx. In be avoided. To antagonize the muscle-relax-
addition, older patients have a high incidence ing effects of the non-depolarized muscle
of rheumatoid arthritis and may have diffi- relaxants rocuronium and vecuronium, the
culty with tracheal intubation due to reduced γ-cyclodextrin derivative sugammadex is bet-
mobility of the cervical spine. Tracheal intu- ter than the anticholinesterase drugs neostig-
bation using video laryngoscopy or fiber optic mine and edrophonium chloride in
bronchoscope should be considered for such combination with atropine because it has less
patients. circulatory changes and is more suitable for
Close care should be taken to prevent the elderly.
respiratory depression when using midazolam
or propofol for conscious tracheal intubation
in elderly patients under sedation. In addition, 15.3.3 Postoperative Management
because elderly patients are prone to elevated
blood pressure during awake intubation, con- The most common postoperative complications
tinuous intravenous antihypertensive drugs in elderly patients are pulmonary complica-
such as calcium antagonists or nitroglycerin tions, such as pneumonia and atelectasis, and
are often used during tracheal intubation. central nervous system disorders, such as post-
3. Maintenance of anesthesia operative delirium and postoperative cognitive
Inhaled anesthetics, intravenous anesthet- impairment.
ics, narcotic analgesics, muscle relaxants, and
other drugs used to maintain anesthesia should Postoperative Pulmonary
not be overdosed in elderly patients. Complications
Compared to young and middle-aged Risk factors for postoperative pulmonary compli-
patients, the elderly are more prone to circula- cations include postoperative transnasal insertion
tory changes during the maintenance of anes- of a gastric tube, excessive preoperative sputum,
thesia and therefore often require the use of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
elevating and hypotensive medications. Care and smoking. Aging reduces the reflexes of the
should be taken not to overdose on these pharynx and, together with decreased swallowing
medications. function, increases the risk of aspiration and pre-
Respiratory management is usually disposes to pulmonary complications related to
achieved through respiratory regulation, as aspiration.
the respiratory depressant effects of the drugs
used tend to be enhanced in the elderly. Due to Postoperative Delirium
reduced pulmonary-thoracic compliance in [26, 27]
the elderly, positive pressures tend to be Postoperative delirium is a temporary loss of
higher in the elderly than in young and mid- brain function resulting in abnormal psychomo-
dle-aged patients during respiratory regula- tor confusion. In the context of this confusion,
tion of inspiration. Care should be taken to concentration, attention, memory, judgment, and
avoid excessive positive pressures and to the ability to perceive orientation are impaired.
reduce the mean airway pressure during the The diagnostic criteria for delirium are based on
combined time of inspiration and expiration DSM-5 criteria (Table 15.5).
so that expiration time is adequate and venous Postoperative delirium, which occurs after
return is not reduced. anesthesia or surgery, is one of the most impor-
4. Awakening and extubation tant perioperative management problems com-
Elderly patients are prone to elevated monly seen in the elderly. The onset of
blood pressure and tachycardia during awak- postoperative delirium is usually 1–3  days after
ening and extubation. When antihypertensive surgery. Delirium can lead to life-threatening
drugs or β-blockers are used, overdose should behaviors, such as self-extraction of tracheal
15  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the Elderly 221

Table 15.5  Diagnostic criteria for delirium and may even be missed. This may be one of the
A Abnormalities in attention (i.e., decreased reasons for the large variation in the incidence of
orientation, ability to focus, maintain, and shift postoperative delirium between reports.
attention) and impaired awareness (decreased Postoperative delirium has been reported to occur
ability to perceive the environment in which they
are located) in 5–15% of all anesthetized patients, especially
B Abnormalities occur over a short period (usually after cardiac and femoral fracture repair proce-
hours to days), with changes compared to dures, but also in a small number of patients after
consistent levels of attention and cognitive ability, head and neck tumor surgery.
and changes in single-day severity
It has been suggested that the pathogenesis of
C Often associated with cognitive impairment (e.g.,
memory loss, confusion, abnormalities in delirium involves neurological hyperactivity,
language, visuospatial cognition, perception) such as neurological hyperfunction of dopamine,
D The abnormalities mentioned in A and C are norepinephrine, and glutamate, and neurological
difficult to distinguish from other pre-existing abnormalities of 5-hydroxytryptamine and
neurocognitive disorders, and generally do not
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the cerebral cor-
occur in states with low levels of consciousness
(e.g., in a drowsy state) tex, limbic system, and upper brainstem, areas
E Abnormalities caused by other diseases, that are profoundly associated with cognition,
poisoning, or withdrawal of a substance (i.e., memory, emotion, and sleep-wake cycles.
abuse of drugs or medical supplies), or exposure Microhemorrhages in the brain caused by sur-
to toxic substances, or by physiological changes
brought on by multiple diseases, as evidenced by
gery have also been reported to be associated
medical records, physical examinations, and with postoperative delirium.
clinical findings, with clear evidence Risk factors for the development of postop-
erative delirium have been reported to include
tubes intravenous fluid catheters, which can pro- age over 70, dementia, depression, insomnia,
long postoperative recovery and lead to delayed postoperative pain, electrolyte abnormalities,
bed departure and resumption of treatment. and the use of anticholinergic drugs and
Postoperative delirium in Alzheimer’s patients benzodiazepines.
can easily be misinterpreted as a worsening of To prevent postoperative delirium, it is impor-
dementia or resistance or refusal to treatment or tant to recognize and address the risk factors, as
medical personnel. Although delirium shares the well as to improve the environment. Management
same broad cognitive impairment as dementia, of intraoperative hypotension and postoperative
delirium differs from dementia in its rapid onset, pain is important for patients with a high likeli-
the presence of diurnal variation in symptoms, hood of delirium. The use of scopolamine (an
lack of attention and concentration on the sur- anticholinergic drug) in premedication is a risk
roundings, and disturbed sleep rhythms. factor for delirium and thus should not be used in
There are three types of delirium: hyperactive, elderly patients.
in which the patient has an agitated psychomotor The environment should be improved by
state, is emotionally unstable, irritable, and adjusting daytime and nighttime lighting, adjust-
refuses to cooperate with medical treatment; ing monitor volume, organizing medical equip-
hypoactive, in which the patient has a diminished ment, using familiar household items, and
psychomotor state with a tendency toward inac- allowing family members to visit and accompany
tivity and drowsiness, similar to coma; and the patient.
mixed, in which the patient has a psychomotor The first choice in treating postoperative delir-
state with a mixture of symptoms from the two ium is to find and eliminate the cause, i.e., correct
previous types. The onset of the hyperactive type hypoxia, eliminate postoperative pain, correct
of postoperative delirium is relatively easy to dehydration, and electrolytes, and discontinue
detect, whereas the onset of the hypoactive type the causative medications. Dissuasion of the
of postoperative delirium may be detected later patient is not effective and often exacerbates the
222 J. Li

symptoms. Wearing glasses, hearing aids, and sidered to be distinct conditions, it has also been
moderate lighting may also help, as delirium can suggested that postoperative delirium may be an
be exacerbated when the senses are suppressed. early symptom of postoperative cognitive
If the cause of delirium has not been eliminated, impairment.
or if it is caused by multiple causes, pharmaco-
logic treatment should be administered.
Treatment of postoperative delirium includes 15.4 Conclusion
butalbital drugs, such as haloperidol, atypical
antipsychotics, such as risperidone, and antide- Elderly patients are susceptible to the stress of
pressants, such as trazodone. Benzodiazepines trauma, hospitalization, surgery, and anesthesia in
are not usually used because they can exacerbate ways that are only partly understood. Accordingly,
delirium. However, if delirium is thought to be minimizing perioperative risk in elderly patients
caused by the discontinuation of a benzodiaze- requires thoughtful preoperative assessment of
pine, it may be combined with an antipsychotic. organ function and reserve, meticulous intraoper-
Cholinesterase inhibitors should be used if the ative management of coexisting disorders, and
cause of delirium is known to be caused by anti- vigilant postoperative pain control [23].
cholinergic drugs or drugs with anticholinergic
effects. Dexmedetomidine and ramelteon may
also reduce the incidence of postoperative delir- References
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Anesthesia for Oral
and Maxillofacial Head and Neck 16

Yu Sun and Ming Xia

16.1 Introduction maxillofacial tumors, which is going to be fur-

ther discussed in this chapter.
Oral and maxillofacial tumors are a major part of From the epidemiological survey, the occur-
head and neck tumors and so far surgery remains rence of oral and maxillofacial tumors is related
to be the main treatment for oral and maxillofa- to dental health and addiction to tobacco and
cial tumors, which makes up the major part of alcohol, etc. Among the tumor patients, the
the comprehensive and sequential treatment. elderly account for a larger proportion, and the
Among all types of tumors, the oral and maxil- ratio of male to female is about 1.48:1 [2].
lofacial tumors occur at a relatively high rate, Tumors are generally considered to be either
especially in India and Southeast Asia, with a benign or malignant. Benign tumors may be
large patient population. According to American locally invasive but do not metastasize to distant
Cancer Society (ACS), oropharyngeal tumors sites. Malignant tumors are not only locally inva-
ranked ninth among all malignant tumors. sive but also have the potential to metastasize to
According to the statistics in 2004, oropharyn- other sites in the body. According to this survey,
geal tumors accounted for 2.1% of all tumors, the ratio of benign to malignant oral and maxil-
and in 2007, this percentage increased to 2.4%. lofacial tumors is 1:1, and the common benign
The analysis of inpatient cases of oral and maxil- tumors are mixed tumors of parotid gland, ame-
lofacial surgery in our center (Shanghai Ninth loblastoma, maxillofacial angioma, etc. Cancer is
People’s Hospital) from 1954–2006 showed that most common in malignant tumors while sar-
the surgical amount of tumor surgery accounting coma is rather rare. According to the site of
for about 37% of the composition of oral and lesion, the cancers can be divided into cheilocar-
maxillofacial surgery, and more than 99% of cinoma, gingival carcinoma, tongue cancer, buc-
them were performed under general anesthesia cal carcinoma, carcinoma of mouth floor, etc.,
with tracheal intubation [1]. Therefore, we are which involve all anatomical parts of the maxil-
supposed to focus on anesthesia for oral and lofacial and intraoral areas.
From the perspective of anesthesiology, oral
and maxillofacial tumors have the following
characteristics: (1) the incidence of airway diffi-
Y. Sun · M. Xia (*)
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth culties is very high in patients with maxillofacial
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong tumors, and airway management during the
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China whole perioperative period shall be rather tricky;

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 225
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
226 Y. Sun and M. Xia

(2) many patients with maxillofacial tumors are 16.2.1 The Tumor and Airway
elderly, addicted to smoking or drinking, dystro- Obstruction
phic or with certain comorbidities. Furthermore,
considering the impact of preoperative radiother- A tumor is a solid or semi-solid mass within bone
apy on the body’s immunity, detailed preopera- or soft tissue that is made of cells that are differ-
tive risk assessment and treatment are crucial (3) ent than cells usually found in that location. In
Radical surgery of maxillofacial malignant addition to tumors of the same type as other parts
tumors can lead to large trauma and bleeding; of the body, there are also facial tumors that only
meanwhile it is relatively difficult to stop bleed- occur in the maxillofacial region, such as odonto-
ing, and hence reducing surgical bleeding provid- genic tumor and salivary gland tumor. The nam-
ing corresponding blood protection measures ing of the tumors is mostly based on their
should be considered for anesthetists (4) anatomic regions. From the aspect of anatomic
Similarly, due to the large trauma, it is often nec- structures, the oral and maxillofacial region can
essary to perform a repair of free tissue flap be divided into collar surfaces and oral cavity.
defect; thus it usually takes long for surgeries and The former includes facial soft tissues and maxil-
long surgical management; smooth anesthesia lofacial bones, such as maxilla, mandible,
and stable internal environment are significant to zygoma, temporomandibular joint, salivary
reduce postoperative complications and improve glands, etc.; the latter includes teeth, alveoli, lips,
prognosis; (5) many of the blood vessels and cheeks, tongue, palate, pharynx, etc. There are
nerves in the head and face are connected to the several types of soft tissue tumors which may be
cranium, so it is important to be aware of brain found on the lips, cheeks, tongue, mouth floor
protection during anesthesia. (under the tongue), and gums. Maxillofacial
tumors, especially intraoral carcinomas, can lead
to different degrees of airway obstruction. For
16.2 Oral and Maxillofacial Head patients with airway obstruction, their tolerance
and Neck Tumor and Airway to surgery and hypoxia must be assessed
The relationship between the airway and tumor
of oral and maxillofacial head and neck is insepa-
rable. First of all, the tumor may occupy the air- 16.2.2 Tumors and Their Influence
way space or deform the airway by applying on Airway Management
external compression, so that the airflow in and
out of the airway can be affected, resulting in Lip Tumors
complete or incomplete airway obstruction, and Common ones are hemangioma and lip cancer,
in such cases, relieving the obstruction is the first which usually do not affect the degree of mouth
task. Secondly, most of the maxillofacial head opening, but if the tumor is huge or invades the
and neck tumors require intubation to ensure intraoral tissues, it can affect the placement of
effective ventilation, while the specific anatomi- laryngoscope. Hemangioma tumors are usually
cal location for tumors to grow adds difficulty to soft and have a certain degree of mobility, so the
airway operations such as mask ventilation, tumor can be pulled aside to expose the laryngo-
laryngeal mask ventilation, endotracheal intuba- scope for endotracheal intubation. In contrast, lip
tion and extubation. Furthermore, the surgical cancer has a small range of movement and is
operation is in the vicinity of the airway, and a prone to frictional bleeding, so adequate prior
section of the endotracheal tube may be exposed evaluation is required.
to the surgical view. As a shared place for both
anesthetists and surgeons, the airway has to be Buccal Cancer Tumor
well managed by anesthetist with the premise of Because it grows on the lateral side of the mouth,
not influencing the surgical operations. it usually does not obstruct the passage of
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 227

a­ nesthesia catheter, and there is no restriction of the entire oral cavity. Tongue cancer may invade
mouth opening in the early stage. However, when the tongue root and pharyngeal wall backward,
the tumor invades the buccal muscle and mastica- and laryngoscope should be avoided to damage
tory muscle, mouth opening restriction gradually the tumor body when intubating. In case of tumor
appears, and the influence of mouth opening on with ulcerated surface or hemangioma of the
laryngoscopic exposure should be fully consid- tongue, it is more likely to bleed after injury, so
ered at this time. special attention should be paid when using
laryngoscope. Gingival Tumor
Gingival cancer is mostly of ulcerative type, easy Tumors of the Floor
to bleed, and invades the alveolar bone at an early of the Mouth
stage, resulting in loosening of teeth and possible and Oropharynx
loss of teeth. Before laryngoscopic exposure, Cancer of the floor of the mouth is most common
whether the teeth are missing or loose should be in the anterior floor of the mouth, which occurs
checked, and rubbing the tumor surface should on both sides of the tongue ligament. The tumor
be avoided during operation. Upper gingival can- invades the gingiva and the lingual plate of the
cer may invade the nasal cavity, thus the ipsilat- mandible, then spreads backward to the posterior
eral nasotracheal intubation should be avoided; floor of the mouth and invades the floor muscles
when gingival cancer invades the posterior molar to the deeper level, resulting in limited tongue
area and pterygoid muscle, difficulty in opening movement and fixation in the mouth, which is an
the mouth may occur. important factor leading to difficult intubation.
The oropharyngeal area is not large in scope, and Tumor of Palate the tumor is easy to invade the surrounding area,
Large tumors in the anterior part of the palate can which can easily cause obstruction and can be
lead to facial deformation and cause difficulties followed by sleep apnea syndrome. Therefore, it
in oxygen delivery by mask confinement. The is necessary to discuss carefully with the surgeon
hard palate tumor often bulges toward the nasal before surgery and make a proper assessment
cavity and one side of the nasal tract is easily with the help of imaging data. If the tumor is
invaded, depending on the size of surgical resec- found to be very close to the epiglottis or the
tion and intubation through the contralateral nos- vocal cords, the trachea may interfere with the
tril. For patients who require total maxillectomy, operation, and there are also problems such as
nasotracheal intubation is more appropriate. difficulty in breathing after extubation, so preop-
Inadvertent nasotracheal intubation during max- erative tracheotomy may be considered.
illectomy has been reported. Soft palate cancer is
more malignant and often involves the pterygo- Maxillary Sinus Cancer
palatine fossa, and patients have clinical manifes- Maxillary sinus cancer is one of the most com-
tations of restricted mouth opening. mon cancers in the nasal cavity and paranasal
sinuses. When it invades the temporomandibular Tongue Tumor joint, it can cause restriction of mouth opening.
Tongue cancer usually refers to the cancer of the When the tumor spreads to the infraorbital plate,
front two-thirds of the tongue body, while the total maxillary osteotomy is often required, and it
tumor at the root of the back one-third of the is not suitable for nasotracheal intubation.
tongue belongs to the category of oropharyngeal
cancer. When tongue cancer invades the Tumor of the Parotid Area
pharyngeal-­palatal arch, patients will have diffi- Generally, it does not affect the degree of mouth
culty in opening their mouth. Huge tumors in the opening, and there is no obvious obstruction to
ventral part of the tongue can sometimes occupy the catheter path, so it is usually possible to
228 Y. Sun and M. Xia

choose fast induction of bright vision intubation. 16.3 Oral and Maxillofacial Head
However, some malignant tumors of the parotid and Neck Tumor Surgery
gland with large local infiltration and i­ nvolvement and Bleeding
of the buccal muscle may cause restriction of
mouth opening, and some tumors with large 16.3.1 Blood Transfusion for Oral
tumors may also hinder the administration of and Maxillofacial Tumor
oxygen by mask pressure. Surgery Tumor of Chin and Neck The blood supply of oral and maxillofacial head
Tumors in the chin and neck can affect the mobil- and neck is rich, and it is relatively difficult to
ity of the head and neck to the extent that laryn- stop bleeding, especially for radical surgery of
goscopic exposure is difficult, which needs to be malignant tumor, resection of primary foci, com-
evaluated before surgery. On the other hand, if bined craniomaxillofacial enlargement resection
the tumor is huge, it may squeeze and displace and corresponding osteotomy process; the blood
the vocal cord to the opposite side, making intu- loss in surgery is often difficult to control. In
bation difficult. Hygroma of the chin and neck is recent years, with the improvement of overall
a type of neck tumor commonly seen in young medical level, the rate of early detection and
children and is a type of lymphangioma. Large diagnosis of tumors has increased; the improve-
hygromas can invade the pharynx, vocal cords, ment of surgical techniques, the shortening of
and trachea, resulting in respiratory distress. operation time, and the use of hemodilution tech-
niques and controlled hypotension techniques
have greatly reduced intraoperative bleeding.
16.2.3 Impact of Prior Treatment Factors related to the amount of intraoperative
on Airway Management blood transfusion include: (1) the site of surgery.
Surgical bleeding is often greatest in the maxilla
Preoperative radiotherapy makes anesthesia more or midface, such as when advanced maxillary
difficult: (1) local tissues have radiation reactions sinus carcinoma invades the base of the middle
after radiotherapy, which are more rigid, less cranial recess or the pterygopalatine fossa, the
mobile, and prone to bleeding, making anesthesia surgery requires the removal of the entire max-
and intubation more difficult; (2) radiotherapy illa, the bone plate of the middle cranial recess
may decrease platelets and increase the risk of and the facial lesion, and the bleeding is very
bleeding, reducing the patient’s tolerance for sur- large; (2) tumors of high malignancy, with exten-
gical anesthesia. sive resection, a large defect area needs to be cov-
The trauma and scarring of previous surgery, ered and there is relatively more bleeding;
changes in local anatomy caused by tissue recon- surgeries in which the adjacent flap can repair the
struction, and the scarring of the anterior neck defect lead to less bleeding than surgeries requir-
after the previous tracheotomy can have a great ing free tissue; (3) the nature of the tumor. The
impact on the upcoming anesthesia and intuba- bleeding and transfusion volume of neurofibroma
tion, and the incidence of difficult intubation is surgery in the maxillofacial area is higher; (4) the
significantly higher. In such patients, awake intu- blood transfusion volume is often higher for long
bation should be chosen whenever possible, and surgery, which is of course related to the com-
the same side of the nasal cavity as during the plexity and difficulty of the surgery; (5) the phys-
previous surgery should be chosen for intubation. iological condition of the patient before surgery.
In patients with total bilateral mandibular resec- Patients with preoperative anemia also require a
tion and exposed floor of the mouth, such patients larger perioperative transfusion volume. Patients
can be directly tracheotomized. with a history of preoperative hypertension and
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 229

poorly controlled blood pressure are prone to Controlled hypotension has its prerequisite. It
show intraoperative hemodynamic fluctuations, presupposes adequate blood volume so as not to
which then lead to increased bleeding and trans- damage the tissues and organs. The usual practice
fusion volume [3]. is to use plasma substitutes such as hydroxyethyl
starch and gelatin for volume expansion immedi-
ately after induction to ensure adequate circulat-
16.3.2 Blood Transfusion-Related ing blood volume while also playing a
Problems hemodilution role.
Controlled hypotension is limited. The safe
There are a large number of reports arguing limit is to not affect the blood perfusion and oxy-
the relationship between allogeneic blood gen supply of the tissues and organs, and the
transfusion and tumor recurrence. The current magnitude of pressure reduction is not less than
consensus is that transfusion-mediated immuno- 50 mmHg, or the time to drop below 50 mmHg is
suppression may be mediated by leukocytes in not more than 15–30  min. From the practical
blood products, so try to transfuse blood products point of view, because the whole tumor surgery
with leukocytes removed. In addition, transfusion time is relatively long, it is only necessary to
of allogeneic blood has been associated with implement strict controlled hypotension during
postoperative infections. Blood transfusions can the steps with more bleeding such as osteotomy
cause the spread of infectious diseases, includ- and tumor resection, while during the micro-
ing hepatitis and acquired immunodeficiency scopic operations such as vascular anastomosis,
syndrome (AIDS). Adverse effects of blood the blood pressure can be controlled slightly
transfusion also include hemolysis, febrile reac- below the base, and the pressure should be
tions, and dilutional coagulation disorders, elec- restored immediately after the end of vascular
trolyte disturbances, hypothermia, and anastomosis, which helps the blood supply of the
microthrombus input after massive transfusion. graft on the one hand, and helps the surgeon to
Therefore, on the basis of safeguarding the oxy- judge and stop the bleeding on the other hand.
gen supply of patients and maintaining effective The implementation of controlled hypoten-
circulating blood volume, various measures are sion: (1) can achieve the purpose of hypotension
utilized to reduce unnecessary allogeneic blood by deepening anesthesia with inhalation anes-
transfusion. thetics; (2) application of hypotensive drugs,
commonly used such as vasodilators (sodium
nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, etc.), calcium chan-
16.3.3 Measures to Reduce Blood nel blockers (Perdipine, etc.), adrenal receptor
Transfusion blockers (Esmolol, Labetalol, etc.). In controlled
hypotension, the surgical site can be kept as high Controlled Hypotension as possible above the rest of the body so that the
The application of controlled hypotension in blood pressure in the surgical field can be mini-
maxillofacial tumor surgery is conducive to the mized without affecting perfusion to other sites.
reduction of tissue bleeding during resection of Invasive arterial monitoring is necessary during
primary foci and provides a dry surgical field, the process of lowering blood pressure.
which makes the tissue anatomy easy to identify
and is also suitable for certain delicate operations Strict Blood Transfusion
such as vascular anastomosis in the process of Indications
tumor repair, so the application of controlled The importance of blood to the body lies in its
hypotension in oral and maxillofacial surgery is ability to carry oxygen, maintain effective circu-
very common at present. lating volume, and maintain normal coagulation
230 Y. Sun and M. Xia

mechanisms. The normal organism has a certain Preoperative autologous blood collection
compensatory capacity for blood loss and technique. This technique is used in maxillofacial
anemia. tumor surgery and generally requires autologous
For acute blood loss during surgery, the first blood donors with basal hemoglobin of not less
thing to assess is the circulating volume, and than 11  g/dL and no serious cardiopulmonary
improving the circulating volume can be done by disease. Patients have 800–1000  mL of autolo-
supplementing colloids and crystals according to gous blood collected in batches over a period of
the actual situation of the patient. Some new 2–4 weeks prior to surgery and stored in a blood
plasma substitutes such as hydroxyethyl starch bank for use during surgery. This technique can
and gelatin have emerged, which are not only also be combined with the application of erythro-
effective in expanding the volume, but also have poietin to achieve maximum blood conservation
a long maintenance time with few side effects, so [4]. The disadvantage of this technique is the
for cases where the percentage of blood loss is need to wait 2–4 weeks before the surgery can be
less than 15%, blood transfusion is usually not scheduled, and the other concern is the anemia
given, and only crystals and colloids are supple- caused by preoperative blood collection.
mented. When the percentage of blood loss rises Acute hemodilution technique. Moderate
to 15–30%, blood transfusion can still be with- hemodilution reduces the loss of red blood cells
held for patients with good cardiopulmonary in the same amount of blood loss and unblocks
reserve and when surgery no longer causes con- the microcirculation, which facilitates the sur-
tinued bleeding. Blood transfusion is only con- vival of the graft. Acute high-volume hemodilu-
sidered when the percentage of blood loss is tion, which involves supplementation with a
greater than 30%. colloid equivalent to 20% of one’s own blood
Another indicator that determines whether to volume after induction of anesthesia, has the
transfuse or not is hemoglobin. There are advo- advantage of being easier to perform and does
cates of open transfusion, i.e., transfusion is started not lead to waste, but it is less effective than iso-
when hemoglobin is below 10 g/dL, and there are volemic hemodilution in saving blood and can
also advocates of restrictive transfusion, i.e., trans- result in cardiovascular accidents due to circula-
fusion is started only when hemoglobin reaches tory overload if not properly manipulated.
7 g/dL or less [3]. However, the fact is that there is Due to the nature of the tumor and the need for
no uniform critical transfusion point for all patients intraoral manipulation, it is generally not recom-
in clinical practice. Clinical judgment and patient’s mended. Unlike intraoral tumors, neurofibromas
vital signs indicators such as blood pressure, pulse and hemangiomas in the oral and maxillofacial
rate, urine volume, and capillary filling are crucial head and neck are benign tumors and are not oper-
for the need of blood transfusion. Hemoglobin ated in the oral cavity. The application of intraopera-
greater than 10 g/dL is not transfused; below 7 g/ tive blood recovery techniques can significantly
dL, transfusion of concentrated red blood cells is reduce the transfusion of allogeneic blood and avoid
considered; between 7 and 10  g/dL, comprehen- the adverse effects of massive transfusion of alloge-
sive consideration can be made according to the neic blood. The use of intraoperative autologous
patient’s cardiovascular status, age, oxygenation, blood recovery techniques for neurofibroma and
and whether bleeding is still continuing. hemangioma surgery has now become routine. Autologous Transfusion

Techniques 16.4 Pre-anesthesia Visit
There are three major types of autologous trans- and Preparation
fusion techniques in common use: preoperative
autologous blood collection techniques, acute Preoperative preparation is divided into several
normovolemic or hypervolemic hemodilution aspects, such as medical history, physical exami-
techniques, and intraoperative blood recovery nation, laboratory and imaging tests, consultation
techniques. and conversation.
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 231

16.4.1 Medical History Information Preoperative Radiotherapy

History History Related to Airway Preoperative radiotherapy to the head and neck
Obstruction region can lead to abnormal airway anatomy, tis-
A detailed history can determine the severity of sue edema and swelling, peri-airway tissue fibro-
airway obstruction. In addition to asking whether sis, and local movement restriction. It is
the patient has snoring, shortness of breath, or particularly important to examine the degree of
dyspnea, it is also necessary to ask whether there tissue stiffness under the chin and between the
is nocturnal shortness of breath and awakening. hyoid bones, and swelling and fibrosis in this
The presence of nocturnal symptoms often indi- area largely affect laryngoscopic exposure. Acute
cates an escalation in the degree of obstruction. inflammatory-like side effects that occur after
In the severe stage of obstruction there is often radiotherapy include epidermolysis bullosa and
also an impairment of gas exchange, and even oral mucositis, and patients with oral mucositis
difficulty with coughing occurs. Atelectasis and are more likely to develop infection and bleeding
lung infections can further worsen the condition. during airway manipulation. Radiotherapy to the
Other symptoms suggestive of airway obstruc- parotid region can present with oral dryness,
tion include changes in voice, choking sensation while intraoral radiotherapy can also affect the
after exercise, abnormal swallowing, and patients dentition, and there is a correlation between den-
complaining of uncontrollable secretions from tal health and difficult cannulation.
the nose and mouth. History of Preoperative History Related to Vital Chemotherapy
Organ Function Preoperative chemotherapy is also very common.
There is a great correlation between age, addic- The common chemotherapeutic drugs amino-­
tion to tobacco and alcohol, and the development methotrexate and paclitaxel have significant
of oral and maxillofacial head and neck tumors. myelosuppressive effects and can cause thrombo-
Therefore, there are many patients with comorbid cytopenia and also neutropenic fever; bleomycin
chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pul- can cause pulmonary fibrosis; cisplatin has neph-
monary disease, bronchitis, hypertension, coro- rotoxicity; paclitaxel and carboplatin can reduce
nary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, alcoholic the diffusion rate of carbon monoxide by 20%
cirrhosis and other chronic diseases in the patient with long-term use (>5  months); cisplatin and
population, and whether these comorbidities are doxorubicin also have central nervous system
properly controlled before surgery is related to toxicity; amino-methotrexate has digestive sys-
the risk of surgery, postoperative complications, tem toxicity, manifested as stomatitis, diarrhea,
and mortality. Patients with comorbidities are weight loss, electrolyte imbalance, etc. For che-
evaluated and treated aggressively preopera- motherapy patients, preoperative assessment of
tively, such as controlling hypertension, using organ function, blood and electrolyte tests are
bronchodilators to increase lung capacity, con- very important.
trolling respiratory infections, controlling cardiac
arrhythmias, controlling blood sugar, placing Preoperative Medication
temporary pacemakers preoperatively for patients History and Previous
with severe conduction block, nutritional support Surgical History
therapy, and correcting anemia and electrolyte Tumor patients may use opioids preoperatively
disturbances. Since tumor surgery is a surgery of due to pain and other reasons, and may show
limited duration, early surgery after appropriate signs of cognitive dysfunction such as delirium,
adjustment and balancing the conflict between excessive sedation, and drowsiness. For patients
surgical risk and surgical treatment are important presenting with psychiatric problems, it is neces-
elements of preoperative evaluation. sary to identify the presence of metabolic ­disease,
232 Y. Sun and M. Xia

infection, and hypoxia, or overdose with other Patients with previous surgical history should be
psychotropic drugs, or brain metastases. The observed for the effect of surgical scars and skin
number of previous surgeries and the time of the flaps on intubation, and the presence of tracheot-
most recent surgery, the history of airway diffi- omy scars in the neck should be recorded.
culties during previous anesthesia, the history of Mouth opening and tongue extension. When
previous blood transfusion, and whether a trache- the tumor invades the masticatory muscle and
otomy has been performed in the past can help in temporomandibular joint, it often leads to mouth
the selection of the anesthetic plan and the prepa- opening restriction. Mouth opening refers to the
ration before anesthesia. distance between upper and lower incisors at
maximum mouth opening. The normal value
should be greater than or equal to 3 cm (two fin-
16.4.2 Preoperative Physical gers); when it is less than 3 cm, there is a possi-
Examination bility of difficult intubation. Patients with tongue
root mass or radiotherapy are often associated Nutritional Status with difficulty in tongue extension, and difficulty
Malnutrition can be defined as 10% or more in tongue extension also suggests the need for
below the standard weight. In 25% of patients awake intubation.
with oral and maxillofacial head and neck tumors, Temporomandibular distance. It is the dis-
there is some degree of malnutrition. Malnutrition tance between the notch of the thyroid carti-
may be related to factors such as reduced mouth lage and the chin prominence of the mandible
opening, painful swallowing and aspiration due when the patient’s head is tilted back to its
to tumor, and may also be due to tumor anorexia, maximum. If the nail-chin spacing is greater
decreased mastication function, and tooth alveo- than or equal to 6.5 cm, there is no difficulty in
lar invasion. In addition, nausea and vomiting intubation; between 6 cm and 6.5 cm, there is
after radiotherapy and mucosal inflammation can difficulty in intubation, but appropriate posi-
also aggravate malnutrition. Patients with malnu- tion adjustment such as in the sniffing position
trition need further examination of total lymph can be intubated with laryngoscopic exposure,
count, albumin, prealbumin, and other so this patient needs to be further checked for
indicators. comfort in the sniffing position; less than 6 cm
(three fingers), there is difficulty in intubation Intubation Conditions with laryngoscope.
Visual examination. Some tumors can be directly Neck flexion and extension. Neck tumors,
observed, such as lip cancer, tumors of hard pal- lymph node metastases, and side effects of
ate, gum cancer, tongue and abdomen tumors, radiotherapy can all affect neck mobility. Neck
skin cancer of scalp and face and neck, and hem- flexion and extension refers to the range of
angioma of maxillofacial region. The size, loca- movement from maximum flexion to extension
tion, fragility of the tumor, and whether it is easy of the patient’s neck. The normal value is greater
to bleed and fall off need to be recorded. Some than 90° and up to 35° from neutral to maximum
tumors can cause localized elevation of the max- posterior elevation; less than 80°, there is diffi-
illofacial region, such as huge masses in the culty in intubation. Cervical joint extension can
parotid area and lymphoedema, which are evalu- be measured by taking lateral radiographs, CT,
ated to see if they interfere with mask pressurized and MRI.
oxygen delivery. Some hemangiomas invade the Mallampati test. The Mallampati test is per-
anterior cervical region, and it is necessary to formed with the patient sitting upright, facing the
know whether tracheotomy and emergency venti- examiner, and forcefully opening the mouth and
lation are feasible. Patients need to be recorded extending the tongue to the maximum. The exam-
for loose or absent teeth, small jaws, short neck, iner grades the pharyngeal structures according
and swelling in the anterior cervical region. to their visibility: grade I, the soft palate,
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 233

p­haryngopalatine arch, and uvula are visible; ways; with the help of CT and MRI, we can
grade II, the soft palate, pharyngopalatine arch, understand the extent of tumor invasion and
and uvula are partially covered by the tongue whether there is airway stenosis; the simulated
root; grade III, only the soft palate is visible; endoscope constructed by CT three-dimensional
grade IV, the soft palate is not visible. conformation can visually simulate the path of
Palpation of the anterior cervical region. It intubation, so as to judge whether there is intuba-
can help to understand whether the trachea is dis- tion difficulty.
placed or not. In patients with huge thyroid
tumors or tumors after multiple surgeries, the tra-
chea may be displaced to one side. Anterior cer- 16.4.4 Preoperative Case Discussion
vical palpation is also useful for understanding and Family Talk
whether there is difficulty in cricothyroid
puncture. The treatment of head and neck tumor requires
the collaboration between multiple departments
and a medical team. Preoperative discussion with
16.4.3 Laboratory and Imaging surgeon and otolaryngologist may include: (1)
Examinations The scope of tumor invasion. Whether it has
invaded the skull or the orbit or sinuses with cor-
For elderly tumor patients with more comorbidi- responding physiological changes, and cases
ties, preoperative blood, urine routine, blood invading the nasal cavity may be contraindica-
clotting time, liver and kidney function, blood tions for nasotracheal intubation. If it is a mass
glucose, electrolytes, and other laboratory tests adjacent to the vocal cords, it is also needed to
are performed to exclude preoperative anemia ask the ENT physician to perform nasal endos-
and occult liver and kidney insufficiency due to copy and tracheoscopy. Blind intubation may
radiotherapy and tumor medication. In patients cause aggravation of obstruction as well as tumor
with airway obstruction, blood gas analysis helps dislodgement and implantation. (2) In case of
to understand the presence of hypoxia and hyper- hemangioma, it is necessary to distinguish capil-
capnia. A 12-lead electrocardiogram and chest lary type or cavernous hemangioma, because the
radiograph are also mandatory, and a chest radio- latter will rapidly engorge and swell when the
graph is useful for the presence of pulmonary position is changed, such as when the head is
metastases. Cardiac function and echocardiogra- lowered. When the patient holds his breath or
phy are also required in patients with cardiac dis- coughs, the tumor will also swell rapidly and
ease, and pulmonary function is required in obstruct the airway due to obstructed reflux of the
patients with respiratory insufficiency. mass. Any factors that cause obstruction of reflux
Frontal and lateral X-rays of the head and of the hemangioma should be avoided during
neck and CT and MRI scans are important to intubation. (3) The plan of surgery. Preoperatively,
evaluate difficult airways. On the X-ray projec- the surgeon should be informed of the surgical
tion measurement chart, patients with too long plan, and the intraoperative bleeding volume,
mandibular hyoid spacing and too short distance operating time, and the choice of arterial and
from the posterior nasal crest to the posterior venous puncture sites should be predicted accord-
pharyngeal wall are prone to difficult intubation; ing to the surgical plan. (4) Previous treatment.
abnormalities in craniofacial angles and lines The time of the last surgery and the extent of the
(such as the length of the anterior skull base, the damage, the number of radiotherapy sessions,
angle of the maxilla and mandible in relation to and whether there is a response to radiotherapy,
the skull base, and the angle of the maxilla and especially the last intubation, are extremely
mandible in relation to each other) can also cause important for the airway assessment. (5) Whether
difficult intubation due to changes in the volume a tracheotomy and admission to the intensive
of the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal air- care unit are required postoperatively.
234 Y. Sun and M. Xia

As far as anesthesia is concerned, most avoided in the lower extremity where the donor
patients need to be intubated awake, so a detailed area is located. The connection of the monitor,
explanation should be given to the patient before including the placement of the electrocardiogram
surgery about the necessity of awake intubation electrodes, should be considered whether it will
and intubation steps to obtain the patient’s coop- interfere with the surgical operation and should be
eration in the intubation process, and patients avoided if possible. The patient is again informed
who need to be intubated or tracheotomized after of the next anesthetic procedures, especially the
surgery should also be informed before surgery. awake intubation, to gain the patient’s trust and
cooperation and to avoid unnecessary stress. As
the internal jugular vein is usually within the sur-
16.4.5 Preoperative Medication gical area, the femoral vein is usually chosen for
and Fasting the puncture of the central vein. For patients who
are to undergo central venous pressure monitor-
Preoperative medication includes sedative, anal- ing, subclavian vein puncture is feasible.
gesic, and anticholinergic drugs. How to admin- Similarly, arterial puncture is more commonly
ister medication depends on the degree of airway chosen for the dorsalis pedis artery [5, 6].
obstruction. Patients without significant airway RAE catheters are most frequently used in
obstruction can be given medication as usual. maxillofacial surgery, with the exposed proximal
Considering that benzodiazepines and opioids end of the orotracheal tube curved downward and
may cause respiratory depression, and anticho- the exposed proximal end of the nasotracheal
linergic drugs may dry up airway secretions and tube curved upward, facilitating both fixation and
aggravate airway narrowing, preoperative medi- surgical manipulation. The wire thread reinforced
cations may be waived in patients with severe catheter does not deform after bending and is
preoperative airway obstruction. Preoperative used in surgery where the head position is fre-
fasting was performed as usual. quently changed to avoid catheter collapse.
Prepare laryngoscope, intubation forceps, mask,
core, ventilator, dental pad, connecting tube, and
16.5 Induction of Anesthesia other devices in terms of intubation appliances. For
and Intraoperative patients with suspicious airways, prepare as many
Management different types of appliances as possible, such as
cushion pillows, various laryngeal lenses such as
General anesthesia with endotracheal intubation Macintosh and Miller, laryngeal masks, blind tra-
is chosen for most oral maxillofacial head and cheal intubation devices, visual laryngoscopes,
neck tumor surgeries. Since this type of surgery fiberoptic bronchoscopes, etc., depending on the
is time-consuming and involves intraoral manip- needs and expertise of the operator.
ulation, supraglottic devices such as laryngeal
masks are not suitable and are limited to emer- Intubation Plan
gency ventilation in case of failed intubation. Developing an intubation plan for maxillofacial
tumor anesthesia is never a simple task. It is nec-
essary to be familiar with the process of difficult
16.5.1 Induction Phase of Anesthesia airway management, and to have alternative
plans and remedial measures immediately after Pre-induction Preparation the first plan fails.
Lower limb vein placement is usually chosen in Selection of intubation route. The intubation
oral and maxillofacial head and neck surgery. For routes are: (1) endotracheal intubation through
patients undergoing digital subtraction angiogra- the nose; (2) endotracheal intubation through the
phy (DSA), anterolateral femoral flap, or peroneal mouth; (3) tracheotomy insertion of catheter. It is
muscle flap repair, venous puncture should be mainly determined by the location of the tumor
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 235

and the surgical plan. The most commonly used preserved voluntary breathing is suitable for
is the nasotracheal tube, which has the advan- patients with suspected airway difficulties who
tages of better fixation of the nasal cannula and are uncooperative, such as pediatric patients, and
easy intraoperative management; better tolerance the main methods are ketamine induction and
and suitable for postoperative retention of the tra- inhalation anesthesia induction. Attention needs
cheal tube; close to the posterior wall of the pha- to be paid to the reduced tolerance of the elderly
ryngeal cavity and less interference with surgery. to drug-induced respiratory circulation, the
It is customary to choose the nostril on the oppo- induction pushing speed should be slow, and the
site side of the tumor lesion for intubation. Before circulation should be kept as stable as possible.
intubation, it is important to know whether the Remedies after failed intubation. Remedies
nasal cavity on the operating side is patent and to after failed intubation include emergency ventila-
routinely prepare the nasal cavity. When the tion techniques such as cricothyrotomy and
patient’s nasal cavity is invaded by the tumor, or transtracheal jet ventilation (TTJV) in hypoxic
patients with long-term radiotherapy for naso- state and other airway control routes such as
pharyngeal cancer and malignant tumors of the laryngeal mask ventilation and tracheotomy in
palate and maxillary sinus requiring total maxil- nonemergency situations.
lary osteotomy, orotracheal intubation is usually
chosen. In patients with partial maxillary resec- Difficult Airway
tion, nasotracheal intubation contralateral to the Management [7–9]
lesion does not usually interfere with the proce- First of all, we should distinguish which type of
dure, and transnasal endotracheal intubation is airway difficulty the difficult airway belongs to,
still widely chosen. Preoperative tracheotomy whether it is mask ventilation or catheter inser-
may be chosen in three cases: (1) when orotra- tion, whether it is the patient’s inability to coop-
cheal or nasotracheal intubation is not possible; erate or tracheotomy difficulty. For uncooperative
(2) when tracheal tube inevitably has to interfere patients, such as pediatric patients, intubation can
with the surgical operation; and (3) when prophy- be induced while preserving spontaneous breath-
lactic tracheotomy is to be performed postopera- ing, and ketamine or inhalation anesthesia induc-
tively and preoperative intubation is difficult. tion is the more common method. For cooperative
Unless the patient has obvious laryngeal stenosis adult patients, awake intubation is undoubtedly
or supraglottic obstruction, tracheal intubation is the best option. The awake patient has sufficient
still the mainstay of general tumor surgery. muscle tone to keep the airway open, and muscle
The choice of induction method. There are tension makes the tissues easily recognizable.
three common methods: (1) Fast induction intu- The presence of protective reflexes in the awake
bation, i.e., placing the catheter after the muscle patient reduces the risk of aspiration.
relaxation has completely taken effect. This is The term “awake” does not mean that no anes-
mainly suitable for patients without airway diffi- thetic drugs are used, but rather: (1) appropriate
culties, such as mixed tumors of the parotid gland sedative and analgesic drugs; (2) complete sur-
and some early tumors of the lip, cheek, and ven- face anesthesia; and (3) local nerve block,
tral surface of tongue. (2) Intubation or tracheot- through the appropriate medication to avoid
omy under conscious sedation and surface choking, laryngospasm, etc., to make the intuba-
anesthesia, which is mainly suitable for patients tion smoother.
who are suspected of having airway problems but Commonly used sedative and analgesic drugs
can cooperate, and can be guided by videolaryn- include fentanyl, midazolam, etc. The application
goscopy, light stick guidance, or trans-fiber bron- of midazolam can also enable the patient to
choscopy to guide intubation. After completion obtain good paracrine amnesia and avoid adverse
of the operation, the catheter position is con- recall.
firmed to be correct, and then drug-induced sleep Endotracheal injection of local anesthetics
is induced. (3) Slow induction intubation with and local anesthetic spray by cricothyroid punc-
236 Y. Sun and M. Xia

ture can reduce the stress of airway and is very 16.5.2 Anesthesia Maintenance
useful in awake intubation. The specific opera- Stage
tion is as follows: (1) inject 3–4 mL of 2% lido-
caine through the cricothyroid puncture, and ask Tumor surgery, especially malignant tumor sur-
the patient to cough so that the local anesthetic gery, should take into account the two main char-
can be evenly distributed; (2) spray the dorsum of acteristics of remote operation and prolonged
the tongue, soft palate, and pharynx with 7% surgery in the anesthesia maintenance stage.
lidocaine spray (trade name Xylocaine); you can
also gently lift the root of the tongue after placing Operation on Distance
the laryngeal lens, ask the patient to inhale In oral and maxillofacial head and neck tumor
deeply, and aim the spray at the epiglottis and surgery, the operation in the mouth or moving the
supraglottis area. head will cause the catheter to shift, which may
The main methods of intubation in the awake cause the catheter to slip out or enter into one side
state are fiberoptic bronchoscopy-guided intuba- of the bronchus during the surgery. On the other
tion or video laryngoscopic intubation, both of hand, since the tracheal tube passes through the
which require perfect surface anesthesia and surgical area, it is often covered by the surgical
appropriate sedation and analgesia. Fiberoptic towel and the displacement and folding of the
bronchoscopy is considered to be the first choice catheter is usually not easily detected; therefore,
for difficult tracheal intubation, allowing for the fixation of the catheter is very important.
transnasal or transoral manipulation and visual- Generally, the nasal catheter is easier to fix than
ization of some structures of the airway with less the oral catheter, and the RAE catheter facilitates
irritation and a high success rate. However, it airway management. The catheter can also be
cannot be used in the presence of significant secured to the nasal septum or the corner of the
bleeding and secretions in the pharynx, and the mouth with sutures or to the skin with a surgical
operator’s technical inexperience will affect its patch. The air sac of the tracheal tube should also
success rate. be checked for air leakage before the start of sur-
gery to prevent the flow of large amounts of Intubation Complications bloody secretions into the airway during surgery
Common complications of intubation include in the mouth.
throat pain, hoarseness, and dental injury. Since the surgeon occupies the head end of the
Complications such as pharyngeal mucosal lac- patient and the anesthesia machine needs to be
eration or perforation, subluxation of the aryte- positioned away from the head and connected to
noid cartilage, vocal cord paralysis, and laryngeal the tracheal tube by a long threaded tube, it may
nerve injury are rare. Throat pain or hoarseness be necessary to extend the tubing for additional
usually improves within 72 h. length, choosing a lightweight threaded tube to
Complications of nasotracheal intubation avoid pulling the endotracheal tube out by grav-
include massive nasal bleeding, entry of the cath- ity. Check each connection for a tight fit. Monitor
eter into the retropharyngeal space during intuba- closely intraoperatively to prevent loosening of
tion, and removal of the turbinates during the connections. Monitoring of end-expiratory
intubation, mostly due to pre-existing deformi- carbon dioxide partial pressure (PetCO2),
ties or lesions of the nasal cavity and rough han- pressure-­flow loop, and airway pressure can help
dling. In patients with massive nasal bleeding, a identify problems in the respiratory circuit early.
catheter should be left in place to act as a pressure
hemostat. Try to clear the blood from the orona- Prolonged Surgery
sal cavity and try to intubate from the other nos- Protection of the organism. Since oral and maxil-
tril. Avoid rough handling, and proper lubrication lofacial head and neck tumor surgery is usually
and softening of the tracheal tube can play a pre- long, attention should be paid to the protection of
ventive role. the organism: (1) Eye protection. In maxillofacial
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 237

surgery, surgical suction and antiseptic drops can of drugs such as inhalation anesthetics, propofol,
easily lead to eye damage. Apply foam antimi- remifentanil, atracurium, and other new anesthet-
crobial eye ointment and sterile tape to the upper ics; (3) according to the need for surgical stimu-
and lower eyelids before surgery, and remind the lation to adjust the dose of drugs; (4) intraoperative
physician to avoid pressing the eyeball or pulling use of the push pump constant rate of drug deliv-
the eye contents during the surgical operation, ery. The push pump administration can also
which can reduce the risk of eye injury and blind- reduce the fluctuation of blood oxygen concen-
ness. (2) Protection of the nose. Excessive upward tration and make the anesthesia smoother.
pulling of the catheter or overweight of the artic- Fluid management. The bleeding from the
ulating tube will compress the nasal flange, and maxillofacial area can flow to the neck and occip-
prolonged compression and nasal ischemia will ital area and be absorbed by the mattress and sur-
lead to local skin necrosis and scar formation. (3) gical towel, etc. These hidden blood losses can
Protection of peripheral nerves. The surgical bed easily lead to underestimation of bleeding and
is too narrow and leads to intraoperative upper insufficient volume replenishment. On the other
limb sagging or pressure, which can easily cause hand, patients are mostly elderly patients with
ulnar nerve injury, especially in obese patients; more combined cardiovascular diseases, and
the upper limb is too abducted, or the pad liner is excessive fluid rehydration can lead to cardiovas-
not placed in prone position, which can cause cular overload and heart pump failure, so a more
brachial plexus nerve injury. Therefore, it is nec- precise fluid management pattern needs to be
essary to confirm whether the position is appro- maintained. Traditional methods, such as moni-
priate before cutting the skin. (4) Protection of toring of invasive blood pressure, central venous
skin and mucosa. In the same position for a long pressure, and other hemodynamic indicators,
time, care should be taken to avoid excessive help to guide rehydration, while hourly urine vol-
pressure on certain gravity areas and to disperse ume recording can indirectly reflect tissue perfu-
the area under stress as much as possible. The sion. Goal-directed fluid therapy (GDFT) refers
electrodes and lead wires should not pass through to individualized rehydration therapy by moni-
the pressurized area [10]. toring hemodynamic indices to determine the
Hypothermia. Intraoperative hypothermia can body’s fluid needs. Studies have shown that intra-
lead to impaired platelet function and reduced operative individualized GDFT can provide
coagulation factor activity, resulting in increased greater benefit for medium- to high-risk patients.
surgical blood loss; hypothermia can reduce Due to the limitations of oral and maxillofacial
enzyme activity, resulting in delayed awakening; head and neck surgical sites, Flotrac/Vigileo or
on the other hand, hypothermia is an important LiDCOTM rapid devices are often used clinically
factor leading to free flap graft failure. to monitor SVV, PPV, and other indicators to
Intraoperative monitoring of body tempera- optimize volume management of the body, which
ture is usually required, and rectal temperature can significantly improve patient prognosis and
can be monitored continuously. Methods to pre- shorten the hospital stay.
vent hypothermia include: increasing the ambient
temperature of the operating room, using an
adjustable temperature insulation blanket, and 16.6 Postoperative Management
using an infusion warmer for large amounts of
fluid input. 16.6.1 Extubation
Drug accumulation. In order to avoid drug
accumulation, intraoperative methods can be Factors affecting postoperative airway manage-
adopted: (1) intraoperative use of static inhala- ment strategy include: (1) whether postoperative
tion compound anesthesia, reduce the amount of anatomical changes in the nasal and pharyngeal
a single drug; (2) choose a strong controllable, cavities and large free tissue flap repair obstruct
short duration, nonhepatic and renal metabolism the upper airway, and whether edema of the soft
238 Y. Sun and M. Xia

tissues surrounding the resected lesion affects bedside. After extubation, patients should still be
airway patency; (2) injury to the lingual nerve, given close respiratory monitoring, including
vagus nerve, and one side of the phrenic nerve SpO2, heart rate, respiratory rate, etc. Patients
during surgery can lead to decreased swallowing should be alerted to hypoventilation when they
reflex, elevation of the ipsilateral diaphragm, and appear irritable, delirious, or drowsy, and blood
decreased ventilation; (3) prolonged anesthetic gas tests should be performed if necessary.
drug accumulation, postoperative infection, Patients with obvious posterior tongue drop may
potential bleeding hematoma in the operating have a nasopharyngeal airway placed, or the
area, and the patient’s preoperative pulmonary tongue may be pulled out and fixed outside the
function are also factors that cannot be ignored. mouth after suturing.
Postoperative extubation must be done with
caution. The requirements for extubation in oral
and maxillofacial tumor surgery include: (1) the 16.6.2 Prophylactic Tracheotomy
patient is clearly conscious, the EEG dual-­ and Indwelling Tracheal Tube
frequency index monitoring meets the require-
ments, there is no delirium and irritability, and There are some procedures that require prophy-
protective reflexes such as coughing are well lactic tracheotomy in the postoperative period,
recovered; (2) muscle tone is completely restored, such as: (1) procedures involving supraglottic tis-
and there is no residual effect of inotropic drugs; sues such as the tongue root, pharyngeal cavity,
(3) pulse oxygen saturation can reach the preop- and larynx, where the postoperative pharyngeal
erative level when breathing air; (4) hemody- cavity wall loses support and the airway tends to
namic stability; (5) salivation at the corners of the collapse; (2) simultaneous bilateral cervical
mouth significantly less than before, and not lymph node dissection, where there can be sig-
much secretion during intra-catheter suction. nificant postoperative laryngeal edema; (3)
Extubation can be performed after the patient extensive joint resection with mandibular osteot-
is fully awakened or 24–48 h after surgery. The omy beyond the midline; (4) large intraoral free
special nature of oncologic surgery makes tissue flaps; and (5) patients with preoperative
delayed extubation very common, and it is safer respiratory insufficiency. The purpose of selec-
for cases with significant postoperative local tive tracheotomy is to secure the patency of the
swelling, suspected bleeding, or where the surgi- airway, and then after 5–7 days when the swell-
cal site may affect breathing. Before extubation, ing subsides, block the tube and finally remove
aspirate the secretions from the mouth and nose, the tracheotomy tube. However, postoperative
and place a gastric tube to remove the gastric prophylactic tracheotomy also carries certain
contents. Check again for localized blood leak- risks and complications, such as the risk of
age or poor drainage, and check if the dressing is hypoxia if the local tissue collapses after the tra-
affecting breathing, then release the air bag and cheal tube is withdrawn from the airway and the
gently remove the catheter. For patients who tracheotomy tube cannot be delivered in time.
originally had a difficult airway, place a guide Therefore, it is important that the withdrawal
tube such as a Cook AEC before withdrawing the process be slow, stopping when the distal end of
tube, and then slowly withdraw the catheter to the the tracheal tube reaches the top of the fistula and
vocal opening, stop and observe the respiratory then completely withdrawing when the tracheot-
situation, if there is nothing special continue to omy tube is delivered into the trachea without
withdraw outward until it is completely with- error. Tracheotomy also increases the risk of lung
drawn, while continuing to leave the catheter in infection. The inability to speak after tracheot-
place for 10–20 min, in order to be able to quickly omy can affect the patient’s psychological recov-
redirect the insertion of the tracheal tube in case ery. Complications associated with tracheotomy
of emergency. Such patients also need to have a include obstruction of the tracheotomy cannula,
tracheotomy device routinely available at the tracheoesophageal fistula, and post-tracheotomy
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 239

tracheal stenosis (mostly seen in pediatric omy cannula or indwelling catheter placed,
patients). Airway patency can also be effectively choose a high-capacity and low-­pressure sleeve,
maintained by leaving a catheter in place for and adjust the balloon pressure frequently to
1–2 days, reducing the rate of postoperative tra- avoid local ischemic necrosis [11, 12].
cheotomy. It has been clinically found that leav-
ing a tracheal tube in place for 24–48  h after
surgery does not increase the incidence of 16.6.4 Postoperative Monitoring
intubation-­related complications and can signifi- Management
cantly shorten the length of hospital stay. The fol-
lowing should be noted when leaving the tracheal Due to the high number of elderly patients, com-
tube in place: (1) choose transnasal intubation as bined cardiovascular, chronic obstructive pulmo-
much as possible because patients tolerate trans- nary disease, and diabetes mellitus among tumor
nasal tracheal tube better and it is easy to fix and patients, and the special requirements of postop-
manage; (2) give appropriate sedation and anal- erative airway care, postoperative treatment in
gesia to avoid excessive swallowing to increase intensive care unit is often required. Routine
the friction between the tube and airway and the postoperative monitoring of pulse oxygen satura-
occurrence of laryngeal edema; (3) strengthen tion, blood pressure, central venous pressure,
the care of the tracheal tube to avoid partial electrocardiogram, electrolytes, and blood gases
blockage of the tube, which causes hypoventila- can help detect some problems early, such as air-
tion. The sleeve should be deflated intermittently way obstruction, hypoxia, hypoventilation,
to avoid prolonged compression of the tracheal hypercapnia, hypotension, hypertension, arrhyth-
wall; (4) for patients requiring long-term ventila- mia, and myocardial ischemia, and provide
tor therapy, tracheotomy should still be selected. timely and symptomatic treatment.
Postoperative head braking, prevention of vas-
cular tip distortion, and flap observation are also
16.6.3 Postoperative Airway important for patients undergoing free tissue flap
Management repair, including bleeding, hematoma, poor flap
blood supply, and poor local drainage, and early
Whether the tracheal tube is left in place or tra- detection can help to remedy the situation in a
cheotomy is performed, postoperative airway care timely manner.
is very crucial: (1) The airway should be cleared
frequently to avoid secretions obstructing the air-
way or remaining near the exit of the tube, caus- 16.7 Anesthesia for Common
ing obstructed ventilation and hypoxia. Aspiration Types of Maxillofacial Tumor
should be performed aseptically, and the duration Surgeries
of aspiration should not be too long; (2) Air and
oxygen enter the lower airway directly through 16.7.1 Surgery of Giant
the catheter, which tends to dry the lower airway Neurofibroma
and increases the chance of lower airway infec- of Maxillofacial Area
tion, so airway nebulization and antibiotics should
be given, and the accumulated sputum should be Giant neurofibroma in the head and neck of oral
cleared by chest physiotherapy such as patting the and maxillofacial region is less common nowa-
back; (3) Low-flow oxygen should be given to days. Such surgery takes a long time and the
meet the balance of oxygen supply and demand of bleeding volume can be as much as thousands of
the body; (4) The formation of tracheotomy sinus milliliters. Controlled hypotension and autolo-
tract takes about 5  days, and if the tracheotomy gous blood transfusion techniques can be used in
cannula is to be replaced within 5 days, try to use anesthesia, as well as with local hypothermia to
Cook AEC or suction tube; (5) for the tracheot- cause local vasoconstriction. The surgical
240 Y. Sun and M. Xia

t­echnique of performing segmental suturing of 16.7.3 Cervical Lymphatic Dissection

the tumor prior to tumor removal also helps to and Combined Maxillo-­
reduce blood loss. The intraoperative manage- Cervical Radical Surgery
ment is mainly about the judgment of blood loss
and fluid management. Due to the coverage of the The most common metastatic route of oral and
head and facial dressing, blood flow to the back maxillofacial head and neck malignant tumors is
of the occiput and other factors can cause errors through lymph nodes. Therefore, in addition to
in the judgment of blood loss, which can be com- resection of the primary foci, the surgical treat-
pensated by strengthening hemodynamic moni- ment should also include cervical lymph node
toring, and such patients need to perform invasive dissection according to the different stages and
arterial and central venous pressure monitoring grades of the tumor, including radical and func-
and leave the catheter in place. After massive tional cervical lymph node dissection, or unilat-
transfusion of blood and fluids, it is necessary to eral or bilateral cervical lymph node dissection.
prevent complications such as hypothermia, Cervical lymph node dissection and resection of
water-electrolyte disorders, and abnormal coagu- the primary site at the same time is called com-
lation function. bined radical treatment.
In radical cervical lymph node dissection, the
sternocleidomastoid muscle, internal and exter-
16.7.2 Mental and Cervical Hygroma nal jugular veins, and associated lymph nodes
Surgery must be removed. The matters that need to be
noted during surgical anesthesia are: (1) when
Hygromas of the chin and neck are benign lymph-­ large vessels in the neck are injured, the bleeding
vessel tumors that are giant and are often com- volume is very large, and a large orifice intrave-
bined with tracheal displacement and even nous channel must be left in place before surgery;
difficulty in breathing, and usually occur in (2) during the process of dissection, try to main-
young children. Since young children cannot tain smooth anesthesia, and beware of air embo-
cooperate, endotracheal intubation is difficult. lism, whose initial symptom is a sudden drop in
Ketamine can be given for induction by intramus- partial pressure of carbon dioxide at the end of
cular injection or inhalation gas induction, pre- expiration; (3) surgery when stimulating the
serving spontaneous breathing, supplemented carotid sinus, unexpected sinus bradycardia may
with adequate surface anesthesia. Dyspnea dur- occur, which can be prevented by giving 1% lido-
ing induction is usually related to the position of caine local block, or stopping the operation
the head. Breathing difficulties are usually immediately after sinus bradycardia occurs and
relieved if the patient’s head is turned to the giving atropine symptomatic treatment; (4) after
affected side. Considering that the catheter may internal jugular vein removal, the head and facial
have to be left in place for 1–2 days after surgery, venous reflux is impaired, so the edema of the
nasotracheal intubation is usually chosen. The head and neck is very obvious, especially in
normal holding forceps are too large for opera- patients who have bilateral cervical lymph node
tion in the pediatric oral cavity, so long forceps dissection at the same time; after bilateral inter-
can be prepared to replace the holding forceps. nal jugular vein removal, the collateral circula-
Once artificial respiratory access is established, tion of vertebral veins cannot be established
anesthesia is often smooth, tumor envelope rapidly within a short period of time.
boundaries are obvious, and bleeding is usually Intraoperative head elevation, avoiding excessive
under control. Postoperatively, due to local tissue intravenous rehydration, giving hormones, man-
swelling, an indwelling tracheal tube under nitol and other methods can relieve the symptoms
proper sedation and hormone and antibiotic treat- of edema, and can also apply cryogenic tech-
ment is required. niques or appropriate cranial protection mea-
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 241

sures, and postoperatively also keep the head clearer. For patients with heavy bleeding, intra-
elevated, hormone therapy, leaving the endotra- operative hemodynamic monitoring is neces-
cheal tube to keep respiratory ventilation, and sary; (3) shallow hypothermia can be taken
considering tracheotomy in patients with bilat- during surgery to reduce cerebral metabolism,
eral cervical lymph node dissection; (5) damage and other cerebral protective measures include
to the right stellate ganglion and right cervical avoiding hyperglycemia, maintaining normal
autonomic nerve during right cervical lymph levels of partial pressure of end-­expiratory car-
node dissection will lead to prolonged QT inter- bon dioxide, moderate hemodilution, reducing
val and lower ventricular fibrillation threshold, blood viscosity, and improving cerebral blood
especially when there is electrolyte disturbance flow; (4) for some patients monitoring of intra-
at the same time, and it is necessary to strengthen cranial pressure is required.
perioperative monitoring.

16.7.5 Free Tissue Flap Surgery

16.7.4 Expanded Craniofacial Radical
Surgery After tumor resection, especially radical surgery,
there are often large tissue defects. One-stage tis-
In the past, malignant tumors in some parts of the sue reconstruction is performed to cover the
head and face were considered incurable, but trauma on the one hand, and for cosmetic reasons
after craniofacial radical surgery, the 5-year sur- on the other hand, which is important to improve
vival rate of patients is significantly improved. If the inferiority complex of tumor patients and
the tumor is involved in the orbit, the entire improve the quality of survival. Small traumas
orbital contents should be removed, and if the can be solved by skin grafting and local flap
tumor is involved in the dura mater, the local dura transfer, while large defects must be covered by
mater and brain tissue should be separated and free tissue flaps, and myocutaneous flaps have
removed together. Because of the deep location better shape effect and anti-infection ability than
of these tumors and the involvement of intracra- normal skin grafts.
nial blood vessels and nerves, the surgery is quite Common free tissue flaps include soft tissue
complicated and the risk of surgical anesthesia is flaps, such as forearm flap, pectoralis major flap,
also very high. latissimus dorsi flap, anterolateral femoral flap,
This kind of surgery has the characteristics etc.; there are also bony muscle flaps, such as
of both oral surgery and neurosurgery: (1) peroneal muscle flap, iliac muscle flap, etc. The
because of combined intracranial and extracra- site and size of the tissue defect determine which
nial radical treatment, the trauma is very large, flap should be used. During flap grafting, the flap
and the defect is also large after resection of the undergoes two ischemic periods. The primary
primary foci, which usually requires free tissue ischemic period starts from the time the flap is
flap repair or even tandem flap repair, so the free and disconnected until after vascular anasto-
operation time is very long, which can be more mosis and reperfusion, which is usually around
than 10 h; (2) because of the large trauma, deep 60–90 mins, and the length of the ischemic period
location, and the difficulty of hemostasis, the depends on the surgeon. Ischemia is followed by
intraoperative bleeding is very large, especially anaerobic cellular metabolism within the flap,
for some malignant tumors such as the malig- which is quickly followed by a decrease in pH,
nant tumor of maxillary sinus. The osteotomy lactate accumulation, increased calcium ion con-
of the maxilla is required, and the bleeding is centration, and accumulation of inflammatory
very rapid in a short period of time. Appropriate mediators. The secondary ischemic phase occurs
controlled hypotension during osteotomy can after small vessel anastomosis, and hypoperfu-
reduce blood loss and make the surgical field sion is the main cause, which is more harmful
242 Y. Sun and M. Xia

than primary ischemia and can easily lead to flap taneously, and a difference of less than 2°
death; with proper anesthetic techniques, isch- between them indicates satisfactory tissue
emic damage in this phase can be interfered with. perfusion.
The causes of flap graft failure are factors of The reduction of blood viscosity is achieved
anastomotic arteries or veins, such as anasto- by hemodilution. Dilution is usually achieved
motic fistula, arterial spasm, and vascular embo- until the red blood cell pressure volume is around
lism; and factors causing edema within the flap 30%. Further dilution reduces the oxygen supply
tissue such as improper operation, too long pri- to the flap tissue.
mary ischemic period, too much crystal supple- In addition to the survival of the flap, the
mentation, and no lymphatic reflux in the flap. requirement of small vessel anastomosis should
From the physiological point of view, the main be considered. The microsurgery operation is
method to reduce the flap failure rate is to improve delicate and requires absolutely smooth anesthe-
the blood supply and reflux of the flap. According sia throughout, avoiding too deep or too shallow
to the Poiseuille formula, blood flow is propor- anesthesia.
tional to the pressure difference between the two
ends of the tissue, proportional to the fourth
power of the vascular radius, and inversely pro- 16.7.6 Carotid Body Aneurysm
portional to blood viscosity. Increasing perfusion Surgery
pressure, dilating vessels, and decreasing blood
viscosity increase blood flow and increase flap This surgery may involve severing or blocking
survival, which are the three main points of free the common carotid artery, and there may be a
flap anesthesia. Balanced anesthesia, good anal- large amount of bleeding when separating the
gesia, and normal body temperature contribute to adhesions, which is a potential threat to the blood
vasodilation, while mild high-volume hemodilu- supply to the brain. The patient’s ability of col-
tion contributes to increased perfusion pressure lateral circulation should be tested before sur-
and decreased viscosity. gery. A simple method is to compress the affected
Good perfusion pressure is achieved by proper common carotid artery for half an hour; if there
depth of anesthesia and fluid management. are no symptoms such as sensory vertigo, it indi-
Usually, ascending agents are not used because cates that the compensation is sound and the
most of them cause vasoconstriction. Small doses prognosis of surgery is better. There are chemore-
of dobutamine, appropriate fluid replacement, ceptors around the aneurysm, and aneurysm pull-
maintenance of central venous pressure at a level ing will cause a drop in blood pressure and
2 cmH2O above basal, and maintenance of urine slowing of the heartbeat. The use of local anes-
output of 1 mL/(kg h) to 2 mL/(kg h) can be tried thesia can reduce the reflexes of the carotid body.
as indicators of satisfactory microcirculatory There are different opinions on controlled hypo-
perfusion. tension. Proponents believe that controlled full
Mild controlled hypotension, good analgesia, hypotension helps to reduce the risk of intraop-
and avoidance of vasoconstrictive drugs can erative hemorrhage, while opponents believe that
maintain vasodilation and adequate blood flow. hypotension leads to decreased cerebral perfu-
In case of vasospasm, topical medications such sion, causing brain damage and increasing com-
as papaverine hydrochloride and lidocaine can be plications of cerebral ischemia such as
given to release the spasm. A decrease in body postoperative hemiplegia. Our clinical experi-
temperature is an important factor in vasocon- ence is that controlled hypotension should be
striction, so normal body temperature must be given moderately during stripping and dividing
maintained during the perioperative period. the tumor adhesions with more bleeding, while
During temperature monitoring, core and periph- therapeutic hypertension should be given during
eral body temperatures can be monitored simul- surgical clamp closure, ligation, and resection of
16  Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Head and Neck Tumor 243

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Anesthesia for Orthognathic
Surgery 17
Rong Hu

17.1 Introduction due to abnormal growth and development of the

jaws, abnormal relationships between the upper
Orthognathic surgery is a discipline that focuses on and lower jaws and other bones of the skull and
the study and treatment of bony dental and maxil- face, and consequent abnormalities in the dental
lofacial deformities, with the treatment goal of and jaw relationships and function of the oro-
achieving functional and aesthetic recovery and mandibular system, often appearing as jaws and
maintenance. It integrates new theories, techniques, face abnormalities. For patients with oral and
and progress in oral and maxillofacial surgery, maxillofacial deformities, mild jaw deformities
orthodontics, aesthetics, psychology, anatomy, such as malocclusion, dental disorders, crowd-
physiology, speech pathology, and anesthesia, and ing, mild protrusion or recession can be corrected
uses modern surgery in combination with orthodon- by simple orthodontic or adolescent orthopedic
tic treatment to correct bony dental and maxillofa- treatment, while moderate to severe jaw deformi-
cial deformities, in order to obtain the best results in ties need to be treated by a combination of
terms of morphology, function, and aesthetics. orthognathic surgery and orthodontic correction. Etiology
17.2 The Scope of Orthognathic The etiology of oral and maxillofacial malforma-
and Maxillofacial tions includes congenital, acquired, and func-
Deformities tional factors.
and Orthognathic Surgery
1. Congenital Factors
17.2.1 Oral and Maxillofacial These include genetic factors or abnormal-
Deformities ities in embryonic development, the latter of
which can be caused by abnormalities in the
Oral and maxillofacial deformities are defined as mother’s internal environment during fetal
abnormalities in the size and shape of the jaws development. For example, malnutrition dur-
ing pregnancy, endocrine disorders, and the
R. Hu (*) effects of teratogenic drugs can cause disor-
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth ders of embryonic development, attachment,
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong or fusion, which in turn can lead to malforma-
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
e-mail: tions of the oral and maxillofacial system.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 245
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
246 R. Hu

2. Acquired Factors ders, maxillofacial tumors, maxillofacial trauma,

Acute or chronic diseases, including growth apnea syndrome, systemic diseases, etc., the
spurts, such as acute rash disease, tuberculo- anesthetists need to assess the patient’s airway
sis, and poliomyelitis, can cause dental and conditions, whether there are potential difficul-
maxillofacial deformities, mainly of the lower ties with mask ventilation or intubation, and the
jaw. Excessive secretion of growth hormones functions of the patient’s organs in order to ade-
can lead to macromandibular disorders, etc. In quately prepare the patient for the subsequent
addition, bad habits in childhood, including operations. The patient’s mental health issues due
finger sucking and pencil biting, can cause to dental and maxillofacial deformities also need
anterior protrusion of the upper front teeth to be understood, which may influence the
and, in severe cases, recession of the jaw. patient’s subsequent ability to cooperate with the
Injuries to the jaw and face during adolescence anesthetic and postoperative recovery [3].
and childhood such as jaw fractures and tem-
poromandibular joint injuries, as well as infec- Classifications
tious diseases may bring facial deformities. Dental and maxillofacial malformations are clas-
3. Functional Factors sified as congenital, developmental, and acquired
These include abnormalities in jaw devel- malformations according to their etiology.
opment due to abnormalities in sucking, However, classifying them by the direction of the
chewing, and breathing functions. deformity is convenient for the choice of treat-
4. Bad Oral Habits [1, 2] ment methods. Under this classification, they
Long-term maintenance of bad oral habits have sagittal, vertical, left-right transverse, and
may affect the normal growth and develop- asymmetrical deformities.
ment of the jaw and face, and is one of the
main causes of malocclusion. These bad hab- Treatment
its mainly include finger sucking, tongue spit- Orthodontic techniques are routinely used to treat
ting, lower lip biting, and lateral chewing. patients with malocclusion but whose skeletal
relationships are normal. For malocclusion Characteristics of Oral patients with mild to moderate abnormal skeletal,
and Maxillofacial Region treatment is carried out using dental substitution
The blood supply to the upper and lower jaws is and growth control. For patients with moderate to
multiple and very rich, with the maxilla being severe malocclusion, combined orthognathic-­
richer than the mandible. At present, orthognathic orthodontic treatment is the ideal solution if orth-
surgery is basically performed intraorally. The odontic masking treatment fails to correct the
deep and complex anatomy of the site, and the deformity or achieve aesthetic stability of the face.
fact that many operations cannot be performed
under direct vision make some operations prone
to bleeding and difficult to stop, especially when 17.2.2 Orthognathic Surgery
the maxillofacial artery is injured, which can lead
to acute hemorrhage and even threaten life. Orthognathic surgery consists mainly of maxil-
lary osteotomies and mandibular osteotomies. Examination Common maxillary osteotomies include Le Fort
When examining a patient with a dental or maxil- fractures, which are classified according to the
lofacial malformation in preparation for subse- course and location of the fracture line. These
quent diagnosis and treatment, the anesthetists include Le Fort I osteotomy, Le Fort II osteot-
need to be aware of a number of special circum- omy, Le Fort III osteotomy, and maxillary ante-
stances. For example, if there are other patholo- rior osteotomy. Common mandibular osteotomies
gies associated with dento-maxillofacial include sagittal split ramus osteotomy, osteotomy
deformities, including temporomandibular disor- of mandibular body, vertical mandibular osteot-
17  Anesthesia for Orthognathic Surgery 247

omy, anterior segmental maxillary osteotomy, 17.3.2 Tracheal Intubation Route

and genioplasty, of which sagittal split ramus Selection
osteotomy is the most common.
The appropriate route of tracheal intubation is
chosen according to the needs of the different
17.3 Anesthetic Management surgical operations. For procedures involving the
Features skull base, orbit, nose, maxilla and maxillary
sinus, transoral tracheal intubation is preferred.
Orthognathic surgery is a surgical operation to Transnasal tracheal intubation is preferred for
restore the position of the upper and lower jaws procedures involving the parotid region, the man-
through osteotomy, debridement, bone grafting, dible, and the oral cavity. For special procedures
movement and fixation to correct dental and max- with large craniomaxillofacial range, the route of
illofacial deformities. Nowadays, orthognathic tracheal intubation should be chosen in consulta-
surgery is basically performed through an intra- tion with the orthognathic surgeon, taking into
oral approach, which is deep, complex in anat- account various factors such as the operation of
omy, and many operations cannot be performed the surgical area and the need for postoperative
under direct vision, which may easily damage the recovery.
maxillary and mandibular vessels. In addition,
patients with moderate to severe orthognathic
malformations may suffer from genetic, embry- 17.3.3 Remote Management
onic developmental abnormalities or develop-
mental infections, trauma, and other factors that The area around the head of the orthognathic
lead to jaw hypoplasia, jaw recession, temporo- patient is occupied by the surgeon for performing
mandibular joint damage, obstructive sleep apnea surgery, forcing the anesthetist to manage away
syndrome, and consequent cardiopulmonary from that area, which is extremely detrimental to
abnormalities or systemic dysplasia, making the intraoperative monitoring of the airway. When
surgical anesthetic management of patients with the orthognathic surgeon is operating intraorally,
orthognathic malformations unique [4]. there is a risk of endoleaks, blood, and foreign
bodies entering the airway, making it more diffi-
cult to manage. In order to safely perform this
17.3.1 Difficult Airway Management “remote management” of the airway, endotra-
cheal intubation is always used for general anes-
Some patients with dental and maxillofacial mal- thesia, and a leak-proof endotracheal tube with a
formations present with varying degrees of air- cuff is used to secure the airway, and ­perioperative
way obstruction due to mandibular hypoplasia, mechanical ventilation is used to ensure adequate
mandibular retrusion, snoring, and even suffocat- gas exchange while the patient is anesthetized.
ing during sleep. In such patients, in addition to The anesthetist should monitor the vital signs and
routine airway assessment, airway ventilation detect and manage any gliding, twisting, or fold-
conditions can be comprehensively assessed by ing of the tracheal tube during the operation.
means of respiratory sleep monitoring and 3D
airway reconstruction if necessary. For patients
with suspected difficult tracheal intubation or 17.3.4 Intraoperative Blood Loss
even difficult mask ventilation, the anesthetist
must formulate a comprehensive perioperative Due to the rich blood supply to the maxillofacial
airway management plan and use sedative and area, the difficulty in stopping bleeding, and the
analgesic drugs carefully according to their air- vasodilating effect of the anesthetic drugs, the
way conditions before induction of anesthesia to intraoperative blood loss might increase during
ensure the patient’s safety [5]. surgery. Orthognathic surgery is delicate and
248 R. Hu

complex, with more blood loss from the surgical physiological function prior to anesthesia and
wound and a relatively long operative time. In assess patient’s tolerance of surgical anesthe-
surgeries such as maxillary Le Fort I and Le Fort sia: querying history of the patient’s admis-
II osteotomies, sagittal split ramus osteotomy, sion and systemic medical history of general
and vertical ramus osteotomy, severe blood loss anesthesia and major surgeries, including car-
can also occur due to bleeding from bone sec- diovascular disease, diabetes, liver, kidney,
tions and soft tissue incisions, and difficulties in and thyroid function. In children and adoles-
hemostasis. For these procedures, intraoperative cents, a history of allergy to anesthetic drugs,
hemodynamics monitoring should be strength- family history of malignant hyperthermia, and
ened to accurately estimate intraoperative blood pseudocholinesterase deficiency should also
loss and provide timely volume replacement. For be sought; the prevention of serious systemic
procedures where significant intraoperative blood complications due to anesthetic-induced
loss is expected, chemoprotective measures such malignant hyperthermia and impaired succi-
as acute hemodilution and autologous blood col- nylcholine metabolism due to pseudocholin-
lection can be given preoperatively, and con- esterase deficiency should be actively pursued
trolled hypotensive techniques can be used to prevent respiratory muscle paralysis and
intraoperatively to reduce blood loss. For proce- delayed emergence.
dures where large intraoperative blood loss is In patients undergoing maxillofacial sur-
expected or where craniotomy is being consid- gery, pre-anesthetic the presence or absence
ered, hypothermic anesthesia may also be admin- of difficult tracheal intubation and difficult
istered to increase the tolerance of the patient’s mask ventilation can help to reduce the risk of
tissues and organs to ischemia and hypoxia. airway complications in patients during the
perioperative period. Although there are many
assessment tools available to predict a diffi-
17.3.5 Adverse Nerve Reflex cult airway, no assured prediction method
exists. Age > 55 years old, beard, edentulous-
The oral and maxillofacial nerves are rich and ness, body mass index >26 kg/m2, and snoring
nociceptive, and stimulation by surgical opera- are considered to be independent risk factors
tions can easily cause oculo-cardiac vagal for difficult mask ventilation [6]. Mouth open-
reflexes and carotid sinus reflexes, which can ing <3 cm, modified Mallampati classification
result in a decreased heart rate and blood pres- grade III  ~  IV, restricted mandibular protru-
sure, or even cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is neces- sion, short thyromental distance (<6 cm), and
sary to maintain the appropriate depth of Cormack-Lehane laryngoscopic view grading
anesthesia during the perioperative period, con- system III ~ IV are considered to be at risk for
tinuously monitor changes in the patient’s vital potentially difficult tracheal intubation [7].
signs, and detect and manage abnormalities in a In addition to airway assessment, pre-­
timely manner. anesthesia should focus on assessing the func-
tional status of vital organs, including the
presence of hypertension, whether ECG find-
17.4 Anesthesia Methods ings suggest arrhythmias, myocardial isch-
emia, and ventricular hypertrophy, and the
17.4.1 General Anesthesia assessment of heart function. If the patient is
suspected of cardiopulmonary disorders, fur- Preanesthetic Evaluation ther investigations such as ECG exercise tests,
and Preparation echocardiography, pulmonary function, and
1. Medical History and Physical Examination arterial blood gas analysis measurements
The anesthetist should have a thorough should be performed. In addition, blood glu-
understanding of the patient’s condition and cose and urinary ketones should be measured
17  Anesthesia for Orthognathic Surgery 249

before anesthesia to determine the patient’s 17.4.2 Implementation of Anesthesia

tolerance to carbohydrates, and liver and kid-
ney function should be measured to assess the Anesthesia Induction
degree of impairment. After a thorough assess- Induction of anesthesia should be implemented
ment of the patient’s physiological status, the with the principle of guaranteeing patient’s
anesthetist should work with the orthognathic safety, stability, and comfort and the method of
surgeon to develop an appropriate treatment induction should be selected according to the
plan to improve anesthesia quality. patient’s characteristics and the availability of
2. Psychological Assessment and Preparation anesthetic equipment, drugs, and techniques.
Patients may experience a range of com-
plex psychological changes during the onset 1. Induction with Spontaneous Breathing
and progression of the disease and throughout This means that tracheal intubation is per-
the consultation and treatment process. formed after induction by intravenous admin-
Patients who have already undergone surgery istration of sedatives, analgesics, hypnotics,
may experience extreme pessimism, stress, inotropes, or inhaled anesthetics. This induc-
and fear when they know they are going to tion method should be used when the patient’s
undergo surgery again. For elderly patients, general condition is good, no difficult mask
they may be overly concerned about the pro- ventilation and intubation is predicted, the
gression of their disease and health condition, anesthetic equipment is well established, and
which may lead to anxiety and depression. an experienced anesthetist is present.
Adequate communication with patients dur- 2. Induction without Spontaneous Breathing
ing the pre-anesthetic visit will enable anes- This refers to the induction of anesthesia in
thetists to understand and cooperate with which the patient’s spontaneous ventilation is
medical treatments such as management dur- maintained. Prior to induction, appropriate
ing the emergence period and postoperative amounts of sedatives and analgesics may be
admission to the surgical intensive care administered intravenously to facilitate sur-
(SICU) with a tube, as well as help to accu- face anesthesia of the pharynx and endotra-
rately understand and assess the patient’s psy- cheal mucosa. Tracheal intubation may be
chological status and prevent adverse performed using tools such as
psychological activities. ­videolaryngoscopy, light wands, fiberoptical
3. Premedication bronchoscope, or blind tracheal intubation
For patients with suspected difficult air- devices while preserving voluntary breathing
ways, sedative, hypnotic, and analgesic drugs [8]. This induction method is usually used in
are usually prohibited or used with caution patients whose pre-­anesthetic airway assess-
before surgery. Intramuscular anticholinergic ment reveals the possibility of difficult mask
drugs, such as atropine 0.01 mg/kg–0.03 mg/ ventilation or tracheal intubation.
kg, long tocopherol 0.5–1 mg, or scopolamine
0.005 mg/kg–0.01 mg/kg, can be given 0.5 h Tracheal Intubation
before surgery to relieve the patient’s anxiety 1. Aims of Tracheal Intubation
and pain, reduce glandular secretion, inhibit (a) Maintain airway patency.
the occurrence of adverse cardiovascular (b) Ensure effective gas exchange.
reflexes, etc. Antihistamines and antacids can (c) Reduce respiratory work.
be considered 1–2  h before elective surgery. (d) Prevent regurgitant aspiration.
In patients of advanced age, with severe respi- (e) Mechanical ventilation required.
ratory problems, significant airway obstruc- (f) Administer inhalation anesthesia.
tion, or increased intracranial pressure, 2. Preparation Before Intubation
pre-anesthetic medication may not be given (a) Tracheal intubation tools: oxygen mask,
for safety reasons. oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal air-
250 R. Hu

way, suction tube, suction tool, (video) 5. Fiberoptic Laryngoscope-Guided Intubation

laryngoscope, fiberoptical bronchoscope, It is endotracheal intubation guided by a
tube holding forceps, stylets, bite blocks, fiberoptic laryngoscope and is indicated for
adhesive tape, etc. patients with predicted difficult airway. It can
(b) Anesthetic drugs: intravenous anesthet- be performed nasally or orally, yet it might be
ics, inhalation anesthetics, muscle compromised when there is bleeding or a
relaxants. large amount of secretion in the intubation
(c) Other equipment: anesthetic machines, routes.
simple ventilators, air sources, monitors, 6. Retrograde Intubation
emergency drugs, etc. This refers to the placement of a thin intro-
3. Nasotracheal Tube ducer tube (usually an extradural guiding
In orthognathic surgery, where the opera- tube) through the cricothyroid membrane
tion site is deep and the position of the head puncture to tract the tube into the trachea. It is
changes frequently, transnasal intubation is very effective in patients with severe maxil-
often chosen to facilitate fixation of the tra- lofacial deformities and temporomandibular
cheal tube away from the intraoral area. Before joint ankylosis. Modified retrograde tracheal
intubation, nasal vasoconstriction such as intubation is performed at the level of the cri-
ephedrine and furacilin nasal drops can be coid cartilage, allowing the catheter to be trac-
used to prevent bleeding. A shaped tracheal tioned into the trachea more easily and
tube, such as a Ring-Adair-Elwyn tube (RAE) avoiding complications such as vocal cord
or a wired tracheal tube, is used to maximize injury and bleeding.
exposure of the surgical area for surgical oper- 7. Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Ventilation
ation. After induction of anesthesia, the tube or LMA-Guided Intubation
which is lubricated by petrolatum is gently A laryngeal mask can effectively solve
inserted into the anterior nostril and advanced upper airway obstruction and maintain volun-
perpendicular to the face. The catheter is deliv- tary or positive pressure ventilation by form-
ered through the posterior nasal aperture to the ing a closed circle around the patient’s
oropharyngeal cavity and into the voice box in laryngeal inlet, but the mask is not effective in
plain view. After intubation, both lungs are preventing regurgitation of gastric contents
auscultated and observed to confirm that the and aspiration. LMA-guided intubation guar-
end-expiratory carbon dioxide waveform is antees safer and more effective airway man-
regular, that is, the tracheal tube is in the tra- agement. In addition, the laryngeal mask
chea and the cuff is inflated (pressure usually facilitates retrograde intubation and fiberoptic
not exceeding 25 cmH2O) [9]. laryngoscope-guided tracheal intubation.
4. Blind Nasoendotracheal Intubation 8. Blind Tracheal Intubation Instrument-Guided
It is often used in patients who have diffi- Intubation
culty with mask ventilation or intubation dur- The Ninth People’s Hospital affiliated to
ing pre-anesthetic airway assessment. This Shanghai Jiaotong University School of
method does not require special instruments Medicine has developed a successful tracheal
and is relatively simple and practical. During intubation guide device, which is the first of
intubation, the head is tilted back and the its kind in China and has obtained a utility
shoulders are elevated, and the head position model patent. The device is designed for
can be adjusted according to the sound of the patients with difficult tracheal intubation, in
breath at the tube end (tilted back to lying which the tube is prone to slip into the esopha-
down to forward flexion). Patients with skull gus. The performer first places the esophagus
base fractures, coagulation disorders, nasal or tracheal tube into the esophagus, then aligns
paranasal sinus malformations should avoid the oblique opening at the front end of the
this intubation method. tube with the glottis, inserts the light wand
17  Anesthesia for Orthognathic Surgery 251

into the airway through the lumen of the tube analgesic-­muscarinic agents used in clinical
and the oblique opening, and finally com- practice is isoproterenol-fentanyl, remifent-
pletes intubation under the guidance of the anil/sufentanil-vecuronium bromide or atra-
light wand [10, 11]. curium. The advantage of TIVA is that it
9. Complications of Endotracheal Intubation avoids the adverse effects and contamination
The process of endotracheal intubation, of inhaled anesthetics and is particularly suit-
placement of oropharyngeal or nasopharyn- able for patients with pulmonary disease. The
geal airways and tracheal tubes can cause main disadvantage of TIVA is that the dose
damage to the capillaries and soft tissue and the administering time cannot be adjusted
mucosa in the teeth, mouth, and nasopharyn- precisely. Target controlled infusion (TCI) is
geal cavity, resulting in complications such as a drug infusion system for the precise admin-
post-intubation nasal bleeding, hoarseness, istration of TIVA in which a microcomputer
sore throat, and dislocation of the arytenoid processor can adjust the drug infusion rate in
cartilage. Therefore, tracheal intubation real time according to the patient’s age,
should be performed gently and without weight, and the set target drug concentration
violence. in the target effect site (plasma or effect
compartment). Maintenance of Anesthesia
1. Combined Intravenous and Inhalation
Anesthesia 17.4.3 Perioperative Monitoring
A balanced anesthetic technique is cur- and Management
rently advocated, whereby different anesthetic
drugs and methods are used to minimize the Respiratory Monitoring
amount of anesthetic drugs required to carry and Management
out the procedure, in order to minimize their As the patient’s head is occupied by the operator
adverse effects on the patient. Intraoperative and sterile towel during surgery, and the head
maintenance of anesthesia is often achieved position is often changed during surgery, and
by combined intravenous and inhalation anes- the anesthetist can only operate from a distance,
thesia, such as isoflurane, desflurane, sevoflu- the tracheal tube should be closely monitored
rane, or nitrous oxide inhalation anesthetic ­intraoperatively to avoid abnormalities such as
drugs combined with intravenous anesthetic over-­deepening, folding, twisting, and dislodg-
analgesics and nondepolarizing muscle relax- ing of the breathing loop. After completion of
ants. The purpose of using muscle relaxants is tracheal intubation, the appropriate anesthetic
not simply to relax muscle sufficiently, but to drug should be selected for intraoperative main-
facilitate mechanical ventilation and to tenance according to individual circumstances.
enhance intraoperative respiratory manage- Gas flow, tidal volume, respiratory rate, and
ment. Inhaled anesthetics have a good central respiratory ratio should be accurately set and the
muscle relaxing effect and their combination upper and lower airway pressure alarm limits
with nondepolarizing muscle relaxants can should be adjusted before mechanical ventila-
have a synergistic effect, reducing the amount tion is administered. Continuously monitor the
of the latter. Inhalation of nitrous oxide has a patient’s pulse oximetry, partial pressure of end-
good analgesic effect and reduces the amount expiratory carbon dioxide, and the concentra-
of intraoperative narcotic analgesic. tion of all types of inhaled gases, and closely
2. Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA) observe the color of the patient’s skin mucosa
This refers to the use of a combination of and the oozing blood from the wound. For pro-
intravenous anesthetics to maintain the longed major surgery, arterial blood gases
appropriate depth of anesthesia in the patient. should be reviewed regularly to avoid distur-
The most common combination of sedative-­ bances in the patient’s internal environment due
252 R. Hu

to hypoxia, carbon dioxide accumulation, and Temperature Monitoring

imbalance in acid-base balance. Prolonged perioperative exposure, massive infu-
sion of replacement fluids, and suppression of the Circulatory Function patient’s thermoregulatory capacity by anesthetic
Monitoring drugs can lead to changes in body temperature.
1. Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitoring Perioperative hypothermia could cause delayed
It is a routine monitoring program for clin- awakening and increase the risk of postoperative
ical anesthesia, reflecting the presence of complications. Therefore, body temperature
arrhythmias and myocardial ischemia in should be one of the parameters routinely moni-
patients and providing a basis for treatment tored intraoperatively, especially for those who
and management. have long surgery duration. Nasopharyngeal, rec-
2. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring tal, or esophageal temperatures are usually cho-
(ABPM) sen to continuously monitor the patient’s
Blood pressure reflects the patient’s car- temperature changes for early detection of com-
diac contractility, peripheral vascular resis- plications such as malignant hyperthermia.
tance, blood volume, and perfusion of the
organs. Controlled hypotension is often Neuromuscular Monitoring
required during orthognathic surgery and and Management
invasive blood pressure monitoring should be It can instruct the administration of clinical medi-
performed in order to obtain timely and accu- cine, maintain appropriate muscle relaxant effect
rate ambulatory blood pressure. The radial or to facilitate surgery, particularly fine surgical
dorsalis pedis artery is often used for invasive operations. Muscle relaxant monitoring can pro-
arterial pressure monitoring in patients under- vide evidence for deciding the timing of reversal
going orthognathic surgery. of muscle relaxants and the dose of antagonists,
3. Central Venous Pressure (CVP) Monitoring preventing residual risk of muscle relaxants and
The normal value of central venous pres- identifying the cause of postoperative respiratory
sure is 5–12  cmH2O (0.5–1.2  kPa), which depression. A reliable method of perioperative
reflects the heart’s ability to pump out the evaluation of neuromuscular conduction is to
venous return and indicates the adequacy of stimulate the motor nerve with a peripheral nerve
venous return [12]. The main puncture routes stimulator and determine the mechanical or elec-
for the central veins include the internal jugu- tromyographic effects of the muscle contraction
lar, femoral, and subclavian veins. For orthog- to determine the nature and extent of the neuro-
nathic surgery patients, the femoral vein is muscular block. Commonly monitored sites
chosen because the head, face, and neck are include the ulnar nerve, median nerve, peroneal
sterile areas for surgery. nerve, and facial nerve.
4. Urinary Output Monitoring
It may reflect the perfusion of organs and Anesthesia Depth
tissues. If the duration of surgery is estimated Monitoring
to be shorter than 4 h, no preoperative urethral While administrating general anesthesia, it is
catheterization is required. However, when essential to maintain the appropriate depth of
the operation is estimated to be longer and a anesthesia. If it is too deep, it may cause neuro-
lot of bleeding would be caused, a catheter logical sequelae to patients or even threaten their
should be placed to prevent urinary retention lives. If it is too light, it may inhibit noxious stim-
and bladder distention. Urinary output moni- ulation, causing pain or body movements, or even
toring reflects the patient’s circulating capac- triggering intraoperative awareness. In the past,
ity and renal perfusion and the intraoperative the depth of anesthesia was judged according to
urinary output should be less than 0.5 ~ 1 mL/ the patient’s physical signs, such as respiration,
kg/h [13]. heart rate, blood pressure, tears, and body move-
17  Anesthesia for Orthognathic Surgery 253

ments. At present, commonly used methods to The more commonly used artificial col-
monitor the patient’s consciousness are: bispec- loids in clinical practice include succinylated
tral index (BIS), entropy index, auditory evoked gelatin, dextran, and hydroxyethyl starch.
potential (AEP), etc. 3. Acute Hemodilution
This refers to the use of colloids or crystal-
loids solution to dilute the blood after induc-
17.4.4 Estimation of Intraoperative tion of anesthesia and before surgery, to make
Blood Loss and Blood the red blood cells loss remain at minimum
Conservation level for the same amount of bleeding.
4. Using controlled hypotension techniques to
The most common complication of orthognathic reduce intraoperative bleeding and the need
surgery in the perioperative period is intraopera- for blood transfusions.
tive hemorrhage due to the deep and complex
anatomy of the area, the various types of maxil-
lary Le Fort osteotomy, and the mandibular 17.4.5 Controlled Hypotension
ascending branch. As there are no venous valves
in the maxillofacial vasculature, intraoperative Controlled hypotension is the technique of “using
hemorrhage is likely to occur and cannot be eas- physiological or pharmacological methods to
ily stopped. The arteries of the maxillofacial reduce systemic perfusion pressure to
region can be injured, resulting in acute hemor- 80–90 mmHg systolic pressure or 50–65 mmHg
rhage in a short period of time, and the blood mean arterial pressure to avoid ischemic and
volume should be replenished in time to ensure hypoxic damage to vital organs, and to allow
perfusion of the tissues and organs. blood pressure to return to normal level rapidly
after termination of hypotension [15].” The main
1. Estimation of Intraoperative Blood Loss objectives of controlled hypotension include
Blood volume is 5%–8% of a normal per- reducing intraoperative bleeding and keeping the
son’s body weight. When blood loss is greater surgical field clean, which enables the operator to
than 20% of blood volume, it may cause observe vital tissue structures clearly and quickly.
decompensation and trigger hypovolemic
shock. The anesthetist can estimate blood loss 1. Indications, contraindications, and complica-
by observing the amount of blood lost from tions of controlled hypotensive techniques
the trauma and the degree of blood soaked in (a) Indications
the dressing, etc. to develop a volumetric (1) The bleeding is severe and hard to
treatment plan and to control the timing and stop under normal pressure anesthesia,
amount of blood transfusion. The formula for even interrupting the surgery; (2) massive
calculating blood loss is as follows: blood transfusion is a contraindication;
Calculated estimated blood (3) the patient refuses blood transfusion
loss  =  (Predelivery HCT  −  postdelivery for some reason.
HCT)/predelivery HCT  ×  weight(g)  ×  7% (b) Contraindications
[14]. Insufficient cardiovascular blood sup-
2. Ways to Reduce Intraoperative Blood ply, myocardial ischemia, renal disease,
Transfusion anemia, and hypovolemia are absolute
Using anesthetic techniques appropriately contraindications and inexperience of the
and manipulating the anesthetic depth; infiltra- anesthetist is a relative contraindication.
tion of wounds with local anesthetic containing (c) Complications
vasoconstrictors; using coagulants appropri- (1) Cerebral thrombosis and cerebral
ately; and rational use of plasma substitutes. hypoxia; (2) inadequate coronary artery
254 R. Hu

supply, embolism, heart failure, cardiac 17.4.6 Post-Anesthesia Care Unit

arrest; (3) renal insufficiency; (4) persistent (PACU)
hypotension; (5) vascular embolism; (6)
reactive hemorrhage; (7) respiratory dys- Before the patient is transferred to the PACU
function; (8) post-emergence mental disor- after surgery, the anesthetists should make sure
der, delayed emergence, blurred vision, etc. that the patient has recovered spontaneous breath-
2. Considerations for Controlled Hypotension ing or is adequately oxygenated with assisted
An indicator for safe controlled hypoten- ventilation and the hemodynamics is stable.
sion is a pressure that guarantees the perfu- During the transfer, the patient should be moni-
sion of all organs. The level of hypotension tored by a portable monitor and provided with
should be adjusted flexibly according to spe- oxygenation.
cific situations. When the bleeding is signifi- Upon arrival in the PACU, the patient’s air-
cantly reduced in the surgical field, the blood way, vital signs, and oxygenation should be
pressure should not be lowered anymore. If quickly confirmed; blood pressure, pulse, and
the mean pressure needs to be lowered to respiratory rate should be monitored intermit-
50 ~ 60 mmHg (6.7 kPa ~ 8 kPa) in the opera- tently every 5  min; pulse oxygen saturation
tion, the duration should not exceed 30 min. should be continuously monitored and the recov-
3. Controlled Hypotension Techniques ery of neuromuscular function should be
(a) Physiological techniques include physiolog- assessed. Removal of the tracheal tube can only
ical methods such as changing body posi- be considered when the patient is awake, muscle
tion, heart rate and blood volume in the body strength restores, reflexes are active, hemody-
circulation, and the hemodynamic effects of namics are stable, and there is no significant
mechanical ventilation, in conjunction with hematoma or active bleeding in the intraoral
antihypertensive drugs to bring blood pres- wound. If the floor of the mouth and periman-
sure down to the required level. dibular soft tissues swell evidently, tracheal tube
(b) Pharmacological techniques include should be left in place until the tissue edema sub-
combined administration of anesthetic sides. For patients who have difficulty with intu-
drugs, sympathetic nerve blockers, or bation or mask ventilation, extubation should be
vascular smooth muscle relaxants. conducted carefully, to prevent airway crisis after
Antihypertensive drugs commonly used extubation and reintubation.
in orthognathic surgery are: inhalational
anesthetics; intravenous antihypertensive
drugs (including sodium nitroprusside, 17.4.7 Anesthetic Complications
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nitroglyc-
erin, labetalol, esmolol, Urapidil 1. Respiratory Complications
Hydrochloride, nicardipine, etc) [16]. Generally, 72 h after orthognathic surgery
4. Monitoring of Controlled Hypotension is a period embracing high incidence of com-
Controlled hypotension is part of anesthetic plications, particularly on the day after sur-
management. Ambulatory blood pressure gery. Complications related to anesthesia are
should be monitored continuously during con- most likely to be respiratory system problems,
trolled hypotension, while blood gas analysis which can progress rapidly and become life-­
should be monitored intermittently. Intensive threatening if not treated timely [17].
ECG monitoring and monitoring of ST seg- Therefore, patients’ airway management after
ment can help to detect inadequate myocardial surgery is extremely important.
perfusion due to abnormal hypotension. In Postoperative airway obstruction after
addition, it is important to observe skin color orthognathic surgery is commonly caused by:
and bleeding in the surgical field where there (1) glossoptosis before recovery from anes-
should be a minimal oozing of blood. thesia; (2) significant obstruction of the air-
17  Anesthesia for Orthognathic Surgery 255

way by bleeding from the wound, blood clots, the patient’s emergence is delayed, anesthe-
secretions, or foreign bodies left in the mouth; tists should continue the life support while
(3) edema of the nasal cavity, maxillary sinus, seeking the causes and remedying them [19].
larynx, and tracheal mucosa caused by tra- 4. Postoperative Agitation
cheal intubation or maxillary operations; (4) Some patients’ emotions may change sig-
hematoma of the perimandibular soft tissues nificantly during recovery from general anes-
or mouth floor, elevation of the tongue and thesia, mainly taking the form of uncontrollable
glossoptosis caused by genioplasty, resulting agitation. In addition to preoperative and intra-
in airway obstruction; (5) the displacement of operative medication, postoperative agitation
the maxilla and mandible narrows the nasal may also relate to postoperative hypoxemia,
and oral cavity and removes the tongue, lead- hypercapnia, pain, urinary retention, and flatu-
ing to ventilatory disorder; (6) patients have lence. Therefore, these potential factors should
difficulty opening their mouths due to entan- be excluded clinically.
glement of the jaw and neck with dressings, 5. Postoperative Vomiting
intermaxillary ligation, and temporomandibu- Postoperative vomiting is the most com-
lar joint dysfunction, which significantly mon clinical complication of anesthesia.
increases the risk of postoperative airway Postoperative vomiting can be caused by
obstruction [18]. Therefore, it is important to anesthetic drugs, pain, anxiety, and overfilling
strictly control the indications for extubation of the bladder, which can damage and con-
in orthognathic surgery patients, to closely taminate the repaired tissues of the maxillofa-
monitor the patient after extubation, and to cial region, and cause regurgitation and
reintubate or perform a tracheotomy immedi- aspiration, leading to airway obstruction.
ately if any airway abnormality is detected. Therefore, after surgery, the patient can be
2. Unstable Circulatory Function suctioned with an indwelling gastric tube and
Patients’ circulatory function may be treated with drugs such as haloperidol and
unstable during surgery. Hypotension may 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor antagonists.
lead to inadequate perfusion to vital organs; 6. Hypothermia
thus, once identified, its etiology should be Perioperative hypothermia may be associ-
actively sought and promptly treated. Patients ated with low temperature in the operating
with high blood pressure before surgery are room, massive blood loss, and fluid transfu-
more likely to have elevated arterial blood sion. It may cause delayed emergence from
pressure in the perioperative period than nor- anesthesia, prolonged bleeding time, vaso-
mal patients. In patients with postoperative constriction, and shivering. Patients with
hypertension, the first thing is to eliminate the hypothermia should be oxygenated and
cause and give appropriate sedative and anal- infused fluids that have been warmed.
gesic medication and, if necessary, appropri- 7. Cerebrovascular Accident
ate vasodilators. Normally, clinicians would take actions
3. Delayed Emergence when delayed emergence, conscious distur-
After the cessation of administering anes- bance, or special signs triggered by dysfunc-
thetic drugs for general anesthesia (including tion in the relevant areas appeared. Patients
inhalation, total intravenous, and combined with cerebrovascular disease history are prone
anesthesia), the patient generally wakes up to develop perioperative stroke. In the event of
within 60–90  min, and recovers orientation, a cerebrovascular accident, it is important to
reaction to commands, and preoperative maintain a patent airway and hemodynamic
memory. In addition to the patient’s own stability, consult a specialist, and manage the
physiological and pathological state, the situation together.
emergence time is also related to the types, 8. Malignant Hyperthermia
doses, and effects of drugs administered dur- Malignant hyperthermia is a rare genetic
ing anesthesia induction and maintenance. If skeletal muscle dysfunction disease that is
256 R. Hu

commonly seen in children and young adults. 7. Harjai M, Alam S, Bhaskar P.  Clinical relevance of
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The only test currently available to diagnose H, Juan L, Jie Y, Xue G, Hongguang B.  Guidelines
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Anesthesia for Nasal and Antral
Surgery 18
Jingjie Li

18.1 Introduction 18.2 Anatomy

Surgical procedures involving the nasal cavity 18.2.1 Nose

and the antral cavity are both commonly per-
formed. Septoplasty and rhinoplasty are con- Skeletal Structure
ducted as outpatient procedures, often at a The skeleton structure of the external nose con-
freestanding hospital. The septoplasty procedure sists of both bony and cartilaginous components.
may be performed to relieve nasal obstruction or The bony component locates superiorly and is
accompany rhinoplasty surgery to alter the comprised of contributions from the nasal bones,
appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty, on the other maxillary bone, and frontal bone while the carti-
hand, is performed cosmetically or for recon- laginous component locates inferiorly and is
structive purposes. Functional endoscopic sinus comprised of the two lateral cartilages, two alar
surgery (FESS) is the most used phrase for antral cartilages and one septal cartilage. There are also
surgery, or sinus surgery. In the early years of smaller alar cartilages present.
nasal endoscopy, it was mostly used for diagnos- While the skin over the bony part of the nose
tic purposes. A minimal amount of trauma was is thin, that overlying the cartilaginous part is
involved in providing appropriate airway drain- thicker and carries many sebaceous glands. Skin
age and aeration. The increasing development of overlying the cartilaginous components extends
surgical procedures over the last few decades has into the vestibule of the nose via the nares, where
led to an expanding range of options. there are hairs that function to filter air as it enters
the respiratory system. Muscles
There are numerous small muscles inserting into
the external nose and contributing to facial
expression, which are all innervated by branches
of the cerebral nerve VII, also known as the facial
J. Li (*) nerve.
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth The procerus muscle originates in the fascia
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China overlying the nasal bone and lateral nasal carti-
e-mail: lage and inserts into the inferior forehead. Its

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 257
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
258 J. Li

contraction can depress the medial eyebrows and epithelium, interspersed with mucus-secreting
can wrinkle the skin of the superior dorsum. goblet cells; and the olfactory region is located at
The transverse portion of the nasalis muscle the apex of the nasal cavity, lined by olfactory
assists the procerus muscle in this action. In addi- cells with olfactory receptors.
tion, the alar part of nasalis arises from the max-
illa and inserts into the major alar cartilage. This Nasal Conchae
allows the muscle to dilate the nares. Curved shelves projecting out of the lateral walls
of the nasal cavity are called conchae (or turbi- Vessels and Lymphatics nates). There are three conchae—inferior, mid-
The external nasal vein converges into the inter- dle, and superior.
nal and external jugular veins mainly through the Conchae project into the nasal cavity, creat-
internal canthal vein and the facial vein. Since the ing four pathways for the airflow. These path-
internal canthal vein connects to the intracranial ways are called meatuses: the inferior meatus
cavernous sinus from the superior and inferior is between the inferior concha and the floor of
ophthalmic veins and the facial vein has no the nasal cavity; the middle meatus is between
valves, blood can flow up and down. The blood the inferior and middle concha; the superior
supply to the tip of the nose is limited by the ana- meatus is between the middle and superior
tomical features of the nose. It has been found concha, and the spheno-ethmoidal recess lies
that the blood supply to the nasal tip vessels can superiorly and posteriorly to the superior
be divided into four types: (1) receiving blood concha.
supply from the lateral artery; (2) receiving blood The conchae functions to increase the surface
supply from the dorsal nasal artery; (3) receiving area of the nasal cavity, which increases the
blood supply from the contralateral vessels; and amount of inhaled air that can come into contact
(4) receiving blood supply from the contralateral with the cavity walls. They also make the flow
nasal artery. The main sources of blood supply to of the air slow and turbulent. The air spends lon-
the nasal tip are the lateral nasal artery and the ger in the nasal cavity, so that it can be
dorsal nasal artery, with a portion coming from humidified.
the lateral nasal branch. The lateral nasal artery
and the dorsal nasal artery are distributed at the Vasculature
tip of the nose in the fascial layer or thin fatty The nose has a very rich vascular supply, which
layer. This artery supports the nasal tip form allows it to effectively change the humidity and
through the top nasal cartilage, closer to the temperature of inhaled air. The nose receives
cartilage. blood from both the internal and external carotid
The lymphatic drainage of the nose is arteries. The internal carotid arteries include the
through superficial lymphatic vessels that anterior ethmoidal artery and the posterior eth-
accompany the facial veins. These vessels, like moidal artery, while the external carotid arteries
all lymphatic vessels in the head and neck, include the sphenopalatine artery, the greater
eventually drain into the deep lymph nodes of palatine artery, the superior labial artery, and the
the neck. lateral nasal arteries.
The ethmoidal arteries are a branch of the Nasal Cavity Divisions ophthalmic artery. They descend into the nasal
The nasal cavity is the highest part of the respira- cavity through the cribriform plate.
tory tract. It extends from the vestibule of the In addition to the rich blood supply, these
nose to the nasopharynx and has three divisions: arteries form anastomoses mutually, especially in
vestibule, respiratory region, olfactory region. the anterior portion of the nose.
The vestibule is the area surrounding the anterior The veins of the nose tend to follow the arter-
external opening to the nasal cavity; the respira- ies. They drain into the pterygoid plexus, facial
tory region is lined by a ciliated pseudostratified vein, or cavernous sinus.
18  Anesthesia for Nasal and Antral Surgery 259

In some people, some nasal veins are con- 18.2.2 Sinus

nected to the sagittal sinuses (double venous
sinuses). This also means that the infection can The human skull has four pairs of sinuses. They
spread from the nose to the cranial cavity, which are air-filled cavities adjacent to the nasal region
is a potential route of infection. and collectively may be referred to as the parana-
sal sinuses. The four sinuses are: the frontal Innervation sinus, the sphenoidal sinus, the ethmoidal sinus,
The olfactory nerve is formed by the nerve fibers of and the maxillary sinus (also referred to as the
the olfactory cells in the mucosa of the nasal cavity antrum of Highmore or maxillary antrum).
and reaches the olfactory bulb through the sieve The following picture illustrates the anatomi-
plate. The olfactory nerve is surrounded by a tubu- cal position of the sinuses. The maxillary sinus is
lar sheath, which is connected to the dura mater. a large pyramidal chamber within the maxillary
The sensory nerves mainly come from the first bone and is lined with respiratory epithelium. Its
branch of the trigeminal nerve (ophthalmic function is uncertain, but it has been suggested
nerve) and the branches of the second branch that it moistens inhaled air, lightens the skull, and
(maxillary nerve). possibly provides vocal resonance. The terms
The ophthalmic nerve divides into the anterior maxillary sinus and antrum of Highmore are used
septal nerve via the nasociliary nerve, which is synonymously, while maxillary sinus is the pre-
distributed in the anterior part of the nasal septum ferred terminology.
and lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The anatomical locations of the above four
The maxillary nerve forms the pterygopala- sinuses are shown in Fig. 18.1.
tine ganglion in the pterygopalatine fossa and The maxillary sinus is also known as the
divides into the posterior superior nerve, which is antrum of Highmore, but is more commonly
distributed in the nasal cavity and sinuses above referred to as the maxillary sinus. The maxillary
the middle turbinate, and the posterior inferior sinus is located within the maxilla and is covered
nerve, which is distributed in the nasal cavity with a layer of respiratory epithelium. Its func-
below the middle nasal passage. tion is unclear; it is thought to moisten inhaled
The maxillary nerve also divides into the pos- air, reduce the weight of the skull, and possibly
terior branch of the superior alveolar nerve, provide vocal cord resonance.
which is distributed in the maxillary sinus and The maxillary sinus has a pyramidal shape,
alveolus, and the inferior orbital nerve, which is with its base on the palate, three sides (lateral
distributed in the nasal vestibule, nasal floor, and nasal wall, posterior antral wall, and anterior
anterior part of the inferior nasal passage. maxillary wall), and its apex laterally in the zygo-
The vegetative nerves include sympathetic matic process. The roof of the sinus forms part of
and parasympathetic nerves. the floor of the orbit and is therefore related to the
Sympathetic nerve fibers cause vasoconstric- infraorbital vessels and nerves. The base of the
tion of the nasal mucosa and decrease secretion sinus can project between the roots of the maxil-
by the deep rock nerve from the sympathetic lary premolar and molar teeth. The sinus is sepa-
plexus of the internal carotid artery, the pterygo- rated from the nasal cavity by a thin wall of bone/
palatine nerve, and the pterygopalatine ganglion cartilage medially, and it drains through ciliary
distributed in the blood vessels and secretory action into the nose high on the lateral wall
glands in the nasal cavity. through an ostium in the middle meatus. The
Parasympathetic nerve fibers cause vasodila- height of this ostium means that sinus drainage is
tion of nasal mucosa and increase secretion, poor in the presence of inflammation or after the
which are distributed to the nasal cavity by the surgical intervention. Traditionally, increasing
large superficial rock nerve and pterygopalatine the size of this ostium was a routine part of ENT
nerve from the facial nerve to the pterygopalatine (ears, nose, and throat) surgery to improve drain-
ganglion, and then the postganglionic fibers. age from the maxillary sinus. However, this
260 J. Li





Fig. 18.1  The anatomical position of the sinuses

causes damage to the ciliary motion, thus com- maxillary sinus. The natural maxillary sinus
promising natural sinus drainage. The develop- opening varies in size, averaging 2.8 mm, and is
ment of minimal access surgery (functional not easily visible on routine anterior rhinoscopy.
endoscopic nasal surgery) largely avoids the need Its superior wall is the floor wall of the orbit, so
for invasive surgery [1]. maxillary sinus disease and intraorbital disease
The maxillary sinus is the largest of the four can interact with each other. Its basal wall is the
sinuses, with an average volume of 13 ml and five alveolar process. The basal wall is often lower
walls. Its anterior wall is called canine fossa, and than the nasal floor and is closely related to the
it is central thin and concave fossa; above the second bicuspid and the first and second molars,
fossa and 12 mm below the infraorbital rim is the so root infection can sometimes cause odonto-
infraorbital foramen, through which the infraor- genic maxillary sinusitis.
bital nerve and blood vessels pass. Its posterior When there is infection, blockage of the lacri-
outer wall is adjacent to the pterygopalatine fossa mal duct and occlusion of the maxillary antral
and the inferior fossa of the hazel; the maxillary space may cause epiphora (excessive tear forma-
artery can be ligated through this foramen. Its tion), decreased ocular movement, and/or exoph-
medial wall is the lower part of the lateral wall of thalmos. The proximity of the infraorbital nerve
the nasal cavity. In the posterior part of the mid- and superior alveolar nerves results in pain,
dle nasal passage, there is a fissure named “max- which can be quite severe. However, if there is
illary hiatus,” the lower boundary of which is the direct nerve injury due to trauma or neoplasia
attachment of inferior turbinate, the posterior there may be anesthesia, altered sensation, and/or
boundary is the vertical plate of palatine bone, pain. Pain in the region of the maxillary sinus
the anterior boundary is the lacrimal process of may be due to a number of causes including
inferior turbinate and lower end of lacrimal bone, sinusitis, tumor, myofascial pain, trigeminal neu-
and the upper boundary is the parietal wall of ralgia, atypical facial pain, or periodic migrain-
maxillary sinus connected with sieve sinus. This ous neuralgia [1].
bony sinus opening is separated into four quad- Increasing pneumatization with age con-
rants by a cross-shaped connection of the hooked comitant with any alveolar ridge resorption due
process and the septal process of the inferior tur- to loss of teeth may result in little bone between
binate, of which only the anterior superior quad- the dental alveolus and the base of the maxil-
rant is the true natural sinus opening of the lary antrum.
18  Anesthesia for Nasal and Antral Surgery 261

The ethmoid sinus, also known as the ethmoid the inferior turbinate is contraindicated in order
labyrinth, is the anatomical structure with the to prevent the nasal cavity from becoming too
most complex anatomical relationships, the most wide and forming atrophic rhinitis, causing crust-
variation in itself, and the closest connection to ing and odor in the nasal cavity and increasing
adjacent organs of the four groups of sinuses. The the patient’s pain. If ventilation is still poor after
septal sinus airspaces vary from 4–17 to 18–30 healing, reoperation may be considered.
depending on their degree of development. The Occasionally it is necessary to perform sinus sur-
septal sinuses are divided by the middle turbinate gery and rhinoplasty together with colleagues
substrate into an anterior group of septal sinuses, from rhinology or facial plastic surgery.
which open into the middle nasal tract, and a pos- Septoplasty is mainly used for deviated sep-
terior group of septal sinuses, which open into tum, which can cause nasal congestion, head-
the upper nasal tract. ache, and affect the sinus openings when
The sphenoid sinus resides within the ptery- septoplasty is required. The septoplasty is usu-
goid bone, and the size and morphology of the ally performed under general anesthesia. The
two sinus cavities differ due to differences in the cartilage is then incised slightly backward 1 cm
location of the septum and the development of the from the original incision, separated with a strip-
pterygoid sinus itself. It is located in the posterior, per to the contralateral lesion, and the cartilage
inner and lower part of the posterior septal sinus. and bony parts of the lesion are trimmed with
There is no uniform classification standard. scissors until there is no deviation, and the carti-
Hammer [2] classifies the pterygoid sinus into lage membrane of the bilateral septum is reposi-
three types, i.e., mesenteric (3%), presaddle tioned. Check for perforation and hematoma,
(11%), and saddle (86%). The posterior border of etc. The expansion sponge is filled with bilateral
the sinus cavity is in line with the vertical line of nasal cavities and saline is injected into the
the saddle node (anterior to the saddle), and there expansion sponge and the procedure is finished
is still thick bone between the posterior border of after expansion.
the sinus cavity and the vertical line of the saddle There are also rhinoplasties for cosmetic pur-
node (anterior to the saddle); the anterior saddle poses. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the
sinus has better gasification and development size of the nose, reduce the nostrils, change the
than the A-type, but not as good as the saddle angle between the nose and the upper lip, etc.
type. The entire base of the pterygoid saddle is Sometimes it can also correct some breathing
separated from the pterygoid sinus by a thin bone problems.
plate. The walls of the pterygoid sinus, especially
the lateral, superior, and posterior walls, have
complex adjoining relationships and are the most 18.3.2 Anesthesia for Different Types
dangerous areas for conventional sinus surgery of Nasal Surgery
and endoscopic sinus surgery. Turbinate Reduction Surgery
Turbinate reduction surgery is a surgical proce-
18.3 Nasal Surgery dure for enlarged turbinates. Enlarged turbinates
and Anesthesia are usually the result of edema caused by inflam-
mation of the internal nasal tissues, and patients
18.3.1 Types of Nasal Surgery usually experience clinical symptoms such as
poor breathing and decreased oxygen levels in
Turbinoplasty and septoplasty are the two most the body. If the symptoms are mild, the patient
common nasal procedures. can be treated with medications that improve
Turbinoplasty is indicated for hyperplasia of congestion. If the condition is severe, patients
the inferior turbinate and is chosen when other may be treated with ionic ablation to reduce the
treatments are ineffective. Excessive removal of internal volume of the nose and improve venti-
262 J. Li

lation, while generally causing less damage to within 15 min. Most common side effects of the
the nose. cream are edema, redness, and temporary
Enlarged turbinates can cause chronic nasal paleness, which are rare but mild.
congestion that interferes with normal nasal Methemoglobinemia can occur in newborns if
breathing, thus forcing patients to breathe through the cream is used. A clinical test has been con-
their mouths and having an impact on their daily ducted on its application to the nasal mucosa,
activities. Also, headaches and sleep disorders and no serious side effects have been reported. It
such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea may was found that neither the cream nor the injec-
occur because the nasal airway, the normal path- tion had any significant side effects [3–5].
way for breathing during sleep, is affected. The intraoral and intranasal application of
Turbinate reduction surgery is usually performed EMLA cream has been studied in several clin-
in conjunction with septal surgery. ical papers. During the functional turbinate
Routine practice of turbinate reduction sur- operations with a neodymium-doped yttrium
gery is the injection of local anesthetics. The pain aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser, Di Carlo
is tolerable in such applications, although it is reported analgesic effects of the cream on
noted that the septal contact of instruments such nasal mucosa within 15 min before the proce-
as the nasal speculum and aspirator entering the dure [6]. It was shown in a study by Joki-­
nasal passage during the procedure discomforts Erkkilä et al. [7] that EMLA had a faster effect
patients and reduces their tolerance. The idea of a during maxillary sinus puncture when com-
further local anesthetic injection to the nasal sep- pared with cotton-tip applicators moistened
tum is also abandoned due to the possibility of with lidocaine-adrenalin solution. Many
reduced patient cooperation. A pledget contain- patients reported success with the cream after
ing a mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine would just 5  min, according to the authors. The
be more effective, and so adopted such an EMLA cream was less painful than local
approach. anesthetic injections for nasal fracture
1. Premedication In a study with radiofrequency turbinate
Premedication for turbinate reduction sur- tissue reduction using cream anesthetics and
gery could be to prevent nausea, reduce stom- lidocaine, Martellucci et  al. reported that
ach acid, or help the patient to relax if the choking and pain (visual analogue scale) VAS
patient seems to be anxious. scores were not significantly different.
2. Local Anesthesia ­Furthermore, it may enhance both the sur-
In turbinate reduction surgery, local anes- geon’s and patient’s comfort, thereby increas-
thetics are usually applied to the inside of the ing procedural success. As liquid anesthetics
nostrils. The most commonly used local anes- undergo injection, they might enter the
thetic is Lidocaine, which is usually injected. patient’s throat, and we consider that the iden-
Recently, the eutectic mixture local anesthet- tified difficulty swallowing and choking sen-
ics (EMLA) cream is also introduced to per- sation could result from oropharyngeal and
form surface anesthesia. hypopharyngeal hypoesthesia occurring after
Clinical practice now routinely employs the swallowing of such liquids [3, 8].
EMLA cream. It contains 25 mg lidocaine and In our experience, the effect of the cream
25 mg prilocaine in 1 g. Skin and mucosa can be does not interfere with the procedure overall,
anesthetized effectively and safely with this although drug residues within the nasal pas-
solution. After applying EMLA cream to the sage after the pledget is removed may pollute
skin, the cream starts to work within 2  h. the optics and obstruct endoscopic vision.
Through mucosal surfaces, it absorbs faster, but That said, such disadvantage can be easily
loses its effect sooner. When applied to mucous eliminated through the aspiration of drug resi-
membranes, it produces a strong analgesic effect dues. Additionally, plasma concentrations of
18  Anesthesia for Nasal and Antral Surgery 263

anesthetics were not measured in either of the with less intravenous administration of opi-
groups, and no verification could be made of oids and no inhaled anesthetic administration;
the systemic absorption amount of these however, local anesthesia with sedation has
drugs, which may be considered as a disadvantages including patient awareness,
limitation. the possibility of patient movement, pain with
3. Sedation inadequate block, oversedation resulting in
Sedation is often used in combination with hypoventilation, and even potential for loss of
local anesthesia. It reduces the patient’s the airway [10]. This approach probably needs
awareness of the surgery and discomfort. emergency airway management in the setting
Sedation is usually given through an intrave- of unexpected or brisk intraoperative bleeding
nous cannula. leading to aspiration or frank obstruction, as
4. General Anesthesia the airway is not secure and the patient has an
General anesthetics often cause postopera- altered sense of awareness, which is another
tive nausea and vomiting. In overweight or risk.
obese patients, risks associated with general For vasoconstriction of the nasal mucosa,
anesthesia increase. A general anesthetic can cocaine, phenylephrine, or oxymetazoline
be combined with local anesthetic into the may be applied. Also, soaking gauze in local
surgical wound for pain relief after surgery. anesthetic and injecting submucosal local
anesthetic with epinephrine may be performed Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty to shrink the nasal mucosa and decrease intra-
Septoplasty and rhinoplasty are both commonly operative bleeding. Most commonly, the med-
performed surgical procedures, mostly as outpa- ication contains 1% lidocaine (10  mg/mL)
tient surgeries. Septoplasty can be performed as a and 1:1,00,000 or 1:2,00,000 epinephrine.
relief to symptoms of nasal obstruction; it can Once the patient has been lightened, a short-­
also be performed as a component of rhinoplasty, acting anesthetic can be administered, such as
and is often combined with turbinate reduction propofol [11]. Rhinoplasty requires a steady
surgery. To facilitate use of continuous positive flow of local anesthetic in order to avoid dis-
airway pressure (CPAP), patients with obstruc- tortion and interfere with the assessment of
tive sleep apnea (OSA) may undergo septoplasty. cosmetic results; therefore, the amount of
On the other hand, rhinoplasty is usually per- local anesthetic should be controlled.
formed for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes Sedatives can be used in conjunction with
to alter the appearance of the nose [9]. In other other medications; however, patients can
words, the indication for surgery may be purely become disoriented and uncooperative when
cosmetic, post-trauma, reconstructive after tumor given sedatives, so care must be taken not to
resection, or to improve nasal breathing. oversedate them. A nasal cannula or face
mask in proximity to an open oxygen delivery
1. Local Anesthesia with Sedation system with a high oxygen concentration
Nasal procedures can usually be performed while electrocautery is present poses a risk of
under local anesthesia with sedation, which surgical fire when the face is being operated
avoids airway instrumentation, positive pres- on under sedation. Patients undergoing seda-
sure ventilation, and inhaled anesthetics, at tion should receive supplemental oxygen at
the same time requires less intravenous medi- the same time as several precautions to pre-
cation administration. vent a fire should be taken. An overall rule of
When an endotracheal tube is inserted in thumb is that surgical drapes should be
the wrong place, there is higher possibility of designed to minimize the accumulation of
coughing, bucking, or straining, all of which oxygen, flammable skin preparation solutions
bring the risk of bleeding from the surgical should be allowed to dry before drapes are
site. Fewer nausea and vomiting are observed applied, and gauze and sponges should be
264 J. Li

moistened prior to use in proximity to electro- cooperation requirement, and control of the
cautery. It may be necessary to use a sealed airway by intubation or laryngeal supraglottic
oxygen delivery system, such as an endotra- airway; it also reduces the risk of aspiration of
cheal tube or supraglottic airway, if the proce- secretions, blood, or irrigation fluids.
dure requires moderate or deep sedation or if However, there also exist some disadvantages,
the patient displays oxygen dependence. For including the potential for coughing on the
fire prevention, oxygen should be stopped or endotracheal tube upon emergence, more nau-
reduced to the minimum required before elec- sea and vomiting, higher doses of intravenous
trocautery is used. The person managing the medications, a longer recovery, and postoper-
airway should then wait a few minutes for ative disorientation. General anesthesia may
oxygen to disperse before using electrocau- be performed with either supraglottic airway
tery. Furthermore, medical air can be insuf- devices or endotracheal tubes. During induc-
flated and suction can be used to scavenge the tion of anesthesia and mask ventilation an oral
operative field of oxygen. airway may be needed to alleviate the effects
Perioperative time has been shown to be of the nasal obstruction if significant septal
shorter for patients undergoing surgery under deviation is present.
local anesthesia with sedation when compared Maintenance of anesthesia can be per-
with those under general anesthesia. There formed with volatile inhaled anesthetics, total
may also be less emesis, epistaxis, and nausea intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), or a balanced
as well as earlier discharge times. anesthesia technique. A continuous intrave-
Local analgesia and sedation in septoplas- nous opioid-based technique with alfentanil
ties is a good and safe technique for ambula- or remifentanil reduces the total amount of
tory surgery, but it requires cooperation volatile anesthesia given and significantly
between the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. blunts the tracheal response to the endotra-
Septoplasty under local anesthesia could cheal tube. This also improves hemodynamic
be a good and safe technique for outpatient stability and rapid smooth emergence.
surgical care as well, but the surgeon should Remifentanil, especially if given as a bolus,
have a central role in the overall patient man- may cause a significant opioid-induced brady-
agement, including the local analgesia and cardia, which may lead to decreased cardiac
pain management. output and hypotension [12]. A propofol infu-
Anatomy, availability of the caudal sep- sion decreases blood pressure and the inci-
tum, as well as possibility for adequate local dence of postoperative nausea and vomiting;
analgesia are the mainstay for further in ­addition, it is rapidly metabolized, resulting
treatment. in a quicker emergence. Inhalational anesthe-
The advantages of sedation under local sia can be used and also provides the advan-
anesthesia in an outpatient environment in tage of decreasing blood pressure, thus
adequately selected patients are a smooth lessening blood loss. During emergence, there
postoperative course, shorter medical proce- might appear bucking or coughing on the
dure, and shorter recovery time. endotracheal tube, increasing venous pressure
Furthermore, this procedure gives a possi- and increasing bleeding and swelling. This
bility to avoid potential side effects of general should be avoided if possible.
anesthesia and sedation. Patients may be disorientated after general
2. General Anesthesia anesthesia and may attempt to rub their nose.
When the procedure is longer, more exten- As this can disrupt the surgical sutures the
sive, or when large-volume blood loss is patient should be watched very carefully until
anticipated, general anesthesia may be pre- they are back to their baseline mental status.
ferred. General anesthesia provides total It is accepted that volatile anesthetics
patient analgesia and immobility, less patient (compared to intravenous anesthetics) are
18  Anesthesia for Nasal and Antral Surgery 265

well-established risk factors for postanes- cystectomy under low-flow sevoflurane anes-
thetic agitation. In addition to the anesthesia thesia and TIVA.  The frequency of
technique, some risk factors cause emergence postoperative agitation and nausea and vomit-
agitation development. Otorhinolaryngologic ing were not different between groups, but
and ophthalmologic surgery, male sex, age, extubation times and early emergence times
severe postoperative pain, smoking, the pres- were longer in the TIVA group.
ence of additional diseases, and urinary cath-
eterization are the main risk factors for
emergence agitation development after extu- 18.4 Antral Surgery
bation [13]. According to Liu’s analysis [14] and Anesthesia
of 674 nasal surgery patients, the emergence
agitation frequency was 23.15%, and male 18.4.1 Surgical Considerations
gender, age, inhalation anesthesia, preopera- for Antral Surgery
tive anxiety, postoperative pain, the tracheal
tube, and the presence of a urinary catheter all Early attempts to combat sinus pathology were
correlated with emergence agitation. In 80 founded on the appreciation that healthy sinus
patients undergoing nasal surgery, Jo et  al. functional states required normal ventilation and
[15] compared the effects of external anesthe- drainage of sinus secretions without obstruction
sia combined with that of inhalation anesthe- due to mucosal swelling, inflammation, or other
sia. According to RASS, the emergence mechanical impediments. The most common type
agitation frequency immediately after extuba- of antral surgery, functional endoscopic sinus sur-
tion was 20% in the inhalation group, and gery (FESS), strives to enable direct examination
2.5% in the TIVA group. In this study, there in situ with subsequent correction of encountered
were no differences between the groups in chronic changes and barriers which limit sinus
terms of age, gender, and smoking. None of drainage and ventilation. Operative goals are
the patients underwent urinary catheterization reduction of abnormal tissue mass, creation of
or premedication. All patients underwent the effective drainage via larger sinus passages, or
same number of tracheal tubes and underwent complete obliteration of smaller sinuses. FESS is
the same postoperative analgesia protocols. a relatively safe surgical procedure, although the
According to our study, the emergence agita- limited evidence available suggests that FESS has
tion frequency after general anesthesia was not been demonstrated to be ­superior to medical
higher than the literature (35.6%). The emer- treatment in chronic rhinosinusitis.
gence agitation frequency has not been stud-
ied in rhinoplasty patients before; therefore,
we believe that emergence agitation after rhi- 18.4.2 Anesthetic Management
noplasty may be more common than other
nasal surgeries. Preoperative Considerations
Low-flow anesthesia has many advantages The issue with sinusitis and upper respiratory
in terms of decreasing atmospheric pollution, infection (URI) is of particular importance to the
cost effects, and efficient maintenance of air- surgeries discussed here. Infection should be
way temperatures and humidification. In controlled with the appropriate antibiotics before
1994, Baker [16] used the following classifi- these elective antral surgeries. Clinical opinions
cation for low-flow anesthesia: minimal flow differ on how to best treat uncomplicated URIs;
<500  mL fresh gas flow (FGF) per minute, however, the majority of clinicians recommend
low-flow >0.5–1 L/min, medium flow 2–4 L/ proceeding with surgery, provided that there is no
min FGF, and very high-flow >4  L/min of fever, severe wheezing, infected secretions, or
FGF.  Stevanovic et  al. [17] evaluated 60 any other sign or symptom of active infection (as
patients who underwent laparoscopic chole- in bacterial sinusitis or pneumonia) [18].
266 J. Li Intraoperative Management much in terms of volume, can cause dif-

1. Anesthetic Technique ficulties in practice, leading to delays in
While many intranasal procedures can be treatment and compromising surgical
performed without a general anesthetic with outcomes.
adequate patient selection, general anesthesia (c) Rapid and Smooth Postoperative
is increasingly being integrated into the daily Discharge
surgical pattern due to the availability of anes- The awakening after general anesthesia
thesiologists, the minimally adverse effects of may be accompanied by various prob-
the newer anesthetic agents, the increasing lems, commonly such as coughing, post-
number of pediatric and elderly patients, operative nausea and vomiting, and
widespread training of surgeons in fast-track bleeding. Today, FESS can be performed
general anesthesia techniques, and the under outpatient conditions and com-
increased importance placed on patient monly uses the supraglottic airway (SGA)
satisfaction. technique and fast-tracking of total intra-
2. Anesthetic Goals venous anesthesia (TIVA) with the appli-
(a) Patient Immobility cation of propofol and short-acting
FESS requires nasal puncture, but if anesthetics. The aforementioned approach
the patient has intraoperative somatic is also able to optimize the operative field,
movements—either voluntary or involun- which in turn requires the combined
tary—the risk of deviation increases dra- efforts of two teams: the anesthesiologist
matically, and nasal puncture, if deviated, who maintains a low heart rate and applies
can affect the surrounding cranial struc- a combined local/injectable vasoconstric-
tures dangerously. Therefore, in order to tor with local anesthetics, positioned to
successfully perform FESS superficially optimize the drainage of the surgical area,
in the nasal cavity, the patient needs to be and the surgeon who performs the opera-
rendered immobile intraoperatively, and tion with great skill [20].
rendering the patient immobile is one of 3. Total Intravenous Anesthesia
the early goals of FESS anesthesia. An TIVA with spontaneous respiration and
early goal of anesthesia is to immobilize propofol/remifentanil may be the most effec-
the patient in order to allow FESS to be tive method to avoid emergence problems,
performed superficially in the nasal cav- decrease nausea, vomiting, and EBL, and
ity. Local vasoconstrictors and anesthetics ensure rapid induction and emergence [21].
combined with sedatives or general anes- Numerous studies have shown that it facili-
thetics are better able to achieve this goal. tates hemodynamic conditions, reduces EBL,
(b) Dryness of the Surgical Field and optimizes surgical conditions, visibility,
After avoiding risks, the quest is for and efficiency. While topical and injected local
better surgical results. The operative field vasoconstrictor are useful to minimize blood
of FESS is very close to the airway, so in loss from the soft tissue, penetration into the
case of bleeding or secretions, the lenses ossified structures can be limited, and hemo-
of the device may be contaminated, thus dynamic methods are more effective in reduc-
affecting the visualization and accuracy ing bleeding from resected bone. The amounts
of the operation and prolonging the oper- of EBL during FESS typically range from
ative time [19]. Also, a study related to 1–200 ml of blood and are therefore relatively
the reduction of surgical estimated blood unimportant to patient welfare [11]. Blood in
loss (EBL) and the use of various anes- the surgical field, however, is a concern to sur-
thetic techniques to increase surgical geons, as it limits their visibility and extends
visualization showed that the amount of the length of surgery. Monitoring of EEG (i.e.,
blood loss during FESS, but perhaps not the bispectral index (BIS)) provides continu-
18  Anesthesia for Nasal and Antral Surgery 267

ous TIVA drug delivery and anesthetic depth reduce venous stasis. As long as the SGA
control, especially when the intravenous infu- seals the airway adequately intraoperatively,
sion site is not readily accessible, as when controlled extubation with minimal anesthe-
arms are tucked away from the anesthesia pro- sia is possible, so coughing, hypertension, or
vider for better access to the surgeon. Even significant pulmonary bleeding are avoided.
over expertly managed endotracheal intuba- SGAs are also intended to reduce venous sta-
tion techniques using TIVA, inhalational anes- sis in patients with spontaneous breathing,
thetics, endotracheal topical anesthesia, and where lower intrathoracic pressures may
deep extubation, many of the advantages (due reduce venous stasis. The larger diameter of
to anesthesia alone) may be small or negligi- SGAs allows for lower mean intrathoracic
ble. LTA kits can facilitate smooth extubation pressure and a greater tidal volume during air
in short, less than 20–30  min procedures by exchange, compared with ETTs. When the
introducing an anesthetic at induction. When surgery progresses from anesthetized tissues
still effective, topical anesthetics mitigate to normally sensitive tissues after light levels
reflex responses during positioning, intraoper- of anesthesia, spontaneous respiration tech-
atively, and at extubation. Anesthesia provider, niques are limited by intraoperative move-
hospital and surgeon assessment will ulti- ment of the patient.
mately determine the anesthetic technique to 5. Anesthetic Emergency Techniques
be used, specifically in light of patient-specific In addition to emergence, extubation is one
considerations. of the challenging objectives of ESS. In order
4. Supraglottic Airway Devices to optimize emergence, the surgeon and patient
SGA devices reduce coughing during and should discuss emergence plans preopera-
after the procedure, especially compared to tively. In order to pack the nasal cavity postop-
the use of endotracheal tubes (ETT). In addi- eratively, oral breathing will be required. After
tion, routine extubation can be performed being anesthetized with local anesthetics, even
under anesthesia with the SGA.  It is also the most complicated ­ neurosurgical proce-
important to note that there are some contrain- dures are painless. It is important to stress both
dications for SGA, namely patients infected facts as reassuringly as possible in preopera-
with cancer, those with severe obesity, and tive communication. When SGAs are used,
those with insufficient lower esophageal airways can be removed while the patient is
sphincters. awake without stressful coughing, hyperten-
To reduce the adverse effects of tracheal sion, or venous congestion. Before leaving the
tubes, the SGA is often substituted for them. operating room, the bleeding should be con-
Although its use in properly selected patients trolled carefully, and all packing and blood
has been documented as having no increased removed. When intubating the trachea, it is
adverse event rates, it does not mechanically important to pay attention to the details so that
prevent fluid penetration from the lower respi- emergence is maximized. An adequate sponta-
ratory tree. Significant gastroesophageal neous respiratory rate (at the surgical planes of
reflux, obesity, and hiatal hernia are among anesthesia) is also necessary to avoid tracheal
the most commonly cited exclusions for SGA. stimulation from oral secretions or surgical
The SGA will normally seal the airway bleeding during extubation. In patients who
adequately intraoperatively while enabling are fasted and at minimal risk of aspiration of
controlled extubation with minimal anesthe- gastric contents, as well as those who possess
sia to avoid coughing, hypertension, or sig- a reasonable likelihood of spontaneous breath-
nificant pulmonary bleeding from the field. As ing without requiring significant supportive
with SGAs, they are also intended for use in measures, deep extubations should be per-
spontaneously breathing patients, where formed. When there is a surgical concern with
lower intrathoracic pressures are thought to pressure on the nose, positioning patients in a
268 J. Li

lateral and head-dependent position is useful can reduce silent aspiration by long-­term intu-
for draining secretions from the mouth. In the bated patients. ETTs and cuffs, however, do not
event that spontaneous breathing is not main- require manipulation for injectate delivery. If a
tained by the patient after the oral airway is significant depth of anesthesia is not given, the
inserted, consideration should be given to injection of the solution itself may still trigger
installing a possible oral airway to ensure ven- cough reflexes, causing movements and intra-
tilation. Furthermore, this will prevent airway thoracic pressure changes. Furthermore, these
obstruction caused by clenching on the ETT, specialty ETTs are costlier by three or four times
as well as ETT removal. Frequently, and espe- than standard ETTs.
cially for the shortest procedures requiring
intubation, the utilization of laryngotracheal Sphenoidotomy
anesthesia (LTA) kits during intubation to dis- An endoscopic sphenoidotomy corrects condi-
tribute 4% lidocaine into the trachea can effec- tions affecting the sphenoid sinus and can be per-
tively obtund cough reflexes for periods of formed with or without an ethmoidectomy.
20–30  min and allow complete emergence Sphenoid sinuses are accessed either by widen-
without significant stimulation from the ETT, ing the natural ostium or by making another
facilitating awake extubation and maintenance opening through the posterior ethmoid sinuses. It
of a spontaneous airway patency. Topical is most obvious on axial and sagittal reformatted
intratracheal lidocaine can also help facilitate CT images when there is widened communica-
a smooth emergence after prolonged surgical tion between the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses.
procedures. The process of marsupialization consists of exte-
After surgery, there are several methods that riorizing the affected sinus to treat chronically
provide effective intratracheal topical anesthe- infected sphenoid sinuses [21].
sia. To allow lidocaine to diffuse into the adja- Moreover, sphenoid drilling out is also a pro-
cent mucosa, 4–10% lidocaine is instilled into cedure that is used to treat chronic sinusitis and is
the ETT cuff at intubation. Effectiveness is usu- considered a middle-ground alternative to sphe-
ally obtained after up to 60 min. The significant noidotomy and marsupialization. It is imperative
drawback of this technique is that only the tissue to improve sphenoid sinus aeration, regardless of
in contact with the cuff will be anesthetized. which technique is used.
Furthermore, an adequate deflation of the cuff at
extubation requires special attention during Balloon Sinuplasty
injection and especially withdrawal of the solu- It involves dilation of the paranasal ostia while
tion. An endotracheal tube can inject lidocaine minimizing mucosal damage during a minimally
in situ via topical administration of lidocaine. invasive endoscopic procedure. By blowing the
When active topical agents are administered in inflated balloon, the bone surrounding sinus out-
this manner, the patient may cough unless there flow is delicately displaced, microfractured, and
is effective anesthesia and immobilization by molded. Conventional endoscopic surgery may
neuromuscular blocking agents at the time of be performed as a stand-alone procedure or in
injection. With specially designed laryngotra- conjunction with balloon surgery. The contrast-­
cheal instillation of topical anesthesia (LITATM) filled balloon, which appears radiopaque under
tubes (Sheridan Catheter Corp, Argyle, NY), fluoroscopic guidance, can be seen in position
one can administer the solution over and above and expanded under fluoroscopic guidance [22].
the ETT cuff since they spray the solution cir-
cumferentially at both sites via an integral port. Sinonasal Debridement
A different type of endotracheal tube It is possible to treat invasive fungal sinusitis with
(TaperGuard Evac™-Mallinckrodt™, Tyco endoscopic sinus surgery and nasal irrigation with
Healthcare™, Pleasanton, CA, USA) with low antifungal agents. As part of an endoscopic surgi-
suction but can still deliver above the cuff only cal intervention, necrotic sinonasal mucosa and
18  Anesthesia for Nasal and Antral Surgery 269

bone may be removed along with fungal debris. age detected by a Valsalva maneuver. In our insti-
After debridement for invasive fungal sinusitis, tution, intranasal techniques are generally
CT is challenging to interpret as there may be preferred, with sublabial approaches reserved for
sinonasal opacification, which can make it diffi- patients with small nostrils or for whom the
cult to distinguish between bleeding, irrigation transnasal approach is difficult.
fluid, and packing material [23]. A MR imaging The anesthetic management of patients under-
image may be more useful in identifying fungal going transsphenoidal resection of pituitary
infections that sometimes coexist with neoplasms tumors requires not only consideration for surgi-
because of the possibility of neoplasms within the cal aspects of the procedure, but also a firm
sinonasal cavity. A MR scan can also be used to understanding of the unique implications that the
assess the extent of disease in the orbits and intra- underlying neuroendocrine pathology may have
cranial compartments early on. in terms of their secondary effect on various body
systems. Headache, nausea/vomiting, or visual Transsphenoidal Pituitary disturbances can be observed in most patients
Surgery presenting for transsphenoidal pituitary tumor
The transcranial approach is a common surgical resection; these are symptoms of mass effect pro-
method used to remove lesions found in the ven- duced by a nonfunctioning endocrine tumor.
tricles of the brain. The transsphenoidal sinus Alternatively, some patients will have some pitu-
technique was developed in the early twentieth itary abnormality of hypo- or hypersecretion
century, prior to which transcranial techniques warranting a thorough evaluation by an endocri-
were mostly used for ventricular lesions, but they nologist prior to surgery.
were relatively more invasive and less safe. Once Nasotracheal intubation should be avoided
developed, the transsphenoidal technique was due to the nature of the surgical approach. For
rapidly promoted. Although the transsphenoidal patients who are difficult to ventilate and intu-
technique was sometimes controversial in the bate, for example, patients with acromegaly or
century that followed, the advent of modern Cushing’s disease, alternative intubating tech-
microsurgery and endoscopic techniques has niques such as awake fiberoptic intubation
contributed to its acceptance today as a high pri- may be indicated. The endotracheal tube
ority technique for resection of lesions in the should be secured to the left side of the mouth
pterygoid sinus region. once the patient is intubated. Avoid tape over
In general, the transsphenoidal sinus tech- the upper lip to maximize operating conditions
nique consists of two main types: (1) the subla- for the surgeon. The surgeon often places a
bial approach, which involves incising the gingiva throat pack to minimize drainage into the
below the upper lip and then crossing the nasal oropharynx.
septum; and (2) the transnasal approach, which Those with coexisting heart disease or hyper-
involves using microsurgical or endoscopic tension that is poorly controlled may benefit from
instruments inserted through the nostril and placement of a second peripheral intravenous line
through the nasal wall. To manipulate CSF levels and invasive monitoring of blood pressure, typi-
in the lumbar region, a CSF drain can be inserted cally via radial artery catheterization. When
in either of these methods. Through the drainage patients have adequate peripheral access, central
tube, saline or air may be injected into the spinal venous lines are not necessary unless cardiovas-
colon in order to lower the lesion into the surgical cular comorbidities are present.
region. A lumbar drainage tube opening may Using phenylephrine or epinephrine and local
assist with the reduction of postoperative CSF anesthetic after intubation assists the surgeon in
leakage. As a result of removing the tumor, the decreasing bleeding and optimizing surgical con-
spine is reconstructed in order to restore its integ- ditions. These agents are absorbed systemically
rity. An autologous fat graft from the abdomen is with minimal side effects; however, they may be
usually used to fill the spine if there is CSF leak- injected intravenously inadvertently, resulting in
270 J. Li

cardiac arrhythmias or severe hypertension. instability and to allow rapid emergence.

During this stage of the procedure, you should be Alternative narcotic infusions that can provide
vigilant about monitoring your EKG and blood clinically apparent smooth emergence from anes-
pressure. Hypertension may be worsened using thesia include fentanyl infusion 2 mg/kg/h or suf-
nonselective b-blockers, which cause unopposed entanil infusion 0.4 mg/kg/h [24].
alpha activity of epinephrine. The use of direct-­ The surgeon may use a packing to plug the
acting vasodilators and/or phentolamine may be nasal cavity at the end of the procedure, which is
considered in these situations. effective in stopping bleeding and preventing fluid
When a patient is positioned supine with the from leaking into the oropharynx. If the patient
upper torso elevated, venous return helps the meets the criteria for extubation, extubation should
body to eliminate waste products. Despite the be performed immediately. Prior to extubation, the
elevated angle of head in this semisitting posi- mouth should be carefully suctioned. To prevent
tion, the risk of venous air embolism (VAE) is not packing displacement due to coughing, a low-dose
high enough to warrant placing an intracardiac infusion of remifentanil or an intravenous lido-
air detection device such as a transesophageal caine bolus (0.5  mg/kg) may be administered
echo or precordial Doppler. As per our institu- immediately prior to extubation. If the patient has
tion’s practice, Mayfield pins allow for a midline OSA, a transoral airway may be required [25].
approach by the right-handed surgeon by slightly Immediately after extubation, oxygen is adminis-
extending the patient’s neck. After anesthesia is tered through a face mask. However, it is impor-
administered, a circuit is secured on the left side tant to note that positive pressure v­entilation
of the patient, anticipating that fat grafts will be through the face mask should be avoided due to
harvested in the right abdominal area. It is imper- the presence of nasal packing. Preoperative use of
ative that peripheral intravenous lines, monitor- 5HT-3 receptor antagonists or butyrophenones
ing wires, and the anesthesia breathing circuit are may prevent nausea/vomiting, and implementa-
arranged carefully prior to draping so that the tion is based on patient risk factors.
patient’s head can be accessed freely.
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Perianesthesia Monitoring
Ming Xia

19.1 Introduction tions such as tracheal intubation, causing carbon

dioxide accumulation, and drugs such as ket-
Monitoring is a core topic that is not limited to amine. Hypertension increases myocardial wall
oral and maxillofacial surgeries—it can be said tension and decreases coronary blood flow, which
that where there is surgery, there is necessity of results in increased demand and consumption of
monitoring. Monitoring goes through the whole oxygen. In addition, acute episodes of hypoten-
perioperative period. In this book, we focus on sion, which are precursors to cardiac arrest, may
the “anesthesia” field, and therefore this chapter occur after drug administration and should be
introduces mainly the perianesthesia monitoring, given high priority. During acute hypotension,
that is, monitoring in the operating room and the myocardial wall tone decreases, thereby reducing
PACU. oxygen demand; however, coronary perfusion is
reduced to a greater extent and the probability of
an episode of cardiac disease rises. In addition to
19.2 Blood Pressure Monitor cardiac perfusion, brain and kidney concerns may
be affected by large fluctuations in blood pressure
Blood pressure monitoring is necessary both in and therefore also need to be maintained by moni-
the operating room and in the PACU. toring blood pressure.
Large fluctuations in blood pressure (either too In the PACU, blood pressure is also one of the
high or too low) during surgery are one of the items that must be monitored, and it is an impor-
major causes of intraoperative emergencies. The tant criterion to determine whether the patient
causes of intraoperative hypertension are diverse can be subsequently transferred back to the gen-
and include primary hypertension, pheochromo- eral ward/discharge from the PACU.
cytoma, hyperthyroidism, primary aldosteronism, Continuous monitoring of blood pressure to
coexisting disorders such as increased intracranial prevent hemodynamic emergencies is most desir-
pressure, surgical exploration, anesthesia opera- able; however, the most widely used method of
continuous measurement, namely indwelling
arterial catheters, is invasive. In the outpatient
M. Xia (*) setting, the most common methods of blood pres-
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth sure recording are noninvasive and intermittent,
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China with various automated methods of measurement
e-mail: replacing manual methods.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 273
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
274 M. Xia

19.2.1 Basis of Blood Pressure 19.2.2 Noninvasive Blood Pressure

Monitoring Monitoring

In traditional sphygmomanometry, the observer Blood pressure is measured most commonly

hears Korotkoff’s sounds when the cuff-occluded using an automated noninvasive blood pressure
blood pressure is released. Systolic blood pres- monitor by measuring oscillations in cuff pres-
sure is the pressure recorded at the first sound. On sure using a pressure transducer. During arterial
further deflation of the cuff, the sounds cease. pulsation, pressure pulsations in the cuff are still
This is the diastolic pressure. Measurement accu- present as the pump inflates it to a predetermined
racy depends on a number of factors. Getting an pressure. In order to determine the systolic blood
accurate reading of blood pressure depends on pressure, the oscillations of the cuff are transmit-
the relationship between arm circumference and ted through the transducer to the transducer,
cuff size. Miscuffing, specifically using small which gauges the pressure at this point. In the
cuffs on large arms, is the most common blood occluded artery, blood is allowed to flow again by
pressure measurement error (84% of errors) in releasing the cuff pressure until there are no pul-
outpatient clinics. At least 40% of the arm cir- sations (oscillations) detected. This is the point at
cumference should be covered by the cuff, and which diastolic pressure is determined by trans-
the cuff length should equal 80% of the arm cir- mitting pressure oscillations through the cuff.
cumference [1]. Oversized cuffs cause falsely Systolic, diastolic, and mean pressures are deter-
low readings, whereas undersized cuffs cause mined by measuring the magnitudes of these
falsely high readings; however, because the error oscillations and comparing them with
caused by an oversized cuff is smaller than the algorithms.
error caused by an undersized cuff, it is prefera- Blood pressure monitors that are automated
ble to use a larger cuff. offer convenience, safety, and sphygmomanom-
It is also crucial to consider the site of the eter placement precision that is not as crucial as it
placement. Systolic pressure increases as moni- is with traditional sphygmomanometers. When
tor placement becomes more distal, while dia- peripheral vasoconstriction occurs, automated
stolic pressure decreases. Whenever possible, monitors can obtain accurate measurements
patients with peripheral vascular disease should without requiring venous drainage, which is
have their pressure measured as close to their required with traditional mercury-gravity
heart as possible because peripheral sites may manometers. Additionally, they are not sensitive
give erroneously low pressure readings. to electrosurgical interference and can work in
Measurements of blood pressure are greatly very noisy environments. In addition to compli-
affected by the position of the arm. In order to cations and limitations associated with the use of
accurately measure blood pressure, the cuff must automatic arterial blood pressure monitors, these
be at the same level as the patient’s heart. devices may also fail to detect blood pressure in
7.5 mmHg must be added or subtracted from the patients with dysrhythmias. Monitors that auto-
reading for every 10 cm above or below the level matically measure blood pressure may also make
of the heart [2]. The reading will be falsely ele- it easier for anesthesiologists to lose vigilance.
vated if the upper arm is positioned below the It is also possible to monitor continuous blood
right atrium (such as when it is hanging down pressure without invasive methods, but they are
while the patient is sitting). A false low reading only commonly used in research. Penáz described
will also result if the arm is above the level of the a monitor in the 1970s that incorporated an inflat-
heart. If the patient is positioned so that their able finger cuff connected to an infrared photo-
back is unsupported or their legs are dangling, the plethysmograph for estimating blood flow
reading will also be high due to isometric effects, through the finger artery under the cuff. You can
as when they actively hold their arm up instead of feel a rise in blood volume in your digital artery
passively supporting it. during systole and a decrease in blood volume
19  Perianesthesia Monitoring 275

during diastole every time your heart beats. The measuring point and adjust the tonometric pres-
pressure in the cuff is kept equal to the pressure sure transducer. This makes automated cuff-­
in the artery and thus can be considered as no based blood pressure measurement possible,
load on the vessel wall. The mean arterial set because this device can function with minimal
point needs to be maintained by fine-tuning the intervention related to the operator and is analo-
cuff volume by the amount of adjustment deter- gous to the development of the oscillometer.
mined by the change in arterial wall pressure
detected by the computer. This is the basis of the Pulse Wave Velocity
step-by-step blood pressure measurement [3]. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) refers to the velocity
Arterial dilatometry is another noninvasive of pressure wave transmission along the wall of
method of continuous blood pressure monitoring the large arteries generated by each beat of the
that is characterized. Another method of noninva- heart. It is a simple, effective, and economical
sive continuous blood pressure monitoring is noninvasive index to assess arterial stiffness,
achieved by externally placed sensors. The sen- which can reflect the damage to blood vessels by
sor is placed externally and senses the pulse rate, various risk factors in a comprehensive manner
the maximum pulse amplitude, and the widest and is an independent predictor of cardiovascular
pulse pressure. These values are measured and events. Pulse wave velocity can respond to the
then calibrated with previously recorded oscillo- elastic state of the large and medium arterial sys-
metric brachial artery pressure measurements as tems, and is noninvasive, simple, effective, and
a way to perform continuous calibration and reproducible, while reflecting real-time changes
measurement of blood pressure. The accuracy of in arterial function.
such noninvasive detectors has been confirmed The aortic vessels function as elastic reservoirs
by research; however, further studies are needed to maintain continuous blood flow in the arteries
to compare the data with standards to validate the and buffer fluctuations in arterial blood pressure,
use of these monitors in the clinical setting. and pulse waves are transmitted along the walls of
the arteries. Pulse wave conduction velocity uses Tonometry Blood Pressure the principle that the conduction velocity of fluc-
Arterial blood pressure tonometry (TBP) is a new tuations (i.e., pulse waves) generated by blood
noninvasive technique for continuous arterial output from the heart through the blood vessels is
blood pressure monitoring. The principle is to accelerated when atherosclerosis occurs, and the
obtain blood pressure values by applying appro- conduction velocity of fluctuations between two
priate pressure to a specially designed pressure heartbeats is measured to determine the degree of
transducer placed in the radial artery and detect- vascular elasticity. It has also been demonstrated
ing the maximum and minimum signals of arte- that systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pres-
rial pulse. It is first developed by O’Rourke et al. sure, and mean arterial pressure all have a positive
in search of a noninvasive mechanism by which correlation with PWV [6].
blood pressure waveforms (as opposed to numer-
ical estimates) could be measured [4]. As shown
by its name, tonometers “measure tone” by plac- 19.3 Electrocardiogram
ing a sensor directly over an artery, as is shown
by its name. Tonometers quantify and display this The contraction of the heart muscle is associated
tactile information. with electrical changes, which is also known as
Tensys Medical (Irvine, CA) affixed a tonom- depolarization and repolarization. Depolarization
eter to a locking clamp that stabilizes the tonom- refers to the movement of a cell’s membrane
eter over the radial artery in the wrist–the T-line® potential to a more positive value while repolar-
in an effort to develop a more user-friendly and ization refers to the change in membrane poten-
automated tonometer [5]. Once affixed over the tial, returning to a negative value. With electrodes
radial artery, it can periodically locate the ideal at skin surface that is joined to the electrocardio-
276 M. Xia

graph (ECG) by wires, these changes can be ECG monitors are best used in combination with
detected. The ECG compares the electrical activ- pulse oximeters in order to monitor circulatory
ity in each of the electrodes and forms a picture function.
of the heart from different directions, and the pic- In addition, ECG monitors are essential for
ture is displayed in the pattern of ECG tracing diagnosing myocardial ischemia. Dysrhythmias
that is characteristic from each view. This tracing during sedation are commonly caused by hypoxia
can then be used to analyze the heart’s electrical and endogenous catecholamine release. Myocardial
activity in detail. ischemia caused by hypoxia is indicated by reduced
An ECG is a 12-lead electrocardiogram, usu- or elevated ST segment. An ECG tracing should
ally taken lying down, as discussed below. Some contain an isoelectric ST segment, or a segment at
smartwatches can also record an ECG, such as the same level as the T wave and the next P wave.
Holter monitors, which can measure heart activ- Infarction or acute myocardial injury may have
ity electrically. It is possible to record ECG sig- caused the ST segment to be elevated. Detecting
nals with other devices in other contexts. elevation in a lead indicates the part of the heart
An ECG has 12 leads, each of which is con- that has been injured. The entire heart is affected by
nected to ten electrodes on the surface of the pericarditis, which can also cause ST elevation. An
chest and on the limbs of the patient. Over a ischemia-­induced downward ST segment depres-
period of time (usually 10  s), twelve angles sion is usually more prevalent than an infarction-­
(“leads”) are used to measure the overall magni- induced downward ST segment depression. It is
tude of the heart’s electrical potential. Through also possible to have an ST segment depression due
this method, each moment of the cardiac cycle to downsloping ischemia, which may also be
can be captured as to the magnitude and direction caused by digoxin treatment. Myocardial problems
of the heart’s electrical depolarization. associated with horizontal and downsloping ST
ECGs are composed of three phases: P waves, segment depressions are more ominous than those
representing depolarizations of the atria; QRS associated with upsloping ST segment depressions.
complexes, representing depolarizations of the Ischemia is also associated with changes in T wave;
ventricles; and T waves, representing repolariza- however, digoxin therapy and ventricular hypertro-
tions of the ventricles. phy can also cause T wave inversions. Three of the
In addition to monitoring heart rate, the ECG four leads, III, VR, and V1, show normal T wave
can detect dysrhythmias, conduction defects, or inversions. Various electrolyte abnormalities can
other changes in myocardial electrical activity, also be detected in an ECG trace. T waves flatten in
such as ischemia or electrolyte imbalance. It is hypokalemia, while QRS complexes widen in
common to use standard leads I, II, and III during hyperkalemia [7]. It is also common for nonspe-
anesthesia in order to detect dysrhythmias. If cific ST-T changes to occur regularly in the ST por-
there is ischemia in the inferior wall of the body, tion and the T wave; these changes are usually of
lead II can detect it. Furthermore, it provides an no major significance. Although changes in the ST
accurate diagnosis of dysrhythmias by revealing segment and T wave are not specific for ischemia,
the maximal amplitude of P waves. Adding lead when these abnormalities are detected during anes-
V allows the detection of ischemic damage to the thesia, they should be immediately investigated.
anterior and lateral walls of the left ventricle, the
most common and deleterious areas of ischemia.
The appearance of dysrhythmias can therefore be 19.4 Respiratory System
anticipated by using a five-lead system in moni- Monitoring
toring general anesthesia patients. When a nor-
mal rhythm is key, we can use the ECG to detect During anesthesia, insufficient ventilation con-
myocardial changes and intervene, but the ECG tributes significantly to morbidity and mortality.
only provides information about electrical activ- In addition, ventilatory changes resulting from
ity, not the heart’s mechanical ability to pump. administered sedative medications tend to pre-
19  Perianesthesia Monitoring 277

cede cardiovascular system depression. For the the “spectral window of the organism,” and light
above reasons, respiratory system monitoring is in this band is of particular interest for many
an extremely important aspect of anesthesia man- known and unknown spectral therapies and spec-
agement and involves visual methods and the use tral diagnostics. In the infrared region, water
of monitoring devices. Auscultation of breath becomes the dominant light-absorbing substance
sounds during conscious and deep sedation can in biological tissues, so the wavelength used by
be performed with a precordial or suprasternal the system must avoid the absorption peak of
stethoscope. If the patient is undergoing endotra- water to obtain better information about the light
cheal intubation, or nitrous oxide/oxygen anes- absorption of the target substance. Thus, in the
thesia, movement of the reservoir bag and near-infrared spectral range of 600–950 nm, the
visualization of thoracic activity should be con- main components of human terminal tissues that
tinually monitored, as should the color of the can absorb light include water in the blood, O2Hb
mucous membranes. However, these observa- (oxyhemoglobin), RHb (reduced hemoglobin),
tional methods alone are not sufficient for assess- and peripheral skin melanin and other tissues. At
ing respiratory adequacy. The use of pulse the 940 nm wavelength, however, this phenome-
oximetry and capnography is recommended, non is reversed, which means HbO2 absorbs more
which has greatly increased the safety of anesthe- infrared light than does Hb, and Hb allows more
sia care. red light to pass through than does HbO2 [9].
Also, because MetHb (methemoglobin) absorbs
light at both 660 nm and 940 nm, the R/IR ratio is
19.4.1 Basic Tools for Monitoring once again erroneous, causing the calibrated sat-
uration to read approximately 80%–85% depend-
Various complications and emergencies of the ing on the percentage of MetHb present [10].
respiratory system can be better prevented, or The role of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen to
better treatment provided, if detected early. To all parts of the body. We refer to the oxygen level
achieve this, various monitoring tools need to be of hemoglobin at any given moment as the oxy-
integrated, the most basic of which are pulse gen saturation level. It is this oxygen saturation
oximetry and carbon dioxide monitoring. level that is measured by a finger oximeter.
Hemoglobin has an oxygen-carrying state and an Pulse Oximetry unloaded state. We call oxygen-carrying hemo-
When COVID-19 first broke out in early 2020, globin oxyhemoglobin and unloaded hemoglobin
many people became concerned about pulse reduced hemoglobin.
oximetry. This is because oxygen saturation Oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin
(SpO2) is the percentage of oxygen-bound hemo- have different absorption characteristics in the
globin (HbO2) capacity in the blood to the total visible and near-infrared spectral range. Reduced
bound hemoglobin (Hb, hemoglobin) capacity, hemoglobin absorbs more red frequency light
i.e., the concentration of oxygen in the blood is and less infrared frequency light, while oxyhe-
an important indicator to determine the severity moglobin absorbs less red frequency light and
of COVID-19. For prediction of postoperative more infrared frequency light.
pulmonary complications (PPCs), which are Therefore, the data of the emission spectrum
common complications in surgeries, it is found can be analyzed to get the effective information
that almost one-third of the patients with of the concentration of the components to be
SpO2 ≤ 90% developed at least one postoperative measured in the tissue. When we get O2Hb and
in-hospital pulmonary complication; therefore RHb concentrations, we can know the oxygen
preoperative SpO2 has been included in the saturation. Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is the vol-
ARISCAT PPCs prediction score [8]. ume of oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2) bound by
In biological tissue optics, the spectral region oxygen in the blood as a percentage of the vol-
in the 600–1300 nm band is often referred to as ume of all available bound hemoglobin (Hb), i.e.,
278 M. Xia

the concentration of oxygen in the blood. SpO2 is surement site, and the light beam is reflected or
physiologically related to PaO2; therefore, transmitted to the photoelectric sensor, and the
according to the oxyhemoglobin dissociation received light beam will carry the effective char-
curve, in patients with PaO2 higher than acteristics of the volumetric pulse wave informa-
60 mmHg, SpO2 has low sensitivity for detection tion. As the blood volume changes periodically
of hypoxemia [11]. For nonsmokers HbCO levels with the expansion and contraction of the heart,
will be less than 2%; for smokers HbCO levels when the heart is diastolic, the blood volume is
can be 20% higher than normal; and for patients the smallest, and the absorption of light by the
who have been exposed to carbon monoxide, blood is if the sensor detects the maximum light
these levels can be 40% higher than normal [12]. intensity; when the heart is contracted, the vol-
During each cardiac cycle, contraction of the ume is the largest, and the sensor detects the min-
heart causes a rise in blood pressure within the imum light intensity.
aortic root vessels, which in turn causes the ves-
sel walls to expand outward, and conversely, Capnography
diastole of the heart causes a fall in blood pres- A definition of the components of the analysis
sure within the aortic root vessels, which in turn and measurement of carbon dioxide in the
causes the vessel walls to contract. As the cardiac respired air is required for carrying out this pro-
cycle repeats, the changing blood pressure in the cess. Capnometry is measurement of CO2 con-
aortic root vessel is transmitted to the down- centrations during the respiratory cycle, and
stream vessels connected to it and even to the capnography is the graphic record of the mea-
entire arterial system, resulting in the continuous sured CO2 concentrations. The capnometer ana-
expansion and contraction of the entire arterial lyzes the gases and displays the readings, and
vascular wall. In other words, the periodic beat- capnography is usually displayed graphically on
ing of the heart generates pulse waves in the a monitor screen.
aorta, which propagate forward in waves along Capnogram is normally rectangular in shape
the vessel wall to the entire arterial system. Each and divided into four phases. Phase I represents
time the heart expands and contracts, a pressure the cessation of inspiration and the beginning of
change occurs in the arterial system, which gen- expiration, the exhaled gas is the invalid lumen
erates a periodic pulse wave. This is the process gas from the duct, and the carbon dioxide partial
we normally refer to as pulse wave generation. pressure is zero; Phase II represents the mixing
The waveform characteristics of the pulse wave process of invalid lumen gas and alveolar gas, and
reflect some physiological information such as the carbon dioxide level rises rapidly; Phase III
heart, blood pressure, blood flow, etc., and can the expiratory plateau, which is a horizontal line,
provide important information for the noninva- represents the alveolar gas mixture containing
sive detection of specific body parameters. In carbon dioxide gas being continuously exhaled,
medicine, pulse waves are usually divided into and the highest point at the end of it is the carbon
two types: pressure pulse waves and volume dioxide partial pressure value at the end of expira-
pulse waves. Pressure pulse waves primarily tion displayed by the instrument; Phase IV for the
characterize blood pressure transmission, while inspiratory descending branch. It is often used to
volumetric pulse waves characterize periodic understand the airway and ventilation, blood per-
changes in blood flow. Compared to the pressure fusion, and other conditions. The capnogram is
pulse wave, the volumetric pulse wave will con- often one of many other displayed parameters on
tain more important cardiovascular information a large multipurpose monitor in the operating
such as human blood vessels and blood flow, and room; however, there are portable battery-pow-
the noninvasive detection of the volumetric pulse ered end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) monitors that are
wave can be realized by the photoelectric volu- used for monitoring during transport.
metric pulse wave tracing method. A specific Monitoring of ETCO2 concentration or its par-
wave of light is used to irradiate the body mea- tial pressure (PETCO2) reflects pulmonary venti-
19  Perianesthesia Monitoring 279

lation and also pulmonary blood flow. In the Other Tools
absence of significant cardiopulmonary disease Current evidence supports the potential role of
and a normal V/Q ratio, PETCO2 reflects arterial protective low tidal volume ventilation in healthy
blood carbon dioxide (PaCO2). When using ven- lungs during general anesthesia in decreasing the
tilators and anesthesia, ventilation is adjusted incidence of PPCs. The role of PEEP level is still
based on PETCO2 measurements to keep PETCO2 controversial. However, ongoing large prospec-
close to preoperative levels. Its waveform also tive observational and randomized controlled
determines whether the tracheal tube is in the air- studies will provide further information.
way. And for those who are on mechanical venti-
lation, if there is a malfunction such as air leak,
catheter twist, or tracheal obstruction, PETCO2 19.4.2 Respiratory Mechanics
digital and morphological changes and alarms
can appear immediately to help doctors detect Measurement of airway pressure and compliance
and deal with it in time. may be helpful during the intraoperative period
What is also worth mentioning is that for to determine the right tidal volume, plateau pres-
anesthetists, ETCO2 can be used as a sign for sure, and PEEP.  There are some circumstances,
the guidance of intubation, on which our insti- such as postoperative intra-abdominal surgery,
tute, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, obesity, and patients with increased intra-­
Department of Anesthesiology has already got abdominal pressure (IAP), where respiratory
a patent of invention. compliance is affected not only by the lungs, but
also by the chest wall. Thus, the airway pressure Precordial/Pretracheal might not accurately reflect the real stress and
Stethoscope strain on the lungs. During preoperative esopha-
The precordial/pretracheal stethoscope allows for geal catheter placement, high-risk patients can be
practical and inexpensive monitoring of the cir- measured for transpulmonary pressure (Ptp),
culatory and respiratory systems during anesthe- work of breathing, and intrinsic PEEP [13]. A
sia. It consists of a weighted stethoscope head balloon placed in the esophagus can measure the
connected by a transducer to a custom-molded esophageal pressure, which can be used to deter-
monaural earpiece. When placed in the precor- mine the pressure required for alveolar recruit-
dial region, the head of the stethoscope should be ment, tidal volume, and safe plateau pressure, in
placed on the chest wall between the sternotomy addition to determining the level of PEEP during
and the left nipple to monitor cardiac and breath the perioperative period. Hence, the measure-
sounds, and when placed in the cervical region ment of esophageal pressure can aid in better
above the trachea, it monitors breath sounds. titration and optimization of the pressure required
Arguably, the use of a stethoscope in an anterior for alveolar recruitment, tidal volume, etc.
tracheal position is ideal for monitoring respira- Furthermore, monitoring of esophageal pressure
tion during ambulatory anesthesia for oral sur- can be done in the postoperative period to mini-
gery because the commonly used sedative drugs mize patient-ventilator asynchrony, especially in
depress respiration and cause much lower patients suffering from COPD.
chances of changes in cardiovascular function
that can be diagnosed by auscultation. However, Hemodynamics
the use of the stethoscope has declined dramati- and Respiration
cally in the last decade due to its limitations: In the twentieth century, recent developments in
although respiratory sounds can be heard, it is not mini-invasive hemodynamic measurement tech-
possible to determine the adequacy of tidal vol- niques have enabled continuous monitoring of car-
ume through the stethoscope. For this reason, it diac output and other parameters at the bedside,
needs to be used in combination with other oxy- and timely information about the role of hemody-
gen saturation monitors such as pulse oximetry. namics in respiratory failure. Several of these
280 M. Xia

methods are based on pulse pattern analysis, which body temperature increases, while their respira-
can be done during or after major surgery with a tory and cardiovascular systems work harder.
peripheral arterial line. It has been proposed Hyperthermia can indicate serious physiological
recently that a completely noninvasive alternative disturbances such as drug reactions, transfusion
exists, but its effectiveness is being debated. reactions, hyperthyroidism, and malignant hyper-
Transpulmonary thermodilution is a minimally thermia. Anesthetics containing volatile anesthet-
invasive technique for estimating extravascular ics or depolarizing muscle relaxants should be
lung water (EVLW) and EVLW index (EVLWi). monitored constantly when they may cause malig-
In addition to measuring cardiac output, transtho- nant hyperthermia; however, even if these agents
racic echocardiography can also assess stroke vol- are not used, a method should be readily accessi-
ume variation, which is increasingly useful in ble for monitoring body temperature.
assessing fluid responsiveness in patients. Various technologies are used to display accu-
Most studies conclude that hemodynamic rate temperature measurements in temperature
goal-directed therapy can improve outcome in monitors. An element that measures temperature,
high-risk surgical patients, especially in terms of a thermistor, exhibits a large change in resistance
reduction of postoperative complications, while in proportion to a small change in temperature.
mortality reduction is significant only in very Low cost, accuracy, sensitivity to small tempera-
high-risk surgical patients. ture changes, disposable probes, and sensitivity
to small temperature changes are among its
advantages. A thermocouple also uses an electri-
19.5 Temperature Monitoring cal current to determine temperature, like a
thermistor. Two dissimilar metals are welded
For intubated, anesthetized patients and those together to form the cable. There are some simi-
who are not intubated, the American Association larities between thermocouples and thermistors;
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) however, thermocouples do not detect small tem-
anesthesia guidelines advise recording patients’ perature changes as well as thermistors.
temperatures. A way of continuously monitoring Temperature-dependent electrical resistance is
the body temperature of anesthesia patients found in both the thermistor and thermocouple. A
should be readily available. If changes in body platinum wire thermometer is accurate, continu-
temperature are expected or suspected, a continu- ous, and inexpensive, just like a thermistor or
ous monitoring method should be used. The nor- thermocouple. This type of thermometer employs
mal methods of regulating a patient’s body a probe enclosed inside a casing to protect it from
temperature are impaired under general anesthe- contact with body fluids.
sia. It is, however, critical to measure continuous An organic compound melts and recrystallizes
temperature in patients under sedated anesthesia at specific temperatures in a liquid crystal ther-
whenever there is a suspicion that it may differ mometer. The strips are placed on the skin using
from normal preoperatively since hypothermia adhesive backs. They are a convenient, inexpen-
and hyperthermia may lead to negative outcomes; sive, disposable, noninvasive, and portable
both are discussed in more detail later in this method of monitoring temperature. Their read-
section. ings can, however, be influenced by factors in the
The decrease in body temperature is expected environment, such as humidity or presence of a
in pediatric patients, whose surface area to mass heating lamp. Although infrared thermometers
ratio is greater, in patients undergoing large are only convenient for intermittent measure-
amounts of intravenous fluid, and in patients ments, they are accurate and noninvasive. An
undergoing major surgery involving the body cav- infrared camera records the amount of infrared
ity. As a result of hyperthermia, adverse outcomes radiation emitted by objects, including ear canals.
can occur, such as prolonged recovery, wound It is a technique-sensitive thermometer, and its
infection, and increased cardiac morbidity. A accuracy depends on how well it is aimed and
patient’s ability to tolerate stress decreases as their penetrated into the ear canal.
19  Perianesthesia Monitoring 281

A nasopharynx, an esophagus, a tympanic 20–60 mA current. Using electrical stimulation to

membrane, an oral cavity, a rectum, a bladder, and stimulate the facial muscles reflects the response
a trachea are all commonly measured as part of a of the airway musculature and can give a good
routine general anesthetic. Oral surgery is more indication that NMB is adequate for intubation.
unique in nature than other surgeries in that, on the An ideal way to determine intubation readiness is
one hand, the surgeon shares the airway with the to stimulate the facial nerve, but the adductor pol-
anesthesiologist and, on the other hand, because licis usually responds adequately.
various instruments are placed in the oral cavity or Nerve stimulators are used during anesthesia
nasopharynx, this may cause the thermometer induction to determine whether the vocal cords
probe to shift when temperature monitoring is per- are relaxed enough to permit the passage of the
formed. In addition, irrigation may interfere with endotracheal tube. It is necessary to maintain a
monitoring, resulting in inaccurate readings. moderate depth of anesthesia during maintenance
Patients may be less tolerant under sedation; there- of anesthesia in order to prevent patient move-
fore, during general anesthesia, measurements ment, but not to reach such a depth that postop-
may be taken using areas such as the skin and erative respiratory support is necessary. Nerve
axilla, or an LCD thermometer may be placed on stimulators allow anesthetists to determine if
the forehead to measure skin temperature. NMB is reversible at the end of the procedure and
There are certain limitations of temperature to what extent it can be reversed. At this point, the
monitors, mainly inaccurate readings. Inaccurate ideal approach is to monitor peripheral muscles,
readings can be caused by various reasons, includ- such as the thumb adductor, because this muscle
ing incorrect probe connection, improper probe is one of the last to recover and its recovery status
placement, and machine malfunction. To prevent gives a good indication of the recovery status of
excessive readings, the internal probe connections the respiratory muscles.
must be kept dry. Also, body temperature moni- The pattern of stimulation and response is
tors have some potential hazards—if they catch usually performed as a single twitch, train-of-­
fire due to high temperatures, they can cause dam- four (TOF), or tetanus, and can be used to deter-
age to the monitoring site. The body temperature mine the readiness for intubation by comparing
probe acts as a ground for electrosurgical equip- the post-stimulation measurements with control
ment and can catch fire. In addition, body tem- values. Depolarizing and nondepolarizing mus-
perature probes can lead to perforation of the cle relaxants inhibit the response in the same
rectum, tympanic membrane, and esophagus. way. Therefore, the anesthesiologist cannot
­distinguish between depolarizing and nondepo-
larizing blocks using a single twitch stimulus.
19.6 Neuromuscular Transmission A TOF stimulation pattern consists of 4 iden-
Monitoring tical twitches delivered over a period of about 2 s
as a means of distinguishing depolarizing and
As well as facilitating endotracheal intubation, nondepolarizing blocks. The height of all four
reducing patient movement, and promoting a more twitches will be equally lowered with a depolar-
favorable surgical environment, muscle relaxants izing muscle relaxant. The twitches will slowly
are frequently used during anesthesia. Each of the fade as the antidepolarizing muscle relaxant
above uses may require different levels of neuro- establishes deep blockade, causing the fourth
muscular blockade (NMB). Since patients respond twitch to disappear, followed by the third, and so
to muscle relaxants differently, monitoring NMB on. A major advantage of TOF stimulation is its
is a critical aspect of maintaining the desired level lack of control response and its ability to monitor
of relaxation. Nerve stimulation with electrical NMB effectively compared to single twitches.
current and measurement of muscle response are Repeated single twitches are part of tetanic
two ways to assess the level of NMB. Usually the stimulation; usually between 30 and 100 signals
adductor pollicis muscle adducts the thumb and per second are delivered. In the absence of NMB,
stimulates the ulnar nerve at the wrist with sustained contractions are observed. Depolarizing
282 M. Xia

drugs sustain tetanic contractions but depress tific statement from the American Heart Association.
Hypertension. 2019;73(5):e35.
them uniformly; nondepolarizing drugs depress 2. Beevers G, Lip GY, O'Brien E.  ABC of hyper-
and do not sustain tetanic contractions. By stimu- tension. Blood pressure measurement. Part
lating NMB with tetanic stimulation, deeper lev- I-sphygmomanometry: factors common to all tech-
els of NMB can be monitored when a single niques. BMJ (Clin Res Ed). 2001;322(7292):981–5.
twitch or TOF does not produce a response. In 3. Truijen J, van Lieshout JJ, Wesselink WA, Westerhof
addition to being painful, it can only be used BE.  Noninvasive continuous hemodynamic moni-
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19.7 Depth of Sedation waveform analysis and arterial tonometry. Curr
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the best experience requires evaluating the depth 6. Koo HS, Lee HS, Hong
of sedation. Apart from maintaining an appropri- YM.  Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase TT
ate level of amnesia, analgesia, and anxiolysis, it genotype as a predictor of cardiovascular risk
in hypertensive adolescents. Pediatr Cardiol.
is also important to prevent respiratory depres- 2008;29(1):136–41. Epub 2007 Oct 5. https://doi.
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Postoperative Pain Management
in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 20
Ming Xia

20.1 Introduction 20.2 Strategies for Postoperative

Pain Management
Oral and maxillofacial surgery involves the naso-
pharyngeal cavity, tongue root, mouth floor, and 20.2.1 Standardized Analgesia
regiones colli anterior, which are prone to cause
postoperative edema, lymphatic reflux disorders, Postoperative analgesia of oral and maxillofacial
swelling of reconstructed flaps, compression of surgery can be incorporated into the postopera-
the airway, etc. Over half of patients reported tive pain management framework of the whole
moderate or severe pain after oral and maxillofa- hospital. The establishment of a hospital-wide or
cial surgery [1]. The pain felt by patients during anesthesiology-based acute pain service (APS)
perioperative period may increase the risk of group, including surgeons and nurses, can effec-
complications happening after surgery, and thus tively improve the quality of perioperative anal-
impeding the recovery of patients. Hence, post- gesia in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The work
operative pain management is critical in the pro- scope and purpose of APS group include: (1)
cess of surgical treatment and postoperative treating perioperative pain, evaluating and
recovery. Also, it is clinicians’ ethical responsi- recording analgesic effect, and dealing with
bility to minimize patients’ pain. Fortunately, adverse reactions and problems in analgesic
multimodal analgesia has been introduced and treatment; (2) carry out education on the neces-
developed currently and organizations have sity of postoperative analgesia and related knowl-
launched expert consensus and guidelines. It is edge; (3) improve the comfort and satisfaction of
expected that OMFS patients could receive better surgical patients; (4) reduce postoperative pain-­
pain management. In this chapter, we will present related complications.
postoperative analgesic strategies and their
20.2.2 Preventive Analgesia

Modern pain management concept advocates

M. Xia (*) preventive analgesia, that is, giving effective
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth anesthesia or nerve block before operation, and
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China giving enough analgesics [such as selective
e-mail: cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) inhibitors] before the

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 283
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
284 M. Xia

onset of pain, so as to reduce traumatic stress, should also analyze patient factors, so that clini-
prevent central sensitization, lower pain thresh- cians can achieve the best analgesic effect with
old, reduce the dosage of postoperative analge- the smallest drug dose. If permitted, the gene
sics, and prolong the analgesic time. polymorphism can be detected, the degree of
pain can be managed hierarchically, and the use
of opioids can be guided.
20.2.3 Multimodal Analgesia

Multimodal analgesia refers to the combined 20.3 Pharmacological Aspect

application of analgesic drugs with different of Pain Management
analgesic methods and different action mecha-
nisms, taking effect on different parts, phases, 20.3.1 Simple Analgesics
and targets of pain by different administration
routes, so as to achieve the purpose of additive or There are three drugs in this category:
synergistic analgesic effects and reduce adverse paracetamol, NSAIDs, and COX-2 inhibitors.
drug reactions. Multimodal analgesia is an ideal Cochrane recently reevaluated the effect of
perioperative analgesia management scheme at single-dose oral analgesics on moderate and
present. severe pain. Figure 20.1 shows that a majority of
The recommended combination regimen in data were collected from patients who had their
clinical practice includes the combination of opi- third molars extracted. In general, with increas-
oids with selective COX-2 inhibitors, nonsteroi- ing doses and types of analgesics, the number
dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and/or needed to treat (NNT) decreased. Analgesic sup-
acetaminophen, etc. It is proposed to combine plementation was required by patients who con-
various analgesic drugs on the basis of sumed NSAIDs along with paracetamol when
ultrasound-­guided nerve block or intraspinal compared with any drug taken alone [3]. All
analgesia for general perioperative multimodal patients who are postoperative are recommended
analgesia is advised. For patients who use self- to consider this combination [4].
controlled analgesia devices, it is still recom- COX-1 inhibition induced by chronic NSAIDs
mended for them to concurrently take NSAID has been shown to adversely affect the digestive,
orally or intravenously to relieve postoperative renal, and cardiovascular systems, as well as
residual pain. platelet aggregation. In nearly half of the patients
who take NSAIDs regularly, gastric erosions
were present, and ulcers were seen on endoscopy
20.2.4 Individualized Analgesics in nearly 30% of these patients. It is estimated
that upper gastrointestinal events occur in
Patients suffer from different pain degrees in the approximately 3%*4.5% of patients, with serious
same kind of surgery, not to mention in different events occurring in about 1.5%. There are several
ones. Furthermore, there are individual differ- factors that lead to increased risk of upper gastro-
ences in the response of patients to pain and anal- intestinal events, including previous ulceration,
gesic drugs. Individualized analgesics are chronic anticoagulation, coexisting corticoste-
necessary to precise pain management. It refers roids, and increased NSAID dosage. In addition
to the selection of analgesic methods such as oral to proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole,
or intravenous administration, epidural analgesia, COX-2 inhibitors such as celecoxib can also
and patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) accord- reduce these adverse effects.
ing to the patient’s pain degree, type, duration, Additionally, NSAIDs can negatively impact
etc. Individualized analgesia should comprehen- the renal system as well. Because NSAIDs inhibit
sively consider various factors and formulate the vasodilatory renal prostaglandin synthesis, which
optimal pain management plan. In addition, it is normally increased in cases of hypotension or
20  Postoperative Pain Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 285

Fig. 20.1 Number
Single dose analgesic NNT (95% CI)
needed to treat (NNT) to
achieve at least 50%
Ibuprofen 400 mg + Paracetamol 1000 BEST 1.5 (1.4 to 1.7)
reduction in maximal
postoperative pain mg
(moderate or severe)
Ibuprofen 200 mg + Paracetamol 500 1.6 (1.5 to 1.8)
over 4–6 h [2]. NNT of
2–5 is considered useful. mg
(Reproduced with Paracetamol 1000 mg + Oxycodlone 10 1.8 (1.6 to 2.2)
permission from
S.W. Evans, mg
R.A. McCahon. Diclofenac potassium 100 mg 1.9 (1.7 to 2.3)
Management of
postoperative pain in Diclofenac potassium 50 mg 2.1 (1.9 to 2.5)
maxillofacial surgery. Br
J Oral Maxillofac Surg,
2019, 57(1):4–11) Ibuprofen 400 mg 2.1 (1.9 to 2.3)

Paracetamol 1000 mg + Codeine 60 mg 2.2 (1.8 to 2.9)

lbuprofen 400 mg + Oxycodlone 5 mg 2.3 (2.0 to 2.8)

Naproxen 500 mg 2.7 (2.3 to 3.3)

Paracetamol 1000 mg 3.6 (3.2 to 4.1)

Tramadol 100 mg 4.6 (3.6 to 6.4)

Tramadol 50 mg 9.1 (6.1 to 19)

Codeine 60 mg WORST 12 (8.4 to 18)

hypovolemia to preserve renal perfusion, their the use of opioid [6]. Clinicians and patients
use can result in progressive acute kidney injury, should fully understand opioid abuse before tak-
and may worsen the progression of chronic renal ing them regularly.
failure. Patients at risk include those with pre-­
existing renal impairment, hypovolemia, heart Weak Opioids
failure, cirrhosis, multiple myeloma, and those Codeine phosphate and tramadol are two of the
who are taking ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II most common opioids prescribed in UK practice,
receptor antagonists, or diuretics [5]. both of which have a low relative potency com-
pared with morphine. Neither is particularly
effective in the absence of other opioids
20.3.2 Opioid Analgesics (Fig. 20.1). Because codeine is metabolized dif-
ferently by different people, it can have severe
Opioids once have been popular in treating mod- adverse effects, including respiratory depression,
erate to severe postoperative pain whereas their in people metabolizing it slowly. Codeine should
acute side effects including nausea, constipation, not be administered to patients known to have
itching, drowsiness, respiratory depression, and hyperactive CYP2D6 metabolizing enzymes or
death from overdose have been realized to a to children under 12 years of age [7]. Due to its
greater extent. Therefore, they are viewed as a stimulatory effects on serotonergic receptors, tra-
course of treatment that will be reduced as appro- madol is contraindicated in patients with poorly
priate and many countries enact regulations on controlled epilepsy.
286 M. Xia Strong Opioids needs to be replaced with an oral immediate-­

Analgesia after surgery is generally achieved release opioid in a graded fashion for 72 h.
with morphine, oxycodone, and fentanyl. In com-
parison with morphine, oxycodone’s relative Opioid-Induced
potency is 1.5–2 times greater. High doses of fen- Hyperalgesia
tanyl can lead to respiratory depression, as it is It can result either in hyperalgesia or allodynia,
ten times stronger than morphine. which are painful responses to non-painful stim-
As intravenous analgesics or oral preparations uli. Pain will be exacerbated by higher dosages,
(oxycodone, morphine), strong opioids are typi- unlike opioid tolerance.
cally administered intravenously. The slow onset Specifically, remifentanil is associated post-
of action and lack of rapid titratability make operatively with opioid-induced hyperalgesia
transdermal delivery unsuitable for acute pain that can be observed [12]. In particular, its use
relief. When parenteral delivery is necessary, during surgery can result in more intense pain in
patient-controlled opioids should only be admin- the first 24  h after surgery, and a moderate
istered intravenously rather than orally [8]. increase in the need for morphine. Thus, local
anesthetics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Chronic Use of Opioids drugs can be used to reduce the dosage by using
Addiction and drug tolerance are caused by opioid-sparing techniques.
chronic opioid use [9]. In addition, they have a
higher risk of developing chronic pain following
surgery, and they require more postoperative 20.3.3 Local Anesthetic
analgesia [10, 11]. They need their usual dose of
analgesia to treat their chronic pain and addi- A variety of trigeminal nerve branches can be
tional doses to manage their acute pain. In these numbed with local anesthetics by using regional
cases, postoperative analgesia should be handled anesthesia in maxillofacial surgery. These are
with a multidisciplinary approach, and should recommended as part of a multimodal approach
begin preoperatively. to postoperative analgesia, and are strongly rec-
The efficacy of the analgesic regimen should ommended for techniques that are specific to the
be evaluated preoperatively and be optimized surgical site [8]. Continuous delivery through a
timely. Whether transdermal opioid patches catheter is preferable to a single-bolus dose if the
should continue to be used in the perioperative duration of postoperative pain is likely to be lon-
period is controversial because during surgery, ger than the duration of action of the drug used—
various modalities are used to keep patients warm for example, when harvesting rib grafts [13]. An
to maintain their body temperature, and the rate overview of when and how postoperative analge-
of drug delivery may increase in such cases, but sia is provided or supplemented in maxillofacial
may decrease if the patch is applied to poorly surgery is presented in Table 20.1.
infiltrated skin. In addition, high doses of To reduce the need for perioperative opioids,
buprenorphine can antagonize full opioid recep- lidocaine has been infused intravenously during
tor agonists and morphine and lead to analgesic surgery. During bimaxillary osteotomies, lido-
failure and withdrawal. The current view is that caine was given intraoperatively and reduced
transdermal administration of buprenorphine pain scores for eight hours [14]. Systemic lido-
(less than 70 g/h) is unlikely to interfere with all-­ caine infusion during bimaxillary surgery reduces
opioid agonists used to treat acute postoperative postoperative pain, analgesic consumption, and
pain. That is, perioperative transdermal adminis- facial swelling [15].
tration of fentanyl and buprenorphine should be There are cardiovascular and neurological
continued, with the addition of oral opioids or as complications associated with local anesthetic
patient-controlled analgesia postoperatively [11]. toxicity, such as circumoral tingling, tonic-clonic
If the patch is discontinued preoperatively, it convulsions, and cardiac arrhythmias. As long as
20  Postoperative Pain Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 287

Table 20.1  Regional anesthetic techniques used in maxillofacial practice for postoperative analgesia (Reproduced
with permission from S.W. Evans, R.A. McCahon. Management of postoperative pain in maxillofacial surgery. Br J
Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2019, 57(1):4–11)
Target or local anesthetic
(LA) technique, or both Study Outcome, findings, and comment
Inferior alveolar nerve Split mouth, randomized 2% lidocaine (1:80,000 adrenaline)
block + buccal Bilateral third molar extraction under GA improves pain VAS compared with control
infiltration Pain VAS significantly lower for 0.5%
bupivacaine at 3–8 h postoperatively
compared with 2% lidocaine (1:80,000
adrenaline); no difference thereafter. Patients
preferred bupivacaine over lidocaine
2% lidocaine (1:80,000 adrenaline) cf.
control (n = 52)
2% lidocaine (1:80,000 adrenaline) cf.
0.5% bupivacaine (n = 68)
Dental LA: Cochrane review of use of dental LA in Unable to establish effect because of clinical
patients <17 years (n = 1152) and methodological heterogeneity of studies
 • Intraligamental
 •  Topical
 •  Infiltration
Anterior iliac crest Triple blind RCT of 0.5% bupivacaine: Subperiosteal delivery of bupivacaine
donor site through catheter has considerable benefits
with respect to dynamic analgesia, at-rest
analgesia, and time to first mobilization
Single shot femoral nerve block
Single shot subcutaneous injection
Repeated bolus through subperiosteal
RCT of 0.2% ropivacaine (n = 17) cf. 0.2% ropivacaine provides comparable
0.25% bupivacaine (n = 17) infusions analgesia to 0.25% bupivacaine
through periosteal catheter
Retrospective cohort study: Compared with infiltration alone,
BAS + infiltration offered considerable
benefits in terms of acute pain, need for
opioids, time to first mobilization, and
duration of stay
 –  Bupivacaine infiltration (n = 89) No studies have compared catheter-­based
techniques with BAS
 –  Bupivacaine
infiltration + bupivacaine-soaked
absorbable sponge (BAS), (n = 118)
Mandibular nerve Blinded RCT of preinduction MNB MNB reduced mean consumption of opioids
block (MNB) (n = 21) cf. control (n = 21) in patients by 56% and 45% at 12 h and 24 h,
having partial glossectomy or respectively, postoperatively. The incidence
transmandibular lateral pharyngectomy of severe pain was significantly lower in the
MNB group on the first postoperative day (3
cf. 10)
Pilot study of preoperative MNB in Trismus relieved, and a 12-fold reduction in
patients with unilateral mandibular angle VAS pain scores after MNB block
fracture (n = 6)
Maxillary nerve block Double-blind RCT of bilateral The cumulative dose of intravenous
suprazygomatic maxillary nerve block morphine at 48 h postoperatively was 50%
with 0.2% ropivacaine cf. placebo for less in the maxillary nerve block group
cleft palate repair in children (n = 60)
288 M. Xia

Table 20.1 (continued)
Target or local anesthetic
(LA) technique, or both Study Outcome, findings, and comment
Infraorbital nerve block Cochrane review of infraorbital nerve Low to very low-quality evidence that
block in cleft lip repair (n = 353) infraorbital nerve block reduces
postoperative pain more than placebo or
intravenous analgesia
Retrospective study of infraorbital nerve Able to assess globe movement during
block + subciliary infiltration to provide operation. Conversion to general anesthesia
anesthesia for isolated orbital floor in four patients. Mean VAS for pain and
fracture (n = 135) discomfort
Scalp nerve block: Meta-analysis of seven RCTs (n = 320) Studies are of limited methodological
of scalp nerve block for pain after quality. However, postoperative pain is
craniotomy consistently reduced by scalp nerve block.
This is associated with a concomitant
reduction in opioid use in the first 24 h
 • Supratrochlear
 • Supraorbital
 • Auriculotemporal
 • Great auricular
 • Greater, lesser,
and third
occipital nerves
Other blocks:
 • Palatine
analgesia for cleft
palate repair
 • Mental nerve—
analgesia for
surgery on lower
lip, skin of chin
 • Superficial
anesthesia of
external pinna,
post-auricular, and
areas of scalp,
anterior neck and
Note: cf compared with, LA local anesthetic, GA general anesthetic, RCT randomized controlled trial, VAS visual ana-
logue scale

doses are within recommendations [16] and 20.3.4 Ketamine

­susceptible patients are identified (the elderly,
children, women in pregnancy, and those with a NMDA receptors mediate central sensitization
reduced level of alpha-1 antitrypsin), the risk can caused by nociceptive stimuli which are antago-
be reduced significantly. nized by ketamine. Thus, it reduces postoperative
20  Postoperative Pain Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 289

nausea and vomiting, rescue analgesia, patient-­ and peripheral nervous systems is the inhibition of
controlled opioid consumption, and the intensity of pain transmission and sympathetic activity. The
pain; and its effects last beyond its pharmacologi- effects produced by these drugs include anxioly-
cal duration [17–19]. 0.5 mg/kg is the lowest dose sis, analgesia, sympatholysis, sedation, and hyp-
that has been shown to minimize psychokinetic nosis on a pharmacological level. Combined use
effects. In addition to being increasingly used in of these drugs, either orally or intravenously, orally
anesthetic practice (particularly for painful opera- or intravenously, reduced postoperative morphine
tions), ketamine can reduce the need for opioids in consumption by 25% and 30%, respectively,
opioid-tolerant patients and also have a beneficial according to a meta-analysis in 2012. Furthermore,
effect in managing opioid-induced hyperalgesia both drugs significantly reduced visual analogue
[20, 21]. In dental practice, ketamine 0.5  mg/kg scores for acute pain, but this benefit dissipated
considerably reduces postoperative pain after the within 48  h. The heterogeneity of the included
extraction of third molars whether it is given topi- studies prevented the meta-­analysis from estab-
cally, submucosally, or intravenously [22–24]. lishing optimal dosing regimens.
Clonidine was associated with clinically sig-
nificant hypotension and bradycardia in the
20.3.5 Gabapentinoids POISE-2 trial (n = 10,010). A planned subanaly-
sis by the authors demonstrated that clonidine
Patients at risk of severe acute postoperative pain 0.2 mg given orally did not improve pain scores
are purported to benefit from gabapentin’s and and did not increase morphine consumption;
pregabalin’s antineuropathic analgesic effects. higher doses may provide analgesic benefits, but
Despite these findings, two meta-analyses of gab- may also cause hypotension and bradycardia.
apentin and pregabalin use during surgery The use of clonidine perioperatively was not jus-
showed only marginal improvements in postop- tified based on the meta-analysis of the previous
erative analgesia and increased risks of side studies. Nevertheless, studies in 2013 found that
effects [25, 26]. With pre-emptive pregabalin, dexmedetomidine in the operating room reduced
there was a reduction in postoperative pain scores postoperative pain and opioid consumption,
and opioid requirements following bimaxillary though use of dexmedetomidine might be associ-
surgery (n = 60 patients) [27]. However, there is ated with a high risk of bradycardia.
little evidence supporting the routine use of gaba-
pentinoids following surgery.
20.4 Psychological and Physical
Aspect of Pain Management
20.3.6 Corticosteroids
20.4.1 Relaxation
Preoperative administration of corticosteroids,
including dexamethasone and methylpredniso- Relaxation techniques may be useful in managing
lone, was suggested in oral surgery such as orthog- postoperative pain, but more research is needed.
nathic and third molar surgery to decrease edema
and pain, with no higher risk of infection and with
a minimum risk of other side effects [28–30]. 20.4.2 Hilotherapy

At 48–72 h postoperatively, heliotherapy, which

20.3.7 α2 Adrenoceptor Agonists applies cold compression through a facemask at a
regulated temperature of 15  °C, significantly
In addition to dexmedetomidine, clonidine is reduces pain and swelling. The efficacy of the
another common α2 agonist. A direct effect of therapy and its optimal duration need to be estab-
their activity on α2 adrenoceptors in the central lished in clinical trials.
290 M. Xia

20.4.3 Acupuncture Table 20.2  Commonly used opioids in PCEA

Opioids Loading dose Concentration (μg/mL)
There are studies that examined oral and maxil- Morphine 1–2 mg 20–40
lofacial surgery patients who were treated with Fentanyl 50–100 μg 2
acupuncture postoperatively. Acupuncture has Hydromorphone 0.2–0.5 mg 8–16
been shown to enhance endogenous opioids, such Sufentanil 10–20 μg 0.3–0.5
as daunorphan, endorphins, and enkephalins, and
to release corticosteroids that relieve pain and Table 20.3  Commonly used opioids in PCIA
accelerate the healing process [31]. Opioids PCA bolus dose Setting time (min)
Morphine 0.5–2.5 mg 5–10
Fentanyl 10–20 μg 4–10
20.5 Perioperative Pain Hydromorphone 0.05–0.25 mg 5–10
Management Techniques Oxycodone 0.2–0.4 mg 8–10
Sufentanil 2–5 μg 6–10
20.5.1 Patient-Controlled Analgesia,
sia effect is slightly weaker than PCEA. Analgesic
PCA is an analgesic device in which the health- regimens for commonly used opioids in PCIA are
care provider pre-sets the mode of analgesic drug shown in Table  20.3. For non-opioid-tolerant
delivery according to patients’ pain degree and patients, setting a background dose for adminis-
other factors, and then leaves it to patients to con- tration is not recommended, and instead multi-
trol it by themselves. Among them, patient-­ modal analgesia is preferred.
controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) and
patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA)
are the most widely used devices. 20.5.2 Ultrasound-Guided Nerve
Block Technique PCEA
PCEA uses a PCA device to deliver drugs into Nerve block analgesia reduces the central affer-
the epidural cavity and is primarily indicated for ent of injurious stimuli with few adverse effects,
analgesia for pain in the chest and back region and with the popularity of ultrasound technology,
and below. In the PCEA protocol of local anes- it has been widely used for general surgical peri-
thetics compounded with opioids, the commonly operative analgesia [32]. Puncture site infection,
used local anesthetics are 0.1% to 0.15% ropiva- severe deformity, and allergy to local anesthetics
caine or 0.1%–0.12% bupivacaine, and the com- are contraindications to ultrasound-guided nerve
monly used opioids and their usage are shown in blocks. Cervical plexus blocks provide excellent
Table 20.2. Specifically, 0.1% bupivacaine +2 μg/ postoperative analgesia for head and neck
mL fentanyl or 0.3 μg/mL sufentanil is used as an surgery.
example, and 0.9% saline is used to dilute to
250 mL. Analgesic pump parameters were set to
an infusion rate of 2–5  mL/h, a single dose of 20.6 Summary
2–5  mL administered, and a lock time of
10–20 min. Patients and healthcare systems are affected sig-
nificantly by acute postoperative pain. There is a PCIA growing body of evidence that supports multi-
PCIA uses a PCA device to administer analgesics modal analgesia, the use of two or more analge-
via the intravenous route, with more drugs avail- sics with different modes of action delivered
able. However, due to systemic medication of through the same or different mechanisms.
PCIA, it has more adverse effects and its analge- Postoperative complications, distress, duration of
20  Postoperative Pain Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 291

stay, and chronic postsurgical pain can be reduced the American Society of Regional Anesthesia
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and trismus more than diclofenac following third
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical
Intensive Care Unit 21
Ming Xia

21.1 Introduction bleeding. Because postoperative patients are

most afraid of bleeding, low blood pressure, to
Surgical intensive care unit (SICU) is defined as strengthen monitoring, the first time to take
a hospital unit designated for care of critically ill appropriate treatment measures, to be able to
surgical patients. The SICU is a dedicated center minimize, reduce the time of post-surgical
for the treatment of critically ill surgical patients, patients in the ICU.
located in the surgical ward, where surgical skills ICU: usually a comprehensive ICU for both
and equipment are pooled to provide treatment medical and surgical patients, but there may be
for critically ill surgical patients, such as severe more medical patient, and these patients may
hemorrhagic shock, serious surgical infections, require long-term stay in ICU for resuscitation
post-surgical treatment, and organ transplants. treatment.
The establishment of the SICU provides a strong This chapter focuses on the postoperative care
guarantee for the treatment of critically ill surgi- in SICU, especially procedures that are required
cal patients. As a relatively new concept, SICU because of the characteristics of oral and maxil-
differs from ICU in various aspects, which could lofacial surgeries.
be summarized as:
SICU: mainly for surgical patients, serious
patients for relatively short period of stay, gen- 21.2 Postoperative Care
erally after the surgery, 1–2  days immediately
can be transferred out of the ICU, but the condi- 21.2.1 Monitoring in the SICU
tion of these patients changes a lot, especially
after cardiac surgery of such patients, to the car- The main content of SICU work is to apply
diac surgery SICU, from the monitoring should advanced monitoring and life support techniques
be very important, including postoperative to continuously and dynamically monitor the
physiological functions of patients qualitatively
and/or quantitatively, to assess their pathophysi-
ological status, severity of illness and urgency of
M. Xia (*) treatment, to provide standardized, high-quality
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth life support, and to improve the success rate of
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China life-saving treatment. Purposes of monitoring in
e-mail: the SICU are:

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 293
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
294 M. Xia

1. Early detection of high-risk factors that seri- should be applied to the head for free flap repair to
ously threaten patients’ lives and timely prevent torsion or compression of the vascular tip:
­interventions to avoid further deterioration of the color change of the flap should be observed
the disease state are especially important for regularly to correctly determine the vascular cri-
high-risk patients. sis, and once the vascular crisis occurs, surgical
2. Continuous evaluation of organ function sta- exploration should be performed in a timely man-
tus to discover early evidence of organ func- ner. After the formation of dead space after lesion
tion damage and to provide a basis for removal, attention should be paid to the correct
prevention and treatment of organ function establishment of drainage to prevent the forma-
damage. tion of effusion and infection of the surgical
3. To assess the severity of the primary disease. wound, and the amount and color change of the
Through continuous and dynamic monitoring drainage fluid should be observed, and salivary
and examination combined with medical his- fistula and celiac leakage, even the occurrence or
tory, more accurate assessment of disease formation of celiac chest, should be paid attention
severity and its changes can predict the devel- to during the neck surgery. When the flap sur-
opment trend and prognosis of critically ill vives, it needs to be treated with proper pressure
patients. dressing according to the situation to eliminate
4. To guide the diagnosis and differential diag- the dead cavity and deal with salivary fistula or
nosis of diseases based on monitoring data celiac leakage. Fasting and parenteral nutrition
and biochemical information. are required in cases of celiac disease.
5. Adopt goal-directed therapeutic approach to
readily adjust the treatment plan (e.g., treat-
ment and intervention strategies, drug dose 21.2.3 Hypoproteinemia
and rate, etc.) based on continuously moni-
tored physiological parameters and their Hypoproteinemia after oral and maxillofacial
response to treatment, with a view to achiev- surgery is commonly caused by the following
ing target physiological status. For example, factors: (1) insufficient protein intake or malab-
goal-directed therapy in patients with severe sorption; (2) reduced protein synthesis; as sur-
systemic infections and infectious shock is a gery puts the body in a state of stress, the liver
way to achieve a significant reduction in mor- synthesizes more acute temporal proteins, while
bidity and mortality in patients with severe plasma proteins and other synthesis are reduced,
infections by using certain target physiologi- causing hypoproteinemia in the mouth of the
cal parameter values to guide the continuous patient; (3) large amounts of protein loss: oral
revision of the treatment approach [1]. Goal-­ and maxillofacial surgery has large traumatic sur-
directed therapy based on close monitoring of faces and more tissue exudate, which can lead to
critically ill patients is one of the important large amounts of plasma protein loss; (4) acceler-
features of SICU treatment. ated protein catabolism: After surgery, the body
is in a state of stress, energy is obtained by large
amounts of protein catabolism, urinary nitrogen
21.2.2 Special Postoperative excretion increases, branched chain amino acids
Treatment Required for Oral in the blood are elevated, and there is a negative
and Maxillofacial Surgical nitrogen balance.
Patient Hypoproteinemia can cause a decrease in
plasma colloid osmotic pressure, causing a large
After the removal of intraoral lesion, patients amount of fluid to be retained in the interstitial
need to keep their mouth clean and use mouth- space of tissues, reducing the effective circulat-
wash for oral care: if necessary, intraoral fasting ing blood volume, leading to an increase in blood
should be replaced by nasal fluid: local braking viscosity, further promoting microcirculatory
21  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Intensive Care Unit 295

disorders, seeking insufficient perfusion of to, it will lead to the decrease of blood vol-
important organs, and causing multi-organ ume, plasma protein, wound healing ability,
­insufficiency. In addition, a decrease in serum and immune function. Therefore, a high-­
albumin can lead to a decrease in various enzymes calorie, high-protein meal must be supplied
required for antibody synthesis and a decrease in after surgery.
enzyme activity, resulting in a decrease in the 2. Sufficient carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are
immunity of the organism, an increase in the the main source of energy, accounting for
chance of infection, difficulty or delay in wound 60–70% of the total caloric energy: if the
healing, and even aggravation of the disease. intake of carbohydrates is not paid attention to
After surgery, the plasma albumin level should after surgery, dietary protein can be consumed
be routinely monitored. Severe hypoproteinemia as caloric energy, which is unfavorable to the
requires intravenous plasma or human albumin patient’s recovery [3]. In addition, carbohy-
10 g/d, high-protein food, preferably high-quality drates are easy to digest and absorb, which is
vegetable protein, and high-energy food are rec- especially suitable for those with poor diges-
ommended, so that the daily intake of protein tive function after surgery.
cluster 60–80 g can be guaranteed [2]. 3. Vitamins and minerals are indispensable.
Vitamins are closely related to the healing of
trauma and surgical wounds. In patients with
21.2.4 Nutritional Considerations good nutritional status, the postoperative
water-soluble vitamins are 2–3 times larger
Oral and maxillofacial surgery patients are often than normal, while the supply of fat-soluble
restricted from eating normally because the sur- vitamins need not be too much [4]. B vitamins
gical site is mostly related to the oral cavity, and are closely related to carbohydrate metabo-
as we all know, the first step of human digestion lism and have great influence on wound heal-
process is carried out in the oral cavity. Therefore, ing. Minerals are indispensable for
once the disease occurs in the oral cavity, the maintaining normal physiological function
digestive function of the oral cavity will not be and metabolism. Surgery results in protein
carried out normally. However, the secretion of loss and increased excretion of some ele-
digestive juices and intestinal absorption func- ments; thus special attention should be paid to
tion of such patients are no different from those patients’ vitamin and mineral supplementa-
of normal people, which requires that the diet for tion after surgery and during recovery.
patients with oral diseases must be configured
according to these characteristics. For example,
the food should be made fine and soft, so that it 21.3 Handoff
can be swallowed directly without chewing, but
the required amount of nutrition should be Intensive care units are more likely than other
ensured, which is related to the success of the units to experience adverse events as a result of
surgery and the recovery of the wound and phy- medical errors, especially due to insufficient
sique after the surgery. handoffs with healthcare providers from the
operating room to the intensive care unit. Aside
1. High-calorie, high-protein meal. The surgery from invasive hemodynamic monitoring and
can lead to heat consumption regardless of the high-risk medications, SICU patients are also
size; therefore, the supply of energy must be subjected to frequent surgical procedures. The
increased for patients. Protein is the raw mate- failure of communication was found to be respon-
rial for renewal and repair of wounded tissues. sible for nearly 15% of adverse events after sur-
Due to the increase of protein exuded from gery. Standards-based checklist-driven handoff
wound surface and surgical catabolism after processes can improve the quality of information
surgery, if protein intake is not paid attention exchange during handoff, as well as minimize
296 M. Xia

extraneous diagnostic testing and procedures [5]. lems according to human factors science. Instead,
In addition, handoffs among healthcare providers it is about changing the design of the system in
can provide opportunities for clinical review and order to assist people in their work. Creating a
teaching. In order to ensure patient safety, precise new postoperative handoff structure through the
communication between the teams is crucial. intervention changed the system. Roles were
In order to promote patient safety and improve assigned, tools were created, and visual cues
the quality of handoff, structured reporting tools were provided that redesigned the framework in
are required to facilitate information transfer and which postoperative handoff occurred.
sequenced tasks. In order to ensure a seamless The current consensus is that patient safety
and safe transition in care, a comprehensive cannot be achieved without leadership support,
handoff allows for a review of perioperative communication, and teamwork, and that this
events and development of a shared understand- requires multidisciplinary collaboration.
ing of what to expect after the operation. Therefore, wherever such interventions need to
Formalized verbal communication can be facili- be attempted, a multidisciplinary approach to
tated by written handoff documents. With these design and implementation should be taken to
communication scripts, teams are able to avoid best achieve success.
omissions and know exactly what information
they should provide and at what time. Having the
right teamwork can help to shift the focus of 21.4 Ethical Issues
healthcare to safety, as stated by TeamSTEPPS
(Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance The development of the modern SICU brings
& Patient Safety) [6]. By documenting critical with it not only the opportunity to survive for the
points of the verbal handoff, a written report pro- critically ill patient, but also a complex set of
vides subsequent caregivers with a full under- interpersonal relationships that look very differ-
standing of the patient’s procedure and plan. ent from the traditional surgeon-patient relation-
Postoperative patient handoffs have been ship. The most prominent players in
shown to improve patient safety in a systematic decision-making regarding SICU patients include
review conducted by Segall et al. [7]. They also the patients themselves, the surgeons, and the
noted that identifying ways to improve the hand- intensivists. New interpersonal relationships cre-
off process and studying its effects were neces- ate new ethical issues, and at the heart of the most
sary in order to determine whether poor-quality challenging ethical situation in the SICU is the
handoffs are associated with adverse events. A question of when to transition from curative to
study conducted by another group [8] evaluated palliative care models for postoperative patients
the results through direct observation and focus nearing the end of life. In this decision, the judg-
groups rather than anonymous surveys. They ment of both the surgeon and the intensivist is
concluded that they: based on the relationship that exists between
… were unable to examine the effects of the them and the patient, and in the next section, the
[handover] redesign process on patient outcomes. elements related to this decision are elaborated.
However, improved team behaviors, reduced
workload, and improved staff satisfaction … have
all been linked to improved quality of care and
patient outcomes in other care settings. 21.4.1 Ethical Issues Between
the Patient and the Surgeon
A SICU’s handoff process also requires a
close understanding of human factors science Surgeons’ work ethic and personality traits have
and engineering. It is unlikely that training on been extensively studied. There is a high level of
postoperative handoff alone will result in changes time commitment required in surgical residen-
in behavior and improve patient safety. Changing cies, as they are among the longest in duration
people’s behavior is not the same as fixing prob- and hours. The surgeon also has direct contact
21  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Intensive Care Unit 297

with his or her patients, so he or she has a strong Institute of Medicine report, To Err is Human [9],
sense of personal responsibility for the surgical medical errors have devastating effects on health-
outcomes. care in the United States, which have contributed
Under what circumstances do the surgeon and to the success of patient safety movements and
patient meet significantly shapes their relation- resident work hour restrictions. According to a
ship. Emergency surgery is clearly distinguished nationwide survey, surgeon burnout and suicidal
from elective surgery. Outpatient consultations ideation are linked to emotional distress caused
are required by surgeons in preparation for elec- by perceived medical errors.
tive cases. There is a high likelihood of patients A surgeon’s relationship with a critically ill
being ambulatory, cognitively intact, and able to patient is established in a rather different context
participate actively in discussions about surgery. when they meet in the emergency department.
The surgeon becomes familiar with the patient as This encounter presents two particularly chal-
a whole person through the process. The surgeon lenging aspects. The first thing to note is that time
listens to how the patient describes themselves— is often limited due to the urgent need for assess-
where they are from, what they do, and who they ment and intervention in surgical emergencies.
trust to accompany them; they also hear their Second, surgeons and patients are usually meet-
clinical and personal history, which will inform ing for the first time in an emotional situation
the surgeon’s interactions with them. with no prior understanding of each other. When
In addition, a patient’s autonomous decisions a previously healthy patient is found to have a
play a role in balancing health risk and health disease that can be cured by surgery, emergency
benefit. The risk of short-term respiratory com- surgery is usually favored. However, when a sur-
promise and death may outweigh the benefit of gical emergency occurs in an elderly patient or a
long-term cancer-free survival, for example, if a patient with severe, preexisting chronic illnesses,
patient with chronic lung disease refuses all surgical decision-making is more complex.
mechanical ventilation during the postoperative In emergency situations, preoperative proto-
period. The report shows that some surgeons cols may change, and personal responsibility for
refuse to perform surgery altogether when a the outcome of the procedure may be diminished
patient requests that life-sustaining postoperative because the surgeon does not have a good under-
treatments be limited. Patients with terminal ill- standing of the patient’s underlying disease pro-
nesses may be allowed more rights to limit life-­ cess and overall level of recovery at the time of
sustaining therapies by individual surgeons than intake—for example, the thought may arise that
those with better prospects. The patient’s auton- “because of lack of knowledge, there’s nothing
omy may be compromised by these judgments, that can be done about it.” Often, it is natural for
as the patient has no option to modify his or her surgeons to want to communicate with members
treatment goals in response to postoperative of the surgical team and the patient’s family
results. about possible postoperative complications and
The surgeon-patient relationship must also the need for extended life support after surgery,
consider surgical error. A surgeon’s perception of but this may be less likely to be done fully in the
error has a profoundly negative psychological acute care setting. Given the emotions of the
effect that has been known for some time. Work patient and family, some surgeons may avoid
ethic plays a critical role in assuming full respon- detailing all possible outcomes, preferring
sibility for complications and patient ownership. instead to emphasize the need for immediate sur-
At morbidity and mortality conferences, Bosk gery to come and keep the patient alive to avoid
described an atmosphere in which the attending creating a tense atmosphere. However, others
surgeon is expected to apologize for his failure to may exaggerate the risks and shift the blame for
achieve a better clinical outcome. The act of negative outcomes to the decision maker, excus-
wearing a hair shirt is referred to as “wearing the ing the surgeon. If the prognosis for surgery is
hair shirt” by Bosk. According to the 1995 not favorable or if the postoperative response is
298 M. Xia

poor, patients should also be able to accept the In addition, shifts are common in the SICU,
option of undergoing surgery first while retaining and this shift system creates a unique feature of
the goal of diversionary care. Interestingly, there the ICU-patient relationship in that the ICU phy-
is evidence that physicians performing high-risk sician has less time to actually see the patient. In
surgery are indeed more comfortable withdraw- contrast, a surgeon performing elective surgery
ing life-sustaining therapies after emergency sur- meets with the patient during the preoperative
gery than after elective surgery. interview and also sees his or her illness firsthand
in the operating room and follows up postopera-
tively. In addition, the varying management styles
21.4.2 Ethical Issues Between of intensivists, coupled with the fact that there is
the Patient and the Intensivist rarely a standard household handoff between
intensivists, make it possible for the medical ser-
There are two physicians who manage SICU vice plan to change significantly from week to
patients, the surgeon and the intensivist, and the week. This has led some to propose continuity of
two are partners in medical decision-making. care as an indicator of quality of end-of-life care
Decades ago, the number of intensivists with in the intensive care unit. Some evidence does
basic anesthesiology or surgical training was suggest that fragmentation of care, i.e., the pro-
small, and that the number has not risen very sig- portion of care provided by physicians other than
nificantly to date. However, regardless of educa- the primary resident, can significantly increase
tion, the role they play in patient management as length of stay. However, like surgeons, intensiv-
intensivists is unique. ists face ethical pressures: they need to provide
A critical care physician often manages multi- the best possible care while preventing fatigue
ple critically ill patients at the same time, and there- from uninterrupted work.
fore may refuse to transfer a patient to the SICU if
he or she determines that the patient does not meet
certain criteria for clinical severity, a judgment that 21.4.3 Ethical Issues Between
takes into account available resources. Beds, care, the Surgeon
medications, and supplies are important resources, and the Intensivist
but they are limited in number and must be reserved
for those who would benefit most, thus requiring The organizational structure of the SICU deter-
appropriate triage to minimize the mortality of mines the dynamic relationship between the sur-
patients entering the SICU. Arguably, critical care geon and the intensivist. If the SICU has a more
physicians will more often weigh the duty to pro- open organizational structure, the surgeon remains
mote what is beneficial, normal, and respectful, in charge of the patient’s postoperative care and
and also more often take into account the fourth the intensivist is responsible for making recom-
bioethical principle, justice. mendations, whereas in a closed or intensivist-­
Unlike surgeons, intensivists fight more against dominated organizational structure, the intensivist
pain than against death. In their view, if there is takes over the primary care of the patient and the
difficulty in extending life, then extending life for responsibility for making recommendations is
a patient is not a heroic act, but rather a disrespect divided between the surgeons. In addition, there is
for life, as well as a huge expense to the patient a hybrid organizational structure that allows two
and his or her family. This view values the quality primary care physicians to collaborate in the
of life over the quantity of life. However, judg- patient’s care. The closed organizational structure
ments about quality of life are inherently subjec- has been found to reduce mortality and improve
tive, and what the intensivist thinks is not resource utilization based on previous experience;
representative of the patient, and sometimes even however, it can also lead to divergent physician
detrimental to the patient’s rights—because the opinions—in closed SICUs, 60% of surgeons
patient’s right to decide what constitutes “quality report conflicts, while in open SICUs, only 41%
of life” is taken away from him or her. report conflicts [10]. Intensivist-led care is now
21  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Intensive Care Unit 299

increasingly being used as a measure of quality, cal intensivists’ negotiation of end-of-life issues
and thus surgeons and intensivists will need to and the relatively new relationship between pri-
work together more often in the future. mary surgeons and surgical intensivists [10].
Suppose an elderly patient with multiple
medical conditions undergoes a high-risk elec-
tive procedure and develops complications that References
require intensive care management. Two weeks
have passed with no improvement in ventilator 1. Hotchkiss RS, Moldawer LL, Opal SM, Reinhart K,
Turnbull IR, Vincent JL.  Sepsis and septic shock.
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Medicine and Immunohaematology (SIMTI).
sive therapy may also be required. This is a Recommendations for the use of albumin and
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training, intensivists may have a better under-
standing of surgical pathology, details of intraop- 9. Stelfox HT, Palmisani S, Scurlock C, Orav EJ,
erative procedures, and expected outcomes. Also, Bates DW.  The “To Err is Human” report and
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ther research is still needed to understand surgi- 2019;155(3):626–38.
Nursing Considerations for Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 22
Yuelai Yang

22.1 Introduction 22.2 Pre-anesthesia Visit and Care

for Oral Surgery
Painless surgery is now possible thanks to anes-
thesia. Anesthesia as a specialty was first prac- 22.2.1 Pre-anesthesia Visit
ticed by nurse anesthetists in the 1800s when
they administered anesthesia to wounded soldiers Pre-anesthesia visit of nurse anesthetists mainly
on the battlefields of the American Civil War [1]. includes pre-anesthesia assessment and pre-­
During every surgical procedure, the surgical anesthesia education. Every patient is nervous
team will consider all aspects of the patient’s and fearful of surgical anesthesia, so the key to
well-being. A nurse anesthetist will be available successful treatment is to fully mobilize the
to closely monitor the patient’s vital signs when patient’s subjective initiative and make them
the surgeon is removing a mass, for example. cooperate with anesthesia and surgery actively.
During the surgical procedure, the anesthetist and The nurse anesthetist needs to make a pre-­
surgeon will communicate with one another to anesthesia visit 1  day before surgery to make
ensure that the patient is responding well. A nurse another comprehensive assessment of the
anesthetist, however, does much more than the patient’s condition, and the pre-anesthesia visit is
example written above. Nurse anesthetists are also a good time to communicate with the patient.
involved in the whole perioperative period, and
this chapter explains in detail a nurse anesthe- Purpose of Pre-anesthesia
tist’s role in oral and maxillofacial surgeries. Visit
1. Through the pre-anesthesia visit, the nurse
anesthetist can conduct a comprehensive pre-­
anesthesia assessment of the patient, and pro-
vide personalized pre-anesthesia education to
the patient according to the risk factors in the
assessment results.
2. Through effective communication, the
patients are guided to cooperate with anesthe-
sia and informed of relevant precautions dur-
Y. Yang (*) ing the perianesthesia period, thus their
Department of Intensive Care Unit, Shanghai Ninth
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong pre-anesthesia anxiety and fear can be
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China relieved.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 301
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
302 Y. Yang

3. Based on the assessment and mastery of the grasp the patient’s situation and better prepare
basic conditions of the patient, improve the for surgical anesthesia. Assess the patient’s psy-
pre-anesthesia preparation and formulate the chological state and degree of cooperation,
corresponding perianesthesia care plan in evaluate the patient’s and family members’ con-
order to implement proper care, take effective cerns and specific requirements about anesthe-
care measures, and actively prevent the occur- sia and surgery, and provide timely and
rence of related complications. appropriate explanations.
4. Health education. Provide personalized pre-­ Contents of the Pre-­ anesthesia education to patients and encour-
anesthesia Visit age patients to participate in the development
1. Review medical history. Read the medical of preoperative anesthesia care plans; encour-
record, contact with the doctor in charge and age patients to improve their self-life skills
the nurse in charge, and understand all the and participate in postoperative care, such as
medical information and general conditions abdominal breathing, coughing, and lying
of the patient, including the diagnosis of the down, to enhance patients’ confidence in sur-
disease, the name of the proposed operation, gical anesthesia and recovery, thereby accel-
the site of the operation, the duration of the erating postoperative recovery; clarify the
operation, the mode of anesthesia, vital signs, exact duration of water and food fasting for
etc., and ask the patient’s personal history, patients; provide patients with humane care,
past history, allergy history, current medical and, for example, change the clothes and
history, and the history of surgical anesthesia pants equipped by the hospital, do not wear
in a targeted manner. jewelry or other accessories, remove the mov-
2. Airway assessment. The most important part able denture, and do not bring valuable items
of a pre-anesthesia visit for oral surgery such as watches to the operating room.
patients is to identify injuries to the upper air-
way or anatomical abnormalities of the upper After the visit, the risk of surgical anesthesia
airway. Adequate pre-anesthesia airway is combined with various patient information,
assessment is an important tool for timely including past medical history, physical and labo-
detection of difficult airway, reducing the ratory test results, and a comprehensive assess-
occurrence of unanticipated difficult airway, ment is made to finally assess the patient’s
and is also a prerequisite for proper manage- anesthetic tolerance and general condition. The
ment of difficult airway and adequate prepara- best nursing care plan and crisis contingency plan
tion, especially for oral surgery patients, we measures are formulated for the possible foresee-
need to do adequate and effective pre-­ able problems during the perianesthesia period,
anesthesia airway assessment. so as to lay a good foundation for guaranteeing
3. Overall assessment. Establish a good nurse– the quality and safety of perianesthesia care [2].
patient relationship and strengthen the commu-
nication and interaction between the patient and
the anesthesia nurse. Observe and examine the 22.2.2 Pre-anesthesia Psychological
general physical condition of the patient, such Care
as observing whether there is stunting, nutri-
tional disorders, anemia, dehydration, swelling, Psychological care and pre-anesthesia preparation
fever, and impaired consciousness, measuring should be combined together, and the nurse anes-
height and weight, understanding the recent thetist should take corresponding psychological
weight change, asking female patients whether care measures according to the individual. It is
they are in menstruation, checking the func- necessary to understand and assess the patient’s
tional status of important organs of the patient, anxiety and worry factors, and give the correct
and checking the laboratory test results. Overall psychological care for the patient’s anxiety and
assessment of the patient is performed to fully worry. Patients should be introduced to the neces-
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 303

sity of anesthesia and surgery in easy-­to-­understand spective of anesthesia nursing, accurate and com-
language, and the necessity of pre-­anesthesia prep- prehensive preoperative assessment and risk
aration should be explained to patients, and the prediction are the key measures to adequately pre-
anesthesia plan and the points that require patients’ pare for surgery, develop effective anesthesia care
cooperation should be explained to patients in an plans to cope with various risks, and thus reduce
individualized manner. the complication and morbidity and mortality rates
Oral surgery patients, especially those with during the perianesthesia period and improve the
congenital oral and maxillofacial deformities, safety of perioperative patients. Nurse anesthetists
often have obvious psychological barriers due to need to fully assess the risk of patients’ own fac-
deformities in head and facial appearance or tors, surgical risks and anesthesia risks, among
physiological dysfunction; for patients who have which the anesthesia nursing risk factors include:
undergone surgical treatment several times, the improper pre-anesthesia assessment, inadequate
painful experience and memories of surgical anesthesia nursing preparation, anesthesia nursing
anesthesia can cause extreme fear and rejection of operation and anesthesia operation nursing coordi-
surgery again; elderly patients can become overly nation errors, improper anesthesia nursing man-
concerned about the development of their condi- agement, anesthesia mechanical equipment
tion and health status, resulting in anxiety, depres- failure, and lack of appropriate experience and
sion, and other emotional changes. Therefore, for technical level of anesthesia nursing staff.
the many psychological problems that may occur Oral surgery is extensive, and anesthesia has
in oral surgery patients, anesthesia nurses should its own unique features. The characteristics of
pay great attention to them, do a good job of oral surgery patients [3, 4] include: (1) the
patient and detailed explanation, establish a good patients’ age span is large and can occur at any
nurse-patient relationship with patients and their age, with a high proportion of pediatric and
families, and obtain their cooperation. elderly people, ranging from 1-week newborns to
For the psychological care of children, first of super senior citizens over 100 years old; (2) dif-
all, the psychological state of the child’s family ficult airways are very common and serious, and
needs to be regulated. Nurse anesthetists need to at the same time, the oral and maxillofacial areas
understand the anxiety of the family and the fear are adjacent to the respiratory tract, and surgical
of the child, put themselves in each other’s shoes, and anesthetic operations often interfere with
and do a good job in the dual psychological care each other; (3) patients not only have oral and
of the family and the child, which also requires maxillofacial malformations, but also may be
that the nurse anesthetists involved in the preop- accompanied by other important organ deformi-
erative visit must have high comprehensive qual- ties and serious physiological disorders caused
ity. The nurse anesthetists can provide cartoon by these defects; (4) oral surgery diseases are
posters as well as picture books or animated vid- closely related to psychological problems, and
eos for surgical anesthesia education to the family anesthesia requires smooth and complete analge-
and the child, so that they can understand the fam- sia. For this reason, before the start of anesthesia,
ily’s concerns in time and make a good introduc- the anesthesia nurse should make an accurate and
tion. According to the dependence of the child on comprehensive assessment and risk prediction,
the family, especially the mother, the child’s fam- develop an effective anesthesia care plan, and
ily is allowed to accompany the child in the wait- make adequate pre-anesthesia preparations.
ing area to enhance the child’s sense of security.

22.3.1 Preparation of Drugs Before

22.3 Preparation for Care Before Anesthesia
Anesthesia for Oral Surgery
Before induction of anesthesia, the nurse anesthetist
Safety of surgical patients is the most important must prepare the relevant anesthetic drugs properly,
issue in perioperative medicine and a key factor which also ensures the safety of the whole anes-
affecting surgical treatment. Starting from the per- thetic process. Usually the drugs before anesthesia
304 Y. Yang

for oral surgery are intravenous anesthetic drugs, should be retrieved, batch numbers and quanti-
muscle relaxant drugs, sedative and analgesic drugs, ties should be checked and records should be
and antagonistic drugs, inhalation anesthetic drugs, kept. The remaining narcotic drugs and Class I
and conventional resuscitation drugs, etc. psychotropic substances should be strictly
implemented for the return procedures [5].
1. The operator must do a good job of checking
and verifying the drugs, and maintain the
principle of aseptic operation. 22.3.2 Preparation of Instruments
2. Reasonably draw and dilute the medicine and Tools Before Anesthesia
according to the doctor’s prescription, label
the medicine with the corresponding label, 1. Difficult airway supplies: laryngoscope, guid-
indicate the dosage, keep the ampoule, fix it ing wire, fiberoptic bronchoscope, visual
on the needle cap, and do “one person, one laryngoscope, laryngeal mask, etc.
needle, one tube” with clear label, clear dos- 2. Transnasal intubation: laryngeal nebulizer,
age and traceability. lidocaine, intubation forceps, dental pads for
3. After double-checking, place the drugs in the backup, appropriate type of reinforced cathe-
sterile treatment tray for backup, and pay ter or transnasal shaped catheter, etc.
attention to separate vasoactive drugs from 3. Disposable items related to the respiratory
sedative and analgesic drugs and muscle tract, including breathing circuits, tracheal
relaxants to avoid confusion. tubes, artificial noses, dental pads, tracheal
4. Nurse anesthetists should be familiar with the fixators, suction tubes, oxygen masks, ventila-
usage, pharmacological effects, adverse reac- tion tracts, tracheal intubation replacement
tions, and contraindications of commonly guidewires, etc.
used anesthesia-related drugs. When using 4. Disposable items related to intravenous access,
intravenous anesthetics, muscle relaxants, including central venipuncture kits, arterial
cardiac drugs, and vasoactive drugs, push indwelling needles, pressure monitoring sensors,
them slowly, and closely observe changes in analgesic pumps, tee, connecting tubes, etc.
blood pressure and heart rate to ensure safety. 5. Anesthesia equipment should be inspected
5. Syringes that need to be clamped on the before anesthesia, and it should be ensured
microinjection pump should be connected to that the anesthesia machine is in a standby
the extension tube and connected to the rehy- state to ensure its normal operation during
dration circuit to drain the air from the con- use, so as to guarantee the safety of patients.
nection site and prevent air from entering the Focus on checking: (1) circulatory system; (2)
blood vessels. inhalation evaporation system; (3) ventilator
6. Strictly implement the management of nar- system; (4) flow meter, hand control and
cotic drugs and conduct regular training on the machine control; (5) main screen display; (6)
management of narcotic drugs. Strictly imple- monitoring and supervision system.
ment the norms for the storage of narcotic 6. The working status of the monitors should be
drugs and Class I psychotropic substances, checked before the patient enters the room, and
and each link should be assigned to a person in the time and parameters of the instruments and
charge, with clear responsibilities and shift equipment should be checked and calibrated
handover records. The establishment of anes- and recorded. The cardiac monitor includes
thesia induction room, the storage of narcotic heart rate, respiration, non-invasive blood pres-
drugs, Class I psychotropic substances should sure, body temperature, oxygen saturation,
be equipped with the necessary anti-theft facil- pulse rate; multi-functional monitoring instru-
ities in accordance with the norms. When dis- ments include invasive pressure, partial pres-
pensing narcotic drugs and Class I psychotropic sure of end-expiratory carbon dioxide,
substances for injection, empty ampoules inotropic monitoring, EEG monitoring, etc.
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 305

22.3.3 Preparation of Patients Before surgical anesthesia and making relevant prepara-
Anesthesia tions for the implementation of the next anesthe-
sia plan.
1. Check the information related to the patient,
including: patient identification, anesthesia
mode, surgical mode, surgical site, and related 22.4.2 Key Points of Nursing Care
operations to be carried out; the patient brings During Anesthesia
the necessary emergency medicine, preopera-
tive airway inflammation control, auscultation P: Patient, Position, Protect
of bilateral lung breath sounds, airway assess- The nurse anesthetist needs to verify and confirm
ment, etc. We also should provide psychologi- the basic information and physical condition of
cal care to the patients. the patient under surgical anesthesia before each
2. Check the patient’s vital signs, the presence of operation, including the history of drug allergy,
respiratory inflammation, ask the patient if there the classification of physical condition, the
are any combined respiratory diseases, etc. patient’s anesthesia duration, and the progress of
3. Evaluate the airway, mouth, and nasal cavity surgery. The nurse anesthetist should work with
to see if the lesion affects intubation, and pre- the operating room nurse to keep the skin clean
pare intubation materials (materials related to and remove blood from the face in a timely man-
difficult airway awake intubation or transna- ner according to the patient’s physical condition,
sal intubation) as required. nutritional status, skin condition, and position.
4. Establish a sense of mutual trust in pediatric Assess the patient and develop an individualized
patients so that anesthetic operations can be care plan for pressure injury prevention, e.g., oral
performed smoothly. surgery patients with more frequent transnasal
tracheal intubation should be fully considered for
protection against nasal pressure injury, and in
22.4 Monitoring Care During Oral addition, their care plan should also consider the
Surgery Anesthesia impact of body position on the airway and the
assessment of the impact on the maintenance
During the perianesthesia period, nurse anesthe- period of anesthesia.
tists need to provide overall patient-centered care
to patients throughout the entire process. The A: Airway
“Active-PATIENT evaluation and monitoring Keep the airway open to prevent hypoxia and car-
system” can be used to provide dynamic, circu- bon dioxide accumulation. Oral surgery patients
lar, comprehensive, and efficient anesthesia eval- have greater difficulty in maintaining airway
uation and monitoring care for patients in real patency due to the specificity of the disease or
time, so that the workflow of nurse anesthetists surgical site. Generally, the anesthetist is far
can be more standardized, thus ensuring the away from the patient’s head, the tracheal tube is
safety of perianesthesia care. fixed by the surgeon, and the tube is prone to dis-
placement and bending during surgical opera-
tion, resulting in inadequate ventilation; induction
22.4.1 Personnel Management of anesthesia and endotracheal intubation are
and Responsibilities both difficult and dangerous, which also increases
the probability of dangerous airway occurrences
The ratio of the configuration of anesthesia during the anesthesia awakening period, and if
nurses in the operating room to the actual number there is bleeding, secretions or gastric contents
of open operating rooms is ≥0.5:1, and each reflux into the respiratory tract by mistake, it will
nurse anesthetist is responsible for the manage- easily lead to respiratory obstruction, asphyxia,
ment of the corresponding operating room, aspiration pneumonia, atelectasis, and other com-
actively and closely observing the progress of plications. For this reason, airway patency and
306 Y. Yang

respiratory function monitoring care is of para- signs need to be made and removed in a timely
mount importance throughout the perianesthesia manner after surgery; when there is a lot of secre-
period, including: tions and blood leakage, adequate suction is
applied and the catheter sleeve pressure should
1. Timely observation of respiratory movement be sufficient to prevent inflow into the trachea.
frequency, rhythm, amplitude, and mode (tho- The nurse anesthetists should regularly monitor
racic or abdominal breathing), etc. the normal and effective operation of the respira-
2. Frequent monitoring of respiratory sounds for tory support equipment and the condition of the
bilateral symmetry, presence of secretions, respiratory line to avoid twisting and bending of
pharyngeal bronchospasm, and other abnor- the catheter, and closely observe the airway
mal respiratory sounds. obstruction and edema.
3. Skin, mucous membrane color, mouth, lips,
nail color. T: Temperature
4. Perform arterial blood gas analysis collection The change of body temperature of patients during
as prescribed by the doctor and observe the maintenance period of anesthesia can be
changes in values in a timely manner. The affected by many external factors, such as the
arterial partial pressure of oxygen was moni- change of climate and environment, drugs, blood
tored for mild hypoxemia: arterial partial transfusion and rehydration, low temperature
pressure of oxygen 50–60  mmHg; moderate anesthesia, intraoperative heat loss, cooling and
hypoxemia: arterial partial pressure of oxygen warming measures during extracorporeal circula-
30–49 mmHg; severe hypoxemia: arterial par- tion surgery, etc. Therefore, nurse anesthetists
tial pressure of oxygen <30  mmHg [6]. need to do a good job of monitoring and managing
Meanwhile, oxygen saturation monitoring body temperature during the perianesthesia period.
reflects the status of oxygen transport in blood Nurse anesthetists should do preoperative
and has a good correlation with arterial partial assessment and pre-warming, monitor body tem-
pressure of oxygen. perature in time and formulate interventions to
5. Commonly used monitoring indicators when prevent hypothermia, and give effective insula-
controlling respiration under general anesthesia: tion measures such as raising room temperature,
tidal volume (VT), minute ventilation (MV), air- using liquid warming devices, warming blankets
way pressure (Paw), and end respiratory carbon and warming fans when necessary. Record body
dioxide partial pressure monitoring. temperature every 30 min during the ­maintenance
6. The normal value of end-breath carbon diox- period of anesthesia and ensure that the patient’s
ide is 35–45 mmHg. The normal carbon diox- central body temperature is >36  °C.  And an
ide waveform is divided into four segments: effective contingency plan for the occurrence of
inspiratory phase baseline, expiratory ascend- malignant hyperthermia should be established.
ing branch, expiratory plateau, and expiratory
phase descending branch [7]. I: Inventions
1. Establish effective arterial and venous access
After successful placement of the tracheal and ensure its patency. The nurse anesthetist
tube, the catheter scale should be checked and should strictly implement the operating pro-
fixed in time to ensure that the balloon pressure cedures, strictly sterilize, regularly patrol, and
of the tracheal tube is effective, and the operator pay attention to the infusion reaction and keep
should be informed to fix the catheter with sutures records. The nurse anesthetist should make
if necessary to prevent accidental dislodgement the drug infusion plan according to the doc-
of the tracheal tube during surgery. Patients tor’s orders, ensure that the catheter is evalu-
undergoing oral surgery often need to fill the pha- ated before each intravenous infusion, drug
ryngeal cavity with gauze strips to completely administration, and blood transfusion to make
isolate the surgical area in the oral cavity from sure that it is in the blood vessel and observe
the respiratory tract to effectively prevent aspira- whether there are abnormal manifestations
tion, but strict records and eye-catching reminder such as redness, swelling, heat, and pain, and
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 307

always pay attention to the progress of sur- amplitude size to facilitate intraoperative
gery to adjust the drug infusion rate in accor- observation.
dance with the doctor’s orders. 4. In general, pulse and heart rate are consistent,
2. Closely observe the circulatory system indi- but for certain heart diseases, both heart rate
cators, including pulse rate, blood pressure, and pulse need to be monitored intraopera-
central venous pressure, pulmonary artery tively. Adjust the appropriate waveform
pressure, and pulmonary capillary pressure, amplitude to avoid excessive amplitude inter-
cardiac output, blood loss, blood volume, and fering with the instrument monitoring results;
ECG changes; assess the patient’s skin, lips, listen to the heart sounds or touch the carotid
sclera, bulbar conjunctiva, conjunctiva, and artery pulsation if the ECG monitoring is
mucous membrane color, at the same time, the disturbed.
nurse anesthetist should effectively grasp the 5. Choose the healthy side of the limb, or the
preliminary judgment method of blood loss. lower limb if necessary.
3. When monitoring invasive arterial pressure and 6. Avoid rehydration access and blood oxygen
central venous pressure, attention should monitoring side of the limb as much as possi-
always be paid to keeping the pipeline open, ble; if rehydration access cannot be avoided,
adjusting the position of the pressure sensor at extend the interval of manometry appropri-
the right time with the change of the surgical ately; pad a sterile towel under the cuff to pre-
position; and ensuring that there is sufficient vent subcutaneous bruising caused by
pressure in the pressurized bag. Standardize the long-term manometry.
technique of arterial blood specimen collection
and flush the catheter with heparin dilution in a For ECG monitor alarm first check the cause
timely manner after the operation to avoid of the alarm, then check the source of the alarm
blockage or thrombosis; pay close attention to failure in a targeted manner, and deal with the
the results of arterial blood gas analysis with its corresponding problems.
commonly used indicators: blood pH, arterial Myocardial monitor program: The effect of
blood carbon dioxide partial pressure, arterial myocardial drugs is determined by measuring
blood oxygen partial pressure, standard car- respiratory movements such as tidal volume,
bonate and actual bicarbonate, base residual spirometry, ventilation per minute and the
and standard base residual, and blood oxygen- maximum negative pressure generated by
ation and degree. After the arterial cannula is inspiration.
removed, the compression hemostasis time Monitoring of depth of anesthesia monitoring:
should be >5 min and closely observed [8]. bispectral index (BIS) can determine the effect of
anesthetic drugs on the brain, especially the hyp- E: Electric Care Monitor notic effect of anesthesia, to prevent intraopera-
The monitoring items of cardiac monitor include tive knowledge of the patient and avoid too deep
continuous monitoring of non-invasive/invasive anesthesia, BIS values range from 0 to 100, the
blood pressure, changes of ECG, respiration, oxy- greater the value, the more awake, and vice versa
gen saturation, etc. Five-lead ECG monitoring is suggests that the more serious depression of the
generally chosen for monitoring in surgical anesthe- cerebral cortex [9].
sia. The nurse anesthetist should do the following. N: Narcotics
1. Avoid the surgical sterilization region so as The nurse anesthetist should clarify the pharma-
not to interfere with the surgery. cological knowledge of anesthetic drugs, the
2. Ensure that the skin is intact and free of local sequence of drug use, proper suction, adverse
inflammation, hard nodes, allergies, etc. reactions and treatment principles. For inhalation
before applying electrode pads. anesthetic drugs, know their clinical standard
3. Select the lead position according to the lead dosage and cooperate with the doctor for opera-
prompt to prevent abnormal waveforms tion and examination. In case of drug leakage
caused by human factors; adjust the wave from the anesthesia machine, immediately check
308 Y. Yang

the performance of the anesthesia machine, cive to the recovery of the patient’s vital organ
whether the sodium-lime tank is in place and autoregulatory capacity and to the patient’s
whether the seal is broken, and immediately rein- rehabilitation postoperative care. Removal of
force the installation and replace the seal to endotracheal tube in oral surgery patients after
ensure the normal operation of the anesthesia general anesthesia is a risky moment, and it is
machine. necessary to decide whether to remove the tube
Configure the anesthetic drugs according to according to the patient’s condition and awak-
the doctor’s prescription, make sure that the ening situation, which is also a critical period
drugs are ready for use, master the usage and dos- requiring nursing cooperation.
age of all kinds of intravenous anesthetic drugs,
ensure the safety of medication, and make the
patient pass the perianesthesia period smoothly. 22.5.1 Personnel Management
and Responsibilities T: Tubes
During the maintenance of anesthesia, all kinds On the basis of cooperation, medical and nursing
of catheters should be kept open and prevented personnel should clarify their respective profes-
from twisting. The drainage of all kinds of cath- sional scope and responsibilities. The ratio of the
eters should be observed in time, including color, number of nurses in the PACU to the actual open
nature, and drainage flow. Particular attention beds in the recovery room should be ≥1:1 [10].
should be paid to the status of indwelling cathe- The nurse anesthetist is the main medical person-
ter: (1) ensure that the urinary catheter is unob- nel in the PACU, responsible for providing moni-
structed and firmly fixed, and accurately record toring and therapeutic care for patients, and
the time of insertion of the urinary catheter and should focus on bedside care. Job responsibilities
the color of the urine volume in the urine bag for include the following.
the first time; (2) combine with the in and out vol-
ume, arterial pressure, and central venous pres-
1. Surgeons and nurses in charge of PACU
sure during anesthesia to help determine the should provide continuous monitoring and
patient’s internal circulation status. care for patients in the anesthesia recovery
period, and the PACU must be equipped
with experienced and skilled high-quality
22.5 Care During the Recovery nurse anesthetists and a nurse practitioner in
Period of Oral Surgery charge of unified arrangement of nursing
Anesthesia organization [11].
2. The transfer of patients to or from the PACU
After general anesthesia for oral surgery, should be decided by the anesthetist. The
because the circulatory, respiratory, and meta- nurse anesthetist assists the anesthetist to be
bolic dysfunction occurred during anesthesia responsible for the continuous monitoring and
has not been completely corrected, the residual consultation of the patient’s condition.
effects of general anesthetic drugs have not dis- 3. If the patient’s awakening is unexpectedly
appeared, and the patient’s protective reflexes prolonged, or the respiratory and circulatory
have not been fully restored, various complica- functions are unstable, the cause should be
tions such as airway obstruction, hyperventila- actively investigated and dealt with in a timely
tion, nausea and vomiting, aspiration, and manner, and consideration should be given to
unstable circulatory function may easily occur. transfer to the postoperative intensive care
Resuscitation should be performed in the post- unit to avoid delaying the condition.
anesthesia monitoring and treatment unit 4. When the patient is awake, muscle strength
(PACU). In addition to continuing mechanical and respiration are restored, the Steward
ventilation support for a period of time after awakening score must reach 4, and the patient
surgery as required by the condition, early can leave the PACU only after the anesthetist
awakening after general anesthesia is condu- has evaluated the decision.
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 309

22.5.2 Key Points of Anesthesia 5. Keep the bed unit flat and clean, ensure that
Recovery Care all pipelines are smooth and effective, and that
all drainage lines are clearly marked, not
1. Determine the person who regularly invento- entangled with each other, placed in appropri-
ries the drugs, items and equipment in the ate positions to avoid pressure on the catheter,
PACU, and regularly check the performance observe the color, nature, and amount of
of emergency equipment such as ventilator, drainage in a timely manner, and record them,
monitor, defibrillator and negative pressure and notify the doctor in a timely manner if
suction device to ensure that they are in there are any abnormalities. Encourage the
standby condition. patient to cough up sputum, inhale deeply,
2. Prepare all kinds of anesthesia recovery sup- assist the patient to change position, and assist
plies in a timely manner according to the spe- the anesthetist to treat the patient in a timely
cific conditions of patients. After the patient manner. Aspirate sputum according to medi-
enters the PACU, make timely assessment cal advice and cooperate with extubation.
and, according to the patient’s condition, give Before extubation, the anesthetist and nurse
the patient oxygen or connect the ventilator to should be alert to the pre-existing airway con-
assist breathing if necessary in a timely man- ditions and be fully prepared for the possible
ner according to medical advice. need to perform endotracheal intubation again.
3. The nurse anesthetist should record the patient’s The nurse anesthetist should prepare all rele-
vital signs at least once every 5 min (automati- vant supplies and effectively cooperate with the
cally collected by the computer system), and anesthesiologist for extubation. Before extuba-
record any changes in condition at any time; if tion, positive pressure ventilation, mask oxy-
not automatically collected by the computer gen administration, monitor blood oxygen
system, the patient’s vital signs during recovery saturation, and estimate whether there are signs
from anesthesia should be recorded at least of airway obstruction or ventilation deficiency;
once every 15–30 min, and when there are spe- closely observe the changes in condition dur-
cial conditions, they should be recorded at any ing extubation, supply oxygen in time, attract
time and monitored more closely. Closely secretions in the tracheal tube, in the mouth and
observe the changes in condition, report abnor- pharynx, and cooperate with effective position
malities to the anesthetist immediately and placement, and do a good job of patient reas-
strictly implement medical advice. surance and psychological care [12].
4. After extubation of oral surgery patients, 6. Make good perioperative nursing handover of
patients need to be further closely monitored patients, nurse anesthetists need to know the
for changes in consciousness, respiratory rate, relevant anesthesia records of patients; special
heart rate, blood pressure, pulse oxygen satu- reminders for important preoperative history,
ration, body temperature, etc., and pain comorbidities and their management, difficult
assessment should be performed and recorded airway, indwelling catheter, intraoperative
in a timely manner, and the surgeon should be blood and fluid transfusion volume, special
notified of any abnormalities in a timely man- medications, etc.; observation of special sur-
ner. Early warning signs include risk factors gical conditions such as drainage flow, etc.,
for airway-related complications after extuba- and make records of perioperative nursing
tion. Wheezing, bloody sputum, obstructive record sheets; when patients leave the PACU,
ventilatory symptoms, and agitation often they should be escorted to the ward or postop-
indicate airway problems, while drainage, erative intensive care unit, and strict hando-
free flap blood supply, airway bleeding, and ver, carefully fill in the electronic transfer
hematoma formation often indicate surgical handover record sheet.
problems. It is also important to note that 7. Strictly implement the disinfection and isola-
pulse oximetry is susceptible to the surround- tion system, and do a good job in the preven-
ing environment and is not suitable as the sole tion and control of hospital infection. Keep
indicator of ventilation monitoring. the PACU tidy and quiet.
310 Y. Yang

22.6 Specification of Anesthesia

Care Techniques for Oral

22.6.1 Tracheal Intubation Nursing

Preparation Prescription Check the prescription
before Patient preparation Make a good explanation for awake patients and provide psychological care
intubation Assessment Airway assessment: patients are assessed for ease of intubation based on
commonly used methods of difficult airway assessment (thyromental distance,
Mallampati classification, etc)
General examination: check the patient’s nasal cavity, teeth, etc. If
contraindications are found, communication should be made with the
anesthetist to adjust the airway management plan in time
History: any history of oral surgery, whether the normal structures in the oral
cavity have been destroyed
Patient’s cooperation: assess the patient’s cooperation
Pre-operation Material preparation: anesthesia mask and anesthesia screw tube, oral
preparation (nasopharyngeal) airway, laryngoscope, suitable type of tracheal tube,
endotracheal tube core, holding forceps, stethoscope, suction device, suction
tube, saline, syringe, simple breathing balloon, dental pad, local anesthetic,
sterile gloves, adhesive tape, eye protection patch, resuscitation supplies, etc
Connect the cardiac monitor and do the monitoring of vital signs (heart rate,
blood pressure, respiration, oxygen saturation, etc)
Check the negative pressure suction device, in standby mode
Choose the Adult male: 7.0a–7.5a; adult female: 6.5a–7.0a; children: age/4 + 4 (prepare
tracheal tube tubes of adjacent sizes)
Examine the Check the performance of the anesthesia machine and its oxygen pressure is
equipment normal, check whether the suction device is in working condition, and check
the brightness of the laryngoscope
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 311

Intubation Position Assist in positioning the patient in the position that is easiest to perform
cooperation laryngoscopy, sniffing position is the most commonly used position with the
atlantoaxial joint in extension
Surface anesthesia A 2% lidocaine spray was chosen for the root of the tongue, soft palate,
hypopharynx, epiglottis, and oral surface anesthesia of the vocal tract
For transnasal tracheal intubation, intranasal furosemide drops are used to
prevent nasal bleeding
Airway mucosal surface anesthesia can be achieved with the aid of a
laryngoscope using a tracheal nebulizer extended into the glottis to spray local
anesthetic into the airway, or by cricothyroid puncture
Mask oxygen When the patient is awake, place the mask gently over the patient’s mouth and
delivery nose, without sealing it to the face, to reduce the patient’s nervousness
After the patient’s breathing decreases, tilt the head and lift the chin, and fasten
the mask tightly over the patient’s face
Observe thoracic rise and fall, observe patient’s vital signs
Suction The operator stands on the side of the patient’s head, and the nurse cooperates
with the appropriate time to attract the intraoral secretion suction
Laryngoscope Check the laryngoscope brightness again, pass it to the operator, who will place
placement the laryngoscope into the mouth
Glottic exposure The operator places the laryngoscope, and when the patient’s vocal fissure is
poorly exposed, the nurse assists in exposing the vocal fissure by gently
pressing the patient’s cricoid cartilage with the hand
Pass the tracheal Evacuate the tube cuff
tube Lubricate the stylet and place the tracheal tube
Lubricate the tracheal tube and pass it to the operator
Pull out the stylet Orotracheal intubation: the tracheal tube is located in the vocal fissure, and the
nurse assists in removing the stylet
Nasotracheal intubation: when the tracheal tube is out of posterior nostril, the
nurse assist in the extraction of the stylet
Airbag inflation The operator sends the tracheal tube to the second black line, removes the
laryngoscope, and the nurse assists in inflating the balloon with an appropriate
amount of air, 25–30 cmH2O; transnasal tracheal intubation can be done with
the aid of a tube holding clamp to send the tracheal tube
Connection Connect the ventilator to the tracheal tube
Tube depth Orotracheal intubation: incisors correspond to tube scale
Adult male: 22–24 cm
Adult female: 21–23 cm
Children: Age/2 + 12 cm
Nasotracheal intubation: Incisors correspond to tube scale
Adult male:26–27 cm
Adult female: 25–26 cm
Children: Age/2 + 14 cm
Check the tube If the breath sounds are present but not symmetrical, the tracheal tube may
enter the main bronchus on one side, deflate the air sac, re-adjust the position
of the tracheal tube with the doctor, inflate the air sac again, assist the doctor in
listening to the breath sounds of both lungs again, and fix the tracheal tube with
adhesive tape after making sure the breath sounds of both lungs are
Observe the partial pressure curve of end-expiratory carbon dioxide with
normal waveform, 35–45 mmHg
Fixation Orotracheal intubation: fix the dental pad and tracheal tube above the teeth with
adhesive tape, fix firmly and not easily dislodged, pay attention to the pressure
on the lips of the mouth
Nasotracheal intubation: fix the tracheal tube on the bridge of the nose with
Y-shape tape, pay attention to prevent pressure skin injury
Post- Adjust parameters Adjust ventilator parameters according to prescription
intubation Position Place the patient in a comfortable position
procedure Disposal of items Organize the tools used and sort the items
mm (inside diameter, ID)
312 Y. Yang

22.6.2 Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy

Intubation Nursing
Preparation Prescription Check the prescription
before Assessment Assess the patient with the anesthetist to confirm that tracheal intubation cannot
fiberoptic be performed using conventional methods
bronchoscopy Assess patient’s cooperation
intubation Detailed information about the patient’s medical history, physical examination,
X-rays, and other tests
Preparation Fiberoptic bronchoscope, paraffin oil, 2% lidocaine, 5 mL syringe, lidocaine
of the topical spray, 1% ephedrine, syringe, pediatric suction tube or adult suction
materials tube, suction device, tracheal tube, etc
Choose the Adult male: 7.0a–7.5a; adult female: 6.5a–7.0a; children: age/4 + 4 (prepare tubes
tracheal tube of adjacent sizes)
Nasotracheal intubation, tracheal tube selected 0.5 size smaller than the standard
Equipment Check the expiration date of various items and medications, and whether the
examination packaging is complete
Check the performance of the anesthesia machine and its oxygen pressure to
make sure it is normal
Check if the suction is in standby
Check the battery power and brightness of fiberoptic bronchoscope
Fiberoptic Power on the fiberoptic bronchoscope and adjust the focal length and resolution
bronchoscope Lubricate the front end of the fiberoptic bronchoscope to avoid excessive
preparation lubrication affecting the field of view
Lubricate the front end of the tracheal tube, evacuate the cuff, and snap the
tracheal tube along the fiberoptic bronchoscope at the root of the fiberoptic
Patient Ask the patient to fast and abstain from food and water as prescribed by the
preparation doctor
If the patient has a denture, he/she should be instructed to remove it to avoid
accidental dislodgement when using the fiberoptic bronchoscope
Sedation of the patient before fiberoptic bronchoscopy intubation as prescribed
by the doctor
Administering oxygen by mask as prescribed by the doctor
In patients undergoing nasotracheal intubation, 1% ephedrine was administered
in the nostril to reduce nasal bleeding
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 313

Fiberoptic Position Adjust the patient’s position to a supine position with shoulder pads and head
bronchoscopy slightly tilted back
intubation Cardiac Connect to the cardiac monitor for vital sign monitoring
cooperation monitoring
Surface A 5 mL syringe was used to draw 2 mL of 2% lidocaine and passed to the
anesthesia anesthesiologist for cricothyroid puncture, and surface anesthesia was
administered to the tracheal mucosa
Surface anesthesia of the mucosa around the glottis with lidocaine spray was
performed as prescribed by the surgeon
Fiberoptic Nasotracheal intubation: pass the fiberoptic bronchoscope to the
bronchoscopy anesthesiologist, place it through the nasal cavity, and ask the patient to breathe
intubation calmly after placement
Orotracheal intubation: gently lift the lower jaw to open the patient’s mouth to
facilitate the passage of the fiberoptic bronchoscope and to prevent the patient
from biting the fiberoptic bronchoscope
The operator places the fiberoptic bronchoscope by reorienting the fiberoptic
bronchus, and when the fiberoptic bronchoscope reaches the epiglottis, the
patient is instructed to take a deep breath through the nose
The operator places the fiberoptic bronchoscope by reorienting the fiberoptic
bronchoscope, and when the fiberoptic bronchoscope reaches the epiglottis, the
patient is instructed to take a deep breath through the nose
If mucous membrane or secretions obstruct the field of view, the operator
returns or withdraws the fiberoptic bronchoscope and assists in cleaning the lens
After completing tracheal intubation, assist the operator in withdrawing the
fiberoptic bronchoscope
The nurse assists in inflating the cuff of the tracheal tube with an appropriate
amount of air, 25–30 cmH2O
Connection Connect the ventilator to the tracheal tube
Check the Observe the partial pressure curve of end-expiratory carbon dioxide with normal
placement waveform, 35–45 mmHg
Induction Administer intravenous medication as prescribed until the patient is under
general anesthesia
Fixation Orotracheal intubation: fix the dental pad and tracheal tube above the teeth with
adhesive tape, fix firmly and not easily dislodged, pay attention to the pressure
on the lips of the mouth
Nasotracheal intubation: fix the tracheal tube on the bridge of the nose with
Y-shaped tape, pay attention to prevent pressure skin injury
Post-intubation Adjust Adjust ventilator parameters according to prescription
procedure parameters
Position Place the patient in a comfortable position
Disposal of Organize the tools used and sort the items.
items Check the battery of the fiberoptic bronchoscope, charge it make it in standby
Sterilize the fiberoptic bronchoscope according to the hospital sterilization
mm (inside diameter, ID)
314 Y. Yang

22.6.3 Deep Venipuncture Nursing

Preparation Prescription Check the prescription
before deep Patient Verify patient information; explain to patients and families before operation, and
venipuncture preparation do a good job of psychological care for patients
Items Deep venipuncture kit, appropriate type of sterile central venous catheter, sodium
preparation lactate Ringer’s solution, transfusion skin strip, infusion extension tube (long),
sterile gloves, sterile patch, use of skin disinfectant (preferred chlorhexidine
gluconate alcohol disinfectant cotton balls) in accordance with relevant national
regulations, 2% lidocaine 5 mL (for patients under local anesthesia), syringes, etc
Check that sterile items are within the expiration date and that the packaging is
not damaged or wet
Install infusion devices, check the expiration date of drugs, liquid for
deterioration and carry out transfusion skin strip exhaust during the process
Adjust the Femoral vein puncture with the patient in a supine position, with the thigh on the
patient’s punctured side flattened and externally rotated and abducted. For internal jugular
position vein puncture, the patient is placed in a supine position (20°–30°) with the
patient’s head turned to the opposite side. For subclavian vein puncture, the
patient is placed in a supine head position with a small pillow to elevate the
patient’s right shoulder
Intraoperative Open the The nurse prepares all supplies and brings them to the patient’s bedside and
coordination of sterile kit places them in the proper place
deep Again check the sterile kit outer package cloth intact, no damage, no moisture,
venipuncture 3 m indicator tape discoloration, open the first layer of sterile kit, open the
second layer of packing cloth with sterile holding forceps, check the 3 m
indicator card has changed color, clamp to take three sterile cotton balls into the
small medicine cup
Open the central venous catheter to pass to the operator
Remove the sterile patch to the operator
Observe During the puncture, closely observe the patient’s vital signs and listen to the
vital signs patient’s complaints in a timely manner
Local Open the package of 2% lidocaine, assist the operator to extract 3 mL, maintain
anesthesia sterility
Connection When puncture succeeds, connect the infusion, place the infusion bag at the low
position of the puncture point, when the blood back out can be seen that is to
confirm the deep vein catheter placed in the vessel, hang the rehydration fluid
with the infusion rack, adjust the rehydration fluid drip rate
Procedure after Signs Check the patch and sign puncture times
deep Position Place the patient in a comfortable position, arrange the bet, pay attention to
venipuncture keeping warmth for the patient
Disposal of Organize the tools used and sort the trash
Attention Take care to enhance dressing changes and select appropriate sterile patches to
avoid repeated punctures leading to injury
Reduce retention time after puncture. Remove the deep venous catheter as soon
as catheter-associated bloodstream infection is suspected or develops, and send
the catheter tip for pathogenic culture of blood and/or secretions
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 315

22.6.4 Arterial Puncture Nursing

Preparation for Prescription Check the prescription
arterial Patient Explain to patients and families before operation, and do a good job of
puncture preparation psychological care for patients
Items Arterial puncture kit, 22G trocar needle, sterile gloves, sterile patch, sterile
preparation cotton balls, positive pressure connector, sodium heparin, syringe, small
cushion pillow, sodium lactate Ringer’s solution, pressure transducer,
pressurized bag
Check the expiration date of all kinds of items, packaging for damage, moisture
Solution Add 4200 IU of sodium heparin to 500 mL of sodium lactate Ringer’s solution
Install pressure Connect the pressure transducer, place the configured fluid into the pressurized
sensors bag and pressurize it, fix it in the saline rack and evacuate it, with the pressure
transducer flat in the patient’s fourth intercostal space, near the mid-axillary
Assess the General examination: check the patient’s skin at the puncture site for breaks
patient and hard nodes; proximal artery for obstruction and vasculitis
Past history: history of thrombosis or surgery on the punctured limb
Laboratory tests: check the coagulation test report for coagulation disorders
Puncture site Radial artery: must check for positive Allen’s test
selection Dorsalis pedis artery: choose one side of the dorsalis pedis artery
Positioning Radial artery: place the patient’s punctured arm in abduction, place a small
round pillow under the wrist, and dorsiflex the wrist
Dorsalis pedis artery puncture: expose the skin on the back of the patient’s foot
Cooperation Puncture site The operator determines the course of the artery and designates the point of
during the confirmation strongest pulsation as the puncture point
puncture Open the sterile The operator stands on the puncture side, the nurse opens the outer layer of the
kit arterial puncture kit, opens the inner layer of the wrap with sterile forceps,
unwraps the sterile gloves and hands them to the operator
Clamp non-toxic cotton balls, pass cannula needles, positive pressure
connectors, sterile patching film
Sterilization The operator with sterile gloves sterilizes the puncture site twice
The first sterilization is performed with the puncture site as a circle with a
10 cm radius
The second time, the puncture site is sterilized in a circle with a radius of 8 cm
Lay fenestrated Lay the fenestrated sheet centered on the puncture point
Puncture With the needle tip beveled upward, the trocar needle is pierced from the
puncture point, and when the blood is returned smoothly, the needle is stopped
and the trocar needle is fixed
Place the tube Place the trocar needle horizontally, enter 2 mm again, place the trocar hose,
withdraw the core, and in the case of non-positive pressure trocar needles,
press the front end of the puncture needle to prevent bleeding
Connection Draw back arterial blood and connect to a positive pressure connector
Fixation Apply sterile patch to the puncture site to hold it in place and prevent the trocar
needle from slipping out
Connect to the Evacuate the pressure sensor again and connect to positive pressure connector
pressure sensor
Zeroing Adjust and fix the pressure sensor at the same height as heart position, close the
patient arterial end of the pressure sensor, open the tee, press the zero button to
adjust the zero, after the pressure value appears 0, close the tee, open the
patient arterial end and check whether the arterial waveform is regular
Procedure Disposal of Organize the tools used and sort the items
after arterial items
316 Y. Yang

22.6.5 Tracheal Tube Extubation

Nursing Cooperation
Preparation Patient Assess the patient’s level of consciousness, whether the cough reflex and
for tracheal assessment swallowing reflex are restored, and whether the patient can cooperate with the
extubation medical staff
Whether the breathing pattern is normal, including whether it can breathe on its
own, whether it is labored, whether the respiratory rate is greater or less than
30 times/min, tidal volume, etc
Assess whether the patient can open the eyes and frown, and whether muscle
strength is restored
Presence of severe acid-base imbalance or hypoxia
Circulatory stability: assess the presence of arrhythmias requiring urgent
management, or high/low blood pressure requiring urgent management
Assess the patient for upper airway obstruction due to the surgical site after
If the patient is eligible for extubation, the physician will give the order and the
nurse will remove the tracheal tube under the direction of the physician
Cooperation Alert Patient’s pre-existing airway conditions should be alerted before extubation, and
during the preparation for the possibility of reintubation of the endotracheal tube should be
extubation made
Recording Record the patient’s consciousness, body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure
before and oxygen saturation, and arterial blood gas analysis before extubation
Sputum suction Choose a suitable type of suction tube, carry out negative pressure suction, be
gentle, and suction the secretions left in the nasal cavity, mouth, throat, and
trachea before removing the tube
Preoxygenation Provide preoxygenation
Extubation Evacuation of gas from the tracheal tube sleeve
Patient’s head is tilted to one side
Remove tape fixation
Retain the dental pad to remove the tracheal tube, which can prevent the teeth
from closing after extraction and also facilitate the suction of oral secretions
Remove oral, nasal, and airway secretions in a timely manner
Oxygenation After removal of the tracheal tube, the patient should continue to be given
oxygen by face mask
Observation Observe the patient’s consciousness, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration,
oxygen saturation, and thoracic and diaphragmatic movements
Precautions for The patient’s oronasal, pharyngeal, and endotracheal secretions must be
extubation suctioned out before the tracheal tube is removed; after the tracheal tube is
removed, suction should be continued to remove the secretions from the oronasal
and pharyngeal cavities
Be gentle in suction and closely observe the patient’s heart rate, heart rhythm,
blood pressure and oxygen saturation during suction
Extubate the tracheal tube quickly and gently to minimize patient discomfort
After removal of the tracheal tube, the patient must be promptly given oxygen by
face mask or nasal cannula
Recording after Record the time of extubation of the patient’s tracheal tube and vital signs with
extubation the record sheet in a timely manner
Procedure Disposal of Organize the tools used and sort the items
after items
extubation Observation Continue to observe the patient’s vital signs (heart rate, rhythm, blood pressure,
respiration, and oxygen saturation) after catheter removal, and observe and note
the patient for the onset of respiratory distress
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 317

22.6.6 Airway Sputum Suction

Preparation Check Check the prescription
before Check the patient’s identity information
suction Assessment Know about the patient’s condition, state of consciousness, sputum status, and
assess the indication for suction
Know about the ventilator’s parameters setting
Explanation Explain to awake patient and get consent
Auscultation Breath sounds in both lungs
Items Treatment tray (including two suction kits, two bottles of 0.9% sodium chloride
preparation 500 mL, balloon manometer, hand disinfectant, curved tray), cardiac monitor,
negative pressure suction device
Choose The outer diameter of the suction (sputum) tube should not exceed 50% of the inner
suction tube diameter of the artificial airway
Check the Check the expiration date of the suction tube, packaging for damage and moisture
items Check the expiration date of 0.9% sodium chloride, the bottle has no breakage,
Adjust Check for negative pressure
negative Negative pressure 80 mmHg–100 mmHg for children, 80 mmHg–150 mmHg for
pressure adults
Double check After washing hands and putting on a mask, bring supplies to the patient’s bedside
and check the patient’s information again
318 Y. Yang

Sputum Oxygenation Give the patient pure oxygen inhalation for 30s–60s and observe the change of
suction oxygen saturation to prevent hypoxemia caused by aspiration
Pipe Organize the ventilator line and dump the condensate in the water collection cup
Instruction Instruct the patient to breathe deeply and cough effectively
Wash hands Seven-step hand washing technique
Position The patient’s head tilted to one side
Suction trial Open the saline test suction bottle, tear open the front end of the outer package of
suction package, take out the sterile gloves, put on sterile gloves on one hand,
spread the sterile treatment sheet, pull out the suction tube in your hand, connect
the root with the negative pressure tube and test suction in the suction test bottle
Suction in the Oropharyngeal and/or nasopharyngeal suctioning should be performed first,
oral and nasal followed by endotracheal suctioning
Manual When changing the suction site, the suction tube should be changed
airway suction Disconnect the ventilator from the tracheal tube with ungloved hands and place the
ventilator connector on a sterile sheet
Quickly and gently feed the suction tube along the tracheal tube without negative
pressure with sterile gloved hands, and if resistance is felt during placement or if
the patient develops an irritated cough, withdraw the suction tube by 1–2 cm, give
negative pressure, and gently rotate and pull the suction tube for 15 s to avoid
lifting up and down in the trachea
During suction, patients should be observed for sputum condition (color, quality,
and quantity), oxygen saturation, vital signs, especially heart rate and rhythm
If there’s need for suction again, the suction tube must be changed
Flushing Flushing the suction tube in the saline flushing bottle in a timely manner after
Assessment Assessment of patient’s facial color, respiration, oxygen saturation, heart rate/
rhythm changes, blood pressure changes
Connection After suction, connect to the ventilator line immediately for mechanical ventilation
Pure oxygen Give the patient pure oxygen inhalation for 30s–60s
Adjustment Adjust the oxygen concentration to the original parameters after the oxygen
saturation has risen to normal levels
Wash hands After the suction, remove the gloves and sterilize the hands
Auscultation Ascultate the patient’s sound of breath in both lungs
Confirm the Observe the tube’s position and depth
Pressure Measure tracheal catheter balloon pressure with a balloon pressure gauge
measurement Fill or deflate the airbag according to airbag pressure
Assessment of Changes in patient’s face, respiration, oxygen saturation, heart rate/rhythm, blood
effects pressure
Whether there are changes in the mechanical ventilation curve and the sound of
Low compression at the highest inspiratory plateau and reduced peak airway
pressure to reduce airway resistance or increase dynamic compliance, and increase
air delivery tidal volume in pressure control mode
Improve blood gas analysis indicators or oxygenation status (oxygen saturation)
Clear lung secretions
Procedure Position Ask awake patient if it is needed
after Place the patient in a comfortable position
suction Arrangement Arrange the bed
Arrange the ventilator line
Recording Record the color, nature, and volume of the suctioned matter in the nursing record
Disposal of Organize the tools used and sort the items
the items
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 319

22.7 Common Complications In case of nasal bleeding, the head should

and Care of General be lowered, a 1% ephedrine solution should
Anesthesia for Oral Surgery be dripped into the nasal cavity, and a thinner
tracheal tube should be replaced immediately
With the development of modern anesthesiology, for intra-catheter suction and oxygen admin-
the incidences of anesthesia complications and istration. If the patient suffocates due to mas-
mortality are gradually decreasing, but the cur- sive nasal bleeding before successful
rent clinical anesthesia still cannot completely intubation, assist the physician to perform tra-
avoid the occurrence of serious complications cheotomy immediately, suction the airway
and even the resulting death of patients. The fol- secretions in a timely manner, administer oxy-
lowing will introduce the common complications gen and pay close attention to the changes in
and care in oral surgery anesthesia clinic. the patient’s vital signs [13].
The induction period of general anesthesia
in oral surgery patients often takes a long
22.7.1 Complications time, and sometimes due to the patient’s
of Endotracheal Intubation restricted mouth opening or partial upper air-
and Nursing Care way obstruction before anesthesia, patients
often have different degrees of hypoxia and
The common complications of endotracheal intu- carbon dioxide accumulation. Endotracheal
bation include injury, bleeding, laryngeal edema, intubation or extubation in such patients under
neuroreflex accidents, and vocal cord paralysis. shallow anesthesia may lead to laryngospasm,
cardiac rhythm disturbance or even cardiac
1. Injury is often caused by improper use of arrest due to excitation of the vagal nervous
laryngoscope and rough intubation. It can system.
cause upper front teeth loosening, lower lip Before the induction of anesthesia begins,
cut and hematoma, pyriform sinus injury, and the nurse anesthetist needs to make adequate
even subcutaneous emphysema of the neck, assessment and communication, and prepare
causing respiratory distress. all kinds of routine and emergency supplies;
(a) Standardize the operation, avoid exposing during the induction of anesthesia, the nurse
the vocal fossa with the laryngoscope anesthetist needs to actively cooperate with
when the masticatory muscles are not the doctor to provide the patient with effective
relaxed, or using the upper front teeth as oxygen in a timely manner, avoid the patient’s
the fulcrum to force the laryngoscope hypoxia and carbon dioxide accumulation,
backward. keep the induction of anesthesia stable, moni-
(b) Pay attention to the protection of the tor and inform the anesthesia doctor in real
lower lip when placing the laryngoscope. time, shorten the operation time through
(c) Avoid putting the laryngoscope in too effective cooperation, and ensure the safe and
hard and too deep and using rough force effective operation. Once cardiac arrest
during blind intubation. occurs, perform cardiopulmonary resuscita-
(d) If the patient has a subcutaneous cervical tion immediately.
emphysema, cooperate with the physician 3. Laryngeal edema and subglottic edema are
to aspirate the hematoma by subcutane- particularly likely to occur in children. They
ous puncture of the patient’s neck with a usually have symptoms such as laryngeal stri-
thick needle. dor, hoarseness, and dyspnea within a short
2. Bleeding is mostly caused by injury, espe- period of time after surgery, and in severe
cially in nasal intubation, which can cause cases, inspiration is accompanied by the three
severe nasal bleeding if resistance is encoun- concave sign, severe cyanosis, profuse sweat-
tered and still force to intubate. ing, and rapid heart rate. Oxygen should be
320 Y. Yang

given immediately, and intravenous sedative

2. Laryngospasm refers to the functional
drugs and nebulized inhalation should be obstruction of the upper airway caused by
given according to medical advice. When the spasm of the laryngeal muscles that closes
symptoms of upper airway obstruction the vocal cords. It mostly occurs in patients
worsen, cooperate with the doctor to perform who have not recovered from upper respira-
tracheotomy. tory tract infection before surgery, espe-
4. Vocal cord paralysis are most often seen in cially in pediatric patients. Laryngospasm
neck surgery, tracheal surgery or rough tra- may be induced by increased airway stress,
cheal intubation. Vocal fold paralysis due to pharyngeal congestion, and more postoper-
laryngeal nerve involvement may be transient, ative intraoral secretions in the patient’s
and laryngeal nerve severance may be perma- oral cavity if the suction is not timely or
nent. Unilateral vocal cord paralysis can cause over-stimulated.
aspiration, and bilateral vocal cord paralysis (a) Remove secretions and irritants from the
is a serious complication that can lead to com- patient’s mouth or tracheal tube in a
plete obstruction of the upper airway, com- timely manner, take a chin lift or jaw lift
monly associated with laryngeal cancer or to open the airway, apply a simple venti-
radical tracheal tumor surgery. lator or 100% pure oxygen pressurized by
Damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve the anesthesia machine to administer
can be determined by whether the patient can oxygen.
effectively cough and occur. Assist the sur- (b) Deepen anesthesia (e.g., increase the con-
geon to perform endotracheal intubation if centration of inhalation anesthetics and
necessary, or tracheotomy and good airway sedation of anesthetics).
care if it is permanent. (c) Use antispasmodics (such as aminophyl-
line, salbutamol), glucocorticoids (such
as dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc.)
22.7.2 Upper Respiratory Tract as prescribed by the surgeon.
Obstruction 3. Airway edema is common in pediatric patients
with a history of upper airway infection,
Upper respiratory obstruction after oral surgery patients with allergic reactions and head, neck
is a common complication, mostly due to poste- and oral surgery, followed by those with obe-
rior tongue drop, laryngeal spasm, edema or sity, short neck, wide and short epiglottis, dif-
hematoma in the surgical area or surgical ficulty in revealing the voice box, and repeated
approach (such as cleft palate patients undergo- tracheal intubation.
ing palatopharyngoplasty to reduce the original Patients who have been extubated should
pharyngeal cavity), or over tightening of the be given pure oxygen by mask ventilation and
compression bandage. head elevation, and if treatment is not effec-
tive, emergency tracheotomy should be pre-
1. Glossoptosis due to incomplete recovery from pared as soon as possible.
general anesthesia and poor recovery of mus- 4. Surgical incision hematoma due to surgical
cle strength, the tongue body obstructs part of site bleeding such as thyroid surgery, carotid
the pharyngeal cavity backward and hinders lymphatic dissection, carotid endarterectomy,
the airway. etc. Compression of neck hematoma can
Take the lateral or supine position to sup- cause obstruction of venous and lymphatic
port the lower jaw, if the obstruction cannot be reflux and severe edema.
lifted, it is necessary to place the airway Neck hematoma must be treated immedi-
through the nose or mouth, and if necessary, ately. Administer pure oxygen with a mask
insert a tracheal tube or laryngeal mask with and intubate endotracheally while immedi-
the line. ately notifying the surgeon and preparing the
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 321

operating room for exploration. If tracheal 22.7.4 Hypoxemia

intubation cannot be completed quickly, the
incision must be opened immediately to tem- Hypoxemia refers to the lack of oxygen in the
porarily relieve tissue pressure and congestion blood, arterial partial pressure of oxygen is less
and improve airway patency. than 60 mmHg, mainly manifested as a decrease

5. Aspiration is a serious airway emergency. in partial pressure of oxygen and blood oxygen
Foreign bodies (e.g., teeth, food), blood, and saturation. Due to the effects of surgery and anes-
gastric contents are three common clinical thesia, patients after oral surgery may have inad-
misaspirations. equate ventilation and ventilation function and a
Patients are given anticholinergic drugs reduced ventilation blood flow ratio. Common
before induction of anesthesia, and a gastric causes include hypoventilation, upper respiratory
tube is placed postoperatively to suction gas- obstruction, bronchospasm, pneumothorax, and
tric contents, and extubation is considered pulmonary edema.
only after the patient’s airway reflexes have
fully recovered. Hypoxia, increased airway 1. To prevent the occurrence of hypoxemia,
resistance, pulmonary atelectasis or pulmo- postoperative oxygenation and oxygen satura-
nary edema caused by aspiration require sup- tion monitoring should be routinely per-
portive therapy and care such as oxygen formed in oral surgery patients when entering
therapy, PEEP, CPAP, and mechanical ventila- the PACU.
tion [14]. 2. Keep the airway open and remove respiratory
secretions in a timely manner.
3. Strengthen the management of intubated
22.7.3 Bronchospasm patients during general anesthesia, pay atten-
tion to the removal of mechanical faults in the
Bronchospasm is caused by a spasmodic contrac- anesthetic machine circuit and confirm the
tion of the bronchial smooth muscle, a sudden position and depth of the tracheal tube when
rise in airway resistance and expiratory dyspnea, handing over with other staff.
resulting in severe hypoxia and carbon dioxide 4. After removal of the tracheal tube, give the
accumulation. If not corrected in time, it can patient low oxygen flow (2  L/min–4  L/min)
cause hemodynamic changes in the patient and inhalation by mask to prevent central respira-
even cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac arrest [15]. tory depression caused by anesthetic sedative
Patients with previous respiratory disease and analgesic drugs.
should have a careful history, a preoperative 5. Take arterial blood and perform blood gas
respiratory function test, instruction to abstain analysis if necessary as prescribed by the
from smoking for more than 2 weeks before sur- doctor.
gery, and if there has been a recent acute inflam- 6. Administer postoperative analgesia to prevent
matory episode, elective surgery should be the patient from refusing to breathe deeply
delayed for 2–3 weeks. After bronchospasm has due to wound pain.
occurred, the first step should be to identify the 7. Instruct and assist the patient in correct breath-
trigger and eliminate the irritant. If the anesthesia ing, coughing, and coughing up sputum.
is too shallow, deepen the anesthesia and admin-
ister oxygen under positive pressure; promptly
remove airway secretions and oozing blood; 22.7.5 Hypotension
administer medication reasonably according to
the prescription, and observe the reaction after Hypotension is a common postoperative compli-
medication until the condition is relieved. cation, mostly due to high intraoperative bleed-
322 Y. Yang

ing, absolute insufficiency of blood volume due 3. Correct breathing problems and improve
to untimely blood volume replacement, or ­relative ventilation.
insufficiency of blood volume due to peripheral 4. Suction gastric contents through a gastric tube
vasodilation caused by anesthetic drugs, or prior to extubation or leave a gastric tube in
reduced cardiac output due to weakened cardiac place as prescribed to ensure effective gastro-
function. A systolic and/or diastolic blood pres- intestinal decompression.
sure below 20%–30% of the resting blood pres- 5. Explain to patients with indwelling catheters
sure is considered postoperative hypotension. to relieve anxiety and discomfort.
6. Use antihypertensive drugs as prescribed by
1. Notify the anesthetist promptly when hypo- the doctor to maintain blood pressure to nor-
tension is detected and administer medication mal range or preoperative level.
as prescribed.
2. For excessive blood and fluid loss, speed up
the rate of infusion, and if necessary, open 22.7.7 Arrhythmias
another vein to increase the amount of fluids.
3. If hypoxia is present, increase the concentra- There are many causes of perioperative arrhyth-
tion of oxygen, identify whether ventilation is mias, including preoperative combined arrhyth-
inadequate and deal with it promptly. mias, the effects of anesthetic drugs, carbon
4. For hypothermia, adjust the air conditioning dioxide accumulation, electrolyte disturbances,
temperature, use warm blankets, cover with hypothermia, and pain. Common type of arrhyth-
quilts and warm up the infusion. mias include sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycar-
5. Observe wound drainage and urine output and dia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia,
notify the surgeon immediately if there is any atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation, premature ven-
suspicion of continued postoperative bleeding. tricular beats or ventricular tachycardia.
6. Perform bedside ECG monitoring and consult
a cardiologist if the patient has chest pain and 1. Perform electrocardiographic monitoring to
dyspnea when there is no hemorrhage. assess the type of arrhythmia and provide
symptomatic care.
2. Keep the airway open and administer oxygen
22.7.6 Hypertension to prevent hypoxemia.
3. Symptomatic management of the patient’s
Most often occurs within 30 min after surgery, espe- complaints of wound pain, nausea and vomit-
cially in patients with preoperative combined hyper- ing, urinary distention, etc.
tension. Common causes include postoperative 4. Administer antiarrhythmic drugs as prescribed
wound pain, discomfort due to tracheal catheter or by the doctor, correct water-­electrolyte distur-
catheterization, hypoxia, and hypercapnia, dilatory bances, and maintain circulatory stability.
irritation of the bladder and gastrointestinal tract, 5. Use defibrillators if necessary.
etc. Postoperative hypertension is defined as sys-
tolic and/or diastolic blood pressure above 20%–
30% of resting blood pressure. If left untreated and 22.7.8 Cerebrovascular Accident
unattended, it can result in adverse consequences
such as heart failure, myocardial ischemia, arrhyth- Cerebrovascular accidents include ischemic
mias, and cerebrovascular accidents. strokes (about 80%) and hemorrhagic strokes
(about 20%) [16]. They are difficult to detect
1. Bedside ECG and blood pressure monitoring. intraoperatively and can only be detected postop-
2. Use sedative and analgesic drugs as pre- eratively when there is a delayed awakening,
scribed to reduce postoperative pain. impaired consciousness or specific signs in
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 323

response to the cerebrovascular accident (e.g., Hyperthermia

coma, hemiparesis, aphasia, and pathological Hyperthermia can be caused by thick sterile
reflexes). sheets covering the body surface during surgery,
Assess the patient’s level of consciousness, atropine given before anesthesia to suppress
command completion, and extremity muscle sweating, transfusion reactions, infection, and
strength prior to postoperative extubation and at malignant hyperthermia. Hyperthermia can lead
handover to the ward in patients undergoing gen- to increased basal metabolism and oxygen con-
eral anesthesia. If a cerebrovascular accident is sumption, as well as metabolic acidosis, hyperka-
suspected, keep the airway open, provide respira- lemia, and hyperglycemia. Convulsions may
tory support, ask a neurosurgeon for a consulta- occur if the body temperature exceeds 40 °C.
tion and accompany the patient for imaging tests The temperature should be monitored rou-
such as CT and MRI. tinely during the perioperative period. If hypo-
thermia is detected, physical cooling such as ice
packs and alcohol baths should be used first,
22.7.9 Hypothermia while symptomatic management of complica-
and Hyperthermia tions due to hypothermia, such as arterial blood
gas collection and analysis, should be carried out Hypothermia according to medical advice. Patients should not
Hypothermia (body temperature below 36  °C) normally be transferred out of the PACU until
can be caused by low room temperature, intra- their temperature has dropped to 39 °C.
operative input of large amounts of unheated Malignant hyperthermia is a rare perianes-
fluids, heat dissipation in the surgical field, thetic complication and, if not managed promptly,
flushing of surgical wounds with large amounts patients can die from circulatory or respiratory
of fluid, and suppression of the thermoregula- failure. The nurse anesthetist should closely
tory center by general anesthetic drugs. monitor the patient’s temperature, heart rhythm,
Hypothermia can delay anesthetic awakening, skin changes, blood pressure and changes in end
prolong bleeding time and, if chills occur, respiratory carbon dioxide, especially end respi-
increase tissue oxygen consumption. ratory carbon dioxide monitoring is of great value
Patients are given prophylactic hypothermia in the early diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia.
during the perioperative period, maintaining an The nurse anesthetist should, according to medi-
ambient temperature of at least 20  °C–24  °C, cal advice, (1) give sedative, antispasmodic, and
reducing body surface exposure, using warmed diuretic drugs to rapidly lower the body tempera-
fluids or blood products, and providing equip- ture and correct the water-electrolyte imbalance;
ment such as warm blankets and fluid warmers (2) establish invasive arterial pressure and central
if available. Note the patient’s symptoms and venous pressure monitoring as soon as possible;
complaints of shivering and cold extremities (3) use water beds with adjustable temperature,
during awakening and keep warm. Intraoperative place ice packs and infuse large amounts of cold
and postoperative temperature monitoring balance fluid to control the patient’s body tem-
should be performed for >3  h procedures such perature; (4) give adequate oxygen to maintain
as oral surgery oncology or orthognathic sur- ventilation and aeration.
gery. If hypothermia occurs, prompt rewarming
measures should be taken and heating equip-
ment should be used, while the patient’s urine 22.7.10 Delayed Awakening
output needs to be noted. Patients should not be
transferred out of the PACU until their body It is generally considered that if the patient’s con-
temperature reaches 35 °C. sciousness is not restored 2 h after the surgery, if
324 Y. Yang

he/she does not respond to calls, if he/she cannot appropriately during the awakening period,
open his/her eyes or raise his/her hands, and if observe the patient’s blood flow to the limbs and
there is no obvious response to painful stimula- the IV site, and fix the drainage lines properly. If
tion, then the awakening is considered delayed. the patient becomes agitated, restraint and seda-
Reasons for delayed awakening may include tion are given and the tracheal tube is properly
excessive doses of sedative drugs, the effect of cared for to prevent the patient from being dis-
muscle relaxants, respiratory insufficiency, car- lodged due to agitation. For patients with catheter
diovascular dysfunction, thermoregulatory dys- intolerance, patiently explain the importance of
function, metabolic disorders of water and postoperative indwelling catheterization and
electrolytes, and abnormal blood glucose, etc. check for patency. For patients with other causes
During awakening, patients should be closely of agitation, such as hypoxia, hypothermia, pos-
monitored, with routine monitoring of ECG, tural discomfort, psychological tension and other
blood pressure, oxygen saturation and body tem- discomforts, the principle of care is to remove the
perature, evaluation of the patient’s state of con- causative factors and symptomatic care, and not
sciousness and limb mobility, and early detection to blindly use mandatory restraint.
of potential nerve damage, such as hematoma and
tight surgical dressings. For patients with delayed
awakening, give further monitoring and care such 22.7.12 Pain
as monitoring end-expiratory carbon dioxide,
doing blood gas analysis, observing the patient’s Patients do not feel pain during surgery due to the
pupil size, reflex to light, recording urine output effect of anesthetic drugs, but at the end of surgery,
and various drainage fluids. Follow medical as the effect of anesthetic drugs wears off, patients
advice for etiological treatment, keep the patient’s will gradually feel pain, which can interfere with
airway open or provide respiratory support; normal physiological functions, such as affecting
promptly correct glucose metabolism and water- ventilation, limiting the elimination of respiratory
electrolyte disorders, etc.; use antagonistic drugs secretions, increasing blood pressure, heart rate,
reasonably and observe the patient’s reaction to nausea and vomiting, and urinary retention.
the drugs; rewarm patients with hypothermia. For patients using postoperative intravenous
patient-controlled analgesia, patients should be
properly instructed to use the analgesic device and
22.7.11 Postoperative Delirium have the effect of its use recorded in a return visit.
and Agitation If nausea and vomiting are severe due to painkill-
ers, discontinue the analgesic pump as prescribed
Delirium and agitation refer to the extreme dis- by the doctor and keep the mouth clean to prevent
turbance of the patient’s waking state, which vomitus from causing accidental aspiration. If a
affects his attention, orientation, perception and patient complains of unbearable pain after surgery
intelligence, and is accompanied by fear and anx- without the use of an analgesic pump, give analge-
iety. The clinical manifestations are the sudden sic drugs as prescribed by the doctor, record the
onset of agitation, such as irritability and scream- changes in the patient’s vital signs and evaluate the
ing, increased muscle tone in the limbs and trunk, analgesic effect. In case of respiratory depression
trembling and writhing, followed by a return to or cardiac arrest, immediately resuscitate the
calm and possibly a reoccurrence, with the dura- patient in situ and inform the physician.
tion of the delirium state varying. Both delirium
and agitation are the result of altered neurologi-
cal function, but the difference lies in the degree 22.7.13 Nausea and Vomiting
of difference.
The nurse should pay close attention to the Oral surgery has a high incidence of postopera-
patient’s vital signs and state of consciousness, tive nausea and vomiting due to gauze filling of
strengthen safety care, use the restraint belt the patient’s intraoral wound, inability to
22  Nursing Considerations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient 325

s­wallow or excessive swallowing of blood and 6. Lai CC, Sung MI, Liu HH, Chen CM, Chiang SR, Liu
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and vomiting, promptly remove secretions from ics and capnography during critical care. Crit Care.
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Science Press; 2012. 30743293.­0038-­1676992.
Application of Artificial
Intelligence in Oral 23
and Maxillofacial Anesthesia

Ming Xia

23.1 Introduction sections: the first section introduces the definition

of AI and other related concepts/terms, the sec-
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been an attractive ond section summarizes and analyzes reported
topic in medicine along with the rapid develop- application of AI in oral and maxillofacial anes-
ment of digital and information technologies. thesia, and the third section is an analysis of limi-
Nowadays AI has already made some break- tations and opportunities for development that
throughs in medicine. With the assistance of AI, could be concluded from all the existing cases of
more precise models were used in clinical predic- application.
tion, diagnosis, and decision-making. Also, in the
field of anesthesia, with the booming develop-
ment of computer technology and techniques, the 23.2 Terminology
application of AI has become an attractive
research direction that has great advantages and This section summarizes only main terms includ-
value for the future development of anesthesia. ing artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep
Predictive models can promptly indicate possible learning, big data, and their related terms since to
adverse events, and decision-making and diag- include all terms related to AI and its application
nostic models can guide the corresponding clini- will be too much and blur the focus of this chap-
cal practice. In addition, intelligent monitoring ter. Other terms which are not included in this
and remote control technologies have greatly section are further explained when appearing in
contributed to the development of remote anes- later sections.
thesia. The application and improvement of drug
robots and operator-assisted robots will further
automate clinical anesthesia. 23.2.1 Artificial Intelligence
This chapter is written to introduce the devel-
opment and progress of AI applied in oral and In contrast to the natural intelligence display by
maxillofacial anesthesia, and is divided into three humans or animals, artificial intelligence (AI) is a
type of intelligence demonstrated by machines.
An AI textbook defines this field as the study of
M. Xia (*) “intelligent agents”: any system capable of sens-
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Ninth ing its environment and taking action to maxi-
People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China mize its chances of success [1]. Major AI
e-mail: researchers reject this definition of artificial intel-

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 327
H. Jiang, M. Xia (eds.), Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
328 M. Xia

ligence, which comprises machines that mimic sponding output vector, and the answer key is
the cognitive functions of the human brain, such commonly denoted as a target (or label) here [4].
as “learning” and “problem-solving,” that The fitted model is then used to predict the
humans typically associate with the human mind. responses for the observation. This process is
realized in the second data set, the validation data
set [4]. The validation data set provides an unbi-
23.2.2 Machine Learning ased evaluation of a model fit on the layer
widths—in a neural network.
The field of machine learning is a part of artificial Finally, an unbiased evaluation of a final
intelligence. Automating the process of creating model fit on the training data set is provided
an analytical model is one of the features of this using the test data set [5].
method of data analysis. A key characteristic of
the system is its ability to identify patterns in
data, and make decisions without requiring a lot 23.2.4 Deep Learning
of human intervention [2]. The study focuses on
computer algorithms that can improve automati- An artificial neural network with representation
cally over time based on experience and data. learning is the basis of deep learning (also known
A machine learning algorithm is a program that as deep structured learning). There are three
allows computers to discover how to perform tasks types of learning: supervised, semi-supervised,
without being explicitly programmed. During this and unsupervised [6].
process, computers learn from data provided so In essence, deep learning is a combination of
that they can carry out certain tasks. Algorithms three or more layers of neural networks. The neu-
can be programmed to instruct computers how to ral networks simulated here are far from being
solve simple problems; computers do not need to able to mimic the human brain’s ability to pro-
learn to solve problems of this nature. Creating cess large amounts of data, but they are able to
algorithmic solutions can be challenging for “learn” from it. Adding hidden layers to a neural
humans, especially for more advanced tasks. A network can help refine and optimize the predic-
machine that develops its own algorithm is often tions made by a single layer [7].
more effective than having a human programmer
specify every necessary step [3].
23.2.5 Artificial Neural Network

23.2.3 Training Data Set, Validation An artificial neural network (ANN), also known
Data Set, Test Data Set as a neural network (NN) or a neural circuit, is a
computing system that is inspired by the biologi-
The study and construction of algorithms is a cal neural networks in animal brains. The neural
common task in machine learning, and such algo- network is built using artificial neurons, which
rithms function by making data-driven predic- are connected units modeled loosely after the
tions or decisions through building a mathematical neurons in a biological brain. An individual con-
model from input data. These input data are usu- nection can transmit a signal to another neuron,
ally divided into three data sets and are used in similar to synapses in a biological brain [8].
different stages of the creation of the model, they
are training data set, validation data set, and test
data set. 23.2.6 Big Data
A training data set is also known as a sample
date set. It is a set of examples used to fit the In terms of traditional data processing methods, it
parameters of the model. In practice, it often con- refers to data that is so large, fast, or complex that it
sists of pairs of an input vector and the corre- would be impossible to process it. For decades,
23  Application of Artificial Intelligence in Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia 329

large amounts of information have been accessed based on attributes, each branch represents the
and stored for analytics. The traditional 3V basic output result of the judgment, and eventually,
characteristics of Big Data are Volume, Variety, and each leaf node represents a terminal classification
Velocity. Volume stands for large amount of data, result [11]. Every decision node can be divided
Variety stands for many types of data (each type of into two or multiple branches. The top level of
sensor records a different type of data, sound data, the decision tree is the root node, which repre-
image data, location data, etc., also, with the devel- sents the whole set of training data samples. An
opment of IoT, there will be more and more types optimal feature would be selected and the root
of data), and Velocity stands for fast data process- node would be split into different subsets accord-
ing speed (for example, the same visual sensor, the ing to this feature so that each subset gets the best
human eye cannot distinguish changes in less than classification under the current conditions. If
0.1 s, while the current high-­speed camera can cap- these subsets can complete the correct classifica-
ture changes in 0.001 s, its efficiency in data acqui- tion, then the leaf nodes are constructed; if they
sition is 100 times more than the human) [9]. cannot be classified correctly, then we continue
to select new optimal features to construct the
decision nodes until all subsets are constructed as
23.2.7 Support Vector Machine leaf nodes so that the decision tree is established.
(SVM) Decision trees are fast and can quickly classify
large data sources. However, decision trees are
The support vector machine (SVM) is one of the prone to overfitting, and pruning or random for-
key algorithms. In collaboration with colleagues, est methods are needed to avoid overfitting.
Vladimir Vapnik developed SVM at AT&T Bell
Laboratories. Generally, it is used for solving
binary classification problems within the field of 23.2.9 Random Forest
pattern recognition as a supervised learning algo-
rithm. A statistical learning framework called VC Random forest is a highly flexible novel ML
theory was proposed by Vapnik (1982, 1995) and algorithm that integrates multiple unrelated deci-
Chervonenkis (1974), making SVM one of the sion trees to construct a forest in a random way
most robust prediction methods. The SVM train- for regression or classification [12]. The basic
ing algorithm builds a model by analyzing a set unit of random forest is the decision tree and the
of training examples that have been categorized essence is the idea of ensemble learning—a
into two categories. This is a non-probabilistic bunch of ML. Intuitively, each decision tree is a
binary linear classifier (although Platt scaling can classifier that can output one classification result,
be used to make it a probabilistic classifier). To while the random forest integrates all classifica-
maximize the width of the gap between the two tion results and designates the category with the
categories, SVM maps training examples to highest number of votes as the final output result.
points in space. According to which side of the Ensemble learning solves a single problem by
gap new examples fall, they are predicted to building a combination of several models, which
belong to a specific category. SVM aims to find is better than any other single classification. This
the best hyperplane in multidimensional space makes the random forest less prone to overfitting
which makes the interval between positive and and has better noise immunity.
negative samples maximum [10].

23.2.10 Fuzzy Logic
23.2.8 Decision Tree
Fuzzy logic is a classic concept in the history of
The decision tree is a tree structure, in which AI development. It is widely known that the basis
each decision node represents a judgment rule of a computer program is typical Boolean logic
330 M. Xia

with the basic values of “0” and “1,” which mean The output value is obtained by taking the total
“no” or “yes.” Boolean logic enables the com- value of all its input nodes and the corresponding
puter to make automatic judgments and deci- connection weight as the input of an activation
sions, but it still has limitations and defects. function. Adjusting the weight of the connection
Usually, human beings won’t deal with problems between nodes in the work of training when con-
by the simple way of a clear judgment of “yes” or structing ANNs. The typical structures widely
“no.” Thus, fuzzy logic is proposed to imitate used in neural networks mainly include multi-
human thinking patterns and allow for the input layer perceptron networks and error
of uncertain variables rather than explicitly clas- backpropagation.
sified variables. In fuzzy logic, there is no strict With the increasing number of hidden layers,
boundary between certain classifications while the concept of deep learning rises from ANN for
the variable is measured by the degree of mem- more intricate problems. Deep learning is a bunch
bership. Compared with probability theory, it is a of ML. The essence of deep learning is to learn
probability belonging to a certain classification more intrinsic features by ML models with
[13]. Fuzzy logic transforms the input value into numerous hidden layers and massive training
the degree of membership of each set through data, to improve the accuracy of classification or
fuzzification and puts out a defuzzied value by a prediction ultimately [15]. Instead of multilayer
preset program to solve practical problems. It is perceptron network and error backpropagation,
recognized as an ideal and feasible model for deep learning adopts a very different training
computerized decision-making systems. mechanism from that of a traditional neural net-
work. The difficulty of deep neural network train-
ing can be overcome by “layer-wise pre-training”
23.2.11 Summary [16]. The convolutional neural network is a kind
of deep learning and has become a research
The foundation of AI is big data, whereas the hotspot in the field of speech analysis and image
core is analysis and algorithms. Although physi- recognition in recent years.
cians are not obliged to gain insight into complex
algorithms, general knowledge of some basic
algorithms helps understand ML and AI better. 23.3 Application of AI in Oral
Nowadays, ANN is widely used in ML and AI and Maxillofacial Anesthesia
as a mathematical model parallel to the human
nervous system to discern inherent connections In perioperative medical practice, anesthesiolo-
in nonlinear data patterns instead of common lin- gists keep an eye on the patient’s assessment to
ear models [14]. It provides a relatively effective keep track of the dynamics and guide the follow-
and simple method for solving complex prob- ­up treatment, making rapid decisions accordingly
lems in the area of AI.  The basic structure of a to reduce risk and mortality. In particular, some
neural network consists of an input layer, an out- advanced machine models may even give valu-
put layer, and one or more hidden layers. Each able recommendations for clinical decision-­
node of the input layer corresponds to a variable making. Due to the inexactness in many medical
and each node of the output layer corresponds to concepts and their relationships, Fuzzy logic
a target variable. Between the input layer and the (FL) provides an approximate inference method
output layer is the hidden layer, which is invisible that allows the input of fuzzy and inexact vari-
to the users. The number of hidden layers and the ables and is widely used to develop intelligent
number of nodes in each layer determine the decision-making systems and medical expert
complexity of the ANN. Each node of the neural systems.
network is connected with many nodes in front of Most clinical real events are diverse, variable,
it, which are called the input nodes of this node, and heterogeneous. Based on multiple criteria
and each connection corresponds to a weight. decision analysis (MCDA), Sobrie et  al. devel-
23  Application of Artificial Intelligence in Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia 331

oped a probabilistic model called “MR-Sor” to There are already some examples of the appli-
assess preoperative ASA classification by multi- cation of AI in the prediction of hypotension and
ple parameters with a prediction accuracy of up hypoxemia. In the study of Lin et al. [18], they
to 96%. Belton and Stewart defined multi-criteria developed an artificial neural network model
decision analysis as a decision-making approach with high reliability and credibility to predict the
that gives the most optimal recommendation by occurrence of hypotension after induction. The
considering multiple approaches. For example, purpose of the study was to develop ANN models
Hancerliogullari et  al. used the Fuzzy Analytic to identify patients at high risk for post-induction
Hierarchy Process (FussyFuzzy-AHP) and the hypotension during general anesthesia. The ANN
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to model developed in this study had good discrimi-
an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to create a multi-­ nation and calibration and would provide deci-
criteria decision analysis model to determine the sion support to clinicians and increase vigilance
best anesthesia for pediatric circumcision. Patrick for patients at high risk of post-induction hypo-
Tighe et al. [17] created machine learning used to tension during general anesthesia.
assess the necessity of femoral nerve blocks in In the study by Kendale et al. [19], the algo-
ACL reconstruction surgery to provide advisory rithm of the machine model was trained by eight
value for clinical decision-making. Intelligent models and the one with the best fit was selected
decision systems enabled by AI influence and to predict the occurrence of post-induction hypo-
improve the practice of medicine through rational tension, while more satisfactory results were
computation and application of data, helping obtained in the sensitivity analysis. They hypoth-
physicians to make better clinical decisions and esized that machine learning methods can pro-
also enabling them to focus more on the patients vide a prediction for the risk of post-induction
themselves. hypotension, and found that the success of this
technique in predicting post-induction hypoten-
sion demonstrates the feasibility of machine
23.3.1 Prediction for Hypotension learning models for predictive analytics in the
and Hypoxemia field of anesthesiology, with performance depen-
dent on model selection and appropriate tuning.
Hypotension and hypoxemia are common clini- However, both the training and testing sets of the
cal adverse events during general anesthesia and models in this study were retrospective studies
can even have a negative prognostic impact. based on data from existing electronic medical
Hypotension refers to the status where patient’s records and lacked prospective validation in real
blood pressure is more than 30% lower than the clinical situations.
resting blood pressure, which is commonly Lundberg et al. [19] developed a “prophetic”
caused by bleeding, reflexes, heart failure, etc., system by training a gradient-enhanced machine
and can be solved with infusion or vasoconstric- model to provide an initial and real-time predic-
tor like catecholamine. Hypoxemia, on the other tion of perioperative hypoxemia for timely inter-
hand, could be a result caused by respiratory vention by anesthesiologists and validated the
complications such as airway obstruction and model during surgery. The results show that the
bronchospasm. model can better improve anesthesiologists’ clin-
Although clinical anesthesiologists try their ical awareness and prediction of hypoxemia risk.
best to avoid these adverse events, it is difficult to A review by van der Ven et al. [20] describes
make very accurate judgments by relying solely the development and validation of one of the
on their existing experience. The application of first machine learning prediction algorithms for
AI in the prediction for hypotension and hypox- the operating room setting, the Hypotension
emia also benefits anesthesiologists and clini- Prediction Index. The review cites two random-
cians who work in the field of oral and ized controlled trials demonstrating that the
maxillofacial anesthesia. algorithm can reduce intraoperative hypoten-
332 M. Xia

sion by predicting impending hypotensive Researchers at Suhre et  al. [22] conducted a
events in real time and, as a result, anesthesiolo- retrospective machine learning casual analysis to
gists can act in a timely manner. Van der Ven investigate the relationship between cannabis use
et  al. conclude that although HPI can predict and PONV.  A total of 27,388 adult ASA 1–3
hypotension, it still has some limitations, for patients receiving general anesthesia for non-­
example, it may not be generalizable to cardiac obstetric, non-cardiac procedures and receiving
surgery and intensive care patient populations postoperative care in the PACU were analyzed in
because it was developed from records of non- this study, and 16,245 patients were analyzed in
cardiac surgery and intensive care patients; fur- the external validation dataset. According to the
thermore, the algorithm does not require a chart, patients reported using cannabis in any
dynamic learning process that evolves from the form during the pre-anesthesia evaluation was
use of clinical patient care, which means that the the strongest predictor of post-anesthesia compli-
algorithm is fixed. cations. Prior to PACU discharge, there must be
documentation of PONV of any severity, includ-
ing the administration of rescue medications. As
23.3.2 Prediction for PONV a consequence, the study concluded that cannabis
use is associated with a small increase in the mar-
Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a ginal probability of PONV.
common complication after general anesthesia More accurately speaking, study mentioned in
procedures, including oral and maxillofacial sur- the previous paragraph is not an example of
geries. The identification and prophylactic treat- machine learning in the prediction of PONV—it
ment of patients at high risk for PONV can is used as a tool of data analysis in this study.
improve patient satisfaction, reduce the occur- However, it still proves the great potential of ML
rence of adverse events such as misaspiration, application in medical field.
and reduce healthcare costs. An analysis of 1086 in-patients under general
Numerous machine models have been devel- anesthesia, without antiemetic prophylaxis, was
oped to predict postoperative nausea and vomit- conducted by Peng et al. [23]. In the process of
ing. Traeger M. et al. [21] in Germany used the ANN training, the estimation of ×2 statistic and
ANN algorithm for machine learning to predict information gain with respect to PONV was used
the incidence of PONV and showed a higher clin- to select the predictors. The ANN was configured
ical relevance compared to the currently used using a software tool. Following that, an ANN
Apfel score (0.66; 95% CI: 0.61–0.71) and was trained using data from a training set
Koivuranta score (0.69; 95% CI: 0.65–0.74) dis- (n = 656). In case the ANN did not know how the
criminatory ability (0.74; 95% CI: 0.70–0.78). remaining 430 patients would fare regarding
PONV is still a frequent and subjectively very PONV, testing validation was conducted. For
unpleasant side effect of anesthesia. Nevertheless, estimating predictive performance, the receiver
antiemetic prophylaxis should only be given to operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used.
patients at risk, who have to be identified by Naive Bayesian classifiers, logistic regression
appropriate prediction models. All traditional models, simplified Apfel scores, and Koivuranta
risk scores are based on the results of logistic scores were compared with ANN performance.
regression analyses. Alternatively, however, an
artificial neural network (ANN) can be used for
such predictions, which can be used to model 23.3.3 Prediction for Difficult Airway
complex and nonlinear relationships well. The
development of such an ANN for PONV predic- Tracheal intubation is the gold standard for secur-
tion is presented and its prediction accuracy with ing the airway, and it is not uncommon to encoun-
that of two simplified risk models (Apfel Score ter intubation difficulties in intensive care units
and Koivuranta Score). and emergency rooms. Difficult airway manage-
23  Application of Artificial Intelligence in Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia 333

ment has always been one of the main causes of of class activation. A supine-side-closed mouth-­
adverse events related to anesthesia, especially base position was found to be the most effective
oral anesthesia, and has the potential for life-­ location for generating the best artificial intelli-
threatening complications, and the prediction of gence model for identifying intubation difficul-
difficult airways before surgery has been a topic ties. According to the results, the majority of the
of concern for anesthesiologists. heat map’s activation was concentrated around
There are more and more reports on methods the neck regardless of background; the AI model
to predict difficult airway, mainly including some recognized facial contours and identified diffi-
routine physical examinations, imaging, and culty in intubating regardless of background; the
scale assessment, but all of them have some limi- AUC was 0.864; and the 95% confidence interval
tations and cumbersome procedures. Gabriel was [0.731–0.969], indicating that the heat map’s
Louis Cuendet from Switzerland et al. [24] devel- activation was concentrated around the neck,
oped a method for rapid prediction of the difficult regardless of background. Using deep learning
airway by fully automated face scanning. The and an artificial intelligence model, this study is
face data was obtained from a patient database, the first to classify intubation difficulties using
facial feature points were fitted according to an deep learning. Under general anesthesia or emer-
algorithm, and an algorithmic model was built gency situations, the AI model developed in this
using artificial intelligence to automatically pre- study may be useful for tracheal intubation by
dict difficult airways. In the validation dataset, inexperienced medical staff.
this automated facial scanning method was simi-
lar to the level of manual assessment of difficult
airway. This study provides an idea for the devel- 23.3.4 Artificial Intelligence
opment of a more intelligent and convenient pre- in Perioperative Management
diction model that can predict difficult airways and Remote Control
more accurately with a simple facial scan alone.
However, due to the small sample size of this Anesthesiologists need to provide comprehen-
study, the prediction method of the difficult air- sive management of all aspects of the patient in
way by face scanning still needs to be further the anesthetized state, including airway and
investigated and validated. respiratory system, basic vital signs, depth of
A deep learning artificial intelligence model anesthesia, and pain monitoring and manage-
was created by Hayasaka et al. [25] for classifica- ment, among others. Despite good clinical train-
tion of intubation difficulty. In their study, ing, anesthesiologists occasionally feel flustered
patients scheduled for surgery at Yamagata and anxious when faced with multiple tasks at the
University Hospital with altered facial appear- same time, which increases the workload and
ances, altered neck range of motion, or intubation psychological stress of anesthesiologists and
performed by a physician with less than 3 years even generates burnout. According to a research
of anesthesia experience were excluded. In the study by Cooper JB et  al. [26], most of the
first day after surgery, they received 16 different unplanned events during anesthesia are related to
facial images from the patients. In order to create human negligence and instrument malfunction,
a deep learning model that links the facial image which can be actively prevented and controlled.
of the patient with the difficulty of intubation, all On the other hand, too many false alarms can
images were judged as “easy”/"difficult” by an interfere with the judgment of anesthesiologists
anesthesiologist. In order to compute sensitivity, and increase unnecessary work. The develop-
specificity, and area under the curve (AUC), ment of AI may free anesthesiologists from their
receiver operating characteristic curves were burdensome tasks. In addition, continuous and
developed for both the actual intubation difficulty comprehensive monitoring, more accurate elec-
and the AI model. AI model classification of intu- tronic recording, and timely recognition of emer-
bation difficulties was visualized using heat maps gencies using machines may reduce human
334 M. Xia

accidents and ensure patient safety in the periop- some remote medication guidance. In their study,
erative period. Kamata Kotoe et  al. [32] reported the use of
In recent years, there have been major break- remote anesthesia detection technology in pediat-
throughs and developments in intelligent monitor- ric gamma knife radiosurgery. The use of remote
ing and alerting technologies. Mylrea K C. et al. monitoring under general anesthesia is feasible,
[27] used artificial neural networks for integrated keeping the anesthesiologist outside the operat-
monitoring from multiple variables to identify ing room to prevent radiation hazards while also
unexpected situations and effectively reduce false being able to ensure the safety of the patient.
alarms. Gohil Bhupendra et  al. [28] developed Telemedicine allows real-time dialogue and col-
RT-SAAM intelligent monitoring and alerting laborative communication between specialists
system using the fuzzy logic approach to identify across regions, regardless of regional limitations
clinical events such as intraoperative hypovole- or shortage of medical resources, and Stephen W.
mia, low cardiac output, malignant hyperthermia, et  al. [33] have experimented with the use of a
etc., which is better for multiple problems. remote control system for communication during
Similarly, based on this, Mirza Mansoor et al. [29] anesthesia with satisfactory results.
introduced the Fuzzy logic monitoring system In addition, postoperative analgesia, a com-
(FLMS) for better supervision of the anesthesia mon concern for most patients, can benefit from
process. Also with the popularization of smart- remote management for timely adjustment of
phones and medical apps, smartphones can be individualized medication regimens. One study
used for measurement, monitoring, and recording reported a remote operating system for postoper-
of vital signs and may become a common medical ative continuous peripheral nerve blocks (CPNB)
tool for physicians and patients in the future. pump setup [34]. Patient data and requirements
Unlike blood pressure, pulse rate, and heart can be immediately transmitted to the competent
rate, which are vital signs that can be directly anesthesiologist via the Internet, and the anesthe-
measured by physical or chemical means, meth- siologist can make timely and remote changes to
ods of assessing depth of anesthesia have always the pump settings. In addition to the advantages
been controversial. BIS, E entropy, and auditory of allowing real-time feedback and addressing
evoked potentials are common clinical measure- postoperative pain, the system reduces the work-
ments based mainly on the analysis of EEG and load of the physician who subsequently follows
evoked potentials, but still have limitations. With up with the patient. “Manage My Pain (MMP)” is
the increasing computational power of machines a mobile application launched by ManagingLife
to handle large amounts of data and problems, in 2011 that remotely tracks patients’ pain fluc-
intelligent models have been further applied for tuations [35]. Moreover, data mining and machine
the analysis of anesthesia depth. Liu Quan et al. learning from the database created by MMP will
[30] used neural networks combining multiscale help clinical providers explore new ways to mea-
entropy (MSE) and independent entropy for effec- sure pain as well as predict pain fluctuations [36].
tive and reliable monitoring of anesthesia depth
and evaluated the performance of the method, and
More satisfactory results were obtained. Benzy 23.3.5 Application of Automation
et al. [31] developed a new intelligent anesthesia and Robotic Assistance
depth assessment index using a neuro-fuzzy inter-
vention system. Effective EEG biometrics for Although robotic-assisted surgical operating sys-
guiding precise sedation can also be further tems are now more common in clinical practice,
explored by machine learning algorithms. providing better views and more dexterity and
Telemedicine technology is also currently refinement in minimally invasive surgery, there is
receiving a lot of attention from clinicians, and still much room for the development of robotic-­
remote control can be applied to anesthesia out- assisted technology and automated operations in
side the operating room, anesthesia management anesthesia. The concept of automated anesthesia
in remote areas and extreme environments, and was developed to assist anesthesiologists in some
23  Application of Artificial Intelligence in Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia 335

routine daily tasks, and the two most important tests on airway manikins, a small study used the
issues are automated anesthetic drug delivery sys- KIS operating system in a real clinical setting and
tems and machine-assisted operating systems. achieved a more satisfactory intubation success
Schwilden and Schuttler proposed a classical rate [46]. However, the current lack of studies
anesthetic drug delivery system, the target con- with large sample data limits the further clinical
trolled infusion push pump (TCI) [37], based on application of KIS. Also, KIS systems are semi-­
a three-compartment model of drug pharmacoki- automated operating systems, and the implemen-
netics in 1990, but one of the limitations of this tation of fully automated operations has not yet
system is that it ignores the actual anesthetic been reached.
effect. In contrast to the TCI system, the closed-­ In the last decade or so, several new robotic-­
loop system (CLS) selects specific parameters assisted systems have also been used in the oper-
that reflect the effect of the drug as a reference for ation of regional anesthesia. Tighe P. J. et al. first
the automatic infusion of the anesthetic drug used the S-type Da Vinci surgical system (DVS)
[38]. The central control system allows the pump to achieve the assisted operation of peripheral
to adjust the drug infusion rate based on the anal- nerve blocks on ultrasound body models [47].
ysis of target variables. Some studies have The Magellan nerve robotic block system
reported successful clinical applications of (Magellan robotic nerve block system), the first
closed-loop systems in sedation control and neu- robotic-assisted system for clinical nerve block
romuscular blockade [39–43]. The McSleep sys- manipulation, was created in 2013 to identify the
tem is a closed-loop automatic drug delivery nerve by ultrasound and enhanced imaging sys-
system that combines consciousness, analgesia, tem, then insert a needle into the target nerve
and muscle relaxation assessment, three elements sheath and inject local anesthetic around the
considered to be the most essential for general nerve [48]. All 13 patients enrolled in this study
anesthesia. In addition to automatic infusion successfully underwent a Magellan system-­
delivery of anesthetic drugs, the system is assisted nerve block within an average of 3 min.
equipped with an intelligent voice prompting Compared with manual ultrasound-guided nerve
system for routine steps in anesthesia, providing blocks, the operator acquired the nerve block
the anesthesiologist with the necessary cues and skills faster and reduced the number of repeated
keeping him or her focused [44]. The safety and probe punctures with the guidance of the robotic
stability of these automated drug delivery sys- system [49, 50].
tems have also been demonstrated in comparison Robotic-assisted systems can also be applied
to manual operations, and better results have in intravertebral anesthesia. Conventional blind
been obtained with the application of the system localization methods rely on anatomical land-
even in elderly people undergoing cardiac sur- marks and breakthrough sensation for probe
gery. These satisfactory findings suggest that localization, resulting in higher rates of reposi-
automated drug delivery systems might be widely tioning, mispenetration, and associated compli-
adopted and promoted in the future. cations [51]. Real-time ultrasound imaging
On the other hand, robotic-assisted operating systems can visualize the optimal location and
systems have some prospects for routine anesthe- depth of the probe, but the lack of clarity of the
sia operations such as intubation, arteriovenous ultrasound image display due to interference
puncture, nerve block, or intravertebral block. from acoustic clutter or artifacts, as well as the
The Kepler intubation system (KIS) was the first difficulty in understanding ultrasound images for
robotic system for tracheal intubation developed young anesthesiologists, limit the application of
by Hemmerling T. M. et al. [45]. The anesthesi- ultrasound systems [52, 53]. Several intelligent
ologist can adjust the position of the mechanical systems have been proposed in several studies to
manipulator arm at three different speeds through improve the visualization and utility of ultra-
the control of the manipulator lever and easily sound imaging systems. In one study [54],
observe the operation through a real-time picture researchers developed a user-friendly ultrasound
display on an external screen. Following relevant system interface that included three image win-
336 M. Xia

dows for raw ultrasound images, anatomical interdisciplinary communication and interaction.
images, and probe movement direction schemat- This also implies that we need more training and
ics to output images more intuitively and facili- the introduction of medical-industrial crossover
tate probe guidance. Other studies have designed talents. However, in routine clinical applications,
novel ultrasound imaging methods for three-­ because models and algorithms are usually not
dimensional image presentation [55, 56] or have publicly available, clinicians also do not need a
automatically positioned the target location of rigorous understanding of the models and princi-
the probe through machine learning algorithms ples of machine learning. Another challenge is
[57] to assist clinical operators for more conve- the reliability and validity of artificial intelli-
nient observation and manipulation. gence systems. When a computer provides a rec-
The use of hyperspectral imaging (HIS) can ommendation that is inconsistent with clinical
improve early oral cancer diagnosis, in-depth experience, physicians should carefully consider
monitoring and reduced cancer-related mortality whether to adopt the recommendation. In addi-
and morbidity by detecting tumors in different tion, the security of AI systems is threatened by
depths using near infrared (NIR) and visible spec- the high risk of intentional intrusion and control
trum lights. DL methods are suitable for process- of electronic medical devices. Privacy concerns
ing the extensive spectral-spatial cube information due to massive data collection and sharing have
efficiently and automatically. In order to assess also received increasing ethical attention, which
the status of complex, pathologically altered oral requires a high level of confidentiality and reli-
mucosa, it is crucial to understand the spectral able precautions to be taken. In addition to secu-
characteristics of its main components (oral rity, the application of AI in medicine is further
mucosa, muscle, and fat). According to HIS data subject to ethical challenges. Screening and risk
from a representative number of fresh surgical, assessment of specific populations may bring
ex vivo oral tissue samples, Thiem et al. used 316 about some discrimination and bias, or even ineq-
fresh surgical ex vivo oral tissue samples to cate- uitable distribution of medical resources. At the
gorize their reflectance values into fat, muscle and same time, developers of some decision systems
mucosa. An ordinary and time-saving deep learn- can easily increase desired gains and profits
ing (DL) strategy achieved an overall accuracy through programming. It can even bring some
score of 87% using common optimization tech- challenges to the doctor-patient relationship and
niques. The clinical use of non-invasive, auto- the trust between patients and machines. Finally,
mated oral mucosal changes could be feasible and AI devices are usually expensive to develop and
tangible if more patient data and a hyperspectral maintain, and patients may not be able to afford
database of dozens of samples come together. the high costs, which can also limit further clini-
With non-pre-processed hyperspectral cube data, cal applications of AI.
future studies will use convolutional neural net-
works (CNNs) to determine whether tissue sam-
ples are healthy, dysplastic, or cancerous [58]. 23.5 Summary

The rapid advances in artificial intelligence indi-

23.4 Limitations and Challenges cate that we are at the beginning of a whole new
field of information technology development.
Although AI has shown great advantages in terms Artificial intelligence applications in anesthesia
of improving the quality of care, increasing can improve medical safety and accuracy, reduce
patient satisfaction, and reducing the burden on anesthesiologists’ workload, and increase patient
anesthesiologists, some controversies and chal- satisfaction. On the other hand, we should strive
lenges are still inevitable. to address the shortcomings and challenges in the
First, for most clinicians, there are difficulties current development of artificial intelligence.
regarding the understanding of machine learning The proportion of difficult airways in oral sur-
and algorithmic language, thus hindering further gery is high, so how to accurately predict difficult
23  Application of Artificial Intelligence in Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia 337

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