22A - Rendra Dwi Mardiansyah - 22102042

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Name : Rendra Dwi Mardiansyah

Nim : 22102042

Class : Nursing 22A

Latihan 1

1. Children also learn about other aspects of written language

2. The green turtle is another reproductive migrant

3. Word study is one way for the older student to improve reading ability

4. In high school and college, reading materials become more abstract and contain a larger, more
technical vocabulary.

5. The field of public policy involves the study of specific policy problems and governmental
responses to them

6. Social psychologist seek to answer a wide variety of questions

7. Political scientists often adopt methods of study and analysis used by other disciplines

8. The best-known acropolis of the ancient world is the Acropolis of Athens

9. More people will get sick or die from heat stress, due to less hotter days than to warmer.

10. The disciplines of criminology has envolved in three phases, beginning in the 18th century

Latihan 2

1. Anthropological and sociological studies of school culture are needed. The thick descriptions
of qualitative syudies are necessary to map the basic assumption and common values of the
culture of schools. Educational researchers must consider the school as a whole and analyze how
is practices, beliefs, and other cultural elements relate to social structure as give meaning to
social life.

(dikutip dari artikel di Encarta Premium 2005)

2. Social psychology and sociology are often confused, because both fields study groups and
group behavior. However, their perspective differ. Whereas sociologists strive to understand
group behavior in terms of society and social intitutions, social psychologist focus on individuals
and how they perceive, interact with, and influence each other. They study how individuals exert
influence on groups, and how group situations affect the behavior of individuals. In brief even
though social pchyology and sociology are often confused their perpective is different.

(dikutip dari, artikel di Encarta Premium 2005)

3. Earhquake intensity in measure of the effects on the earthquake in a particular place. Scientist
who study earthquakes, known as seismologist, do not need special equipment or instruments to
use an intensity scale. Seismologists can use recorded observations and intensity scales to
compare the sizes of the earthquakes that have occurred throughout history. However, they
cannot use intensity scales to measure earthquakes that occur on the ocean floor because there
are no people on the ocean floor to observe the effect of earthquakes there.

4. Gold a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, it has lustrous
beauty that is resistant to correction. Therefore, it is suitable for jewerlly, coins and ornamental
purposes. It never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, A
Macedonian Coin remains as untarnished today as the day was minted twenty-three centuries
ago. Another of its important characteristics is its usefulness to industry and science. For many
years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is in
astronauts’ suits. Astronouts wear goldplated heat shields for protection outside spaceships. In
conclucion, it is treasured not only for beauty but also for its utility.

(dikutip dari buku Writing Academic English, Longman)

5. Synonyms, words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same emotional
meaning. For example, the words stingy and frugal both mean “careful” with money”. However,
to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a much more positive connotation.
Similarly, a person wants to be a slender but not skinny, and aggressive but not pushy. It is clear
that you should be careful in choosing words because many so called synonymous are not really
synonymous at all.

(dikutip dari buku Writing Academic English, Longman)

# - Warna biru : Topic sentence

- Warna hitam : Supporting sentence

- warna kuning : Concluding sentence

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