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Week 1: Assignment 1

Due date: 2022-08-10, 23:59 IST.

Assignment not submitted

2 points

The following figure shows the load demand curves of residential, commercial and industrial
consumers. Find the correct statement.

Load factor is high for industrial consumer

Load factor is high for commercial consumer

Load factor is high for residential consumer

Load factor is low for industrial consumer

2 points

Product of maximum diversified demand and diversity factor will be.

Average demand

Average non-coincidence demand

Minimum non-coincidence demand

Maximum non-coincident demand

4 points
Energy usage of four consumers is given in the following table. If the maximum diversified
demand is 18 kW, the diversity factor is.





2 points

What are the advantages of the ‘Radial feeder configuration’ over the ‘Loop configuration’
in distribution system?

i. More Reliable
ii. Less expansive
iii. Easier to protect
iv. Easier to voltage control.

i, ii, and iii

ii, and iv

iii, and iv

ii, and iii

2 points

The given bus bar arrangement is known as.

Double Bus

Breaker and half

Ring Bus

Split Bus

2 points

The distribution system configuration shown in the following figure is

Primary selective

Spot Network

Secondary Selective

Grid network

4 points

In a distribution system, there are five distribution transformers of 35 kVA each. If the
allocation factor is 0.7, the metered maximum diversified kVA demand at substation is.





4 points

A generating station has a maximum demand of 27 MW, and load factor of 85%. Calculate the
daily energy produced.




2 points

Match the following

A-iii, B-iv, C-i, and D-ii

A-ii, B-i, C-iv, and D-iii

A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, and D-i

A-i, B-ii, C-iii, and D-iv

2 points

Which of the following relations are true in the case of both diversity factor (DF) and load
factor (LF)?

LF ≤ 1 and DF ≤ 1

LF ≤ 1 and DF ≥ 1

LF ≥ 1 and DF ≤ 1

LF ≥ 1 and DF ≥ 1

4 points

The load survey was conducted and it has been found that the consumer 15-minute maximum
demand is given by

Maximum kW demand = 0.25 + 0.006 * kWh

The following five consumers are connected to the transformer. If the diversity factor of the
consumers is 2.5, diversified maximum kW demand on the transformer will be




You may submit any number of times before the due date. The final submission will be
considered for grading.

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