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1. Decrease OpFac by 0.05

2. Wait three complete PSA-cycles
3. Repeat decreasing until the desired product purity has been reached
4. lncrease OpFac by 0.03
5. Wait three complete PSA-cycles and confirm that the purity remains unchanged
6. To adjust safe and stable conditions decrease OpFac by 0.03

OpFac < 1 For increased content of impurities in feed gas or for low product purity; results in:
- shorted up PSA timing
- shorter adsorption time
- increasing the product purity

The sequence control on PSA unit is executed by the control system and does not require any
operator access. In general at design feed gas composition results in design product purity.

The timing of the PSA unit must be adjusted manually, whenever the product purity is out of the
target range.


OpFac = 1 For design conditions, the timing is equal to design figures

OpFac > 1 For decreased content of impurities in feed gas or for high product purity; results in:
- extended PSA timing
- longer adsorption time
- decreasing the product purity
- increasing the recovery

Product purity has to be adjusted according to the requirements of the H 2 consumers or

according to the minimum requirements of PSA operation, whatever requirement is higher.
Keep in mind that higher product purity will result in a lower hydrogen recovery and vice versa.

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