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Reservoir raid : the ins and outs

The reservoir raid is a recurring event in the game, happening once every two weeks, and is
one of the most favorite events of most players. Let’s take a look at what makes this event so


- Members need to have an HQ of lv.16 or higher to be able to participate,

- You need to be a member of an alliance before the end of the registration process,
- Your alliance will need to be one of the top 20 alliances in your state.

Note: If you’re not in the top 20 but close, you can click on the event page and ask to receive a
notification if your alliance reaches the top 20 before the end of the registration period.


The first phase of the event is known as registration. This period will last for four days in total,
from Monday until Thursday, divided into two parts, each lasting two days.

The first two days, your members, excluding R4s and R5, will be able to choose the times best
suited for them to be able to participate; each member can vote several times from the following
Saturday: Sunday:

- 04.00 utc - 3.00 utc

- 11.00 utc - 12.00 utc
- 16.00 utc - 14.00 utc
- 21.00 utc - 20.00 utc

Credits: Spectator of Walls

Reservoir raid : the ins and outs

Once the voting period has passed, one of your R4s or the R5 will be able to register your
alliance and select the most suitable time for your members. They can then register up to 30
participants and 10 reservists (members who will be allowed to join three minutes after
starting the raid if participants are missing). You will then have two days to build your team;
during that period, you will also be able to divide the participants into up to five teams if you
wish for your strategy. Each team will have access to a separate strike team chat to organize
themselves during the fight, in addition to the standard battle chat opened during the event.

Every participant gets allocated a raid score. Several factors influence this raid score; some of
those are kept secret. Generally speaking, things like battle power, personal statistics, HQ level
and Chief gear and previous solo results will influence it. After every raid participant has been
selected, the team’s score will be calculated. This is the total amount of points each individual
brings to the Raid team! Even though the matchmaking system is mainly kept secret, we know
this score will be one of the criteria used to find you an opponent to fight against during the
event; other elements like the time selected or the number of participants will impact it.

On Friday, you will receive a message showing your score. You will be able to see your
opponent's raid score and the number of participants, as shown below.

Tip: during the registration period, you can get free speed-ups if you check the Reservoir Raid event

Credits: Spectator of Walls

Reservoir raid : the ins and outs

Battle phase:

Depending on the time chosen by your alliance, you will be battling the reservoir raid Saturday
or Sunday. The event will last for one hour, so make sure that you are available for the duration
of the entire event.

To enter the event, you will have to go through the event center, click on the reservoir raid event
and click the “Enter” button once the countdown is over. To be allowed in, you will have to meet
the following requirements:
- No troops marching or reconning
- No reinforcements in your settlement
- No wounded in your hospital
- No troops in your Blast Shelter
- Your settlement is not burning
- You are not in a strike team (e.g., plague zone)

Note: enlistment troops do not count; you can have troops there and still join the event.

Here is a quick overview of the reservoir raid map; you will be placed for three minutes in the
blue or red safe zone when you enter the event. These safe zones are areas where the enemy
can’t port or attack you; you will be sent back there if your barricade’s defense ends up to zero.
Please keep in mind that your barricades deplete much quicker compared to the actual game.
You can also port back there during the entire event while still taking part in the event.

Tips: your low-level HQ members can stay in the safe zone while sending their troops in rallies and in
buildings; this will prevent the enemies from taking them as easy targets for attacks.

Credits: Spectator of Walls

Reservoir raid : the ins and outs
The battle consists of three phases:

Phase one:
4 water processing plants, 2 water treatment centers, the helipad, the solar power station will be
opened from the start

Phase two
12 minutes after the battle zone opened: the munition factory, the dev compound, and the
central reservoir will open up for battle.

Phase three
When time remaining will hit 36mins, water tanks will appear randomly and will be refreshed two
more times during the raid (at 26 and 16 minutes left to battle).

Here is a quick overview of the buildings’ details and the amount of alliance and solo water you
can get from the 1st time control and then occupation time for each. Military buildings also give
your alliance benefits:
- Helipad: -50% Advanced teleport cooldown;
- Munition factory: +15% Damage Boost and a -15% enemy damage;
- Solar power station: -50 % Off control time;
- Dev compound: Allows the building holder to send out Infected waves to the enemy
alliance. The strength of the infected wave increases by 10% each time, and is active up
to three times.

Credits: Spectator of Walls

Reservoir raid : the ins and outs
During the event, you get a couple of free to use items; make sure to take advantage of these:
- Free 1h healing speedups: you’ll get one free every three minutes; you can also use
your own or finish healing with biocaps
- Free 25% march speedups: you’ll get one free every three minutes; you can otherwise
use your own or buy new ones with biocaps
- Advanced relocators: you get one free every 10 minutes. You can otherwise use your
own relocators, but the prices will increase each time you move (e.g., 1st move = 1
relocator, 2nd move = 2 relocators, 3rd move = 3 relocators, etc.). Only advanced
relocators can be used during the fight.

The win will go to the alliance with the most water at the end of the event, so start calculating
and prepare your plan to get to victory!

Special notes:

Every 10,000 power of enemy troops killed while defending a building will earn 40 solo purified
water. Every 10,000 power of enemy troops killed while attacking a building will earn 80 solo
purified water. Neither contributes to the alliance purified water total, hence towards the win of
your alliance. To get the top solo rewards, you will need to reach 180,000 solo water.

Troops in RR are a duplicate of your own troops the way they are when you enter the event.
Therefore, none of the troops that die or get wounded during the event will be lost or wounded
after the event ends, so fire away and don’t hesitate to attack while keeping in mind your troops

While the settlement war buffs do work and are considered for RR, gathering speed isn’t
increased for the water tanks if you use a gathering boost. Governor buffs work during the
event. PADS, from plasma 5 HQs, does not, and neither do the boosts gained from analyses

Once you reach an alliance rank in RR, you can’t drop down. Ranks go as follows: C, B, A, S.
You increase your alliance rank by winning the raids. To enter the Reservoir League
competition, you will have to have rank S. Achieving rank S will also unlock a special statue for
your alliance, which you can place in your territory:

Credits: Spectator of Walls

Reservoir raid : the ins and outs

The event gives two kinds of rewards, alliance and solo ones. The alliance rewards will be
distributed to all members, including those that did not participate but change depending on the
result. If the alliance won, they get more rewards; if they lost, you get less rewards. Participants
also get an additional reward for their solo score; the result also impacts this.

The event has its own store, called the reservoir raid store, where you will be able to spend
these special silver water coins. Below is the list of the items you will be able to find in the store:

Tip: you can keep your coins from one raid to another to spend them later in the store.

Credits: Spectator of Walls

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