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기초영문법: 관계대명사

다음 문장을 해석하고, 밑줄 친 단어가 의문대명사인지 관

계대명사인지 구별하라. 13. She is the lady (who, whom, which)
1. I don't know who will go there. 1) teaches us music. 13)

2. I don't know the man who will go there. 2) 14. That is the boy with (who , whom, that) I
played tennis yesterd ay. 14)
3. What do you want to have?3)
15. Is this the girl (who, whom, whose) you
4. This is what I want to have. 4) met in the park?15)

5. I know the children whose father is a 16. This is the most exciting game (which,
doctor. 5) that) I've ever seen.16)

17. Is that (which, that, what) she wants to

다음 두 문장을 관계대명사를 써서 한 문장으로 have?17)
6. I know a gir l. She can speak English well.6) 다음 ( )속에 적당한 관계대명사를 써넣어
= 라.
18. I gave him all the money ( ) history I
7. That is the boy. His name is Jack. 7) had. 18)
19. China is a country ( ) history is very
8. Once there was a king in China. A ll the o ld. 19)
people loved him.8)
= 20. Do you know the man ( ) I was
talking with yesterday? 20)
9. Look at the hous e. Its roof is red. 9)
= 21. The book ( ) I borrowed from Betty is
very interesting. 21)
10. This is the key. I have been looking for
it. 10) 22. The book ( ) is on the desk is
= mine. 22)

11. The book is easy. I bought it last week.11) 23. Who is the woman ( ) is standing at
= the gate?23)

다음 ( ) 속의 단어 중 옳은 것을 골라라. 다음 문장에서 생략할 수 있는 부분을 지적하여

12. He has a son (who, whose, whom) name 라. 생략할 수 있는 부분이 없으면 X 표를 하여라.
is Tom. 12) 24. This is the boo k which I bought at the

- 1 -
store yesterday. 24)
36. That is what I couldn't understand.36)
25. Is this the house in which he lives? 25) = That is the ______ ______ I couldn't
und erstand.
26. The boy whom you met yesterd ay is my
brother. 26) 37. There were many stud ents who were
studying in the library. 37)
27. Last Monday I received a letter which was = ______ ______ were studying in the library.
written in English. 27)

28. This is the middle school which I 다음 우리말을 영작하여라.

graduated from. 28) 38. 언덕 위에 서 있는 저 건물들은 우리 학교이
다. 38)
29. There were many students who were
studying in the library. 29)

39. 나는 한 소년을 아는데, 그를 두 번 만났다. 39)

다음 문장에서 관계대명사를 빼고 두 문장으로 나
누어 써라.
30. This is the girl whom I want to s ee. 30)
= 40. 네가 어제 만난 그 사람은 나의 아저씨이다.40)

31. The gentleman whom you are loo king at

is our new teacher. 31)
= 41. 그는, 일요일마다 내가 같이 테니스를 하는
그 소년이다.41)
32. I know a boy whose father is a farmer.32)

33. Mrs. Smith has a pretty daughter who 42. 내가 어제 산 그 책은 읽기가 쉽지 않다. 42)
studies hard.33)

34. That is the palace in which a king lived. 34)


다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 ______ 속을 채워

35. Everyone likes the boy, who is kind. 35)
= Everyone likes the boy, ______ ______ is

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기초영문법: 관계부사

다음 짝지은 글을 관계부사나 관계대명사를 사용 which) comes after autumn?54)

하여 한 문장으로 연결하여라.
43. This is the room. I found the letter in the 55. March is the month (when, where, which)
room.43) the new school year begins in Korea. 55)
44. I want to visit the town. The famous 56. This is the house (which, where) they
pianist lives there. 44) lived ten years ago. 56)
45. That is the house. They built the house 57. This is the house (which, where, in which)
last year. 45) they built two years ago. 57)
46. The time was very lat e. I arrived home at 58. I st ayed at his house for a week, (when,
that time.46) which) I r eceived a letter from my
= parents. 58)
47. I don't know the way. He did the work in
that way. 47) 59. Saturday is the day (which, when, how)
= comes after Friday.59)
48. Do you know the reason? She didn't
come for the reason. 48) 60. Sunday is the day (when, which) we go to
= church. 60)
49. The book is interesting. I bought it
yesterday. 49) 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 말을 써라.
= 61. This is the room ______ we study
50. We went to the par k. And there we met together.61)
our uncle. 50)
= 62. Is that the factory ______ they are
다음 ( ) 속의 단어 중에서 알맞은 것을 골라
라. 63. Summer is the season ______ I like best
51. The house (where, which) he lived in was o f all. 63)
not large. 51)
64. Spring is the s eason ______ we go on a
52. I don't r emember the day (which, when, picnic. 64)
wher e) I first met her in the park. 52)
65. Do you know the reason ______ we like
53. Do you know the country (which, wher e) him?65)
the great poet was born?53)

54. What do you call the s eason (when, 다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐라.

- 3 -
66. His grandmother died on the d ay which for a week.
he arrived home. 66)
다음 우리말을 영작하여라.
67. This is the house which he lives. 67) 78. 이것이 나의 부모님이 주무시는 방이다. 78)

68. That is the house where she lives in.68) 79. 나는 그가 이 문제를 푼 방법을 알고 있다. 79)

69. Pleas e tell me the time where she will 80. 그가 푼 그 문제는 아주 어려웠다. 80)
start. 69)
81. 나는 그가 왜 결석했는지 모른다.81)
70. We'll never forget the day how we won
the game. 70) 82. 너는 그를 역에서 만났던 날을 기억하고 있느
냐? 82)
71. do you know the way in that he made
the box?71) 83. 금요일은 목요일 다음에 오는 날이다. 83)

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 ______ 속을 한 단어로

72. Is this the river where you us ed to swi
m? 72)
= Is this the river you used to swim _____

73. Do you know his birthday?73)

= Do you know the ______ ______ he was

74. Is that the house where she lives? 74)

= Is that the hous e ______ she lives in?

75. That is the store where I bought so me

sugar. 75)
= That is the store ______ ______ I
bought some sugar.

76. Last year I bought the book, which I read

= Last year I bought the book, and I read
______ twice.

77. We went to London, where we stayed for

a week. 77)
= We went to London, and we stayed ______

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기본영어: 관계사와 형용사절

다음 글의 공란에 적당한 단어를 넣으시오. b e collected. 97)

84. A child ______ parents are dead is called
an orphan. 84) 98. He has three daughters , none o f ______
ar e married yet. 98)
85. The book the cover of ______ is green
was written by a famous po et. 85) 99. The radio was turned on, ______ made
convers ation practically impossible. 99)
86. I cannot hear ______ you say. 86)
100. Great men are too o ften unknown, or
87. She is the only d aughter ______ he ______ is worse, misknown. 100)
has. 87)
101. I gave some money to the children
88. Who ______ has common sense c an do ______ I thought wer e hungry. 101)
such a thing?88)
두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 공란에 적당한 단어를
89. ______ you need is more knowled ge. 89) 넣으시오.
102. We live on the earth, and it is like a
90. Tennis is the sport ______ ______ I am ball. 102)
very fond. 90) ⇒ We live on the earth, ( ) is like a
91. Which is the house Shakespear e was
born ______?91) 103. Everybody loves the boy, for he is kind
and diligent.103)
92. She has a son she is very proud ⇒ Everybody loves the boy, ( ) is kind
______. 92) and diligent.

93. This is the story ______ ______ I am 104. Is that the station? You point it out to
interested.93) me last week. 104)
⇒ Is that the station ( ) you pointed out
94. These ar e the trees ______ leaves to me last week?
silkworms live on. 94)
105. This is the man. I gave money to him
95. Give up such argument ______ will lead to this morning. 105)
no r esult.95) ⇒ This is the man to ( ) I gave money
this morning.
96. He said he was sick, ______ proved to be
false. 96) 106. The man I am staying with is a docto
r. 106)
97. As much money ______ is necessary must ⇒ The man ( ) ( ) I am staying is a

- 5 -
doctor. 118. He is a reliable lawyer. You ought to
consult him.118)
107. This is the village in which he lived ten
years ago. 107) 119. This is the park. I used to come to it. 119)
⇒ This is the village he lived ( ) ten
years ago. 120. He has lost the watch. I bought it for
him last week. 120)
108. I've seen only a few birds. They were all
black. 108) 121. Mr. White is an Americ an gentleman.
⇒ The few birds ( ) I've seen were all We wer e taught English by him. 121)
122. I will lend you the book. There are some
109. Today he was absent fro m school. He is interesting stories in it. 122)
o ften abs ent. 109)
⇒ Today he was absent from schoo l, ( ) 123. What is the building? W e see its roof
is often the cas e. over there. 123)

다음 두 문장을 관계대명사를 써서 한 문장으로 [ 작문연습]

결합하시오. 124. 그저께 여기 왔던 그 키가 큰 소년의 이름을
110. This is the gentleman. His purse has 아느냐?124)
b een stolen. 110)
125. 그는 도움이 필요한 사람 누구에게나 도움의
111. This is Tom. You met his father the 손길을 뻗친다. 125)
other day. 111)
126. 어제 나는 Tom을 만났는데 , 그는 나에게 그
112. This is the old house. He was born in 소식을 말했다. 126)
the house. 112)
127. 내가 방문하려고 하는 Baker 씨는 위대한 철
113. Mrs. Brown's son is in America. She 학가이다.127)
s ent an e-mail to him yest erd ay. 113)
128. 그 심한 강우로 선로가 떠내려갔다 . 그래서
114. The tall man is my uncle. He has just 열차가 불통이 되었다.128)
come in. 114)
129. 우리가 전에 논의한 그 문제는
115. I bought many boo ks. I have already 해결되었다.129)
r ead some of them. 115)
130. 이 책은 유용한데, 더욱 좋은 것은 매우
116. He used to teach English at a school. 싸다.130)
This is the schoo l.116)

117. This is the key. I have been loo king for


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기본영어: 관계부사. 복합관계사

빈칸에 적당한 단어를 써 넣으시오. 이탤릭체 부분을 관계부사 혹은 복합관계부사로

131. This is the house ______ I was born. 131) 바꾸시오.
146. You must tell me the way in which you
132. Is that the reason ______ he did not cheated in the test. 146)
147. I will follow you to any plac e where you
133. This is ______ he so lved the problem. 133) go. 147)

134. ______ there is a will, there is a way. 134) 148. The reason for which he left school
remains a mystery. 148)
135. I don't know ______ he did not come. 135)
149. Put it in any plac e you like. 149)
136. I was just going to speak, ______ he cut
in. 136) 150. That was the year in which he married
her. 150)
137. Octob er, ______ the leaves turn red, is a
very beautiful month. 137) 두 문장을 관계부사를 사용하여 연결하시오.
151. This is the village. I was born there. 151)
138. Now is ______ I need him most. 138)
152. I visit ed the city after five years'
139. ______ he goes, he makes friends absence. I was born in that city. 152)
quickly. 139)
153. We went to Ro me. W e stayed there for
140. You may give it to ______ you like. 140) a week. 153)

141. I will give it to ______ comes first. 141) 154. Why is he absent? Do you know the
142. ______ he says will be accepted. 142)
155. Tell me the time. The accident happened
143. ______ tired you may be, you must finish then.155)
it by tomorrow.143)
[ 작문연습]
144. No ______ who may say such a thing, 156. 그들이 도착한 마을은 조그마한
you must not b elieve it. 144) 어촌이었다.156)
157. 그 여자가 언제 미국에서 귀국하는지 말해 주
145. The moon is far away from ______ we 시오.157)
live. 145)
158. 그가 왜 그렇게 했는지 그 이유를 아느

- 7 -
159. 당신이 어디에 가든 따라가겠습니다.159)

160. 어디에 가든 집 같은 곳은 없다. 160)

161. 편리할 때 언제든지 저한테 오십시오. 161)

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핵심영어: 의문. 관계대명사

Correct the errors: talking. 174)

162. Tell me what did he say about me. 162)
175. A child ______ parents are d ead is called
163. Do you suppose what he did with the an orphan. 175)
money? 163)
176. This is the finest picture ______ I have
164. He was the first American whom trod on ever seen. 176)
Korean soil. 164)
177. That's exactly ______ I want you to d
165. This is the hous e which I lived in my o. 177)
early days.165)
178. Those ______ are diligent are sure to
166. This site is exactly which I have been succ eed. 178)
looking for. 166)
179. You shall have ______ boo k you like. 179)
167. This information is freely avai lable to
whomever wants it. 167) 180. Give it to ______ you like. 180)

168. My friend, whom I thought would pass 181. Who ______ has read his novels can
the SAT, has failed. 168) forget their fascination? 181)

169. I immediately grabbed the book which 182. We saw the men and the horses ______
cover was the most appealing. 169) were going across the bridge. 182)

170. Caesar cross ed the Rubicon, it was in 183. ______ is done cannot be undone. 183)
effect a declaration of war. 170)
184. I blew ______ money I had on a fancy
171. They will hire whoever that can do the suit.184)
job the most efficiently. 171)
185. They married early, ______ was the
172. This is the boy I told you the other da custom in thos e d ays.185)
y. 172)
관계대명사를 써서 두 문장을 연결하시오.
Fill in the blanks: 186. I want a man. The man can underst and
173. You must be suspicious of such advic e English. 186)
______ you may get, which is likely to
mislead. 173) 187. What is that building? W e see its roof
over there. 187)
174. Where is the boy about ______ you were 188. He is a teacher. We love him best.188)

- 9 -
189. I tried to persuade him to do it. But it [ 작문연습]
turned out to be useless.189) 202. 그가 언제 돌아오리라고 생각하는가? 202)

190. They came to the river. Some people 203. 그들은 영어를 할 수 있는 사람을 구하고 있
were catching fish in the river. 190) 다.203)

191. I have a pictur e by a famous painter. It 204. 모든 언어는 그 언어를 말하는 국민의 민족성
was given to me for my birthday.191) 과 문화를 반영한다.204)

Rewrite the following sentences as 205. 이것은 미국에 있는 나의 친구로부터 받은 편

direct ed: 지다.205)
192. I bought a luxury car and sold it the
next day.(I sold 로 시작하여)192) 206. 이것은 그 엔진이 매우 최신식의 자동차이
193. Who is there that c an help you?(평서문으
로)193) 207. 이 분이 어제 우리가 이야기하던 사람이다.
틀림없이 너는 이 분을 만난 기억이 없느
194. W e are very comfortable in our rooms, 냐?207)
b ecause they are warmed by gas stoves.
( 접속사를 관계대명사로 바꾸어서)194) 208. 다른 사람들이 그것을 한다고 해서 어떤 것을
하지 말고, 옳다고 믿는 것을 하여라. 208)
195. J enny entertained these visitors very
kindly, although she did not like them so 209. 자기 나라를 사랑하지 않는 사람은 없다. 209)
much. (접속사를 관계대명사로 바꾸어서)195)
210. 그는 나를 공원에서 보았다고 말했는데, 그것
196. Why were you so angry with him?(What 은 거짓말이라는 것이 드러났다. 210)
로 바꾸어서)196)
211. 네 면전에서 너를 칭찬하는 그런 사람들을 믿
글 안의 관계대명사를 생략하여 다시 쓰시오. 지 말아라. 211)
197. Wordsworth is one of the poets whom I
admire. 197) 212. 그는 옛날의 그가 아니다. 212)

198. The fruit which I like best o f all is a 213. 누구나 이 문제를 먼저 푸는 사람에게 이 상
persimmon. 198) 이 수여된다. 213)

199. B aseball is a sport of which I am very

fond. 199)

200. This is the girl of whom I spoke

yesterday. 200)

201. He is the man on whom you can rely. 201)

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종합영어: 의문. 관계대명사

다음의 두 문장을 연결하여 한 문장으로 만들어라. 226. How became of that nice girl you used
214. I wanted to know- . How much will this to share an apartment with?226)
227. That one likes, one will do well. 227)
215. Do you remember? When did
horse-drawn carriages disappear? 215) 228. We visited Jinhae where is noted for its
cherry b lossoms. 228)
216. Do you know? What is the matter with
him?216) 229. He o ffered me a considerable sum, but
which I declined. 229)
217. Do you suppose? What time will he be
arriving? 217) 230. I dislike such a girl who is proud and
두 문장을 관계대명사를 사용하여 연결하여라.
218. You ar e clearly one of those men. 231. A free gift will b e given to whomever
Everything goes wrong with them. 218) completes the questionnaire. 231)

219. All this was done by the man. We 232. Who do you know was the mastermind
thought he was a mere dr eamer.219) of the crime?232)

220. She was a well-known signer. Her voice 233. Whoever that gets the job will be
d elighted the whole world. 220) responsib le for the annual budget for
the department. 233)
221. This is the car. The engine o f the c ar is
o f the latest type. 221) 234. To sum up, this is the argument he told
me yesterday. 234)
222. I was unable to find out the man's
name. He c alled on me yesterday. 222) Fi ll in each blank with a
suitable word:
223. I bought many books. I have not read all 235. He ______ tries to please everybody
o f them. 223) pleas es nobody.235)

224. W e went to the s eashore. W e found 236. I met a man ______ I thought was a
many shells there. 224) gardener. 236)

다음 문장의 틀린 것을 고쳐라. 237. He is so diligent that he succeeds in

225. One of the men have made a great ______ eh undertakes. 237)
contribution to world peac e is B ertrand
Russel. 225) 238. I tried to persuade him, ______ I found

- 11 -
impossible. 238) 다.252)

239. Who ______ has a sense of honor can 253. 그녀는 친절하며 더욱 좋은 것은 아주 예쁘
do such a thing?239) 다.253)

240. It was more difficult ______ had been 254. 그는 이 문제를 해결할 유일한 사람이다. 254)
expected. 240)
255. 누구나 이 문제를 먼저 푸는 사람이 그 상품
241. I'd like to introduce to you the lady of 을 탄다. 255)
______ I s poke. 241)

242. His father suddenly passed away, and ,

______ was worse, his mother was taken
ill. 242)

243. It may be cold, in ______ case you must

put on your coat. 243)

244. They robbed him of ______ litt le money

he had.244)

245. There is no one that I know o f, ______

d eserves to love you. 245)

246. W e drove on the hotel, from ______

balcony we could look down at the tow
n. 246)

Tr anslat e the following into English:

247. 그가 무엇을 했다고 생각하느냐?247)

248. 옳다고 믿는 바를 행하여라. 248)

249. 이 분이 그 어려운 일을 맡았다고 하는

Johnson씨이다 . 249)

250. 내가 가지고 있는 모든 돈을 그에게 주었

다. 250)

251. 나는 자전거 한 대를 샀는데 그 다음날 그것

을 도난당했다.251)

252. 그 여자는 예전처럼 그리 쾌활한 여자는 아니

- 12 -
관계사 71) in 를 빼거나 that⇒which
72) in
73) day when
1) 나는 누가 거기에 갈 것인지 모른다. [의문대명사 ] 74) which
2) 나는 거기에 갈 그 사람을 모른다 . [관계대명사] 75) at which
3) 너는 무엇을 갖고 싶으냐? [의문대명사 ] 76) it
4) 이것이 내가 갖고 싶어 하는 것이다. [관계대명사 ] 77) there
5) 나는 아버지가 의사인 그 아이들을 안다 . [관계대명사] 78) This is the room where my parents sleep.
6) I know a girl who can speak English well. 79) I know the way he solved this problem.
7) That is the boy whose name is Jack. 80) The problem which he solved was very difficult.
8) Once there was a king in China whom all the people 81) I don't know (the reason) why he was absent from
loved. school.
9) Look at the house whose roof is red. = Look at the 82) Do you remember the day when you met him at the
house of which the roof is red. = Look at the house the station?
roof of which is red. 83) Friday is the day which comes after Thursday.
10) This is the key for which I have been looking. 84) whose
11) The book which I bought last week is easy, 85) which
12) whose 86) what
13) who 87) that
14) whom 88) that
15) whom 89) What
16) that 90) of which
17) what 91) in
18) that 92) of
19) whose 93) in which
20) whome(or that) 94) whose
21) which 95) as
22) which 96) which
23) that 97) as
24) which 98) whom
25) ✗ 99) which
26) whom 100) what
27) which was 101) who
28) which 102) which
29) who were 103) who
30) This is the girl. I want to see her. 104) which
31) The gentleman is our new teacher. You are looking at 105) whom
him. 106) with whom
32) I know a boy. His father is a farmer. 107) in
33) Mrs. Smith has a pretty daughter. She studies hard. 108) which[that]
34) That is the palace. A king lived in it. 109) as[which]
35) for he 110) This is the gentleman whose purse has been stolen.
36) thing that(or which) 111) This is Tom whose father you met the other day.
37) Many students 112) This is the old house in which he was born.
38) Those buildings which stand on the hill are our school. 113) Mrs. Brown's son to whom she sent an e-mail
39) I know a boy, whom I met twice. yesterday is in America.
40) The man whom you met yesterday is my uncle. 114) The tall man who has just come in is my uncle.
41) He is the boy with whom I play tennis every Sunday. 115) I bought many books, some of which I have already
42) The book which I bought yesterday is not easy to read.
read. 116) This is the school at which he used to teach English.
43) This is the room where(or in which) I found the gold 117) This is the key for which I have been looking.
ring. 118) He is a reliable lawyer whom you ought to consult.
44) I want to visit the town where (or in which) the 119) This is the park that I used to come to. or This is
famous pianist lives. the park to which I used to come.
45) That is the house which they built last year. 120) He has lost the watch (which) I bought for him last
46) The time when I arrived home was very late. week.
47) I don't know the way (that) he did the work. 121) Mr. White is am American gentleman by whom we
48) Do you know the reason why she didn't come? were taught English.
49) The book which I bought yesterday is interesting. 122) I will lend you the book in which there are some
50) We went to the park, where we met our uncle. interesting stories.
51) which 123) What is the building whose roof we see over there?
52) when or What is the building the roof of which we see over
53) where there?
54) that 124) Do you know the name of the tall boy who came here
55) when the day before yesterday?
56) where 125) He offers a helping hand to anyone who is in need of
57) which help.
58) when 126)Yesterday I met Tom, who told me the news.
59) which 127) Mr. Baker, whom I am going to visit, is a great
60) when philosopher.
61) where or in which 128) The heavy rain washed away the track, which
62) where or in which prevented the train from running.
63) which or that 129) The matter, about which we argued before, has been
64) when settled.
65) why or for which 130) This book is useful, and what is better, very cheap.
66) which ⇒when or on which 131) where
67) which ⇒where 132) why
68) where⇒ which 133) how
69) where⇒ when 134) Where
70) how⇒when 135) why

- 13 -
136) when 202) When do you think he will come back?
137) when 203) They are looking for a man who can speak English.
138) when 204) Every language is the reflection of the character and
139) Wherever culture of the nation that speaks it.
140) whomever 205) This is the letter I received from my friend in
141) whoever America.
142) Whatever 206) This is a car whose engine is of the newest type.
143) however 207) This is the man we talked about yesterday. Are you
144) matter sure you have not met him before?
145) where 208) Don't do anything because others do it, but do what
146) how you believe to be right.
147) wherever 209) There is no one that doesn't love one's country.
148) why 210) He told me that he had seen me in the park, which
149) wherever was found to be a lie.
150) when 211) Don't trust such people that[as] praise you to your
151) This is the village where I was born. face.
152) I visited the city where I was born after five years' 212) He is not what he used to be.
absence. 213) Whoever solves this problem first will be awarded the
153) We went to Rome, where we stayed for a week. prize.
154) Do you know the reason why he is absent? 214) I wanted to know how much this would cost.
155) Tell me the time when the accident happened. 215) Do you remember when horse-drawn carriages
156) The village where they arrived was a small fishing disappeared?
village. 216) Do you know what is the matter with him?
157) Tell me the time when she will return home form 217) What time do you suppose he will be arriving?
America. 218) You are clearly one of those men (whom) everything
158) Do you know the reason why he did so? goes wrong with. or You are clearly one of those men with
159) I will follow you wherever you (may) go. whom everything goes wrong.
160) No matter where you (may) go, there is no place like 219) All this was done by the man (whom) we thought t
home. be a mere dreamer. or All this was done by the man who
161) Please come and see me whenever it is convenient for we thought was a mere dreamer.
you. 220) She was a well-knowen singer whose vocie delighted
162) what he said the whole world.
163) What do you suppose he- 221) This si the car the engine of which is of the latest
164) whom⇒that[who] type.
165) which⇒ in which 222) I was unable to find out the name of the man who
166) which⇒ what called on me yesterday.
167) whomever⇒ whoever 223) I bought many books, all of which I have not read.
168) whom⇒who 224) We went to the seashore, on which we found many
169) which⇒ whose shells.
170) it⇒which 225) the men who have
171) that를 뺌 226) How⇒ What
172) you of 227) That⇒What
173) that[as] 228) where⇒which
174) whom 229) but를 뺌
175) whose 230) who⇒ as
176) that[which] 231) whomever⇒whoever
177) what 232) Do you know who was
178) who 233) that를 뺌
179) whatever 234) he told me about[of]
180) whomever 235) who
181) taht 236) who
182) that 237) what or whatever
183) What 238) which
184) what 239) that
185) which[as] 240) than
186) I want a man who can understand English. 241) whom
187) What is that building whose roof [the roof of which] 242) what
we see over there? 243) which
188) He is a teacher whom we love best. 244) what
189) I tried to persuade him to do it, which turned out to 245) who
be useless. 246) whose
190) They came to the river in which some people were 247) What do you think he did?
catching fish. 248) Do what you believe to be right. or Do what you
191) I have a picture by a famous painter, which was believe is right.
given to me for my birthday. 249) This is Mr. Johnson who they say took the difficult
192) I sold the luxury car which I had bought the previous task.
day. 250) I gave him what money I had with me.
193) There is no one that can help you. or Nobody can 251) I bought a bicycle, which was stolen the next day.
help you. 252) She is not the cheerful woman she used to be.
194) - room, which are warmed - 253) She is kind, what is better still, very beautiful.
195) -kindly, whom she did not like so much. 254) He is the only man that can solve this problem.
196) What made you so angry with him? 255) Whoever solves this question fist will be awarded the
197) poets whom I admire⇒ poets I admire prize.
198) fruit which I like⇒fruit I like
199) sport of which I am very fond⇒sport I am very fond
200) the girl of whom I spoke yesterday⇒the girl I spoke
of yesterday.
201) the man on whom you can rely⇒the man you can
rely on

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