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1. Which of the following is the process of drying timber to remove the bound moisture contained
in walls of the wood cells to produce seasoned timber?
a. seasoning
b. staining
c. lumbering
d. logging
2. What is a nutritionally perfect food?
a. beef
b. vegetables
c. eggs
d. pork
3. Which of the following. is a characteristic of good soil?
a. should be viable
b. fresh and mature
c. damage free and free from seed – borne diseases
d. all of the above
4. People who work for someone else
a. Aptitude
b. Employee
c. Entrepreneurs
d. Entrepreneurship
5. It is the first and most important tillage operation in preparing the land for to make it more
moisture – retentive
a. Cleaning
b. Plowing
c. Harrowing
d. Pulverizing
6. _________ is an organic material consisting of very fine routed animal waste, plant parts and
other organic and biodegradable material.
a. Biomass
b. Compost
c. Heap
d. Fertilizer
7. Which of these is laminated product made up of numerous thin strips of wood laid in
alternating directions and bonded with glue into strong, stable sheets?
a. Pressed wood
b. Plywood
c. Particle board
d. Soft wood
8. This method of fish – culture is characterized by the use of net enclosures in shallow protected
areas in inland waters
a. Cage method
b. Fish pen method
c. Aquarium method
d. Open – water method
9. The storage of prepared food in ____ areas in the ____ of oxygen creates conditions for ____
Which option best fits the above sentence?
a. Cold, presence, Purification
b. Warm, absence, Putrefaction
c. Cold, presence, Putrefaction
d. Warm, absence, Purification
10. Which of the following tools is a solid metal tool is easy to adjust and tighten using the wing
nut style set screw and the all metal construction ensures accuracy and long life?
a. Straightedge
b. Steel square
c. Sliding T-bevel
d. Try square
11. This type of plants contains nitrogen in its roots which is converted to nitrates by rhizolia, thus,
contributing to soil fertility
a. Vine crops
b. Root crops
c. Legumes
d. Tubers
12. Which one is not a disadvantage of Entrepreneurship?
a. Risky
b. Uncertain Income
c. You are the boss
d. Working for long hours
13. Myrna learn how different minerals and vitamins are affected when exposed to certain
conditions. Which one of them did she not comprehend properly?
a. When milk is exposed to sun, it losses Vitamin B-2
b. Unless refrigerated immediately, meat losses Vitamin C
c. Fats and oil in cold conditions, get spoilt
d. Microorganisms are a major threat to the food industry
14. In carpentry, splicing or joining of wood using two side blocks is called:
a. Lapping
b. Scarfing
c. Fishing
d. Jointing
15. Which of the following is untrue about grilling meat?
a. The advantage of this process is that it reduces the saturated fat in the meat
b. It produces Hetero cyclic amines which are carcinogenic
c. It produces poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are carcinogenic
d. None of the mentioned
16. The system of representing the true shape of any object arranged on a plane in two or more
views at right angle to each other
a. Perspective
b. Dimension
c. Orthographic
d. Oblique drawing
17. This is a fine-grained markers to help make it smooth and polished.
a. Ebony wood
b. Black Walnut wood
c. Mahogany wood
d. Narra wood
18. Which of the following lumber has been jointed and planed after it has been dried, while rough
lumber has been dried but not planed?
a. rough
b. smooth
c. dressed
d. worked
19. Which information is incorrect when it comes to dehydration affecting vitamins?
a. Beta-carotene and B-vitamin do not get affected
b. Vitamin C does not get affected
c. Vitamin C is retained during pickling of vegetables
d. None of the mentioned
20. The system on which the flow of electricity is always in one direction
a. Power
b. Integrated circuit
c. Alternating current
d. Direct current
21. This economy is about personal choice. Individuals decide what, how, and for whom products
and services are produced.
a. Market
b. Command
c. Mixed
d. Traditional
22. The amount of heat required to take 1 lb. of water to change its temperature 1-degree F
a. British Thermal Unit (BTU)
b. Voltage
c. Watt
d. Calorie
23. Property of metal w/c can be hammered and flattened into sheets without breaking
a. Ductility
b. Brittleness
c. Elasticity
d. Malleability
24. Which is correct with respect to staling of bread?
a. It is temperature dependent
b. It is called retro gradation
c. It is the reverse of gelatinization
d. All of the mentioned
25. Process of reaching solution to a problem which is based on family goals,
a. Assessment
b. Reorganization
c. Decision – Making
d. Problem Solving
26. In the Seed Cooking step of Pre-press Solvent Extraction of oil ________
a. Reducing oil viscosity promotes oil collection
b. Temperature is increased to inactive/denature the enzymes
c. Sometimes, very high temperature affects meal protein
d. All of the above
27. Human resources which the family can use to achieve its goals
a. Energy
b. Abilities and skills
c. Knowledge
d. all of the above
28. Earnings of corporations which are distributed among stockholders
a. profit
b. Retained earnings
c. Stocks
d. Dividends
29. Brings about a successful entrepreneurial activity
a. careful planning
b. good luck
c. big capital
d. proper connection
30. As an entrepreneur, he must be aware if his business is good. He must then identify a good
business through?
a. availability of supply, interest in business, capacity and skills
b. pricing of the products and services
c. human – resources oriented
d. profit – oriented
31. Storage requirements and stability, product attributes conductive to product sale etc. The
above activities refer to which step of the food industry?
a. Production
b. Manufacture
c. Project description
d. Distribution
32. Provides the entrepreneur information on market, sources and consumption of products and
a. Consultancy assistance
b. Organizational assistance
c. Training assistance
d. Marketing assistance
33. Prior to the introduction of computer-aided design and drafting there area tools in lettering
which are made of either plastic or aluminum on which the drafter just traced the letter using a
technical pen to produce each letter. The instrument is called _____.
a. Lettering Template
b. Lettering box
c. Leroy Guide
d. Pressure Sensitive Guide
34. There are agencies that provide counseling or consultancy serviced to entrepreneurs who
have difficulty solving their own business problems
a. Technology and livelihood Center
b. National Manpower and youth Council
c. UP Institute of Small-Scale Industries
d. All of the above
35. What is the opportunity cost?
a. Going with your first option.
b. Going with the easiest option.
c. Going the best alternative.
d. Going with the flow.
36. Of the many styles of letters, the most commonly used are script or italics, Gothic, Old English
and Roman. Which of them is most commonly used for college diploma?
a. Roman
b. script
c. old English
d. Gothic
37. The semi-liquid substance accumulated at the bottom of the septic tank.
a. Scum
b. Sediment
c. Sludge
d. Silt
38. An underground tunnel that carries off the drainage and waste matter from a home or town is
a. Drainage system
b. Fixture
c. Sewerage
d. Sewer
39. The pipe that conveys waste from various fixture other than from the water closet.
a. Waste pipe
b. Soil pipe
c. Vent pipe
d. Drain pipe
40. What are advantages of business plan to a business?
a. Enhances communication in a firm
b. Helps determine the amount of finance required
c. Motivates workers and management
d. All of the above
41. Refers to the ability to draw something without depending on instruments or something else to
a. Architectural delineation
b. free-hand drawing
c. geometric construction
d. drafting
42. The tools used to tighten or loosen hexagonal fittings like unions and other metal fittings.
a. Pipe vise
b. Pliers
c. Wrenches
d. Threader
43. The kind of fitting used to connect fixed pipe and fixtures is a ________.
a. Wye fitting
b. Coupling
c. Union fitting
d. Reducer
44. Refers to a discussion and sharing of information about a given topic and become an expert in
an industry. To attract visitors to your site, and turn those visitors into leads.
a. Instagram
b. Blog
c. Facebook
d. Twitter
45. It is a device installed in water lines that can be closed or opened to allow installation or
troubleshooting of fixtures.
a. Check valve
b. Gate valve
c. Ball valve
d. Float valve
46. Objects to be drawn are not always solid in nature and if we want to explain complex objects
to the reader of our blueprints we need an imaginary cut through a component (part) or an
assembly drawing to portray exactly what is inside. This element is called _______.
a. Sectioning
b. parallel perspective
c. etching
d. dimensioning
47. Mike bought 5 pies for P10 and sold 8 pies for P10, the lost percentage should be
a. o.25
b. 0.285
c. 0.3
d. 0.28
48. What must be installed to prevent siphonage or backflow of the water seal in the drainage
a. Vent pipe
b. Drain pipe
c. Soil pipe
d. Cleanout
49. Which of the following is not required by the National Plumbing Code?
a. Drainage pipe should be inclined properly for a downward gravity flow of water.
b. Drainage pipe should be provided with adequate cleanout.
c. No vent pipe is needed.
d. All pipe joints must be well-fitted and tightly connected.
50. What is the ideal inclination of a horizontal waste pipe as recommended by the National
Plumbing Code?
a. 2% slope
b. 3% slope
c. 4% slope
d. 0% slope or level position
51. Plastic pipes are commonly used in water fixture installation nowadays. Which of the following
is preferred?
a. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
b. Chlorinated PVC (CPVC)
c. Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX)
d. Polyethylene
52. The Plumbing Code on House Drain provides that there must be no more than two closets that
shall discharge into a ________ pipe diameter.
a. 3 inches or 75 mm
b. 80 mm
c. less than 75 mm
d. 70 mm
53. If the Sales Price is P2640 and the loss is 12%, then the cost price should be
a. 3000
b. 3100
c. 3200
d. 3300
54. As a basic prerequisite for most plumbing project, what should be connected for each faucet,
toilet, and fixtures?
a. Fixture shutoffs
b. Main shutoffs
c. Intermediate shutoffs
d. Valves
55. A plumber wants to tighten and loosen pipes. Which tool is appropriate?
a. Pipe cutter
b. Flux
c. Pipe wrench
d. Butane torch
56. A plumber wants to cut metal pipe. Which tool is appropriate?
a. Hacksaw
b. Back saw
c. Handsaw
d. Drywall knife
57. Metal with semi-rigid auger whose end is usually fitted with a hook or corkscrew is called
a. plumber's snake
b. plunger
c. valve
d. bushing
58. If your toilet has trouble, you use rubber funnel-shape instrument attached to the end of the
handle for unblocking. What is this tool?
a. plumber's snake
b. valve
c. plunger
d. bushing
59. Which plumbing tool is used for gripping large pipes and irregular objects?
a. monkey wrench
b. chain wrench
c. yoke vise
d. pipe wrench
60. (Profit ⁄Cost Price) × 100 is equal to
a. Discount
b. Profit percentage
c. Selling price
d. Loss percentage
61. A plumber wants to cut pipes. Which holding tool is needed?
a. Vise grip
b. Pipe threader
c. Yoke vise
d. Pipe wrench
62. Different levels of infection control are required in a salon. The lowest level of infection control
is called ________.
a. Sanitation
b. sterilization
c. disinfection
d. bactericide
63. The following are good plumbing practices, except:
a. rainwater harvesting
b. water conservation
c. gray water recycling
d. excessive water consumption
64. Water contaminants are being forced back into the water piping system. Which term is referred
a. Water flow
b. Back flow
c. Pressure
d. Harvesting
65. The following are examples of plumbing fixtures, except:
a. water closet
b. drainage
c. shower
d. urinals
66. Which statement is NOT true about plumbing standards based on Republic Act 1378 which is
known as "Plumbing Law"?
a. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a water-
sealed trap.
b. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of water
consistent with proper performance and cleaning.
c. Water closet must be located in a room which is properly lighted and ventilated.
d. No substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or
their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process shall be allowed to enter the
building drainage system.
67. A compartment that receives solid or liquid waste, located below the normal grade of the
gravity system is called ________.
a. septic
b. sump
c. trap
d. interceptor
68. Which is true toxic substance?
a. Hazardous to human health
b. A fixture drain for a laboratory
c. Not hazardous to human health
d. Bedpan washer and sterilizer drain
69. Its movement boundaries occur by the transfer of atoms between the neighboring grains.
a. Edge-grain
b. Angle-grain
c. High Angle grain
d. Close-grain
70. Which among the following best describes a toilet bowl?
a. A room or booth containing a toilet
b. The Box Type compartment holding water for flushing the toilet
c. An opening in the wall or ceiling near
d. The device that provides a supply of water and/or its disposal, e.g. sinks, tubs, toilet
71. Plumbing ventilation means to ________.
a. carry sewer gas out and relieve pressure of the drainage system
b. discourage corrosion in the drainage piping
c. maintains the trap seals
d. give pressure differentials in the public sewer
72. Rainwater from the roof down to the ground passes through what pipe?
a. Down spout
b. Conductor
c. Gutter
d. Vent
73. A pipe that conveys only liquid waste is called ________.
a. vent pipe
b. soil pipe
c. main pipe
d. waste pipe
74. It is used to open or close the way to go inside or outside of a house or rooms?
a. Door knob
b. Door lock
c. Door shutter
d. Door hinge
75. In which type of pipes does portable water travel
a. ABS pipes
b. Galvanized pipes
c. Cast iron pipes
d. PVC pipes (orange)
76. If your water system has leak, where can you shut off the flow of water?
a. Gate valve
b. Globe valve
c. Check valve
d. Angle valve
77. A plumber wants to install a liquid seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the building.
What device is needed?
a. Union
b. Trap
c. Backflow preventer
d. Pump
78. A plumber wants to shut off the flow of water just 90 degrees turn. Which valve is appropriate?
a. Gate valve
b. Globe valve
c. Check valve
d. Angle valve
79. What do you call those flexible waterproof ribbon for covering threaded pipes joints to prevent
a. Rubber bond
b. Masking tape
c. Teflon tape
d. Tape
80. If the end of a PVC pipe is fitted with a male adopter, what fitting will be used to stop the flow
of the water?
a. Elbow
b. Coupling
c. Cap
d. Plug
81. In the construction site, what protects the carpenter from falling objects?
a. Hat
b. Belt and harness
c. Helmet
d. Shed
82. If the end of the PVC pipe is fitted with a female adopter, what fitting will be used to stop the
flow of the water?
a. Elbow
b. Coupling
c. Cap
d. Plug
83. A plumber wants to connect two length of pipes. Which fitting is necessary?
a. Coupling
b. Elbow
c. Tee
d. Pipe wrench
84. If there is leaking in the water supply of lavatory, sink, and water closet, which valve are you
going to shut off?
a. Gate valve
b. Globe valve
c. Check valve
d. Angle valve
85. These are small rectangular blocks that can be used to form parts of buildings, typically walls?
a. Stone
b. Sand
c. Bricks
d. CHB
86. Which is the process when a board of wood is cut so the growth lines in the wood are not
parallel with the long edge of the board?
a. Edge-grain
b. Cross-grain
c. Flat-grain
d. Close-grain
87. A carpenter built a cabinets and windows. Which types of joint effective joint for holding
together timber frame buildings, tables, chairs, doors, cabinets, windows, tool chests, clocks,
and many, many other pieces of wooden furniture?
a. Dado joint
b. Mortise and tendon joints
c. Lap joint
d. Miter joint
88. If you plan to drill for a well that can supply water for public use, what is the minimum meter
radius from a well to the residences?
a. 150 meters
b. 100 meters
c. 50 meters
d. 200 meters
89. Every trap for bath tubs, lavatories, sink, and other similar fixture shall be _________.
a. self-regulating
b. tight
c. fix
d. self-cleaning
90. Which wood joint is used to provides good strength in compression and is fairly resistant to
racking, although a mechanical fastener or pin is often required?
a. Dado joint
b. Butt joint
c. Bridle joint
d. Miter joint
91. Which unit is the basic for English system?
a. foot, meter and yard
b. meter, kilogram and seconds
c. yard, inch and meter
d. inch, kilogram and seconds
92. This refers when you measure things in a straight-line using tools such as a ruler, yardstick or
tape measure?
a. Straight-forward Measurement
b. Linear Measurement
c. Circular Measurement
d. Oblique Measurement
93. If you want to estimate the number of PVC pipes needed from your house to the main supply,
what is the standard length of a PVC pipe that you are going to use?
a. 20.0 m
b. 6 ft.
c. 3.0 m
d. 20 ft.
94. A carpenter wants to obtain vertical line. Which tool is appropriate?
a. plum bob
b. level
c. pull and push rule
d. tape measure
95. A schematic diagram shows the components of an electronic circuit by means of:
a. Symbol
b. Construction
c. Physical appearance
d. Linear appearance
96. What is the common characteristic of strip board and printed circuit board?
a. temporary circuit board
b. permanent circuit board
c. no soldering required
d. requires no special preparation
97. This kind of tool has stationary and movable jaw that can gripe and hold the pipes during
assembly of parts.
a. combination pliers
b. adjustable wrench
c. pipe wrench
d. basin wrench
98. The value that a retailer sets for the article for sale. It is the amount of money paid for goods or
a. ceiling
b. mark-up
c. price
d. sales
99. A mason wants cut a hard material like metal. Which tool is appropriate?
a. Crandall
b. cold chisel
c. shovel
d. brick trowel
100. Manufacturing activity that has a continuous production.
a. Continuous Manufacturing or Flow Shop
b. Batch Manufacturing
c. Intermittent Manufacturing
d. Project Manufacturing
101. Which of the following is used to dig in order to loosen, granular materials (like dirt, gravel,
grain, or snow) from one spot to another?
a. Trowel
b. Float
c. Buttering
d. Shovel
102. A point is the projection of a line if it is perpendicular to the:
a. Plane of proportion
b. Plane of projection
c. Plane of direction
d. Plane of intersection
103. Which is true of a series DC motor with no load?
a. Tends to stop or not start
b. Maybe damaged by excessive speed
c. Has reverse direction
d. Becomes an AC generator
104. Which refers to the potential for movement and the ability to get from one place to another
using one or more modes of transport to meet daily needs?
a. Mobility
b. Consistency
c. Plasticity
d. Essentiality
105. Some detail of the top view of a section of a country is shown in a ___map.
a. contour
b. geographic
c. relief
d. topographic
106. The changing values of variables in a line graph is shown on the ___axis.
a. Horizontal
b. Inclines
c. oblique
d. vertical
107. In order to avoid the sewer gases to build up pressure in the drainage system, the must
a. Water system
b. Venting system
c. Drainage system
d. Plumbing system
108. If you want to draw more attention on the eyelid and under eyebrow, which of these will you
a. Blush on
b. Eyeliner
c. Eye shadow
d. Eyelash extension
109. Solder is a mixture of ________.
a. tin lead
b. zinc and lead
c. zinc and tin
d. copper and lead
110. What cement is used to mixed with gravel bricks or stones?
a. Concrete
b. Grout
c. Bricks
d. Mortar
111. Most kitchens are equipped with at least one paring knife. What does “pare” mean?
a. to remove the bones from meat or fish
b. to divide in half by cutting into two pieces
c. to remove the peeling or outer skin of a fruit or vegetable with a knife
d. to slice into thin strips
112. The application of Science and technology contribute much in the improvements of the
plastic materials in plumbing. It indicates that that
a. uniform regulations can be expected
b. capital can be expected
c. demand can be expected
d. regulations can be the same
113. Which statement is true about Kirchhoff’s Current Law?
a. The sum of the currents entering the node is equal to that leaving the same node
b. The current in a conducting loop is the same for all resistors in the loop.
c. The numerical sum of the currents entering a node is zero.
d. The sum of the current over a loop is zero.
114. How does the video signal of television networks transmit?
a. By modulating the frequency of the wave
b. By modulating the amplitude of the wave
c. By transforming it to an analog signal
d. By transforming it to a digital signal
115. When referring to disorders of the nail, onychophagy is more commonly known as this:
a. bitten nails
b. missing nails
c. nail fungus
d. torn nails
116. Reading nutritional labels though time consuming is a desirable practice because
a. It serves as guide in the proper use of the product.
b. It helps in selecting the best product.
c. It serves as guide on the content of the product.
d. It provides nutritional data.
117. The most practical way of serving meals, particularly when the space is limited and there’s no
enough work force
a. Blue plate service
b. Buffet service
c. Compromise service
d. Russian service
118. Rowena has rinsed her client's relaxer out. She needs to lower the ph level of the chemical
relaxer. What kind of shampoo should Rowena choose?
a. Volumizing shampoo
b. Neutralizing shampoo
c. Conditioning shampoo
d. Texturizing shampoo
119. While performing a manicure on a client, John cuts himself. What should he do immediately?
a. Wrap a tissue around the cut and keep working
b. Stop the service and begin blood spill procedures
c. Put on a bandage and have the client finish with another technician
d. Terminate the service and seek medical attention
120. Which fuse has its internal fusible wire wrapped around an insulator?
a. a slow-blow type fuse
b. an inductive fuse
c. a capacitive fuse
d. intended for high voltage fuse
121. Which would be considered "basic components of a power supply"?
a. Zener, regulator, transformer
b. regulator, diode, AC power, load
c. transformer, bridge, capacitor, load
d. filter, regulator, rectifier, transformer
122. Which of the following should be considered before preparing the farm lots?
a. Soil and water supply
b. Sunlight and air circulation
c. Accessibility and proximity to market
d. all of the above
123. What electronic component is commonly used to amplify or switch electronic signals?
a. capacitor
b. transistor
c. diode
d. resistor
124. Which term to the process of covering rough walls and uneven surfaces in the construction of
houses and other structures with a plastic material, called plaster, which is a mixture of lime
or cement concrete and sand along with the required quantity of water?
a. Plastering
b. Concreting
c. Fine finishing
d. Fine Finishing
125. The overlap method of wrapping hair for a permanent wave service is also called a ______.
a. spiral technique
b. croquignole technique
c. bookend technique
d. double bookend technique
126. The kind of facial manipulation that slide the finger to center of forehead then slide finger with
slight pressure towards the temple and rotate is called____.
a. chin movement
b. linear movement
c. circular movement
d. stroking movement
127. Which of the following practice should be avoided?
a. File nails only in one direction going to the center.
b. File nails when it is dry.
c. Chipped polish is smoothened with nail buffer.
d. File nails after a shower.
128. For better upkeep of face muscles ________ motion is used to remove cleansing cream.
a. cement and water
b. sand and water
c. cement and sand
d. water and cement
129. How will draw horizontal lines?
a. It is drawn from right to left
b. It is drawn from left to right
c. It is drawn along the vertical edge of triangle
d. It is drawn in any direction.
130. This kind of line is a heavy wavy line made of freehand.
a. cutting plane lines
b. ditto lines
c. long break lines
d. short break lines
131. Which chemical used for preserving colored products?
a. Color additives
b. Mercury
c. Magnesium Sulfate
d. Potassium Metabisulfite
132. Which of the following graph is useful in making percentage comparison?
a. Bar graph
b. Line graph
c. Adequate protection of concrete during curing
d. Dropping concrete mixture from high elevation
133. The following are factors that regulate the strength of concrete, except:
a. Correct proportion of ingredients
b. Proper method of mixing
c. pictorial
d. organizational
134. According to the recipe book, you need to mix the ingredients vigorously so as to incorporate
air making the mixture thick and smooth. This process is called:
a. Toss
b. Blending
c. Mixing
d. Whipping
135. Decolorizing hair and re-colorizing it to the desired level and tone is called:
a. a triple process technique
b. tint back
c. a double process technique
d. double bleach technique
136. These are some of the guidelines in the conservation of nutrients in preparing fruits and
vegetables except:
a. wash fruits and vegetables before peeling
b. cut fruits and vegetables immediately before cooking
c. pares fruits and vegetables immediately before cooking
d. allows frozen vegetables to thaw before cooking
137. What is the type of hydraulic cement is widely used in small and large construction including
roads and highways?
a. Hydraulic cement
b. Portland cement
c. Pozzolan cement
d. d. Lime
138. To remove old polish on the nails the absorbent cotton should have____
a. cuticle remover
b. cuticle oil
c. emollient cream
d. solvent
139. Which process used for inactivation of enzyme in canning?
a. Steaming
b. Sautéing
c. Poaching
d. Blanching
140. A step-up transformer is used by power plants to transmit electrical power at a very high
voltage over a large distance. Why is this so?
a. It is the cheapest way of transmitting electrical power.
b. Because large amount of power requires large amount of voltage for transmission.
c. Because high voltage transmission lines have almost zero resistance to the flow of current.
d. Because current is small in high voltage transmission lines preventing significant
waste of electrical energy.


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