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The Constituent Assembly was contempted as a Non- c) Republic, Expression, Status, Opportunity, Dignity
Sovereign Body because d) Dignity, Republic, Status, Opportunity, Expression
1. The members of the assembly are partly elected e) Answer not known
and partly nominated.   
2. Every session conducted with the permission of 
the British Government. a) 
a) 1 is correct b) 2 is correct c) Both correct b) 
d) Both wrong e) Answer not known c) 
     d) 
e)  
 
 5. Which British India act was described as the policy of
“Carrot and Stick”?
 
 a) Indian Councils act of 1909
a)  b)  c)  b) Government of India Act 1919
d)  e)   c) Indian Council act of 1861
2. Who was the representative of the Anglo Indian Com- d) Government of India Act 1935
munity in the Indian Constituent Assembly? e) Answer not known
a) Fredrick Robert b) John Taylor     “  ”
c) Spike Milligen d) Frank Anthony 
e) Answer not known a)  b) 
      c)  d) 
 e)  
a)  b)  6. The first elected Parliament came into being in
c)  d)  a) January 1950 b) March 1951
e)   c) December 1951 d) May 1952
3. The Terminology which was used in the preambly sec- e) Answer not known
tion of the Indian Constitution is derived from which    
country ? 
a) Britain b) Canada c) Australia a)  b)  c) 
d) USA e) Answer not known d)  e)  
 7. Choose the incorrect statement among the following
 1. Samvithan Divas is National Constitution Day in
a)  b)  c)  India celebrated on 26 November every year.
d)  e)   2. For the first time on 26 November 2015, the Con-
4. Which one of the following is a correct sequence fol- stitutional day was declared to be celebrated ev-
lowed in the preamble of the Constitution ? ery year.
a) Dignity, Opportunity, Status, Expression, Republic a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both
b) Republic, Status, Opportunity, expression, Dignity d) Both correct e) Answer not known
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 1
 12. When was the preamble section amended for the first
  time in India ?
     a) January 26, 1976 b) April 1, 1976
 c) August 15, 1976 d) December 18, 1976
        e) Answer not known
   
a)  b)  c) 
a)  b) 
d)  e)  
c)  d) 
8. The first sitting of Congress experts committee on
Constitution was conducted in ? e)  
a) New Delhi b) Bombay c) Hyderabad 13. Who prepared an initial draft based on the reports of
d) Karachi e) Answer not known Committees and also researches into the constitution
     of Other Nations ?
 a) B.N.Rao b) B.R.Ambedkar
a)  b)  c)  c) M.N.Roy d) Alladisamy Ayangar
d)  e)   e) Answer not known
9. Which of the following is / are the features of the  
Charter Act of 1853 ?    
1. Mini Parliament 
2. Committee on Indian Civil Service a)  b) 
3. Deprivation the Powers of the Governors of c)  d) 
Bombay and Madras. e)  
4. Local Representation 14. Which one of the following is not a Drawback of In-
5. Seperation of the functions of the Governor Gen- dian Councils act of 1861 ?
eral Council a) Suspended the powers of viceroy to make rules
6. Power to impose taxes on persons for the devel- and orders in the council.
opment of local government.
b) The Council had no real power
a) 1, 3, 4, 6 b) 2, 3, 5, 6 c) 1, 2, 4, 5
c) It could not discuss the financial matters without
d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e) Answer not known previous approval of Government
 d) The council had no control over budget.
 
e) Answer not known
 
      
 
 
a) 
  
     
b)   
a) 1, 3, 4, 6 b) 2, 3, 5, 6 c) 1, 2, 4, 5
c)     
d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e)  
10. Which one of the following Constitution Articles came
d)     
into force on January 26, 1950 ?
a) Article 60 b) Article 326 c) Article 366
e)  
d) Article 367 e) Answer not known
15. Which one of the following is not a province which had
bicameralism introduced by the Government of India
Act 1935 ?
a)  b)  c) 
a) Assam b) Coorg c) Bihar d) Bengal
d)  e)  
e) Answer not known
11. November 26, 2021 was observed as which anniver-
sary of constitution day ? 
         
 
a) 71 b) 72 c) 73 d) 74 a)  b)  c)  d) 
e) Answer not known /  e)  
2 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
16. What were the backgrounds of the Regulation Act of    
1773 ? 
1. Corruption among servants of the company a)  b) 
2. British Merchants were allowed to trade with c)  d) 
under strict licence e)  
3. Established a dual system of government 21. When did the Supreme Court of India say that, the word
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 1 & 3 only Secular State were not expressed the mentioned in the
d) 1, 2 & 3 e) Answer not known constitution but there can be no doubt that constitu-
 tion makers wanted to established such a state ?
  
   
      
     
  
a)  b)  c)  a) 1973 b) 1974 c) 1976 d) 1978
d)  e)   e) Answer not known /
17. How many female members were participated in the 22. What was the functions of experts committee of the
Constituent Assembly of India ? congress on Constituent Assembly ?
    1. It discussed the procedure to be adopted by the
 constituent Assembly
a) 9 b) 11 c) 13 d) 15 2. Presiding over the Constituent body of the
e) Answer not known /  Constituent Assembly.
18. Consider the incorrect statement 3. The draft of a resolution on the objectives for the
1. Rajendra Prasad headed over the interim govern- first session of the constituent Assembly.
ment on 1946
    
2. India’s first food and Agriculture department min- 
ister was Sardar Vallabhai Patel
 
3. Indian Constitution came into force on August 15,
    
4. Chairman of the Constituent Assembly was
Rajendra Prasad. 
     
 
 a) 1 & 2 b) 1 & 3 c) 2 & 3 d) 1, 2 & 3
      e) Answer not known / 
 23. Who served as the last president of constituent assem-
        bly & also was the last one to sign the constitution?
 a) Shyama Prasad Mukarjee
      b) Feroze Gandhi c) Rajendra Prasad
 d) Sharath Chandra Bose e) Answer not known
a) 1, 2, 4 b) 1, 3, 4 c) 2, 3, 4 d) 1, 2, 3      
e) Answer not known /   
19. According to the Government of India Act 1919, Which 
one of the following was not found in the Reserved list? a)  b) 
a) Finance b) Land Revenue c) Irrigation c)  d) 
d) Education e) Answer not known e)  
      
24. Which of the following act of Pre-Independent India
was contempted by Tilak as “Unworthy and disap-
a)  b)  c) 
pointing - A Sunless Dawn” ?
d)  e)  
a) Indian Councils Act of 1909
20. Who was the chairperson of a sub-committees for
b) Government of India Act 1919
minorities in Constituent Assembly ?
a) J.B.Kripalani b) Gopinath Bardoloi c) Indian Independent Act of 1947
c) H.C.Mukherjee d) A.V.Thakar d) Government of India Act 1935
e) Answer not known e) Answer not known
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    c) 
 “      d)     
” 
a)  b)  e)  
c)  d)  29. What is known as distributive Justice ?
e)   a) Civil Justice + Political Justice
25. How many members participated representing ma- b) Political Justice + Social Justice
dras presidency to the constituent assembly (as on c) Social Justice + Economic Justice
December 31, 1947) ?
d) Economic Justice + Civil Justice
    
e) Answer not known
    
 
a) 29 b) 39 c) 49 d) 59 a) 
e) Answer not known /  b) 
26. Which one of the following acts empowered East In- c) 
dia Company to form a secret Committee with three d) 
directors ? e)  
a) Pitts India Act of 1784 b) Charter Act 1784 30. In which verdict of Supreme Court expressed that “In-
c) Charter Act 1813 d) Charter Act 1833 dian Socialism is a blend of Marxism and Gandhism,
e) Answer not known leaning heavily towards the Gandhian Socialism” ?
     a) Rajkumar Sukla Vs State of Madhya Pradesh (1968)
      b) C.D.Deshmuk Vs Government of India (1970)
 c) G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
a)  b)  Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh (2000)
c)  d)  d) Nakara Vs. Union of India (1983)
e)   e) Answer not known
27. Who was elected as the second Vice President of Con-    “ 
stituent Assembly in the election which was conducted 
on 16 July 1948 ?   ) 
a) Jawaharlal Nehru 
b) V.T.Krishnamachari a) Vs 
c) Alladi Krishnasamy Ayyar b) Vs
d) Syed Muhamad Shadulla c) 
e) Answer not known Vs
       d) Vs
     e)  
 31. When was the experts committee of the congress
a)  appointed by the Indian National Congress ?
b)  a) June 5, 1946 b) July 1, 1946
c)  c) July 8, 1946 d) August 15, 1947
d)  e) Answer not known
e)   
28. Which one of the following is not a feature of Charter 
act of 1853 ? a)  b) 
a) Civil Services were classified into two catagories c)  d) 
b) Abolish slavery in India e)  
c) Seperate Governor for Bengal 32. What is / are the essential features of the Indian Coun-
d) For the First Time Local Representation were cils Act of 1909 ?
introduced 1. First time Indians were allowed to the Executive
e) Answer not known Council
 2. Women were also given the right to vote
 3. The Act legalized Communalism.
a)  a) 1 & 2 only b) 2 & 3 only c) 1 & 3 only
b)  d) All e) Answer not known
4 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
       
  
  a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
  e) Answer not known / 
a)  b)  c)  38. Who said that “We are provided with a Car, all Brakes
d)  e)   and no Engine” after enacting the Government of
33. What was the elected strength of the upper house or India act 1935 ?
council of states after introducing the Government of a) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar b) SardarVallabhai Patel
India Act 1919 ? c) Rajendra Prasad d) Jawaharlal Nehru
       e) Answer not known
    
 “   
a) 26 b) 34 c) 41 d) 104 ”
e) Answer not known /  
34. Who said that the “Constitution of India would be a)  b) 
framed as per the wishes of the Indians” ? c)  d) 
a) Mahatma Gandhi b) M.N.Roy e)  
c) Jawaharlal Nehru d) AcharyaKripalani 39. When was the budget introduced for the first time in
e) Answer not known British India ?
“       
” 
a)  b)  a) 1858 b) 1860 c) 1861 d) 1862
c)  d)  e) Answer not known / 
e)   40. When did the Montagu Chelmsford Reforms come into
35. What was the demands which were the background force ?
of the act of 1786, to accept the post of Governor 
General of Bengal by Lord Cornwallis ? 
1. Governor General would be the commander- in- a) 1919 b) 1920 c) 1921 d) 1922
Chief. e) Answer not known / 
2. Power to override the decisions of the court of 41. Who among the following women did not participate
directors in Special cases. as a member in the Constituent Assembly of India ?
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both d) None a) Vijayalakshmi Pandit b) Renuka Roy
e) Answer not known c) Sucheta Kripalani d) Lakshmi Sagal
    e) Answer not known
  
     
     
 a)  b) 
      c)  d) 
 e)  
a)  b)  c)  42. Who was acted as the minister of Health during In-
d)  e)   terim Government (1946) ?
36. Who said that the Indian Constituent Assembly Rep- a) Jagjivan Ram b) Rajkumar Amrit Kaur
resented only one Major Community in India? c) J.N.Mandal d) Ghaznafar Ali Khan
a) Granville Austin b) Lord Viscount Simon e) Answer not known
c) Winston Churchill d) Ivor Jennings     
e) Answer not known 
 a)  b) 
 c)  d) 
 e)  
a)  b)  43. Choose the correct Statement
c)  d)  1. Our Constitution did not make any provision - Au-
e)   thority to text of the Constitution in Hindi.
37. How many sessions were conducted by constituent 2. Later a Provision was made by the 58th Constitu-
assembly in the year 1947 ? tional Amendment act of 1987.
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 5
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both d) None 47. How much members were elected as non-official
e) Answer not known members as per the Minto Morley reforms ?
     
  
  
       a) 37 b) 35 c) 32 d) 69
 e) Answer not known / 
a)  b)  c)  48. Pitts India Act was a deemed failure because
d)  e)   a) The Government in England was dissolved after
44. Which act empowered British East India Company into the death of William Pitt
the Purely Administrative Body ? b) Excessive powers given to the Board of Control
a) Pitts India Act of 1784 b) Charter Act 1784 ruined the administration of East India Company.
c) Charter Act 1813 d) Charter Act 1833 c) Overriding Powers of the court of directors
e) Answer not known d) The act failed to meet his objective
     e) Answer not known
 
a)  b)  a)     
c)  d)  
e)   b)    
e)  
c) 
45. The Veteran Congress leader of TamilNadu
Mr.Sathyamoorthy introduced a resolution in 1937. d) 
The Resolution aimed to e)  
a) Election should be conducted to the Constituent 49. Which one of the following is not a objectives of the
Assembly Objective Resolution which was introduced by
b) British Government Should reject the Ideaologies Jawaharlal Nehru in 1946?
of Two seperate Constituent Assemblies. a) India shall be Union of all territories
c) Direct elections must be conducted by adult b) Integrity of the territory
franchise to Constituent Assembly c) World Peace and Welfare of Mankind
d) Recommended to replace the Government of d) To unite Princely States and create a Powerful Nation
India act 1935 e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known 
         
     
 a) 
a)     b)  
 c) 
b)     d) 
 
c)      e)  
 50. Who was the Governor-General of Bengal while the
d)       Charter act 1793 was introduced ?
 a) Lord John Shore b) Lord Cornwallis
e)   c) Lord William Pitt d) Lord Hastings
46. When did the cabinet mission come to India to recom- e) Answer not known
mend the various idealogies for the development of 
Indian Constitution ? 
a) March 12, 1946 b) May 24, 1946 a)  b) 
c) March 24, 1946 d) May 16, 1946 c)  d) 
e) Answer not known e)  
    51. A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years. Find the
     rate of interest.
 
a)  b)  
c)  d)  a) 15% b) 10% c) 12% d) 8%
e)   e) Answer not known / 
6 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
16 1
52. Simple interest on a certain sum is of the sum.     2
25 2
The rate percent, if the rate percent and time (in     
years) are equal, is 1
16    3    
    2
25 
 a) ` 400 b) ` 625 c) ` 750 d) ` 800
e) Answer not known / 
a) 6% b) 8% c) 10% d) 12%
58. In how many years will a sum of money double itself
e) Answer not known /  at 18.75% per annum simple interest?
53. Two equal sums of money were lent at simple inter- a) 4 years 5 months b) 5 years 4 months
1 1
est at 11% p.a. for 3 years and 4 years respec- c) 6 years 2 months d) 6 years 5 months
2 2
tively. If the difference in interests for two periods e) Answer not known
was `412.50 then each sum is      
1 
       2
 a)  b) 
1 c)  d) 
 
2 e)  
 `412.50  
59. A certain sum of money amounts to Rs.8,880 in 6
years and Rs.7,920 in 4 years respectively. Find the
a) `3,250 b) `3,500 c) `3,750 d) `4,250
principal and rate percent.
e) Answer not known /  
54. Riya bought ` 15,000 from a bank to buy a car at 10%       
simple interest. If she paid ` 9,000 as interest while 
clearing the loan, find the time for which the loan
a) Rs. 6000, 8% b) Rs. 8000, 10%
was given. (Years)
c) Rs. 6000, 10% d) Rs. 8000, 8%
    ` 
` e) Answer not known / 
 60. The rates of simple interest in two banks A & B are in
() the ratio 5:4. A person wants to deposit his total sav-
a) 7 b) 6 c) 8 d) 5 ings in two banks in such a way that he received equal
half yearly interest from both. He should deposit the
e) Answer not known / 
savings in banks A & B in the ratio.
55. The simple interest on a sum of money is 1/9 of the
A B
principal and the number of years is equal to the rate
percent per annum. The rate percent per annum is
     
 
     
 
 a) 5:2 b) 2:5 c) 4:5 d) 5:4
1 1 3 e) Answer not known / 
a) 3 b) c) 3 d)
3 3 10 61. Kumaravel has paid simple interest on a certain sum
e) Answer not known /  for 2 years at 10% per annum is ` 750. Find the sum.
56. Stephen invested ` 10,000 in a savings bank account       
that earned 2% simple interest. Find the interest  `  
earned if the amount was kept in the bank for 4 years. 
` a) 4750 b) 3750 c) 3250 d) 4250
 e) Answer not known / 
 62. Sathish kumar borrowed ` 52,000 from a money
a) 500 b) 600 c) 800 d) 700 lender at a particular rate of simple interest. After 4
e) Answer not known /  years, he paid ` 79,040 to settle his debt. At what
57. The simple interest on a certain sum of money for rate of interest he borrowed the money?
1      
2 years at 12% annum is Rs.20 less than the simple
2 `52,000 
interest on the same sum for 3 years at 10% per     `79,040  
annum. Find the sum 
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 7
a) 15% b) 13% c) 12% d) 18% 
e) Answer not known /  a)  b) 
63. If a sum of amount double in 9 years then the rate of c)  d) 
interest per annum is e)  
    70. Priya borrowed Rs.5,000 on 7th June 2006 and re-
 turned it on 19th August 2006. Find the amount he
1 1 1 1 paid. If the interest is calculated at 7% per annum.
a) 9 % b) 10 % c) 11 % d) 12 %
9 9 9 9 
e) Answer not known /   
64. In what time will ` 17800 amount to ` 19936 at 6%     
per annum? (in years) 
` a) `5140 b) `5070 c) `5210 d) `5280
` e) Answer not known / 
a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 5 71. An amount becomes ` 10,050 at the rate of 10% in 5
e) Answer not known /  years. Find the principal.
65. Find the principal on amount Rs. 11800 at 6% per       
annum for 3 years being simple interest annually `
 a) 6500 b) 5000 c) 6000 d) 6700
 e) Answer not known / 
a) ` 8000 b) ` 9000 c) ` 10000 d) ` 9500 1
e) Answer not known /  72. A sum of money doubles itself at 12 % per annum
66. Arun lent ` 5,000 to Balaji for 2 years and ` 3,000 to over a certain period of time. Find the number of years.
Charles for 4 years on simple interest at the same 1
12 %
rate of interest and received ` 2,200 in all from both 2
of them as interest. Find the rate of interest per year.    
    `  
   `  a) 12 b) 10 c) 6 d) 8
      e) Answer not known / 
` 73. What will be the amount a man would get, if he in-
 vests `10,000 at 9% per annum simple interest for 3
a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 25% years? (in Rs.)
e) Answer not known /  `
67. Vijay invested Rs.10,000 at the rate of 5 % simple 
interest per annum. He received Rs.11,000 after 
some years. Find the number of years. a) 12,500 b) 11, 800 c) 12, 700 d) 12,000
 e) Answer not known / 
 74. The rate of interest on a sum of money is 4% per an-
a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2 num for the first 2 years, 6% per annum for the next 4
e) Answer not known /  years and 8% per annum for the period beyond 6 years.
68. Find the Simple Interest for Rs.6,750 for 219 days at If the simple interest accrued by the sum for a total
10% per annum period of 9 years is ` 1,120. What is the sum ?
 
       
      
a) `405 b) `155 c) `450 d) `350
     
e) Answer not known /  
69. Radhika invested Rs.5,000 for 2 years at 11 % per a) ` 1,500 b) ` 2,000 c) ` 2,500 d) `4,000
annum. Find the simple interest and the amount
e) Answer not known / 
received by him at the end of 2 years.
75. Find the rate percent per annum when a principal of
a) Rs. 1100, Rs. 6100 b) Rs. 5500, Rs. 10500
Rs.7,000 earns a S.I. of Rs. 1,680 in 16 months.
c) Rs. 720, Rs. 5720 d) Rs. 2200, Rs. 7200
      
e) Answer not known 
        a) 16% b) 19% c) 18% d) 15%
    
e) Answer not known / 
8 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
1. How many acts were protected in the 9th Schedule Reason (R) : Parliament has a power to admit and
when it was added into the constitution ? establish a new state (Art 2)
    a) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct
 explanation
a) 5 b) 10 c) 13 d) 21 b) A is correct but R is wrong
e) Answer not known /  c) Both A and R are wrong
2. Which Constitutional Amendment established the Na- d) Both A & R are correct & R is the correct explanation
tional Commission for SC and ST e) Answer not known
a) 64th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1990      
b) 65th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1990 
c) 66th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1990 
d) 67th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1990 
e) Answer not known 
    a)      
 
a)  b) 
b)  c) 
c)  d) 
d)  
e)   e)  
3. Can overseas citizen of India cardholders vote in the 5. “Fazl Ali Commission” Rejected the theory of “One Lan-
general elections in India ? guage - One State”. But Accepted language basis state.
a) No, there are no voting rights for an OCI card Holders According to the report which is/are the major factor/
b) Yes, they can Participate the election and vote s to be considered while the seperation of new states ?
c) Yes, But his voting rights should be temporarily 1. Financial Consideration
suspended in his migrated country. 2. Political Consideration
d) In Accordance with the legal procedures of the 3. Administrative Consideration
election commission 4. Cultural Homogeneity
e) Answer not known 5. Protections of the soveriegnity of the states
    “   ”    
    
a)  OCI       
  
b)  
    
c)        
     
 a) 1, 3 & 4 b) 1, 2, 3 & 5 c) 1, 3 & 5
d)     d) All/ e) Answernotknown/
  6. Which of the following act formed an autonomous
e)   state (sub-state) known as Megalaya ?
4. Assertion (A) : Berubari Union was transfered to a) North East Frontier Provisions Act (1972)
pakistan by Amending the constitution in 1960. b) Assam Reorganisation Act, 1969
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 1
c) Megalaya (Reorganisation Act), 1972  
d) Eastern Zone Administration Act, 1969 
e) Answer not known 
 a)  b)  c) 
 d)  e)  
a)  11. Consider the following statements and select the cor-
b)  rect statement/s
c)  1. L.M.Singhvi Committee submitted its report on
d)  January 2002.
e)   2. The Committee recommended to amend Citizen-
7. In which of the following year citizenship act, 1955 ship Act of 1955.
was not amended ? 3. Grant of Dual Citizenship to Person of Indian Ori-
 gin to certain Countries.
a) 1985 b) 1986 c) 1992 d) 1998     
e) Answer not known /  
8. Why Directive Principles of State Policy is Non-Justicable?  
1. Insufficient Financial Resource 
2. Vast Diversity of the Nation  
3. Constitutional Position 
          
 
  a) 1 & 2 b) 2 & 3 c) 1 & 3 d) 1, 2 & 3
  e) Answer not known /
   12. Which one of the following states was categorised
a) 1 & 2 b) 1 & 3 c) 2 & 3 d) 1, 2 & 3 under ‘Part-C’ category of Indian States in 1950’s ?
e) Answer not known /  a) Mysore b) Bilaspur c) Rajasthan
9. What changes given by the Citizenship (Amendment) d) Vindhya Pradesh e) Answer not known
Act 2004, in obtaining citizenship by descent ? C
a) Father was a citizen of India at the time of the
a)  b)  c) 
children’s Birth
d)  e)  
b) Mother was a citizen of India at the time of the
13. Which one of the following is / are not a difference
Children’s Birth
between the concepts of “Equality Before Law” and
c) Either of his parents should be citizens of India
“Equal Protection of Law” ?
d) Birth Registration within one year of Birth.
1. Origination of the concepts
e) Answer not known
2. Negative and Positive Concepts
    
3. Establishing equality of legal status
 a) 1 only b) 1 & 3 only c) 3 only
a)      d) 2 & 3 only e) Answer not known
  “  ”
b)  “”
 
c)      
  
d)        
 a)  b)  c) 
e)   d)  e)  
10. Before Amending the Citizenship act of 1955, in 2019 14. Who prepared a common wealth of India Bill in the all
1. All Illegal Migrants were not eligible to apply for parties conference held in 1925 ?
acquiring citizenship a) M.N.Roy b) M.K.Gandhi
2. A Person of Indian origin who is ordinarily resident c) Jawaharlal Nehru d) Motilal Nehru
in India for twelve years before making an appli- e) Answer not known
cation for registration.      
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 & 2 
d) None e) Answer not known a)  b) 
      c)  d) 
 e)  
  15. Which democratic Policy aims at establishing “A Gov-
 ernment of Laws and not of men” ?
2 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
a) Political Democracy b) Direct Democracy b) Golaknath Vs.State of Punjab, 1967
c) Indirect Democracy d) Social Democracy c) Kesavanantha Bharathi Vs. State of Kerala, 1973
e) Answer not known d) Menaka Gandhi Vs. Union of India, 1978
   “ e) Answer not known
         
”      
a)  b)  
c)  d)  a) A.K. 
e)   b) 
16. Which of the following articles of fundamental Rights c) 
were not merged by the first constitutional amend- d) 
ment of 1951 ? e)  
 21. Match the Following
 Amendments Acquired Territories
 A. 14th (1962) 1. Sikkim
a) Art / 31 A b) Art /  31 B B. 12th (1962) 2. Puducherry
c) Art /  31 C d) Art / 15(4) C. 10th (1961) 3. Goa
e) Answer not known / D. 35th (1974) 4. Dadra & Nagar Haveli
17. Choose the correct statements 
1. Preventive detention laws are found in Indian Con-  
stitution derived from USA. A. 14 (1962) 1. 
2. These laws even were practiced in India during B. 12 (1962) 2. 
British period. C. 10 (1961) 3. 
 D. 35 (1974) 4. 
     A B C D A B C D
 a) 2 4 3 1 b) 3 2 4 1
     c) 3 4 2 1 d) 2 3 4 1
 e) Answer not known / 
a) 1 only /  b) 2 only /  22. Which constitutional article expresses no person com-
c) 2 only /  d) None /  pelled to be a witness against himself ?
e) Answer not known /  
18. Which constitutional provision spread and promote     
harmony and also the spirit of common brotherhood 
among all the people of India? a) Art /  b) Art / 
    c) Art /  d) All 
   e) Answer not known / 
 23. Assertion : Article 23 of the Constitution is one of a
a) Art/ 51A (c) b) Art/ 51A (d) absolute rights in the Part III of the Constitution.
c) Art/ 51A (e) d) Art/ 51A (f) Reason : It Prohibit both state and individual against
e) Answer not known / compulsory bonded labour system.
19. Which of the following preventive detention laws in a) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct
India is still being practiced ? explanation
a) Preventive Detention Act (1950) b) Both A and R are correct
b) Maintenance of Internal Security act (1971) c) Both A and R are wrong
c) Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention d) Both A & R are correct & R is the correct explanation
of Smuggling activites act (1974) e) Answer not known
d) Terrorist & Disruptive activities (Prevention) act (1985)     III  
e) Answer not known 
      
 
a)  a)      
b)  
c)      b) 
 c) 
d)  d) 
e)   
20. Which of the following landmark judgements in India e)  
gave protection against both arbitrary executive and 24. Which part of the constitution was hailed as “Pious
legislative action ? Aspirations” by Jenning ?
a) A.K.Gopalan Vs. State of Madras, 1950 a) Fundamental Rights b) Fundamental Duties
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 3
c) Directive Priciples of State Policy a) Directive Principles of State Policy as Subsidery to
d) Right to Constitutional Remedies Fundamental Rights
e) Answer not known b) Fundamental Rights cannot be amended or take
     away for the implementation of the DPSP
“” c) DPSP got Legal primacy and supremacy over
a)   Fundamental Rights
b)   d) Both Fundamental Rights and DPSP are equal to
c)  each other
d)  e) Answer not known
e)   
25. Which one of the following acts was not made by Par- 
liament under the Article 24 of Indian Constitution ? 
a) Factories Act 1948 a)    
b) Motor Transport Workers Act, 1951 
c) Contract Labour Act, 1970
b) 
d) Bidi and Cigar workers Act, 1966
e) Answer not known
c)   
    
a)  
b)  d)    
c)  
d)  e)  
e)   29. Article 51 A(i) of the fundamental duty is
26. Who criticized the Directive Principle of State Polices a) Value and preserve the rich heritage of the
as “Constitutional Conflict”? country’s composite culture
a) T.T. Krishnamachary b) N. Srinivasan b) Protect & improve Natural environment including
c) K. Santhanam d) B.R. Ambedkar Forest, Lakes, Rivers & Wildlife
e) Answer not known c) Develop Scientific temper, humanism and the
   “ spirit of inquiry and reform
” d) Safeguard public property and to abjure violence
a) T.T.  b) N. e) Answer not known
c) K. d) B.R. 51 A(i) 
e)   a) 
27. Which one of the following is not a principle laid on by 
the Supreme Court of India to explore the Doctrine of b) 
Harmonization ? 
a) Both the fundamental Rights and Directive c) 
Principles are in fact supplementary to each other 
b) Together Constitute and intergated Scheme d)    
c) The Fundamental Rights shall prevail over the 
Directive Principles were the integrity is not possible e)  
d) State should ensure whether the Policies in Directive 30. Who criticised that, the fundamental rights of Indian
Principles are considered while enacting law. Constitution are based on “No Consistence Philosophy” ?
e) Answer not known a) Jaspat Roy Kapoor b) Jennings
  
c) John Marriot d) Lord Munroe
   
e) Answer not known
    
a)     
“   
b)  ”
c)  a)  b)  c) 
 d)  e)  
d)       31. Which one of the following constitutional Amend-
   ments is not a consequence of the famous Indira
 Sawhney Judgement ?
e)       
28. What was expressed in the landmark judgement of 
Minerva Mill case 1980 in respect to Fundamental a) 77 b) 81 c) 85 d) 91
Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy ? e) Answer not known / 
4 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
32. If a person X have a person of Indian orgin card (PIO) a)    
instead of overseas citizen of India card (OCI) then he 
a) He can purchase agricultural Land b) 
b) He can vote but cannot hold Government jobs c)    
c) He dont need special permission for research work 
d) Upto 15 years he have the access to use the card d)     
e) Answer not known 
X    PIO 
(OCI  e)  
 35. Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act (2019) pro-
a)  vides that the Administration of the Jammu and Kash-
b)  mir will be as per Article 239A of the Constitution.
 Article 239A was originally formulated for the union
c)     territory of
 a) Puducherry b) Chandigarh c) Delhi
d)       d) Both a & c e) Answer not known
 
e)   
33. In our Constitution ‘Article 3(2)’ says, there is not need A A
of constitutional Amendments while making alter-     
ations of the boundaries of any state. Then how 7th 
constitutional Amendment Act of 1956 involved in the a)  b)  c) 
separations of 14 states and six union territories in d) a c e)  
1956 ? 36. Which one of the following sections of the Criminal
a) In 1956 Supreme Court ruled that the article ‘3’ is Procedure Code (CPC) restricts an assembly (Freedom
invalid of Assembly) of five or more persons becomes unlaw-
b) Linguistic struggle broke down in various Parts of ful when threaten to Government ?
the nation especially in South India    (CPC)  
     
c) The Amendment abolished and altered earliest
structure of states.
d) All the above
a) Section /  141 b) Section /  142
e) Answer not known
c) Section /  143 d) Section /  144
  ‘ 3 (2)’  
e) Answer not known / 
   
37. The Article 41 which is under the Directive Principles
   
of State policies is a ________?
a) Socialistic Principle
        b) Gandhian Principle
      c) Liberal - Intellectual principle
 d) ‘A’ of the Article is under socialistic Principle and
a)  ‘B’ of the same article is under gandhian principle
 e) Answer not known
b)          
  
c)     a) 
 b) 
d)  c) 
e)   d) ‘’‘’
34. In 2016, the child labour prohibition and Regulation 
Act (1986) was renamed as e)  
a) The child and Adolescent labour probibition and 38. When the Supreme Court of India ruled that certio-
Regulation Act rari can be issued even administrative authorities ?
b) National Child Development Board (Regulation) Act 
c) Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of children) Act     
d) No Amendment was made to the name of the law 
but the age was reduced to the definition of children a) 1990 b) 1991 c) 1995 d) 1996
e) Answer not known e) Answer not known / 
 39. Consider the following statement about the Right to
 Information Act and Choose the correct Statement/s
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 5
1. The act was enacted by Parliament under Article 21. a) Verma Committee b) H.L.Dattu Committee
2. If a reply is not received within 30 days, an appeal c) Rajkrishna Committee d) Ramana Committee
can be filed with the appellate authority. e) Answer not known
     
 
      a)  b) H.L.
 c)  d) 
     e)  
    43. Who among the following need visa to visit India?
 a) PIO Card Holders b) OCI card holders
a) 1 only /  b) 2 only /  c) Both OCI & PIO cardholders
c) Both /  d) None /  d) NRI & OCI card holders e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known /       
40. The fundamental duties of the constitution states that 
the National Anthem should be respected. What will a) PIO 
be done if the President of India sits while singing Na- b) OCI 
tional Anthem disrespecting it? c) OCI PIO 
a) It is Punishable under Prevention of Insults to d)    OCI 
National Honours Act
e)  
b) He / she will be punished Immoral Activities of
44. Which one of the following articles from Directive Prin-
National Honours Act
ciples of state policy was not added by the 42nd con-
c) No ordinary laws apply to him/her except the
stitutional Amendment act of 1976?
procedures enforced by the Supreme Court.
     
d) The President of India is beyond this rule
     
e) Answer not known 
 a) Art/ 39 b) Art/ 39A c) Art/ 43A
 d) Art/ 43B e) Answer not known/
      45. Which was the 28th State of India?
 a) Chattisgarh b) Uttarkhand c) Jharkhand
a)  d) Telangana e) Answer not known
 
b)      a)  b)  c) 
 d)  e)  
c)  46. When did Supreme Court of India rule that the Settle-
 ment of Boundary dispute does not require constitu-
d)      tional Amendment ?
     
e)      
41. Which constitutional amendment on Article 31A to 
prohibit the acquisation of land under personal culti- a) 1960 b) 1963 c) 1967 d) 1969
vation by state ? e) Answer not known / 
a) 1st Constitution Amendment 1951 47. Which part of the constitution holds the Article 350-A
b) 8th Constitution Amendment 1960 which is placed out side of the Part-IV about Instruc-
c) 15th Constitution Amendment 1963 tion in mother tongue?
d) 17th Constitution Amendment 1964 A
e) Answer not known  IV    
     
   31A    a) Part/ XI b) Part/ XVI
 c) Part/ XVII d) Part/ XVI
a)  e) Answer not known/
b)  48. Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019 was ini-
c)  tially introduced in _______?
d)  a) Loksabha
e)   b) Rajya Sabha
42. Which of the following committee was constituted to c) President Declaration
recommend Amendments to the Criminal law in d) Ordinance issued by the President
2012? e) Answer not known
6 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
      55. At what rate of compound interest per annum will a
  sum of Rs. 1,200 become Rs. 1,348.32 in 2 years
a)  
b)  
c)  a) 7.5% b) 6.5% c) 7% d) 6%
d)  e) Answer not known/
e)   56. The simple interest on a certain principal for 3 years
49. Which constitutional Article gave a provision that Ar- at 10%p.a is `300. Find the compound interest
ticle 39 B and 39C shall void when contravention of accrued in 3 years.
Article 14 and 19 ?       
    14  19   `  
39 B39C  
 a) 330 b) 231 c) 331 d) 340
a) Art / 31A b) Art / 31B e) Answer not known/
c) Art / 31C d) Art / 31D 57. At the rate of compound interest, a sum of money
e) Answer not known /  triples in two years. Then in how many years it will
50. When the state reorganisation Committee submitted become 27 times? (in years)
its final report?       
 
a) 1954 b) 1955 c) 1956 d) 1957 
e) Answer not known/ a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 9
51. Find the difference between simple interest and e) Answer not known/
compound interest on Rs.2,400 at 2 years at 5% per 58. Suja borrows Rs.12,500 at 12% per annum for 3 years
annum compounded annually at simple interest and Radhika borrows the same
 ,         amount for the same period at 10% per annum
 compounded annually. Who pays more interest and
 by how much ?
a) ` 1 b) ` 12 c) ` 6 d) ` 3 
e) Answer not known/       
52. Sangeetha borrowed Rs.8,000 from Alex for 2 years      
1 
at 12 % per annum. What interest did Sangeetha 
pay to Alex if the interest is compounded annually? a) Suja 362.5 / 
1 b) Radhika 362.5 / 
 12 % c) Suja 360 / 
      d) Radhika 400 / 
 e) Answer not known/
a) ` 3250 b) ` 2125 c) ` 3125 d) ` 2250 59. A sum of Rs.12,000 deposited at compound interest
e) Answer not known/ becomes double after 5 years. After 20 years, it will
53. The compound interest on Rs.30,000 at 7% per annum becomes
is Rs.4,347. The period (in years) is 
      
     
 a) ` 1,92,000 b) ` 1,20,000
1 c) ` 1,24,000 d) ` 60,000
a) 2 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/ 60. The sum which amounts to `2662 at 10% p.a in 3
54. Vicky borrowed Rs.26,400 from a bank to buy a years compounded yearly is_______.
scooter at the rate of 15% p.a. compounded yearly.      
What amount will he pay at the end of 2 years and 4    _________ 
months to clear the loan? `
        a) `2000 b) `1800 c) `1500 d) `2500
 e) Answer not known/
 61. Find the compound interest on `3200 at 2.5% p.a for
 2 years, compounded annually.
a) . 46,459.70 b) . 36,659.70 ` 
c) . 56,659.70 d) . 47,559.70 
e) Answer not known/ 
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 7
a) 162 b) 152 c) 175 d) 180        
e) Answer not known/      
62. Find the principal if the difference between compound ?
interest and simple interest on it at 15% per annum a) ` 1670.40 b) ` 1525.50
for 3 years is Rs. 1134 c) ` 1872.50 d) ` 1175.70
       e) Answer not known/
` 70. The amount if the compound interest is calculated
 quarterly, is found using the formula __________.
a) ` 12, 000 b) ` 16,000 c) ` 8,000 
d) ` 6,000 e) Answer not known/ _____ 
1 4n 3n
63. Principal = `5000, r = 4%p.a, n = 1 2 years, interest  r   r 
a) A = P  1   b) A = P 1  
compounded half-yearly.  400   300
1 2n 3n
`r = 4%, n =1 2   r   r 
c) A = P  1   d) A = P 1  
  200   400
a) 306.04 b) 306.50 c) 307.04 d) 307.65 e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/ 71. A sum invested under compound interest doubles
64. The number of conversion periods, if the interest on a itself in 10 years. In how many years will it become 8
principal is compounded every two months is _____ times of the initial amount? (in years)
      
__       
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 12       
e) Answer not known/ 
65. Find the difference in the compound interest on `62500 a) 80 b) 40 c) 30 d) 20
1 e) Answer not known/
for 1 2 years at 8% p.a compounded annually and
72. In how much time will a sum of Rs.1600 amount to
when compounded half-yearly. Rs. 1852.20 at 5% per annum compound interest.
              
`1  a) 3 b) 5 c) 8 d) 7
 e) Answer not known/
a) 102 b) 103 c) 104 d) 105 73. Find the compound interest on Rs. 16,000 at 20% per
e) Answer not known/ annum for 9 months compounded quarterly
66. Find compound interest on ` 12,600 for n = 2 years at 
r = 10% per annum compounded annually  , 
`r = 10%, n = 2  ?
 a) ` 18,522 b) ` 17,640 c) ` 16,800 d) ` 2,522
 e) Answer not known/
a) 15, 246 b) 2, 466 c) 2, 646 d) 1, 386 74. Find the rate of interest if the difference between C.I &
e) Answer not known/ S.I on `8000 compounded annually for 2 years is `20.
`     
67. Find the C.I. on Rs.15,625 at 8% p.a. for 3 years
  `  
compounded annually. (Rs)
a) 5% b) 6% c) 7% d) 8%
e) Answer not known/
75. Ramlal deposited Rs.8,000 with a finance company
a) 4058 b) 5058 c) 3058 d) 7058
for 3 years at an interest of 15% per annum. What is
e) Answer not known/
Compound amount & the compound interest that
68. At what rate percentage p.a will `5625 amount to
Ramlal gets after 3 years? (Rs)
`6084 in 2 years at compound interest? 
    `         
` 
a) 4% b) 3% c) 2% d) 5% ()
e) Answer not known/ a) 10246, 2246 b) 14354, 6354
69. Find the compound interest on Rs. 6250 at 14% per c) 12167, 4167 d) 13178, 5178
annum for 2 years. Compounded annually. e) Answer not known/
8 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
1. The provident fund deposits are received under c) He consult Prime Minister of India regarding this
a) Consolidated fund of India d) He ask Supreme Court for the clarification of
b) Public account of India Judicial Power under Article 143
c) Contingency fund of India e) Answer not known
d) Fund on General Deposit 
e) Answer not known a)       
      
 b) 
a)  
b)  c)     
c)  
d)  d) 
e)   
2. Choose the correct statement e)  
1. In the parliamentary system, the legislature also 5. Which constitutional article gave special provisions
exercises control over the administration. with respect to educational grants for the benefit of
2. The administrative officers can act in total indepen- Anglo-Indian Community ?
dence of the policies adopted by the legislature. a) Article 333 b) Article 336 c) Article 337
a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) Both 1 & 2 d) Article 331 e) Answer not known
d) None e) Answer not known 
 
  
 a)  b)  c) 
  d)  e)  
 6. Which one of the following corporations is not directly
a)  b)  c)  audited by the Comptroller Auditor General of India ?
d)  e)   a) Air India
3. Appointment of Prime Minister when no party has a b) Indian Airline Corporation
clear majority in the Lok Sabha is the ______ power of c) Central Warehousing Corporation
the President of India. d) Oil and Natural Gas Commission
a) Discretionary Powers b) Emergency Power e) Answer not known
c) Legislative Power d) Executive Power      
e) Answer not known 
     a) 
     b) 
___________ c) 
a)  b)  d) 
c)  d)  e)  
e)   7. When was the Parliamentary Forum on Children es-
4. Regarding Mercy Petitions the President of India tablished ?
a) Under Article 72, he has a discretionary power to    
act Independently. 
b) He forwards the Petition to the Ministry of Home a) 2005 b) 2006 c) 2007 d) 2008
Affairs for seeking the advice of the cabinet. e) Answer not known / 
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 1
8. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India submits 12. Which one of the following committee of Parliament
three audit reports to the President. Which of the is the largest Committe of Parliament ?
following is not the report of CAG ? a) Public Accounts Committee
a) Audit report on Finance Accounts b) Estimate Committee
b) Audit report on Consolidated fund c) Committee on Public Undertaking
c) Audit report on Public undertaking d) Rules Committe of Parliament
d) Audit report on appropriation accounts e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known 
     
    a)  b) 
 c) 
a)  d)  e)  
b)  13. Which Constitutional Articles says the speaker or the
c)  Deputy Speaker do not preside while a resolution for
d)  his removal from office is under consideration ?
e)   a) Article 93 b) Article 94 c) Article 95
9. Which one of the following states has the largest num- d) Article 96 e) Answer not known
ber of seats reserved for the scheduled tribes in Lok    
Sabha ? 
a) Bihar b) Uttar Pradesh 
c) Madhya Pradesh d) Odisha 
e) Answer not known a)  b)  c) 
    d)  e)  
 14. Which constitutional amendment act reduced the
a)  b)  power of the President in respect of constitutional
c)  d)  amendment bills ?
e)   a) 21st Constitutional Amendment Act 1967
10. According to the Constitutional Article 267 whom is
b) 22nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1969
conferred power to operate the contingency fund of
c) 23rd Constitutional Amendment Act 1969
India on behalf of the President ?
d) 24th Constitutional Amendment Act 1971
a) Finance Minister
e) Answer not known
b) Finance Secretary
    
c) Comptroller Auditor General of India
d) No one can operate contingency fund on behalf of
a) 
e) Answer not known b) 
 c) 
 d) 
 e)  
a)  15. Which Constitutional Provision envisages the Freedom
b)  of Speech in Parliament ?
c)  a) Art 103 b) Art 105 c) Art 106
d)  d) Art 109 e) Answer not known
 
e)   
11. Which of the following former CAG of India Suggested a)  b)  c) 
that, a collegium type Mechanism to choose a new d)  e)  
CAG on the lines selecting a chief Vigilance Commis- 16. Before 2017, The Budget was presented in the end of
sioner (CVC) ? February. The enactment of appropriation Bill usually
a) V.Narahari Rao b) Rajiv Mehrishi goes on till the end of April. What will be done because
c) Vinod Rai d) Sashikhant Sharma of government need money just after March 31?
e) Answer not known a) Vote on Account b) Vote of Credit
 c) Vote on Exceptional grants
 d) Vote of excess grants e) Answer not known
 (CVC)   
    
       
a)  b)  
c)  d)  a) 
e)   b) 
2 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
c)       
d)  
e)   a)  b) 
17. What grant will be voted if the country meeting an c)  d)  
unexpected demand upon the resources of India ? e)  
a) Supplementary grant b) Additional grant 21. The Ministry of Textiles is under which of the following
c) Vote of Credit d) Vote of Account Departmental Standing Committee of Parliament ?
e) Answer not known a) Committee on Commerce
 b) Committee on Industry
 c) Committee on Labour
a)  b)  d) Committee on Textiles
c)  d)  e) Answer not known
e)   
18. The constitution of India give duty to the President of 
India to submit the various report before the parlia- a)  b) 
ment. Which of the following is / are laid before par- c)  d) 
liament by the President of India? e)  
1. The report of National Commission for SC 22. What is / are Criticism of the Amendment Procedure
2. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor Gen- in India ?
eral of India. 1. Joint Sitting for Constitutional amendment bills
3. The report of the Public Accounts Committee reflects the thoughts of Loksabha not Rajya Sabha
4. The recommendation of the Union Finance Com- 2. Process of Amendment is similar to legilsative pro-
mission. cess
a) 1, 2 & 4 b) 1, 3 & 4 c) 2, 3 & 4 3. No Provision for a Special Body.
d) All e) Answer not known a) 1 & 2 only b) 2 & 3 only c) 1 & 3 only
     d) All the above e) Answer not known
    
     
   
     
    
     
  
  a)  b)  c) 
  d)  e)  
a)  b)  c)  23. Which one of the following Private Bills is not intro-
d)  e)   duced in LokSabha ?
19. Which majority is needed for the resolution seeking a) The code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill
the approval of the Parliament for imposition of 1964
President’s Rule in any states ? b) The Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 1968
a) Simple Majority c) The Women’s & Children’s Institution (licencing) Act
b) Effective Majority d) The India Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 1963
c) Special Majority e) Answer not known
d) Special Majority + 50% state Present and vote     
e) Answer not known 
     a) 
 b) 
 c) 
a)   d) 
b)  e)  
c)   24. At present how many members are allotted as a rep-
d)       resentative of union territories in Rajya Sabha?
    
e)      
20. Which of the following cabinet secretariat’s wing pro- 
vides aid, advice and assistance to the union cabinet ? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 8
a) Civil Wing b) Military Wing e) Answer not known / 
c) Intelligence Wing d) Secretarial Wing 25. Which of the following bills requires the prior recom-
e) Answer not known mendation of the President ?
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 3
1. Legislation involving Article 31C c) 
2. Any Legislation involving items of taxation in which d) 
the states are interested or one that seeks to re- e)  
define agricultural income. 30. How many days are allotted to the member of Parlia-
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 & 2 ment move motion to reduce any demand for grants?
d) None e) Answer not known a) 26 days b) 27 days c) 28 days
      d) 30 days e) Answer not known
    
 31C     
  
 a)  b)  c) 
 d)  e)  
a)  b)  c)  31. Which of the following is / are true ?
d)  e)   1. The Comptroller auditor General in India audits the
26. The Finance Bill at the end of Budget session must be accounts after the expenditure is committed. This
assented within ______ ? Provision is drafted from the Britain Constitution.
a) 45 days b) 60 days c) 75 days 2. CAG is not a member of the Parliament but in Brit-
d) 90 days e) Answer not known ain CAG is a member of the house of Commons.
______ a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 & 2
 d) Both wrong e) Answer not known
a)  b)  c)  
d)  e)    
27. Which constitutional amendment repealed the provisions   
of the election of Vice-President at a Joint Session ?    
a) 11th Constitutional Amendment 1961  
b) 12th Constitutional Amendment 1962  
c) 13th Constitutional Amendment 1962 
d) 14th Constitutional Amendment 1962 
a)  b)  c) 
e) Answer not known
d)  e)  
     
32. Who among the following Vice-President of India was
    
not elected as an Unopposed candidate ?
a) Radha Krishnan b) M.Hidayatullah
a) 
c) Sankar Dayal Sharma d) Zakir Hussain
b) 
e) Answer not known
c) 
     
d) 
e)   a)  b) 
28. Who among the following is called eyes and ears of c)  d) 
the Public Accounts Committee ? e)  
a) Home Minister 33. The Contingency fund of India Act was enacted in
b) Leader of the Opposition party 
c) Comptroller Auditor General of India a) 1948 b) 1949 c) 1950 d) 1951
d) Finance Secretary e) Answer not known / 
e) Answer not known 34. Each house of Parliament has seperate secretarial staff
 of its own. The secretariat of each house is headed by
 a) Additional principal secretary
a)  b)  b) Principal Secretary
c)  c) Secretary General
d)  e)   d) Secretary to Prime Minister office
29. Vote of thanks on President’s address can be passed e) Answer not known
through _________ ? 
a) Simple Majority b) Absolute Majority      
c) Special Majority d) No Need to be Passed 
e) Answer not known a) 
     b) 
_________  c) 
a)   d) 
b)  e)  
4 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
35. Choose the correct statement among the following c) 
Policy cut Motion d) 
1. It represents the economy that can be affected in e)  
the Proposed expenditure. 39. Consider the following statement about the removal
2. It states that the amount of the demand be re- of CAG ?
duced to Re.1 1. President can remove on the basis of resolution
3. The members can also advocate an alternative passed to that effect both the houses of parlia-
policy. ment with the special majority
a) Only 1 & 2 b) Only 2 & 3 c) Only 1 & 3 2. The CAG can be removed on the grounds of mis-
d) 1, 2 & 3 e) Answer not known behavior
     a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 & 2
 d) None e) Answer not known
    
 
           
   
  
a)  b)  c)   
d)  e)   
36. Article 377 of the constitution give some provisions to a)  b)  c) 
a) Anglo-Indian Community d)  e)  
b) Vice President of India 40. Which one of the following is responsible for the prepa-
c) Comptroller Auditor General of India ration and presentation of Union Budget to the Par-
d) Secrecy of the Cabinet Minister liament ?
e) Answer not known a) Department of Revenue & Expenditure
      b) Department of Economic Affairs
 c) Department of Financial Services
a) 
d) Department of Financial Estimates
b) 
e) Answer not known
c) 
    
d) 
e)  
a) 
37. Consider the following Statement is/are correct?
b) 
1. The Ministries Departments of the Government
c) 
of India are created by the Prime Minister on the
d) 
advice of the Cabinet Secretary.
2. Each of the Ministries is assigned to a Minister by e)  
the President of India on the advice of the Prime 41. Which of the following is / are not relevent to the
Minister. Public Accounts Committee ?
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 & 2 1. Cannot examine the accounts of State Corpora-
d) None e) Answer not known tion.
 2. Their recommendation are not binding on the
      ministries
    3. No power to examine Semi-Autonomous body.
 a) 1 & 2 only b) 2 & 3 only c) 1 & 3 only
    d) 1, 2 & 3 e) Answer not known
     
 
a)  b)  c)   
d)  e)      
38. When the ordinary bill is in the third reading, then 
a) Published in Gazette of India  
b) Assumes final Shape 
c) No Amendments allowed a)  b)  c) 
d) Scrutinizing its objectives d)  e)  
e) Answer not known 42. Who stated that the leader of opposition as the “al-
 ternative Prime Minister”?
a)  a) Ivor Jennings b) H.J.Laski c) Ramsay Muir
b)  d) Lord Morely e) Answer not known
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 5
“” a) Separation of Powers among various organs of the
a)  b)  Government
c)  d)  b) The President is the Head of State while the Prime
e)   Minister is the Head of the Government
43. The annual financial statement contains c) Accountability of the executive to Legislature
1. Expenditure of the closing financial year d) None of the above
2. Estimates of Expenditures e) Answer not known
3. Estimates of Revenue and Capital Reciepts     
a) 1 & 2 only b) 1 & 3 only c) 2 & 3 only 
d) All the above e) Answer not known a)   
 
  b)    
  
  c) 
a)  b)  c)  d) 
d)  e)   e)  
44. Which of the following bill/s were the example for col- 47. The Committee which is also known as “Continous
lective responsiblity of Parliamentary system in India ? Economy Committee” is _____ ?
1. Hindu Code Bill a) Public Accounts Committee
2. Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) b) Estimates Committee
act c) Audit Accounts Committee
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 & 2 d) Committee on Public undertakings
d) None e) Answer not known e) Answer not known
     “”
 _____?
  a) 
  b) 
a)  b)  c)  c) 
d)  e)   d) 
45. The Constitution ensures three veto powers to the e)  
President of India. Can the President excercise his 48. The Constitution of India says the Prime Minister can
Pocket veto in respect of State Legislature also ? be elected as any houses of the parliament. If the Prime
a) He cannot excercise his pocket veto in respect of Minister of the India belongs to Rajya Sabha then,
bills which was introduced by the a) He will not be able to vote in his favour in the
recommendation of governor in the state event of a no-confidence motion.
b) He can excercise his pocket veto in respect of State b) He will not be able to speak on the Budget in the
Legislation also. Lower House.
c) He only have authorised to return the bill which c) He can make statements only in the Upper House
was received for his consideration d) He has to become a member of the Lower House
d) He can only advised the governor to use his veto within six months after being sworn in as the Prime
power in respect of state bills. Minister.
e) Answer not known e) Answer not known
     
     
          
 
a)    a) 
 
 b) 
b)       c)    
 
c)  d)     
 
d)  e)  
 49. What is / are the Reasons for Adopting Parliamentary
 system in India ?
e)   1. More responsibility
46. Which of the following is the most important feature 2. To Avoid Legislative - executive conflict
of Parliamentary System of Government? 3. Nature of Indian Society
6 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
a) 1 & 2 only b) 2 & 3 c) 1 & 3 only 56. For a triangle ABC, the true statement / s
d) 1, 2 & 3 e) Answer not known ABC
    a) AC2  AB2  BC2 b) AC  AB  BC
 c) AC  AB  BC d) AC  AB  BC
   e) Answer not known/
  57. The scalene triangle has 40 cm as its perimeter and
  whose two sides are 13 cm and 15 cm, find the third
a)  b)  c)  side. (cm)
d)  e)         
50. When did the Supreme Court rule that the decision of 
the speaker (or) Chairman about anti-defection is sub- 
jected to Judicial review ? a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14
      e) Answer not known/
 58. Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are
 24 cm and 20 cm and the distance between them is
a) 1978 b) 1983 c) 1992 d) 1999 15 cm. (cm2)
e) Answer not known /  
51. Calculate the area of the rhombus having diagonals        
equal to 6 m and 8 m. (m2) (2)
        a) 325 b) 340 c) 315 d) 330
(2) e) Answer not known/
a) 28 b) 32 c) 40 d) 24 59. Which of the following statement is false in a
e) Answer not known/ parallelogram?
52. The perimeter of a rectangle is 60 metres. If its length a) The opposite sides are parallel
is twice of its breadth, then its area is (in m2) b) The opposite angles and sides are equal
 c) The diagonals are equal
 d) The diagonals bisect each other
 e) Answer not known
a) 160 b) 180 c) 200 d) 220 
a) 
e) Answer not known/
b) 
53. The figure shown is the aerial view of the pathway.
c) 
Find the area of the pathway. (m2)
d) 
e)  
60. Perimeter of a semicircle is ________ =
a) d   r b) π+d c)  r  d d) d   r
e) Answer not known/
61. Find the perimeter and area of the shaded portion
(cm, cm2)
a) 1200 b) 1400 c) 1800 d) 1600 2)
e) Answer not known/
54. The radius of a sector is 42cm and its sector angle is
60o. Find its perimeter (in cm)
   o   
a) 128 b) 44 c) 88 d) 126 a) 14.28, 11. 14 b) 12.96, 11.11
e) Answer not known/ c) 14.28, 11.13 d) 12.08, 11.18
55. Find the area of a sector whose perimeter is 64 cm e) Answer not known/
and length of the arc is 44 cm. (cm2) 62. Area of a square is hectare. The diagonal of the
 2
square is (in m)
(2) 1
a) 220 b) 210 c) 240 d) 230      
e) Answer not known/ 
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 7
a) 252 b) 100 c) 50 2 d) 50 a) 17960 b) 13840 c) 15420 d) 16940
e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/
69. If every side of a rectangle is doubled, then its area
63. Find the perimeter and the area of the square whose
becomes _____ times.
side is 8 cm.(cm, cm2)
      
a) 6 b) 4 c) 2 d) 3
a) 32, 64 b) 64, 32 c) 48, 32 d) 32, 48
e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/
70. Find the area of the semicircle ACB and the quadrant
64. If the base and height of a parallelogram are in the
BOC in the given figure.(cm2, cm2)
ratio 7:3 and the height is 45 cm then, find the area
of the parallelogram. (cm2)
       
a) 4725 b) 4275 c) 4572 d) 4576
e) Answer not known/
65. Find the perimeter and area of the following combined
figures.(cm, cm2)
(2) a) 46, 28.5 b) 40, 32 c) 77, 38.5 d) 78.5, 33.3
e) Answer not known/
71. The base of the parallelogram with area is 52 sq. cm
and height 4 cm is (cm)
      
 ()
a) 16 b) 15 c) 12 d) 13
e) Answer not known/
72. Find the perimeter and area of semicircles whose radii
are, 10.5 cm. (cm, cm2)
     
a) 20, 22.928 b) 16, 22.298
  
c) 20, 22.829 d) 36, 22.982
e) Answer not known/
a) 54, 180 b) 60, 200 c) 54, 173.25 d) 18, 163.25
66. The length of a rectangle is three times its breadth. If
e) Answer not known/
its perimeter is 64 cm, find the sides of the
73. A wheel makes 20 revolutions to cover a distance of
rectangle.(cm, cm)
66m. Then the diameter of the wheel is _______m
     
   
_______ 
(, )
a) 1.05 b) 1.04 c) 1.03 d) 1.02
a) 18, 6 b) 24, 8 c) 30, 10 d) 36, 12
e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/
74. The ratio of the circumference of two circle is 2 :3 .
67. What would be the measure of the diagonal of a square
What is the ratio of their areas?
whose area is equal to 882 cm2? (in cm)
       
a) 2 : 3 b) 4 : 9 c) 3 : 2 d) 9 : 1
a) 38 b) 32 c) 42 d) 48
e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/
75. The formula used to find the area of the rectangular
68. The radius of a tractor wheel is 77 cm. Calculate the
path is
distance covered by it in 35 rotations? (use   ) 
(cm) a)  (R2 - r2) sq.units/
 b) (L x B) - (l x b) sq.units/
     c) LB sq.units/
22 d) lb sq.units/
  e) Answer not known/
8 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
1. The Article 168 of the Indian Constitution emphasizes 4. The Governor of certain states have been granted “Spe-
a Governor is cial Responsibilities” under
a) A Titular head of the Constitution a) Article 361 b) Article 365 c) Article 371
b) A Nominal executive of the state d) The President only can give the special
c) An integral Part of the State Legislature responsibilities to governors of certain states.
d) All the above e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known     “
 ”
 a)  b)  c) 
a)  d)   
b)  
c)  e) 
d)  5. Which of the following pairs of states have been ad-
e)  ministered by the governors of the state in respect to
2. The Governor reserves certain Bills to the consider- law and order ?
ation of the President if a) Nagaland and Manipur
1. Opposed to the Directive Principles of State Policy
b) Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland
2. Dealing with Compulsory Acquisition of property
c) Sikkim and Manipur
under Article 31A of the Constitution.
d) Manipur and Tripura
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both
e) Answer not known
d) None e) Answer not known
 
a) 
     
 b) 
 31A  c) 
 d) 
a)  b)  c)  e) 
d)  e)  6. Which article of Indian Constitution empowers the
3. Which of the following is / are the conditions laid down State Legislative assemblies for disqualification of
by the Constitution for the governor’s office ? membership ?
1. He should be a citizen of India. a) Article 190 b) Article 191 c) Article 192
2. He should have completed the age of 35 years. d) Article 193 e) Answer not known
3. He should not hold any other office of Profit.     
a) 1 & 2 only b) 3 only c) 2 only 
d) All the above e) Answer not known 
    a)  b)  c) 
 d)  e) 
  7. Which of the following commission criticized the arbi-
  trary dismiss of governors, saying “The Practice of treat-
       ing governors as Political Football must stop”?
 a) Sarkaria Commission b) Rajamannar Commission
a)  b)  c)  c) First Administrative Reforms Commission
d)  e)  d) Punchhi Commission e) Answer not known
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 1
     c) The Governor must be satisfied that such circum-
“ stances exist which render it necessary for him to
” take immediate action.
a)  b)  d) The Governor’s ordinance shall have the same force
c)  and effect as an Act of the Legislature.
d)  e)  e) Answer not known
8. The State Legislative Assembly participates in the elec- 
tion of a) 
i) President 
ii) Vice – President b) 
iii) Rajya Sabha members 
iv) Members of the Legislative Council of the State c) 
a) i, ii & iii are Correct b) i & iii are Correct 
c) i, iii & iv are correct d)    
d) i, ii , iii & iv are correct e) Answer not known 
     e) 
 12. Tamilnadu Legislative council was abolished by the
i)  Tamilnadu Legislative council (abolition) bill 1986. The
ii)  act came into force on
iii)  a) 1st April 1986 b) 1st November 1986
iv)  c) 1 April 1987 d) 1st November 1987
a) i, ii & iii  b) i  iii  e) Answer not known
c) i, iii  iv  d) i, ii , iii  iv    
e)  
9. When there is no majority party in the State Legislative 
Assembly, the principal consideration governing the a)  1, 1986 b)  1, 1986 c)  1, 1987
choice of the Chief Minister by the Governor of the State d)  1, 1987 e) 
is the: 13. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) Ability of the person who is most likely to com- a) Governor holds office for a term of 5 years
mand a stable majority in the House b) Governor can resign by addressing to President
b) Largest political party in the Legislative Assembly c) Constitution Provides provisions for removal of
c) The combination of several parties as a unit Governor
d) The loyalty and support of the party members to d) A Governor can be reappointed to the same state
their respective party programmes and policies e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known 
     a) 
     b)     
 
a)  c)     
 
b)  d) 
c)  
d)       e) 
 14. Match the following / 
e)  A. Legislative relations /  1. 268 - 293
10. Under which of the following Article of Indian Consti- B. Financial relations /  2. 245 - 255
tution the Governor may reserve a Bill for the consid- C. Administrative relations /  3. 256 - 263
eration of the President ? A B C A B C
a) Article 169 b) Article 200 c) Article 201 a) 1 2 3 b) 3 2 1
d) Article 202 e) Answer not known c) 2 1 3 d) 3 1 2
       e) Answer not known
     15. Choose the correct statement/s
 1. The Governor of a state in India nominates to the
a)  b)  c)  Legislative Council, where it exists one-sixth of its
d)  e)  members
11. Which one of the following statements is not correct? 2. The Governor of a state in India may nominate to
a) The Governor can issue ordinances when the Leg- the legislative Assembly one person from the Anglo-
islative Assembly is not in session or only when Indian community.
two Houses are not in session. 
b) The Governor can at his discretion issue the ordi-       
nances whether the Assembly is in session or not. 
2 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
  19. The 1st Woman Chief Minister of an Indian State was
 a) Vijay Lakshmi Pandit b) Sucheta Kripalani
a) 1 b) 2 c) Nandhini Satpathi d) Sarojini Naidu
c) 1&2 d) Neither 1 nor 2/ e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known 
16. The ‘Contingency Fund’ of the State is operated by a)  b) 
a) The Governor of the State c)  d) 
b) The Chief Minister of the State e) 
c) The State Finance Minister 20. Consider the following correct statements with regard
d) State Legislature e) Answer not known to the Advocate General of a state:
‘’ 1. He holds office during the pleasure of the president.
a)  b)  2. He can take part in the proceedings of the State
c)  d)  Legislative Assembly
e)  3. He advises the State Government on legal matters.
17. Assertion (A):A Governor appointed to Tamil Nadu 
should not belong to Tamil Nadu state  
Reason (R) : The Governor can act free from the local  
politics of the state he is appointed to.     
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explana- 
tion of A a) 2 & 3 b) 1, 2, 3 c) 1 & 2 d) 1 & 3
b) Both A & R are true &R is not the correct explana- e) Answer not known
tion of A 21. Which of the following constitution article provides
c) A is true but R is false that there shall be a councils of minister headed by the
d) A is false but R is true Chief Minister to aid and advice the Governor ?
e) Answer not known     
 (A)     
 
 (R):  a) Article /  163 (1) b) Article / 163 (2)
 c) Article / 163 (3) d) Article / 163 (4)
a) (A)(R)(R)  (A) e) Answer not known
 22. Assertion (A): Collective responsibility of the Cabinet
b) (A) (R)(R)  (A)  signifies unity and coordination among members of
 the State Council of Ministers.
c) (A)(R) Reason (R): It is the prerogative of the Chief Minister to
d) (A)(R)  select or drop a member of the Cabinet.
e)  a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
18. Which one of the following is correct in terms of the correct explanation of A
Constitution of India? b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
a) The Chief Minister decides the allocation of port- correct explanation of A
folios among the Ministers. c) A is true but R is false
b) When the Chief Minister resigns, the Council of d) A is false but R is true
Ministers gets dissolved. e) Answer not known
c) All the principal policy announcements of the Gov-     
ernment are made by the Chief Minister.    
d) It shall be the duty of Chief Minister to communi- 
cate to the Governor all decisions of the Council of       
Ministers relating to the administration of the af- 
fairs of the State. a) 
e) Answer not known 
    b) 
 
a)    c) 
 d) 
b)       e) 
 23. Which of the following doesnot under Executive power
c)     of Governor
 a) Appointment of Tribal welfare minister
d)  b) When Promulgating ordinances
  c) Acts a Chancellor of universities
 d) None of these
e)  e) Answer not known
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 3
      
 
a)   
b)   
c)   
d)     
e)  
24. Assertion (A): The Draft Constitution provided for the 
direct election of the Governor. a)  b)  c) 
Reason (R): The Constituent Assembly opted for the d)  e) 
present system of appointment of the Governor by the 27. There is a constitutional requirement to have a Minis-
President. ter in-charge of Tribal Welfare for the States of :
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the a) Assam, Nagaland and Manipur
correct explanation of A b) Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Chattisgarh
b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the c) Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and
correct explanation of A Jharkhand
c) A is true but R is false d) Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya
d) A is false but R is true e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known     
 
 a) 
 b) 
 c) 
a)  d) 
 e) 
b)  28. What is the time-limit within which a non-money Bill
 has to be sent to the State Legislature by the Governor
c)  for reconsideration?
d)  a) 14 days b) One month
e)  c) Three months d) No time limit specifed
25. Which one of the following is not correct with respect e) Answer not known
to the powers of the Governor regarding a Bill passed      
by the State Legislature?     
a) He may give his assent to the Bill 
b) He may withhold the Bill a)  b) 
c) He may reserve the Bill for the consideration of the c)  d) 
President e) 
d) He shall have no alternative but to give his assent 29. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
to the Bill a) Article 167: Duties of the Chief Minister
e) Answer not known b) Article 163: sworn in of the Chief Minister
     c) Article 164: Provisions related to State Ministers
    d) Article 166: Conduct of business of the State of Gov-
 ernment
a)  e) Answer not known
b)  
c)  a) 
 b) 
d)  c) 
 d) 
e)  e) 
26. On which of the following issues can a Governor make 30. Which of the following statements are correct regard-
recommendation to the President? ing Governor?
1. Dismissal of the State Council of Ministers 1. He is the constitutional head of the state
2. Removal of the Judges of the High Court 2. He is the representative of the centre
3. Dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly Choose the correct answer
4. Declaration of the breakdown of the Constitutional a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 1&2
Machinery in the State d) None e) Answer not known
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 
a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 3 and 4 c) 1, 3 and 4  
d) 4 only e) Answer not known  
4 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
 d)        
a)  b)  c)  
d)  e)  e) 
31. Which of the following article of the Constitution of 35. Advocate General of the State submits his resignation to
India allows the Chief Minister of the State shall be a) Chief Judge of high court of the state
appointed by the Governor of the State? b) Governor of the respective states
 c) President of India
 d) Chief Minister of the state
a) Article/  164 (1) b) Article / 164 (2)
e) Answer not known
c) Article / 164 (3) d) Article / 164 (4)
     
e) Answer not known
32. In which of the following bodies, does the Chief Minis-
ter of a State hold membership? a) 
1. National Integration Council b) 
2. National Development Council c) 
3. Inter-State Council d) 
4. Zonal Council e) 
Select the correct answer from the codes given below 36. The Governor of a state can act independent of the ad-
a) 1, 3 and 4 b) 2 and 3 c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 vice of the Council of Ministers in
d) 2, 3 and 4 e) Answer not known 1. Asking the Government to prove its majority in the
      Assembly.
 2. Dismissing a Chief Minister
  3. Reserving a bill for the consideration of the President.
  4. Returning the bill passed by the legislature for
  reconsideration.
  5. Seeking the opinion of the High Court
 Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
a)  b)  c)  
d)  e)  
33. Consider the following statements :
  
1. President appoints Governor in consultation with
chief Minister of concerned state
 
2. Minimum age of Governor Should be 35 years
Choose the correct option:  
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both  
d) None e) Answer not known 
  
  
 a) 1,2,3&4 b) 2,3,4 & 5
  c) 1,2,4&5 d) All of these/
 e) Answer not known
a)  b)  c)  37. The Governor of a State may be removed from the office
d)  e)  by the President:
34. Which one of the following statements is correct? a) At the request of the Chief Minister
a) The same person can be appointed as Governor of b) On the advice of the Prime Minister
three states. c) On the advice of the Union Cabinet
b) A Governor can be appointed only in consultation d) On the advice of the Attorney-General of India
with the Chief Minister of the State concerned. e) Answer not known
c) A Governor has no power to entrust any of the func-       
tions of the state to Government of India even with
the latter’s consent.
a) 
d) Only a person who has completed 30 years of age
b) 
can be appointed as Governor of a state.
c) 
e) Answer not known
 d) 
a)  
b)  e) 
 38. Consider the following statements is / are correct ?
c)     1. The Chief Secretary in a State is appointed by the
     Governor of that State.
 2. The Chief Secretary in a State has a fixed tenure.
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 5
a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) Both 1 and 2 42. The Governor of the state can nominate one member to
d) Neither 1 nor 2 e) Answer not known the state legislative assembly from the anglo Indian
 community under
          
   
  
a)  b)  c)  a) Article /  333 b) Article /  331
d)  e)  c) Article /  133 d) Article /  233
39. According to Article 163 of the Constitution, which of 43. The Governor of a State has the power to appoint:
the following statements relating to the question 1. Judges of the High Court
whether any, and if so what, advice was tendered by 2. Members of the State Public Service Commission
Ministers to the Governor would be correct? 3. Members of the State Finance Commission
a) It shall not be inquired into in any court. 4. The Accountant General
b) It can be inquired into in the Supreme Court. Which of these statements are correct?
c) It can be inquired into in all the courts. a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 1, 3 and 4
d) It cannot be inquired into in the High Court. d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known 
        
     
  
a)   
b)  
c)  a)  b)  c) 
d)  d)  e) 
e)  44. Assertion (A): Governor can withhold a non-Money Bill
40. Consider the following statements with respect to the passed by the State Legislature.
powers of the Governor of a State: Reason (R): Governors are empowered by the Article
1. The governor can summon, prorogue and dissolve 200 of the Constitution of India to do so.
the State Legislative Assembly. a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
2. The Governor can adjourn the sittings of the State correct explanation of A
Assembly. b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
3. The Governor addresses the first session of the Leg- correct explanation of A
islative Assembly after elections. c) A is true but R is false
4. The Governor causes to lay the annual budget in d) A is false but R is true
the State Assembly. e) Answer not known
Which of the statements given above are correct? 
a) 1 and 2 b) 1, 3 and 4 c) 2 and 3 
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 e) Answer not known 
 
 a) 
  
 b) 
  
     c) 
 d) 
       e) 
 45. Who of the following is not appointed by the Governor?
a)  b)  c)  a) State Council of Ministers
d) 1, 2, 3 e)  b) State Advocate General
41. In which of the following provisions of the Constitu- c) State Director General of Police
tion of India is the principle of collective responsibil- d) Members of State Public Service Commission
ity of the State Council of Ministers enshrined? e) Answer not known
a) Article 164 b) Article 162 c) Article 163 
d) Article 167 e) Answer not known a) 
 b) 
 c) 
a)  b)  c)  d) 
d)  e)  e) 
6 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
46. Which of the following are not mentioned in the Con- 51. The slant height of a frustum of a cone is 5 cm and the
stitution of India? radii of its ends are 4 cm and 1 cm. Find its curved
1. Council of Ministers headed by a Chief Minister surface area. (cm2)
2. Collective Responsibility of the State Council of 
Ministers        
3. Resignation of State Ministers ()
4. Office of the Deputy Chief Minister a) 78.57 b) 77.45 c) 76.64 d) 75.48
Select the correct answer from the codes given below e) Answer not known/
a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 3 and 4 52. The dimensions of a fish tank are 3.8m x 2.5 m x 1.6 m.
d) 1 and 3 e) Answer not known Howmany litres of water it can hold? (litre)
 
        
  
  a) 15500 b) 15400 c) 15300 d) 15200
  e) Answer not known/
 53. The volumes of two cones of same base radius are
a)  b)  c)  3600 cm3 and 5040 cm3. Find the ratio of heights.
d)  e)  
47. The legislature of Tamilnadu had bicameralism upto 
the year a) 5 : 7 b) 7 : 5 c) 8 : 7 d) 2 : 7
 e) Answer not known/
a) 1986 b) 1988 c) 1996 d) 1998 54. The surface area of the two different spheres are in
e) Answer not known /  the ratio of 9:25 then their volumes are in ratio
48. Consider the following statements and choose the cor-     
rect statement 
1. Governor appoints the leader of major party in leg- a) 8 : 625 b) 729 : 15625 c) 27 : 75 d) 27 : 125
islative assembly to the office of Chief Minister e) Answer not known/
2. Chief Minister & council of ministers hold office 55. The volume of a solid right circular cone is 11088 cm3. If
till the confidence of the assembly its height is 24 cm then find the radius of the cone. (cm)
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 1&2         
d) None e) Answer not known 
     a) 21 b) 22 c) 23 d) 24
 e) Answer not known/
     56. If the total surface area of a cube is 726 cm 2, then find
 its volume. (in cm3)
    
 
a) 1  b) 2  c) 1  a) 1331 b) 1131 c) 1311 d) 1111
d)  e)  e) Answer not known/
49. The minimum strength of the State Legislative Assembly is 57. The total surface area of a hemi-sphere is how much
 times the square of its radius.
a) 40 b) 50 c) 60 d) 70     
e) Answer not known /  
50. Consider the following statements: 1  3
a) b) 3 c) d)
1. Governor of one state can be transferred to anoth- 3 3 
er state for rest of his tenure e) Answer not known/
2. Governor can be reappoint to same state more than 58. If V is the volume of the cone of radius r and V 1 is the
once volume of the cone when the radius is double then
Choose the correct answer rv  
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 1&2     V 1 
d) None e) Answer not known 
 a) V = 4V1 b) V = 2V1 c) V1 = 2V d) V1 = 4V
      e) Answer not known/
 59. The radius of a sphere increases by 25%. Find the
  percentage increase in its surface area.
       
 
a)  b)  c)  a) 45.54% b) 56.25% c) 63.25% d)74.50%
d)  e)  e) Answer not known/
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 7
60. The lateral surface area of a cube of side 12 cm is (cm 2) 5
(2)  1005 
a) 630 b) 432 c) 576 d) 584 1
201 
e) Answer not known/ 7
61. The difference between the T.S.A. and C.S.A. of a) 18 b) 19 c) 17 d) 21
hemisphere is ______ e) Answer not known/
 69. The ratio of heights of two cylinders of equal volumes
 is 1 : 3 then the ratio of their radii will be
a) 2r b) r c) r2 d) 2r 2 
e) Answer not known/
62. A rectangular tank contains 2340 cu.m of water. What a) 4 : 3 b) 3 : 2 3 c) 2 : 3 d) 3 : 3
is the depth of water in tank if it is 15 meters long and e) Answer not known/
13 metre wide ( in m) 70. The curved surface area of a right circular cylinder of
   2340 3    height 14 cm is 88 cm 2 . Find the diameter of the
15 13  cylinder. (cm)
a) 10 b) 15 c) 8 d) 12
e) Answer not known/ 
63. Find the diameter of a sphere whose surface area is
a) 4 b) 6 c) 2 d) 1
154 m2. (m)
e) Answer not known/
7 71. The total surface area of a cylinder whose radius is
a) 14 b) 7 c) d) 11 3
2 of its height is (sq.units)
e) Answer not known/ 
64. If the height is inversely proportional to the square of 
its radius, the volume of the cylinder is ___________.
2 2 8 2 4 2 8 2
 a) h b) h c) h d) h
9 9 3 9
e) Answer not known/
c) K  d) K 
a) K2 b) K2 72. If the diameter of a sphere is 6m, its hemisphere will
e) Answer not known/ have a volume of
65. If the circumference of a conical wooden piece is 484 
cm then find its volume when its height is 105 cm. (cm3) a) 18 m3/3 b) 36 m3/3
c) 72 m / 3 3
d) 82 m3/3
a) 652910 b) 625190 c) 652190 d) 665190 e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/ 73. The length, breadth and height of a cuboid are in the
66. If the total surface area of a cube is 486 cm 2 then find ratio 7 : 5 : 2. Its volume is 35840 cm 3 Find its
the lateral surface area and volume respectively. dimensions. (cm, cm, cm)
a) 729 cm2, 324 cm3 b) 324 cm2, 729 cm3 
c) 326 cm , 726 cm 3
d) 739 cm2, 344 cm3 
e) Answer not known (, , )
  a) 56, 40, 16 b) 40, 17, 19
_____, _____  c) 48, 32, 16 d) 54, 45, 34
a)  b)  e) Answer not known/
c)  d)  9
74. If the volume of a sphere is  then its radius is ( in cm)
e)  16
67. The ratio of the radii of two right circular cones of 9
      
same height is 1:3. Find the ratio of their curved surface 16
area when the height of each cone is 3 times the radius 
4 3 3 2
of the smaller cone. a) b) c) d)
 3 4 2 3
e) Answer not known/
 75. A section of the sphere by a plane through any of its
great circle is ________
a) 2 : 7 b) 5:9 c) 10 : 2 d) 3:6        
e) Answer not known/ 
5 a) Sphere /  b) Hemisphere / 
68. The volume of a cone is 1005 cu. cm. The area of its base
7 c) Circle /  d) None of these / 
is 201 sq. cm. Find the slant height of the cone. (cm) e) Answer not known/
8 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
1. Match the following 4. Under which of the following Articles of the Constitu-
Items Articles tion of India, the State Legislatures delegate powers
A. Constitution of Municipalities 1. Article 243Q and functions to the Panchayats?
B. Reservation of seats in 2. Article 243T  
Municipal Bodies   
C. State Finance Commission 3. Article 243Y 
D. Duration of Municipalities 4. Article 243U a) 243 & 243 A b) 243 A & 243 B
 c) 243 G & 243 H d) 243 D & 243 F
  e) Answer not known / 
A.   243Q 5. Which one of the following committees had recom-
B.   243T mended people’s participation in community develop-
C.   243Y ment programmes?
D.   243U a) Ashok Mehta Committee
A B C D A B C D b) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
a) 3 4 1 2 b) 1 2 3 4 c) Rural-urban Relationship Committee
c) 3 2 1 4 d) 1 4 3 2 d) L.M. Singhvi Committee
e) Answer not known /  e) Answer not known
2. _____ District has the highest number of Panchayat       
Unions. 
a) Vellore b) Thiruvallore c) Villupuram a)  b) 
d) Kanchipuram e) Answer not known c) 
 ________ d) L.M. e) 
a)  b)  c)  6. The status of the Chief Election Commissioner of India
d)  e)  is equal to
3. The ‘first-past-the-post’ electoral system, prevalent in a) Chief Justice of India b) Governor of a State
India, refers to: c) Auditor General of India d) Speaker of Lok Sabha
a) A system of proportional representation of weighted e) None of these
voting in a multi-member constituency 
b) Single ballot, plural member majority voting system a)  b) 
c) An electoral system in which the person winning c) 
the most votes of the votes cast in a constituency d)  e) 
(single ballot, single member) is declared elected 7. Consider the following statements:
d) A system in which the winning candidate has to secure 1. The Eleventh Schedule was inserted in the Consti-
a plurality as well as majority of the votes cast tution of India by the Constitution (Seventy Third
e) Answer not known Amendment) Act, 1992.
   ‘   2. The Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution of India cor-
’ responds to Article 243-W of the Constitution of India.
a)  Which of the statements given above is / are correct?
 a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) Both 1 and 2
b)      d) Neither 1 nor 2 e) Answer not known
 
c)     
      
       
d)  243-W
 a)  b)  c) 
e)  d)  e) 
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 1
8. According to the Constitution of India the term ‘district d) 
Judge’ shall not include e) 
a) Sessions judges b) Chief Presidency magistrate 12. Which of the following are correct in the functions of
c) Chief Judge of a small case court the Election Commission of India?
d) Tribunal judge e) Answer not known 1. To conduct elections for the post of Speaker and
     Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha and the Chairperson
 of Rajya Sabha.
a)  b)  2. To conduct elections for the municipality and mu-
c)  nicipal corporations.
d)  e)  3. The election commission of India advises the presi-
9. Consider the following statements: dent of India or the governor of the concerned state
1. The district judge exercises both judicial and ad- regarding all electoral matters
ministrative powers. a) 1 and 2 b) 1 and 3 c) 2 and 3
2. The sessions judge has no power to impose capital d) 3 only e) Answer not known
punishment.     
Which of the statements given above is / are correct? 
a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) Both 1 and 2     
d) Neither 1 nor 2 e) Answer not known 
 
        
       
      
 
a)  b)  c)  a)  b)  c) 
d)  e)  d)  e) 
10. Which one of the following is not an essential condi- 13. The term District Judge is mentioned in which of the
tion for appointment as a judge of the Supreme Court? following Article of Constitution ?
a) A citizen of India a) Article 230 b) Article 231 c) Article 232
b) At least five years’ experience as judge of a High d) Article 233 e) Answer not known
Court or of two or more such Courts in succession     
c) Must have completed 35 years of age 
d) At least ten years’ experience as an advocate of a High a)  b)  c) 
Court or of two or more such Courts in succession d)  e) 
e) Answer not known 14. Consider the following Committees set up to study the
 structure, powers and functions to be assigned to
 Panchayati Raj Institutions :
a)  1. Ashok Mehta Committee
b)      2. Balwantrai Mehta Committee
 3. G.V.K. Rao Committee
 Which one of the following is their correct chronologi-
c)  cal order?
d)      
 
 
e)     
11. In 1989, the 64th and 65th Amendment Bills were not 3. G.V.K.
passed and the Amendment Acts could not come in force a) 2-3-1 b) 1-2-3 c) 2-1-3 d) 1-3-2
at that time because: e) Answer not known
a) Lok Sabha was dissolved in November, 1989. 15. The Lower age limit of voters of Union and State Legis-
b) Lok Sabha could not pass the Bills for lack of re- lature was reduced from 21 years to 18 years by
quired majority. a) 57th Amendment, 1987 b) 60th Amendment, 1988
c) Rajya Sabha could not pass the Bills due to lack of c) 61st Amendment, 1988 d) 65th Amendment, 1990
required majority. e) Answer not known
d) The President sent the Bills for reconsideration.      
e) Answer not known 
         
    a)  b) 
 c)  
d) 
a)  e) 
b)      16. State funding of elections was backed by __ committee.
 a) Indirajit Gupta Committee
c)   b) Tarkunde Committee c) Vohra Committee
 d) Tanka Committee e) Answer not known
2 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
_____ 
a)  b)   
c)  d)  
e)  a)  b)  c) 
17. Which one of the following statements regarding Exit d)  e) 
Poll is correct? 20. __________ is the first municipality in Tamil Nadu.
a) Exit Poll is a term used to denote a post-election a) Walajahphet Municipality
survey of voters regarding the candidates in whose b) Thiruvarur Municipality
favour they had exercised their franchise. c) Nilgiris Municipality
b) Exit Poll and Opinion Polls are one and the same d) Pudukottai Municipality
c) Exil Poll is a device through which results of voting e) Answer not known
can be most exactly predicted. _____
d) Exit Poll is an administrative device made recently a)  b) 
by the chief Election Commissioner to prevent c)  d) 
impersonation e) 
e) Answer not known 21. What is the tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner
  of India?
 a) Five years
a)  b) During the pleasure of the President
     c) Six years or till the age of 65 years whichever is
 earlier
b)      d) Five years or till the age of 65 years whichever is earlier
 e) Answer not known
c)  
 a) 
d)  b) 
 c) 
e)  d) 
18. In which one of the following cases, did the Supreme e) 
Court rule that the power of judicial review vested in 22. In 1977, under whose chairmanship, the Panchayati
the High Courts in respect of the decisions given by the Raj Committee was formed?
Service Tribunals, cannot be ousted or excluded even a) Ashok Mehta b) Sardar Swaran Singh
by a Constitutional Amendment? c) Balwant Rai Mehta
a) High Court of Judicature at Bombay vs. Shirish Kumar d) Madhu Dandawate e) Answer not known
b) Sampath Kumar vs. Union of India      
c) Chandra Kumar vs. Union of India 
d) All India Judges Association v. Union of India a)  b) 
e) Answer not known c)  d) 
      e) 
 (Service tribunals)   23. Which of the following are the main jurisdictions of
 the High Court of a State?
     1. Original jurisdiction 2. Appellate jurisdiction
 3. Supervisory jurisdiction 4. Advisory jurisdiction
a) vs.  Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
b) vs.  a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 2, 3 and 4 c) 1, 3 and 4
c) vs. d) 1, 2 and 4 e) Answer not known
d) vs. 
e)   
19. Consider the following statements:  
1. The maximum number of Judges in a High Court are  
specifed in the Constitution of India.  
2. Every High Court has a power of superintendence 
over all courts and tribunals (except military tri- a)  b)  c) 
bunals) provided they are subject to appellate ju- d)  e) 
risdiction of the High Court. 24. Who recognises the political parties in India?
Which of the statements given above is / are correct? a) President of India
a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) Both 1 and 2 b) Election Commission of India
d) Neither 1 nor 2 e) Answer not known c) Ministry of Law and Justice
 d) Speaker of Lok Sabha
     e) Answer not known
 
   a)  b) 
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 3
c)  (R) 
d)  e)  
25. The pension of a retired High court Judge is charged to the a)       
a) Consolidated Fund of India 
b) Consolidated Fund of the State where he last served b)       
c) Consolidated Fund of the different States where he 
has served c) 
d) Contingency Fund of India d) 
e) Answer not known e) 
 29. Which of the following are the sources of revenue of
 urban local bodies?
a)  1. Property tax 2. Octroi
b)  3. Sales tax 4. Animal tax
 a) 1 and 2 b) 2, 3 and 4 c) 1, 3 and 4
c)      d) 1, 2 and 4 e) Answer not known
    
d) 
   
e) 
   
26. Which of the following are included in the original
a) 1  2 b) 2, 3  4 c) 1, 3  4
Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?
d) 1, 2  4 e) 
1. A dispute between the Government of India and
30. ____ will look after the administration of the Town Panchayat.
one or more states a) District collector b) Panchayat Chariman
2. A dispute regarding elections to either House of c) Village Administration officer
the Parliament or that of Legislature of state d) Executive officer e) Answer not known
3. A dispute between the Government of India and a ______
Union Territory a)  b) 
4. A dispute between two or more states c)  d) 
a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 1 and 4 e) 
d) 3 and 4 e) Answer not known 31. The Election Commission was converted into a “Three
    members Commission in the following year.
   “  
   ”
 a) 1987 b) 1988 c) 1989 d) 1990
  e) Answer not known / 
 32. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
     a) The Supreme Court can over-rule itself.
 b) A High Court can over-rule itself.
     c) Judgements of the Supreme Court bind the lower courts.
 d) Judgements of a High Court do not bind the lower
a)  b)  c)  courts of the State.
d)  e)  e) Answer not known
27. The term of office of the Advocate General of a State is: 
a) 4 years b) 5 years c) 6 years a) 
d) Not fixed e) Answer not known b) 
 c)    
a)  b)  c)  
d)  e)  d)    
28. Assertion (A): A Habeas Corpus writ petition dismissed 
by the Supreme Court can be admitted by the High Court e) 
under Art. 226 of the Constitution. 33. Which of the following election is not conducted by
Reason (R): In exercising writ jurisdiction, the powers the Election Commission?
of the Supreme Court and High Court are concurrent. a) Lok Sabha b) Rajya Sabha
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the c) President’s election d) Local bodies
correct explanation of A e) Answer not known
b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the 
a)  b) 
correct explanation of A
c)  d) 
c) A is true but R is false
e) 
d) A is false but R is true
34. In India, Judicial Review implies
e) Answer not known
a) The Power of the Judiciary to pronounces upon the
(A) 
constitutionality of laws and executive orders
        b) The power of the Judiciary to question the wisdom
of the laws enacted by the Legislatures
4 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
c) The power of the Judiciary to review all the      
legislative enactments before they are assented to 
by the President a) 
d) The power of the Judiciary to review its own b) 
judgments given earlier in similar or different cases c) 
e) Answer not known d) 
 e) 
a)  39. When was the first municipal corporation in India set up?
 
b)     a) 1688 b) 1687 c) 1787 d) 1887
 e) Answer not known/
c)       40. The power of judicial review means:
 a) The power of the courts to define and interpret con-
d)      
b) The power of the courts to declare null and void
  
any legislative or executive act, which is against
e)  the provisions of the Constitution
35. Election commission of India is situated at c) The power of the judiciary to define &interpret laws
a) Chennai b) Mumbai c) Hyderabad d) The power of the courts to legislate when there is
d) New Delhi e) Answer not known no statutory provision
 e) Answer not known
a)  b)  c)  
d)  e)  a)    
36. With reference to Lok Adalats, which of the following 
statements is correct? b) 
a) Lok Adalat have the jurisdication to settle the 
matters at the pre litigation stage and not those 
matters pending before any court c) 
b) Lok Adalats can deal with matters which are civil d)    
and not criminal in nature 
c) Every Lok Adalat consists of either serving or e) 
retired judicial officers only and not any other 41. Which one of the following is not a qualifcation for a
person person to be appointed as district judge?
d) None of the statements given above is correct a) He should not already be in the service of the Cen-
e) Answer not known tral or the State Government.
      b) He should have been an advocate or a pleader for
 seven years.
a)    c) He should have completed the 30 years of age.
     d) He should be recommended by the High Court for
 appointment.
b)      e) Answer not known
 
c)     
a)      
d) 
b) 
e) 
37. In which part of the Indian Constitution, has the provi- c) 
sion for panchayats been made? d)    
a) Part IX b) Part IV c) Part III 
d) Part IX-A e) Answer not known e) 
 42. Which one of the following committees recommended
 the separation of regulatory and development func-
a)  IX b)  IV c)  III tions at the district level?
d)  IX-A e)  a) Hanumantha Rao Committee
38. Which one of the following functions pertains only to b) Dantwallah Committee c) Kothari Committee
political party and not to pressure group? d) G.V.K. Rao Committee e) Answer not known
a) Collecting money for the organisation 
b) Contesting political election with own symbol 
c) Organising public meetings and rallies a)  b) 
d) Publishing pamphlets and leaflets c)  d) G.V.K. 
e) Answer not known e) 
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 5
43. The transfer of Judges from one High Court to another a)  b)  c) 
High Court may be made by the: d)  e) 
a) President of India in consultation with the Chief 47. Which one of the following is the ‘National Voters Day’?
Justice of that High Court. a) 5th June b) 1st November c) 25th January
b) Chief Justice of the concerned High Court. th
d) 8 March e) Answer not known
c) Governor of the concerned State in consultation “”
with the Chief Justice of India. a)  b)  c) 
d) President of India after consultation with the Chief d)  e) 
Justice of India. 48. The Chief election Commissioner can be removed from
e) Answer not known office by
 a) Both Houses of Parliament by two-thirds majority
 in each House
a)  b) The same procedure which applies in case of
 removal of Supreme Court Judges
b)  c) The President of India in consultation with the
c)      Chief Justice of India
 d) The President on the advice of the council of
d)  Ministers.
 e) Answer not known
e)  
44. Who among the following extends the jurisdiction of a a)     
High Court to, or excludes from, any Union territory? 
a) Parliament by law b)     
b) The President of India 
c) The Chief Justice of India c) 
d) Legislature of the State in which the High Court is 
d) 
e) Answer not known
e) 
    
49. Which one of the following functions is not the con-
     
cern of the Local Government in India?
a) Maintenance of public order b) Sanitation
a) 
c) Public utility services d) Public health
b) 
e) Answer not known
c) 
 
d) 
e)  
45. Under which Article of the Constitution of India, did a)  b) 
the District Planning Committee come into existence? c)  d) 
a) Article 243 ZD b) Article 243 ZE e) 
c) Article 244 ZD d) Article 242 ZD 50. Consider the following statement
e) Answer not known 1. The Chief Election Commissioner and other Elec-
 tion Commissioners enjoy equal powers but receive
 unequal salaries.
a)  243 ZD b)  243 ZE c)  244 ZD 2. The Chief Election Commissioner is entitled to the
d)  242 ZD e)  same salary as is provided to a Judge of the Su-
46. Consider the following with reference to 73rd Constitu- preme Court.
tional Amendment in respect of Panchayati Raj: 3. The Chief Election Commissioner shall not be re-
1. Direct elections of members at all levels moved manner and on like grounds as a Judge of
2. Direct elections of chairpersons at the village level the Supreme Court.
3. Indirect election of chairpersons at the intermedi- 4. The term of office of the Election Commissioner is
ate levels and district levels five years from the date he assumes his office or
4. Mandatory provision for holding elections till the day he attains the age of 62 years, which-
Which of the above are correct? ever is earlier.
a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 2, 3 and 4 c) 1, 2 and 4 Which of these statements are correct?
d) 1, 3 and 4 e) Answer not known a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 1 and 4
 d) 2 and 4 e) Answer not known
 
        
      
       
      
  
6 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
  56. Three men, four women and six children can complete a
 work in seven days. A women does double the work of a
      man does & a children does half the work of a man. How
 many women alone can complete this work in 7 days.
        
a)  b)  c)  
d)  e)  
51. P & Q can do a piece of work in 20 days & 30 days     
respectively. They started the work together & Q left after       
some days of work & P finished the remaining work in 5 
days. After how many days from the start did Q leave? a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10
P Q  e) Answer not known/
      57. A, B and C can do a work in 12, 24 and 8 days
Q respectively. They all work for one day. Then C leaves
  P   the group. In how many days will A and B complete the
     rest of the work?
Q  A, B, C 
a) 9 days/ b) 8 days/   C 
c) 10 days/ d) 12 days/ A, B   
e) Answer not known/ 
52. A man takes 10 days to finish a job where as a woman a) 8 b) 7 c) 6 d) 9
takes 6 days to finish the same job. Together they e) Answer not known/
worked for 3 days and then the woman left. In how 58. A is twice as good a workman as B and together they
many days will the man complete the remaining job? finish a piece of work in 14 days. In how many days
     can A alone finish the work?
     A  B  
       
    A 
 
a) 2 days/ b) 3 days/ a) 11 b) 21 c) 28 d) 42
c) 4 days/ d) 6 days/ e) Answer not known/
e) Answer not known/ 59. 4 typists are employed to complete a work in 12 days.
53. A alone can do a piece of work in 35 days. If B is 40% more If two more typists are added, they will finish the same
efficient than A, then B will finish the work in ____ days. work in how many days
A B       
A B      
_________ 
a) 15 b) 25 c) 35 d) 45 a) 4 b) 8 c) 12 d) 16
e) Answer not known/ e) Answer not known/
54. 6 pumps are required to fill a water sump in 1 hr 30 60. There are 80 bags each bag contains 15 fruits. If a bag
minutes. What will be the time taken to fill the sump if contains 12 fruits the number of bags are
one pump is switched off? 
 
 a) 10 b) 100 c) 8 d) 20
 e) Answer not known/
61. 6 women or 8 men can construct a room in 86 days.
a) 1 hrs 48 min / 1  48 
How long will it take for 7 women and 5 men to do the
b) 2 hr / 2 
same type of room?
c) 1 hr 27 min / 1 27 
d) 1 hr 50 min / 1 50 
        
e) Answer not known/
55. Two taps can fill a tank in 30 minutes and 40 minutes.
a) 48 b) 36 c) 30 d) 40
Another tap can empty it in 24 minutes. If the tank is
e) Answer not known/
empty and all the three taps are kept open, in how
62. 7 men can do a work in 52 days how many days can 13
much time the tank will be filled?
men do the same work in _____ days?
      
a) 25 b) 28 c) 20 d) 45
     ,
e) Answer not known/
? 1
a) 1 hour/ b) 2 hour/ 63. P alone can do of a work in 6 days and Q alone can
c) 3 hour/ d) 4 hour/ 2 2
e) Answer not known/ do of the same work in 4 days. In how many days
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 7
3 69. If 12 men and 16 boys can do a piece of work in 5
working together, will they finish of the work?
4 days. 13 men and 24 boys can do it in 4 days. The ratio
P Q of the daily work done by a man to that of a boy is
2      
    
3      
  
 a) 2 : 1 b) 3: 1 c) 3: 2 d) 5 : 4
a) 3 days/ b) 4 days/ e) Answer not known/
c) 6 days/ d) 5 days/ 70. If 81 students can do a painting on a wall of length
e) Answer not known/ 448 m in 56 days. How many students can do the
64. A alone can complete a piece of work of Rs. 800 in 8 painting on a similar type of wall of length 160 m in
27 days?
days; but by engaging an assistant, the work is
completed in 5 days. Find the share to be received by
the assistant 
A         a) 80 b) 60 c) 55 d) 70
 e) Answer not known/
   71. If 32 men working 12 hours a day can do a work in 15
 days, how many men working 10 hours a day can do
a) 500 b) 300 c) 800 d) 600 double that work in 24 days?
e) Answer not known/ 
65. 5 men can complete a work in 52 days in how many 
days, 13 men finish the same work? 
 
 a) 46 men/ b) 47 men/
a) 52 b) 26 c) 20 d) 30 c) 48 men/ d) 45 men/
e) Answer not known/ e) Answer not known/
66. A small scale company undertakes an agreement to 72. 5 men and 2 boys working together can do four times
make 540 motor pumps in 150 days and employs 40 as much work as a man and a boy. Working capacities
men for the work. After 75 days, the company could of a man and a boy are in the ratio :
make only 180 motor pumps. How many more men 
should the company employ so that the work is 
completed on time as per the agreement? 
    
a) 1 : 2 b) 1 : 3 c) 2 : 1 d) 3 : 1
(Motor Pumps)
e) Answer not known/
     
73. If a company pays `6 lakh for 15 workers for 20 days,
     what would it pay for 5 workers for 12 days? (lakh)
     
      
     
a) 20 b) 40 c) 30 d) 26 
e) Answer not known/ a) `1.6 b) `1.2 c) `1.3 d) `1.5
67. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B and C in e) Answer not known/
15 days, C and A in 20 days. In how many days will 74. Deepa and Arun can do a piece of work in 20 days and
they finish it together and separately? 30 days respectively. They work together and Deepa
a) 10, 30, 20, 60 days b) 10, 20, 60, 30 days leaves 5 days before the work is finished. Arun finished
c) 20, 30, 20, 60 days d) 20, 60, 30, 20 days the remaining work alone. In how many days is the
e) Answer not known total work finished?
A,B B, C        
C, A  
     
 
a) 10, 30, 20, 60  b) 10, 20, 60, 30       
c) 20, 30, 20, 60  d) 20, 60, 30, 20  ?
e)  a) 15 days/ b) 18 days/
68. Ram can do a work in 15 days. Rahim is 50% more c) 12 days/ d) 20 days/
e) Answer not known/
efficient than Ram. The number of days Rahim, will
75. 3 men or 5 women can do a piece of work in 12 days. How
take to do the same piece of work is
long will 6 men and 5 women take to finish the work?
      
  
 
a) 7 b) 10 c) 12 d) 14 a) 20 b) 10 c) 4 d) 15
e) Answer not known/ e) Answer not known/
8 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566

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