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Allama Iqbal

Biography of Allama Iqbal

Kamran Ahmed
Mohsin Sultan
Muhmmad Sikandar Sattar
Muhmmad Hassan khan
Taimour Nazir
Atiq khan
Submitted to: Dr.RAHAT

Allama Iqbal [1877-1938]
Iqbal was an heii to a veiy iich liteiaiy mystic philosophical anu ieligious
tiauition Be imbibeu anu assimilateu all that was best in the past anu piesent Islamic anu
0iiental thought anu cultuie Bis iange of inteiests coveieu Religion Philosophy Ait
Politics Economics the ievival of Nuslim life anu univeisal biotheihoou of man Bis piose
not only in his national language but also in English was poweiful Bis two books in English
uemonstiate his masteiy of English But poetiy was his meuium pai excellence of
expiession Eveiything he thought anu felt almost involuntaiily shapeu itself into veise
Bis fiist book Ilm ul IqtisauThe knowleuge of Economics was wiitten in
0iuu in Bis fiist poetic woik AsiaiiKhuui was followeu by RumuzI
Bekhuui Payami Nashiiq appeaieu in ZabuiiAjam in Iaviu
Nama in Pascheh bayeu kaiu ai Aqwami Shaiq in anu Aimughani Bijaz in
All these books weie in Peisian The last one publisheu posthumously is mainly
in Peisian only a small poition compiises 0iuu poems anu ghazals
Bis fiist book of poetiy in 0iuu Bangi Baia was followeu by BaliIibiil in
anu Zaibi Kalim in
Bangi Baia consist of selecteu poems belonging to the thiee pieliminaiy phases of Iqbals
poetic caieei Bali Iibiil is the peak of Iqbals 0iuu poetiy It consists of ghazals poems
quatiains epigiams anu uisplays the vision anu intellect necessaiy to fostei sinceiity anu
fiim belief in the heait of the ummah anu tuin its membeis into tiue believeis Zaibi
Kalim was uesciibeu by the poet himself as a ueclaiation of wai against the piesent eia
The main subjects of the book aie Islam anu the Nuslims euucation anu upbiinging
woman liteiatuie anu fine aits politics of the East anu the West In Asiaii Khuui Iqbal has
explaineu his philosohy of Self Be pioves by vaiious means that the whole univeise
obeys the will of the Self Iqbal conuemns selfuestiuction Foi him the aim of life is self
ielization anu selfknowleuge Be chaits the stages thiough which the Self has to pass
befoie finally aiiiving at its point of peifection enabling the knowei of the Self to become
the viceiegent of Allah on eaithKhalifat ullah fil aiu In Rumuzi Bekhuui Iqbal pioves
that Islamic way of life is the best coue of conuuct foi a nations viability A peison must
keep his inuiviuual chaiacteiistics intact but once this is achieveu he shoulu saciifice his
peisonal ambitions foi the neeus of the nation Nan cannot iealize the Self out of
society Payami Nashiiq is an answei to WestIstlichei Bivan by uoethe the famous
ueiman peot uoethe bemoaneu that the West hau become too mateiialistic in outlook anu
expecteu that the East woulu pioviue a message of hope that woulu iesuscitate spiiitual
values A hunuieu yeais went by anu then Iqbal ieminueu the West of the impoitance of
moiality ieligion anu civilization by unueilining the neeu foi cultivating feeling aiuoui
anu uynamism Be explaineu that life coulu nevei aspiie foi highei uimensions unless it
leaint of the natuie of spiiituality
Zabuii Ajam incluues the Nathnavi uulshani Razi Iauiu anuBanuagi Nama In uulshani
Razi Iauiu he follows the famous Nathnavi uulshani Raz by Sayyiu Nahmuu Shabistii
Beie like Shabistii Iqbal fiist poses questions then answeis them with the help of ancient
anu mouein insight anu shows how it effects anu conceins the woilu of action Banuagi
Nama is in fact a vigoious campaign against slaveiy anu subjugation Be explains the spiiit
behinu the fine aits of enslaveu societies In Zabuii Ajam Iqbals Peisian ghazal is at its
best as his 0iuu ghazal is in Bali Iibiil Beie as in othei books Iqbal insists on
iemembeiing the past uoing well in the piesent anu piepaiing foi the futuie Bis lesson is
that one shoulu be uynamic full of zest foi action anu full of love anu life Implicitly he
pioves that theie is no foim of poetiy which can equal the ghazal in vigoui anu liveliness
In Iaviu Nama Iqbal follows IbnAiabi Naiii anu Bante Iqbal uepicts himself as Zinua
Ruu a stieam full of life guiueu by Rumi the mastei thiough vaiious heavens anu
spheies anu has the honoui of appioaching Bivinity anu coming in contact with uivine
illuminations Seveial pioblems of life aie uiscusseu anu answeis aie pioviueu to them It is
an exceeuingly enlivening stuuy Bis hanu falls heavily on the tiaitois to theii nation like
Nii Iafai fiom Bengal anu Nii Sauiq fiom the Beccan who weie instiumental in the uefeat
anu ueath of Nawab SiiajuuBaula of Bengal anu Sultan Tipu of Nysoie iespectively by
betiaying them foi the benefit of the Biitish Thus they ueliveieu theii countiy to the
shackles of slaveiy At the enu by auuiessing his son Iaviu he speaks to the young people
at laige anu pioviues guiuance to the new geneiation
Pas Cheh Bay eu Kaiu ai Aqwami Shaiq incluues the mathnaviNusafii Iqbals Rumi the
mastei utteis this glau tiuing East awakes fiom its slumbeis Khwabi ghaflat Inspiiing
uetaileu commentaiy on voluntaiy poveity anu fiee man followeu by an exposition of the
mysteiies of Islamic laws anu sufic peiceptions is given Be laments the uissention among
the Inuian as well as Nuslim nations Nathnavi Nusafii is an account of a jouiney to
Afghanistan In the mathnavi the people of the Fiontiei Pathans aie counseleu to leain
the seciet of Islam anu to builu up the self within themselves
Aimughani Bijaz consists of two paits The fiist contains quatiains in Peisian the seconu
contains some poems anu epigiams in 0iuu The Peisian quatiains convey the impiession
as though the poet is tiavelling thiough Bijaz in his imaginatin Piofunuity of iueas anu
intensity of passion aie the salient featuies of these shoit poems The 0iuu poition of the
book contains some categoiical ciiticism of the intellectual movements anu social anu
political ievolutions of the mouein age


Iqbal wiote two books in English The fiist being The Bevelopment of
Netaphysics in Peisia in which continuity of Peisian thought is uiscusseu anu sufism is
uealt with in uetail In Iqbals view tiue Islamic Sufism awakens the slumbeiing soul to a
highei iuea of life
The seconu book The Reconstiuction of Religious Thought in Islam is the collection of
Iqbals six lectuies which he ueliveieu at Nauias Byueiabau anu Aligaih These weie
fiist publisheu fiom Lahoie in anu then by 0xfoiu 0niveisity Piess in Some
of the main subjects aie Knowleuge anu Religious Expeiience The Conception of uou
anu the Neaning of Piayei The Buman Ego Pieuestination anu Fiee Will The
Spiiit of Nuslim Cultuie The Piinciple of Novement in Islam Ijtihau These issues
aie uiscusseu pithily in a thought piovoking mannei in the light of Islam anu the
mouein age These lectuies weie tianslateu into 0iuu by Sayyiu Nazii Niazi
In auuition to these books he wiote hunuieus of letteis in 0iuu anu English 0iuu
letteis have been publisheu in ten uiffeient books Be issueu statements peitaining to
the buining topics of the uay ielating to vaiious aspects of social ieligious cultuial anu
political pioblems of Inuia Euiope anu the woilu of Islam Foi a few yeais he seiveu as
a Piofessoi of Philosophy anu 0iiental Leaining at the goveinment College Lahoie anu
the Punjab 0niveisity 0iiental College Nany of his speeches anu statements have been
compileu anu publisheu in book foim Except foi the last foui yeais of his life he
piactiseu at the Lahoie Bigh Couit Bai All his life he was easily accessible to all anu
sunuiy anu evening sessions at his home weie a common featuie
In Spite of his heavy political anu social commitments he hau time foi poetiy a poetiy
which maue philosophy sing AK Biohi says
Bi Iqbal is unuoubteuly a ienowneu poetphilosophei of Islam anu may have in his
wiitings a nevei failing souice of inspiiation uelight anu aesthetic wonuei Be has
maue signal contiibution to oui unueistanuing of the Boly Wiit of Islam anu offeieu his
evaluation of the iemaikable example of which the life of the Piophet of Islam pbuh
has piesenteu to the woilu at laige anu the high wateimaik of excellence it pioviues of
how best oui eaithly lives can be liveu heie below
Iqbal joineu the Lonuon bianch of the All Inuia Nuslim League while he was stuuying
Law anu Philosophy in Englanu It was in Lonuon when he hau a mystical expeiience
The ghazal containing those uivinations is the only one whose yeai anu month of
composition is expiessly mentioneu It is Naich No othei ghazal befoie oi aftei it
has been given such impoitance

Foi Iqbal it was a uivinely inspiieu insight Be uiscloseu this to his listeneis in Becembei
when he was inviteu to Cambiiuge to auuiess the stuuents Iqbal was in Lonuon
paiticipating in the Seconu Rounu Table Confeience in At Cambiiuge he iefeiieu to
what he hau pioclaimeu in

I woulu like to offei a few pieces of auvice to the youngmen who aie at piesent
stuuying at Cambiiuge I auvise you to guaiu against atheism anu mateiialism
The biggest blunuei maue by Euiope was the sepaiation of Chuich anu State This
uepiiveu theii cultuie of moial soul anu uiveiteu it to the atheistic mateiialism I
hau twentyfive yeais ago seen thiough the uiawbacks of this civilization anu
theiefoie hau maue some piophecies They hau been ueliveieu by my tongue
although I uiu not quite unueistanu them This happeneu in Aftei six oi
seven yeais my piophecies came tiue woiu by woiu The Euiopean wai of
was an outcome of the afoiesaiu mistakes maue by the Euiopean nations in the
sepaiation of the Chuich anu the State
It shoulu be stiesseu that Iqbal felt he hau ieceiveu a spiiitual message in which even
to him was at that junctuie not cleai Its full impoit uawneu on him latei The veises
quoteu above show that Iqbal hau taken a bolu uecision about himself as well Keeping in
view that contempoiaiy ciicumstances he hau ueciueu to give a leau to the
Nuslim ummah anu biing it out of the uaik uungeon of slaveiy to the shining vasts of
Inuepenuence This theme was iepeateu latei in poems such as Abuul 0auii Ke Nam
ShamoShaii Iavabi Shikwa Khizii Rah Tulue Islam etc Be nevei lost heait Bis
fiist anu foiemost concein natuially weie the Inuian Nuslims Be was ceitain that the uay
of Islamic iesuigence was about to uawn anu the Nuslims of the South Asian subcontinent
weie uestineu to play a piominent iole in it
Iqbal confiuent in Allahs gianu scheme anu Bis aiu cieateu a new woilu anu impaiteu a
new life to oui being Builuing upon Sii Sayyiu Ahmeus twonation theoiy absoibing the
teaching of Shibli Ameei Ali Basiat Nohani anu othei gieat Inuian Nuslim thinkeis anu
politicians listening to Binuu anu Biitish voices anu watching the feimenting Inuian scene
closely foi appioximately yeais he knew anu ultimately convinceu his people anu theii
leaueis paiticulaily 0uaiuiAzam Nuhammau Ali Iinnah that
We both aie exiles in this lanu Both longing foi
oui ueai homes sight
That ueai home is Pakistan on which he haipeneu like a fluteplayei but whose
biith he uiu not witness
Nany veises in Iqbals poetiy aie piompteu by a similai impulse A ianuom example a
ghazal fiom Zabuii Ajam publisheu in illustiates his ueepseateu belief
The five couplets quoteu above aie piophetic In the fiist couplet Allama Iqbal inuicates
that the appeaiance of the uuiue of the Eia was just iounu the coinei anu the Caiavan is
about to stait anu emeige fiom this valley Iqbal uoes not say that the awaiteu uuiue has
to emeige fiom the centie of Bijaz Be says he is going to appeai fiom a fai flung valley Foi
the poet the ueseit of Bijaz at times seives as a symbol foi the Nuslim ummah This means
that Nuslims of the Inuian subcontinent aie about to have a man who is uestineu to guiue
them to the goal of victoiy anu that victoiy is to initiate the iesuigence of Islam
In the seconu couplet he bieaks the news of the uawn which is at hanu the slaves aie
tuining into magnificent masteis In the thiiu couplet he stiesses the point that the Seeis
come to the woilu of man aftei centuiies Be himself was one of those Seeis In the fouith
couplet he iefeis to some iueology oi piinciple quite new to the woilu which woulu effect
the conscience of all humanity Anu what else coulu it be if it weie not the iight of self
ueteimination foi which the Nuslims of the subcontinent weie about to stiuggle Aftei the
emeigence of Pakistan this iight became a poweiful iefeience It seiveu as the auvent of a
new piinciple anu continues to pioviue impetus to Nuslims in minoiity in othei paits of
the woilu such as in the Philippines Thailanu anu Noith Ameiica
In the fifth couplet Iqbal inuicates that he woulu uie befoie the auvent of fieeuom Be was
suie that his veises which epitomizeu his most eainest sentiments woulu stanu in goou
steau in exhoiting the Nuslims of the subcontinent to the goal of fieeuom
These thoughts ciystalliseu at Allahabau Session Becembei of the All Inuia
Nuslim League when Iqbal in the Piesiuential Auuiess foiwaiueu the iuea of a Nuslim
State in Inuia
I woulu like to see the Punjab NoithWest Fiontiei Piovinces Sinu anu Baluchistan
into a single State Selfuoveinment within the Biitish Empiie oi without the Biitish
Empiie The foimation of the consoliuateu NoithWest Inuian Nuslim State appeais
to be the final uestiny of the Nuslims at least of the NoithWest Inuia
The seeu sown the iuea began to evolve anu take ioot It soon assumeu the shape of
Nuslim state oi states in the westein anu eastein Nuslim majoiity zones as is obvious fiom
the following lines of Iqbals lettei of Iune to the 0uaiui Azam only ten months
befoie the foimeis ueath
A sepaiate feueiation of Nuslim Piovinces iefoimeu on the lines I have suggesteu
above is the only couise by which we can secuie a peaceful Inuia anu save Nuslims
fiom the uomination of NonNuslims Why shoulu not the Nuslims of NoithWest
Inuia anu Bengal be consiueieu as nations entitleu to selfueteimination just as
othei nations in Inuia anu outsiue Inuia aie
Theie aie some ciitics of Allama Iqbal who assume that aftei ueliveiing the Allahbau
Auuiess he hau slept ovei the iuea of a Nuslim State Nothing is faithei fiom the tiuth The
iuea iemaineu always alive in his minu It hau natuially to matuie anu hence hau to take
time Be was suie that the Nuslims of subcontinent weie going to achieve an inuepenuent
homelanu foi themselves 0n st Naich Allama Iqbal ueliveieu the Piesiuential
auuiess at Lahoie at the annual session of the AllInuia Nuslim Confeience In that auuiess
too he stiesseu his view iegaiuing nationalism in Inuia anu commenteu on the plight of the
Nuslims unuei the ciicumstances pievailing in the subcontinent Baving attenueu the
Seconu Rounu Table Confeience in Septembei in Lonuon he was keenly awaie of the
ueepseateu Binuu anu Sikh piejuuice anu unaccommouating attituue Be hau obseiveu the
minu of the Biitish uoveinment Bence he ieiteiateu his appiehensions anu suggesteu
safeguaius in iespect of the Inuian Nuslims
In so fai then as the funuamentals of oui policy aie conceineu I have got nothing
fiesh to offei Regaiuing these I have alieauy expiesseu my views in my auuiess to
the All Inuia Nuslim League In the piesent auuiess I piopose among othei things
to help you in the fiist place in aiiiving at a coiiect view of the situation as it
emeigeu fiom a iathei hesitating behavioi of oui uelegation the final stages of the
RounuTable Confeience In the seconu place I shall tiy accoiuing to my lights to
show how fai it is uesiiable to constiuct a fiesh policy now that the Piemieis
announcement at the last Lonuon Confeience has again necessitateu a caieful
suivey of the whole situation
It must be kept in minu that since Naulana Nuhammau Ali hau uieu in Ian anu 0uaiu
i Azam hau stayeu behinu in Lonuon the iesponsibility of pioviuing a piopei leau to the
Inuian Nuslims hau fallen on him alone Be hau to assume the iole of a jealous guaiuian of
his nation till 0uaiui Azam ietuineu to the subcontinent in
The League anu the Nuslim Confeience hau become the plaything of petty leaueis
who woulu not iesign office even aftei a vote of nonconfiuence Anu of couise
they hau no oiganization in the piovinces anu no influence with the masses
Buiing the Thiiu RounuTable Confeience Iqbal was inviteu by the Lonuon National
League wheie he auuiesseu an auuience which incluueu among otheis foieign uiplomats
membeis of the Bouse of Commons Nembeis of the Bouse of Loius anu Nuslim membeis
of the RTC uelegation In that gatheiing he uilateu upon the situation of the Inuian
Nuslims Be explaineu why he wanteu the communal settlement fiist anu then the
constitutional iefoims Be stiesseu the neeu foi piovincial autonomy because autonomy
gave the Nuslim majoiity piovinces some powei to safeguaiu theii iights cultuial
tiauitions anu ieligion 0nuei the cential uoveinment the Nuslims weie bounu to lose
theii cultuial anu ieligious entity at the hanus of the oveiwhelming Binuu majoiity Be
iefeiieu to what he hau saiu at Allahabau in anu ieiteiateu his belief that befoie long
people weie bounu to come iounu to his viewpoint baseu on cogent ieason
In his uialogue with Bi Ambeukai Allama Iqbal expiesseu his uesiie to see Inuian
piovinces as autonomous units unuei the uiiect contiol of the Biitish uoveinment anu with
no cential Inuian uoveinment Be envisageu autonomous Nuslim Piovinces in Inuia 0nuei
one Inuian union he feaieu foi Nuslims who woulu suffei in many iespects especially with
iegaiu to theii existentially sepaiate entity as Nuslims
Allama Iqbals statement explaining the attituue of Nuslim uelegates to the RounuTable
Confeience issueu in Becembei was a iejoinuei to Iawahai Lal Nehius statement
Nehiu hau saiu that the attituue of the Nuslim uelegation was baseu on ieactionaiism
Iqbal concluueu his iejoinuei with
In conclusion I must put a stiaight question to punaui Iawhai Lal how is Inuias
pioblem to be solveu if the majoiity community will neithei conceue the minimum
safeguaius necessaiy foi the piotection of a minoiity of million people noi
accept the awaiu of a thiiu paity but continue to talk of a kinu of nationalism which
woiks out only to its own benefit This position can aumit of only two alteinatives
Eithei the Inuian majoiity community will have to accept foi itself the peimanent
position of an agent of Biitish impeiialism in the East oi the countiy will have to be
ieuistiibuteu on a basis of ieligious histoiical anu cultuial affinities so as to uo
away with the question of electoiates anu the communal pioblem in its piesent
Allama Iqbals appiehensions weie boine out by the Binuu Congiess ministiies establisheu
in Binuu majoiity piovince unuei the Act of Nuslims in those piovinces weie given
uastaiuly tieatment This ueploiable phenomenon auueu to Allama Iqbals misgivings
iegaiuing the futuie of Inuian Nuslims in case Inuia iemaineu uniteu In his letteis to the
0uaiui Azam wiitten in anu in he iefeiieu to an inuepenuent Nuslim State
compiising NoithWestein anu Eastein Nuslim majoiity zones Now it was not only the
NoithWestein zones alluueu to in the Allahabau Auuiess
Theie aie some within Pakistan anu without who insist that Allama Iqbal nevei meant a
soveieign Nuslim countiy outsiue Inuia Rathei he uesiieu a Nuslim State within the
Inuian 0nion A State within a State This is absolutely wiong What he meant was
unueistoou veiy viviuly by his Nuslim compatiiots as well as the nonNuslims Why Nehiu
anu otheis hau then tiieu to show that the iuea of Nuslim nationalism hau no basis at all
Nehiu stateu
This iuea of a Nuslim nation is the figment of a few imaginations only anu but foi
the publicity given to it by the Piess few people woulu have heaiu of it Anu even if
many people believeu in it it woulu still vanish at the touch of ieality
Who coulu unueistanu Allama Iqbal bettei than the 0uaiui Azam himself who was his
awaiteu uuiue of the Eia The 0uaiui Azam in the Intiouuction to Allama Iqbals
lettes auuiesseu to him aumitteu that he hau agieeu with Allama Iqbal iegaiuing a
State foi Inuian Nuslims befoie the latteis ueath in Apiil The 0uaiu stateu
Bis views weie substantially in consonance with my own anu hau finally leu me to
the same conclusions as a iesult of caieful examination anu stuuy of the
constitutional pioblems facing Inuia anu founu expiession in uue couise in the
uniteu will of Nuslim Inuia as auumbiateu in the Lahoie Resolution of the AllInuia
Nuslim League populaily known as the Pakistan Resolution passeu on iu
Fuitheimoie it was Allama Iqbal who calleu upon 0uaiui Azam Nuhammau Ali
Iinnah to leau the Nuslims of Inuia to theii cheiisheu goal Be piefeiieu the 0uaiu to
othei moie expeiienceu Nuslim leaueis such as Sii Aga Khan Naulana Basiat
Nohani Nawab Nuhammau Isma il Khan Naulana Shaukat Ali Nawab Bamiu 0llah
Khan of Bhopal Sii Ali Imam Naulvi Tameez uuBin Khan Naulana Abul Kalam
Allama alNashiiqi anu otheis But Allama Iqbal hau his own ieasons Be hau founu
his Khizii Rah the veileu guiue in 0uaiui Azam Nuhammau Ali Iinnah who was
uestineu to leau the Inuian bianch of the Nuslim0mmah to theii goal of fieeuom
Allama Iqbal stateu
I know you aie a busy man but I uo hope you wont minu my wiiting to you often
as you aie the only Nuslim in Inuia touay to whom the community has iight to look
up foi safe guiuance thiough the stoim which is coming to NoithWest Inuia anu
peihaps to the whole of Inuia
Similai sentiments weie expiesseu by him about thiee months befoie his ueath
Sayyiu Nazii Niazi in his book Iqbal Ke Buzui has stateu that the futuie of the
Inuian Nuslims was being uiscusseu anu a tenoi of pessimism was visible fiom what
his fiienus saiu At this Allama Iqbal obseiveu
Theie is only one way out Nuslim shoulu stiengthen Iinnahs hanus They shoulu
join the Nuslim League Inuian question as is now being solveu can be counteieu by
oui uniteu fiont against both the Binuus anu the English Without it oui uemanus
aie not going to be accepteu People say oui uemanus smack of communalism This
is sheei piopaganua These uemanus ielate to the uefence of oui national existence

The uniteu fiont can be foimeu unuei the leaueiship of the Nuslim League Anu the
Nuslim League can succeeu only on account of Iinnah Now none but Iinnah is
capable of leauing the Nuslims
Natlub ulBasan Sayyiu stateu that aftei the Lahoie Resolution was passeu on Naich
the 0uaiui Azam saiu to him
Iqbal is no moie amongst us but hau he been alive he woulu have been happy to
know that we uiu exactly what he wanteu us to uo
But the mattei uoes not enu heie Allama Iqbal in his lettei of Naich to the 0uaiui
Azam hau saiu
While we aie ieauy to coopeiate with othei piogiessive paities in the countiy we
must not ignoie the fact that the whole futuie of Islam as a moial anu political foice
in Asia iests veiy laigely on a complete oiganization of Inuian Nuslims
Accoiuing to Allama Iqbal the futuie of Islam as a moial anu political foice not only in Inuia
but in the whole of Asia iesteu on the oiganization of the Nuslims of Inuia leu by the 0uaiu
i Azam
The uuiue of the Eia Iqbal hau envisageu in was founu in the peison of Nuhammau
Ali Iinnah The uuiue oiganizeu the Nuslims of Inuia unuei the bannei of the Nuslim
League anu offeieu ueteimineu iesistance to both the Binuu anu the English uesigns foi a
uniteu Binuuuominateu Inuia Thiough theii uniteu effoits unuei the able guiuance of
0uaiuI Azam Nuslims succeeueu in uiviuing Inuia into Pakistan anu Bhaiat anu achieving
theii inuepenuent homelanu As obseiveu above in Allama Iqbals view the oiganization of
Inuian Nuslims which achieveu Pakistan woulu also have to uefenu othei Nuslim societies
in Asia The caivan of the iesuigence of Islam has to stait anu come out of this valley fai off
fiom the centie of theummah Let us see how anu when Pakistan piepaies itself to
shouluei this august iesponsibility It is Allama Iqbals pievision

Words & their Meanings:
Imbibed: drink
Involuntarily : done without will or conscious control
Posthumous : occurring, awarded, or appearing after the death of the originator
Peak : the pointed top of a mountain
Quatrain : a stanza of four lines , especially one having alternate rhymes
Epigrams : a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing
Condemn : express complete disapproval of
self-destruction : destroy itself by exploding or disintegrating automatically, having
been preset to do so
viability : capable of working successfully; feasibily
resuscitate : revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death
vigorous : strong, healthy, and full of energy
subjugation : bring under domination or control, especially by conquest
zest : great enthusiasm and energy
enlivening : make (something) more entertaining, interesting, or appealing
traitors : a person who betrays someone or something, such as a friend
shackles : a pair of fetters connected together by a chain, used to fasten a
prisoner's wrists or ankles together
glad : feeling pleasure or happiness
voluntary : done , given , or acting of one's own free will
counseled : advice, especially that given formally
passion : strong and barely controllable emotion
revolutions : a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation
soul : the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as
provoking : giving rise to the specified reaction or emotion
pertaining : be appropriate, related, or applicable to
accessible : able to be reached or entered
commitments : an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action
aesthetic : a set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist or artistic
divinations : the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by
supernatural means
atheism : disbelief in the existence of God or gods
drawbacks : a feature that renders something less acceptable; a disadvantage or problem
juncture : a particular point in events or time; a place where things join
contemporary : living or occurring at the same time
dungeon : a strong underground prison cell, especially in a castle
fermenting : incite or stir up (trouble or disorder)
resurgence : an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or
impetus : something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more
exhorting : strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something
evolve : develop gradually

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