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Picazo, Drol Susej Z.

BSN 2-A-4

Renovo Mirador


1. What other information should the health care provider obtain from the patient?
 FL has previously been treated for a bladder or kidney infection?
How frequently does FL urinate?
When did FL notice the symptoms for the first time?
Urine characteristics such as color, concentration, and odor.
2. Why was TMP-SMZ prescribed? Explain your answer.
 Because of its low cost and efficacy, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) should
be used as first-line therapy for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women until the
prevalence of resistance to these medicines among uropathogens in the community is
greater than 10% to 20%. It works by destroying germs that cause UTIs and preventing
bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining.
3. What should the health care provider discuss with the patient in regard to taking the drug
and its possible side effects? What other information should FL receive?
 The health care professional can talk to FL about the drug's most common side effects,
which include nausea, diarrhea, and headaches. The patient should also know how to take
the medication and when to take it before and after the procedure meal.
4. What is the recommended follow-up care for FL?
 Routine structural examination is rarely necessary, but follow-up urine and cultures
should be considered 1-2 weeks following the completion of therapy. The presence of
"substantial" numbers of bacteria in the urine without any symptoms is referred to as
asymptomatic bacteriuria.
5. What other drugs might be used instead of TMP-SMZ? Would one urinary anti-infective
drug be more effective than another? Explain your answer.
 The conventional treatment for urinary tract infections has been trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole; however, E. Antibiotic-resistant E. coli is becoming more common.
Many specialists recommend ciprofloxacin as an alternative to penicillin and, in some
situations, as the first-line antibiotic. Because of the possibility of major side effects,
Ciprofloxacin is not a first-choice medicine for this illness. It should only be used for
UTIs when other options aren't available.

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