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USB Power Meter | UPM772

The UPM772 is a broadband log receiver which can operate on L/S/C/X band. In the field of radar the UPM772 can be used
as a pulse power meter designed for on-site power measurements of the Tx and Tx driver of the radar under test.
The UPM772 offers the following key features:
MAINTENANCE activities
Measure and record amplitude, shape and timing of radar pulses from SSR or PSR radars Visualisation of basic Tx power and
pulse parameters such as: pulse width, rise time, fall time, timed-sidelobes,...

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Radar Gyroscope and Inclinometer | RGI1193

The Radar Gyroscope-and-Inclinometer (RGI1193) allows the user to evaluate the mechanical and structural design of the
Intersoft Electronics USA
antenna support and tower under wind- loads, temperature, etc. US Office, Florida
The RGI1193 measures the angular velocity and planar angle of the antenna. The rotational information data combined with
the encoder signal provide essential information on encoder accuracy and platform leveling.
Antenna start-up and stop are also recorded and provide information about the mechanical stiffness of the radar tower.

IE-CD-001264-001 RASS for Maintenance Leaflet

RASS®-M Hardware Introduction

Compact radar maintenance equipment for Big Jobs!

RASS-M (Radar Analysis Support System for Maintenance activities) is a subset of IE’s RASS measurement solution portfolio and is
intended for use by radar technicians during periodic Primary or Secondary Surveillance Radar check-ups. RASS-M was developed The top-down philosophy means that we
independently from any radar manufacturer in order to offer you an all-round radar maintenance tool. The evaluation of the radar always work our way down from the antenna
system will be completed quickly and with little interference to the controllers since the RASS-M system can be connected to signals chain in order to check the entire system.
which are already available and this under operational conditions. Each element of the total radar chain can be USB Video Recorder | UVR892
characterized by specific parameters.
The USB Video Recorder or UVR892 digitizes and records the video signals of the radar offering the following functionalities:

The UVR892 enables the user to measure the HPD antenna pattern at reception of any (M)SSR or PSR antenna

The UVR892 samples the noise of the sun (sun-strobe) and stores the information together with its azimuth and elevation

position. By using astronomical algorithms, the solar elevation is calculated and used to build the VPD (Vertical Polar
Diagram, dB versus elevation) of the operational PSR. Another routine calculates the corresponding coverage diagram.


A UVR892 window-based video recording visualizes the transponder video data in great detail, along with all important
RADAR GYROSCOPE “side effects” of the data, such as reflections, noise, FRUIT etc… .
The RASS-M hardware kit consists of several light- weight, small boxes with a similar layout which can be linked together through The Sectorial Video Recorder has been designed to create highly detailed video recordings, unlimited in both range as
the RB (RASS Bus) connectors located on the rear of the devices. The RB provides several signals (radar timing signals, GPS data azimuth. The window width depends on the processing power of the PC. High-end desktops and laptops are able to
and power) that are common to the different devices. The RB concept simplifies the connection of the equipment to the radar and record the full 360°.
reduces the chance of connection errors.

Each customer can select the RASS-M configuration that best suits the maintenance needs. DRFA
A full RASS-M configuration consists of the following devices with accompanying software:

Digital RF Analyser | DRFA912

The first vital part of the radar chain is the antenna. Possible errors in this element can be characterised using the Digital Rf
Analyser (DRFA912). The DRFA912 is intended for on-site performance checks of antennas and receivers of (M)SSR ATC
radars and primary radars in L- and S-band. For this purpose, the radar does not have to be taken out of its operational mode.
The DRFA912 allows the user to perform Uplink recordings to evaluate the transmission antenna diagram.
The analysis software will check important parameters against the EUROCONTROL standards for radar performance giving
a detailed evaluation of the HPD diagram of your radar (3dB beam width, crossovers, punch-throughs (P1 > P2 outside the
boresight region), 1st side lobe level,etc...).
Radar Timing Interface | RTI966
The DRFA912 also allows to measure the characteristics of the (M)SSR or PSR receiver channels, in order to investigate:
ACP/ARP generated by the antenna encoder and a trigger signal are connected to the Radar Timing Interface or RTI966.

RF receiver dynamic range
Noise level measurement (sensitivity)
UVR The RTI966 provides the timing signals on the RB, available for all other RASS-M devices. A simple software configuration tool
will allow the user to select between single ended or differential input signal and set the threshold level for ACP, ARP, trigger
and OBI.
Receiver alignment (SUM, DELTA, SLS) for monopulse SSR systems
Receiver bandwidth USB VIDEO RECORDER

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