Activity 1 A

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What I Have Learned

Quarter 3 Module 1

Activity 1 A

Write It Down!
Direction: Write a two (2) paragraph using the different patterns of written text. Among the
three (3) topics with certain patterns given below, choose only one (1) that interests you and
makes you comfortable. After you have chosen, write your output on the given space below.

Topic 1: Travel Blog

You are a travel blogger. You want to share the best travel that you had before the
Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). Using the patterns Narration, Description and
Definition, write a 50-sentence paragraph narrating your travel experience, describing the beauty
of the place and a defining a certain tradition or practice that you observed on that place.

Topic 2: Film Critic

Choose two (2) movies that you had already watched before or during the Community
Quarantine. Using the patterns Comparison and Contrast, Persuasion and Exemplification,
write a 50-sentence review stating the similarities and differences of the two (2) movies. Then,
explain which movie is better and prove with concrete examples.

Topic 3: Environment Advocacy

Global Warming is still one of the world’s problems. Experts are still working on how to solve
this. If you were given a chance to speak in front of 200 young learners, how are you going to
discuss Global Warming to them in a brief speech? Using the patterns Classification, Cause and
Effect, and Problem-Solution, write a 50sentence paragraph classifying some of the existing
problems, discussing the reasons why these problems exist, explaining the effect of it and stating
solutions to these.


40 points

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