Entrepreneurial Marketing Assignment 16

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Mark Anthony Vendero

BS Entrepreneurship 3 - 11

Strategy Implementation and Internal Marketing

Assignment No. 16

1. How important or relevant do you believe ‘internal marketing’ is for organizations


Internal marketing is that customers’ attitudes toward a company are based on their
entire experience with that organization, and not just with the products. Thus everyone
who has any contact directly or indirectly with the customer helps to shape that
customer's experience. Therefore, customer satisfaction is deeply dependent on the
performance of a company's workforce.

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It is usually considered to be a process for selling or promoting the company and its

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objectives to the employees. The purpose of this process is to align every aspect of a
company’s internal operations to ensure they are as capable as possible of providing

value to customers.
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Ideally, internal marketing should be seen as being the integrated internal management
of all those activities that directly and indirectly support the satisfaction of customer

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2. Discuss how strategy implementation differ in small versus large organizations?

Strategy implementation is fairly simple: it’s the process that translates general
strategies into actionable plans for reaching your goals.
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Strategy implementation requires a firm to establish annual objectives, devise policies,

motivate employees, and allocate resources so that formulated strategies can be
executed. Often considered to be the most difficult state in strategic management,

strategy implementation requires personal discipline, commitment, and sacrifice.

Successful strategy implementation hinges upon managers' ability to motivate

employees, which is more an art than a science.

In large firms, the persons primarily responsible for having effective strategies at the

various levels include the CEO at the corporate level, the president or executive vice
president at the divisional level, the respective CFO, CIO, HRM, CMO, at the functional
level and the plant manager and regional sales manager at the operational level. In
small firms, the persons primarily responsible for having effective strategies at the
various levels include the business owner or president at the company level and then
the same range of persons at the lower two levels as with a large firm

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3. Given the situation nowadays, discuss the different challenges in marketing strategy
implementation of universities.

One of the challenges in promoting higher education is the assumption that students
not customers or neither are their parents. Also, many academics and university
personnel are likely to view marketing as compromising academic freedom.
Additionally, universities attempt to market what is essentially a service in the same
way as they market products. Some of the barriers to implementing marketing
programs is shared governance, decentralized decision making, collaborative
environment and the relationship between faculty and administration.

Other challenges:
Better capturing, understanding, and leveraging your data.

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Differentiating your university from the competition
Improving student engagement with your university

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4. Explain the meaning of cross-functional partnership and why it is required to

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delivering superior customer value.
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Cross-functional teams require a great deal of interpersonal collaboration, cross training,
a common sense of shared responsibility from start to end, and self-management from

all team members. In other words, cross-functional teams require members to

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collaborate rather than work next to each other in silos.

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There are generally five reasons why organizations create cross-functional teams.
 Working quickly
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 Dealing with complexity

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 Learn and adapt

 Thinking creatively
 Closeness to customers

5. Is there a relationship between strategic planning in strategy implementation?

Explain your answer.

A strategic plan provides a business with the roadmap it needs to pursue a specific
strategic direction and set of performance goals, deliver customer value, and be
successful. However, this is just a plan; it doesn’t guarantee that the desired
performance is reached any more than having a roadmap guarantees the traveler
arrives at the desired destination.

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The strategic plan addresses the what and why of activities, but implementation
addresses the who, where, when, and how. The fact is that both pieces are critical to
success. In fact, companies can gain competitive advantage through implementation if
done effectively. In the following sections, you’ll discover how to get support for your
complete implementation plan and how to avoid some common mistakes.

Strategic Planning is systematic procedure to establish the long term objectives of an

organization and the policies and strategies that oversee the achievement, use and
disposition of resources to accomplish the vision and mission of firms. It is basically the
responsibility of senior management. Strategic planning is the problem-solving process
of establishing strategic objectives and devising strategic plans to realize those
objectives. The goals of strategic planning including understanding the benefits of
strategic planning; understanding the products of strategic planning; and learning the
keys to successful planning and implementation.

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Implementation is the process of turning strategies and plans into actions to achieve
strategic objectives and goals. Implementation is important part of the strategic

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planning process, and organizations that develop strategic plans must incorporate a
process for applying the plan. The particular implementation process can differ from

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organization to organization. Strategy will tend to be formulated at high level, mainly if
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it follows a common strategy of value discipline and it can only be successfully
implemented if it can be expressed in more detailed policies and communications that
are directed at workforce throughout the organization. Strategic alteration can only be

successful if it has the support of the employees who have to deal with the customers,
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suppliers and organizational resources that of the strategy is targeted at. Consequently,
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when representing the strategy at a lower organizational level, it also helps to ensure
that the strategy is practicable and addresses any realistic issues which may arise.
Particularly, a strategy needs to be implemented in the marketing, research and
development, procurement, HR, production and IT departments in order to be
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triumphant. Implementation must also recognize any resources and capabilities

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required to support the new strategy, and any organizational change which will have to
take place. In implementation process, the strategy also needs to be controlled and
revised to make certain that it is being implemented accurately and fruitfully. This

needs appraisal and feedback procedures as well as control systems to observe the
important characteristics of the strategy.

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