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Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

"Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?" This is a question I rarely get asked but the few
times it has always given me a chance to analyze my life and my life long goals. In 5-10 years
I see myself finishing medical school and entering my internship as a Pediatric doctor or a
Cardiothoracic surgeon. I know that by striving for what I want and believing that I can do it
that I will be where I truly want to be. I am currently in high school pursuing the subjects
that in due time will prepare me for the next 5-10 years of my life. I see myself graduating
from university with my diplomas and my bachelors degree entering medical school for my
internship. After my internship I would then become a resident then after a couple of years
I’d then become an attendee. Later down in my medical years I’d like to get settled and save
towards a house and a car. I believe that the highest education that I can receive will get me
where I want to be, and truly I value education. There are other goals that I’d like to
accomplish over the next several years. My biggest aspiration though is to be my mother's
comfort, a compassionate person to my friends, an example to my child or children. A kind
and cheerful person towards my sister and a loving wife to my husband. I know there will be
challenges to face but with God and the support of my friends and family I know I will make
it. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”~ Philippians 4:13.

What are you most grateful for and why?

What I am most grateful for is life. Life has never been known to be easy; for me or anyone
else. It is filled with it's ups and downs. I stumble and fall sometimes, experience joy this
moment and sorry the next, such is the life that we live. It's full of: danger, mystery and
tragedy but it also has: joy, peace and tranquility. The blue skies, the fresh air in the morning
and the cool evening breeze are all a part of life. While it can be difficult at times and more
than often, I might feel as if I am at the end of my road, there are always beautiful moments
that help to push me forward to: press on, live to the end, strive to have new experiences
each day and move forward with whatever comes my way. Life comes with it's fair share of
challenges that make me stronger with each one I conquer. It also has beauty in every form.
Whether it might be: family, friends, nature or special occurrences. Life is precious and has:
beautiful moments, memories made, bonds forged and new life being created. It is truly a
wonderful experience and I am forever grateful, especially for the person who brought me
here. I am grateful for life so that I can experience all these incredible things and I thank God
every day for sparing my life so that I may see another day. A wise man once said “The
longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes." - Frank Lloyd Wright.


Question 1
I once had a Mathematics teacher by the name of Mr. Smith. He hasn’t only been my
favorite teacher in math but he was my favorite teacher overall. He was my favorite teacher
because he always pushed me to do better, not only in Mathematics but in all subject areas.
He was one of the few teachers who believed that I could strive in whatever I did; not only
academically but also in my extra-curricular activities that I took part in at school. He pushed
me to be a great person towards other teachers and students and also a great example and
leader towards my classmates. Whenever I felt like I couldn't do something and I felt like
giving up, he would never let me. He was one of the few teachers at my school that I could
look to for motivation. He always understood me and the rest of my class and he always
found a way in which he could relate to us, especially when he’s teaching a topic none of us
could barely understand.
Firstly, it's the time and effort that Mr. Smith spends with his students, also how he
motivates us when we say “I can’t”. A quote from the great Marcus Garvey that I can’t
forget that he always recites to us in class or wherever we were. This quote was “IF YOU
quote did he always recite when I ever thought of giving up. Secondly, Mathematics was
quite a difficult subject for me. To put it bluntly, I hated the subject, but Mr. Smith changed
my whole mindset of hating Mathematics. He made the subject interesting by the way in
which he implemented numerous techniques to solve difficult problems. Some of which
were real life scenarios which made us eager to learn. He has affected me in a positive way
which made me not wanting to give up on anything even when it’s hard, not only in
mathematics or school but he has changed my view on certain things in life. This made me
more mature because he took the time out to talk to me and to make sure that everything
was okay.
This has shaped my future by helping me to understand the world using mathematics and
what was thought to make sense of the world and to solve complex and real world
problems. It will help me to think critically and have a creative mind. One of the best advices
I have received from him is to never give up, always push through and to remember I can do
it no matter what obstacle I might face and that I am a very smart person and I will always
figure it out. I will never forget those words. However, I have always followed those advices
and they have stayed with me whenever I feel I like I can’t overcome an obstacle.

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