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SPE 50717

Factors Affecting the Thermal Stability of Conventional Scale Inhibitors for Application
in High Pressure/High Temperature Reservoirs
S.J. Dyer, G.M. Graham, SPE, K.S. Sorbie, SPE, Heriot-Watt University

Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

Background and Introduction
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE International Symposium on With the development of a number of new HT/HP fields in the
Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, 16–19 February 1999.
North Sea, for example ETAP (Eastern Trough Area Project),
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as Elgin/Franklin and Shearwater reservoirs, a number of
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
important “scale” control problems are expected. These
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at HT/HP reservoirs are characterised by very high salinity brines
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper (TDS up to 300,000+ ppm), high temperatures (T > 175°C)
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is and pressures in the range 12,000 to 15,000 psi (~ 800 - 1,000
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous bar). A variety of inorganic precipitates are expected in the
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. new HP/HT reservoirs, which include the common oilfield
scales such as the insoluble barium/strontium/calcium
Abstract sulphates and calcium/magnesium carbonates. In addition, the
Following an earlier paper (SPE 37274, 1997),1 we have very high salinity (HS) of several of the formation brines (TDS
continued to investigate the thermal stability of scale inhibitors > 300,000 ppm) can result in halite drop-out (NaCl(s)) either
for application in high pressure/high temperature (HP/HT) as a result of water flash-off into the gas phase as pressure
reservoirs. HP/HT reservoirs are currently under development decreases during production or simply due to reduced halite
in the North Sea and are characterised by high salinity brines solubility as the temperature declines during production.1,2
(TDS > 300,000 ppm) high temperatures (T > 175°C) and high
pressures (12,000 - 15,000 psi, ~ 800 - 1050 bar). At present Common Scales. In many of the new HT/HP reservoirs,
produced brines are treated with scale inhibitors to prevent natural depletion will be used as the main recovery
mineral scale deposition within tubulars and topside mechanism. This effectively removes the possibility of
equipment. However, the conventional polymer and sulphate scale in producers. However, if continual injection
phosphonate scale inhibitors currently being used may not be “wash-water” is deployed in order to dilute the produced
appropriate for application in the harsh HP/HT reservoirs. formation brine and prevent halite precipitation, this may lead
In this work, results are presented from static thermal to a sulphate scaling problem in the production tubulars and
stability tests conducted on conventional polymer and topside equipment. This can be resolved by incorporating an
phosphonate scale inhibitors including phosphino- appropriate scale inhibitor into the wash-water brine.
polycarboxylate (PPCA), polyvinyl sulphonate (PVS), penta- However, in addition to its ability to prevent scale formation in
phosphonate (DETPMP) and hexa-phosphonate (TETHMP). such scenarios, the thermal stability in aqueous solution and
The stability of the scale inhibitors has been considered at the brine compatibility of the scale inhibitor will be of
temperatures ranging from 120°C to 200°C and other factors paramount importance.
which may affect thermal stability have also been investigated, Carbonate scales may also form during the life of these
including solution pH and the presence of oxygen radicals, HP/HT fields. As reservoir pressure gradually decreases, the
iron and common cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) in the inhibitor carbon dioxide bubble point will occur at points successively
solution. The results from this work demonstrate how factors lower down the production string. Carbonate scale formation
such as pH and brine composition control thermal stability. above the perforations can be controlled in a similar manner to
Furthermore, the controlling influence of certain factors, such that described above by incorporation of suitable scale
as solution pH, affect different species differently. This work inhibitors into the wash water system. Ultimately carbonate
assists in the selection of scale inhibitors for use in HP/HT scaling problems are expected to occur in the near-wellbore
applications. formation, which would necessitate the use of scale squeeze
chemicals. However, since the bubble point for CO2 is
considerably less than 10,000 psi in these systems, it will by

then be a HT/moderate pressure system. Note: the carbon other factors on thermal stability, including the presence of
dioxide bubble point at Heron reservoir (in the ETAP oxygen radicals, iron and common cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) in
complex, North Sea) temperature is predicted to be ~ 4,400 the inhibitor solution.
psi.2,4 For squeeze inhibitor chemicals, thermal stability and Hexa-phosphonate (TETHMP) was not included in the
brine compatibility become even more important issues than testing as previous work has suggested that its thermal stability
for “wash water” chemicals. This is because (i) the inhibitor was similar to DETPMP.1 This work was undertaken to
species would be expected to survive in the formation for determine which generic scale inhibitors are most suited for
extended periods of time (squeeze lifetime); and (ii) for natural application in high temperature reservoirs and under what
depletion production scenarios, high concentrations of the conditions their scale inhibition efficiency will be reduced.
inhibitor species would have to be compatible in the very high
salinity formation brines. Experimental Procedure
In this study three generically different scale inhibitors, PPCA,
Current Scale Inhibitor Technology. It is important to PVS and DETPMP, were thermally aged in hydrothermal
determine whether scale inhibitor species currently applied in bombs at various temperatures between 120°C and 200°C.
more conventional reservoirs will have any application in these Different additives, such as hydrogen peroxide, iron containing
more severe HP/HT conditions. In particular, thermal stability crushed core and swarf and various cations were incorporated
and brine compatibility issues are likely to be controlling into the inhibitor solutions to determine their effect on the
factors in the selection and application of inhibitor chemicals thermal stability of the inhibitors.
in these harsh conditions.1-7 Previous work has shown that
phosphonate based inhibitor species may not be applicable due Thermal Stability Tests. Thermal ageing of the inhibitor
to poor thermal stability,1,3,6 although some studies have species was performed in Teflon lined stainless steel
indicated less dramatic results for certain phosphonates.7,8 hydrothermal bombs, as described previously.1,3 The relevant
Furthermore, the thermal stability of polycarboxylate species inhibitor was dissolved in either sea water (SW), distilled
at 175°C are controlled by test solution pH and brine water (DW) or a solution containing specific cations (10,000
salinity.1,3 More recent work has examined the thermal ppm sodium, 500 ppm calcium or 2,000 ppm magnesium), to
stability of selected poly vinyl sulphonate (PVS) and give a solution of 1,000 ppm active. Lithium chloride (50
sulphonated co-polymer (VS-Co)4,5,9 inhibitor species at ppm) was also added to this solution to act as a tracer. The
temperatures up to 200°C. The results indicate that improved solutions were split into 150 ml aliquots and the pH adjusted
thermal stability is observed for the sulphonated polymer with HCl and NaOH to that required (between pH 2 and 6).
chemistries. Furthermore, their thermal stability at these In certain tests, hydrogen peroxide (1 ml/L, 30% solution)
elevated temperatures is still somewhat controlled by solution was added to the solution and in other experiments, crushed
pH and brine salinity, in an analogous manner to that reported Upper Skagerrak core material (0.5 g/bomb) and stainless steel
for polycarboxylate species.1,3,9 In addition, certain PVS and swarf (0.5 g/bomb) were added. These substances were added
VS-Co inhibitor species have been shown to exhibit in order to induce more severe catalysed oxidative degradation
significantly better compatibility in the very high salinity conditions.10
formation brines than other polycarboxylate species.3,4,9 It is The Teflon cups were weighed, 30 ml of each test solution
therefore considered that sulphonated species, including was placed in the cups and the cups were re-weighed. The
selected PVS and VS-Co inhibitors, may be the most cups were also re-weighed following the addition of the
appropriate species, for scale control under HP/HT field crushed core and swarf. The solutions were blanketed (not
conditions.3,4,9 sparged) with nitrogen and the cups were sealed. The Teflon
cups were then placed in the hydrothermal bombs and sealed
Outline of the Current Study tightly. The bombs were placed in an oven for 5 days at the
Previous work has examined the effect of thermal ageing at appropriate temperature. Following this thermal ageing
175°C and 200°C on the barium sulphate inhibition efficiency process, the “bombs” were allowed to cool to room
of phosphino-polycarboxylate (PPCA), polyvinyl sulphonate temperature and evaluated as described below.
(PVS), sulphonated co-polymer (VS-Co), penta-phosphonate
(DETPMP) and hexa-phosphonate (TETHMP) inhibitor Thermal Stability Evaluation - Comparative Inhibition
species.1 This thermal ageing was conducted on both solid Performance. Following thermal ageing, the samples were
inhibitor species and in aqueous solutions of the scale made up to the starting volume of ~ 30 ml. Note: slight
inhibitors. The pH of the samples in solution was both the evaporation may have caused a small reduction in volume.
“supplied” pH and at adjusted values in the range pH 2 - 6.1,9 However, if significant evaporation (> 25% of volume) had
In this paper we consider the thermal stability of the generic occurred, the sample was discarded. The samples and original
scale inhibitors PPCA, PVS and DETPMP at temperatures stocks (non-thermally aged) were then analysed for the
ranging from 120°C to 200°C with the inhibitor solution presence of lithium tracer by ICP (Inductively Coupled
initially adjusted to pH 2 - 6. We also consider the effect of Plasma) Spectroscopy. This process allows for any slight

evaporation effects to be accounted for accurately. Any Effect of Iron (Core and Swarf). Figure 3 presents the
difference in [Li] can then be adjusted during the dilution step comparative thermally aged (180°C) vs. non-thermally aged
prior to comparative barium sulphate inhibition efficiency barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies for PPCA in sea water
testing. at pH 2, 4 and 6 with iron added (from crushed core and
Comparative inhibition efficiency tests were then swarf), to act as a catalyst for oxidative degradation. From
conducted, as described elsewhere,1,9,11 in order to compare the Figure 3 it can be seen that thermally ageing PPCA with iron
barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of the thermally aged at an initial pH of 6, did not reduce the inhibition performance
inhibitor samples with that of their respective stock samples and, as expected from previous results (Figure 1) complete
(non-thermally aged). The inhibition efficiency tests were loss of inhibition efficiency was observed for the PPCA with
performed in the moderate/severe barium sulphate scaling an initial pH of 4. However, at an initial pH of 2, thermal
brine mix of 50:50 sea water (SW) and Forties type formation ageing of PPCA in the presence of iron, led to a complete loss
water (FW) at 95°C, with the solutions buffered to pH 5.5. The of inhibition efficiency, whereas only a partial reduction in
calcium level of Forties brine was reduced from 5,000 ppm to inhibition efficiency had been observed after thermal ageing
2,000 ppm due to inhibitor/brine compatibility issues.1 without iron present (see Figure 1). The concentration of iron
Inhibitor concentrations in the range 8 - 10 ppm (active) were in solution after thermal ageing is given in Table 3 and from
examined in this brine mixture in order to give a reasonable this it can be seen that as pH decreased, so the iron
level of performance (40 - 80% efficiency at 2 hours residence concentration in solution increased. Hence, the loss of
time). A summary of the tests conducted in this study is inhibition efficiency observed for the pH 2 sample
presented in Table 1 and the compositions of the brines used corresponded to an increase in solution iron concentration.
are shown in Table 2. Note: as described previously,1,6,9 in Related work at this laboratory indicates that the presence of
these studies it is not the absolute inhibitor performance with iron in this brine system would reduce the performance of
which we are primarily concerned, but rather the change in PPCA.
performance of the thermally aged sample when compared Effect of Solution Cations. Figure 4 presents the
with its respective stock (non-thermally aged) sample. comparative thermally aged (180°C) vs. non-thermally aged
barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies for PPCA in distilled
Thermal Stability Results water and in a 10,000 ppm sodium solution (similar to sea
PPCA. water concentration) at pH 2 - 6. From Figure 4 it is evident
Effect of pH at 180°C and 200°C. Figure 1 presents the that thermally ageing PPCA in distilled water led to an almost
comparative thermally aged (180°C and 200°C) vs. non- complete loss of inhibition efficiency at all pH values.
thermally aged (stock) barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies However, when the PPCA was thermally aged in the 10,000
for PPCA in sea water at pH 2 - 6. From Figure 1 it is evident ppm sodium solution, the inhibition performance was similar
that thermally ageing the PPCA at 180°C at pH 5 and 6 did not to that observed after thermal ageing in sea water (Figure 1).
alter its inhibition efficiency. However, thermal ageing at Figure 5 presents the comparative thermally aged (180°C)
180°C at pH 3 and 4 led to complete loss of performance and vs. non-thermally aged barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies
at pH 2 led to a partial reduction in performance. When for PPCA in a 500 ppm calcium solution (similar to
thermal ageing was carried out at 200°C the inhibition concentration in sea water) and a 2,000 ppm magnesium
performance of the PPCA was further reduced at pH 5 and 6. solution. From this figure it can be seen that thermally ageing
This led to a partial reduction in performance and at pH 2 - 4 it PPCA in these solutions led to a similar inhibition efficiency
led to complete loss of inhibition efficiency. At both as that observed for the thermal ageing of PPCA in sea water
temperatures the inhibition performance of the PPCA after and a 10,000 ppm sodium solution.
thermal ageing was strongly dependent on initial pH.
Effect of Oxygen Radicals (Hydrogen Peroxide). Figure 2 PVS.
presents the comparative thermally aged (180°C) vs. non- Effect of pH at 180°C and 200°C. Figure 6 presents the
thermally aged (stock) barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies comparative thermally aged (180°C and 200°C) vs. non-
for PPCA in sea water at pH 2 - 6 with hydrogen peroxide thermally aged (stock) barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies
added (to act as a source of oxygen radicals to initiate for PVS in sea water at pH 2 - 6. From Figure 6 it can be seen
oxidative degradation). From Figure 2 it can be seen that that the inhibition efficiency of PVS was not significantly
thermally ageing PPCA with hydrogen peroxide led to the reduced by thermal ageing at either 180°C or 200°C at any pH
complete loss of inhibition efficiency at pH 2 - 4 and to the examined.
partial loss of inhibition efficiency at pH 5 and 6. As with the Effect of Oxygen Radicals (Hydrogen Peroxide). Figure 7
thermal stability tests at different temperatures, the effect of presents the comparative thermally aged (180°C) vs. non-
hydrogen peroxide was strongly dependent on the initial thermally aged barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies for PVS
solution pH. in sea water at pH 2 - 6 with hydrogen peroxide added (to act
as a source of oxygen radicals). From Figure 7 it can be seen

that the inhibition efficiency of PVS was partially reduced by thermally ageing DETPMP under these conditions resulted in
thermal ageing at all pH values examined. a complete loss of inhibition efficiency at all pH values tested.
Effect of Iron (Core and Swarf). Figure 8 presents the
comparative thermally aged (180°C) vs. non-thermally aged Discussion
barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies for PVS in sea water at Temperature and pH. The results presented above indicate
pH 2, 4 and 6 with iron added (from crushed core and swarf), that as the temperature is increased from 180°C to 200°C, so
to act as a catalyst for oxidative degradation. From Figure 8 it the inhibition performance of thermally aged PPCA decreases.
can be seen that thermally ageing PVS with iron, at any of the That is, the PPCA degrades more as the temperature increases,
initial pH values, did not significantly reduce the inhibition as has been suggested previously.1 However, the inhibition
efficiency. The concentration of iron in solution after thermal efficiency of the PPCA after thermal ageing at both
ageing is given in Table 3 and from this it can be seen that, as temperatures, is strongly influenced by the initial solution pH,
for PPCA, decreasing the pH increased the iron concentration with the greatest reduction in inhibition efficiency occurring in
in solution. However, related work at this laboratory has the intermediate pH range of 3 - 4. Previous work has
shown that the presence of iron in this brine system does not indicated that PVS is thermally stable up to 200°C1 and the
influence the performance of PVS. results for PVS also show that the inhibition efficiency at all
Effect of Solution Cations. Figure 9 presents the pH values tested, is not reduced when the temperature is
comparative thermally aged (200°C) vs. non-thermally aged increased from 180°C to 200°C.9 Hence, PVS is more suited
barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies for PVS in distilled for application in high temperature reservoirs (180°C to
water and a 10,000 ppm sodium solution (similar to sea water 200°C) than PPCA, particularly as the pH does not have to be
concentration) at pH 2 - 6. From Figure 9 it can be seen that carefully controlled. However, tests in lower salinity brines
decreasing the initial pH form 5 to 2 reduced the inhibition (distilled water) do indicate a relationship between thermal
efficiency of the PVS when thermally aged in distilled water. stability and ageing pH (see below).
However, when the PVS was thermally aged in a 10,000 ppm As with PPCA, the inhibition performance of DETPMP
sodium solution the inhibition efficiencies at all initial pH decreases as the temperature of thermal ageing is increased
values were similar to those of the stock solutions. Hence, in from 120°C to 130°C and 150°C. Also the inhibition
the sodium solution, the inhibition efficiency of PVS was efficiency of the DETPMP is strongly dependent on the pH of
similar to that observed when the PVS was thermally aged in the initial solution. However, with DETPMP the inhibition
sea water (Figure 6). efficiency decreases as the pH increases from pH 2 to 6. The
Figure 10 presents the comparative thermally aged (180°C) complete loss of inhibition efficiency for DETPMP after
vs. non-thermally aged barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies thermal ageing at 150°C indicates that, as previously
for PVS in a 500 ppm calcium solution (similar concentration observed,1,4,7 it is less thermally stable than either PPCA or
to sea water) and a 2,000 ppm magnesium solution. From this PVS and is therefore less suited for application in high
figure it can be seen that thermally ageing PVS in these temperature fields.
solutions led to a similar reduction in performance as that
observed for the thermal ageing of PVS in distilled water and Oxidative Degradation. The addition of hydrogen peroxide, to
not sea water. induce oxidative degradation10 in the thermal ageing solution,
decreases the inhibition efficiency of PPCA. As with the effect
DETPMP. of temperature, this reduction in performance is strongly
Effect of pH at 120°C, 130°C and 150°C. Figure 11 dependent on initial solution pH. However, when PVS is
presents the comparative thermally aged (120°C, 130°C and thermally aged in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, the
150°C) vs. non-thermally aged (stock) barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of the PVS at all pH values is partially
inhibition efficiencies for DETPMP in sea water at pH 2 - 6. reduced.9 Therefore, although the effect of oxidative degradation
From Figure 11 it can be seen that when DETPMP was on PPCA is strongly dependent on pH, for PVS it is independent
thermally aged at 120°C, the inhibition efficiency at pH 2 - 5 of solution pH. It is thought that oxidative degradation by
was similar to that of the stock solutions. However, at pH 6 oxygen radicals is one of the potential mechanisms for the
the inhibition efficiency was partially reduced. Increasing the degradation of both PVS and PPCA inhibitor species. Note: the
temperature to 130°C resulted in partially reduced inhibition hydrogen peroxide concentration used in these tests was
efficiencies at all initial pH values, with the inhibition considerably higher than would be expected in the field, where
performance decreasing as the pH increased. Thermal ageing oxygen levels would be minimised (reducing environment),
DETPMP at 150°C led to a complete loss of inhibition although other free radicals may be of more importance.
efficiency at all pH values tested.
Effect of Distilled Water. Figure 12 presents the Iron Catalysed Inhibitor Degradation. The addition of iron
comparative thermally aged (120°C) vs. non-thermally aged to the thermal ageing solution, from either crushed core or
barium sulphate inhibition efficiencies for DETPMP in swarf, leads to a reduction in the inhibition efficiency of PPCA
distilled water at pH 2 - 6. From Figure 12 it can be seen that with an initial pH of 2. This reduction in inhibition efficiency

corresponds to a significant increase in solution iron Nomenclature

concentration (∼ 20 ppm). However, a similar increase in DETPMP = Diethylene triamine pentamethylene phosphonate
solution iron concentration did not effect the inhibition PPCA = Poly phosphino carboxylic acid
efficiency of PVS when thermally aged at pH 2. No reduction PVS = Poly vinyl sulphonate
in inhibition efficiency is observed after thermal ageing at pH HP/HT = High Pressure/High Temperature
6 for either PVS or PPCA or pH 4 for PVS, but at these pH HS = High Salinity
values only a very small amount of iron was released into TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
solution (< 4 ppm). The results at pH 2 indicate that at 180°C
the inhibition efficiency of PPCA is reduced due to the effect Acknowledgments
of iron affecting its performance. We would like to thank the Production Chemistry Department,
Technical Services Division of Shell UK. Exploration and
Thermal Stability from Solution Cations. The thermal Production and the CMPT (EPSRC Ref: GR/K69509, CMPT
ageing tests indicated that for all three inhibitor species, Ref: RES045) for funding this study. We would like to thank
inhibition efficiency is reduced when the inhibitor is dissolved Gordon C. Graham, formally of Shell UK. Exploration and
in distilled water rather than sea water. This suggests that the Production (currently Nalco Exxon Energy Chemicals) and
ions in sea water are stabilising the inhibitor species and Willem Sablerolle of Shell International for their support and
reducing thermal degradation.9 It is postulated that the helpful discussions.
functional groups in the inhibitor molecules are complexing
with the brine cations present in sea water and this stabilises References
the inhibitor molecules in such a way as to render them less 1. Graham, G.M., Jordan, M.M., Graham, G.C., Sablerolle, W.,
susceptible to thermal degradation, by preventing hydrolysis Sorbie, K.S., Hill, P. and Bunney, J.: “The Implication of
reactions from occurring. The thermal ageing tests conducted HP/HT Reservoir Conditions on the Selection and Application
of Conventional Scale Inhibitors: Thermal Stability Studies,”
with PVS and PPCA dissolved in solutions of 10,000 ppm
paper SPE 37274, presented at the 1997 SPE International
sodium (similar concentration to sea water) indicate that the Symposium on Oilfield Chemicals, held in Houston, TX, Feb.
stability and hence inhibition efficiency, of the inhibitors after 18-21.
thermal ageing in sea water, is due to the presence of the 2. Jasinski, R., Sablerolle, W., Amory, M.: “ETAP: Scale
sodium ions in solution. Further tests also indicate that Prediction and Control for the Heron Cluster,” paper SPE
solutions of 500 ppm calcium and 2,000 ppm magnesium 38767 presented at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference
stabilise the PPCA inhibitor species, but they do not increase and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 5-8.
the stability of PVS above that observed in distilled water. 3. Graham, G.M., Graham, G.C., Jordan, M.M., Sorbie, K.S., Hill,
P., Dyer, S.J., and Littlehales, I.: “The Influence of High
Temperature and High Salinity Conditions on the Testing and
Potential Application of Scale Inhibitors Under Harsh HP/HT
The results from this study can be summarised as follows: Reservoir Conditions”, presented at the 1997 NIF 8th
1. The inhibition efficiencies of thermally aged PPCA and International Oil Field Chemical Symposium, Geilo, Mar. 2-5.
DETPMP are strongly dependent on pH, as well as temperature. 4. Graham, G.M., Dyer S.J., Sorbie, K.S., Sablerolle, W.R., Shone,
2. The inhibition efficiency of PPCA is further reduced P. and Frigo, D.: “Scale Inhibitor Selection for Continuous and
when it is thermally aged at 180°C, in the presence of Downhole Squeeze Application in HP/HT Conditions”, paper
hydrogen peroxide, which act as catalysts for oxidative SPE 49197 prepared for the 1998 SPE Annual Technical
degradation and iron. Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 27-30.
3. PVS is thermally stable up to 200°C at pH 2 - 6. This 5. Collins, I..: “Scale Inhibition at High Reservoir Temperature”,
presented at the 1995 Advances in Solving Oilfield Scaling,
inhibition efficiency is reduced when PVS is thermally aged in
Aberdeen, Nov.
the presence of hydrogen peroxide at 180°C, but not in the 6. Jordan, M.M., Sorbie, K.S., Graham, G.M., Taylor, K. and
presence of iron. Hennessey, S.: “The Implications of HP/HT Reservoir
4. The inhibition efficiencies of PVS and PPCA are reduced Conditions on the Selection and Application of Scale Inhibitors
when they are thermally aged in distilled water, rather than sea - Some Preliminary Results,” presented at the 1996 NIF 7th
water. The improved stability observed in sea water is due to International Oil Field Chemicals Symposium, Geilo, Mar. 17-
sodium ions stabilising the inhibitor species. Calcium and 20.
magnesium also stabilise PPCA, but not PVS at the 7. Grüner H.P.: “Downhole Scale Control in a High Temperature
concentrations tested here. and High Calcium Environment,” presented at the 1996 NIF 7th
International Oil Field Chemicals Symposium, Geilo, Mar. 17-
5. When applying inhibitor species in HP/HT environments, 20.
care must be taken to ensure that the application conditions,
such as temperature, pH, cation composition of solution
(including iron) and presence of oxygen radicals, will not
reduce the inhibition efficiency of the selected scale inhibitor.

8. Brockmann, R., Bache, O., Asheim, T.I., Feasey, N.D. and 10. Wellington, S.L.: “Biopolymer Solution Viscosity Stabilisation
Jordan, M. “CaCO3 Inhibition Efficiency and Thermal Stability - Polymer Degradation and Antioxidant Use,” SPEJ, (December
of Generically Different Scale Inhibitors for High Temperature 1983) 901.
Conditions,” presented at the 1998 NIF 9th International Oil 11. Graham G.M. (Editor): OSRG Laboratory Procedures Manual,
Field Chemicals Symposium, Geilo, Mar. 22-25. Version 2.0, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt U.,
9. Graham G.M., Dyer S.J., Sablerolle W., Graham G.C., and Edinburgh (Sept. 1995).
Sorbie K.S.: (1998) “Practical Solutions to Scaling in HP/HT
and High Salinity Reservoirs,” presented at the 1998 Advances
in Solving Oilfield Scaling Problems, Aberdeen, Jan. 28-29.


Inhibitor Temperature (°C) Solvent Additive pH
PPCA 180 Sea water .... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 200 Sea water .... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 180 Sea water Hydrogen peroxide 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 180 Sea water Crushed core 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 180 Sea water Swarf 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 180 Distilled water .... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 180 Distilled water 10,000 ppm sodium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 180 Distilled water 500 ppm calcium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PPCA 180 Distilled water 2,000 ppm magnesium 2, 3, 4, 6
PVS 180 Sea water .... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PVS 200 Sea water .... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PVS 180 Sea water Hydrogen peroxide 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PVS 180 Sea water Crushed core 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PVS 180 Sea water Swarf 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PVS 200 Distilled water .... 2, 3, 4, 5
PVS 200 Distilled water 10,000 ppm sodium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PVS 200 Distilled water 500 ppm calcium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PVS 200 Distilled water 2,000 ppm magnesium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
DETPMP 120 Sea water .... 2, 4, 5, 6
DETPMP 130 Sea water .... 2, 3, 5, 6
DETPMP 150 Sea water .... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
DETPMP 120 Distilled water .... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Ion Sea Water (ppm) Forties FW (ppm)
Sodium 10,890 31,275
Calcium 428 2,000
Potassium 460 654
Magnesium 1,368 739
Barium 0 269
Strontium 0 771
Sulphate 2,960 0
Chloride 19,766 60,848


Inhibitor Sample Initial pH Initial [iron] (ppm) Final [iron] (ppm)
PPCA Thermally aged 2 0 0
PPCA Thermally aged with core 2 0 21.4
PPCA Thermally aged with swarf 2 0 8.7
PPCA Thermally aged 4 0 0
PPCA Thermally aged with core 4 0 1.9
PPCA Thermally aged with swarf 4 0 2.6
PPCA Thermally aged 6 0 0
PPCA Thermally aged with core 6 0 0.2
PPCA Thermally aged with swarf 6 0 0
PVS Thermally aged 2 0 0
PVS Thermally aged with core 2 0 25.2
PVS Thermally aged with swarf 2 0 15.2
PVS Thermally aged 4 0 0
PVS Thermally aged with core 4 0 0
PVS Thermally aged with swarf 4 0 3.6
PVS Thermally aged 6 0 0
PVS Thermally aged with core 6 0 2
PVS Thermally aged with swarf 6 0 1.9


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Stock for 180ûC

Thermally aged 180ûC
Stock for 200ûC
Thermally aged 200ûC


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 1 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC or 200ûC,
SW, 5 days, [SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PPCA. Comparative inhibition efficiency conditions:
50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Thermally aged


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 2 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC, SW, 5 days,
[SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PPCA with added hydrogen peroxide. Comparative inhibition
efficiency conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Thermally aged
Thermally aged + core
Thermally aged + swarf


pH 2 pH 4 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 3 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC, SW, 5 days,
[SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PPCA with added iron from core and swarf. Comparative
inhibition efficiency conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


DW stock
DW thermally aged
Na stock
Na thermally aged


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 4 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC, DW or
10,000ppm Na, 5 days, [SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PPCA. Comparative inhibition efficiency
conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Excessive evaporation from

Ca stock
hydrothermal bomb

Ca thermally aged
Mg stock
Mg thermally aged


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 5 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC, 500ppm Ca
or 2,000ppm Mg, 5 days, [SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PPCA. Comparative inhibition
efficiency conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Stock for 180ûC

Thermally aged 180ûC
Stock for 200ûC
Thermally aged 200ûC


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 6 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC or 200ûC,
SW, 5 days, [SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PVS. Comparative inhibition efficiency conditions:
50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


40 Stock
Thermally aged


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 7 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC, SW, 5 days,
[SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PVS with added hydrogen peroxide. Comparative inhibition
efficiency conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Thermally aged
Thermally aged + core
Thermally aged + swarf


pH 2 pH 4 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 8 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (180ûC, SW, 5 days,
[SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PVS with added iron from core and swarf. Comparative
inhibition efficiency conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency

Excessive evaporation from

DW stock
hydrothermal bomb

DW thermally aged
Na stock
Na thermally aged


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 9 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (200ûC, DW or
10,000ppm Na, 5 days, [SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PVS. Comparative inhibition efficiency
conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Ca stock
Ca thermally aged
Mg stock
Mg thermally aged


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 10 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (200ûC, 500ppm Ca
or 2,000ppm Mg, 5 days, [SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) PVS. Comparative inhibition efficiency
conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


Stock for 120ûC

Excessive evaporation from

Excessive evaporation from

Thermally aged 120ûC

hydrothermal bomb

hydrothermal bomb

Stock for 130ûC
Thermally aged 130ûC
Stock for 150ûC
Thermally aged 150ûC

pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 11 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (120ûC, 130ûC or
150ûC, SW, 5 days, [SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) DETPMP. Comparative inhibition efficiency
conditions: 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.


% Barium Sulphate Inhibition Efficiency


40 Stock
Thermally aged


pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6
Thermal Ageing Solution pH
Figure 12 Barium sulphate inhibition efficiency of stock and thermally aged (120ûC, DW, 5 days,
[SI] = 1,000ppm, various pH) DETPMP. Comparative inhibition efficiency conditions: 50:50
Forties FW:SW, 95ûC, 2 hours residence time.

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