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Procedia Manufacturing 48 (2020) 755–762

48th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference, NAMRC 48, Ohio, USA
48th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference, NAMRC 48, Ohio, USA
48th SME48th SME
North North American
Fused Filament
American Manufacturing
Research Research
Manufacturing Conference,
of Biodegradable
Conference, NAMRC 48 NAMRC 48, Ohio,
(Cancelled due toUSA
Fused Filament Fabrication of Biodegradable PLA/316L
Fused Scaffolds:
Filament Effects
Fabrication of of Metal Particle
Biodegradable Content
Composite Scaffolds: Effects of Metal Particle Content
Composite Scaffolds: Effects of Metal Particle Content
Dayue Jiang, Fuda Ning*
Dayue Jiang, Fuda Ning*
Dayue Jiang,
Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, FudaofNing*
State University New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13902
Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13902
* Corresponding of Systems
author. Tel.: Science and E-mail
+1 607-777-4793. Industrial Engineering,
address: State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13902
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 607-777-4793. E-mail address: fning@binghamton.edu
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 607-777-4793. E-mail address: fning@binghamton.edu

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer suitable for fabricating porous scaffolds in bone tissue engineering. Fillers are often added into
PLA matrix acid
to (PLA) is acomposite
fabricate biodegradable polymer
scaffolds suitable
in order for fabricating
to improve porous scaffolds
the performance of pureinPLA.
boneIn tissue engineering.
the present study,Fillers are often PLA/316L
we fabricated added into
PLA matrix
Polylactic to (PLA)
acid fabricate
scaffolds is acomposite
with stainless scaffolds
biodegradable in contents
polymer order to from
suitable improve the performance
5 vol% to 15
for fabricating of pure
porous using inPLA.
fused In
bone thefabrication
tissue present study,
engineering. weprocess.
are often effectsinto
added on
PLA matrixscaffolds
dimensions of
topore with
fabricate stainless
composite steel
surface particle
scaffolds in contents
as welltoasfrom
order 5 vol%
improve to 15 vol%
the performance using
and of fused
pure filament
In thefabrication
PLA. properties
present (FFF) weprocess.
of the
study, scaffolds The
fabricated effects
were on
composite of pore and
showed that
the surface
stainless roughness,
steel accuracy
particle as well
contents asfrom
was improved, mechanical,
5 vol% tothe and
vol% in-vitro
using fused degradation
was tailored
filament properties of the process.
by the addition
fabrication (FFF) scaffolds were
of steelThe studied.
The results
dimensions showed
of pore thatstrut,
and the dimensional
distributed on the strut
surface accuracy
roughness, was
asInwell improved,
addition, and
as thermal, the surface
mechanical, scaffolds was tailored
in-vitro degradation by the
lower addition
coefficient of thermal
steel were
of the scaffolds powders that
The dispersedly
than results
pure PLA,
while glass
that on the strut
the transition
dimensional surface.
temperature addition,
was PLA/316L
improved, phase
and the composite
transition scaffolds exhibited
surface roughness waswere nota lower
tailored coefficient
by the of thermal
addition expansion
by steel
steel powder.
powders that
were pure
Moreover, PLA,
dispersedly while
compressive glass
distributed transition
on the temperature
elastic Inand
surface. crystalline
addition, enhancedphase
PLA/316L when transition
powder temperature
composite loading
scaffoldswas were
set atnot
exhibited 10 significantly
vol% or
a lower affected
15 vol%.
coefficient by steel
thermal powder.
tests pure
than showed compressive
PLA,no while strength
glass and elastic
transition modulus
on degradation
temperature andwere
rates enhanced
crystalline when
phase powder
and loadingcomposite
transition temperature was were
set atscaffolds.
10 significantly
not vol% or 15 vol%. In-vitro
affected degradation
by steel powder.
tests showed
Moreover, no significant
compressive differences
strength on degradation
and elastic modulus were ratesenhanced
between PLA
whenand PLA/316L
powder loadingcomposite
was set atscaffolds.
10 vol% or 15 vol%. In-vitro degradation
© 2019
© 2020
tests TheAuthors,
showed Authors.
no Published
significant by on
by Elsevier
differences B.V. B.V. rates between PLA and PLA/316L composite scaffolds.
© 2019
Peer is The
an open
review access
under articleby
the Published
responsibility under thescientific
of the CC
committeelicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer review under
under theresponsibility
© 2019 The Authors, Published by Elsevier B.V.of
of the
the Scientific
scientific Committee
committee of of the NAMRI/SME.
Peer reviewPLA scaffolds;
under Metal particle;ofFused
the responsibility filament fabrication;
the scientific committeeBiodegradable
of NAMRI/SME material
Keywords: PLA scaffolds; Metal particle; Fused filament fabrication; Biodegradable material
Keywords: PLA scaffolds; Metal particle; Fused filament fabrication; Biodegradable material

1. Introduction PLA matrix due to the great osteogenesis effect and

1. Introduction PLA matrix due[6,7].
biodegradability to The the great osteogenesis
disadvantage effect and
of ceramic-based
1. Introduction
Polylactide (PLA) is a thermoplastic aliphatic polyester that PLA
fillers, matrix
biodegradability due[6,7].
is the uneven todistribution
the great
The osteogenesis
of ceramic of effect
powders and
hasPolylactide (PLA) studied
been extensively is a thermoplastic
as a type of aliphatic polyester
bioplastic. that
Recently, biodegradability
by the tendency of[6,7].
is the uneven The disadvantage
agglomeration, of ceramicinof
resulting ceramic-based
poor induced
has been extensively
PLA-made (PLA) studied
biodegradable as a type of
is a thermoplastic
scaffolds bioplastic.
have Recently,
attracted that
much fillers,
by is the
the tendency
properties uneven distribution
of agglomeration,
especially of ceramic[10].
decreased ductility inpowders induced
has been extensively
attention bone studied
inbiodegradable as a type of
tissue scaffolds
engineering bioplastic.
have to Recently,
dueattracted its much
high by the tendency
distorted of
shapes decreased
inaccurate resulting
pore in poor
dimensions mechanical
can always be
PLA-made inbiodegradable
processability, bone tissue elastic
suitable engineering
scaffolds havedueattracted
modulus, toandits much
great distorted
properties or inaccurate
inespecially decreased
the ceramic-filled pore
PLA dimensions
ductility [10].
scaffolds, can always
should be
attention in bone suitable
tissue elastic
biodegradability/bioactivity engineering
[1-3]. modulus,
However, duethetoand its great
mechanical distorted
precisely shapes
presented in or inaccurate
the ceramic-filled
controlled pore dimensions
[7,8]. Given scaffolds, can always
which should be
these disadvantages of
processability, suitable elastic
strength and biocompatibility [1-3]. modulus,
of pureHowever,
PLA needtheto beand great
improved presented
polymer and in the ceramic-filled
ceramic PLA
[7,8]. inGiven
fillers scaffolds,
these PLA
reinforcing which shouldthe
scaffolds, be
in order and biocompatibility
to meet of pureHowever,
the harsh requirements PLAfor need to bemechanical
medical improved
implants. polymer
precisely and ceramic
metallic particle becomesfillers
[7,8]. inGiven
a promising these PLA scaffolds,
because itthe
alternative of
in order
strength to
and meet the
harsh of pure
requirements PLA need
Efforts have been attempted to improve the performance to
medicalbe improved
implants.of polymer
metallic and ceramic
particle becomesfillers
a in reinforcing
promising PLA
more ductile and can be homogeneously distributed in the PLA scaffolds,
because itthe
PLAorder have
to meet
scaffolds been
by adding to improve
harsh requirements
fillers, suchfor themedical
as performance
high-performing of metallic
more particle
[11-13].and becomes a promising alternative
can be homogeneously distributedbecause it is
in the PLA
polymers have
[4,5], by attempted
been adding
ceramic fillers,
particles such
to [6-8],
improve etc.as
the high-performing
performance of moreIn ductile
matrix [11-13].
recent and cana be
years, homogeneously
variety distributed
of manufacturing in the have
methods PLA
PLA [4,5], ceramic
Specifically, by adding particles
polycaprolactone [6-8],
fillers, such
(PCL) etc.asbeen
has high-performing
selected as a matrix
been [11-13].
In utilized
recent years, a variety
to fabricate the of manufacturing
PLA-based methods
composite have
potential [4,5], ceramic
polymer particles
filler owing [6-8],
to its etc.
great has been selected as
biocompatibility anda beenIn utilized
including years, a variety
to fabricate
molding [14], ofcasting
the PLA-based
solvent methods
[15,16], have
extrusion [17],
potential polymer
biodegradability polycaprolactone
but theowing
mechanical (PCL)
to its great has been selected
strength of the PLA/PCLas
anda been utilized
including to[18],
polymerization fabricate
[14], the PLA-based
additive casting composite
manufacturing (AM)scaffolds,
extrusion [17],
composites polymer but theowing
is sacrificed mechanical
[9]. Ceramic strength
to its great
fillers, of the PLA/PCL
especially and
calcium polymerization
AM buildsmolding [18], andsolvent
[14], additivecasting
a three-dimensional manufacturing
object [15,16],
from (AM) [19-21].
extrusion [17],
a computer-aided
phosphate (CaP) but
is sacrificed mechanical
fillers, strength
are also of the PLA/PCL
incorporated calcium
into the polymerization
model by[18], and theadditive
a three-dimensional
joining manufacturing
materials (AM)Due
frombya layer.
layer [19-21].
to its
phosphate is sacrificed
based [9]. Ceramic
fillers, fillers,
are also especially into
incorporated calcium
the AM builds
design model a three-dimensional
by joining the materials objectlayer
frombya layer.
Due to its
phosphate (CaP) based fillers, are also incorporated into the design model by joining the materials layer by layer. Due to its
2351-9789 © 2019 The Authors, Published by Elsevier B.V.
2351-9789 ©2019
Peer review©under the
The Authors.
of the scientific
Authors, Published
by Elsevier B.V.
by Elsevier B.V. of NAMRI/SME
is an under
access article under
responsibility of the
the CCcommittee
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review© 2019
Authors, Published by Elsevier
of the B.V.Committee
Scientific of the NAMRI/SME.
Peer review under the responsibility of the scientific committee of NAMRI/SME
756 Dayue Jiang et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 48 (2020) 755–762
2 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000

benefits in processing geometrically complex structures, AM is PLA5, PLA10, and PLA15, as the number represented the
a favorable approach to fabricate scaffolds with desired pore volume percentage of 316L. After mixing, the powder mixture
structures for cell penetration and inhabitation in tissue was fed into a single-screw extruder (EX2, FilaBot Corp.,
engineering applications. Fused filament fabrication (FFF) Barre, VT, USA) to fabricate filaments. The extrusion
advances in its ability to produce complex pore structures at temperature was 185 ℃, and the screw rotation speed was
higher material utilization rate and lower energy cost compared dynamically adjusted around 30 RPM to yield a suitable flow
with other AM technologies such as stereolithography (SLA) rate. Fan airpath was also applied to provide forced convection
and selective laser sintering (SLS) [22,23]. During the FFF to cool filament for a uniform filament diameter of 2.85±0.15
process, the thermoplastic-based feeding filament is extruded mm.
from a heated nozzle with the beads solidified on the printing
bed, which is desirable for the PLA-based composite scaffolds
fabrication [22]. However, very limited studies have focused on 2.2. Scaffold fabrication
the FFF of PLA/metal composite scaffolds [12,24].
In the recent work of [12], PLA/Ti composite scaffolds with The FFF process was conducted on a desktop 3D printer
a dispersive titanium powder distribution were additively (TAZ 6, Lulzbot Corp., Colorado, USA) with a single extruder
manufactured using FFF technique. The scaffolds exhibited tool head. Fig. 1 illustrates the 3D printer and designed three-
enhanced mechanical strength and improved cytocompatibility dimensional porous scaffold to be fabricated in this work.
due to a higher cell proliferation rate, indicating the Specifically, the extrusion nozzle initially deposited a group of
considerable functions of biocompatible metallic-based fillers. eight parallel struts with a four-layer height. Each strut owns
However, this literature did not investigate the biodegradation both width and height of 0.8 mm. After that, the printing
behavior of PLA/metal composite scaffolds, and the effects of orientation was alternated by 90° followed by layering another
different metallic powder contents on their physical properties eight struts. Thus, a total of 60 layers were deposited to create
such as surface roughness and dimensional accuracy remained a cube with a side length of 12 mm, and an interconnected pore
unknown. Compared with titanium, 316L stainless steel also dimension of 0.8×0.8×0.8 mm. The main process parameters
possesses high strength and good cytocompatibility to allow for for this sample fabrication are listed in Table 1.
their wide applications in medical scaffolds [25,26]. Because of (a)
the biodegradability of iron-based alloys, fabricating a totally
biodegradable scaffold by adding 316L fillers could be of
greater significance. In addition, the daily tolerance in the Filament

human body for iron is higher than that for Ti [27,28]. However,
few studies have been conducted on the FFF fabrication of
PLA/316L composites [29], wherein the effects of 316L
powder contents on the performance of the PLA-based Cooling fan
Printing bed
composites have not been explored. Cooling fan Nozzle

In this work, we provide a feasibility study on the fabrication

of biodegradable PLA/316L composite scaffolds with different Fig. 1. (a) Lulzbot TAZ 6 3D printer; (b) 3D structure of PLA-based
steel particle contents using FFF process. The physical scaffolds. (D1 = D2 = 0.8 mm, L = W = H = 12 mm)
properties including pore size, strut width, and surface
Table 1. FFF process parameters for PLA-based scaffolds fabrication.
roughness are analyzed to evaluate the dimensional accuracy
and surface quality of the printed scaffolds. The structure, Parameters Value
thermal properties, compressive performance, and corrosion Nozzle Temperature 205 ℃
behavior are also investigated to comprehensively evaluate the Bed Temperature 70 ℃
in-vitro performance of the PLA/316L scaffolds. The Printing Speed 60 mm/s
completion of this study provides valuable insights into Filament Diameter 2.85±0.15 mm
understanding the effects of steel particle filler contents on the Layer Height 0.2 mm
product performance of the PLA-based composite scaffolds for Infill Density 50 %
potential practical applications. Nozzle Size 0.5 mm

2. Experimental conditions
2.3. Geometrical and structural characterizations
2.1. Filament preparation
Dimensions and surface roughness of the struts were
PLA pellets (4043D, IngeoTM Biopolymer) and 316L measured using a 3D structural light profilometer (VR-3000,
stainless steel powder (EOS, Munich, Germany) (meeting with Keyence Corp., Itasca, USA). A graphical description of the
ASTM standard F138-12 [30] with a particle size between 20 measuring methodology is presented in Fig. 2. The pore size
μm and 50 μm) were mixed in a lab roll ball mill (YLK-Q-5, was determined by measuring its length and width (D1) in the
Yonglekang Equipment Co., Ltd, Changsha, China) at room side view and the strut width (D2) was measured in the top view,
temperature for three hours. Based on the volume ratio of 316L as shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), respectively. The side view
allowed for higher accuracy in measuring the pore size because
to PLA, samples were divided into four groups: pure PLA,
struts were built in the same plane. The parameter Sa was used
Dayue Jiang et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 48 (2020) 755–762 757
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000 3

to evaluate the areal surface roughness of the strut in the top with the ramping rate of 5 ℃ per minute. The result data was
view. Three samples were measured and a total number of 24, processed by the software of TA Universal Analysis.
120, and 12 statistical data were collected in each group for
strut width, pore size, and surface roughness, respectively.
Then the results were analyzed by the ANOVA methodology 2.5. Mechanical property testing
using the Minitab 19 software, with Tukey’s methods
incorporated to compare between each two groups. The surface The compression test was conducted on a universal tester
morphologies of the prepared filament and fabricated scaffold (Instron 3334, INSTRON Corp., Norwood, USA) in
were observed by a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) accordance with the ASTM D1621 standard [31] to evaluate
(Supra 55VP, ZEISS Corp., Oberkochen, Germany). Prior to the compressive properties of the as-built scaffold. Five
the observation, carbon coating was conducted on the sample
samples for each group were compressed to at least 20%
surface to increase conductivity.
deformation with a rate of 0.1 mm per second. Compressive
strength and modulus were calculated from the plotted stress-
0.959 strain diagram. The surface morphology of the sample after the
compression test was also observed by SEM.

2.6. In-vitro biodegradation testing

0.936 Biodegradation properties were evaluated by an immersion

test at 37±0.5 ℃ in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)

(ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, USA) following the

Units: mm
standard of ASTM NACE/G31 [32]. The initial pH value of the
PBS solution was 7.4. Three samples for each group were
immersed for 7 days, and another three samples in the same
group were immersed for one month. Before and after the
immersion test, samples were completely dried in a 50 ℃
incubator for 12 hours, and the weights were measured
0.736 0.736 0.717 0.787 0.762 accordingly. Structural and surface morphology after the
immersion was also characterized by SEM.

3. Results and discussion

Units: mm 3.1. Dimensions and surface roughness

Fig. 2. Illustration of dimensional measurements for the PLA scaffolds: (a) Fig. 3 shows the boxplots for pore size, strut width, and
side view of pure PLA; (b) top view of pure PLA surface roughness Sa consisting of maximum, mean, median,
upper quartile, lower quartile, and minimum values. The
related statistical results are listed in Table 2. In Fig. 3(a), the
2.4. Thermal property analysis mean pore size within the pure PLA scaffold is 0.88 mm, which
is larger than the designed value of 0.8 mm. For the PLA/316L
Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) (Q50, TA Inc., New composite scaffolds, the mean pore size significantly decreases,
Castle, USA) was conducted on the filament to evaluate the which is closer to the designed one. Under different 316L
thermal stability and actual composition of different samples. powder contents, the mean pore size follows the order in PLA5 >
The temperature ranged from room temperature to 500 ℃, with PLA15 > PLA10. On the other hand, PLA/316L scaffolds show
a ramping rate of 10 ℃ per minute. The glass transition a larger mean strut width than pure PLA in Fig. 3(b), and
temperature Tg, crystalline phase transition temperature Tc, and PLA10 group exhibits the largest value compared with other
the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) were determined by groups. The mean pore size and mean strut width could be
thermal-mechanical analysis (Q400, TA Inc., New Castle, USA)

Table 2. Statistical results of pore size, strut width, and surface roughness (For Tukey’s comparison method, means that do not share a letter are significantly
different, α = 0.05)
Category Pore size / mm Strut width / mm Surface roughness / μm
Vol % of 316L 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Mean 0.88 0.80 0.78 0.80 0.72 0.81 0.91 0.84 0.09 0.03 0.04 0.009
StDev 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.003
P-value < 0.0001 < 0.001 < 0.001
Tukey’s Grouping A B C B/C A B C B/C A B B C
758 Dayue Jiang et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 48 (2020) 755–762
4 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000

inversely linked because a wider strut would narrow the pore 316L powders significantly changes the physical properties of
space, which is consistent with our experimental results. pure PLA. Generally, pore size is one of the most important
The measured results of surface roughness are provided in characteristics in bone tissue scaffolds, which can not only
Fig. 3(c). The average surface roughness Sa of pure PLA determine the loading capability and modulus matching but the
scaffold is 0.09 mm. After adding the steel powders at 5 vol% mass transfer and cell growth accommodation [22]. A good
and 10 vol%, the surface roughness is tailored to 0.03 mm and average pore size lies in the range of 300 to 900 μm, and it is
0.04 mm, respectively, but no statistical difference is found better to fabricate the pore with less standard deviation.
between these two groups. As the steel powder load further Homogenous distribution of pores could facilitate continuous
increases to 15 vol%, a significantly lower average surface tissue growth and prevent clogging in some regions of the
roughness of 0.009 mm with a standard deviation of 0.003 mm scaffolds, thus accelerating the healing process. For the surface
is obtained. roughness, it is found in the literature that a rougher surface
could assist cell adhesion and growth because a higher surface
(a) fluctuation could provide more space for tissue spreading and
remodeling, thus promoting a better cytocompatibility for the
scaffolds [33,34]. However, another result shows that the cell
adhesion could not be solely determined by surface roughness,
Pore size (mm)

but more by the surface energy, as evidenced by the optimal

cell adhesion is obtained in small roughness ratios [35].

3.2. Structural characterization

Fig. 4(a) illustrates the SEM morphology of PLA5 filament.

It is notable that the texture on the PLA5 filament surface is
elongated because of the extrusion and several small cracks are
observed. Those cracks may be induced due to the friction
between the nozzle and filament. Another reason for cracking
might be the unstable fan cooling during the extrusion process,
leading to stress concentration in some areas on the surface and
Strut width (mm)

producing cracks. Those cracks would reduce the elongation of

the filament, which ultimately affects the printing
processability of the filament. Generally, the surface of PLA5
filament is smooth but a better cooling strategy should be

(a) (b)

(c) Cracks

10 μm 100 μm

(c) (d)

Sa (mm)


100μm 100μm

Fig. 4. Surface morphologies of (a) PLA5 filament; (b) PLA5 scaffold; (c)
PLA10 scaffold with voids observed; and (d) PLA15 scaffold with voids and
gaps observed.

Figs. 4(b) to 4(d) represent the SEM images of PLA/316L

scaffolds with different powder contents. Dispersed steel
Fig. 3. Effects of 316L particle content on (a) pore size, (b) strut width, and
(c) surface roughness in the PLA-based scaffold built by FFF.
powders (marked in Fig. 4(b)) could be observed on the surface
of struts. As seen in Fig. 4(b), the steel powders are fully
PLA/316L scaffolds show better dimensional accuracy and covered by PLA and no considerable agglomeration is
lower surface roughness than pure PLA. The pore size and strut discovered, indicating a homogeneous distribution of PLA and
width could be influenced by various important factors during 316L steel powders at 5% volume fraction. However, when the
the printing process. The results indicate that the addition of steel powder load increased to 10 vol%, voids are found in
Dayue Jiang et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 48 (2020) 755–762 759
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000 5

some regions within a single layer. After the powder loading volume of shrinkage could be obtained in PLA5 and PLA15,
increases to 15 vol%, agglomeration of powders and large gaps so the mean strut width of PLA5 or PLA15 is smaller than that
are observed between layers as shown in Fig. 4(d). The of PLA 10. However, it can be considered that the detachment
generation of voids is associated with the entrapment of steel of PLA/316L composite layers contributes more to increasing
powders into the flow of the melting PLA polymer. Steel the mean strut width to the level that the volume shrinkage can
powders are thermodynamically stable at printing temperature be ignored.
around 205 ℃, thus impeding the polymer movement or even
cutting the melting PLA matrix during the printing process. (a)
This phenomenon is not remarkable during the filament
extrusion because the filament has a relatively large dimension
(2.85 mm). In the printing process, however, the one-layer
depositing height is only 0.2 mm which is much closer to the
diameter of steel powders, resulting in a larger portion of voids
when the powder loading was 10 vol% or 15 vol%. Large gaps
between layers are found in PLA15, which might be caused by
the contact of steel powders between layer surfaces. Those
contact could weaken the surface adhesion so that the adjacent
layer could be detached to generate large gaps.
The existence of steel powders significantly contributes to
changes in the dimensions and surface roughness of the
scaffolds. According to the SEM images, gaps are generated
between layers, which could be the main cause in the increase (b)
of mean strut width that narrows down the mean pore size.
However, within the PLA/316L groups, PLA10 composite
scaffolds exhibit the highest mean strut width. This could be
explained by the varied thermal properties that will be
discussed later. On the other hand, because of the entrapment
effect of steel powders, the melting flow PLA matrix is
inhibited and smaller surface roughness of PLA/316L struts is
thus obtained.

3.3. Thermal properties

Fig. 5 depicts the TGA and TMA curves of PLA/316L

composites with different 316L contents. As shown in TGA
curves, the actual powder composition is close to the nominal Fig. 5. (a) TGA curves and (b) TMA curves of PLA-based scaffolds with
value, and a higher starting decomposition temperature is found different 316L contents.
in pure PLA sample. Table 3 lists the glass transition
Table 3. Thermal properties of PLA-based scaffolds
temperature (Tg), crystalline phase transition temperature (Tc),
and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) measured from Category PLA PLA5 PLA10 PLA15
TMA curves. Tg and Tc points are marked in Fig. 5(b) and the Tg / ℃ 65.29 63.29 63.3 63.68
CTE is measured from the largest tangent slope in the
Tc / ℃ 101.12 98.89 98.2 99.28
temperature range from Tg to Tc for each curve. It can be noted
CTE / μm/(mm×℃) 13.0 8.3 5.0 6.8
that Tg and Tc of PLA are not significantly affected by the
addition of steel powders because of their thermodynamic
stability within the temperature range. However, the CTE of 3.4. Compressive properties
the PLA/316L composites was decreased due to the impeding
effect of the metallic powders against the expansion of the PLA Representative compression strain-stress curves of the FFF-
matrix. Such an effect is the strongest in the PLA10 composite built scaffolds are shown in Fig. 6. The compressive modulus
scaffolds and gets weakened when adding 15 vol% 316L and compressive strength are listed in Table 4. From the strain-
powders. This could be caused due to the agglomeration of stress curves, the initial elastic deformation stage could be
316L particles at 15 vol% that results in a non-uniform thermal determined for all samples, but the yield points for PLA and
expansion. It should be noted that the strut width for pure PLA PLA5 could not be clearly identified. Following the instruction
scaffold is less than 0.8 mm, which could stem from the highest of ASTM D1621, the compressive strengths for all samples are
volume shrinkage of PLA under the cooling process. With a measured in the stress at 10% strain. Both compressive
higher CTE, the volume change of material per Celsius could modulus and strength are enhanced for PLA scaffolds by
be larger during heating or cooling process. On the other hand, adding 316L powder fillers. Within the group of PLA/316L
for the FFF-built PLA/316L composite scaffolds, a larger composites, the highest elastic modulus is obtained in PLA10
760 Dayue Jiang et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 48 (2020) 755–762
6 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000

which is approximately six times higher than pure PLA5. This (a) (b)
result shows that adding stainless-steel powder could increase
the stiffness of PLA, and the effect is more significant when the 200 μm 200 μm
volume percentage of steel powder exceeds 10%. But for the
group of PLA15, more voids are generated in the matrix
resulting in a decline of modulus. As for compressive strength,
600 μm
higher strength is also obtained in the group of PLA10, whereas 600 μm

the PLA5 exhibits a similar plastic deformation behavior with (c) (d)
PLA. PLA15 exhibits slightly lower compression strength than
PLA10, which also could be ascribed to the existence of voids 100 μm
100 μm

and agglomeration of powders. However, the yield points for

PLA10 and PLA15 are achieved at a lower strain, suggesting a
smaller compressive elongation for these groups.
600 μm 600 μm

Fig. 7. SEM images of (a) PLA; (b) PLA5; (c) PLA10; and (d) PLA15
scaffolds after compression test.

3.5. In-vitro degradation properties

In order to evaluate the biodegradation properties of

PLA/316L scaffolds, in vitro immersion tests were conducted
in PBS solution at 37±0.5 ℃. After one-month immersion, the
results of pH value and sample weight change are listed in
Table 5. There is not much difference that can be detected by
the results of pH value and weight change between groups.
PLA naturally degrades in simulated body fluid by hydrolysis
where the reaction is:

Fig. 6. Strain-stress curve from compression test of PLA-based scaffolds. - COO + H 2O → −COOH + −OH

Table 4. Compressive properties of PLA-based scaffolds

Generally, the degradation of PLA causes the pH value to drop
Groups Modulus / GPa Compressive strength / MPa but in PBS solution, the pH value remains stable [36]. No large
PLA 0.22±0.03 15.73±2.13
weight change of samples is observed after immersion for one
PLA5 0.28±0.05 21.35±3.54
month, which might be due to the low degradation rate of 316L
PLA10 1.51±0.04 39.08±4.32
in the PBS solution. Three of the four groups exhibit larger
PLA15 0.77±0.07 30.91±6.05
weight after immersion because the degradation products on
the scaffold surface and inside the pores could be hardly
eliminated, so well as the oxide product of 316L powder.
Fig. 7 illustrates the structures of different scaffolds after
compression tests. Because of low modulus, bending and Table 5. Change of pH value and weight after immersion in PBS for one
fracture occur in PLA struts, as shown in Fig. 7(a). Compared month
with pure PLA scaffold, the PLA/316L composites are more Groups pH value Weight/g
resilient to compressive force. The bending of struts is also Before After Before After
found in the group PLA5, suggesting similar deformation PLA 7.4 7.0 0.71 0.80
behavior with PLA and is consistent with the results of strain- PLA5 7.4 7.2 1.29 1.35
stress curves. No obvious bending or cracking is observed for PLA10 7.4 7.0 1.41 1.45
PLA10 and PLA15 because of higher compressive strength. It PLA15 7.4 7.0 1.50 1.55
should be noted that gaps in the composite scaffolds may not
influence the compressive strength because those gaps are Fig. 8 shows the morphologies of the PLA and PLA10
eliminated during the compressive displacement. As shown in scaffolds after immersion for one week and one month. As for
the high-magnification image in Fig. 7(c), the gaps are filled by PLA, the delamination of struts and layers could be observed
compression with several bulges observed. Those bulges could after one-week immersion as a result of the weak inter-layer
be related to the agglomeration of steel powders, which connection [9] that hastens the degradation in additively
promote the generation of extra resistance against the manufactured scaffolds. The modulus and strength may drop
compressive force. In the high-magnification image of PLA15, rapidly because of those disconnections. After immersed in
more voids are formed because of the exfoliation of steel PBS for one month, swelling occurs due to the penetration of
powder. Thus, compressive strength for PLA15 is lower than PBS solution between the layers. It also can be seen that the
that of PLA10. corrosion product is accumulated between layers rather than on
the layer surfaces. On the other hand, PLA/316L composite
Dayue Jiang et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 48 (2020) 755–762 761
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000 7

scaffolds exhibit no fracture or disconnection in the one-week Acknowledgments

immersed sample, whereas swelling is still observed given the
voids formed during the printing. For the PLA10 sample This work has been supported by the start-up funds from
immersed in PBS for one month in Fig. 8(d), delamination is Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science
presented, which could be generated by the gaps, while the at State University of New York at Binghamton, USA. The
316L powders remain intact suggesting a high corrosion authors also would like to acknowledge the support (Grant#
resistance. Based on the results of pH value, weight change, ADLG196) from the Small Scale Systems Integration and
and corrosion morphology, no significant effects could be Packaging (S3IP) Center of Excellence, funded by New York
found on the degradation rate and the corrosion behavior after Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology
adding 316L into the PLA matrix. and Innovation.


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