Quick As A Cricket

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Quick as a Cricket

I`m as quick as a cricket,

I`m as slow as a snail,

I`m as small as an ant,

I`m as large as a whale.

I`m as sad as a basset,

I`m as happy as a lark,

I`m as nice as a bunny,

I`m as mean as a shark.

I`m as cold as a toad,

I`m as hot as a fox,

I`m as weak as a kitten,

I`m as strong as an ox.

I`m as loud as a lion,

I`m as quiet as a clamm

I`m as tough as a rhino,

I`m as gentle as a lamb.

I`m as brave as a tiger,

I`m as shy as a shrimp,

I`m as tame as a poodle,

I`m as wild as a chimp.

I`m as lazy as a lizard,

I`m as busy as a bee,

Put it all together,

And you`ve got ME!

  Target language: I'm as      as a           .  

< 동물을 익혀본 뒤 스피드게임을 해 보았습니다.

아이들이 굉장히 재미있어 했습니다.  >


<Story book -Quick as a cricket >

Theme : 형용사

Vocabulary : cricket, snail, ant, whale, basset, lark, bunny, shark, toad, fox, kitten, ox, clam,
lion, rhino, lamb, tiger, shrimp, poodle, chimp, lizard, bee, quick, slow, small, large, sad, happy,
nice, mean, cold, hot, weak, strong, loud, quiet, tough, gentle, brave, shy, tame, wild, lazy,

Target language : I'm as quick as a cricket.

Objective : 다양한 형용사를 사용하여 ‘나’를 표현할 수 있다.

2 월 1 차시

Target language: It's a            .

<We do>

다양한 동물의 이름을 알아본다. (12 개)

I spy 게임을 하면서 아이들과 함께 동물 이름을 알아본다.

I spy with my little eyes something beginning with 'c'.


<You do>

I am ground 게임-아이들에게 동물 플래시카드를 하나씩 나누어 준다. 그리고 박자에 맞춰서 한 명씩 자신이 가진 플래시카드의
이름을 이야기 한다.

I am ground here we go~

It's a cricket. →It's a snail....

처음에는 천천히 그리고 점점 빠르게 돌아가면서 아이들이 target sentence 를 익힌다.

Matching game – 맞는 형용사 – 동물 빨리 고르기

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