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10 Duties of a Facilitator towards each boy after Sankalpa

Regular Meeting:

Daily meet the boy in E1RC atleast for few minutes - keep the interactions
short, sweet & interesting, NOT long, boring & pushing. Ensure regular
Chanting. Give nice prasadam in every meeting.

Personal Friendship:

It is very important for each boy to have a strong relation & connection
with one person. He should look forward to meet him when he comes to our
center. NEVER PUSH A BOY. NEVER PUSH A BOY. Answer any questions they have.


Identify the likings of the boy & give him engagement & accordingly. There
should be some fixed regular service that the boy has to render. He should
like the service & identify with it.

Reading & Hearing:

Each boy should always be given one book that the facilitator tells him to
read; should provide 2 or 3 lectures always so that the boy can always have
something to hear

Other Material:

Provide abundantly Videos, Kirtans, Articles, PPTs, Bhajans etc based on the
interest of the boy

Study Facility:

He should be told to make utilization of the study facility available - With

this hook, they should come to our centers daily. Facilitator can also help
him in studies if need be, if he feels that by that he can pick up KC

Appreciation, Love & Care:

Facilitator should take care that each boy who comes gets love & care,
appreciation & encouragement etc, Congratulate for good marks, wish on
birthday, provide help if sick etc


Identify if he is facing any opposition from friends or seniors or parents &

guide him how to deal with, If he has any other problems guide him to


Do the NICE exercise for each of the boys under you so that you have clarity
about the life of your boy. This will help you to KNOW the boy.



Pray to the Lord Regularly to make him into a good devotee.

Follow up devotee should initially give positive Krishna Consciousness.
1. Chanting, dancing.
2. Prasadam.
3. Krishna Conscious Philosophy.

And the gradually remove:-

1. Misconceptions and doubts
2. False attachment to demigods.
3. False attachment to country, social service.
4. false attachment to so called spirituality , sadhus , guru etc.
5. Remove attachment for sense gratification.
6. See he starts following 4 regulative principles.
7. false attachment and false hope / faith in science and technology.
8. Misconceptions about ISKCON, Ashrams.

Should carefully develop:-

1. Attachment to devotee and association.
2. Attachment to Prabhupada and ISKCON.
3. Attachment to serve Vaishnavas.
4. Attachment for reading, hearing, chanting.
5. Understanding mood and mission of acaryas, Prabhupada and ISKCON.
6. Wonderful relationship based on Vaishnavas etiquette amongst devotees.
7. Help him to deal with Anarthas.
8. Help him to deal with devotees , non - devotees , parents and relatives in proper

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