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HGRSP spoke many important details and strategies how the first year preaching should proceed

in the first semester.

1. The no of boys that gradually solidify is in the form of a cone. If initially only very few boys
attend DYS, then we can not get many boys for Utkarsh.

After DYS if we get more boys, we can expect good no of boys for Utkarsh. Prabhuji gave one of the
very good possibilities how the number of boys can vary.

If 1st DYS starts with 60 – 80

2nd DYS … 55 – 75

3rd DYS… 50 – 70

Like this if we proceed we should have around 45 – 50 at the end of DYS course. They all can be
registered for PT course.

2. If at the end of DYS course, we get, say 45 boys, the serious boys may attend PT course in
VOICE (around 30 boys). For others there should be a parallel PT in HOSTEL (around 15 boys).
As course proceeds we can prepare around 25 boys from VOICE and 5 to 10 boys from hostel for
SANKALPA. So minimum of 30 – 35 boys can attend SANKALPA.
3. If this is the case at least 20 – 25 boys can come to Sphurti.
4. in this crowd 15 – 20 will be easily be able to come to Utkarsh.
5. Then it will be possible to have 10 – 15 boys shifting into VOICE next year.
Question: Prabhuji, should PT course be launched before or after SANKALPA?

Answer: anything is OK. But whenever we launch a course, it has to be launched very powerfully,
carefully. We should show the different certificates that they are going to get (both material and

The standard procedure that VOICEs have been doing is to complete DYS and keep some bridging topics
going on in weekly program, while MMCs are kept on; then 1st semester end-sem comes. They go home
and come back. Then in JAN we launch PT course and in end of Jan SANKALP camp (where brahmacari

This time, my suggestion is: Keep just one/two bridging topics like P.A.R.T.H.A. and 'Three qualities of a
true hero' (or Ten benefits of mastering the mind) and immediately launch PT course. 1) The advantage is
our preachers need not struggle to complete the PT course before UTKARSH as it happens every year. 2)
Another advantage is boys will know a concrete course like PT to join and they won't feel going for some
eternal weekly bridging topic program.

One very important change, I wanted to suggest in PT course: Instead of beginning with
'Qualifications of a guru' we could begin with 'spirit of BG' chapter which is more sweet for newcomers;
let all preachers take note of this."

6. In case if we have a big crowd for DYS, say 200, then we can divide into 4 groups each of 50. So
4 parallel DYS sessions can go on. Then we can also expect total of 70 – 80 boys for
SANKALPA. In this case we can also have 2 camps for 2 batches of boys differently.
7. Same speaker should give all the DYS sessions to a particular group of boys. Advantages are
 The boys will identify more with the speaker and develop friendly attitude and thus
develop relations
 The speaker knows what exactly covered in the last session and he can cover if
something was not covered and also there will not be any repetition which can happen if
the speaker changes from session to session
 The speaker can understand the nature of boys and speak accordingly
8. The sessions should be preferably short and there should be a good time spent on interacting with
the boys. Facilitators should make groups, discuss with them, ask questions, and share some
points. By this they will develop personal relations with the devotees and we can make sure that
the number of boys will not reduce drastically from one DYS session to the next.
9. Our focus is somehow or the other we want as many interested boys as possible to attend DYS
sessions. So we follow different ways to do this. 1) we do BD in Hostel 2) Conducting one time
seminar, which itself is not very devotional like DYS but attracts a good will from the boys and
the authorities of college Eg: recently at COEP college the one time seminar given by HG
Rampriya Pr was appreciated a lot by COEP college authorities 3) Some senior inmates may
know some of the first year boys and we can invite them too.
We generally do not distribute the small books like Art of mind control, Stress Mgmt etc even
though distributing them is easier than distributing DYS, YBF and YSJ which are bulky. There is
a purpose. If we distribute these smaller books we will get a crowd who are suffering with stress
and having mind problems. They also expect some solutions for their problems than
understanding about God. Our purpose of BD is to know who are really interested in
understanding God, about oneself and the relationship, or one who has some interest and
inclination in this direction. We don’t want a crowd who are suffering with mental problems and
for that they come to DYS sessions. We also don’t distribute Spiritual scientist, because it attracts
more of intellectual kind of crowd rather than that of devotional.

11. We can take care that all DYS sessions are given by really qualified speakers. This will keep the
no of boys intact. Launching new boys to give DYS is not a very good idea. Those who were
recently trained in public speaking, they could speak DYS next year; let us have as much senior
and pucca DYS speakers, who can keep the attention of audience alive throughout the course;
then in that case, we could have the same speaker for all the sessions.
12. Regarding the question whether we can show the DYS trailer movie during BD or not… Prabhuji
told “No problem in showing if it helps us to distribute more books. But it takes time. It is better
first we explain the questions which are present at the back cover page. And devotees can speak
how these books helped themselves. We can speak how the quality of life can be improved… and
how they help to balance our lives… and how we can lead a happy life. So it is better if the
devotees explain the book and distribute. Regarding how to distribute books, HGMLP has given
some classes for how to answer different questions asked by the boys. Please you can get that
notes also”.
MMC s should immediately set rolling after DYS sessions. This is very important. It keeps the
boys connected to VOICE. If we delay MMCs, then we will see that the no of boys that are going
to turn up for MMCs will be very less. Ideal no in each group will be 8 – 10. Not more than that.
In this case we can give personal care and attention. When they complete DYS and start coming
to MMCs regularly, we can give them kirtan cassettes of BBGSM, Prahlad Prabhu etc. We also
can send SS articles online to them. We also can give DD lectures for them to hear.

Now DYS is over; now we should not forget the fact that the boys will be attacked by atheists and
faithless friends who will try to discourage them; if we don't give them engagement, we'll lose them.
What all engagements can we give them?

1. DAILY ENGAGEMENT : MMC can be started twice a week, for two weeks as soon

as DYS gets over; if possible MMC can be done 4 times per week or even everyday also, IF THE BOYS
ARE AGREEABLE. The frequency could be decided based on the seriousness shown by the boys.
During MMC, we've 'sheets' that MMC leader reads and explains, that gives them some philosophical

2.WEEKLY ENGAGEMENT : Weekly program will offer them 'bridging topics' by a more senior
speaker. Again the lecture could 60 min apart from kirtans; there should be talk by facilitators with the
boys after the program during prasadam.

3.INTELLECTUAL ENGAGEMENT : We can give them now pocket books from your

library like 'energy sutra' 'T.E.M.P.L.E.' 'stress management' 'Recession' 'Life after death' etc to read in a
REGULATED way. Give them one-one book. Prepare one quiz for each book (The Quiz should have
max 10 questions, one-third simple and one-third thoughtful, one-third v tough) and those who read that
book, write that quiz and submit, and get more than 50% marks, they should get some prize (worth one
book of SP like 'coming back' 'laws of nature' 'on the way to krishna') and also their name should be
displayed on our noticeboard as 'POCKET BOOK QUIZ WINNERS' list. This will be a v good
engagement for them to learn more about KC at the same time some competition.

4.SEVA ENGAGEMENT : You could introduce a new idea of 'svayamsevaks'(volunteers). These are
boys coming to weekly program who show symptoms of leaders. They can pool up a group of 5 to 6 boys
and bring them for the weekly program. They can also assist in MMC whenever MMC leader is unable to
go. Basically they'll be Krishna's men in the first year group to inspire their friends. When they go to
second year later, they'll become frontlines. Some 'svayamsevaks' could also be given small engagements
like program set up, taking attendance, maintaining pocket book library to give it for quiz writers,
computer infobase (kirtans) stockists etc. Only by giving them engagement, boys IDENTIFY themselves
with devotees.

5.EMOTIONAL ENGAGEMENT : As u know we give facilitators to boys who take care of them after
DYS; the facilitator should play a very personal loving role in the life of the boy, by personal meets,
telephone calls, personal mails. It would be ideal if Facilitator sends SS mag from his account to HIS boy
rather than VOICE sending it in an impersonal way for all. If a Facilitator is unable to answer a question
of a boy and he keeps mum, then the boy goes away. Facilitator should find out from brahmacaris or other
senior devotees and then get back to the boy. Most often, we lose boys because of the Facilitator may
have to own responsibility for their boys and should avoid being careless while raising them. From the
end of DYS up to Utkarsh, we should check this time, which Facilitators have preserved and protected
their boys effectively and they deserve a good prize! Most boys come to VOICE, not just for philosophy
but for kirtans, prasadam and most importantly for that one person (their facilitator) who treats them
PERSONALLY. The Facilitator is a friend in whom they trust; so he should ask them whether they've
any problems or grievances to help them out. Successful facilitators carry forward all those put under
their care to the point of becoming serious devotees.

Prasadam session should always be in "CIRCLES" where boys can interact with their facilitator
nicely. Some people ask,"What to talk to them?" very simple. In the early meetings u can get to know
their native place, what attracted them to come to DYS, what they appreciate in VOICE, what are their
hobbies, what is their ambition in life, how they feel coming to VOICE, any problems they face, how they
like chanting, any difficulties, how they appreciated the class, any queries on philosophy etc. In the later
classes, we can ask, what points u found striking in the class, what points u were not very convinced,
what points would u like to add to the class, what queries do u have after the class, what point deeply
touched your heart in the class that u r going to carry with you etc. Gradually as friendship develops, the
meetings during prasadam with facilitator will become v v natural.

6.MENTAL ENGAGEMENT : Mind always wants something pleasing. Music, culture,

Art -- these are v fascinating to mind. We should supply boys..

- nice puppet shows or video clips like karma ghost downloaded from desire tree;

- nice HK music like 'vrindavan mellows' 'BB Govind m' 'Prahlad p' etc

- Any mimeshow drama or simple easy-to-grasp drama from chowpatty

Although PMs can offer suggestions to PAC, I would like PAC to finalize these items and send to all
PMs back.

Many VOICEs are planning to do a camp for session 5 and 6; it is a v good idea as it BINDS THEM ALL
TOGETHER as a family when they go out for such camps. And they develop friendships with devotees
and they want to continue their connection.

Once they start coming to VOICE for morning program (on fixed days called by their facilitators) we can
do those 20 sheets. After sankalp, we can give selected DD lectures (PAC should choose this), some 2 to
3 lectures in one shot for them to hear, complete and come back. Then we can give more. Don't give them
40 lectures; they'll never hear.

14. This phase of taking care of boys till they come to Utkarsh is very challenging period. Because in
general living entity in this world is called Abhinivesh, which means ghost haunted person. He is
like a mad man in mental asylum. He speaks all nonsensical things. He says he is the PM. So all
the materially absorbed people are compared to ghost haunted person. To knock their material
absorption down and to bring them to a position where they can become wonderful vaishnavas
wearing kantimala, dhotikurta, tilak etc is a very great challenge. Once they come to Utkarsh by
the transcendental experience that they get at Mayapur by its powerful spiritual atmosphere, they
will be able to take a leap of faith. Till then we have to very carefully protect them, which is a
great challenge. After Utkarsh they become wonderful and sane.

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