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Section A For
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided. Use

1 Fig. 1.1 shows a list of common substances.

air lithium nitrate carbon dioxide argon

crude oil ammonia copper

Fig. 1.1

Choose from Fig. 1.1, one substance which is a/an

(a) non-metallic element ………………………………………..

(b) gaseous mixture ………………………………………..

(c) compound containing 3 elements ………………………………………..

(d) element with a high melting point ……………………………………….. [4]

2 Table 2.1 lists the names or chemical formulae of five different substances.
Complete the table.
Table 2.1

name chemical formula

sulfuric acid


sodium carbonate


magnesium oxide

3 Manish compared a mixture of sugars with four different sugars, P, Q, R and S, For

BLS 3N MYE 2017 SC(CHEM) 5105 5107 P4


using paper chromatography. The chromatogram obtained is shown in Fig. 3.1. Examiner’s


start line
mixture sugar sugar sugar sugar
Fig. 3.1

(a) Identify the sugar(s) present in the mixture.

……………………………………………………………………………………….... [1]

(b) Which sugar, Q, R, or S, is most soluble in the solvent? Explain your answer.

……………………………………………………………………………………….... [1]

(c) Explain why the start line should not be drawn with a pen.

……………………………………………………………………………………….... [1]

4 Complete Table 4.1 to show the relative charge and relative mass for each

Table 4.1

Sub-atomic particle Relative charge Relative mass



Neutron [2]

Section B For

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Answer any two questions in this section on the spaces provided. Examiner’s

5 Ms Wang demonstrates a separation of two miscible liquids with different boiling

points as shown in Table 5.1. Liquids X and Y dissolve in each other completely to
form a homogeneous mixture.

Table 5.1

liquid X Y
boiling point/ oC 82 115

Fractional distillation can be used to separate the two liquids.

(a) State an industrial application of fractional distillation.

……………………………………………………………………………………….... [1]

(b) Four main apparatus were used in this demonstration. The function of each
apparatus is given in Table 5.2.
Identify the apparatus used.
Table 5.2

apparatus function of apparatus

to contain glass beads that provide a
larger surface area for the vapour to
condense on
to provide a cool surface for condensation
to occur

to ensure smooth boiling

to measure the boiling point


(c) Which liquid will be distilled off first? Explain your answer.

……………………………………………………………………………………….... [1]

(d) Given the axes, sketch a graph on Fig. 5.3 showing how temperature For
changes over time as liquids X and Y are distilled. Indicate on the graph the Use

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boiling points of X and Y.

substance melting point /oC boiling point /oC

A 0 100
B -38 356
C 801 1413
D -77 -33

Fig. 5.3 [2]

6 Table 6.1 shows the melting and boiling points of four substances, A, B, C and D.

Table 6.1

(a) Suggest an identity for substance A.

……………………………………………………………………………………….... [1]

(b) In the respective boxes given in Fig. 6.2, draw the arrangement of the
particles in substance C and substance D at -5oC.

Substance C Substance D
Fig. 6.2 [2]

(c) Substance B exists as a liquid at room temperature. For

Describe the arrangement and movement of the particles of substance B at Use

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room temperature.



……………………………………………………………………………………….... [2]

(d) (i) Fig. 6.3 shows the thoughts of two students during a science lesson.

Fig. 6.3

Who is right about substance C? Explain your answer.


………………………………………………………………………………….. [1]

(ii) Sulfur is able to form both ionic and covalent compounds when reacted
with different elements.
Complete Table 6.4 by naming the compounds formed.

Table 6.4
elements name of compounds formed

7 (a) Define the term relative atomic mass, Ar. For


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……………………………………………………………………………………….... Use

……………………………………………………………………………………….... [1]

(b) Table 7.1 gives information about three elements.

Table 7.1

proton (atomic) electronic

element symbol
number configuration
oxygen O 8 2, 6
aluminium Al 13
chlorine Cl 17 2, 8, 7

(i) State the electronic configuration of an aluminium atom.

………………………………………………………………………………….. [1]

(ii) Draw the full electronic structure of an oxide ion.


(iii) Draw a ‘dot and cross’ diagram of a chlorine molecule. Show only the
electrons on the outer shell.

(c) Table 7.2 gives some information on two bromine isotopes. For
Complete the table. Use

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Table 7.2

element protons electrons neutrons
bromine-79 79 35
bromine-81 81 35

(i) Complete Table 7.2. [2]

(ii) Hence, define the term ‘isotopes’.

………………………………………………………………………………….. [1]

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BLS 3N MYE 2017 SC(CHEM) 5105 5107 P4

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