Psych Elect 1

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Name: Isaac Jay L. Fabila Score:

Course/Year/Block: BS Psychology 3S


Read Chapter 1 of the book ‘Ethical Issues and Guidelines in Psychology’ by Philip Banyard and Cara
Flanagan and answer the following questions BRIEFLY. Submit your output in word file on or before
September 9, 2022 at 9:00AM. Late submissions will have deductions.

1. Differentiate morals and ethics.

 Concerned or relating to human behaviour, especially the distinction between good and
bad or right and wrong behaviour.
 Based on a number of socially agreed principles.


 A social, religious, or a civil code of behaviour considered correct, especially that of a

particular group, profession, or individual.
 The philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and
principles that ought to govern it

2. What are the four (4) categories that can be used to judge the ethics of a behaviour according
to Daeg de Mott (2001)?
 Consequences- result of the behaviour
 Actions- act itself and consider what the person is doing.
 Character- whether the person is good or virtuous person who is generally ethical
 Motive- intentions of the person carrying out the behaviour, and we consider whether
they were trying to do something good

3. Think of an example of something that has been publicly debated as right or wrong and express
your stand on this issue.
EXTRAJUDIACIAL KILLING during former President Rodrigo Duterte’s governance.
- It is former Pres. Duterte’ campaign platform to eliminate all drug users because he claims
that it is the primary reason that a person commit a immoral crime. But for me, I don’t
believe that killing drug users or any related to drug is not going to stop everyone from
using drug nor committing crimes. We can tell during his governance there was extrajudicial
killing happens, which only caused primarily of broken family, and hatred from the
4. Differentiate Absolute moral, Relative moral, and Utilitarianism.
A. Absolute moral- some things are just simply wrong or right, it corresponds to the common
traditional views of morality, particularly of a religious kind which might be the called “ the
ten commandments” idea of morality.
B. Relative moral- pertains that all morals are dependent on the context. For example, on the
absolute moral lying is not morality, but relative moral says lying could be moral if it will be
beneficial to someone
C. Utilitarianism- determines the act as good or bad based on the its outcome.
5. Why is it important to study ethics?

 To allow us to reflect on our own behaviour and to change if for the better.
 To allow us to reflect on the behaviour of psychologist to give a deeper understanding
about the subject.

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