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Resistor Tolerance

1. Define resistor tolerance
2. Compute for the value of resistors based on its color
3. Explain the purpose of tolerance on a resistor.
What is tolerance?
Tolerance is the percentage of error in the resistor's
resistance, or how much more or less you can expect
a resistor's actual measured resistance to be from its
stated resistance.
The common tolerance

Gold = ±5% = 0.05

Silver = ±10% = 0.1
None = ±20% = 0.2
What is the purpose of tolerance on a resistor?
The tolerance of the resistor is an important
parameter of the resistor, which tells us about the
amount by which the resistance of the resistor may
vary from its specified value during the operation.
Examples :
1. Red Orange Yellow Silver
= 230kΩ ±10%
= 230 x 0.1
= 23kΩ
- (minimum) = 230 - 23 = 207kΩ
+ (maximum) = 230 + 23 = 253kΩ
Tolerance = 207kΩ - 253kΩ
2. Violet Brown Gray Gold
= 7100MΩ ±5%
= 7100 x 0.05
= 355MΩ
- minimum = 7100 - 355
= 6 745MΩ
+ maximum = 7100 + 355
= 7 455MΩ
Tolerance = 6 745MΩ -7 455MΩ
3. 500 Ω ±20%
500 x 0.2
100 Ω
( - ) minimum = 500 - 100 = 400Ω
( + ) maximum = 500 + 100 = 600Ω

Tolerance = 400Ω - 600Ω

Give the value of tolerance.
1. Red Violet Orange Silver
2. Gray White Violet Gold
3. Blue Brown Black Silver
4. Green Orange Brown None
5.Gray Red Brown Gold
6. Brown Violet Violet Silver
7. Blue Black Gray None
8. Red Orange Black Silver
9. Yellow Yellow Yellow Gold
10. Green Blue Blue Silver

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