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Content Validation Instrument


Content Validation Instrument

Instructions: Please indicate your agreement with the following statements by putting a checkmark (√) on the space that
corresponds to your answer. Please use the following scale:

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

ITEM 5 4 3 2 1
1 The direction given is clear in all sections of the data gathering
2 Each item is clearly stated.
3 Each item is readable i.e., the items are easily read.
4 Each item is attractive to read; enough space is provided to avoid
crowding among the items.
5 The data gathering instrument is comprehensive i.e.; it covered all
areas that are important in the study.
6 Each item is focused on a particular thought or idea.
7 The items are objective i.e. the responses to be elicited are neither
biased nor reactive.
8 The items are formulated in accordance to the explicit/implicit
objective of the study.
9 The items are systematically arranged according to a desirable
10 The items do not overlap with each other; no duplication of items is

Summary and Suggestions:


I certify that I fully reviewed and gave suggestions as well as recommendations to validate further the reliability of the
questionnaire provided in the study “MOBILE GAMES AS TEACHING STRATEGY IN MATHEMATICS.”

Signature over Printed Name/ Date

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