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Research Methodology

This chapter explains various methodologies that the researchers will use to gather data and
analysis which are relevant to this research study. The methodologies will include areas such
as the research design, participants, research instrumentation, and data-gathering procedures.
To collect information for this study, the researcher aims to do a written interview with
selected employees and customers of Dad's Buffet to study and determine how they maintain
their level of excellence in food and service under the new normal setup.

Research design

The research design of the study is qualitative research. an approach whose design is to
collect and analyze non-numerical data in order to understand people's social realities,
including their attitudes, beliefs, and motivations. The research used in-depth analysis of
particular or small groups of people to establish the hypothesis's premise. Instead of being
predictive, the results of the qualitative research were descriptive.

The study uses a mono-method qualitative study because the research will only use a written
interview questionnaire for the participant. The researcher conducted a written interview with
the selected employees and customers at Dad’s Buffet in Padre Faura. This research design is
suited for the study to determine how the Dad’s Buffet in Padre Faura maintains its level of
excellence in food and service under the new normal setup.


In conducting an interview, the researcher participants are 5 employees and 10 customers of

Dad’s Buffet at Padre Faura. Employee participants are those who work at Dad's Buffet, and
customers are those who are present while we conduct the interview. The researcher will
conduct a written interview with the participants so that they can respond to the
questionnaires provided by the researcher.
Research instrument

The instrument that the researcher will use is an interview questionnaire. This will be used, in
the study because it will allow the researcher to collect data more effectively than any other
method. The researcher will conduct an interview personally with the employees of Dad’s
Buffet since they are the one who performs and follows the implemented practices,
procedures, rules, and regulations. Customers are indeed important because they are the ones
who benefit from the services provided by Dad's Buffet.

The researchers provided a written interview questionnaire. The researcher created this
interview questionnaire based on the review-related literature and published materials
pertinent to this study. The researcher uses this to particularly obtain an accurate response to
this study for better understanding. As well, as to let the respondents express their own
perception and their experiences that are relevant to the study.

Data Gathering

The researchers wrote a letter requesting permission to conduct the study at Dad's Buffet in
Padre Faura Malate. Employees who are currently working in the establishment and
customers who are available and present while the researcher conducts an interview are
participants in this study. The researcher visits Dad's Buffet in Padre Faura and presents the
approval form for a personal interview with the chosen participants.

Through the personal written interview, the researcher collects information for this study. The
researcher clarifies some terms to the participants so that they can answer the questionnaire
fully aware of their responsibility as the subject of the study. The researchers requested the
respondents to answer honestly and relate to their experiences.

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