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I am here to express my views on child labour.

It has been the most important concern in the world because it

affects children both mentally and physically. Children are the greatest asset of nation and they should be bought
up with almost care and he or she should grow in environment conductive to living with affection able and
understanding to his or her needs.

“Life of little ones are destroyed when child labour is employed”

In 2011 the national census of India found that the total number of child labour aged between 5 to 14 years to
be at 10.1 million children in that age group of 259.65 million children. As per the child and adolescent labour act
1986, amended in 2016, child is defined as a person below the age of 14. It is a cognizable crime offence to
employ a child for any work.

There are many causes of child labour such as over population, electricity, poverty, lack of quality education etc.
Child labour is the major problem in India it is a great challenge that the country is facing. Estimated figure of
child labour is between 60 to 115 million working children’s in India the highest number in the world.

Now according to my survey conducted no one supports child labour. Most of the people think that poverty is the
reason of child labour. Most of the children forced to do labour because of the lack of money and financial
problems in their families. The industry in which the most number of child labour is in agriculture, manufacturing,
firecrackers etc. They are many new laws which are being put to reduce child labour in India.

Child labour is a punishable offence if anyone employees child or permit any child to do child labour is punishable
by imprisonment or a fine. control on child labour is only possible when there is a cooperation of all the sections
of the society and the law enforcement agencies should maintain a proper record of implementation of law.
Introducing new technologies tools for use in industries and agriculture field can reduce child labour. At last I
would like to say that the bright future of the country can be restored by making strong laws for safeguarding
children only good health education and basic needs of the solution for developing a better and strong future of
these children

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