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2-1P AID: 8522 | 25/01/2023

The objective is to develop an algorithm to overwrite with .

Here is an algorithm that overwrites with , where :

This algorithm computes the matrix multiplication by updating each element of

one at a time. The outermost loop iterates over the rows of , the middle loop sets the
element to zero, and the innermost loop iterates over the elements of A for that
row and column. The product of the corresponding elements of are accumulated in the
current element of .

The algorithm does not require any extra storage.

For the case when is upper triangular, there is a property that the lower triangular part
of is zero. So, the requirement is to iterate over the upper triangular part of . Thus,

This algorithm also requires time and no extra storage is required.

Hence, the required algorithm is given above. In both cases, the algorithm does not
require any extra space.

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