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The story begins with

Luisa, a latin girl, who

is a vlogger and re-
cently moved to the
United States, and
shows a little about
the whole process,
about how she is going
through, and in gener-
al about everything
she is living. Luisa, is a
somewhat influential
person, because she
has fallen several
times in fake news
that are usually pub-
lished and shared All these fake news she shared them to her followers, who many times,
through the internet because of the trust placed in her and for not knowing how to differen-
and social networks. tiate a fake or yellow news, ended up believing her and creating more
disinformation, because a wave was made around this fake news. Why if
a famous influencer disinforms, everyone will believe him.

And nothing had been serious enough to Everyone said "if you eat
create a really important impact...... one of these tangerines,
you will become a zombie".

Until watching some videos of influencers

and vloggers who like her fell for this news,
she "found out" that tangerines were radio-

Luisa, credulous, decides to take action on the matter, so she calls on all her followers to raise a class action lawsuit to the
companies and businesses that grow, distribute and sell tangerines, under the argument that they were threatening human
life and its development. "If we all raise our voices, we will be heard."

This initially created a dispute among some of her

followers, as some agreed and others disagreed.
Luisa filed a class
action lawsuit with the
help of other vloggers
and influencers along
with her followers

After a year of investigation, when things were somewhat

calmer, governmental organizations ruled that mandarins did not After this became known, many people
cause harm to humans, but to the environment, the media com- began to point out Luisa as a liar and an
mented that if the industry continues to pollute, then we will not alarmist, which quickly took away her fol-
have a place to live in the future. lowers, popularity and consequently.

The tangerine industry was

stopped, leading many people to

They did not want to admit her in

any important job, because if you
do not inform yourself well, you can and bankruptcy, generating
fall into Luisa's situation. social unrest and protests
against Luisa.
Suffered a robbery and her phone was stolen, not being
Luisa was practically destroyed able to buy one instantly, and living totally disconnected
from social networks and the internet

She realized that tangerines would

not turn people into zombies, because
in some way, we are all zombies, if we
remain connected to social networks
in a way, we can become "zombies".

And she reflects that she was leading an

army of zombies that ruined and restarted if you are an influencer,
you must be responsible
many lives because she simply didn't realize in what you say.

So she decides to pub- and inviting people to sup-

lish a video on net- port the consumption of
works, apologizing a lot tangerines in the world

In the end, Luisa gradually begins to receive positive comments and supporting the cause, in addi-
tion to recover some followers, but this ceased to be important to her, so she went on with her
life and learned:

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