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Essien Oku Essien

Electoral Zoning Saga and Public

Persuasion.A Prospective Evaluation of the
2023 Cross River State Gubernatorial
Election Outcome

Scientific Essay
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Essien Oku Essien

Electoral Zoning Saga and Public Persuasion. A Prospec-

tive Evaluation of the 2023 Cross River State Guberna-
torial Election Outcome

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This article examined the Electoral Zoning Saga and Public Persuasion: A Prospective Evaluation
of the 2023 Cross River State Gubernatorial Election Outcome. Critically deliberating on the two
schools of thoughts existent in this context – one which agrees with the implementation of the
political zoning standard and the other which disagrees in disagreement. The agenda setting theory
as well as the social judgement theory were adopted in the article to establish a workable theoretical
framework. The study employed the interpretivist paradigm of qualitative analysis and a finding
from textual analysis of respondents speech contents portray that campaign contents that will not
reflect unity and social cohesion void of ethnic bias will increase the difficulties in the state.

INTRODUCTION Elections are an essential mechanism and

practical tool for guaranteeing the smooth
In Nigeria's democratic system, elections have
turnover of power in a democracy's management
always been a fundamental means of determining
of leadership. As a result, every administration
who will be in charge. This country's history is
develops political legitimacy and authority. In a
littered with examples of its leaders being elected
democracy, elections play a critical role in
at practically every level of government, only to
expressing the will of the people, inducing
be cut short by military takeovers and other
political change, and establishing the legitimacy
interruptions to the electoral process (JEJE,
of regimes. On the other hand, OJIE (2006)
ADEBAYO AND AZAIGBA, 2022). According
asserts that elections show how popular a
to OJIE (2006), people in positions of authority
government is and exposes the social contract
in a democracy do so with the explicit consent
that exists between the government and the
and lawful mandate expressed by the voters on a
governed, which displays the basis of political
regular basis through an open, free, and fair
authority, legitimacy, and citizens'
electoral process. A democratic government is
responsibilities. Political accountability between
one in which the people are in charge, but only if
the governors and governed is shaped and
they can agree on the pace with the people they
enhanced by reciprocity and trade in this way, as

Nigeria's elections have thus far defied the eighteen different local government areas: Abi,
cornerstone of democracy because of the Akamkpa, Akpabuyo, Bakassi, Bekwarra, Biase,
establishment of political zoning standards Boki, Calabar Municipality, Calabar South,
(VANGUARD, 2022). Unfortunately, Nigeria Etung, Ikom, Obanliku, Obudu, Obubra, Ogoja,
belongs to the unfortunate group of countries in Odukpani, Yakurr and Yala.. Everyone wants a
Africa, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa, where chance to be the next governor, and it will be
elections are poorly managed. All of this is done unreasonable if only one local government area is
in order to facilitate the creation of a 'biased' able to do so over and over again. In order to
political zoning schedule from a certain develop zoning, political party zones must agree
geographic area, which may at some point be the on how they will divide power. It is actually
most unfulfilling location. possible to go from north to south, central to
southern, and so forth.
Due to political differences, the country has been
plagued by political instability as a result of the The most popular type of zoning is the
use of zoning (SUN, 2022). Cross River State, "gentleman's agreement." In order to ensure a
like every other state in the federation, uses a smooth transition of power when his term ends, a
zoning arrangement to swap power between the regional politician would often tell another
northern, central, and southern senatorial districts. regional politician that he plans to secede power
According to external interpretations of the to him upon tenure completion.
SAHARA REPORTERS (2022), it is understood
In 1979, the second civilian administration of
by the people through evident scenarios that
Alhaji Shehu Shagari and Dr. Alex Ekwueme
candidates may be selected alternately from the
established the Nigerian political zoning system,
north, centre, or south and presented to voters in
which laid the groundwork for the practise of
manipulated polls. In Nigeria, the topic of zoning
zoning in the federation's states (PREMUIM
has been a difficult one, and this is evident in
TIMES, 2022). During an eight-year cycle, the
various states. True federalism in a state like
zoning system within states was designed to give
Cross River, which has a rich cultural, linguistic,
equal opportunity to Nigeria's north, centre, and
and economic diversity, must show a sincere
south to produce the governor. Consequently, the
effort to regulate among the groups and a
system became a widely accepted political
reflection of these distinct differences in a
practise in Nigerian culture as the nation's
framework of sustainable unity.
political institutions matured and grew through
Cross River State, on the other hand, is home to time. Buhari/military Idiagbon's regime abridged
more than 150 distinct linguistic communities. A the original Shagari zoning formula, which was
geographical division of the groups is made up of published in 1979. Consequently, southern

Nigerians were not be able to experience the one of the other senatorial districts, not the
strategy. opposing parties.

After twenty-years of dangling the presidential However, the clamour for where the governorate
zoning pattern between the southern and will begin counting from once again, this which
northern regions of Nigeria, the (PDP) Peoples has brought about a sense of division of thoughts,
Democratic Party (PDP) was finally snatched by acceptance and agreement is here identified as the
the All Progressive Congress (APC) in 2015, problem necessary to be addressed in this article.
which had formed a coalition with the PDP to In the face of disagreement and splits where one
form the Nigerian People's Party (NPP). ONI & school of thought insists that the governorate can
FAUYI (2020) shows that Nigerians need to begin from any senatorial district of the state

seriously consider whether zoning (as a social without necessarily going back to begin the climb

contract) or quota can produce the best leadership up from the South, another school of thought is in

material suitable for development, which is total disagreement with this and here lies the crux

desperately needed at this critical time, and how of this study.

zoning both presidential and gubernatorial

Objectives of the Study
elections has brought peace and stability.
This article is guided by the following objectives:
It is worth considering whether or not zoning in
Cross River State and Nigeria as a whole could 1. To find out if "zoning" identified as the
constitute a compelling argument for equity. problem in the article will ever work or not, in
Cohesion and trust can be fostered even in a Cross River State
country as diverse as Nigeria by electing
2. To determine how both schools of thoughts
politicians from various regions (THIS DAY,
attempts to use the media in the persuasion of the
Political power had dangled fairly between Mr.
3. To define the effects of such employed media
Donald Etim Duke (1999-2007), Senator Liyel
on the electorates
Imoke (2007-2015), and Professor Benedict
Ayade (2015-present), all hailing from different 4. To ascertain how the disparity between both
parts of the country's senatorial district. Professor schools may likely affect the outcome of the
Ayade is the first politician to hold gubernatorial election in 2023.
office from the northern senatorial district
likewise others. Equal representation has always
required that the deputy governor be chosen from

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK this, such as a billboard with traffic signs that
signal a green light for a specific senatorial
It is pertinent to examine this article using the
district (denoting "go on"), and amber and red
agenda setting and the social judgement theories.
lights for the other senatorial districts (denoting
These theories provide the theoretical insights on
"hold on") on the major roads of the state.
public persuasion in regards to the issue of
political zoning in Cross River State. The second assumption is that the more attention
an issue receives from the media, the more likely
Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw, two
the public is to view it as important. Employed
academics at the University of North Carolina,
major media organisations are not instructing the
introduced the Agenda Setting Theory in 1972,
public what to think or how they should feel about
and discovered that in a study of North Carolina
a story or topic, but they are providing them with
voters in 1968, what people considered the most
particular news or issues that people should pay
significant concerns were what the media
attention to more. If a billboard has the names and
reported as the most critical. Thus, the theory of
tenures of past and current governors on three
agenda-setting was established, based on the idea
framed boxes with information about their origins,
that the media sets the agenda for what people
but leaves a fourth frame blank with a "?," and a
should be concerned about (ORR &
reference to a particular senatorial district, then
HARRINGTON, 2021). The agenda-setting
the electorates will be given the impression that
theory is used to demonstrate how the electorate
any individual meant for governance must
is quietly dictated whether political candidate to
emerge from a predefined boundary, rather than
support or not based on the divergent viewpoints
imposing anyone in person on the electorates, as
of the two schools of thought. To put it another
in this example.
way, it lays out the case for why a certain
senatorial district should be recognised as the The agenda-setting theory has both psychological
governorate's above the others, using evidence and scientific merits. A story that is widely
provided through the argument's contents. reported in the media is more likely to be recalled
by the electorate when they are asked to recollect
Two fundamental assumptions underlie the
it, even if the news does not directly affect them
agenda-setting approach in use here. Billboards,
or register as a significant concern in their
shirt printing, and other outdoor media, as well as
television and print interviews by the warring
parties, filter and shape what the electorates Carolyn Sherif, Muzafer Sherif, and Carl
should think rather than simply reflecting stories Hovland proposed the Social Judgment Theory,
to the audience.. There are several examples of which is defined as the comparison and

evaluation of an idea with prevailing sentiments have a range of views about what they consider
(HOVLAND & CARL, 1980). Each new concept to be acceptable or undesirable for the views of
is given equal weight in the thinking of the others. Particularly when it comes to topics about
individual, who then uses this comparison to which people have strong feelings, extreme
determine where the new idea should be placed attitudes do not build on one another. This means
on the attitude scale. It is the study of human that even if one's views are in the same general
judgement that is the focus of social judgement direction, they may not be supported by others
theory. Although several media outlets are used who hold less radical views. The "most favoured"
in this piece, this theory is applied to the 2023 and "least preferred" alternatives of two persons
gubernatorial election outcome based on whether may differ, even if their attitudes appear to be
or not the public agrees or disagrees with the equal. It is only by looking at what other
schools of thought. perspectives one accepts or rejects in addition to
the pressures applied by the disagreeing parties
Persuasive communication's primary goal is to
that one can truly understand one's attitude
alter people's perspectives. Social judgement
toward the upcoming 2023 gubernatorial race in
theory aims to explain how likely a person is to
its entirety.
change their view, the likely direction of that shift,
their tolerance for other people's opinions, and The schools of thought must first comprehend the
their level of commitment to their position by attitudes of the electorate in order to change an
examining the conditions under which this attitude. After that, they will be able to compare
change occurs (MALLARD, 2010). Consider that it to the electorate's perceptions of the messages
the electorate has two options: adopt one of the that sway them. Additionally, determining how
two established viewpoints or reject it. In this close or far one is is critical. It may be difficult to
case, however, it has been found that the persuade a southern senatorial district indigene to
electorate, if they were free to use their social accept that the governor's position should not
judgement and bias, would definitely choose come from their region, but it is easier to persuade
from the options presented by the parties, and this a central senatorial indigene to work together
supports the idea that social judgement and bias toward ensuring that the gubernatorial powers do
is somewhat subject to external influences that not go to the south, and this establishes that for
are beyond the control of individuals. attitude to be changed, it must be preceded by
mobilisation for actual change in the state's
It is also a part of social judgement theory that
political landscape.
shows how people compare their own
perspectives on a given subject to those of others. As a result of the argument presented, one must
In addition to having their own views, people now adjust their position. Once a person has

determined that a new position falls within his or RESEARCH DESIGN
her range of acceptability, he or she will make an
This article employs the interpretivist paradigm
adjustment to their outlook. People will change
of qualitative analysis to evaluate in prospect, the
their mindset in the opposite direction of what the
outcome of the forthcoming 2023 Cross River
speaker is promoting if the message is deemed to
gubernatorial election. The interpretivist
be rejected by them.
paradigm relies on a dialogue between the
As such, schools of thought may not need to researchers and their subjects to negotiate,
organise for influences and instead rely on the collaborate, and develop a meaningful
media's power to set the agenda, which is the understanding of reality; this understanding is
basis for the agenda setting theory. This is why specific to a particular time and context and
fear appeals in advertising often fail to resonate cannot be generalized. Interpretivist approaches
with the target demographic. Whenever the include interviews, observation, and textual
audience feels threatened, it is more likely that analysis. interpretivist paradigm has its roots in
they will do the opposite of what is recommended, hermeneutics, the study of the theory and practice
and this will lead to the desired result not being of interpretation. In hermeneutics the text is the
achieved. It is also possible for a person's expression of the thoughts of its author, and
immediate social surroundings to alter their interpreters must attempt to put themselves
attitude. People's attitudes tend to evolve in the within the perception or thinking pattern of the
interpersonal arena in order to match those of author in order to reconstruct the intended
their significant partners. Conformity and meaning of the text.
alignment in attitudes continue to dominate the
According to the interpretivist paradigm, which
social influence picture.
can alternatively be dubbed "anti-positivism" or
Persuasion is difficult, according to the social "naturalistic inquiry," data interpretation might
judgement theory. In order for a message to be be softer and more subjective (Myers, 2008). In
convincing, it must be directed at the recipient's social science research, it is distinguished by
latitude of acceptance and divergent from the three distinct schools of thought. Phenomenology,
anchor position, making it impossible for the ethnomethodology, and symbolic interactionism
receiver to absorb or contrast the information are the three main schools of thought in these
they are receiving. Thus, even successful fields. All three schools of thought emphasise
persuasion efforts may only result in tiny shifts in human engagement with phenomena in their
behaviour. By arguing that many messages can be daily lives and advocate for a qualitative rather
used to persuade over time, the social judgement than quantitative approach to sociological
theory supports the agenda setting theory. research.

RESEARCH DISCOURSE for in Cross River State, because it is not properly
backed by legislation.
Here, three politicians conveniently selected from
the three senatorial districts are interviewed and According to him, "I have always maintained on
the contents of their responses as presented below zoning that we have the party convention already,
are transcribed in verbatim and presented in it is like it is almost becoming a tradition," he
anonymity. Two of the interviewed personalities continued. However, neither the 1999
are from the ruling party, the All Progressive Constitution modified nor the current amendment
Congress (APC) while the other is drawn from address this issue. If zoning issues are serious
the closest opposition party, the People's enough, no political party will willingly sell its
Democratic Party (PDP). nomination form to candidates from districts
where it is expected that the next governor will
Arising from the fact that Nigeria and Cross River
not be elected. " To put it another way, even those
State in this regards operates the multi-party
who claim to practise zoning are not being sincere
system, the choice of the selected political parties
about it. It is not based on anything solid, so it is
is as a result of the popular attention and opinions
not sacrosanct. Since Cross Riverians desire
drawn by these in the public sphere. More so, the
someone capable of taking the city to the
views of two prospective electorates are covered
industrial level, it was implied that the issue was
not one of zoning but rather one of competence.
1. Finding out if "zoning" identified as the
According to another political activist who
problem in this article will ever work or not, in
responded to the interview questions, the
Cross River State
southern senatorial district should typically enjoy
Research interviews with a member of one of the the privilege of producing the governor of Cross
political parties selected for the study revealed River State in 2023 on the issue of power shift.
that zoning would not yield the expected effects "Because I believe in equity and justice, I am in
for Cross River as a state. He explained that favour of zoning".
zoning is not a constitutional issue and that
Nigerians across the political divide have not
been sincere with it so far, adding that if 2. Determining how both schools of thoughts
Nigerians as a whole had been sincere with it, attempts to use the media in the persuasion of
there is a specific reference in the constitution the electorates
that would have clearly taken care of the matter.
According to the responses gathered from a
Since the Nigerian constitution is not honest and
prospective electorate, "Nigerian press is no
emphatic about zoning, it cannot be boldly fought

longer a watchdog, but rather a co-conspirator parties, he stated that the electioneering
with dishonest publications spread around the campaigns will be more than less a football game
country". Editors and publishers, he claims, are where people will support probably the senatorial
now being paid by political candidates across the district where they indigenously come from and
country who support or oppose zoning to create even if they will have to support another district
stories intended to persuade the public as to why other than theirs, it will definitely turn out to be a
one area should be chosen for leadership over place where they may likely have an assurance of
another. It was brought to his knowledge that "a selfish benefits. In response to the question
candidate somewhere was promising through a portrayed to him "if the media can be hold
newspaper or something that his region is rich in responsible for such claims made by him" he
agricultural products, whose investment in such added that every electorates access different
will address food scarcity as suffered by most forms of the mass media, the same media which
Nigerians today, yet these are the same people are employed by different groups to tell the
who will not go two miles closer to farmers when masses where the governor should come from or
they assume their purchased offices." not. Adding that the political parties is yet and
Government-owned media houses appear to have will never ever use the mass media to apportion
more complicated concerns, according to a where a candidate should come from or not,
person who responded to an inquiry about putting it that despite the confusion everywhere,
whether or not the media houses are involved in every party has a recognised system of
ongoing corrupt practises. Pointing out that it is conducting a primary election within the
not good enough that civic and initiative groups membership of its party were a winner who turns
had mounted outdoor media that tends to dictate out to be the flag bearer is presented for the
where the next governor should come from, general election. As such, the winner can come
putting it that Cross River Saviour can come from from anywhere except if it is generally agreed
anyway, as such, personalities under parties within the party that a candidate should come
umbrellas should be advertised and not senatorial from a particular region. Thus, it was pointed out
districts. that since the political parties have the primaries
as a means for selecting itd flag bearers, there was
therefore no need for it to take to the mass media
3. Defining The Effect of the Employed Media to tell the masses where and why a candidate
on the Electorates should come from a particular place. Responding
to another question "does the party acknowledge
Speaking with a respondent who holds a key
unofficial consultations that intends to influence
responsibility in one of the selected political
internal leadership towards upholding a candidate

from a particular District?" The respondent stated by justifying exclusionary policies with
clearly that this is not part of any political party arguments in favour of the benefiting zone or
constitution as much as he knows and of such territory. Electoral cycles alter the political
things are going on anywhere or in other states, rhetoric. For me, zoning's greatest flaw lies in its
he was not aware. potential to squander our time, which I do not see
as affecting the general election in 2023 by any
means ".
4. Ascertaining how the disparity between
From the perspective of a political activist, he
both schools may likely affect the outcome of
presented that zoning is actually a creation of the
the election in 2023
military administration that succeeded General
Speaking with a respondent who turns out to be a Yakubu Gowon. The Gowon Administration
prospective electorate in the forthcoming which preceded the Murtala/Obasanjo regime
gubernatorial election, she pointed out that it is had as Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters —
her expectation that after Professor Benedict Brigadier Emmanuel Ekpo, and later, Rear-
Ayade of the PDP who defected to the APC, from Admiral Joseph Edet Akinwale Wey. As the
the Northern senatorial district, it had become the names show, General Yakubu Gowon and his two
natural expectation that the next gubernatorial chiefs were Christians, in addition to the Vice-
candidate of the ruling party from the APC must Chairman of the Federal Executive Council, till
come from the Southern senatorial district, in line 1971, being another Christian in the person of late
with the informal rotation credo of the power elite, Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Murtala Muhammed, a
irrespective of which faction, in which party, is in Moslem, had Obasanjo, a Christian as deputy.
power at any time. By that, all competent Cross When Murtala died and Obasanjo succeeded him,
Riverians from the Northern senatorial district, he appointed Shehu Musa Yar’Adua as his
including those from the central senatorial district, deputy. That was the take-off!. Today, zoning has
who recently handed over the power to the North become a mantra that must not just be sung by
have been automatically excluded and the next politicians irrespective of party affiliation, it has
governor of the state will be from the south assumed the status of an unwritten political
whether on the basis of lobbying or not. grundnorm. Whether I am right or wrong about
zoning will not matter if we continue politicking
During a conversation with another prospective
the way we always do. As I write this, at least two
electorate, he mentioned that he has never
politicians from the central senatorial district
favoured rotation or zoning. "According to my
have indicated interest in the governorship and
own opinion, this approach transforms
the number of Supporters within this district may
exclusionary politics into political righteousness

be likely divided, thus leading to an Results gathered from the textual analysis of the
unpredictability of the forthcoming election. respondents speech contents reveals that the 2022
Cross River State gubernatorial election shall be
based on the outcome of individual party policies
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION and not on the senatorial district. By this, the
people may decide to elect aleader beyond
Prior to the 2023 governorship elections, there
domiciliation bias. Also, the article found out
has been an increase in calls for zoning the
that the leader most appropriate for the state’s
governorate. In the fourth Republic, the zoning
gubernatorial position is the southern senatorial
structure is based on a unique historical precedent.
district for the purpose of balancing and equality
It all began with the voiding of the presidential
in power division. More so, the research found
elections of June 12, 1993. There was a
out that campaign contents that will not reflect
significant sense of injustice in the geopolitical
unity and social cohesion void of ethnic bias will
zone where the winner hailed from as a result of
increase the difficulties in the state.
the annulment, which caused major political
instability. Since 1999, the two major political
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