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Infosys 26th Aug 2022

diff stringBuffer, StringBuilder

cloud technology
diff hashmap and hashtable
diff list and linked list
What are restServices
Singleton design pattern and its practical use
when to use extend Thread and implement Runnable
How to implement multithreading

TCS - 27th Aug 2022

Acid properties of sql
Stor proc
diff coupling cohesion
cloud technology
Tools used in microservices
singelton Design apttern
ques on synchronous
diff Soap and Rest
heap dump
Azure devops

Accenture 15th Sept 2022

what is byte code
what is immutablibility
Advantage of immutability
what is diff arrayList and linkedList
what is @qualifier
What is @autoConfiguration
Lambda associate with functionalInterface
Optional class in Java 8
Functional Interface in Java 8
Stream API in java8
coding on protected access specifier
What is entity, how to declare it
Object mapping in Hibernate
Native query in Hibernate
Caching in Hibernate
diff memoryOutOfBond and stackOutOfBond
how to detect deadlock
Difference between iterator and ListIterator

Free lancing 15th Sept 2022

What is Spring
Lambda AWS
What is IOC
Acid properties
Full outer join
ICS-GLOBAL 21st Sept 2022
What is spring boot
How is springboot associated with Microservices
What is caching in Hibenate

TCS 21st Sept 2022

what is spring boot
how singelton is used and where
idea about springboot
idea abour microservices
Why REST is stateless
what difference microservices and REST
how to make class immutable
what marker interface

NOMURA 22nd Sept 2022

Difference between Union and union all
Query on group by
how to achieve polymmorphism
can child class throw exception if parents throw
diff array list and linked list
diff between iterator and listIterator
concepts on overriding and overloading
difference between String and String buffer
What is @springApplication
advantages of spring annotations

MINDTREE 24th Sept 2022

Stream API,
Stream filter,
Task scheduler

TCS 24th Sept 2022

Map question coding
Create singletone class coding
create overloading overriding coding
Cashing in hibernate
state of an object in java
what is Functional Interface

TCS 24th Sept 2022 2nd Int

Literals in java
flow of Spring MVC
what is singleton and how to break it
Can we write custom tag in jsp
Start point of JSP
what is a String
Life cycle of an object in jsp
Jsp lfe cycle
Coforge 24th Sept 2022
What is @qualifier
What is @ResponseBody and ResponseEntity
What is @PathVariable
What is @Variable
doPost, doGet, doPut
Convert duplicate lsit into maps
What is a view
Advantage of a view
what is a procedure and syntax
Spring security
why do we write pojo class in hibernate
how two microservices communicate
what is atomic variable in java
Use of making class as Final
Use of POJO class in Hibernate
Can we overload methods in same class/ Can we override a method in same class?
How to avoid multiple request from the client

Sopra Steria 28th Sept 2022

What is encapsulation
What is abstraction
diff between Put and Patch in springboot
WAP for singletone
WAP to use stream(Java8)
cloud technology
How will you deploy the application
Can we change internal server of springboot and how
What is immutable
Question on String and the memory it takes
Working of Hash map
How will you make Hasp map synchronized -- Ans -> ConcurrentHashMap

Virtuasa 29th Sept 2022

Explain second level of caching in hibernate(WAP)
What is difference between @id and @column
What is immutability
operators in jsp
diff intermediate and terminal
Advantages of springboot
How to convert monolithis to microservices
Diff spring and springboot
What is default class
How java garbage collector is working
what is a class loader

FreeLancing 29th Sept 2022

What is OOPS concept
What is 4 pillars of OOPS
What is polymorphism how to achieve
Difference between arrylist and linklist
What is the memory of last node of Linked list
What is DI
any 5 springboot annotation and explain
Write an API
What are the types of joins in sql
What is a foreign key
Relation between two keys in sql(one to one .....)
questions in angular
When an object is eligible for garbage collection

Montran 29th Sept 2022

Lazy Loading excepion
Few questions on Java.... inheritance and overriding
Transaction and session in hibernate
difference between set and list
how to make class immutable

JIO 30th Sept 2022

difference between normal MVC and Spring MVC
write a program to count duplicate character in a string
Spring Security
Stereotype annotation in springboot
what JWT token
what is the use of https
sql- name, age, number find the count to duplicate name, age, number
Difference betweeen stor proc and function
What is a bean
bean life cycle
what is the method in that in bean life cycle
Difference between Controller and RestController
Why use of @RestController instead of @Controller
Have you worked on RESTAPI
Working of Hashmap
offSet in apache kafka
What is broker
what is the offset
questions on Apache Kafka
diff overload and override

Intellect 01st Oct 2022

What is functional interface, Example
What are the feature of Java 8
what is stor proc, and how it is associated with Java
What is a driver in jdbc and how many types of Driver are there

WIPRO 01st Oct 2022

Can we override static methods and why>
Program on stream filter
program to check duplicate char in a string using Collection

Persistance 1st Oct 2022

What is functional interface and example
2 program
1)ababababa get count of ba
2)name, price, dept get name start with B and price < 100 using stream
What is diff monolitic and microservices
diff fail fast and fail safe
What is concurrent hashmap
list and linked list
life cycle of spring

RISEBIRD 1st Oct 2022

WAP for restApi in springboot
WAP to sort list of age
WAP to implement multithreading
What is sleep, wait, notify, notifyAll
What is a restApi, How it works
differenct restfull, restless
working of hashmap
diff hash code and equal
life cycle of a bean. How to handle exception in springboot
Types of exception
What is a microservices

COGNIZANT 1st Oct 2022

string builder and buffer
convert list into map
diff concurrent hasp map and synchronized map
break singleton ways(3 ways)
and many basic question on java
What is singletone
how to avoid null pointer exc in java 8
can we get fetch data from foreach loop of java 8

MYOZA 1st Oct 2022

Diff stor proc and function
what are the joins and explain
WAP to sort id and value using Java8
Write a Restful API
Explain diff @Controller and @RestController
What is @qualifier
What is actuator

Cognizant 7th Oct 2022

Programming quest to ask output
WAP to find prime number
WAP for list containing duplicate walues and op should not contain that dup values
Can we have multiple session factory in hibernate
In hibernate how to get value using POST method
What is @query
What is ResponseEntity

Cognizant 8th Oct 2022

WAP to show unique char in a String eg : google

TCS 8th Oct 2022

tell o/p
What is data encapsulation
What is polymorphism
what is overriding
what is diff == and ===
what is stor proc and function
what is statement and preparedSataement
What are the starter Dependencies for a Springboot application

LNT 8th Oct 2022

WAP 2Dmatrix to get the lowest number
scope of bean
passing query in hibernate
what is @id and @column
sql query to find min number in a arraylist
diff static and initializer
how to convert monolitic application to microservices? what is the approach?

WIPRO 9th Oct 2022

What is singletone pattern
what are the tools use for microservices
how to implement another framework with springboot
how aggro works in microservices
what is an optional class
diff lambda and functionalInterface
what is arraynode
*many questions on microservies

Intellect Design 10 Oct 2022 Int1

What is a view
diff stor proc and function
Components required for a web services
What web services you have worked
diff primary key and foreign key
WAP swap name
WAP to display result of hashmap
how to chain constructor of parent class without using calss name
how to call parent class constructor without using class name

HERE 11 Oct 2022

object level lock class level lock
exception hirerachy
garbage collector concepts
Solid principle of OOPS
Capacity in arraylist
memory management in arraylist
memory management in arraylist and linked list
how to generate hashcode

Tecunique 11 Oct 2022

composition in java
passby value nad ref
path and classpath variable
abstrac class and interf
how to use abs class
what is spring boot, advanta,
ecomponent of sprinboot
diff arraylist an doublepoinitg
what is a parallel stream
conjuctiona nd setter injection
demon thread
What is a factory method
Spring security
diff controller and RestController

Mercedes 12th Oct 2022

Why is String immutable
WAP to sort by value in a map
Query to get employe opt for a course
what is factory method
connection pool in java
where do we write configuration properties in springbootfile without stopping the
how to make changes in springboot without stopping the application

LNT 12 Oct 2022

What is the use of lambda function
use of optional class
how 1 microservices communicate ith other microservices
What is @Configuration
Repository in springboot
Spring boot annotation for JUNIT
how to mock a service

Amoebids 12th Oct 2022

4 concepts of Java
Hash set questions
WAP on tree node
SIngleton and Factory method
What component are required for Web application in springboot
Adv of Spring boot
What is DI and IOC
how to implement DI
Diff controller and restcontroller

Luxsoft 14th Oct 2022

4 concepts of Java
features of Java 8
how to achieve 100% abstraction
example on data encapsulation
How to read 100000 data using Stream ( divide data into chunks)
How will you implement a Login form in sprinboot
How will you write custom exception

Opteamix 21st Oct 2022

What is a dispatcher Servlet
difference between dispatcher Servlet and contextloadlistner
can we create multiple bean in request scope of bean
difference between @Controller and @RestController
difference between @Service and @Component
@RequestMapping and @GetMapping
Cognome 21st Oct 2022
Collission Hasp map working
What is RestAPI
Have you worked on Time Complexicity
How to make a restless Application non restless
prototype use in Rest api
how to send authentication through RestAPI

EY 4th Oct 2022

What is String Pool Constant
Diff abstract class and interface
working og HashMap
Diff hash map and hash table
diff between hashtable and ConcurrentHashmap
What is default method
What is a stream in java8
How to handle exception in springboot
how to connect to jdbc in springboot
diff primarykey and unique key
diff @Entity and @Table
What is hibernate
diff @Controller and @RestController
WAP in java8 to get the second highest salary
WAP in java8 to sort an array(usig comparable)
WAP in java8 to get even number from list

Tech Mahindra 9th Jan 2023

Oops conept
Name all the annotation of spring boot
what is foreign key
what is dbms
what is unique index
what is SQL
what is JVM

AnalyticsFox Softwares Pvt Ltd 9th Jan 2023

Questions on consumer and producer
Questions on dto in kafka
Spring boot consume and produce(How will you know the data format in controller to
be sent or received)
fastest way to search a word in a paragraph using colletions
Kafka or Rabitmq which is best
Spring securities
Cloud technologies and CICD Pipeline
difference between angular and react

Unifytech 10th Jan 2023

What is encapsulation
What is Inheritance
What is Abstraction
what is overloading and overridding
What is the use of keyword abstract
What is keyword volatile and transient
what is exception handling in java
why use of try catch if we have throw and throws
Is throw comipleor run time exception
WAP in java8 to search for repeated alphabet in your name
different between throw and throws

Finezza 11th Jan 2023

How will you make an array to work as haspmap
WAP for getting on numbers for an string eg: MH04GH7128
how will you get the top 5 max entity from a file

R-system 11th Jan 2023

What is composition
what is blocking queue
what is finalblank
what is transient
what is class loader and its type
types of memory in java
what is chararray
what is difference between bean and pojo
Can we override private method
Can main class be consider as bean
Way of initializing objects in java

BBI 17th Jan 2023

diff microservices and monolithic
what are the use annotation in spring boot
what are advantages of springboot over spring framework
diff arraylist and linked list
WAP to fetch repeated character in a string
WAP to find name starts with "A" using stream
Query to find the name star with "A"
how will you know if any microservices is failed

Nomura 17th Jan 2023

Brief about last project
diff concurrent hastmap and hash table
WAP to get op as "aabbcc" for i/p as "aabbcdda"
how to resolve two jar of different version in same pom
how to deal with huge amount of data coming from database (Ans: pagination)
When to use try catch and throws
How will you authenticate any data which is flowing between restapi
Which collection is best to added contries(static) eg: Arraylist, treeset etc

Optimum infosystem 18th Jan

What java 8 features you know
diff haspmap and concurrent hashmap
How to serialize an object. how will you creat a file(Steps)
How will you use custom class object in kep part of any hashmapp(Ans: to override
hashcode and equal method)
what is feature of hashset and internal working
method in hashset and hashmap
what isimmutability and how to achieve it
different types of memory in jvm
what is serialization
what is mockito
What is a meta space in java8
What is parallel stream and difference between parallel stream and normal stream
When to use parallel stream and normal stream

Monjin(Quess) 19th Jan

What is sonar qube
How to implement list of list in streams(Ans: Using flatmap)
Tell me about kafka
diff apache and kafka
how to make class immutable
what is springboot
What is @ControllerAdvice
what is microservices

Volkswagen 19th Jan

What is immutable class
WAP to get the instance of a max string in an array
What is @qualifier
What is a Metaspace

Infogain 19th Jan

What is one to one mapping
What is JPA
what is spring security
what is oath
what is a stream
what is a lambda function
what is functional interface
WAP to get the emp details with the help of salary in reverse order
Grouping in Stream
Tell me few spring

AnalyticFox 19th Jan

When to use having clause
diff @service and @component
how to make class immutable
what is lambda
what is functional interface
any annotation similar to @RequestMapping
Write a rest api to create a new object of an employee
what is stream api
What is circular dependency in spring? how to resolve it
what do you mean by string are immutable

Morgan Stanley 20th Jan

What is monolithic app
diff monolithic and microservices
which gateway have yoyu use for microservices
how will you explore different microservices
WAP to swap to int
WAP to divide each element of an array
idfcfirstbank 20th Jan
2 coding questions
What is prototype design pattern
How will you decide when to use prototype design pattern

Persistent 21st Jan

Diff set and map
different way to print map
write a Restful api
what is the first thing you will do in microservice
what is a function in java8
Different features in java8
what is :: called
what is fault tolerance

idfcfirstbank 23rd Jan

WAP to count instance of all the character in a string
WAP to get even number usinr Stream
WAP to set name in a Key and its length in value using Stream
What is client in microservices
what is async and sync
what is a bean

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