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Introduction to War and Propaganda Sunday, 18 December 2022

L.O: What are my opinions of war and conflict?

Keywords: Conflict, Propaganda, Justice, Fairness


What do you think that these words mean? Use a dictionary to

check your definition.



Introduction to War and Propaganda Sunday, 18 December 2022
L.O: What are my opinions of war and conflict?
Keywords: Conflict, Propaganda, Justice, Fairness

EXPL: Find a recent news report about Russia. Print it
off or photocopy it and highlight the facts and opinions it
Write a paragraph to explain whether you think the
writer’s showing bias in the report or not, and why.
DUE: 2 Lessons Time
Introduction to War and Propaganda Sunday, 18 December 2022
L.O: What are my opinions of war and conflict?
Keywords: Conflict, Propaganda, Justice, Fairness

Read the questions. What do you think? What are your opinions
about war and conflict?

Reflect quietly and independently and write notes on your

thoughts in your draft book.
Introduction to War and Propaganda Sunday, 18 December 2022
L.O: What are my opinions of war and conflict?
Keywords: Conflict, Propaganda, Justice, Fairness

You are going to participate in a group discussion about the

questions that you have reflected on.

You will need to be FAIR in the way that you share your opinions
and listen to those of others.

You will need to consider the JUSTICE and FAIRNESS of war.

Introduction to War and Propaganda Sunday, 18 December 2022
L.O: What are my opinions of war and conflict?
Keywords: Conflict, Propaganda, Justice, Fairness

My Opinions of War

In your English exercise book, use your notes and what you have
learnt from the discussion to write a short, crafted reflection on
YOUR opinions about war.

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