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Little things

Halfway through the day, I sat alone, in front of the famous Brennan coffee
shop in Paris. Even though Paris was always full of people, noise, dogs, cats
and doves and colors and a lot more things that you could possibly never
get tired of watching, I was simply not there.
You would sometimes see little kids dancing around, crows fighting each-
other, women going mad because their tea order was late, their attention
was all i wanted, maybe just a little hello, or a how are you, a sign that they
knew i was among them, that my presence was important and that i
mattered a little.
Despite the fact that I was big and strong and cheerful all the time nobody,
not one soul stopped to pay a second of their time to me, nor my friends.
Were we doing something wrong? Did we look bad? Did we smell bad?
Maybe we were annoying since they always kept brooming at our feet, and
looking mad while doing it.
They kept telling me that it will get better, but ever since I was separated
from my family nothing has ever been the same.
I remember when i was around 2 or 3 years old, my dad used to tell me
stories how his siblings were taken away from a young age, my dad came
from a big family, the golden apple family in north France, they had many
many uncles and aunties wich had a lot of daughters and sons, my dad was
the oldest from his siblings and cousins, he made sure to always take care of
us and warns us about what happened to most of the family.
He told us how humans one day will cut us all off and use us for their own
needs without realizing that we are what they need the most.
We know we can sometimes look unimportant and look like we take a lot of
places, but this was our home first, we were here before them.
We never really paid much attention to the stories, they sounded unreal to
us, our lives were perfect, nothing could go wrong.
But one day, it was still early in the morning, as the sun rose, they came.
4 or 5 men dressed in some kind of farming clothes, took me and my 4
older brothers. They put us on a big truck with other families that I was
familiar with but never got the chance to meet up close.
And now I'm here, I made friends but I never found out what happened to
my family. Were they all transported like me or were they cut off like my
dad once told us?
I didn't let myself think about it a lot because I would get lost for days and
just make myself sad.
I had to do something, I had to tell them that we weren't just objects that
they could play around as they wanted to. We mattered and we wanted to
make them understand that they had to listen to us for their own good, they
need us more than we need them.
Not a lot of time passed and for a rapid period of time people started to
disappear, I only saw two or three humans a week.
What was happening? Where were they going? Were they all dying? I was
so confused.
I kept thinking and overthinking things for weeks and weeks, I was
becoming very tired, I needed something, i needed something to happen or
I would go crazy, I couldn't sleep at night or at day, we didn't know what to
do until, this little bird came to one of my arms, it was not usual, not from
around here, so I asked him.
-“It's been so long,” said the bird, while I was standing, waiting for him to
-“It's been a long time since I’ve seen such a healthy golden tree,” he said.
I was trying to understand him. What does he mean for a long time? Were
we going extinct? What was he saying?
-“What happened out there?” I asked DYING for an answer.
-”Oh old friend, a lot has happened, everything and nothing at the same
time, I don't know where to begin, I don't know how to begin all this
madness but I do know one thing” he stopped to take a deep breath and
-It's going to end very soon, the pain is finally going to end” he said as he
laid his head and his body on me, his heart was very fast but was slowly
slowing down.
He died, there in my arms and I could do nothing about it, except to accept
what was coming for me, the end of all living things, the end of every beauty
that ever existed on this beautiful planet, all of it, and for what.
Just so they could learn a lesson, those damn stupid humans.

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