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FWD People Centered

Design (PCD)
Customer Experience

01 02 03
What is Human Centered What is People Centered PCD Tools & Application
Design? Design (PCD)?


What is Human
Centered Design?

01 – What is Human Centered Design?

Definition of Human Centered Design

01 – What is Human Centered Design?

Results of Human Centered Design

Real life example:

Human Centered Design

can lead to innovations
that disrupt traditional vs.

• Established video-rental shops around the • Competitor for Blockbuster by allowing customers
country to select DVDs online with mailing service.
• Gained profit based on customer late fees, • Adopted business model due to the boom of
dubbed as “bad profit”, which became company’s digital age, by introducing online movie streaming
main profit. on-demand.
• Result: customers were not happy with these fees • Pivoted their services again by offering unlimited
and filed for bankruptcy in 2010. streaming for a monthly fee (subscription model)
• Currently, Netflix has around 220 mio subscribers

01 – What is Human Centered Design?

Results of Human Centered Design (cont’d)

Real life example:

Human Centered Design

can also come in the
form of small changes
that makes a difference
in user’s everyday lives.

01 – What is Human Centered Design?

Human Centered Design in a nutshell


What is People
Centered Design

02 – What is People Centered Design (PCD)?

Definition of People Centered Design (PCD)

02 – What is People Centered Design (PCD)?

PCD: The Process

02 – What is People Centered Design (PCD)?

PCD tools


PCD Tools &


03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Discover

What does it do?
It helps us to understand, rather than simply assume, what the problem is. This phase involves speaking to and
spending time with target users who are affected by the issues we are trying to solve.

How to start?
1. Identify the high-level problem area or
opportunity that needs to be discovered from How might we…? statements
user’s perspectives

Stakeholder mapping

2. Conduct User Research – a technique that Immersion (Ethnography)

allows us to gather first hand data to
User interviews
understand about our users (i.e. context, how
users think/feel, motivations, behaviors, Guerilla intercepts
needs, pain points)

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Discover

How might we…? statements

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Discover

How might we…? Statements (cont’d)

01 How might we help improve people's understanding of how insurance actually works?

How might we leverage new digital technologies to enhance the customer experience
02 (from buying an insurance plan to making a claim)?

How might we make insurance feel more relevant for emerging demographics - including
03 younger generations?

How might we personalize insurance so that when customers are browsing, we can offer
04 them the exact right plan based on who they are and what they need (i.e., the kind of data
we ask for and that they're willing to share)?

How might we find new and interesting reasons to stay in touch with our customers, after
05 they've bought an insurance plan or made a claim?
03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Discover

User Research techniques

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Discover

User Research techniques – user interviews

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Discover

User Research techniques – user interviews

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Define

What does it do?
It helps us to sharpen and reframe the challenge that we want to solve based on the insights that we have
received from the target users.

How to start?

1 2
Identify the user journey – a visual representation Reframe your challenge statement (how might
of the process from user’s perspectives, needs, we…? statement) to open more possibilities for
and pain points when achieving a goal. people-centered solutions

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Define

User (customer) journey mapping

What is it?

A user journey helps us to

quickly see how current
users are interacting,
where there are points of
frictions or delight.

Importantly, it helps us to
zoom out and see the user
flow in its entirety so we
can look for solutions that
redefine the overall
experience as well as
improve specific parts of
the journey.

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Define

User (customer) journey mapping (cont’d)

• An insight is a description of the underlying cause
and effect that explains multiple observations (not
a data point).
• An insight helps us to identify underlying causes
and explanations, which lead us to the root
problems we should solve for, instead of just the
• INSIGHT = [Describe User] + [Describe the need] +
[Describe reason that drives the need]

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Define

Reframe challenge statement (cont’d)

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Define

Reframe challenge statement

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Develop

…or idea generation step

What is it?

Idea generation is the process of turning insights

into different ideas.

We then prioritize and further develop the ideas,

which we want to test and launch.

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Develop

Idea generation tool

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Develop

Idea generation & clustering

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Develop

Idea generation rules

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Deliver

What does it do?
It involves building and iteratively testing with users different solutions at small-scale, rejecting those that will
not work and improving ones that will.

How to start?

1 2 3
Prioritize our ideas, which help us Create business solution canvas Prototype and rapid test, which
organize these ideas based on a that will help us think through how visualizes the proposed ide and tests
logical framework that considers to make our solution real with more our assumptions/hypotheses on a
both user and business needs (i.e. is detail (deliver tangible results to solution to derive further insights.
it loveable, doable, and valuable?) users and business).

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Deliver

Business Solution Canvas

03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Deliver

Business Solution Canvas

Source for above:

Other examples:
03 – PCD Tools & Application

PCD Process: Deliver

Prototyping - storyboard

Key takeaways

Thank you.

Bebaskan langkah

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